The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, July 25, 1890, Image 1

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    i ; ? ' " @k JtttCook ® ribtttte. ' : - i
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I F RANK HARRIS , President , W. C. BULLARD , Vice Presidenl
E. C. BALLEW , Treasurer.
• •
- •
I Biig iiiiii Mis iatioo.
I CAPITAL , $500,000.
$100,1 $ StOCl If SUM
I It Opi ni VI Close hi t
I C. H. MEEKER , Secretary ,
B Siberia Refrigerators.
I ; Wliite Mountain Ice Cream Freezers.
1 ; Tlionias Two Knife Lawn Mowers.
W Jewel Vapor Stoves.
Great Western Stoves and Ranges.
H OMo Wrought Steel Ranges.
jjl Glidclen Barbed Wire genuine.
m Screen Wire. Screen Doors.
I Building Hardware , and everything in
I ] The Hardware Line. !
HI The Pioneer Hardware , ,
IS' ' . W. C. IiATOURETTE , Prop. [
Mj Four Doors South of J , dAUea&Ca , McCook , Neb. i
lAirri.KY , Neb. , July 19th , 1S90.
The Republican Countj' Convention met
pursuant to call at the city hall , Hartley ,
Neb. , July 19th , 1S90 , was called to order at
11 o'clock , A. M. , by J. Byron Jennings ,
chairman of the republican county central
committee , when the following proceedings
were had , to-wit : On a call of precincts by
the secretary , F. M. Kiininel ) , the precincts
of Bondville , Lebanon , North Valley and
Jted Willow announced contesting delega
tions. John E. Kelley nominated Dr. B. B.
Davis of McCook as temporary chairman of
the convention. Wm. A. McCool of In-
dianola nominated W. B. Spain of Iudianola
as temporary chairman of the convention.
Both nominations duly seconded and chair
man of county central committee announced
that under the "time honored rule" the
contesting delegations would not be entitled
to vote on the temporary organization.
Motion made by W. A. McCool on the part
of the friends of W. B. Spain that all the
delegates present ( including the contesting
delegations ) be allowed to vote on the tem
porary organization , which motion was sec
onded by G. T. Brewer on the part of the
friends of Dr. B. B. Davis , and on a call of
precincts the same was carried by the follow
ing vote , viz : Box Elder delegation , five votes ,
voting "No , " Tyrone delegation , five votes ,
refusing to vote at all , and the remaining pre
cincts numbering in the aggregate 92 dele
gates voting for said motion. Point of order
made by W. B. Spain , nominee for temporary
chairman , that there was no question before
the house upon which any vote could legally
be taken ; sustained by chairman county
central committee , said chairman btating
inasmuch as the motion had been adopted
by the friends and supporters or both W. B.
Spain and Dr. B. B. Davis , candidates for
temporary chairmanit might be well to allow
all delegates ( including contesting delega
tions ) to vote on the temporary organization.
On motion call of precincts was taken up on
vote for temporary chairman , and pending
the roll call W. A. SlcCool made a motion
that the nomination of W. B. Spain be made
by acclamation , which was seconded by the
supporters of said Spain , and by them in
sisted that the chairman of the county cen
tral committee put said motion to the house ,
but said chairman refused to entertain said
motion pending roll call , and refused to put
the same before the house on the ground
that inasmuch as there Avere two nomina
tions made for the chairmanship of the con
vention neither could be elected by aeclama ?
tion without the withdrawal of the other
and a suspension of the rules , to which
ruling of the chairman of the county central
committee W. B. Spain appealed to the
house , which appeal the chairman refused to
entertain on the ground that pending the
temporary organization there was no house
to which an appeal could be legally made ,
stating that the delegates to the convention
should elect the temporary chairman and not
the spectators who had filled the hall. At
this stage of the proceedings the supporters
of W. B. Spain became very noisy and plain
in their denunciations of the chairman of the
county central committee , and Wm. McCool
disregarding said chairman and his rulings
placed said motion that said Spain be elect
ed by acclamation before the house , and de
clared same had been carried , whereupon
said W. B. Spain assumed arbitrarily to
act as chairman of said convention , where
upon the supporters of the said Spain pre
tended to elect F. H. Stroutas secretary , and
said Spain pretended to appoint a committee
on credentials , and on the motion of the sup-
porters of the said Spain to adjourn until
one o'clock , P. M. , that portion of the dele
gates which was supporting said Spain for .
temporary chairman consisting of the pre
cincts of and number of votes : Danbury , 3 ;
East Valley , 3 ; Iudianola , 14 ; Missouri ,
Ridge , 3 ; Tyrone. 5 ; and the contesting dele- ,
gations from the precincts of Bondville , \
Lebanon , North Valley and Bed Willow - ,
withdrew from said hall ; the place where
the convention had been called to convene
and had been called to order by the chair- .
man of the said county central committee.
