The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 06, 1890, Image 5

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    ft .
1. 1 =
ft Do You Want a Bargain ?
I ' For the next thirty days only I
; * will offer an eighth or a quarter
{ interest in the 160 adjoining McCook
| on the east , of which 80 acres is
j platted , as follows :
| , i For an Eighth or 20 Acres , $1,300.
| For a Quarter or 40 Acree , $2,500.
\ \ Part cash and the balance on time
j ; 3 j with approved security. Remember
l { that this offer holds good for thirty
j ! i days only. Address
! l F. L BROWN.
- : SODA water .
l'\ \ '
\ j with cream at
kJ McMilien's Drug Store.
> : } • =
I/ A circus in sight !
L/ City Ditua Store.
i > Remember Noble for groceries.
t J Go to Noble Tor your Family groceries.
* JS"Frcsh .sausage at the B. & . M.
Meat Market.
{ Tlie B. & . M. Meat Market meets all
1 2ut prices in meats.
j1 ft "Office supplies of ail kinds at
\i \ I The Tribune office.
f { The B. ok M. Meat Market sells meat
( | as low as the lowest.
I ) Prices at the B. & M. Meat Market
f are as low as the lowest.
I | • Dr. A. J. Thomas , Dentist , in Union
t J olock , over Boston shoe store.
* b
| \ Fresh and smoked meats of all kinds
* I at the B. & M. Meat Market.
I Hammocks , croquet sets , base ball
* gloves at McMillen's Drug Store.
| Everything fresh and clean in the
| ivay of groceries at Noble's store.
I " ' ' - -
} There is no other way. Buy your
l groceriesqueensware , etc.of , Noble.
} Plumbing in all its branches prompt-
' ly and skillfully performed by F. D.
I , Burgess
f H. P. Sutton , the Leading Jeweler ,
] , and official B. & M. watch examiner at
' McCook.
| V Brewer will sell you more meat for
' . 75 cents than anv market in McCook
1 will for § 1.00.
{ Noble , the leading grocer , carries the
j t most complete line of queenswarc in the
. city. Inspect it.
U _
i A horse market has been started in
iC , town , and good horses tvill now be a
: " I ready sale. Times.
it } Kapke , The Tailor , guarantees you
. I the lowest prices and the most stylish
I and elegant clothing.
) ' [ The price of liberty is eternal
vigilance , but Noble's prices on groceries
[ are sure to catch you.
; j ; C. M. Smith & Son have the only
{ hand-made and imported paper ever
, brought to McOok.
* j 2 § "Iu the line of plain and fancy
[ t , groceries , C. M. Noble will fill your
ik every want satisfactorily.
] | y The Frees & Hocknell Lumber Co.
j | sell the Economy Fire Kindlers. Call
J < - and examine samples free.
'Jj ' Noble has a fine stock of queensware ,
; j ; banging lamps , etc. It is not equalled
\\d \ \ , between Hastings and Denver.
III * "
| j { Watches , clocks and jewelry prouipt-
' * ly and properly repaired at Carruth &
tl { Son ' s , Jewelers , Menard's block.
M Our prices on all kinds or meat are
r as low as the lowest.
[ M B. & M. Meat Market.
lit Prescriptions
[ \ A Speciality.
[ tf Ciienery's City Drug Store ,
[ | J Our stock of Wall Paper is now com-
L $ plete. Call and get prices.
l > C. M. Smith & Son.
I i
' j Use Dr. A. P. Sharp's Specific Condi-
[ l tion Powders to be obtained at
* \ Chenery's City Drug Store. ;
* J
1/ if you want nice tender beefsteak
' . ' give the B. & M. Meat Market a call.
! They butcher none but the choicest of
4.- . . toeeves. t
, ' • Everyone can'afford to make their
| j home attractive at the prices C. M.c
< Smith & Son get for Wall Paper and 1
I ) Decorations
ifi C. M. Sjiith & Son have everything 1
| * TIONS and sell at prices never before *
| reached in McCook
I i
\ 2i McCook Lodge , A. 0. U. W. , is hav- -
' \ ing a good , substantial growth , as is de-
\ f served. At its regular meeting the
i Cf 19th ult. , it initiated five candidates in i
' ' the Junior Workman degree and receiv-
i ed four new applications. "Weexpectto t
> ' soon hear of a much larger increase , as a
the McCook citizens have the fullest c
i\ ' faith in the lodge and the order. West- (
lj ern Workman. i
iL1 '
L1 ' - ,
City Market Report.
