The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, August 08, 1890, Image 2

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F. IK.
A Masonic lodge has been insti
tuted at Goring.
Forty-eight miles of streets in
Omaha are swept.
Moritz Brothers' foundry at Hast
ings was destroyed by fire.
A largo opera house is ono of the
enterprises booked for Edgar.
Robbing the clothes of bathers is
a lucrative business at Beatrice.
The Elaine county fair will be hold
at Browster , September 23 , 24 and 25.
There were eighty teachers in at
tendance upon the Cedar county insti
A decree has gone forth closing
the saloons in South Omaha on Sun
The Masonic order at Valentino
has received a charter from the grand
The old settlers of Elaine county
will hold a picnic on the 19th of Sep
C. S. Lincoln of Overton lost a
Hambleton stallion , valued at $1,500 ,
by lightning.
The new mill at North Bend got
under way last week and moved off in
good shape.
An original package house has
been opened at Liberty , fully equipped
for business.
Denman Thompson will open the
new Kerr opera house at Hastings in
"Tho Old Homestead. "
Improved prospects for corn has
induced many holders to put the old
crop on the market.
Adolph Dworak received 1,200
sheep the other day , which he will feed
on his farm near Schuyler.
The democratic congressional con
vention for the Third district will be
held at Columbus August 13.
The seven-year-old son of Rev. C.
H. Gilmon of Elmwood , fell from &
tetering board and broke his arm.
. Nebraska voters will probably
have four state tickets from which to
make choice at the November election.
Grain dealers say there will be
half a crop of flax. Ten days ago the
prospects indicated two-thirds of a
Articles incorporating the real es
tate investment company of Blue Hill
have been filed with the secretary of
The residence of Mrs. A. Jensen ,
one mile west of Nebraska City , was
destroyed by fire. Loss $1,200 , insur
ance $500.
Rev. O. S. Morrow of Oskaloosa ,
la. , has accepted a call from Lincoln
and has entered upon .his work in the
latter city. *
The annual meeting of the Nebras
ka horticultural society was held in
Crete last week , a good attendance be
ing present.
To tide over its financial crisis the
Omaha Young Men's Christian associa
tion has issued circulars to the citizens
asking for fun s.
The charges of bribery against
certain members of the South Omaha
city council promise to develop some
thing interesting.
Mr. Platz of Schuyler has had
very bad luck with his hogs lately ,
having lost 130 head by cholera within
the past two weeks.
. The Methodist campmeeting at
Fremont opened with a good attend
ance. There are more tents on the
ground this year than last.
E. A. Coburn , an ex-resident of
Pawnee , was arrested at JDubois for
running an original package house and
bound over to the district court.
A farm house belonging to Joseph
Hutto , ten miles southwest of Plain-
view , burned down. A little girl aged
four years perished in the flames.
Hon. John H. Ames of Lincoln
has been elected chairman of the dem
ocratic state central committee , and T.
S. Allen , also of Lincoln , secretary.
O'Neill will have a , grand railroad
celebration on the 16th of August. On
that occasion a' free excursion tram
will run over the Pacific Short Line.
The farmers' alliance and Knights
of Labor held a joint independent
.county convention at Schuyler and
elected delegates to the state conven
Mrs. Mary Cowen , an old lady 70
years of age , living two miles from
Ainsworth , was badly gored by a bull
and her chances for recovery are very
poor.Trenton boasts of its record. Not
a death has occurred in the precinct
during the past rear and lut one man
represents the county in the peniten
A brakeman at the B. & M. yard
in Omaha received injuries the other
day while in the performance of his
duties that -it is thought will prove
fatal.Henry Paxson , a prominent stock
raiser and politician of Geneva , shot
himself and jumped into a pond. His
body was found. Ho was temporarily
A special election will "b& held in
Greeley county August IS to vote on a
change of location for the county seat.
Scotia , Greeley Centre and O'Connor
are all in it.
At an election held in Humboldt
for the purpose of voting bonds for
water works , the bonds were defeated
by three votes. The town is now with
out whisky or water.
