RECEIVED Fall Win tock , The Times are Hard ! iv ; Our Goods are Profits Nowhere this Winter ! SPECIALTIES FOB TliSliJJii DRESS GOODS AT 8c AND lOc. FLANNELS CUT IN TWO. CHILDREN'S CLOAKS AT COST. MEN'S AND BOYS' CLOTHING AT ACTDiL COST TO CLOSE. HAVE ADDED TRUNKS AND VALISES TO OUR STOCK. COME AND SEE US. © . . . . . -'sf ? > : g- rsS r&ii-'it5 / SWFr- r57" * J8 P:3 AUTHORIZED CAPITAL , CAPITAL AND SURPLUS , $100.000. 000. , . . , . . . * GEORGE HOCK NELL President B. M. FREES Vice President. W.F. LAWSON , Cashier. . , . . . . A. CAMPBELL Director. S. L. GREEN , Director. The Citizens Bank of McGook , - - - - ' . ' - W8m. _ . . - . . . . : - = - = - „ > .j-L-r--- : = j- Incorporated under State Laws. Paid Up Capital , $5OOOO. DOES A * , i General Banking Business , - - , - Collections made on all accessible points. Drafts drawn directly on principal cities in Europe. Taxes paid for non-residents. Money to loan on farming thjj.5 lands , city and personal property. It- Tickets For Sale to and from Europe 1 ? > i OFFICERS : ' , - > V. FHANKLIN , President. JOHIST K. CLARK , Vice Pres. " " ! A. C. EBERT , Cashier. THOS. I. GLASSCOTT , Ass. Cash. CORRESPONDENTS : The First National JJank , Lincoln , Nebrska. The Chemical National Bank , New York City. 2SG BANK OF McCOOK Paid Up Capital , $50OOO. General- Banking Business Interest paid on deposits by special agreement. Money loaned on personal property , good signatures or satisfactory collateral. .Drafts drawn on the principal cities of the United States and Europe. OFFICERS : CT E. SHAW. Fn&dcnf. ' .TAT OLNEY . , Vice President. I I ! > t CIIAS. A. VAXPELT , Cash. P. A. WELLS , -rtfs. Cahhii-r. GENERAL GRIST. Lust Sabbath niornlutr , immediately after service , at a regularly culled congregational meeting , the following' olllcers were elected iitid Installed : Church Council Elders , Rev. E.J.Hull mill Mr. Morltz ilolilur. Deacons , Mr. UnzicUei- mid Mr..Julius Cunmd. Trens urer , Mr. O. W. Uundiill. Hi-cietary at Church Council. ltcv.E.J. Hall. The church social given by the Indies of the Lutheran cluiru > > at the residunco ol Mr. and Mra. Unziker was well attended and greatly enjoyed by nil , and goes to BUUW that the JLu- therun church ol McCook IB nol yet dead. And for the benefit of well wishing friends who wanted to ilobO rho church , wo will say that the orospects were never more encouraging tlmti tney are now. These bouhiblos : tri to be repeated every two weeks. \viih the heaity co-operation or the mem bers and assistance of God's Holy Spuir , the success of the church is iissuied. For the lust two Sundays the attendance lioth at Sunday- school and church services have been on the increase. In doing God's u ( irk according to God's plan success is assured. God's work is nol to please the worldly and tear down churches , tiut to preach the gospel and con vert sinners. Proud and sfclt-coiiceited per sons are antagonistic to true gospel work , which places all classes ol men on one com inon level. Such they are , and there is no heaven for such. "God resisteth the proud , but giveth grace to the humble. " E. J. HALL. Reporter. The New Discovery. You have heard your friends and neighbors talking about it. You may yourself be one ot the many who know Ironi personal exper ience just how good a thing it is. If you have e ver tried it , you arc one of its staunch Iriends , because the wonderful thing about it is , that when once given a trial , Dr. Kinir's New Discovery ever after holds a place in the house. If you have never used it and should be afflicted with a cough , cold or any throat , lung or chest trouble , secure a bottle at once and give it a fair trial. It is guaranteed every time or money refunded. Trial bottles free at A. McMillan's Drug Store. 16 4ts. What We Want. [ From the Curtis Courier. ] There was a chump in our town , McKeighan was his name , And whiskey tips and cash shoved down. Has brought to him much tame. But double fees and dead men's wealth Will never raise his station. With all the votes he gains by stealth He'll ne'er disgrace the nation. We want an honest congressman. Without R taint of evil : And not a drunken , dirty sot That has outdone the devil. INDEPENDENT VOTER . The First Step. Perhaps you are run down , can't eat , can't sleep , can't think , can't do anything to your satisfaction , and you wonder what ails you. You should heed the warning , you nro taking the first step into nervous prostration. You need a nerve tonic and in Electric Bitters you will find the exact remedy for restoring your nervous system to its normal , healthy condi tion. Surprising results follow the use of this great nerve tonic and alternative. Your appetite returns , peed digestion is restored , and the liver and kidneys resume healthy action. Try a bottle. Price 50 cents at A. Mc- Millen's drug store. 