The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, June 06, 1890, Image 4

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An nlliauoo slate convention is
called to moot in Lincoln , July 4th.
Some of the ox-senator's ndmir-
| ors , and they aro legion , are urging
Hon. J. W. Dolnn for congress
i man.
The farmers' alliance is now en
gaged in the plonsant pnstimo of
twisting tlie tail of the democratic
tiirer in the southern states.
Goo ] ) GitANDMA Thayer has
"flunked" and rescinded and revok
ed his proclamation calling an extra
I session of the legislature. Well !
1 Senator Hale of Maine is re-
I ported as saying : "I fear wo are
1 as a party carrying this tariff mat-
I ter too far. " There is no doubt of
| Senator Ingalls thinks ten yenrs
\ undisputed possesion of real estate
S - should give a good title to the
i same , and he has introduced a bill
] to that effect.
j First Assistant Postmaster
| General Clarkson will tender his
| resignation as soon as ho returns to
; "Washington. Itissaidthathewill
j assume the editorship of the Chica
go Times.
| The president has directed that
| the United States flag shall here-
I after fly daily over the executive
i mansion , from sunrise to sunset ,
instead of as heretoforebeing hoist-
j ed only on special occasions.
There are thousands of repub
licans in Nebraska who believe that
the McKinley tariff bill is a retro
grade measure and not in accord
with the pledges of tariff revision
embodied in the national republi
can platform.
The dispatches tell us that at
last the railroad passenger war is
to be ended , an agreement to that
effect having been signed by the
high officials in New York recent
ly. The plan is now to restore
rates on the 10th of June.
The senate committee on public
lands has taken favorable action on
the bill to repeal the timber culture
laws. Like measures have been
before the last three congresses , but
failed to receive the attention they
deserved. It is doubtful if the re
peal will be of any benefit now.
The republican state central
committee had a meeting in Lin
coln , Wednesday. It was decided
to hold the state convention in Lin
coln , July 23d , at 8 , P. M. ; and it
was also recommended that no
proxies be admitted and that the
delegates present cast entire vote of
the county.
Many women have been appoint
ed census enumerators in different
sections of the country. This is
wholly in the nature of an experi
ment and the result will be awaited
with interest. Fancy the effect of
one woman asking another woman
her age , whether she is white or
black and whether she lives in a [
.mortgaged house.
An order issued bjr the census bu-
Teau removes from the local officials ,
the duty of prosecuting those refus
ing to answer questions relating to i
physical infirmities and debts.
Enumerators are instructed to place
in the proper column the words "re- !
-fused to answer. " The widespread
• criticism of the questions has ap- ]
"parently produced a commotion in
the census bureau. i
No state in the west can ap
proach Colorado in its wealth of
real estate frauds. The salted '
mine industry having collapsed , ]
the sharpers and natives who lin- -
ger there for their health have plan
ted booms in foothills and canyons , !
and raked in the cash of the tender- <
foot. The Holyoke swindle is one <
of dozens , by which credulous peo- -
y pie were taken in and the reputa- '
tion of the state injured at home '
and abroad. Bee. :
The Farmers' alliance move- ]
ment , state and national , will soon i
have reached itsheighth , so far as ]
numerical strength is concerned ,
s and the course pursued by its lead-
ers in the political campaigns of i
1S90 and 1S91 will largely deter-
mine whether the organization will
maintain its present importance
and independence in the years to
come , or like the grange and simi-
; lar movements , gradually wane in j ,
l power ' until swallowed up in the j
* . .deep sea of oblivion. r
f" ,
L ii jiiiimi iih i i iPioaajyjfc 'HUBg q
But the Amendment Battle
Rages with Increasing
Roggen and Rosewater's Anti-
Prohibition Association.
Special to Tub McCooic Tjubune.
Lincoln , Neb. , June 3. The Capi
tal City wis thrown into a fever of ex
citement when the morning papers ap
peared yesterday containing the Gov
ernor's proclamation revoking his call
for an extra hession of the legislature.
Up to two o'clock Sunday it was assert
ed that the executive was firm in his
determination not to withdraw his call.
On the arrival of the noon train from
Omaha , the special'messenger who had
been sent to Omaha on Saturday's B.
