Pall Win tock The Times are Hard ! Our Goods are Cheap ! Profits Nowhere this Winter ! SPICIALTI WFFKI i ! li Jj IV ! DRESS GOODS AT 8c AND lOc. FLANNELS CUT IN TWO. CHILDREN'S CLOAKS AT COST MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING Af ACTUAL COST TO CLOSE. HAVR ADDBJD TRUNKS AND VALISES TO OUR STOCK- COME AND SEE US. Lowman Son , AUTHORIZED CAPITAL , CAPITAL AND SURPLUS , $100.000. $60,000. GEORGE HOCKNELL , President. B. M. FREES , Vice President. W.F. LAWSON , Cashier. A. CAMPBELL , Director. S. L. GREEN , Director. The Citizens Bank of McGook , ' _ * * " " - * Incorporated under State Laws. -JT t S _ -.j J - _ ; : * s _ t1"i [ - * x i i , K 7- . . - ; : Paid Up Capital , $50OOO. DOES A General Banking Business , Collections made on all accessible points. Drafts drawn directly on principal cities in Europe. Taxes paid for non-residents. Money to loan on farming lands , city and personal property. | > ! Tickets For Sale to and from Europe OFFICERS : V. FRANKLIN , President. JOHN R. CLARK , Vice Pres. A. C. EBERT , Cashier. THOS. I. GLASSCOTT , Ass. Cash. CORRESPONDENTS : The First National Bank , Lincoln , Nebrska. The Chemical National Bank , New York City. BANK OF MeCOOK Paid Up Capital , $50,000. General Banking Business Interest paid on deposits by special agreement. Money loaned on personal property , good signatures or satisfactory collateral. .Drafts drawn on the principal cities of the United States and Europe. OFFICERS : 0. E. SHAN' , President. .TAT OLNEY , Vice Prasident. -CHAS.A. VASPELT.Ciisli. * P. A. WELLS , Ass. Cashier. FROM THE COUNTY SEAT. < BT OtfB EE3U1A2 C02 : 3PONDEHT3. ) John Baker vs. Freedom Bishop , action of replevin to recover possession of 21 hogs. Israel A. Slieriiliiii vs. Rod U'lllow Co. Co. Operative Association ot Patrons of Husban dry. Plaintiff asks judgment wuliiBt defend * ant for 54UJ.75 Upon nn account , Hunk of Bartloy vs. Samuel Young : . Judg ment in fuvor of plaintiff for $181.00 and cost , which has been paid by defendant. John M. Farrell has made Html proof upon his homestead. Mary Ei fort , widow of William Eifert , has commenced proceedings for the descent ot the homebtead of the deceased. Monday.Nov. oii , is the day set lor the hearintr ot the same. MAIUCIAOli LICKNBKS. - Mr. Fred \V. FriinctMige2Proplietstownlll. Miss Ls'diaE. Dow , age 21 , Indianola , Neb. Married by Judge Keyes. Oct. 22nd. 1890. DISTRICT COURT. 924. Clark & Loonaid Investment co. vs. Jennie Walters et al. filed Oct. llth , 18no , petition * tion in equity. Foieclosureof mortgage , 925. uurnhamTulleys&co. vs. Revorda J. Owens , tiled Oct. 20th , 1890 , petition in equity. Foreclosure of mortgage. 926. L. W. Tulloy , Trustee , vs. N. O. Wick- wire , tiled Oct. 20th , 1890 , petition of equity. Foreclosure of mortgage. 927. John Pierce vs. Palmer Way , et al , tiled Oct. 21st , 1890 , petition in equity. Foreclos ure of mortgage. 928. Hieronymus Eisele vs. Alexander L. Pollock , tiled Out. 22nd , 1890 , petition in equity. Order of attachment issued. TRANSOIUPT OF JUDGMENTS. Paxton & Gallagher vs. H. H. nerry , Oct. 10 , 1890 , amount S32.30. Elizabeth Besse vs. F. W. NanNice.Oct. 10th , amount $12.00. Bowen & Laycock vs. Mrs. chris. Sorensoii , Oct. 15th , amount $2.50. George Heyn vs. Edwin A. Leach , Oct. 22nd , amount $156.02. VAILTON VOICES. Cold v/eather gives warning. Harlan will go to Washington beyond doubt. Mrs. Fred Burton spent last week at her old home , with her parents , Archie Speers. L.S. Ferris has shipped his goods to Chero kee , Iowa , where he will farm next year. Jennings will get a hearty supporter coun ty attorney. His ability and record are un questioned. Chas. Pate was back , last-week , looking af ter real estate matters. He reports all well at the Colorado mines , where he is interested. Considerable political interest is manifested in our midst. The views taken are of a reasonable enable nature and good feeling is uppermost. Mr. Adams , of Hitchcock Co. , independent candidate for county attorney , addressed cur citizens on the issues of the present time , last week. Neighbor Chapman has been pleasantly en tertaining his father the past two weeks. Mr. C. is an old timer , from