The Rock Island railroad has is
sued a list of questions to employes
and all who cannot show a good , pedi
gree for several generations will prob
ably be discharged.
J.'A. Sollonbergor of York , while
attempting to raise a balcony window
in the Methodist church , fell through
to the ground , a distance of thirty feet ,
sustaining severe injuries.
James Vaughn , living at Canon-
yillo , Harlan county , while attempting - '
ing to drive sixty-six head of hogs to
Huntley , had the misfortune to lose
twenty-eight of them from the heat.
The Elkhorn railway officials ex
pect to pay over cheerfully the $500
reward offered for the arrest of the
train robbers at Arabia , who were
caught and lodged in jail at Valentine.
The editor of the Stromsburg Re
publican has a skull in his office which
was dug from the center of an Indian
mound above which grew a mammoth
pine tree nearly three feet in diameter.
The senatorial convention at Red
Cloud has been changed from August
6 to August 18 , August 6 being ono of
the big days of the international Grand
Army of the Republic reunion in Su
An old lady named Young , living
at Geneva , made the second attempt to
end her life Sunday by the "rough on
rats" route. A doctor was called and
she still lives. She is said to be feeble
L. O. Secrest , the man who was
thrown from a third-story window in
Omaha , has been brought to his homo
at Hebron and is improving. The doc
tors think his chances for recovery
are good.
Material is arriving for laying
track on the Rock Island between
Omaha and Lincoln. The railroad
ties are delivered at South Bend and
at the Missouri Pacific crossing near
Martin Ritter , a carpenter at Newman - ,
man , is charged with having comitted
an assault on Mary Meade , aged 17 ,
halt witted and partially deformed.
He has been arrested and will have an
An unknown man attempted to
steal a horse from a livery stable in
Lincoln the other night. He was de
tected in the act , but succeeded in
making his escape , not , however , se
curing the animal.
John Olsen , a Swede employe as
a section hand on the Burlington &
Missouri a few miles west of Omaha ,
last week fell off a , hand car and frac
tured his skull. It is thought his in
juries will prove fatal.
Commissioner Jenkins is deep in
the intricacies of a voluminous report
of Nebraska mortgages , which he is
preparing to refute certain statements
proclaimed abroad as to the condition
of the farmers of Nebraska.
The proprietor of the only ice
house in Brainard raised the price of
ice to 50 cents per hundred , and a day
or two after he found his ice house
burned and his ice melted , supposed to
have been the work of a firebug.
Miss Maud Parker , a young school
teacher of Cuming county , was dis
missed by the school board because her
little brother took diphtheria. She
now sues the district for five months'
wages , the extent of the contract.
David Longbard of Craig was
kicked in the stomach by a horse and
died from the effects thereof. He is
the second victim in two weeks , Hans
Larson having died a few days before
from a kick on the head from a mule.
A man named Stillwell was in
stantly killed by lightning near Cyrus
postoffice in northern Cheyenne coun
ty. He was on his way , with a neigh
bor , to Alliance and lived east of Camp
Clarke on the south side of the river
Charles Powelson , who was ar
rested some time since , charged with
passing counterfeit money , had his
hearing before Commissioner Billings-
ley at Lincoln and was bound over to
the United States court in the sum of
A heavy rain and furious wind
visited Hebron. The streets were
flooded and the wind did considerable
damage to buildings. The Odd Fel
lows hall , a three-story brick , was
'hft-iiy wrecked ; damage from § 300 to
? 500.
A Hubbell dispatch says the pros
pects for a corn crop are very dis
couraging in that locality owing to
long continued drougth. There has
been but little rain this season. Farm
ers and merchants are looking pretty
Thirteen is a lucky number. Dodge
county had thirteen delegates in the
republican state convention and Rich
ards received the nomination for gov
ernor. The county will have thirteen
delegates also in the democratic con
The Fremont fire department has
decided to run an excursion to Lake
Manawa , Council Bluffs , on Sunday ,
August 17. A committee of arrange
ments has been appointed , consisting
of one member of each of the seven
George W. Crozier , a young man
residing at Sprague , Lancaster county ,
was kicked in the face by a vicious
horse while hitching a team to the
sweep of the horse power of a thresh
ing , from the effects of which he died
a few hours later.
