The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, September 26, 1890, Image 2

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F. Iff. KIITOIKL. ! , , Publisher. '
McCOOK , : : NEB.
A directory of Hamilton county is
being prepared at Aurora.
Congressman Dorsoy left Fremont
last week for Washington.
Much of the corn around Fillcy
has been cut up.for fodder.
Thomas Newcomb of Welflcet was
killed by the kick of a horse.
The streets of Schuyler are soon
to be lighted with electricity.
The attendance at the Cass county
! air was fully up to expectation.
The new Catholic church at
Barneston is almost completed.
The Gage county fair is to be held
Sept. 30 and October 1 , 2 and 3.
Hebron has voted $25,000 in bonds
for waterworks by a majority of sixty.
Seven persons were baptised in the
Loup river near Taj-lor one day last
The now Catholic school recently
dedicated in Lincoln opened with 200
The contract for building the new
Union Pacific depot in Omaha will be
let in a few days.
Falls City will turn on its electric
lights as soon as an important piece of
. machinery arrives.
Rev. H. Curtiss has been assigned to
the pastorate of the M. E. church at
Juniata another year.
The enterprising citizens of Aurora
are discussing plans for the establish
ment of a public park.
Olney Harrington , an old settler of
Burt couuty , died last week at the ad
vanced age of 84 years.
The Lincoln divorce mill keeps
up a grind that seems to discount all
other Nebraska towns.
The display of agricultural pro
ducts at the Colfax county fair excelled
that of any previous year.
The installation of an electric
light plant is being agitated by the
leading citizens af Pender.
The Sarpy county fair , on account
of rain , was continued two days longer
than originally intended.
Gage county pioneers held a picnic
at the Beatrice Chautauqua grounds ,
which was largely attended.
The Bayard Consolidated Irriga
tion Branch and Water Power compa
ny has completed its organization.
It is reported that some change is
to bo made in the management of the
Hastings asylum at an early date.
It is expected that there will be
600 students enrolled at the state uni
versity during the schoolastic year.
It is rumored that the Union Pa
cific contemplates putting in a double
track between Columbus and Omaha.
One thousand bushels of fine wheat
from fifty acres of land is the way Will
and Tom Hemmett's crop at Burwell
torned out.
A girl working at Eureka hotel ,
Dakota City , was robbed of $35 , it be
ing the treasure of weeks of hard work
in the hotel.
If the question is not an impertinent
one the Juniata Herald would like to
know what is being done about the
land movement.
The Fremont social club which has
passed through many successful sea
sons reorganized for the winter by
electing new officers.
Postmaster Wolcott of Fremonthas
instructions from the postoffice depart
ment to advertise for a site for the
new public building.
The maple trees at Auburn , whose
foliage was destroyed by the worms
this summer , are putting forth a second
end growth of leaves.
George A. Gay , of Lincoln , is ac
cused of his mother-in-law
turning - - out
of doors after getting hold of her $8 , -
000 worth of property.
May Earl , a woman of easy vir
tue , attempted suicide at Fremont by !
taking laudanum. A physician reached
her in time to save her life.
The republican convention of the
forty-ninth representative district
nominated J. M. Kilpatrick , of Wheeler
county , for member of the legislature.
The latest estimate of the corn
of Otoe county is an average of thirty
bushels. From Nebraska City south
west it will be three-fourths of a crop.
The by-laws of the Nebraska
Terminal railroad and elevator com
pany , with headquarters at South Sioux
City , were filed with the secretary of
The 16-year-old daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. Berjaal , of Lincoln , was
burned to death last week , her clothes
igniting while she was in the act of
starting a. fire with kerosene.
A block of buildings in Blue Hill
were destroyed by fire a few days ago ,
among other buildings the Munson
house , a largo two-story hotel.
Kobetz brewery at Wilber was de-
staoyed by fire , supposed to have been
of incendiary origin. The loss was
$20,000 , with $6,000 insurance.