Wliciit 5.50 © . .15
oorii. ' • • • • * . . . • . . • • • . . . . • • . . * . . w
K 'U. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . * .tKi
( juts . . . . . , . . . . . . . . > u
• • • • • - • • • • • • • • • • • • • *
] Huttcr 07
E kh 00
Potatoes ] - ' 0 © . 'Si
Onions 40
Hogs ] : i.oa
Chickens , i > or dozen 2.503.00
Turkeys 00 © .07
Huy ] 0.C0
J * JllX.a a. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4 • !
Stccis , 4.00
Sheep i < l. ' r > 0
District court , next Tuesday.
WALL PAPER at McMillen's.
Commissioners in session , yesterday.
"The Sinims' are good comedians. "
Omaha Bee.
Nebraska papers which favor the
amendment now number 251.
Diamonds sold on payments at
Carrutii & Son's.
Cash paid for live stock , poultry and
hides ' at the B. & M. Meat Market.
5 * \Ve carry the most complete line
land j and legal blanks west of Hastings ,
Wanted : A five or six room house
to rent. Inquire of W. E. Dauchy , at
Genuine French marble clocks , also
iron and bronze , at Carruth & Son's ,
Menard's block.
District court in this county will be
held I , June 9th , with 102 cases on the
docket. Times.
The McCook lawn tennis club will
hold j a tournament nouie time during
the coming summer.
Ex-Governor St. John will speak in
McCook , in the near future , on the
amendment question.
. Last Sunday the first Sabbath in
June was observed as "PeaceDay" by
the local W. O. T. U.
Examine the "Paul E. Wirt" founI
tain pen for sale by Carruth & Son ,
Jewelers , Menard's block.
Look at the Organs Sutton , the
Jeweler , is selling at $60.00 and $75.00
on $5.00 per month payments.
The census enumerators are hard at
work , and the exact population ot the
city will be known in a few days.
T. G. Rees and E. C. Ballew , promi-
nent citizens of McCook , were in the
city , Wednesday. Lincoln Herald.
Condition powders , poultry powders ,
and horse medicines , visit
Ciienery's City Drug Stork.
To Rent Four large well-furnished
rooms , in a quiet neighborhood and three
blocks l from P. O. , inquire at TRIBUNE
If you want a stylish tit at the very
lowest figures , Kapke , The Tailor ,
is the mau to patronize. Rear of The
The purchasing power of 75 cents at
Brewer's meat market is greater than
that of 100 cents at other city markets.
Just test it.
, Business is steady and is very good
for the time of year. There is no boom ,
but what is better , steady growth and
permanent improvement.
, We have a few patterns of Wall
Paper from last year , which we will
sell regardless of cost.
C. M. Smith & Son.
The largest and finest assortment of
queensware in Western Nebraska is to
be seen at Noble's. You should not
fail to inspect his line before making
The latest musical fad is reducing the j
songs of birds to music. This has been
successfully done and the music ar0
ranged J for the piano , violin and other
Noble , the leading grocer and queens-
ivare man , also has a large assortment
of hanging lamps in store. The hand- ?
somest and richest designs to be had in
the t market , too. See them.
E. B. Bowen & Co. 's $3.00 , $3.50 d
and $4.00 shoes for gentlemen are the
best 1 values ever offered in McCook.
At wholesale and retail by c
Bowen & Laycock. t
A glass of soda water , these warm „
days , will add refreshingly to your comc
fort. i At the City Drug Store you will
find { the choicest quality of Arctic Soda
Water \ made with strictly pure fruit
The ochre mine is running full time , e
taking \ out about four ton per day.
The drying house has been completed °
and will have to be enlarged , which °
will be done in a week or so. . There *
are about 30 tons now about ready for "
market. Times. 8
Congressman Laws of the Second Nej fj
braska district writes from Washington r
to a well-known lawyer of Lincoln , statv
ing that he will do all in his power to ]
secure the adoption of the interstate bill f
relating to the original package business , t
Exchange. t
"The West Side favorite comedians , rj
Jay and Williard Simms , in Brother 0
Jonathan , ' at the Standard , have cap- " <
tured the people. The stars , comedy , n
and support , are verygood. The songs , e
dances and specialties are new and
catchy. " Opera house , Thursday evenc
ing , June 12th. j :
A pension has btlcn granted Henry A.
Nelis of our city.
Another meat market and another
grocery store are on tap.