After the call of the roll of precincts on the (
vote for temporary chairman had been coin- ,
pleted the precinct vote stood as follows : ,
Beaver , 5 ; Bondville , 3 ; Box Elder , 5 ; Cole
man , 3 ; Driftwood , 4 ; Grant , 3 ; Gerver , 4 ;
Lebanon , C ; North Valley , 6 ; Perry , 3 ; Bed
Willow , 3 ; Valley Grange , 5 ; Willow Grove ,
20 ; all of which were cast for Dr. B. B.
Davis as chairman ( temporary ) of the con- j
vention , making aD aggregate of 70 votes cast
Cor Dr. B. 13. Davis and no votes cast for W. B.
Spain , his supporters refusing and failing to
rote on the call , whereupon the chairman of
: he county central committee announced
: hat Dr. B. B. Davis had been elected chair-
nan ( temporary ) of the convention. Dr. B. &
LJ. Davis was conducted to the chair and in- "
roduced to the convention as its chairman , s
ind on motion and second , F. M. KimmeJl a
md John Whittaker were elected as secre- e
aries of the convention.
At this time , the supporters of the Spain
action as above described , passed out of the c
mil pursuant to their adjournment and
lid not return during the meeting of e
he convention. J. E. Kelley , W. H. n
Jeujamin and S. L. Green were appointed J
is a committee on credentials. C. T. Brewer , P
V.J. Evans and Charles Ebert were ap- B
lointed as a committee on organization * '
I. W. Cole , M. H. Bacon and George Ealsten c
irere appointed as a committee on resolu-
ions. All of which said committees retired 5
d prepare their various reports.
The committee on credentials reported as
dIIows , viz : jC
BARTLEr , Neb. , July 19.1890.
Committee on credentials consisting of J. E.
: elley , W. H. BeDjamin andS. L. Green. Tho
smmitteo report the ' =
following' delegates en-
tied to seats In this convention :
Perry Precinct M.BT. Bacon , J.A. Elwood ,
.F.West. Driftwood Precinct B. A. Lincoln , ta
. S. Hlleman , E.F.Duffey , Wm. P. Everist. in
onavllle Precluct-Jwneg Wright , Henry J , i
Schumol. Charles Ebert. Heaver Precinct
8. It. Messner , Tlios. lioyd , J. W. .Leisure , 31.
31. Youug , William Remington. Gerver Pre
cinct Peter Schuetz , T. H. Fowlor. J. D. Ger
ver , N. J. Johnson. Coleman Precinct N. A.
Frame , J.N.Smith , William Coleman. Leba
non Precinct George Ralsten.J.B.Cummings.
It P. High , U. A. Dibble. W. C. Hunt , Spencer
Cameron. Vulley Grange Precinct John
Whittaker , A. D. Johnston. William Smith , C.
II. Jacobs. L. W. Crltser. Grant Precinct D.
B. Barnes , A. Peters , W. H. Benjamin. Box
Elder Precinct Charles Foyc , Ira Harrison ,
Cyril Templin , A. T.King , A.W. Campbell.
North Valley Precinct S. W. Clark , Thos.
Clark , C. E. Hodgklns. L. It Blount , J. V. Car-
nahan , by S. W.Clark proxy. It S.Baker. Bed
Willow Precinct W.J. Evans , J.M. Wilson ,
Smith Gordon. Willow Grove Precinct S. H.
Colvin , by P. A. Wells proxy , J. C. Allen , M.
Y. Sturbuck. B. B. Davis , C. T. Brewer , E. It
Banks , J. H. Yarger , George B. Berry. Ed. Hall ,
C. F. Babcock. J. E. Kelley , J. Byron Jennings ,
C. H. Boyle , F. D. Hess , H. H. Troth. Ed. Jor
dan. H. W. Cole , S. W. Huddleston , W. C. La-
Touiette. by R. A. McCracken proxy , Frank
Harris , F.3I. Klmmell , C. W. Knights , W. c.
Ashwill , S. L. Green , John F. JIajors , Page T.
Francis. Respectfully submitted ,
J. E. Kelley , )
W. H. Benjamin , J-Coin.
S. L. Green . }
Committee on permanent organization re
ported as follows :
Bautlev , Neb. . July 19,1890.
To the republican county convention : We ,
your committee on permanent organization ,
report the temporary organization as being
made permanent. C. T. Brewer , )
W.J.Evans , > Com.
Charles Ebert. )
Committee on resolutions report as fol
lows , viz : We , your committee on reso
lutions , submit the following :
1st We hereby affirm the principles of
the Republican party as enunciated in the
various Republican platforms of 1888 and 1889.
2nd We favor an equitable adjustment of rail
road rates. 3rd We favor the passage of the
Australian ballot system bill. 4th We are in
favor of the free coinage of silver. 5th We
favor the passage of more stringent laws , pro
hibiting the alien ownership of land in the
United States. 6th In consideration of the
service ! of the soldiers of 1861 to ' 65 , we are in
favor of the passage of a Service Pension Bill.