The York schools have a total en
rollment of 635. In the high school
there has never been so large an en
rollment at the beginning of the school
Johnny Rogner , of Omaha , only
ten years old. is a very bad boy , and
that ho may bo made better has been
sent to the reform school for a term of
Rev. Stephen Goldsmith , who has
been pastor of the M. E. church at
Filley for the past two years , is suc
ceeded fcy Rev. J. H. Beesy. formerly
of Liberty. Rev , Goldsmith was only
a supply and will take a rest next
The Palmyra Eco reports that ton
covered wagons on an average per day
have passed through on their way
cast. Drouth is said to be responsible
for the movement. *
The body of an infant was found
in a vault at the Barnum house , in Ne
braska City. There is no clue to its
parentage and how long the body has
been there is a mystery.
Peter Mohr , a German boy who
works on the farm of Dick McClimans.
near Cumuli , was thrown from a load
of hay and had the tibia and fibula
bones of the left leg broken.
Thieves broke into Coatcs1 store
at Paxton and stole $50 worth of goods ,
principally clothing and jewelry. Two
arrests were made but the detained
parties established their innocence.
When the September term of the
Lancaster county district court com
menced the other day it was discov
ered that an important witness in a
criminal case had been spirited away.
The Presbytery for the Omaha
district was in session at Craig last
week. John Big-Elk , an Omaha In
dian , spoke through an interpreter ,
telling what the white man's Christian
ity had done for the poor Inclian.
An old man named Kremling was
carried by tho'station at Fremont and
stepped off the train near the canning
factory. Ho was picked up for dead ,
but regained consciousness and was
found to bo only slightly injured.
Prairie- fires started by a spark
from a locomotive burned a quantity of
hay in Sioux county , doing $800 worth
of damage. For a time the town of
Harrison was threatened and the citi
zens turned out and fought the fire.
Thirty tons of new hay , twenty head
of hogs , one horse and the barn be
longing to Lou Scott , on a ranch one
mile south of Benkelman , were de
stroyed by fire , the result of a 3-year-
old son and a match. No insurance.
One bay and one dark bay gelding
were stolen from the stable of C. P.
\Viltz , of Bassett , on the 14th instant.
As yet no clue to tlie thief or thieves
has been found. The owner offers a
reward of $50 for the return of the
William Woods and Louis Webber ,
the Lincoln jewelry thieves , were
brought into court the other day and
sentenced. The former was-given five
years and the latter three years in the
penitentiary at hard labor , Sundays
Goo. Cobb came into Harrison the
other day bringing with him his eight-
who had been allowed
year-old son , never
lowed to go to town since the family
went to their country home four years
ago. The boy had never seen a
A man named Doyle was run over
and killed near Omaha by a freight
train a few days ago. Doyle was
drunk , walking along side the rail , and
as the engine approached fell directly
across the track. He was horribly
Eighty thousand acres of school
land will be offered at public sale at
Thedford , the county scat of Thomas
county , on October 21 , and 80,000
acres will be offered for sale at Mullen ,
the county seat of Hooker countj * , on
October 23.
Last week the first long distance
telephone system in the west was com
pleted. The new system runs from
Lincoln to Omaha and is built of cop
per wire and double , forming a loup.
Conversation can be carried on over
the line in a whisper.
Wm. Hess was at Norfolk charged
with being the father of the child re
cently born to Mrs. Marquartson , a
widow who is being supported by the
county. Hess denies the allegation
and strenuously objects to being made
a parent by process of law.
T. F. Davis , a prominent farmer liv
ing west of Filly , was badly injured by
a corn cutter. The cutter is one drawn
by horses , and has sharp knives about
ten inches from the ground. Mr.
Davis in some way got in front of the
machine and was very seriously cut.