Saturday will be enlivened by .sever
al trotting races at the track.
The local market is being supplied
with home strawberries , now.
Preaching at Menard's opera house ,
next Sunday evening , at S o'clock , cen
tral time.
The traveler should note the chauge
in the railroad time table , which occur
red on Sunday lust.
75 cents buys more meat at Brewer's
market than $1.00 will purchase any-
where else in McCook.
Hail to the new brick sidewalk in
front t.f the postoffice. Ma } ' no soft
bricks be found therein.
The McCook Business College ext
pects I soon to occupy its new quarter's
over Lytic & Co. 's store in Union Block.
The advertising wagon of Cole's
Great ( Twenty-Five Cent Circus , Muse
um and Menagerie drove into the city ,
this noon.
Last Sunday evening , Rev. Joel S.
Kelsey delivered some powerful blows
at the lottery curse , that popular phase
of gambling.
A discouraging baptism of water
spoiled a practical joke , a few evenings
since , as well some articles of female
attire. ' Eh , Bert ?
The next regular quarterly meeting
of the Red Willow County Farmers' Al-
liance , will be held in Indianola , Satur
day , June 7 at one o'clock.
The strawberry social by the ladies of
, the Baptist church , last evening , in
Phillips-Meeker hall , was very generouss
ly 1 patronized by the public.
The eastern part of the Htate is be-
ing deluged with water and shaken up
by wind in quite an unprecedented manJ
ner , so the daily papers inform us.
Have you seen Hatfield's alfalfa ?
If not , call at the Commercial House ,
and learn all about it. Be prepared for
on exposition of marvelous eloquence.
On next Sabbath evening , Children's
Day will be appropriately observed at
the Congregational church , with quarfc
tettes , songs , recitations and class exerf
The Spearman building , next door to
Lowman's , is being overhauled and placj
ed in readiness for the McCotter brothv
ers , who will open a meat market therej
in , next week.
See the new announcement of the
Cash Bargain House in this issue. It
reveals the astonishing purchasing pos-
sibilities of the dollar in a very seduct
ive way. Read it.
The Indianola Courier devotes two or
three columns to blackguarding Mcd
Cook and her citizens , but fails to
mention the memorial exercises at the
county-seat. But then , memorial day
cuts no figure when Mr. Bishop's bile
bag is loaded for McCook.
The members of the high line ditch
surveying party , Joe Colver , Geo. Le-
Hew and Ben Horner , are in camp at
Palisade , from which point they will
commence to work this way , Monday ,
when Mr. Kellogg , the chief of the
party , returns from Denver.
Now that the summer vacation is on ,
Prof. C. M. Charles , who has been the
efficient head of the Indianola public j
schools for a number of years , who is
the "Co. " in C. M. Loper & Co. of the
McCook Business College , will be more
closely associated with the institution
in , which he is interested. The Profes
sor is an able and progressive educator
of laige experience.
The following gem of purest ray j
is taken from the Courier
serene , pubn
lished at Indianola , this county. We
give it in all its original simplicity and c
beauty. Here it is : I
Moonlight scene on Methodist church
steps Monday night "Now , Bill , if you
don't quitbiting me , I'll bite you hard. "
After giving birth to the above , Mr.
Bishop should have taken a 30-day va- tl
cation , to give his gray matter an opporu
tunity to recuperate. Another immedi-
ate draft on his mental resources might
prove disastrous , and the office of the
chief of the Ananiases become vacant. ?
About three o'clock Tuesday morn-
ing , the musical notes of the water-works B
steam whistle announced the news of the
exisetnee of a fire somewhere in the city.
The persistent and continuous screech
of whistles and clamor of bells drew
out the male population in scores , and a
the whereabouts of the "disastrous con- °
fhgration" was the general inquiry. Dilifcl
gent search and interrogation failed to a
disclose the hiding-place of the "fire
fiend , " and the assembled multitudes
reluctantly disbanded and wended their
way homeward , severally and collective- •
ly pronouncing maledictions upon the a
false alarm fake. It appears , however ,
that the alarm was not without foundad
tion , and that an incipient blaze in the -
water-works coal shed was the cause.s
The fire doubtless originated from sparks *
or sut from the smoke stack which had
"burned out" at an early hour of the
night. Being well provided for such
emergencies , the night force at the
pump house quickly had the fire under d
control ; and the damage ( save to pub- °
lie morals ) was but nominal. I
The Most General Observ
ance of the Day in the
City's History.
