k By F. M. KIMMELL. | ; REPUBLICAN COUNTY CONVENTION. | V The Republican electors ot the comity of | p lied Willow are requested to h * ikI ilclt'ipites t from the several precincts to meet in rmiven- E . tlon in the town of Uartlcy , mi I. SATURDAY , JULY 19th , 1890 , It . at 11:00 o'clock , A. M. , or s.iid day. fur the ? purpose of placing in mm inatlmi candidates f. tor | " , I'OUNTV ' Attohnkv , ' ' COU.VTV TltBASUItKtt , fe OMCXl'Y COMMISSIONKK , 1ST DiSTItlCT , F 'OflUNTV OOMMISSIONKIt , : itl | > DlSTIMCT , P Reimiksentativk , ( mTII DlSTKlCT , "and for the purpose of uWtiiu ; ni.n * leln- gates to the state convention , nin. ; dil.-icatrs ' . : to the congressional convention. mn > : ilelti L gates to the senatorial convention , and to I. transact such other business as in iy proper- I Iy come before the convention. i The precincts are entitled to the feli vinj : ' representation , bulni ; ba.sed up-m ti ! • vote C cast for Hon. George II. Hastings. i > : v i len- i _ tial elector in 1SSS. pvinir one deb-cite at Iarireone for each 15 votes or traction thereof : Ueaver , 5 ludiauola , 14 ; lioudville , : Lebanon 0 Box Elder , 5 Missouri Hiilm- : $ Coleman , : $ North Valley ? Danbury , . " Perry 3 Driftwood 4 Ited Willow , : $ East Valley , : ! Tyrone : i Grant , . : Valley ( inunre 5 Gerver , 4 Willow Grove 20 it is recommended that the piimaries of the various precincts be held on Km day. July lltli , 1S90 , the polN Immiiu onn from I lO 0 O'clock , P. M. .1. lJYItON .iKN.N'INIiS. F. M. Kimmki.l. See. Chsiirniiin. Republican Congressional Convention Tho republican clceiors of Hie Seeon.I ( Con gressional district ot Nehmt > ka i-i-iim-sU'd to send delenlefi from thuir stivitml r < * iiiitlc8 to meet in convention in tin * city of lliiMiiif8. Wednesday..lulyUUtli. 1890. lonhe purim-oof placing-in nomination a uuiiilMitt ) ' imi'oii - frress from the Second roiicreHsidimi in.-rrlct of Nebraska , and for the transiicri I micIi other business as may come heforc Mil con vention. Tho several counties are entitled t . n-ere- sentation as follows. Iieinjr bused iipim the voto cast for Hon. Oeorge H. Hustings prusi- deutiai elector in 1888. fjivinjr one ili'l.-iniii'-ut- targe to each county , ami om > for ucli 150 votes and tin ? major I ruction intM-i-of : _ t AdaniB U Hitchcock " 7 Butler 11 .Iftlcrpnn Yi Clay l.r Keiiroey S Chase fi Nueknlls .i Dundy r Polk 7 ' Fillmore 14 Phelps ! l Franklin 7 Keil Willow 9 "Frontier 8 Silim * 15 Furnas 10 Sewnrd 13 Gosper 5 Thayer 10 • Hayes 4 Webster. 10 Hamilton IIS York 10 • Harlan 8 Total 24U It is recommended that no proxies lie ad mitted to the convention and that the dVle- sates present be authorized to enst the lull vote of the delegation. H. ISostwick. M. J. AiuiOTT , Secretary. Chairmnn. BEPUBLICAHPRIMARIES. . AVILI.OW OKOVK PKKCIXCrr. Tlie qualified republican electors of Willow Grove precinct are hereby reipiested to im-et at the City Hall in McCoolc on Friday. July 11 , to nominate delegates to die republiean county convention and transact stieb other business as may properly conic before she meeting. Polls will be open from 1 to (5 ( o'clock , P. yi. of said day. J. E. Kkm.ky , Committeeman. COI.KMAX IMtECIXCT. The qualified republican electors of Cole man precinct are hereby requested to meet at the Coleman school house on Friday , J uly 11 , at two o'clock , P. M. . to nominate delegates to the republican county convention and transact such other business as may property come before the meeting. JonxN. Smith. Committeeman. OKKVEK J'UKCIXCT. The qualified republican electois of Gerver precinct are hereby requested to meet at the Dodge school house on Friday , J uly 11 at two • o'clock , P , M , to nominate delegates to the republican county convention ai.d transact such other business as may properly come be fore the meeting. W. Rowland. Committeeman. Republicans , attend the pri maries. The Omaha Republican has en tered the lists for the prohibition amendment. The Louisiana legislature has disgraced the state by passing the lottery bill. The Hastings Nebraskan is grooming Hon. I. W. Lansing of Lincoln for the attorney general ship. Between Randall's perfidy and Webster's boodle , Mr. Laws is lia ble to be given a renomination just forloTe of decency in politics. • Oulbertson Sun. "Congressman Laws has a person al following few Nebraskans can take pride in. His friends will be heard from in a way that will dis concert his enemies. Send the right kind of men to the conventions from your precinct smd you need have no fear cf the • action of party so far as men and .measures are concerned. At the primaries men and par lies are made and unmade. By attending the primaries and ex- 2)ressing yourselves through the delegates elected , you will secure just recognition at the convention. Receiver