The signal flags on the York school
buildings have been somewhat changed
and only two are used now. The
square red flag , with white center is
displayed at the thirty minute bell ,
8:30 and 12:45 and a quarter of an
hour later the stars and stripes are run
The first wreck on the Pacific
short line occurred atBelden. A mixed
train , to which was attached the cars
of the Chicago fencing company , broke
in two , resulting in a thorough dilapi
dation of several cars , including those
of the fencing company. No one was
The Nebraska telephone company
is seriously considering the advisability
of putting its wires under ground in
Omaha , and practically all that re
mains in the way is the passage of an
ordinance by the city council. The
system to be adopted will be the vitri
fied clay.
Sam Muhr of Freeport has a field
of corn that will yield about fffty bush
els per acre , and yet the field has
never been touched by cultivator or
hoe. Even the planter marks can yet
be seen almost as fresh as the day of
planting. Such is the story told in
Banner county.
Miss Florence Williams , graduate
of the national school of education and
oratory at Philadelphia , has been em
ployed as a special teacher for the
York city schools to instruct in physi
cal training , voice culture and elocu
tion. She will teach the same branches
in the York college.
The new court house which was
given to Garfield county as a bonus for
the removal of the county seat to Bur-
well , is nearly inclosed and will be
ready for the fall term of court , which
has been adjourned by Judge Tiffany
until November 18. A petition was
circulated for the appointment of A.
M. RobiiiB of Ord to the district judgeship -
ship to succeed .fudge Tiffany , whosi
resignation will take effect January 1.
-B.I-K.Yi.yG5 OF Till : SYSTEM.
Chnuiircy Dcpctv makes an AddrcHKto
New "Vorlc Farmer * at tlie State Fair
A Bill PasinpN tlie Senate Appropri
ating $30,000 for a .llonumeiit 111
WaHhltigtoii to the Ulcmory of John
KrrIe Koii A Kccord of Oilier Pro
ceeding * In tlio Senate and House of
I cprc.sciitatlvcK.
Tlie Union Pacific Sliowlnjr.
NEW YOKK , Sept. 11) ) . The Evening
Post , in a financial article , says'i ' 'The
port of gross and net earnings of the
Union Pacific whole system for July
and for the seven months to July 31 ,
show again , as the earlier reports have
shown , that the Union Pacific Denver
and Gulf is the only prosperous divi
sion of the Union Pacific system and
the only thing that saves the Union
Pacific from making a very bad show
ing. For the seven months to July 31
the Union Pacific Denver and Gulf earn
ings snow an increase of $482,477 , or
112 per cent , over last year , while the
whole Union Pacific system shows an
increase of only $238,725 , or about 3
per cent. This , however , is due main
ly to the Oregon Navigation , which
shows a decrease of $545.042 , or 73
per cent of its net earnings , as com
pared with the same time last year.
The total fixed charges of the Union
Pacific Denver and Gulf for 1890 are
about $100,000 per month , and its net
earnings so far have been at the rate
of $137,000 per month , or at the rate
of 1. } per cent per annum on the $431-
000,000 of outstanding stock.
Dcpciv to tlie Fnmicro.
SYRACUSE , N. Y. , Sept. IS. Chaun-
cey Depew addressed a large audience
at the state fair yesterday. In the
course of his speech , referring to the
recent agricultural depression besides
the largely increased production , he
found further cause for it in the at
tempts of speculators to corner mar
kets. In view of the depression brought
about by these causes it had become
the highest duty of the American
statesman and the American farmer to
look about for remedies. The first act
of the farmers should be to intelligent
ly organize. In the present condition
of the world organization is a necessi
ty of existence. Capital organizes in
corporations , labor organizes in trades
unions , manufacturers organize for
piotoction. ine farmers alone nave
failed to unite in any efficient and prac
tical way. In conclusion Depew said
that in his judgment we are near the
bottom of the grave in agricultural de
pression and will soon begin to climb
up the other side.
