i win i. . . . .rtM-Wmnimiiti - , ja - • . • f - * - I t LOWMAN & SON , g : . | . Dry Goods , d j ; * Clothing , Carpets , d . I ' . . . „ . . Furnishings , h-h jj. Dress Making , * • • ALL AT HALF PRICE White Goods , Lawns , Sateens , Challies , Ginghams , Laces , . Embroideries , India Silks. ALL AT HALF PRICE g I L LOWMAN & SON , > -r } . \ Summer Underwear. L * d Flannel Shirts , ; S , .riL < ' . , Coats , Vests , j trd Straw Hats. 3 * Attention , Farmers. We are closing out our en tire stock of Farm Imple I ments at cost. Right nowis the time to secure rare bar gains. Call and be amazed at our prices. They must be sold at once. I" ' HALL , COCHRAN & CO , JACK DWYER'S j "OUR COUNTY SEAT" I A 5c. CIOAR , I Try this popular brand . It is one of the finest 5c. cigars ever placed on sale in McCook. m Hg v Don't irritate your lungs with a stubborn HI cough when a pleasant and effective remedy B. may be found in Dr. J. H. McLean's Tar Wine Lung Balm ! C. M. Smitii & Son . H If you are suffering with weak or inflamed B eyes , or granulated eyelids , you can be cured B by using Dr. J. H. McLean's Strengthening Eye Salve. U. M. Smith & Son. H | , -Bk.fIT Ti V * I This Trade , I I - * * - > - -o. . Tie Best i I HmSBN j faterpof H I6gaaformnrtnLte < lC ta1ogDefit . A.J.TfrgtrBoston4 1 PACKAGEi mi I PROE ° HARRIS , | | [ 1 | CE ill FORTHECUREQF 4 ] ! 3 I WEAfCMEl Hj ( VITALLY WEAK ) , Made to bj too close application to 1 business or studr ; severe" mental strain or grief ; SKXCAb . s H KXCKSSESin middle llfc.or TlcIouiJiablts contracted In routb. J WE IV UCU < * KK TICTlaSTO XKIUOCSOKBILITTar J WEAK fflCn KXIUl-STlOX. -USTI.NG-VKAkXKSS. IX. K TOLCXTAnV liOiSES Kith KAHLT DECAY In YOCXO and JI1D- j BUUGK1) ; lack or Tim. vigor , and strengtb.irlta sexual orpins H impaired and weakened prematnrelr In approaching old age. HI WUCIi VIS CIV PURE "c "I" * " from knowledge J WHEN IfC dAI uUflCor rEBXASKXT RKSCLT3 B Inmany thousand cases treated and enred in past twelve Tears , sssssi * F ' Aferldeneeofoor faith in Prat Harris' w / H Mr W © © SOLOTIE KEDI0ATEDPAST1ILES. Hj ssVTDf Al we offer eight days trial ABSOLCTKLTFBKE. H I f l Allmen. Tounx or old , nlfwliu fmn in. . H rreralent trouble should send their address so we can furnish H questions to bcanswered. that wr mar know the trne condition L E 'of each ease and prepare medicine to effect k prompt eore. B Located la Vew York ( after 15 Tears at 8L Louis ) , we offer Lfll all * chance to be cured br the celebrated Pastille Treatment. . THE HARRIS REMEDY CO. , Mfg. Cheml t , sH gs > gytrgirAW STRgElj ItTW YORK. B inBifJl" 1 * JtItZ BUAiiilslMs JsyLs JsJKstMs Ms t HB l. / . ' - - . - . - * . The blood must be pure for the body to o in perfect condition. Dr. J. H. McLean's Sar- saparilla makes pure blood and imparts the rich bloom of health and vigor to the whole body. 3-Cts. C. M. Smith & Son. Exposure to rough weather , getting wet , living in damp locatities are favorable to the contraction of diseases of the kidneys and bladder. As a preventive and for the care of all kidney and liver trouble , use that valuable remedy. Dr. J. H. McLean's Liver and Kidney Balm. S1.00 per bottle. C. M. Smitii & Son. 11 Jill A I1 CPnTTJQ CONSUMPTION * SUUI SCROFULA EillllGinM BRONCHITIS fcmULoluii coughs CURES Wasting Diseases Wonderful Flesh Producer. Many have gained one pound per day by its use. Scott's Emulsion is not a secret remedy. It contains the stimulat ing properties of the Hypophos- phites and pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil ; the potency of both being largely increased. It is used by Physicians all over theworld. . PALATABLE AS MILK. Sold by all Drugfftete. • COTT * BOWNK. Ch mlst9 , N.Y. BANKSVILLE BUDGET. The Grant delegation to Bartley claimed to be wonderfully frightened , but they were all right when they got home. The corn crop looks very sorry. It is close i to being a failure. A fine rain , this evening , but don't think it is enough to bring the corn out. Wheat stacking is the work now and it : will be a short job and short straw. ' july 21st. Observer. Land Office at McLook , Neb. , I July 22d. 1890. f i Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before W. S. Phillips , clerk of district court , at Indianola , Neb. , on Tuesday , September 2d , 1890 , viz : AARON H. REDFERN , j who made