Illinois , and has an excellent farm well improved. Elder Noble gave an excellent discourse on Resurrection , Sabbath , Mr. N , has been al ways foremost for justice and right in the temperance reform , and we believe be will have a strong support from every friend of the cause. Let him have a rousing majority for representative. If not , why not ? HALPH. Merit Wins. We desire to say to our citizens , that for years we have been selling Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption , Dr. King's New Life Pills , Bucklen's Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters , and never handled remedies that sell as well , or have given such universal satisfac. tion. We do not hesitate to guarantee them every time , and we stand ready to refund the purchase price , if satisfactory results do not follow their use. These remedies have won their great popularity purely on their merits. 21-lmo. A. McMiLLEN , Druggist. BANKSVILLE BUDGET. Widow Wilson and family go to Michigan , Monday. Wm. Relph talks of shipping a car load of horses east soon. J. W. Snodgrass is preparing to go to a bet ter land. W. A. Gold has bought his stock. Wasn't the last issue of THE TRIBUNE a corker ? Twelve pages of interesting matter. Grant precinct caucus was almost a failure as most of the electors were at McCook , Sat urday , the day the union caucus was called for , but there were enough present for the offices by some taking two. The others ought to have been there if they wanted office. Vote for Farmer Ellis if you want a farmer representative ; J. Byron Jennings if you want law questions rendered according to tbc code in county local questions ; Richard Johnston and G.W. Bartlett for commissioners that we may have a good board of commis sioners to dojustice to the county and they will save the county much unnecessary taxes. DAD. NOVEMBER. Now the cold winds rattle In the icy sedge , And the sparrows ruflle In the leafless hedge , Past the wood and meadow , On the frozen pool All the boys go skating , "When they come from school. The river too was frozen ; I saw it far away , And wished that I could trace it , Qlrof ttirf TlirrTifnnrl * Jo * Up to where the ice-bergs. On the polar sea. Float , like glittering castles , Waiting there for me. Katharine Pyle , in November St. Nicholas. A Safe Investment.- Is one which is guaranteed to bring you sat isfactory results , or in case of failure a return of purchase price. On this safe plan you can buy from our advertised druggist a bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption. It is guaranteed to bring relief in every case , when used for any affection of Throat , Lungs or Chest , such as Consumption , Inflammation of Lungs , Bronchitis ; Asthma , Whooping Cough , Croup , etc. It is pleasant and agree able to taste , perfectly safe , and can always bo depended upon. Trial bottles free at A. McMillen's drug store. 21-Us. Read This. When suffering from Malaria or Bilious Fever , don't wreck your general health with quinine orothernauseous drugs. Humphrey's Specifics Nos. 10 and 16 effect a speedy and permanent cure. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. can buy of us now your win ter g-oods , such as COTTON and WOOLEN FLANNEL , -TRICOTS and SUITING * - FLANNELS , HENRIETTAS and other lines of dress g-oocls at lower prices than we have ever before sold them. have over $3,000 worth of BOOTS & SHOES which we are selling at less than regular prices. Don't fail to . compare prices with other houses. New stock of HATS & CAPS. Groceries we take the lead , With a bill of $20 cash will give you a complete library of cookery three vol umes in one. * I SOUTH SIDE SAUCE. Mrs. John Whittukerison the sick list again The coyotes are numerous and musical , thi fall. fall.W. W. N. Cratty has built a large water tank to water his stock In. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Jacobs were up in Fron tier county , last week , on a visit. Miss Mattie Shears expects to start for the mountains in a short time to spend the winter UNO. Notice of Sale Under Chattel Mortgage Notice is hereby given that by virtue of a chattel mortgage dated February 3d , Ib'JO , ant duly filed in the office of the county clerk o ; Red Willow county , Nebraska , and executec by Paul Egger to E. Lindner to secure the pay raentof the sum of Ono Hundred and Eighty Dollars , and upon which there is now due the sura of $180.00 and interest from February 3d , 1890. at the rate of 10 per cent , annually. De fault having been made in the payment of said sum and no other proceedings at law hav ing been instituted to recover said debt or any part thereof. I will sell the property there in described , to-wit : Ono gray horse about 10 years old. one gray horse about 11 years old , one red cow about 5 years old. one red cow about 4 years old. one red heifer about'2 years old , and all the increase of above mentioned cows , ono second-hand larm wagon , one second-hand farm harness ; at public auction , on the corner of Main Avenue and Dennison street , in Mccook , Neb. , on Saturday. Novem ber 8th , 1890. at Z o'clock , P. M. . central time. Dated , October 24th , 1890. 22-31. E. LINDER. THE MeCOOK BUSINESS COLLEGE. Now Contains Four Complete Departments : COMMERCIAL , SHORTHAND and TYPE W RITING , ENGLISH and GERMAN. Any one of the above mentioned , will pre pare a person to enter into nsefulnsss for life. Special terms for all combined. C. M. LOPER , Manager. CONSUMPTION COUGH OR GOLD BRONCHITIS Throat Affection SCROFULA Wasting of Flesh Or any Disease wJicre the Throat and Zunga are Inflamed , lack of Strength or Seres Power , you can be relieved and Cured by iOOTT PURE COD LIVER OIL With Hypopfcospliltes. PALATABLE AS fVHLIC. AsJifor Scott's Emulsion , and let no ex planation , or solicitation- induce you to accept a substitute. Sold l > y all Druggists. SCOTT & BOVVKE.Chomists , NY. - W You -work in all weather. Yon want an " all- weather" coat. In fact , the best vraterproo _ coat in the world. No frad rubber affair that rip before the week is out. Rubb - costs more. and lasts but a short time. Four teamsters outot Eve wear the " Fish Brand" waterproof clothing. They are the only teamsters' waterproof coats that ore light , strong , durable , and cheap. They co t very little , and last a long time. They never get Bticky or peel off. The buttons are wire-fastened" and never aome off. They are absolutely water proof and wind-proof. Until you _ own one yon will never know the comfort of a rainy day. Beware of worthless imitations , every garment stamped with the "Fish Brand" Trade Mark. Don't accept any inferior coat when you can have the " Fish Brand Slicker " delivered without extra cost. Par ticulars and illustrated catalogue free. A. J. TOWER , - Boston , Mass * FINAL PROOF NOTICES.- LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK. NEB. , : October 17th , 1890. ( Notice is hereby Driven that the following- named settler has Hied notice of her intention to make final five-year proof iu support of her claim , and that said proof will be made before Register or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Sat urday , December 6th , 1890 , viz : SARAH A. DUNCAN. formerly Sarah A. Burdick. H. E. No. 5041 for the S. Yi N. W. Ji and W. y S. W. M of section 10 , in town. 6 , north ot range 29 , west of 6tn P. M. She names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon , and cultivation of. said laud , viz : Frank Garlick and Philetus B. Alexander of Box Elder , Nob. , John Harrison of Quick. Neb. , James Arnold of McCook , Neb. 22 * 8. P. HART , Register. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK.NEB. , t October 1st , 1890. f Notice is hereby given that the following- A named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final homestead commutation proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Register or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday , November22nd , 1890 , viz : JOHN SDTTON , H. E. No. 9620. for the W. yt N. E. M and E. y N. W , J section 32 , in town. 2. north of range 29 , west of 6th P. M. He names the following- witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation.of. said land , viz : Lew is W. Critser. William L.Critser. AsaphRogers and Lavilla J. Burtless. all of McCook , Neb. * 19 S. P. HART. Register. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK.NEB , ) September 30th , 1890. f Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention iu uiiuiu iiiiui uve-year proor in support Or HIS claim , and that said proof will be made before Register or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Fri < day , November 14th , 1890. viz : BENDT E. ANDERSON , H. E. No. 4931 for the S. E. sections , in town. 5 , N. of range 29. west 6th P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continu ous residence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : Nert C.Dueland. Cristoffer C. Due- land and Enoch E. Osvop of Quick , Neb. , and Andrew P. Larson of McCook , Neb. H19 S. P. HART , Register. LAND OFFICK AT MCCOOK. NEB. , / September 18tb. 1890. f Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final commutation proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Register or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday. October 25th , 1890 , viz : TAYLOR WARD. H. E. No. 9C20 for the W. N. W. J and W. yy S. W. H of section 27. town. 2 , north of range - J. west of 6th P. Al. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : James 3. Troy. John Stalker , John E.TirrilJ , William T. Shields , all of McCook. Neb. 1" S. P. HART , Register. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK , NEB. . I Octouer 14th , 1890. f Notice is hereby given that the followins- lamed settler has filed notice of his intention o make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Reg- Ster or Receiver nt Mr-.nnnlr NoV. \rnnrTntr December 1st. 1890 , vjz : TOBIAS BROWN , H. E. No. 4980 , for the N. E. J section 2. town- hip 5 , north of range 29 , west 6th P. AL He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of , aid land , viz : Frank Garlick of Quick , Neb. , tobert B. Duncan. Frank Schoonover and Philetus B. Alexander of Box Elder. Neb. 21 S. P. HART , Register. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK , NEB. , i September ISth , 1890. f Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention o make final proof in support of his claim , nd that said proof will be made before Regis- er or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on Saturday , October 2oth , 1890. viz : WILLIAM E. KETCH. D. S. No. 6937 for the S. W. } f Sec. No.22. town. , north of range 29. west of 6th P. M. He ames the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : Mathew Stewart. Hubert Beach , Aufin O. Houge. Severt O. Houge. all of Box Elder , Neb. 17 S. P. HART. Register. Henry Ballreich and Mrs. Henry Ballreick. whose f rst name is unknown , will take notice that on the 6th day of August , 1890. the plain tiff , Emily O. Gibbs. filed her petition in the district court of Red Willow county. Nebraska against said Henry Ballreich and Mrs. Henry Ballreich. his wife , the object and prayer of which are to foreclose a certain mortgage upon the northwest quarter of section eleven township one. range thirty , west of the 6th P. M. in Red Willow county , Nebraska , given to secure the payment of one principal note- and ten interest coupon notes all dated Sep tember 1.1887. the principal note for the sum of S600 due five years , the ten interest notes each for the sum of $21.00. the first maturing on the first day of March. 188S. and one matur ing every six months thereafter until the maturity of the last of said ten notes on the first day of September. 1892. That default has been made in the payment of two of said interest notes , the conditions of said mort gage have been broken , and under the condi tions of said mortgage there is now due on said notes the sum of $642.00 with interest at the rate of ten per cent , on $021.00 thereof from the first day of March. 1S90. and on ? 21 00 thereof from the first day of September 18S9 That the defendant Henry Ballreich bo T quired to pay said sum and Interest or that said mortgage be foreclosed and said premises be sold according to law and the proceeds of debt8 applfed to th ° .P ynient of sad H" ? ai ? 1ifqTIrlto ? "swcr this petition on before or the 1st day of December. 1890. Dated this 20th day of October. 1890. W.S.MORLAN. EMILY O. GIBBS. Her Attorney. 32 t. Plaintiff. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castor