In the senate on the 15th bills on
the calendar were taken up and sever
al passed , among them the senate bill
to amend the act of June 19 , 1878 , to
create an auditor of railroad accounts.
This bill requires all subsidized rail
road companies to transmit to the com
mission of railroads a duplicate of all
bills in service for transportation of
passengers or freight , carrying of mails ,
express , or for any service what
ever rendered for cr on behalf of the
United States. The commissioner is
to forward these bills to the proper ac
counting officers , with such recom
mendations as he may see fit , and the
accounting officers are to report their
action thereon to the commissioner of
railroads. The conference on the rail
road land grant forfeiture bill was then
taken up and Mr. Sanders finished his
argument. In the house Mr. McKinley - .
ley from the committee on rules re
ported a resolution for the immediate
consideration of the tariff bill in the
house , and after two hours'general de
bate it shall be in order to move to
nonconcur in the semite amendment ingress
gross and agree to the committee of j
conference asked by the senate and j
house and without lurther delay or \
other motion proceed to vote on I
the said motion. Tlie previous J
question on the resolution
was ordered yeas 11(5 ( , nays 71. !
Mr. MeKinley gave a ver/ brief statement - }
ment of the senate amendments but j
entered into no argument : > s to their i
propriety- impropriety. The senate .
amendments were non-concurred in j
yeas 120 , nays 82. Mr. Enloa then
called up his resolution in regard to
Mr. Kennedy's speech on September : ] .
Mr. Grosvenorof.Ohio raised the point
of order that the resolution was not in
order. The time to have called the
gentleman from Ohio , Mr. Kennedy , to
order was when that gentleman deliv
ered his speech. The gentleman could
not now be called to order for his ut
terances. Pending action on the mat
ter , the house adjourned.
In the senate on the 16th the follow
ing bills were passed : The senate bill
authorizing the librarian of congiess
to purchase at not exceeding $3,000
Townsend's library of national , state
and industrial records concerning the
origin , progress and consequences of
the late civil war ; the senate bill to
grant right of way through public
lands for irrigation purposes ; the con
ference report on the railroad land
forfeiture bill agreed to yeas. 30 :
nays , 13 a strict party vote. The
house anti-lottery bill was then , on
motion of Mr. Lawyer , taken from the
calendar and passed without a word of
discussion. On motion of Mr. Plumb
the senate proceeded to consifeation
of the house bill to repeal the timber
culture laws. Mr. Plumb moved an
amendment in the nature of a substi
tute. Mr. Manderson moved an
amendment providing that no more
640 ( instead of 160) acresshallbe em
braced in one town site entry. Agreed
to. Mr. Plumb also moved to add to the
substitute a new section restricting
reservoir sites to so much land as is
actually necessary for the construction
and maintenance of reservoirs. Agreed
to. The bill then passed ; In the
house the senate bill passed for the relief -
lief of Admiral S. P. Carter. The sen
ate amendments were concurred in to
the house bill authorizing the secre
tary of the interior to submit a pro
posal for the sale of the western part
of the Crow Indian reservation in
Montana. Mr. Boutello of Maine ,
from the committee on naval affairs ,
reported a resolution calling on the
secretary of the navy for information
as to whether the Bethlehem iron com
pany is using for manufacturing steel
guns for the United States naval ores
imported from Cuba or any other for
eign country ; also whether ores suit
able for such manufacture cannot bo
procured in the United States. Adopt
ed. The bill passed constituting
Peoria , 111. , a port of delivery. The
speaker announced the appointment of
the following conferees on the tariff
bill : Messrs. McKinley , Burrows ,
Bayne , Mills , McMillan and Flower.