For the Nation's Slumbering
Patriots General Suspension
of Business and Decoration
of Buildings.
McCook in as patriotic as enterpris
ing i , progressive and thrifty. The man-
ner in which Memorial day was observ-
ed , by her citizens is indicative of the
fact that they appreciate the priceless
services rendered by the heroes who are
\ now "under the sod and the dew wait
ing i the judgment da } ' , " by the willing
ness in which tiiey put aside the affairs
of daily life and unite in paying their
tribute of flowers and panegyric to the
the immortal dead , whose memories de-
serve to be kept fresh in every Amerit
can heart.
Memorial day i3 preeminently THE
DAY among the nation's holidays.
About it cluster and cling more and
tenderer memories and nobler senti
ments than are assoiiated with any of
the occasions commemorated by the
people of this laud. It is meet and
proper , therefore , that the exercises in
McCook should be participated m by
such a grand outpouring of the masses
as signalized the late celebration. From
factory and shop , farm and office came
they , insomuch that McCook has not
seen . a greater demonstration since the
. the city has had a modest niche in
The programme as prepared by the
G. A. It. post was carried out in all
material J points , in the opera hall , which
unfortunately accommodated but a
small portion of the people who quick-
ly crowded the hall and filled the
streets leading thereto. Addresses
were delivered by Rev. D. L. McBndc
of the Babtist church , and by Mrs.
Mary J ) R. Morgan , president of the
W. R. C , department of Nebraska.
The reverend gentleman's remarks
were well-timed indeed , and were re
ceived with marked evidences of apa
proval and pleasure. Mrs. Morgan
spoke at considerable length , and the
patient , attentive hearing and warm aps
plause given the talented lady are the
best possible indications of the satis-
faction and gratification drawn from
her ' utterances by her large and enr
thusiastic audience. The vocal and
instrumental j music which "sandwiched"
the respective parts of the programme
was of a most excellent sort and effects
ively rendered.
ever seen in southwestern Nebraska
then formed in the order announced and
headed by the cornet band marhced to
Longview cemetery , where the graves
of Comrades C L. Nettleton , Chester
Ward , George Walker , Charles Fox ,
Daniel Clement and Elias Conrad were
decorated in an appropriate manner by
loving hands , thus closing one of the
most interesting occasions ever partici
pated in by the patriotic people of this
section of the state.
Destroyed by Liqhtning.
During the rain , Sunday night , the
dwelling of Henry Myer , near Osburn
postoffice , was struck by lightning and
( with almost its entire contents ) destroyj
ed. Mrs. Myer was stunned by the bolt
and had to be carried from the burning
house by her husband. Mr. Myer is an j
employe of Messrs. Pade & Son , the
furniture men , but was spending Sun-
day on the farm with his family , or his
loss ( ( which is quite heavy ) might have
been terribly intensified. We under'j
stand that he carried $ G50 insurance.
Jay and Williard Simms , Comedians.
"The Jay and Williard Simms Co. ,
at Whitney's , last night , made a big hit.
There was not even standing room , and
judging from the frequency and hearti-
ness of the applause , there was no lack
of interest. A more evenly balanced
company is seldom seen. " Free Press ,
Detroit. At the Menard , Thursday
evening , June ] 2th.
A Tissue of Lies.
"Tiie McCook Tkibuxe , fearing to tell
the whole truth m regard to the county-seat
matter , fills up its space with billingsgate
and Hatters itself that this will satisfy the
fanners of the county. " Indianola Courier. *
The above would perhaps be import-
ant . , if true. Unfortunately for Mr.e
Bishop of the Courier it is a tissue of
lies from beginning to end. The Tribc
une calls the Courier to the proof.
. a
New Final Proof Blanks.
The general office has provided the
local officers with new proof blanks ,
and instructed the officers to use no L
others. Clerks and judges will observe
that the old forms are obsolete , and u
act accordingly. We have the new b
forms for sale at this office. I
Strawberry Social.
Invitations are now out announcing r
strawberry social by the members of 5
McCook lodge , A. O. TJ. W. , nextTuesC
day evening , in the Phillips-Meeker hall. *
A delightful time is in store for all who
shall receive the compliments of this rj
thriving ' and popular order.
Dime Social.
The ladies of the Geometrical socie
ty announce a dime social for next Fn- *
day evening , the 13th , at the residence "
of Dr. Z. L. Kay. Refreshments.