16-4ts. Voters of Grant Precinct. You are hereby notified that there will be a union caucus held at the school house in Dist. No. 51 on Oct. iSth , at 2 o'clock , P. M. , for the purpose of nominating precinct officers for the year. Read This. When suffering from Malaria or Bilious Fever , don't wreck your general health with quinine or other nauseous drugs. Humphrey's Specifics Nos. 10 and 1C effect a speedy and permanent cure. Critchfield's Appointments. Owing to some previously arranged politi cal meetings , 3Ir. Ciitchlield's appointments in Ked Willow county have been changed to corneas follows : Indianola Oct. 4 , 5 , C and 7. lied Willow Oct. S. Box Elder Oct. 9 and 10. McCook Oct. 11,12,13,14 and 13. Dfuibury Oct. 15. Lebanon Oct. 17. Granted increase of pension : William K. Gray , of Indianola. ABSTRACTS OF TITLE -TO- LANDS AND TOWN LOTS / / / RED WILLOW COUNTY Furnished on Application BY J. B. MATHER , BONDED ABSTRACTER. - : - . ( SUCCESSOR TO C. D. CRAMER. ) "Office in Court House with County Clerk. Down Town Office with A. J. Rand , Indianola , Nebraska , You work in all weather. You vrant an "all- jveather" coat. In fact , the best waterproof coat in the world. No frail rubber affair that will npi before the week is out. Rubber costs more , and lasts but a short time. Four teamsters out o Eve wear the " Fish Brand " waterproof clothing. They are the only teamsters'waterproof coats that are light , strong , durable , and cheap. They coit very little , and last a long time. They never get sticky or peel off. The buttons are wire-fastened" , and never eorae off. They are absolutely water proof and wind-proof. Until you own one you will never know the comfort of a rainy day. Beware of worthless imitations , every garment stamped with the /Fish Brand'5 Trade Mark. Don't accept any inferior coat when you can have the " Fish Brand Slicker " delivered without extra cost. Par ticulars and illustrated catalogue free. A. J. TOWER , - Boston , Mass. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. can buy of us now your ter goods , sucli as COTTON and WOOLEN FLANNELS , TKICOTS and SUITING FLANNELS , HENRIETTAS and other lines of dress goods at lower prices than we have ever before sold them. USWe have over $3,000 worth of BOOTS & SHOES which we are selling at less than regular prices. Don't fail to compare prices with other houses.--New stock of HATS & CAPS. K3 ? Iii Groceries we take the lead. With a bill of $20 cash will give you a complete library of cookery three vol umes in one. I I I I I I I I l i H. Announces the arrival of his fall stock , comprising the LATEST and MOST FASH IONABLE GOODS of the season. His prices are lower than any tailor's in MeCook , Don't fail to see his line. JACK D WYER'S A 5c. CIGAR , Try this popular brand. It is one of the finest $ c. cigars ever placed on sale in McCook. C. H .BOYLE , --LAND : ATTORNEY-- - : - , - : - Six years experience in Government Land Cases. Real Estate , Loans and Insurance , Notary Public. up stairs in the Scott Building , south of the Commercial Hotel. McCook , Neb. J. BYllOiV JENNINGS , ATTORNEY- - LAW. Will practice in the State and United States courts , and before the U. S. Land Offices. Careful attention given to collections. Oflice over the Nebraska Loan and Banking1 Co. . McCook. HUGH. W. COLE , LAWYER , MCCOOK , NEBRASKA , Will practice in all courts. Commercial and Corporation law a specialty. MONEY TO LOAN. Rooms 4 and 5 First National Bank Building. MOORE & HART , ATTORNEYS - AT LAW - - : - , ( Office over ? ; : s 3 Cleiifas Cs. Store. ) MCCOOK , - - NEBRASKA. practice in the State and Federal Courts and before the U. S. Land Office. BRONCHITIS SCROFULA GGUOH OH GOLD Throat Affection Wasting of Flesh Or any Disease where the Throat and Iiitnga are Infiamedt IMCS of Strength or Ifervt roiaer , you can bo relieved and Cured by PURE COD LIVER OIL With. Hypopnosphites. PALATABLE AS MILK , AsTtfor Scott's Emulsion , and let -no ex planation or solicitation- induce you to accept a substitute. Sold Ity all Druggists. SCOTT & BOWNEChomlsts , NoY. Children Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. - r DR. A. P. WELLES , HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON MCCOOK , NEBRASKA. Ppecial attention given to diseases of Wo men and Children. The latest improved meth ods of Electricity used in all cases requiring- such treatment. OlHce over McMillen's Drug" Store. Residence , North Main Street. B. B. DAVIS. M. D. C. H. JONES , M. D. DAVIS & JONES , PHYSICIANS & SURGEONS , MCCOOK , NEBRASKA. OFFICE HOURS : 0 to 11 a. m. : 2 to 5 p.m. : * 7 to 9 p. m. Rooms over First National Bank. A. F. MOOUn. JNO. R. HART. THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL GEO. E. JOHNSTON , PROP. , McCooK , - - NEBRASKA. This bouse has been completely renovated and refurnished throughout and is first-class in every respect. Rates reasonable. ZsiaMiried 1 = 1335. CSS D2P7 , Prsp. FIRST-CLASS WORK AND LOWEST PRICES. Family Washing Solicited. iK sent from out of town will be sent back at my expense without delay. THE MeCOOK BUSINESS COLLEGE Now contains Four Complete Departments : Commercial , Shorthand and Typewriting , English , and German. Any one of the above mention ed , will prepare a person to enter into usefulness for life. Special terms for all combined. C. M. LOPEK , Manager.