In the senate on the 17th the bill ap
propriating $30,000 for a monument in
Washington to the memory of John
Ericsson passed. The house bill to
amend the act of February , 1885 , so as
to entitle men who have served thirty
years in the army , navy or marine
corps to be placed on the retired list
with 75 per cent of their pay and al
lowances passed. The senate resumed
consideration of the senate bill to
establish a United States land court
and to provide for the settlement of
private claims in the states of Nevada ,
Colorado and Wyoming and the terri
tories of New Mexico , Arizona and
Utah. After long discussion on
amendments the bi\\ \ was laid aside
without action. In the house the
Langston-Venablo cace came up but
was not disposed of.
In the senate on the 18th the calen
dar was taken up and the following
bills , among others , passed : House
bill to amend the articles of war rela
tive to punishment on conviction by
courts-martial ; senate bill to provide
for the inspection of live cattle , hogs
and carcasses and the products thereof
which are subjects of inter-state com
merce ; senate bill to revive the grade
of lieutenant general in the army of
the United States ; senate bill for the
relief of women enrolled as army nurses
( allowing $12 a month to women who
have for six months rendered medical
service in any regimeal ! camp or gen
eral hospital who are unable to earn
their support , the pension to com
mence from the date of filing of the
application after the passage of the
act ) . The bill to establish a land
court went over unil tomorrow. Mr.
Manderson presented a resolution rel
ative to the death of Representative
Laird , and , : .fter remarks by Messrs.
Paddock and M nderson , the senate
adjourned. In the house no quorum
could be secured and adjournment
took place.
In the sen.'ite on the 19th Mr. Voor-
hees introduced a joint resolution for
an immediate increase of silver money
by the purchase and coinage of 10-
000,000 ounces of silver at a price be
low $12,929 within the next thirty
days , this purchase to bo in addition
to the amount required by existing
law. Referred to the finance commit
tee. The senate passed a number of
bills , including the house bill to dis
continue the coinage of $3 and SI gold
pieces and the 3-cent nickel piece.
The house bill to reduce the amount of
'nited States bonds required of na
tional banks and to restore to the chan
nels of trade the excessive accumula
tions of lawful money in the treasury
having been reached on the calendar ,
Mr. Sherman said its passage would
help to quiet the present agitation in
the money market , and undoubtedly the
effect of the bill would be not only to
prolong but encourage the na
tional bank system. Mr. Plumb
feard tlio bill would finally re
sult in a contraction of the currency.
While he agreed that the national
banking system was wise and ought to
be continued , it was plain to be seen
that it was not long to be a sys
tem having relation to the curren
cy. The banks themselves wanted' '
to get out of that business. Con-
givss could not afford to let tlie {
national bank currency disappear with
out supplying a currency in ils place. |
lie believed tlia-t the business of the
country was in greater m-ril than for
yuars from a lac'c of a SJillici it circu- j
kiting medi-.m. The bill went over ,
without action. In the house it was
another day of roll calls and lillibust- ,
ering , and no business was done.
Purchase of Four Per Cents.
WASHINGTON" , Sept. 18. In reply to
the circular of the treasury depart
ment of Saturday. September 13 , in
viting proposals for the sale of $16-
000,000 of 4 per cent bonds the treasu
ry department has received offers ag
gregating $28,000,000 , of which $16-
883,800 were purchased at prices rang
ing from $125 to § 126.75 , the largest
amount at one price being $8,500,000
at $120.75 , the next highest $3,693-
2tt ) at $126.50 and the next $3,326- ,
750 at $126.75. An official of the j
treasury department this afternoon
called attention to the fact that , in
cluding the purchase of bonds today ,
the disbursements at the treasury in
thirty-two days had exceeded tlio re
ceipts by $65,000,000.
AUGUSTA , Me. , Sept. 20. Official
returns of the vote for governor are as
follows : Burleigh 64,199 , Thompson
45.259 , scattering 956 ; total 113.363.
Burleigh's plurality 18,940. There has
been no change in the list of senators
as published. The next house will
stand 110 republicans to forty-one
Miss Georgia Smith of Dubuquc. la. ,
daughter of a prominent man , was horribly
ribly injured by a runaway team.