H. E. No. 415 for the southwest } f of section 27 , township 2 , north of range 28 , west Gth P. M. He names the following wit- nesses to prove his continuous residence j upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : John W. Tolman. Frank Weaver and Samuel Millen of Danbury. Neb. , Oliver P. Billings of InE dianola , Neb. 9 S. P. HART , Register. i Land Office at McCook , Neb. , I c July 21st. 1S90. j"s Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Regis- ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday , j August 30th. 1890. viz : MATHEW J. HEAFY , H. E. No. 254 , for the northwest U section 5 , township 3 north , range 29 west , Gth P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : Peter Boyle , Mary Seven- ker. John M. Henderson , john Shepherd , all of McCook , Neb. 9 S. P. HART , Register. f Land Office at McCook , Neb. , i June 18th. 1890. J Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final five year proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will bo made before a Register or Receiver , at McCook , Nebraska , i < on Thursday , July 31st , 1890 , viz : SAMUEL M. COCHRAN , H. E. . No. 3178 , for the sw& sec. 24 , tp. 3. N.a of range 30 , west of Gth P. M. e He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultiva tion of , said land , viz : Truman F. West , C ( James Doyle , David Bryan and Charles , Bergster , all of McCook , Nebraska. u * i S. P. HART. Register. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned , m U. J. Warren , did on the 9th day of November , 1888 , purchase of j. H. Goodrich , Jr. , as county al treasurer of Red Willow county. Nebraska , at a tax sale and in the manner provided by law tl for sale of lands or lots for delinquent taxes and for the taxes for the year 1887. the follow- ° ing described lots and real estate , to-wit Lots tb 9 and 10 and 12 in block No. 15 , first addition Bl to McCook , Red Willow county , Nebraska , . Lots 1 and 2 in block No. 25 , second addition to in McCook , in said county and state , and that bi said lots and each of them were taxed for the d yearlSS7iu the name of and to the Lincoln ' Land Company , and notice is further given rL that the time for redemption of such lots ar from such tax sale will expire on and after nc the 9th day of November. 1890 , and this is . shown by the certificates of sale issued to tho undersigned by said treasurer and bearing date November 9,1888. Dated this 18th day of July , 1S90. U. J. Warren. • • • • • • © McCOOK BUSINESS COLLEGE. ' ) • • • • . • • • c0 Now is the time to enter tri the McCook Business College i and prepare yourself to take a tn remunerative position i in the fall. No The growth of this institution is unvis paralleled , and the advantages which it „ affords young men and women are not Wh surpassed in the west. Cai LOPER & CHARLES , Mgrs. sol " " ' ' r | i Dpmcr $ CREAM jfAKlHg pQwoef Its superior excellence proven in millions of homes for moro than a.quarter of a century. It is used by the United States Government. Endorsed by the heads of tho Great Universi ties as the Strongest , Purest and most Health ful. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder doeB not contain Ammonia , Lime , or Alum. Sold only in cans. PRICE BAKING POWDER CO. New Fork. Chicago. St. Louis. SS'-Under this heading we will be pleased to include items of interest from all sections of the county. Writers' names must be signed. Communications should reach this office not later than Wednesday. Write plainly and on one side of paper only. The Publisher. Dry Creek Chronicles. A fine rain , last night. Vote for the Prohibitory Amendment. Clark Boatman is now staying at home. joe Dodge is heading Mr. Roger's wheat. Miss Lena Burtless departed lor the Pacific slope , Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs.E. N. Benjamin , of Carrico , are visiting at the Doctor's. A Demorest Medal contest at the Fredericks school house , Saturday night. A small attendance at church , last evening. We should like to see more interest manifest ed. We noticed a number of farmers usintj Arra-strongself-rake machines to harvest their wheat. A nuaiberof farmers talk of leaving the country on account of tho drought. We would advise them to stay by it , as crops will be good next year , sure. Reporter. RIDGE RUSTLINGS. Eugene Dunham