Public cordially invited. \
Thursday of last week , the2ith ) ult. ,
at j bride ' s homo , Mr. Daniel E. Eiken-
berry , of tho well-known firm of Gray
& Eikenberry of our city , and Miss
Eva ] Clarke , au accomplished young lady
of < Adel , Iowa , were joined together in
the l holy state of wedlock. The young
couple arrived in McCookTuesday night ,
and are receiving the congratulations
aud \ well-wishes of their many friends
) in our city , among which number The
Tribune desires to be enumerated.
Yesterday forenoon , at the residence
of Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Roush , occurred
the marriage of Miss Eva L. Clarke to
D. E. Eikenberry , of McCook , Neb. ,
Elder IT. A. Lemon officiating. This
wedding , while not unexpected , was
still a surprise , because it was ail ar
ranged so quietly. The happy pair
will visit in the couuty for a week or
so , going to Minburii on yesterday
morning's . passenger. They will then go
to McCook and make that their home.
Eva is a girl held in the highest esteem
by all our people , and the best wishes
of , all will go with her. Adel ( la. )
On Tuesday evening of the present
week , the 3d inst. , Father Cullen pror
nounced the words authorizing Mr. James
McCotter of our city aud Miss Augusta ,
Volbrecht of Indianola , to assume the
tender relation of man aud wife. Jim
and his bride are among "the saltof the
earth" and deserve the congratulations
that are being poured in upon them.
Demorest Silver Medal Contest.
There will be a contest for a "Demo-
restSilver Medal" at the M. E. church ,
Friday evening , June 20 , at 8 o'clock ,
central time , to be participated in by
Misses Ellington Wilson , Selma Noren ,
Elizabeth Kelsey , Bertha Boyle , Mon-
tie Stafford , Mamie Chapin , May Putd
nam , Olive Rittenhouse and Lena Coy.
A committee consisting of Prof. Wm.
Valentine \ , Miss Rache Berry and Mrs.
Alice Dwyerwillbein charge of the enfi
tertainment. M. A. Nouthrup , Supt.
Special Premiums.
President Coleman of the county
agricultural society has taken quite an
interest { in the sugar beet matter. He
has j , * been distributing a large quantity of
seed and besides has secured a number
of special premiums for the best and
largest ] display of heets. These special
premiums are offered by our business
men and will doubtless be an incentive
to the farmers to produce superior beets ,
Sugar beets culture , however , is not a
new thing in Red Willow County , as
some of our German farmers have rais-
ed mammoth specimens in past years.
Strayed or Stolen.
From Curtis , Neb. , on Wednesday ,
May 28 , 1890 , two work horses , one ,
bay mare , 5 years , blind in right eye ,
and the otheradarkbrown horse , Gyears
old , with mark on right hind hock cut
by wire. Halters on both. Informa1
tion leading to their recovery will be
liberally ] rewarded. Address ,
C. W. Boyer , Herndon , Kas.
A. 0. U. W.
McCook Lodge entertains its mem-
bers , and friends , with strawberries and
ice j cream , next Tuesday evening , 10th
inst. j This lodge is growing rapidly ,
having received twenty-five applications
in j the past three months.
= -
The unsightly sheds orboard awnings
in , McCook are doomed. They are a
permanent eye sore , keep out the light ,
are injurious to health , prevent the
proper display of goods , after a few
years become rotten and dangerous.
There is , in fact , not a single argument
in j favor of theirretention , buthundreds
to have them removed. It is with pleas
ure we record the fact that they are bet
J ing rapidly replaced with the neat , grace-
ful , portable canvass affair , that in a
moment can be switched out of sight , or
made to serve the purpose of shading
the buildings , the displays in the show
windows from the glare of the sun.
There -j are not many remaining , but we
fear they are barnacles. The city fath
ers should prevent new ones from being
erected and limit the life of the old ones ,
that seem ashamed if they are noticed.
Out with the sheds ; its the last relics of
a past age that cumbers us.
The Indianola Courier grows violent
ly rabid over the fact that his Honor ,
Judge Cochran of this district , enjoin-
ed Commissioners Crabtree and Bennett
from'fixing up" the records in the
county-seat removal matter , and froths
all over two or three columns of his valu
able space , this week , in his frantic and
boorish snarlings and snappings at the
Judge. The Indianola authorities
should enforce the ordinance and muzzle
Mr. Bishop , this warm weather.
"There are a few newspaper men in this
broad stale who "don't have to" jump at anyi
body's bidding , and we are proud to say that
Editor Warner of the Faber is one of them. " .