Conservative Intimates JMtico the
Number Killed From Forty to Fifty
and a Great UZaiy V.'ouiided Itodle
Uclleved to be ISciieutli tlioVrcck
Passage of Senator 1'nddorlt'M Kill
for the Protection of Tree * * Director
General of the. World' * Fair TIic
Klver and Harbor Hill Signed.
Wrcelc on the Reading Koud.
RKADJXC , Pa. , Sept. 20. One of the
worst wrecks ever known in this sec
tion occurred last night on the Head
ing' railroad , seventeen miles from here.
Near Shoemakersville there is a
curve where the railroad is about
eighteen or twenty feet' higher than the
Schuylkill river. Hero shortly before
C o'clock a freight train ran into a coal
train , throwing several cars onto the
opposite track. Before the train hands
had time to warn any approaching
train of danger the Pottsvillo express ,
carrying about 150 passengers , came
around the curve at the rate of forty
miles an hou" and ran irtto the wrecked
coal cars. The engine went down the
embankment , followed by the entire
train with its human freight.
The scene was one of great horror.
JLne cries 01 tne imprisoned passengers
were heartrending. Some of the pas
sengers managed to crawl out of their
prison and aroused the neighborhood.
\Vord was telegraphed to this city and
surgeons and a force of 300 workmen
taken to the spot. The work was blow
and the dead and dying were taken out
with great difficulty. Six dead and
thirty wounded have been taken out.
Of the latter some were brought here
and others taken to the miners' hos
pital at Ashland.
Later. The Associated press agent
nas just had direct communication with
a representative at the wreck , who says
conservative estimates place the num
ber of killed at forty to fifty. It is al
most impossible to estimate the exact
number , and the horror of the situation
will not be known until a late hour.
One of the passengers who escaped
with slight injuries said to an Associ
ated PrebS reporter at midnight :
' When the crash came I was hurled
from my seat. One end of the car
splashed into the river and I was thrown
against the side of the car with a force
that partial ] } ' stunned me. I quickly
recovered myself and managed fo climb
upon the seats on that side of the car
which lay against the embankment.
I was a prisoner in the car. and while
I was nursing my sprained ankle and
wrist 1 realized that I was in a scene
of veritable horror. Around andibcut
me were human beings struggling in
the water , screaming in fright , and
some almost dragged me back into the
water again. Four saved themselves
as I did and the remainder struggled
in the water and then sank out of sight.
At o o'clock this morning 300 men
are still at work , but making slow pro
gress. Fifteen bodies have been taken
. out. No more oodles have been taken
from the scene of the disaster. John
McDonough , Jack Nell and William
Johnson , of Shanendoah , arc reported
injured. It is still believed that twenty
or more bodies are beneath the wreck.
Nothing definite will bo known until
the wreck is raised , which will prob
ably be tomorrow.
Protection of Trees.
WASHINGTONSept. . 20. Senator
Paddock yesterday succeeded in having
passed in the senate his bill for the
protection of trees and other growth
on the public domain from destruction
by fire. This measure , which has been
strongly urged by Commissioner Groff ,
and which is to be antagonized by
eastern senators on account of the
stringency of its provisions , provides
for the punishment of any person who
shall maliciously or negligently sttfire
to underbrut-h or prairie grass on any
public lands of the United States , or
who shall maliciously or by gross neirli- ,
geacy permit or suffer any fire which
he may have lighted on private lands t
to pass therefrom to public lands to
the injury of trees or undergrowth
upon such public lands. The penalty :
inflicted is a fine of not lets than $1 nor ,
more than § 1,000. or imprisonment for
a term of not more than three years , j
the fine to go into the public school ,
fund of the county in which the trees
or other growth so destroyed were '
situated. Senator Paddock has a num
ber of statistics and statements from
the territories , showing the disastrous
effect of forest and prairie fires , and
after considerable contention succeeded - '
ed in securing the passage of the bill.