H. Gund & Co. of Campbell com
menced loading 50,000 bushels of corn
the other day which will fill about sev
enty-five cars. The whole lot will be
sent forward August 1 in three special
trains over the Burlington & Missouri
to Chicago. The trains will be hand
somely decorated.
The marvelous progress in alli
ance circles in this part of Nebraska ,
says a Bruning dispatch , is indeed as
tonishing. There is scarcely a village
where there is not a strong organiza
tion , wielding such powerful influence
as was never before witnessed in polit
ical and civil c'xcles. The farmers'
cause is being so thoroughly agitated
} ratitlia8 "become the leading topic of
" Tileir organizations are con
ducted on the secrecy- plan , admitting
only their fellow farmers. '
i *
* ,
Completion of ( lie Favorable Report
Ordered by tbe IIou e Committee
What tUo Report Will Point Out
An Order by the Inter-State Com
merce Commission Reducing liiuc *
on Food Product * When the Order
Goes Into Effect Banished Jews
Coming : to America.
Iimpectlou of Live Cattle.
WASHINGTON , August 2. Congress
man Stockbridge of Maryland has com
pleted the favorable report ordered bj
the house committee on commerce or
the bill which has already passed the
senate providing for the inspection ol
live cattle and beef products intended
for export to foreign countries. This
bill , it will be remembered , is the out
come of the long and exhaustive inves
tigation made by a special senatorial
committee into the transportation oi
meat products. Mr. Stockbridge's re
port will point out that during the lasl
year there were exported abroad 829-
271 cattle. It is a well known fact
that the government of Great Britain
has always suspected American cattle
of being tainted with pleuro-pneu-
monia , and the existence of this
disease has furned the reason
for British restriction , which re
quires that all cattle imported
into Great Britain from the United
States shall" be killed upon the docks
within ten days after landing. It is es
timated that these restrictions cause
American cattle to sell from $10 to $15
per head less than cattle of tbe same
quality which are exported from Can
ada , and which are not restricted by
this law , all this arising from the fact'
that the American cattle must be sold
at once and without the opportunity of
being held for a better market , or un
til they have recovered from the in
variable bad effects of a long sea voy
age. On the basis of a difference of
only $10 per head the loss during the
last year would amount to § 3,200,000.
Great Britain has given us to under
stand that these restrictions would be
very promptly removed if the United
States would provide for a careful in
spection of our cattle before exporta
tion. British feedsrs are agitating the
question of allowing American store
cattle admission , and nothing but the
existence of pleuro-pneumonia in our
territory delays the accomplishment of
this object. The introduction of a
rigid system of inspection before ship
ment would prevent the exportation of
diseased cattle. It is easy to see that
the increased rate of $10 per head
for exported cattle would react upon
prices here and materially increase the
price received by the farmer for all
cattle sold. This increase of prices
would also of course materially en
hance the value of the whole stock of
cattle in the country. There is , there
fore , no clearer way in which more
can be done for the prosperity of the
farmers than to hasten the thorough
eradication of pleuro-pneumonia and
to prevent such cattle as are diseased
from being exported. The same argu
ment applies to Germany and France ,
both of which countries have , by their
rigid laws , almost prohibited the im
portation of American meat. Both
countries have given the United States
to understand , too , that they , like
Great Britain , are willing to remove
these restrictions provided the cattle
and the meat are subjected to rigid in
spection before shipment. Mr. Stock-
bridge expects to submit his report at
an early day.
They Iflust Reduce Rates.
WASHINGTON , August 2. The inter
state commerce commission will issue
an order to take effect on September
1 , in regard to the reduction of rates
on food products based on its recent
report to the senate. This case is one
of the most important yet brought be
fore the commission which has given
it almost precedence over other cases.