Respectfully submitted ,
Hugh W.Cole , )
M. H. Bacon. > Com.
George Ralsten. )
On motion and second the convention pro
ceeded to accept and adopt the various re
ports of the said committees. On motion
and second the convention proceeded to the
nomination of candidates according to the
call : J. Byron Jennings was placed in
nomination for the office of county attorney ,
and under the suspension of the rules was
elected by acclamation. W. T. Hinton was
placed in nomination for county treasurer ,
id under the suspension ot the rules was
sleeted by acclamation. Richard Johnston
ivas placed in nomination for the office of
county commissioner of the 1st district , and
under the suspension of the rules was elected
Sy acclamation. George W. Bartlett was
placed in nomination tor the office of county
commissioner of the 3d district , and under
lie suspension of the rules was elected by
tcclamation. Samuel Ellis was placed in
lomination for the office of representative of
he 65th district and under the suspension of
; he rules was elected by acclamation.
On motion and second J. C. Allen was ac-
: orded the privilege of selecting the dele
gates to the state convention , which was by
lim named as follows : John C. Allen , Geo.
locknell , Wm. Iliersekorn , Stephen Bolles ,
3. T. Brewer , C. H. Jacobs , V. Franklin , '
r. M. Kimmell , R. P. High. Alternates
Tames Wright , R. A McCracken , N. J.
'ohnson ' , J. E. Kelley , C. E. Shaw , B. F.
) Icott , J. N. Smith , Richard Green , C. W.
On motion and second the following gen-
Iemen were elected as delegates to the con
cessional convention : M.Y. Starbuck , C. F.
Jabcock , H. II. Troth , J. D. Gerver , M. II.
Jacon , S. W. Clark , E. F. Duft'ey , Henry J. -
ichamel , Sam Messner. Alternates Geo.
locknell , S. H. Colvin , E. R. Banks , A. T.
[ ing , A. Peters , N. A. Frame , Smith Gor-
on , John Whittaker , G. W. Roper.
On motion and second the following gen-
leuien were elected as delegates to the sena-
jrial convention , viz : C T. Brewer , H. W.
! oIe , Page T. Francis , W. C. Ashwill , A. T.
[ ing , L. R. Blount , Wm. Coleman , W. H.
lenjamin. A. D. Johnston.
On motion and second the delegates pres-
nt at the various conventions above-named
'ere instructed to cast the full vote of the
aunty in the absence of any delegate or
elegates and that the clerks of this conyen-
on embody this in the credentials of said
elegations to said conventions.
On motion and second the convention pro- \
jeded to the election of a chairman of the
ninty central committee. C. F. Babcock
as nominated for said office , and under the -
ispension of the rules was elected by accla-
lation. George B. Berry was nominated as .
icretaryof the county central committee , (
id under the suspension of the rules was
ected by acclamation.
On motion and second the roll of the pre-
ncts was called and the following gentle-
en were elected as members of the county [ _
mtral committee : Beaver , S. R. Slessner ,
anbury ; Bondville , James Wright. McCook ;
nx Elder , Cyril Templin , Box Elder ; Cole- -
an , William Coleman , McCook ; Danbury ,
lines E. Kanouse , 3IcCook ; Driftwood , W. S. - ,
tch , McCook ; Grant , W. H. Benjamin ,
mksville : Gerver , Samuel Ellis , JlcCook ; - •
dianola , W.R.Starr , Indianola ; Lebanon ,
A. Dibble , Lebanon ; North Valley , G. W.
irtlettBartleyPerry,3I.H.Bacon,3IcCook ;
; d Willow. W. J. Evans , 3IcCook ; Valley j
range , C. H. Jacobs , 3IcCook ; Wihow Grove , "
H. Boyle , McCook.
Dn motion and second the convention ad-
urned sine die at 12:30. P. 31.
B. B. DAVIS , Chairman.
F. 31. KB13IELL , Secretary.
[ f you are all run down have no Btrength
i energy , and feel very tired all tho time
ieDr.J.H. McLean's Sareaparilla It will *
part strength and vitality to your system ,
tg , CM. Smith * 8otf ,
iegSfeBW § § dajfeafr' ' few. •
\ * & * v * - >
Dress Making a Specialty. I
lii Summer Clearii Sale ! I
During JULY and AUGUST I will make I
of New and Desirable Goods , which must I
be sold in order to make room for my I
Bargains never before attempted will be I
given in all kinds of DRESS GOODS. I
Positively the greatest sacrifice in prices
Vhite Goods , Embroideries and Houncings. I
.adies' and Misses' Underwear and Hosiery. I
Mammoth Reductions I I
Carpets , Fugs aed taTAiEs. * * - I
While 1 have been giving extra values H
each week in my several depts. , this sale I
includes everything in every department I
until sale is concluded. I