The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 22, 1890, Image 4

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    By F. M. KIMMELL.
For Governor ,
For Lieutenant Governor ,
T. J. MA JOI18.
Ff Secretary of State ,
' ; J O.ALLEN.
For Auditor.
For Treasurer.
For Attorney General ,
ForComml68loner Public Lands and Buildings
For Superintendent Public Instruction.
Eepublican Congressional Ticket.
For Congressman. 2 < 1 District.
Eepublican Senatorial Ticket.
For Senator for 2th ) District.
For Hepresentrttlvc ,
For County Attorney ,
For Treasurer.
For CommlBsloner. 1st District.
For Commissioner. 2nd District.
OUR red-nosed Mend of the Or
leans Press insists that Orleans
whiskey is spelled without the "e. "
BE came. Senator Lindsay will
be the next register of the McCook
laud office. Speculation is cheap ,
but very idle and useless.
THE latest reliable , inside information
mation is to the effect that his ex
cellency John M. Thayer is to as
sume charge of the office of regis
ter of the McCook land office after
surrendering the gubernatorial
chair to Mr. Richards in January.
- - - - - -
As A SPEAKER , Gammill of Fron
tier is a little frothy and longwinded -
winded , but very earnest withal.
He always commands the attention
of his hearers. His remarks at
the senatorial convention were
characteristic and were roundly
applauded. _
THERE were many admirable
features in the state senatorial con
vention held in this city , last Sat
urday. Harmony brooded over
its deliberations most lovingly.
And the choice of the convention
fell with gratifying unanimity
upon an. able , worthy and upright
man , Judge James Burke of Chase
county , a gentleman respected and
admired by all who know him.
THE Omaha Bee revives the old
and senseless falsehood about Con
gressman Laws in the following
language : "It is said that the ob
ject of Mr. Laws' visit to Nebraska ,
at this time , is to perfect arrange
ments to have himself appointed in
the McCook Isnd office. He very
wisely held the position of receiver
open and then telegraphed his de
sire not to be nominated for con
gress. When congress adjourns
he will go back in the land office ,
where he was before his election
lo the office of secretary of state.
Nothing like having plenty of
strings to pull. "
THE Republican nominee for
Congress in this ( Second ) district ,
Hon. N. V. Harlan of York , is an
honorable , upright and substantial
gentleman , and is and has been "in
touch" with the people on the im
portant and vital questions of the
ffw ns nnfiti. fnir n.nrl
Tecord proves. Can as much in
truth be said of Mr. McKeighan ,
: the independent-people's-bourbon
-candidate ? THE TRIBUNE submits
that an investigation of McKeigh-
an's political career , his official
acts , and of his personal habits will
in nowise bring to light a condition
of things , of which , as in Mr. Har
lan , we can feel proud. In just one
thing do we yield to Mr. McKeigh
an , namely , in political dema-
goguery. His daily harangues to
the people of this district mark
him as a conspicuous , unreliable
demagogue as plainly and indelibly
KB his past life proves his utter
unworthiness for the high officehe
FINANCIAL distress hard times
as we style it breeds dissatisfac
tion and discontent ; and when dis
content broods o'er the land then
the voice of the political dema
gogue is heard in the congrega
tion of the disaffected. Granted ,
that there are reasons for dissatis
faction , that the effort for the bet
terment of their condition is both
rational and just , that need of re
form exists , we warn our readers
to be cautious and alert , that they
look well to it into whose hands
they place the responsible duty of
correcting these matters. The Ee
publican party has in the main
been true to the real and best in
terests of the people. The candi
dates of the party are from andin
sympathy with the people , and its
platform commends itself as sound
and liberally comprehensive , per
haps it is all that any party can
hope to achieve or carry into effect
at this time. How about the bour
bon-union labor-independent folks ?
Are their candidates better men ?
Is their platform more sound or
American ? Can they hope to ac
complish as much as the Bepubli-
cans have and can in the future ?
We are convinced that they can
not. And furthermore we believe
that all Avlio will take the pains to
investigate the men and measures
involved in this campaign will come
to a like conclusion. Let us be
sensible and reasonable and just.