The order is accompanied by the opin
ion of the commission , overruling pro
tests and motions for want of jurisdic
tion. The reductions mc.dc apply only
to born , oats , wheat and flour
carried from Iowa , Missouri , Kansas
and Nebraska to St. Louis and the
Mississippi river. The reduced rates
are from the Missouri river to Chicago
on corn and oats 17 cents , and wheat
and flour 20 cents per hundred pounds.
From Kansas and Nebraska points
corn 18 to 23 cents , wheat 21 to 27
cents. The reduction extended 200
miles into Nebraska and 250 miles in
Kansas from the Missouri river. Where
rates are fractional the roads may
charge even cents , which considera
bly modifies the reductions. No
reductions are required which will
leave the road less than six
and one-half mills per ton per mile for
hauls not longer than 500 miles , nor
less than six mills for any distance. As
to rates east of the Mississippi , the
commission says : 'The rates from Chicago
cage and from St. Louis and the Mis
sissippi river now charged OE. corn ,
oats , wheat and flour to the eastern ,
seaboard are not found to be excessive.
The charges on other principal food
products'between the Mississippi and
the seaboard are involved in pending
complaints to be heard on petition and
answers , therefore no order as to these
rates and charges will now be issued. "
They Will Flee to America.
YORK , August 2. The edict of
practical banishment which the czar
has pronounced against the Jews in
will have an important effect in this
country. Prominent New York He
brews say that the great majority of
the banished million will make their
way as soon as possible to America ,
which is the only land to which
they turn with favor. Many
of the Immigrants will , of
cecessity be almost without means.
There will first arise the question
of their admissibility under the law
excluding all perso-n liable to be
come public charges. Superintendent
Weaver of the immigration bureau says
ho anticipates a repetition in its worst
form of the rush of Russian immi
grants to this country in 1872. Ho be
lieves that 60 per cent of them will
come to America. "The law for the
exclusion of paupers was designed for
just such emergencies as this , " Super
intendent Weaver says , "and I shall
enforce it strictly. " *
Stabbed With a Stlllctto.
DENVEK , Colo. , Aug. 2. Steven
Zimmer , supposed to reside at
Hastings , Neb. , was stabbed at a late
hour yesterday afternoon at the corner
of Twentieth and Market streets by
Ida Jones , a colored prostitute , and
died a few minutes later. Zimmer
had been drinking some and became
involved in a dispute with the woman
and is said to have struck her , when
she stabbed him with a long stilletto ,
the blade entering the fleshy part of
the thigh and severing an artery. He
bled to death in twenty minutes.
Zimmer does not seem to be well
known here , although he is a member
of the stone-cutters' union. He had a
letter in his possession written in Ger
man , dated in July at Hastings , and
evidently written by his wife. His
body is at the morgue. The woman is
now in jail.
There is a growing belief that the
river and harbor bill will pass con
A resolution was introduced in the
house requesting diplomatic negotia
tions regarding reciprocity with Cen
tral and South America.
Assistant Secretary A. B. Nettleton ,
has fcsen selected to represent the
treasury department in connection
with the World's Fair.
The population of Salt Lake City ,
Utah , as announced by the census of
fice , is 45,025 , as against 20,768 , ten
years ago. This is an increase of 24 , -
257 , or 115.8 per cent.
The house committe on public build
ings and grounds offered a favorable
report on the bill increasing the appro
priation § 110,000 for a post office at
Dayton , O.
The house committee on Indian af
fairs has decided to recommend that
they non-concur in all of the senate
amendments to the Indian appropria
tion bill and ask a conference.
The secretary of the interior has di
rected that a hearing be had in the
case of Martha Kreck , to contest the
pre-emption cash entry of Frederick
Trousdale in the Sacramento ( Cal. )
land district.
Secretary of the Treasury Windom
has taken the first step toward giving
effect to the last silver act by the prep
aration of a circular announcing that
on and after the 18th instant offers for
the sale of silver bullion to the gov
ernment will be received on Wednes
days and Fridays of each week.