Indianola Courier. "
We regret , Mr. Bishop , that we can
not "lay the same flattering unction to
your soul. " The length of the string
$ $ $ $ $ ) and the operator are too well
The county commissioners meet next
Tuesday as a board of equalization and
will probably be in session ten days.
( ggT'Blank books , scale books , copy
ing books , school books , etc. . at The ,
Tribune office •
iEEPWe have just received a new
line of fine writing papers in boxes.
; J ! ALBERT WELLS. ' . j
. ' Having secured tho services ' . \
• • . . • • \
• • • • • •
. • • . : • . : . • . of . * . - - . . ' . - . * .
: : • • • : : 1
: o Hustings , • '
. ' j
n Dress Mnkor o \ \ \ \ - • j'
; questionable ability , I take . ' !
• great pleasure in announcing *
: that this department is . ' \
now * open.
• •
No. B , local pftssoriKer. 4:4" > . A. M.
No.through pasaenRcr , BMO.A.M. ' . ,
No. 4. localpnBsenjrer , 5:5 ! ! , P.M. .
No. 1L 8. way fretRht 5:30. A.M. \
H7 Wiiy frelRht No.KW arrives rrom west at >
4:15. P.M. . mountnlu timo. | J •
No.3. local paB8onrer , 4:40. A.M. j
No. 1 , through pnasongor , 10:40 , A. M.
No.5. lociil passonfrer , 9:30. P.M. .
Z3T Way freight No.1 7 arrives from the eaat HI
nt720. ! P.M. . central time. < {
r"No.irr : , Ileveriynccommodntion. leaves j
at 5:15. A.M. Returned , arrives at 9:15 A.M. {
Runs only on Mondays , Wednesdays and Fri
days. A. Campiiei.i. , Supt.
A. J. Welch. Agenc.
Engine 81 is in the shops for repairs.
Sam Moore has been promoted to a job o
Engine 80 is in the shops for light repairs
on boiler.
Engineer Harry Tyler and family are visit
ing in Chicago , this week. 4
Machinist Fred Bremer Is going to Europe
to spend a two months' vacation.
E. T. Morgan , clerk in the store depart- .
ment at McCook , was visiting in St. Joe for I
a few days , this week. |
Koadmasters McFarland , Joslyn and Par- 1
sons , were in the city on the 28th inst. , pre- J
paring their check rolls.
George llymer , formerly working at Mc
Cook , now firing on the Alliance line , was in
the city , last Wednesday.
Mr. J. Greenacre , brother-in-law of Engi
neer Douglass , is visiting him from Chicago ,
and went out to see the mountains and Den
ver , , last Monday.
There must be a premium offered for peo
ple to engage in matrimony at Ilolyoke.
There are several railroad men there who
are making arrangements for their honey
moon tours.
Several of the boys went on a "high lone
some , " last Friday night , and tried to drink
all the champagne in town , but could not.
Their j best endeavors resulted in swelled
heads 1 , lasting to the present time.
The recent death of Mr.JacobEstey
makes it necessary that agents close
out all stock , so far as possible , inside
of thirty days , consequently I will offer
for that period
One style A , "Walnut case , three
unison , Cabinet Grand Upright Piano
for $365. Regular price , $500.
One Style A , Rosewood , three uni
son. Cabinet Grand Upright Piano
for f $300. Regular price , $500. The
case is slightly damaged.
This is a golden opportunity to ob
tain t a high grade instrument at the
price } of a cheap one. The usual in
stallment terms will be extended.
Es tey organs at cost.
"W. Geo. Siieppard , the Jeweler.
Opposite < Hocknell Lumber Yard.
Underwear at Cost.
Preparatory to going out of business , ,
lam ] offering my entire stock of Under
wear at Cost ! I have bargains for all.
Rear of J. C. Allen & Co.
A Whitechapel Gig , full leather top ,
genuinely hand-made , in perfect order.
Price j , $50 , cost , $1G5.
Joel S. Kelsev.
The Soda Water Season
Is now open ; and as usual the City
Drug Store is on hand with the purest
of fruit juices , and the latest and most
popular 1 drinks
We would call your attention to our
new $2.00 and $2.50 Kid Button Shoes.
Bowen & Laycock.
© • • • • • < '
Now is the time to enter
the McCook Business College j
and prepare yourself to take a 4
remunerative position • f-
in the fall.
The growth of this institution is un- j
paralleled , and the advantages which it
affords young men and women are not 1
surpassed ! in the west. ?