Through the Eepublican party
the party of grand and enduring
achievements can be accomplish
ed more for the public weal than
the wildest and most irresponsible
demagogue's imagination can
IN their nominations , this year ,
the Eepublicans have been partic-
ularlv iudicious and fortunate.
The state , congressional , senatorial
tickets , and county tickets so far as
the writer's observation goes , have
been made up of men of conspicu
ous worth and ability. All of which
is highly proper , and means victory
all along the line.
EVERY TIME Friend Cole recalls
how narrowly he escaped having
greatness thrust upon him at the
senatorial convention by "the
boys , " he forthwith precipitously
retires to the seclusion of the club
rooms to restore his perturbed feel
ings at a game of solitaire. "The
boys" all agree that it was "awful
ly immediate. "
THE nomination of Judge Burke
of Chase county for state senator
will be received with enthusiasm
throughout the 29th district. The
Judge is a farmer , an able and
upright man who will command
the respect of the voters of the
29th , and will receive a majority
of their votes.
MAJORS of the government land
office executes a complete and
graceful double somersault every
time he thinks how heroically Eep-
resentative Meeker of Chase labor
ed to light the innocant incandes
cent in that office with a lucifer.
CHURCH HOWE deposes and says
that he never , no never , "poked
fun" at Hon. Tom Majors' "blue
cotton shirt , " during his Palmyra
speech. Further , that he holds
every thread in Farmer Majors'
venerable fabric in highest esteem.
THE Hon. Koger . Mills , the
well-known Texas congressman ,
is announced to speak at Superior
on the 26th instant , the date of
the democratic congressional con
vention for the Second district.
THE republican state ticket is
headed by two men who fought in
the ranks for the union in 1861-5.
The two democratic tickets put up
to beat it headed by Powers and
Boyd search them for an old sol
dier from stem to stern and you
cannot unearth one. Why this
difference ? The Journal is inclin
ed to believe that there was more
buckram than blue about the al
leged 250 old soldiers in the "in
dependent" state convention. If
there was that number how did it
happen that they all escaped a
nomination ? State Journal.
THE Omaha Bee sees the situa
tion in this light : Estimates o :
the crop in the corn states van
greatly. That there will be a tre
mendous shrinkage in the harves
as compared with last year there
is no doubt. The shrinkage is
general , varying from seventy per
cent , in Kansas to forty per cent
in Missouri and Illinois. In the
list of corn states Iowa stands high
est , her crop being estimated a
seventy per. cent of last year's
while Nebraska estimates range
from thirty-five to fifty per cent ,
of the crop of 1889. The estim
ates for this state are too low.
While the regioii west of Kearney
and portions of the Eepublican
valley have been blighted by hot
winds , the more populous eastern
counties escaped serious injury ,
and with a month of favorable'
weather will yield handsomely.
The yield of the state , last year ,
was about one hundred and seven
ty-five million bushels. Of this
amount probably one hundred anc
twenty-five million bushels were
marketed at an average price of
sixteen cents a bushel , realizing
twenty million dollars. Estimat
ing this year's crop at fifty per
cent , of last year , or eighty-seven
and a half million bushels , the
financial returns at present prices
will exceed those of 1889 by fifteen
million dollars. All of which proves
that a short crop is not always a
great calamity.
THE example set by the Catho
lic and Methodist denominations
in founding national universities
has spurred the Baptists to action.
Leading members of that church
have perfected plans for a univer
sity in New York on a scale which
promises to eclipse all rivals. John
D. Eockefeller of the Standard oil
company is the guiding spirit of the
movement. Counting his wealth by
the hundreds of millions there is
little doubt that the proposed en
dowment of twenty millions can be
readily raised. The project , as out
lined oytne r < ew XOIK xrioune ,
contemplates an educational insti
tution which will supply the youth
of America with all the advantages
possessed by the universities of Eu
rope. It is the purpose of the pro
jectors to engage the ablest corps
of professors that money can se
cure and draw to this great seat of
learning students from all parts of
the world.
A NUMBER of newspaper men
who dropped into Lincoln , yester
day , apparently for no other reason
than that there was a game of base
ball to attend , gathered last even
ing in the rooms of the republican
state central committee at the Capi
tal hotel and swapped lies for an
hour or two with evident relish.