Representative Cogswell of Massa
chusetts presented to the president a
delegation of Grand Army commman-
ders of Massachusetts , consisting of
Adjutant General Dalton , representing
the state ; Commander Tobins , repre
senting Boston , and others , who con
sulted the president's wishes in regard
to the details of his trip to the Massa
chusetts G. A. R. encampment on the
14th prox.
The senate committee on postoffices
and post roads made a favorable re
port on the bill prepared by the post
master general for the establishment
of a limited postal telegraph service.
The only amendment made by the
committee strikes out the clause which
prohibts any telegraph company
which enters into a contract with the
government for a postal telegraph'
service going into the business of sell
ing quotations.
Theodore Tilton says he will never
retui'n to America.
The young duke of Orleans will
shortly visit the United States.
Emperor William of Germany has
jeen studying the Russian language
for a year.
The lathes for turning the gun bores
of our new and heavy ordinance will
cost § 125,000.
Upon birthdays and at Christmas
Mr. Cleveland always presents his wife
with diamonds.
A Manhattan , Kan. , livery firm announces -
nounces that it has ordered a fine new
hearse and that its motto is "Live and
let live. "
A sparrow at Colestown , Pa.-built a
nest in the running gear of a farmer's
wagon and makes a trip to market
every week.
One Maryland orchard , which pro
duced 15,000 bushels of peaches last
year , shows up- one peach this year ,
and that one is not harvested yet.
The oldest man in Great Britain is
Hugh McLeod , a Scotch crofter , who
was born November 24 , 17S3. He
lives in County Ross and is still healthy
and vigorous.
A manufacturer of one of the stand
ard typftwriters on the market says
that there are 75,000 women who
make a living in this country by run
ning the machines.
Young Mr. Thurman , eon of Allen
G. Thurman , is gray haired and has
but one arm. He lost the other in an
accident many years ago. He is a
prominent attorney at Columbus , O.
The United States government com
missioner of patents estimates that
from six to seven-eighths of the entire
manufacturing capital of the United
States , or $6,000,000 , is directly or in
directly based upon patents.
PreSdont Power * of the Alliance Put
Up for the Gubernatorial Kucc Oth
er Gentlemen \Vlio Will Accompany
Him In the Political Content Decla
rations Set Forth in the Plutform of
Principles The Ticket In Full-
Choice of a State Central Committee.
Independent Farmers' Convention at
LINCOLN" , Neb. , July 30. The larg
est gathering of farmers that ever met
in convention in Nebraska assembled
at 2 p. m. yesterday in Bohannan's
hall , this city.
Every county in the state was repre
sented , and the delegates were farmers
and laboring men , and the politician
was not seen among them. The hal
was crowded and the murmur of many
voices was deafening.
President Powers of the farmers' al
liance called the convention to ordei
at 2:15. He nominated Allen Root ol
Douslus county for chairman and C. A.
Mayberry of Pawnee county for secre
tary. Both nominations prevailed.
The chairman then chose the follow
ing as a committee on credentials : J.
N. Thompson of Lancaster , J. M.
Hober of Ulrich , J. C. Heatherington
of Gale , J. Clark of Cass and R. E.
Martin of Ouster.
The committee on credentials re
ported that seventy-seven counties
were entitled to a representation of 868
The temporary organization was at
this time made permanent. J. H.
Craddock was made assistant secretary.
All resolutions were referred to the
committee without debate.
A motion was made that the state
central committee be selected one from
each county. This carried. Another
motion was made that the chairman of
each delegation bo the central committeeman -
teeman of his countj * . This motion
was lost , and then a motion was made
and carried that the chairman of each
delegation canvass his delegation and
announce the preference of each dele
The report of the committee on res
olutions was read , Jay Burrows acting
as spokesman.
The eight-hour clause caused much
discussion. The farmers did not want
the eight-hour law on their farms.
Burrows spoke and said that he was in
favor of it , and that he didn't think it
would make any difference to farm
hands. The Knights of Labor , by E.