visited at W. M. Allen's , last Sunday. Pleasant Rdge Sabbath school is still in good running order. The alliance continues to meet at the Vin cent scnool house. F. M. looks quite disconsolate since the In- dianola's People's Convention. The drought and chintz bugs have played havoc with many a promising corn field. The dry weather has not dried up the county- seat question , if it has shortened the crop. Wo are sorry to note that Grandma Kennedy is in danger of losing the sight of one of her . ; yes. The Indianola fellows are making a bid for friendship and votes in this section by lower- ng rates of interest. But the scheme is not vorking. _ > Ari. A Scrap of Paper Saves Her Life. It was ju6tan ordinary scrap of wrapping mper , but it saved her life. She was in the ast stages of consumption , told by physicians hat she was incurable and could live but a hort time ; she weighed less than seventy founds. On a piece of wrapping paper she = ead of Dr. King's New Discovery , and got a ample bottle ; it helped her , she bought a arge bottle , it helped her more , bought an- ither and grew better fast , continued its use sd is now strong , healthy , rosy , plump , weigh- ( ngl40 pounds. For fuller particulars send tamp to W. H. Cole , Druggist , Fort Smith , 'rial Bottles of this wonderful Discovery rree at A. McMillan's Drugstore. Ash Creek Items. Tom Orton is reported "on the mend. " Vivian Gossard reports Paddock as "n. g. " " Joe Lane and Pete Colling expect to leave or Denver , this week. They are having quite a siege of measles at ir. Wrights. Tne young folks of this vicinity indulged in "hop" at W. j. Evans' on Saturday night ist. ist.Mr. Mr. Wbitmore and Miss Stockton were guests ttho Hatfield ranch , last Sunday. Mr. W. spects to leave for Iowa soon. W. j. Evans attended the republican county jnvention at Bartley , Saturday , being one of = 10 Red Willow precinct delegation. Reporter , Jr. EUPEPSY. a This is what you ought to have , in fact , you ust have it , to fully enjoy life. Thousands e searching for it daily , and mourning be mse they find it not. Thousands upon ousands of dollars ate spent annually by ir people in the hope that they may attain is boon. And yet it may be had by all. We mrantee that Electric Bitters , if used accord- g to directions and the use persisted in , will ing you Good Digestion and oust the demon fspepsia install instead Eupepsy. We comraen .ectric Bitters for Dyspepsia id all dis ases of Liver , Stomach and Kid- ys. Sold at 50c. and S1.C0 per Bottle by McMillan , Druggist South Side Sauce. = A. good rain , Monday night. People are cutting their wheat with a header , i is year. \ tfrs. W. T. Stone is on a visit up in Frontier unty for a month. Jiss Lena Burtless left , last Friday , for a p across the Rockies. Irs. L. J. Burtless made final proof on her e claim , last Thursday. iawrenco Schwerdt returned from a visit to rth Platte , last Friday night. = Ir. and Mrs. Ed. Benjamin are here on a it from the head of the Willow. UNO. It goes right to the spot , " said an old man , owas rubbing in Dr. J. H. McLean's Vol- lic oil Liniment to relieve rheumatism , j d by C.M. Smith & Son. SEMI-ANNUAL CLEAMNCE SALE < H. LAWLEE'S , \ - COMMENCING - * - A Saturday , June jtfk ? 1890 * J We have decided to REDUCE OUR STOCK before invoicing , July II ' 1st , 1890 , and we will offer our ENTIRE STOCK at a 1 SACRIFICE CASH ! We must reduce our stock before July 1,18QO. M Come and see the ,1 , BargniareOlnira ! YOURS , THE RUSTLER FOR TRADE , I h. n.-a/w ii : es ir. I MAIN A.YE.NTJE , I MeCOOK , : : : : NEBRASKA. I MY MEN'S DRESS SHOES j I liave a nice line of $2.50 shoes. I I have a fine § 3.00 shoe. 1 I have an elegant § 5.00 shoe. I IVTi | hluQ of frogs' Sftoes 1 is complete , from § 1 to § 3. I [ i Ladies ' File and Hi les I for the season , I have ari elegant line , I and the largest selection ever brought I to McCook. Prices fi-om § 1.50 to § 5. I QUALITY and PRICES I The quality of my goods I keep up to I high mark. My prices I keep down I to the lowest mark. I deal with all I alike : work for trade and appreciate it. Kir Mail orders have my best and prompt attention. m 3ilt dge Ladies' Shoe Dressing is the Best. I Try it and you will want no other. I * > fc I also have the oil dressing for Kanga- I shoes. ' % t * H The Old Reliable Shoe Dealer. I