Bomgardner takes liold of the business of his office with the air of one acquainted with official life. That he will discharge the duties of the office well and satisfactorily there is every warrant to believe. The McCook Tribune thinks that Laws will have no trouble in securing the nomination. There is this about it , Laws has warm friends at home. Hastings Demo crat. In complimenting Congressman Laws , the Fremont Tribune says : "It is pretty certain that whoever i8 nominated , no better service can be expected , under all circumstances , than Mr Laws has given his con stituents. " The Nebraska publishers who got the Turner hook in their gills are whiggling like eels to extricate themselves from their humiliating position before the people , all the while firing ' 'cuss words" at the scheming Dr. Funk of the vocifer ous , plain-spoken Voice. The Bee quotes Mayor Cushing of Omaha as saying : "If the rural districts think they can dictate to the cities of this state this fall I for one am in favor of showing them how sadly mistaken they are. All is fair in war. Let us consider this war , and defeat prohibition , if not in oneway , then in another. " We will see how sadly the rural districts are mistaken. SecretaryRoot will understand The Tribune's allusion to the grange , may its shadow never grow less , when he observes that our ref erence to that splendid organization simply covered its history as a po- litical part ) ' . Purged by its ex perience in Illinois and elsewhere its onward and upward strides have been scarcely short of the marvel ous. Speed the grange ! Count Tolstoi has cone out flat- footed for celebacy and declares that as the world is going to be damned anyway the matter of a few years will make no difference. The count come to this conclusion after having possessed himself by easy stages of a wife and thirteen child ren. Perhaps it is only fair to the rest of his brethren to allow them to have a little experience. Personal liberty should be the privilege of every citizen ; but when men abuse this liberty ancl destroy the lives , the property , the happi ness of their fellow beings , it is proper that they should be subject to restraint. ' 'Personal libertv" in the proper acceptation of the term , accorded to one man may mean destruction to hundreds of those around him. It is stated that Col. E. D. Web ster of Omaha is again scheming for the Second congressional dis trict nomination. The Col. may just as well get that foolish notion out of his head. He will never be the congressman from this district. Never ! The wily old Colonel is not of a popular sort among the farmers of the Second. There is not republican.majority enough in the district to carry him. Some of our exchanges have re cently published an item to the ef fect that Congressman Laws mil be the Register of the McCook Land office , in case he is not renominated , and that he is holding the appoint ment back for that reason. There is not a word of truth in the state ment. We state this positively , knowing what we are talking about. The items referred to do Mr. Laws an injustice , and were doubtless first manufactured by designing persons opposed to his renomina tion. Beaver City Tribune. It seems a little singular that the Lutherans of the United States who are making so strenuous a fight against compulsory education are nearly all natives or descend ants of natives of a country where the Lutherans are in a large major ity and where compulsory educa tion is very compulsory indeed. Back in Germany they would un doubtedly favor what they are fight ing here , because they are not in the majority. It makes a great deal of difference whose ox is gored. State Journal. We don't wonder that such a botch was made of most of the enumerators in this district after Laving seen the census supervisor , W. S. Randall , at Hastings , this week. He is not only a common "mutton head" of a fellow , but a regular Judas Iscariot. He has sone back on his benefactor in this dse : He was appointed by Con gressman Laws as census supervi sor and last week in his dirty little sniveling paper he came out in a ojxg article bringing out Nettleton Tor congressman as against Laws. Bloomington Argus. ESTEEMED BY ALL. Washington , June 27. [ Jour nal Special. ] Senator Paddock , in speaking to-day of tin article which recently appeared in these dispatches giving Mr. Laws some of the credit to which he is entitled , related an incident which shows that Mr. Laws is appreciated by the men who sit in the house with him. "I was talking with Mr. Sherman of New York , who represented the district formerly represented by Mr. Conkling , " said Senator Pad dock to The Journal correspondent this afternoon , "when I took occa sion to commend the eulogy deliv ered by Mr. Sherman upon his late colleague , Mr. Nutting. Mr. Sher man responded : 'Your man , Mr. Laws of Nebraska , by the way , is one of the best men in the house from the west. He has made for himself a most excellent standing here and has won the respect of ev erybody in the house. He is evi dently a man of ability and excel lent judgment. His eulogy upon Laird was the best one delivered during this session of the house , although the session has been re markable for eloquent eulogies. " "I find , " said Senator Paddock , "that the thinking men of the house are united in praising the careful , methodical and painstaking mem ber from the Second district. " Rumor reaches us from the west that a new man will be presented for consideration to the republican state convention , for secretary of state , namely , Hon. J. C. Allen , of McCook. In point of ability John C. Allen has no superior. His re publicanism is of the kind that never wavers , while he is one of the best known men in the state. The west will be for him because he is a western winner. Hastings Democrat. It is reported that when editor Randall wrote the sniffling editorial in which he announced that he would throw all his political influ ence at once into the scale for Mr. Nettleton , the ghost of Judas Iscar iot rose up from between the stones of the basement office in which the editor sat , and taking him by the hand saluted him most cordially. "Hello , old boy , " said Judas , "When you get ready to shake oif this mortal coil into which } Tou have become entangled of late , come down and I'll share my quar ters with you. You are the only man born for eighteen hundred years that I would be willing to associate with. " Sutton Register. Secretary Noble has set free the ten million acres of tied up Union Pacific lands that have been held on to by the land department for some time , on the ground that the road was indebted to the gov- eminent. The secretary probably considered that as the government voluntarily became a creditor of the road at the time it granted the lands , it was no part of the con tract that the grant should be held in abeyance until the debt was paid. The government took a mortgage on the road bed and rolling stock for its debt and should be satisfied with the security it asked and re ceived , and not hold up everything else belonging to the debtor , beside. The patenting of this land accord ing to the terms of the grant will be a considerable relief to the pur chasers of the same. Journal. The admission of Idaho and Wyoming to statehood disposes of the famous northwest territories , and ends for some years at least the creation of new states. The big four admitted last week have amp ly demonstrated their right to par ticipate in national affairs and en joy the fruits of self government. In agricultural and mineral wealth they are unsurpassed by any in the union , and the indomitable pluck and perseverance of the pio neers in developing the resources of the country animates their sons and insures a continuance of the prosperity which in a quarter of the century , supplanted territories with states and made them popu lous , aggressive and prosperous commonwealths. Idaho and Wy oming will prove no less worthy of the honors bestowed. The equal of the big four in natural resources , peopled by a sturdy race of state builders , and constantly attracting bhe industrial bone and sinew of fche dormant east , they will soon rank , under the stimulating influ ence of statehood , among the most orogressive states of the west. Nebraska greets the rock ribbed Avins and welcomes them into the sisterhood of states. Bee.H The Famous Clothing Co. J SPECIAL SALES DAILY IN } ] 9 f \ FOR I MEN , YOUTHS , GDIS AND CHILDREN ! 1 . ' ' TO REDUCE THESE LINES. I Genuine Bargains in These Goods. ' j . . ' ( FULL LINES IN SHIRTS , NECKWEAR , UNDERWEAR , And Other Furnishing Goods at Popular Prices. i i i Everything Desirable 1 In Men's and Boys' Hats I j STRAW ' ( FUR AND ' • \ i WOOL \ | At Prices That Will Sell Them. I ' I IT PAYS TO BUY YOUR GOODS AT : j THE FAMOUS. | JONAS ENGEL , Manager. ! 1 J. C. ALLEN * CO. , Cash Bargain House , j HALF PRICE SALE ! J WARM WEATHER BARGAINS ! i , , EVERYTHING IN \ IDIRIEISISIGIOIOIDISI ! _ _ i at a Big Discount Off Ihe Already MARKED DOWN PRICES ! j AN OPPOETUNITY TOE LADIES TO PUECHASE i c = lite Goods Embroideries , , Hosiery , Satis Fans Parasols Mi , , , Wis , ; Tennis Flannel , Gihais and Dress Goods. , , . Our prices are 25 per cent below the credit store. Ladies' , Misses9 and Children's Shoes. I We carry the best make . of shoes , and all styles . and sizes. Prices low. Call and examine. t f Leading Wholesale and Retail Grocers. | . i 1 Groceries retailed at wholesale prices. , . Save yon 25 per cent on groceries. | J. C. ALLEN & COMPANY , Originators of Low Prices , ji j ji i