Leighton , want it , and a vote was
taken on the amended plank , and the
following resolutions were adopted :
Wo , the undersigned citizens of the
state of Nebraska , hereby declare our
adhesion to the following fundamental
principles , and demand that they be
enacted into law , viz. :
Our financial system should be re
formed by the restoration of silver to
its old time place in our currency and
its free and unlimited coinage on an
equality with gold , and by the increase
of our money circulation until it
reaches the sum of $50 per capita ; and
all paper issues necessary to secure
that amount should be made by the
government alone , and beull legal
tender for all debts , public and private.
That land monopoly should be abolished
ished either by limitation of ownership
or graduated taxation of excessive
holdings , so that all the competent
should have an opportunity to labor ,
secure homes and become good citizens
and alien ownership should be pro
hibited. '
That the railroad system , as at pres
ent managed , is a system of spoliation
and robbery , and th < t its enormous
bonded debt at fictitious valuations is
i j-sorbing the substance of the people
in'the interest of millionaires ; that the
general government should own an.i
operate the railroads and telegraph ,
and furnish transportation at cost , the
same as mail facilities are now furn
ished ; and that our legislature shall
enact a freight rate law which shall fix
rates no higher than those now in force
in Iowa.
We demand that our state and na
tional system of taxation , including
the tariff , shall be so adjusted that
wealth will bear its just burdens , in
stead of our farmers , laborers , mer
chants and mechanics being compelled
to pay , as at present , by far the largest
portion of public expense.
That the soldiers of the late war
shall receive a liberal service pension.
That we demand the adoption of the
Australian ballot system.
That eight hours shall constitute a
legal day's work excepting for agri
cultural labor.
We further declare that the politi
cal machinery in this state has been
controlled by the corporate power for
the plunder of the people and the en
richment of itself , and we have en
tirely lost confidence in the efficacy of
that machinery for the enactment of
just and the repeal of unjust laws.
We , therefore , hereby give our voice
for the call of a people's independent
state convention , to nominate pure and
able men for the different state offices
on ttie principles named above ; and we
hereby pledge ourselves , if pure and
honorable men are so selected , to vote
and work for their election.
And we hereby invite all men , with
out regard to past or present political
affiliations , to join us in this , our effort
for pure government , for relief from
the shackles of party politics and the
domination of corporate power in our
public affairs.
Nominations being now in order , a j
motion was made that all nomination |
speeches be squelched. This was mod
ified to read that' all nominating-1
speeches bo limited to three minute * ,
and prevailed.
The following state ticket was , after
a number of ballots , placed In nomina
tion :
Governor , John Powers.
Lieut-Governor , William H. Deck.
Secy of State , Chaa. N. Mayborry.
Treasurer , J. V. Wolfe.
Auditor * , John Beatty.
Attorney-General , J..W. Edgerton.
Land Commissioner , W. F. Wright.
While the committee on credentials
were out C. H. Van Wyckwas lustily
called for. Ho came to the stage and '
was mot with tremendous cheers. He
said that he could not speak , but that
they were here for business. "Equal
justice to all special privileges to
none , " was the platform and their re
Ho roasted in a vigorous manner the
board of transportation , and said that
after the members pleaded guilty to-
serving the railroads , the republican
party threw two < 9l them overboard
and saved the other. He wanted a.
legislature and state government that
would wring the water out of railroad
stocks , Ho , was willing the railroads-
should make a good rate of interest ,
but robbery , as it had been practiced
in this state , must cease. The day of
special privilege must end.
Powers was called for and responded.
Mr. Powers was greeted with three-
cheers. He said ho could not come
before them with the eloquence of a
Van Wyck. He was just a working
man. He came before the convention
as one of the people. When the gov
ernment was established it was a pee
ple's government. But designing men
finally inaugurated another system and
that was that people bo governed by
parties. Ho proposed to try to show
that people had been bled by unprinci
pled men. The plan adopted was to
divide the people into great facetious
that this people might be arrayed
against each other. The people had
had no chance to govern themselves ,
but had been plunged in desperate
political fights , and while the fight was
going on , the sharks plundered them.
A Female Deputy.