& M. flyer to consult with the anti-pro
hibitionists , of whom E. Rosewater is
the chief , returned and was soon whirled
to the executive domicile. He deliver
ed the ultimatum from the Amendment
slayers in the metropolis , who were un
willing to risk the passage of the Aus
tralian ballot bill. Prominent leaders
on both sides besieged the Governor and
late in the afternoon the mob was vic
torious and liquor dealers yesterday and
today were wild with exultation.
The Daily Call yesterday afternoon
denounced the Governor's action aud ex
posed the anti-prohibition feature of the
great fiuscu. The friends of the Pro
hibitory Amendment are happy amid all
this chaos , bt-cause they see in every
new move of the liquor men a betrayal
of nervous dread of coming defeat.
One of the most amusing develop
ments of the week is the exposure of
Roggen and Rosewater's anti-prohibition
organization lately formed in Omaha.
They named their society the "State
Business Men and Bankers Association. "
They did not dare to call it by its right
name. It should have been christened
"The Nebraska Saloonkeepers' , Brewers'
and Distillers' Protective Association. "
But knowing that this true title would
kill the society deader than one of
Pharaoh's mummies , Roggen and Rosey
decided to work the gullible along
smoother lines. The articles of asso
ciation are signed by about one hundred
and twenty business firms and individu
als of Omaha and their declamation con- ;
tains the usual stereotyped attack on
prohibition. Mr. Roggen announces
that no president of the association has
yet been chosen , but an executive com
mittee has been formed and E. Rose wa
ter is the chairman thereof. Chas. A.
Coe is the treasurer and Chas Moffat
is clerk of the executive committee.
Ed. Roggen is the state secretary and
general manager , and will speedily
make a canvass of several towns to se
cure the signatures of "bankers and busi- '
ness men , " to a pledge which guarantees ;
the murder milis of Nebraska , protects
ion from the besom of prohibition. <
This Omaha societ ' at ,
} , composed pres-
nut almost exclusively of Omaha friends '
9f the liquor crime , announeesits head3 3
quarters in Lincoln. C. V. Gallagher , ]
the distinguished Omaha Postmaster ;
lias denounced Mr. Rosewater and cer
tain confederates for planning to con
trol the next Republican State Convenj j
tion , in the interests of the whiskey com- •
bine. This denunciation with its im- <
plied accusation appeared over a week j
igo in the columns of the World-Herald <
jverGalligher ' s own signature. ]
- i
The prompt passage by the United j
States Senate of the Wilson bill relating ]
; o the interstate shipment of liquors , ]
jives a fresh impetus to the prohibition >
igitation the country over. This bill i
> verthrows entirely the bad influence of J
he "original package" decision of the t
J.S. Supreme Court. The bill passed
he Senate by a vote of 34to 10. It
vill soon come up in the House , where
'ery little doubt is entertained as to its
ipeedy progress. Leading Republicans
) f the state will petition the Nebraska f
lelegation in the House to stand solidly ?
> y the measure which , when passed , j
vill restore to the states the policepow-
jr rightfully belonging to them , but i
vhich under the recent decision they *
ire restricted in fully exercising. ce
An important meeting of Swedish Lug
heran ministers was held in this city {
ast week at the residence of Rev. John i
< L Eckstrom , pastor of the Swedish Lu-
heran church of Lincoln. Hon. Eric t
Johnson , editor of the Swedish Temper- "
nice Bugle , presided and Rev. F. M. t
jwanbunr , was the Secretary. An ex-
scutive committee was chosen , of which
Ion. Eric Johnson is chairman. All
Scandinavian church denominations in
he state will be enlisted , and a large
Amendment will beheld
mass meetings f
n tents and churches. Mr. Johnson's *
Temperance Bugle has a weekly circu- \
ation of 5,000 copies and is making a °
; rand fight for the Prohibitory Amend-
uent. f
The New York Voice sent a special
ommissioner to Nebraska this week to *
avestigate the recent offers of certain t !
ewspapers to publish matter in the in-
srests of the liquor dealers for cash ren
mneration. JJ
The Lincoln Daily Call has come out
3r the Prohibitory Amendment and '
ill make the strongest fight of its life h
l the interest of the people and for :
febraska's deliverance from rum's red
i j.
ne. j
0pmcr $
| AKlNg
Its superior excellence proven in millions
of homes for more than a quarter of n century.
It 1 ? used by the United States Government.
Endorsed by the heads of the Great Universi
ties as the Strongest , Purest and most Health
ful. Dr. Price's Cream linking' Powder doea
not contain Ammonia. Llino. or Alum. Sold
only in cans.