Klver and Harbor BUI Signed.
CRESSOK SWUNG ? , Pa. , Sept. 20. ,
The president has issued a proclama
tion extending the time for removing
cattle from the Cherokee strip to No
vember 1. Mr. Tibbott of the white
house force arrived at 1) o'clock with
the river and harbor appropriation bill ,
to which the president attached his
signature , so that it is now a law.
Director General of tlio IVorld" * . Fair.
CHICAGO. Sept. 20. At the meeting
of the national world's fair commis
sioners the report of the executive
committee was read by the secretary as
follows :
The directors of the world's Colum
bian exposition having recommended
George R. Davis for
of the expositi > n , we also recommend
this gentleman to the national coiumis- (
sion.A minority report recommending j
Dunial H. Hastings' was read byMr. . I
fc'ewell and by William J. isuwell
Of New Jersey , A. T. living of Illi
nois , R. C. Kearns of Missouri and F.
W. Breed of Massachusetts. At the
request of the president these reports
were laid over until the routine busi
ness of the morning had been trans
acted. President Palmer then an
nounced the standing committees.
On the first ballot Colonel George R.
Davis of Chicago was elected director
World's Fair Executive Committee ,
CHICAGO , 111. , September 19. The
world's fair commission mot yesterday
morning and President Palmer an I
nounced his selection of an executive
committee. This committee will name ( (
a director general and by virtue of its
position will be the most important in
connection with the exposition. The
committee named is as follows :
Mark L. McDonald. California ; R.
C. Kerns , Missouri ; Henry Exall , Tex
as ; P. A. D. Weiduer , Pennsylvania ,
all of whom arc commissioners at large ;
John T. Harris , of Virginia ; William
S. So-well , New Jersey ; B. B. Smalloy ,
Vermont ; E. B. Martindale , Indiana ;
John Boyd Thatcher , New York ; Adlai
T. Ewing , Illinois ; William S. King ,
Iowa ; II. G. Clapp , Ohio ; L. McLaws ,
Georgia ; Francis B. Reed , Massachu
setts ; Euclid Martin , Nebraska ; P. R.
Price , Kansas ; M. D. Harrison , Minnesota
seta ; James E. Butt , West Virginia ;
P. L. Williams , Tennessee ; Jos. Hirst ,
Florida ; R. L. Saunders. Mississippi ;
L. II. Hershfield. Montana ; R. S. Good-
ell , Colorado ; A. B. Brittan. District
of Columbia ; James A. McKenzie , Ken-
The committee is composed of thir
teen democrats and thirteen republi
cans. The salaries are iixed as fol
lows :
President , $12,000 a year ; seerctry ,
§ 10,000 ; director general , $15,000.
Our Relation * \VItlt Canada.
OTTAWA , Ont. , Sept. 19. Sir John
MacDonald , premier of the Dominion ,
delivered a most important speech
upon the trade relations between Can
ada and the United States , at Morris-
burg , Ont. Speaking of the McKinley
tariff bill now before the United States
congress , Sir John said that no doubt
Canadians would rather the bill did not
pass , but as the measure was about to
become a law it would be well to con
sider its commercial complexion.
Whether the bill was dictated by un
friendly motives , or owed its origin
solely to the pursuance of a definite
line of commercial policy , he would not
undertake to say. He had no wish to
impute unfriendly motives , yet un
deniably its effects would be detri
mental to Canada's intere-stj. It would
check and have a tendency to diminish
its volume of commercial intercourse *
between the two countries.
A Protest frnin Vnikt n.
YANKTON , S. D. , Sept. 19. The
chamber of commerce has issued an
address setting forth the fact that many
newspapers during the past year have
been printing damaging statements as
to the failure of crops in South Dakota
and especially regarding the south
western portion of the state. The ad
dress protests earnestly against thc-o
publications and says that while a few
counties in the northern and central
portion of the state have suffered from
drought the past two years the general
average crop of the state is not sur
passed by Ohio , Indiana or Illinois.