CHEYENNE , Wyo. , July 31. Sheriff
Sparhawk , of Fremont county , passed
through here yesterday .en route for
Joliet , 111. , in charge of three prison
ers sentenced to the penitentiary.
Montgomery , the murderer of "Kid"
Fordham , was one of them. His sent
ence is for life. The others were Jess
E. Davis , who gets five years for rob
bing a Chinaman , and W. A. Clark
two years for horse stealing. Sheriff
Sparhawk's official guard in charge of
the criminals is Mrs. Sparhawk , his
wife , a woman of 22. Mrs. Sparhawk
is a vigilant guard on this trip. She-
is armed with two six-shooters. She-
is one of the most expert rifle and pistol
tel shots in the west , and her prison
ers are not likely to attempt an es
A Revolution Feared.
LONDON , August 1. A revolution is
feared in Zanzibar. The SO'I
brother is said to be implicated in a
conspiracy to overthrow the reigning
monarch. He is believed to have-
powerful backers. The sultan is mak
ing preparations to meet any treacher
ous movement and the guards have
been strongly reinforced. The crisis
may prove to be an important one for-
Zanzibar , for should civil war or an
archy result an excuse would be offered
For the intervention of England and
Germany and the possible extinction
f Zanzibarian nationality.
Kcrnmlrr In Despair.
AUBUKN , N. Y. , August. . Recent
developments have more than con
firmed the truth of the statement that
Xemmler , the condemned murderer , is-
weakening daily. The utter abandon
ment of all hope and the consequent
reaalization of his utterly lost condition - .
tion never came to him with such ter
rible force as the other night. All
night long as he tossed and tumbled
on his narrow cot he cried aloud in his-
despair :
"I wish it were over. * '
He moaned time and again , and his-
utter lack of all power to control his
fears wa's pitiable to behold. The
cause of this sudden and unconquer-
ble despair was the noise of prepara
tion in the adjacent room for the exe
cution , which the prisoner could not
help hearing through the doorway
which connects his cell with the cham
ber of death.
Quotations ffom Ifeto Chicago ,
Loult , Oinalta ttiid Kl
iVheat No. 2 GO @ 70
2orn No. 2 mixed 31 32
Dats Per bn 20
Uarley Si & 40
i\e 35 40
llutter Creamery IT 13
liutter Dairy 12 13
Hess Pork Per bbl 9 75
! 3jgs Fresh. : 10 &
iloney , per lb. , comb 16 5 Is
JhicUens Live , per dozen 250 (3 ( 330
Spring Chickeni per doz " 00 i& 2 2
Lemons Choice , p r bor 600 @ SCO
Dranges Per box 300
5nions Novr-Per bbl 4 00 © 5 00
3eans Na\ies 1 75 & 2 00
rt'ool Fine , unwashed , per E > . . . . 11 & 16
'otatoes SO < a so
lay Per ton 800 < aii oo
Ioz Mixed packing S 42 Q. 3 4'i
lo s Heavy \reishls 3 4 \ ' - 3 55
Jeeves Choice steers 403 4 10
Vheat No. 2 red
: orn No. 2 44 44 i-
) j.ts Mixed western 36 ! 'It 40
'ork 32 75 fcI350
> .rd 6 00
Vheat Per bushel 87 63
'orn Per bushel C7 : 33
) ats Per bushel Si & 321.
'ork 11 W
_ ard 5 70 0.600
logs Packing and shipping. 3 65 g. 3 W
'attle Stockersand feeders 225 3 jO
iheep Natives 4 75 0. 5 SO
Vheat Cash ST O 8S'
tore Per bushel 3-i C SO1 ,
) ats Per bushel 32 & 334
logs Mixed packing 3 55 Gs 3 (55 (
battle Feeders . - . 220 & 3 40
rattle Stackers and feeders 3 55 © 3 65
logs Mixed 3 0 & 3 67
VhcatNo.2 77 & 77" .
Jorn No.2 38 & So-J
) ats No.2 23 < & 2Si.
'attle Stockera nd feeders 2 CO & 3 7 < >
iORS Mixed . . . 3 45 © 3 55