New York. Chicago. St. Louis.
Will practice in all tho State and United
States Courts. Also before the Land Oilico at
Mccook and the department at Washington.
Dr. Z. L. KAY ,
Rooms over Frees & Ilocknell's lumber oflico.
Special Attoatici Glrca to Fmalo Ditcsui.
Office hours , from 9 toll A. M. , and 2 to 4 P.
M. . mountain time. Office ovdr Farmors &
Merchants bank.
A. J. WILLEY , M. D. ,
McCook , Ned. ,
Oirers his professional services to tho people
of McCook. Will not go in the country ex
cept in consultation with other physicians.
"Office over old First National hank.
Sign , Carriage & Wagon Painters , i
Paper Hanging and Decorating.
Shop in old land office building.
W. It. CUiiK , I'AINTKIl.
Graining and Decorating spec
ialties. Leave orders with R. A.
Cole , the tailor.
Jjaxi > Ofkici : at McCook. Xi : . .
May Jih. IS' tO. i
Notice is hereby jrivon that the lollowin -
naincd settler has tiled notice of hi" intention
lo make Anal flw-year prnnl in support of his
plaint , and that said proof willbeminie bi-lore
Register or Receiver at Mc > Cook , NH > . . on
Satin day. .Juno 14th. 1SM. ! viz :
ivho miide II. K. No. 8501 for tin ; northeast } .i
if section IS. in town. . north of i-iu.kc ! X ) ,
vest of 6th I * . M. He names the lolloping
vitnesses to prove his continuous residence
jpon , and cultivation of. said land , viz :
loseph Williams , of Vailton. Neb. , Lewis K.
ftuiss , jesse Webb , Albert N. Nettlcton. of
UcCook. Neb. S. V. HAKT.
T50. Hogistor.
i y virtue of an order of 6ale directed to uie
' rom the district court of lted Willow count- ,
Nebraska , on a judgment obtained before
I. E. Cochrau , judge of the district court of
ted Willow county , Nebraska , on the ad day
) f March. 18U0 , in favor of The Smith Jlros.
mixu ii Trust Co. as vlaiutilf , aud against
2uoch Matsuu etal asdefendauts.forthesutn
) f sixty-two dollars and twenty cents , and
: osts taxed at $18.03 and accruing costs , I
tave levied upon the following real estate
aken as the uroperty of said defendant , to
latisfy said judgment , to-wit : The north-west
luarter section 4 , township 1. range 30 , 6th
K M. , in lted Willow county , Nebraska , and
vill offer the same for sale to the highest bid-
ler. forca h in hand , on the 17th day of May ,
. D. . 1890 , in front of the south door or the
: ourt iiouse in Indiauola , that being the build-
ng wherein the last term of court was held ,
, t the hour of 10 o'clock , A. M , of said day ,
( • hen and where due attendance will be given
ly tho undersigned.
Dated April 9.1S90. W. A. McCooi , ,
4"5t8. . c Sheriff of said County.
Tho aiove sale is'continued to Saturday ,
uue1st , 1890. for want of bidders.
W. A. McCooic , Sheriff.
By virtue of an order of sale directed to me
rom the district court of Ked Willow county ,
Nebraska , on a judgment obtained before
. 15. Cochran , judge of the district court of
ted Willow county. Nebraska , on tho od day
f March , 1890. in favor of The Smith Bros ,
joau & Trust Co. as plaintiff , and against
ratik Stocklasa , Sr. , as detendant. for the
hm ot seventy-one dollars and thirty-flyo
ents. and costs taxed at S19.03 and accruing
osts. I have levied upon the following real
state taken as the property of said defend-
, nt , to satisfy said judgment , to-wit : The
outh-west quarter ot section 2 , township 4.
lorth of range 30. west 6th P. M. , in Ked Wil-
ow county , Nebraska , and will offer the same
or sale to the highest bidder , for cash in hand ,
n tho 17th day of May , 1S90 , in front of the
outh door ot the court house in Indianola ,
hat being tho building wherein the last term
f court was held , at the hour of 10 o'clock ,
i. SI. , of same day. when and where due at-
endancc will be given by the undersigned.
Dated April 9.1S90. W. A. McCool.
47-5ts. Sheriff of said County.
The above sale is continued to Saturday ,
une 21st , 1890. for want of bidders.