Wanted An Heir to 31O.OOO.
ST. PAUL , Minn. , Sept. 20. Forty
thousand dollars lies here in the pro
bate court awaiting an heir. It was
the property of Mrs. Marion Robinson ,
deceased. She had one son. Pieston
K. Potter , a wild young fellow who
went to California in 1871. since which
time nothing has been hi > ard of him.
If Potter does not turn up by October
1 , the estate will be divided between
Mrs. Robinson's sisters. Mrs. Kelsey of
Lexington , OMrs. . Potter of Howling
Green , Ky. , and Mrs. Brant of Toncku.
lie Klves a million .
CHICAGO , 111. , Sept. 20.- John D.
Bockafeller has just iven $1.000.00' )
to the new Chicago Bapti-t univer-iiy.
in addition i.o the S'ljOO.'tf ) ' ) which hr
contributed previously. This iuni'i-
ccnt offer was l.-.Id befoiv the board
and quickly accepted , as it in > ure- all
the needed financial aid in the can\-
iug out of the design.
T.IYK SIOCK : /i.v/c.v.
Quotation * from AVr l" rV , * ' / - * / ' > , .If.
JjOttif , ( Jitl'ihit ttrnl / . * it * * * ? .
Wheat No.2 70 tfj 'O'l
Corn No. " mixed S 31
Oats Per bu S > if. Il !
Barley V ) & Gl
RVP 41 < > 4I ;
Biitter CrenmiTV i > < % lit
Kutter Dairx- . ' . 14 fc. 13
> ! c s Pork Per bbl t > 7T 6tl ( > 7. >
KKSFnsh r. ii. irt
Honey , per Ib , new. comb Ifi c 17
Sprin ; ; Cliii'kpiis p > r do 1 Kl Si. i ( M
J inon' Choire. j > r lior > " > f'f. J r.'J
Onion XVw. Per bhl - ( . " > > ( % . \ OJ
IJpan Naiies 2 TiD < 5 > 7. >
Wool Fiiie , unwusheJ. per 2 > It < c l
Potato < - < TTi Cc 1 01
Swret Potatops Per cju 2fl < J TO
.Vpplrs Per bbl 3 fQ ( & . S r.O
Tomatoes IVr bu 1 0 > < Te I i"
Hay Per ton 7 > 4 ? 1(1.15 (
Ho s Mixed parking I IK ffc t 'i"
Hops llfixy nriirht. t-Ji tTvl'-it'i
Beeves Choice He T- -J U > < & ! .CJ
xiv.YOIC. : : .
Wliont No 2 red Qyi'7' I f'Vj
Corn Xo. i SJS e. M
Oat Mixed ne-ti-rn X * & -KI
Pork I'i- > . . > ; _ a\
Lard u { 3 ( ft 7 > -
Wheat PPbn hcl 9 $ fa * * , '
Coru IVr l n li l 4 r t - < r > ' ;
O.itPir bu hcl S" > ( { 5 T4
Pork tt o > fin s.
Ho s Parkins and sliijiiiins. 4 10 ii | | J
Cattle Xatis " 0 < t& r > 1'J
sheep Xutixes 4 OJ < < i ! if )
Wheat Ca li < J7 ; rr .
Com Per lin-lii-l 42 C . 4-i > .
O.its Prr bn > ! ipl : t ; ft. : c '
Hos Mixi-il packing i O ) iTe.-4 :
Cattle Fe.'dcr- j -Ja fe ; { : i )
. mrx CITY.
' " " "
Ho- : > Mixed . . . 3 9J & -J CO
\Vhpat-No.2 ' . " . - tf > . jTtl
< rn Xo. y 41) st O'l
Cattle btockcrs au.i lecden ' . 2 IV. 64 : jj - , ' *
Hoi * Miscd : : w ( Te. 4 : ? )