As no democrats cared to invade
the republican headquarters the
boys talked politics with a greal
deal of freedom. One would judge
from their remarks that the enthu
siasm for the independent ticket is
dying in all parts of the state , the
republicau members having com
menced to tumble to the fact that
the affair is managed to beat the
republican party , if possible , and
lift a lot of demagogues into office.
If the editors could gather and ex
change experiences in that way
quite frequently Nebraska republi
canism would be greatly strength
ened. Monday's Journal.
THE number of men employed on
the railroads of the counhy by
1,750 companies is now reported
by the interstate commission at
704,753. It is a pretty big army
of transportation. It is an average
of 459 men to every 100 miles of
railroad. In Nebraska there are
5,046 miles of railroad and this
ratio would give as the total num
ber of men employed in operating
the railroads in this state , 23,171.
These represent a population of
over a hundred thousand that de
pend on rail transportation for
subsistence. Next to the farmers
of Nebraska the largest class of
men engaged in the same general
work are the railroad men. The
proposition therefor that "railroad
men have no business in politics , "
is not a very tenable one. They
have all the rights of American
citizens and their interests are
probably as dear to them as those
of other working people. Journal.
THE democratic party of Nebras
ka takes its whisky straight and is
not afraid to say so. See platform.
Kearney Hub.
THE house did itself proud on
the anti-lottery bill.
. .
f .HJK.MNjujf-J > ayg -s
THE statistics prepared for the
interstate commerce commission
show among other interesting
things the fact that 1,970 railroad
employes have been killed during
the year. The railroads operate
over the entire country and have a
large army of men constantly em
ployed in every state , practically
every county and almost every
township , but it does not seem
necessary that this enormous list
of fatalities and injuries should
prevail. When it is known that
among trainmen one death occurs
for every 117 employes and one
injury to every twelve men , the
revelation of the dangerous char
acter of the work becomes start
ling. There is no doubt that a
large percentage of these accidents
may be charged to the general
failure of the companies to adopt
modern appliances for the manage
ment of their trains. The switch
yards kill men remorselessly be
cause the old link and pin coupler
is still in use , and no improved
mechanism for coupling cars has
been generally adopted. There
will always be loss of life on the
railways but it does not seem
neccessary in injure over 20,000
employes annually and to kill out
right one-tenth as many more.
Science and invention have a great
work before them in reducing the
dangers of operating our railroads.
And after proper appliances have
been produced it may be necessa
ry for the government to insist
upon their use. Journal.
THE wastefulness of strikes is
shown in the strike on the New
York Central. The road estimates
its loss at § 300,000 and that of the
strikers at § 150,000. Of course
these estimates do not include
losses sustained by the public ,
which must have been considera
ble. Arbitration is more econom
ical than strikes.
SOME good words are being said
for Mr. Laws , who was not renomi-
nated for Congress in the Second
district. It is safe to say , however ,
in accordance with the science of
political gastronomy , that at this
stage of game kind words do not
jmtterMr. Laws' parsnips. Kear
ney Hub.
m \ Fid CL
Fall Styles , 189O.
are now ready to which we call
your attention.
in LE
We are giving very liberal discounts
from Regular Prices on all
Spring & Summer Goods
Don't fail to look through our stock before
purchasing anything
For Men's and Boys' Wear.
Our at the Bottom Notch ,
MeCOOK , NEB. , August 8th.
decided to retire from the DKY GOODS and CLOTH
ING business we offer our entire stock at cost and less than cost
No such opportunity has been offered the people of Western Neb
raska in years to purchase good , reliable DRY GOODS , CLOTHESX *
must go , be the price what it may. Nothing' will be reserved. Are
you in want of anything' in Dry Goods or Clothing' , if so take
advantage of this
w U 1 vJ/T JUJL
Less - Than Wholesale - Prices !
we are positively g'oiiigout of the Dry Goods
and Clothing- business , and everything- must he sold and at once.
Visit us and look at our prices. Respectfully Yours ,
Store building * , lot and fixtures for sale.