W. A. SIcCool , Sheriff.
By virtue of an order of sale directed to me
rom the district court of Ked Willow county ,
Tebraska , on a judgment obtained before J.
! . Cochran , judge ot the district court of Ked
Pillow county. Nebraska , on the second day
f December , 1889 , in favor of the Iowa Mort
age Company as plaintiff , and against John . '
f. Kelph aud Bertha J. Kelph as defendants ,
or the sum of ninety-eight dollars and twen-
p-flve cents , and costs taxed at S26.73 , and ac-
ruing costs , I have levied upon the following
eal estate , taken as the property of said de-
pndants to satisfy said judgment , to-wit :
he north half of the southwest quarter and
: ie southeast quarter of the southwest quar-
; r and the southwestquarterof the southeast
uarter of section twenty-live , township one ,
orth of range thirty , west or the 6 h P. SI. ,
i Ked Willow county , Nebraska. And will
ffer the same for salo to the highest bidder ,
jr cash in hand , on the 9th day of June , A.
. . 1890 , in front of the south door of the
) urt house in Indianola. Neb. , that being the
uilding wherein the last term of court was
3ld , at the hour of ten o'clock , A. SI. , of said
ly. when and where due attendance will be
iven by the undersigned. 50.
Dated. Slay 5th. 1890.
Byron Jenninos , w. a. SIcCOOL ,
\tfy for Plaintiff. Sheriff of said county. •
_ _ _ _ _
. ; 1 .fi .
Genuine Bargains in These Goods.
And Other Furnishing Goods
at Popular Prices.
i ,
| j
! Everything Desirable ;
i ' . * I
| In Men's and Boys' Hats /I
i Cm
WOOL / j
At Prices That Will Sell Them. , ' 3 |
. \
• i
JONAS EKGEL , Manager. tj |
1886. XOQ > 0. j
± C. ALLERi & CO. , 'j
Cash : Bargain : House.
When it Rains it Pours ! The Bottom is Washed j
Out on Dry Goods ! I
Prices Way Down Low ! All Nice , Glean DRY GOODS. No ' Shelf f\ \
Worn Old Stock ! Now is Your Time to Buy Seasonable t |
Goods and Save Big Money ! jj
= = = x\ ) \
We are Selling Lots of Goods and Want to Sell More , and by Making LOW PRICES we Expect to Do as we Claim. jf
We can Save You from 5 to 20 per cent , on All Bills. We Give You a Few Prices 11
Save You 25 per ct.
22bs. . GRANULATED SUGAR , $1.00
'J ' Make out your order for $7
worth of GEOOEEIES and get
22 lbs. Granulated Sugar. . 31.00
3 cans Com for 25c.
3 cans Peas for 25c.
3 cans Lima Beans for 25c.
3 cans 3-lb. Tomatoes , 25c.
-MONARCH Canned Fruits ,
Vegetables , Fish , Meats and the
Monarch Spices and Extracts
Monarch Goods have no equal in
Monarch Coffee in 2-lb. cans.
Monarch Baking Powder , lb. .25
Monarch Syrup , 2gal. . pail , 1.00
Pins , per paper , 01
Calicoes , per yard , 05
"Balls" Corsets , each , 87
15c. Satines go for , per yard , .10
12-lc. Satines go for. 08.
Lawns go for , per yard , 05
17 yards of LL Sheeting for 1.00
Beaded Wraps at $1.75 to 88.0.0
Black Henrietta at 75
( reduced from 81.00. )
25c. Scotch Ginghams go at .20
Value , Cost and Quality !
Play no role in this sale. Pro
fits tossed to the winds. Losses
pocketed with a smile. "We sell
at lower prices than our competit
ors can buy at.
i. <
| nnV OVER Dpinnnl If
Mil our FllbOo ! if
And compare them with what ' ji
you pay at the credit stores in • J A
town. Come to the CASH BAPt- | |
GALX HOUSE and save enough . If
on your grocery bill in a montli |
to pay your rent. Its not talk , l i %
but a fact. Our prices on gro- ' • |
ceries speak for themselves. > |
Grocery Department tells the tale. ii
People are awake to bargains and vk
High Grade Groceries. < m
cash j ] : l |
HOUSE. . il
= = = a Il
Ihe Largest stock in Western Nebraska. , li
Originators of Low Prices. | ; |