I ! " * Ifttgagfe iVttmc. If' ' PHIDAY EVENING. MAY 30. 1890. J I Do You Want a Bargain ? I' ' IF SO , LOOK AT THIS ! § / < For the next thirty days only I | it * * / / / offer an eighth or a quarter II / interest in the 160 adjoining McCook Ii " &n Me easr , 0wAcA 50 acres is j' ' platted , as follows : " J /or a7grAA or 20 ifcrss , $1,300. i' ' /or a Quarter or 40 Acree , $2,500. jl fiff casA 0/70 " Ma balance on time fj * wVA approved security. Remember I * Aaf / Aoffer holds good for thirty II' 'days only. Address | | ' F. L BROWN. % Citv Ditua Stork. K' Remember Noble for groceries. Go.to Noble foryour family groceries. KF"Fresli sausage at the B. & . M. ' Meat Market. ! _ _ Tliu B. & . M. Meat Market meets all 3ut prices iti meats. The 8. < & M. Meat Market sells meat -as low as the lowest. 2 § " * A new line of * oak chamber suits at Fade & Son's. I Prices at the B. & M. Meat Market arc as low as the lowest. Dr. A. J. Thomas , Dentist , in Union | clock , over Boston shoe store. * Fresh and smoked meats of all kinds at the H. & M. Meat Market. Everything fresh and clean in the < rt'ay of groceries at Noble 's store. < & , Fine line of candies at the 4 P. 0. Lobby. I There is no other way. Buy your I groceriesqueenswareetc.of Noble. I New novels and periodicals just re- ] I < ccived at the P. 0. Lobby. j | ; Plumbing 111 all Us branches prompt- fj , 1y and skillfully performed by F. 1) . I. Burgess 1 { ' . H. P. Sutton , the Leading Jeweler , " • and official B. & M. watch examiner at , ! , McCook. j Noble , the leading grocer , carries the f most complete line of queensware in the * 1 _ city. Inspect it. * / . I ! Should you intend papering your ; house , don't fail to see McMillen's . } large assortment. } l . Kapke , The Tailor , guarantees you t ' ' the lowest prices and the most stylish ' 1 | . and elegant clothing. .4 E5 ? The price of liberty is eternal vigilance , but Noble's prices on groceries d [ are sure to catch you. < " fit v 1 } * C. M. Smith & Son have the only IH liand-made and imported paper ever ft brought to McCook. ' It : ° ) ? ' 2F"I § tne ne ° f plain and fancy s hi groceries , C. M. Noble will fill your ( ; | ( ! ! every want satisfactorily. I f The Frees & Hocknell Lumber Co. r f ; sell the Economy Fire Kindlers. Call \ l ' and examine samples free. e : [ | _ p t ' j Noble has a fine stock of queensware , I' , hanging lamps , etc. It is not equalled " fA between Hastings and Denver. I " Watches , clocks and jewelry prompt- ; \y \ and properly repaired at Carruth & Son's , Jewelers , Menard's block. I 1 u j' Our prices on all kinds of meat are 5 I J us low as the lowest. 0 > j ; B. & 31. Meat Market. a I f U ) Prescriptions j , h ! A Speciality. t I j Chenery ' s City Drug Store , j , I j I i Our stock of Wall Paper is uow comx | J plete. Call and get prices. = h C. M. Smith & Son. s I Use Dr. A. P. Sharp's Specific Condi- 3 tion Powders to be obtained at I Chenery's City Drug Store. j 1 , It If you want nice tender beefsteak ii | l give the B. & M. Meat Market a call , ti p ) Thev butcher none but the choicest of g ; 5 beeves. l ii' . C afford to make their . j ) Everyone can - ; J home attractive at the prices C. M. t 1 , Smith & Son get for Wall Paper and fc- I * Decorations. t , > C. M. Smith & Son have everything } - , in WALL PAPER AND DECORA- | TIONS and sell at prices never before I reached in McCook n y "A pound of facts is worth a ton ! ) , . of talk. " 1 his fact will be proven by ' comparing prices and quality of Wall Paper , at McMillen's Drug Store. j Strauss , the musician , declares that n ; America is Paradise. Strauss is lin- 1 ing his pockets with American dollars , ' and the great exponents of the f orty- 3L , five minute symphony are giving music lessons at $1 an hour. Moral : n " The Soda Water Season Is now open ; and as usual the City 1 Drug Store is on hand with the purest ' of fruit juices , and the latest and most popular drinks. drinks.Wall a Wall Paper. Q , lP " \ A fine line to select from at lowest < & b > : ' prices. A : McMillen. I Farm loons 8Jr per cent , straight P Mo Commission. RYAN & NOREN. City Market Report. Wheat S .M ) @ .55 vywrH hj • * • • • • • • • # • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • * • • • I u * JI \J • * • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • * OatB - . . . . : X ) Butter 07 Effgs 09 rotutoes ! 20 ® .25 Onions 40 Hogs H.25 Chickens , i > or dozen S.00@2.25 Turkeys 00 ® .07 Huy 0.00 Flux 1.75 steers. . • • • • • • . . . • • . • • . . . • • • • . . . . . • • u. i > ® 4 * * i Sheep 4.75 Diamonds sold on payments at CARRUTn & Son's. For Sale : Fresh cows , and calves. 2ts. M. Erman. Hammocks , croquet sets , base ball goods , etc. , at P. O. Lobby. Cash paid for live stock , poultry and hides at the B. & M. Meat Market. Smoke the "Wigwam" 5c. cigar , at P. O. Lobby. The Western Union Telegraph Co. is adding another wire to its Valley service. Genuine French marble clocks , also iron j and bronze , at Carruth & Son's , Menard's block. The Hayes Centre Republican on sale ' at the post ofiice news stand , Mc Cook. ' Buy a copy. 50. Examine the "Paul E. Wirt" foun tain pen for sale by Carruth & Son , Jewelers , Menard's block. This week , Morris DesLarzes added to I his real estate interests in McCook two I lots in South McCook. Look at the Organs Sutton , the Jeweler , is selling ac $60.00 and $75.00 on $5.00 per month payments. FOR : Condition powders , poultry powders , and horse medicines , visit Chenery's City Drug Store. If you want a stylish fit at the very lowest figures , Kapke , The Tailor , is the man to patronize Rear of The Famous. We have a few patterns of Wall Paper from last year , which we will sell regardless of cost. C. M. Smith & Son. The largest and finest assortment of rjueensware in Western Nebraska is to be seen at Noble's. You should not Fail to inspect his line before making purchases. If "Billie , the Kid , " will sign his proper name to his "Kidlets" from the 'North Star" section , the communica- . ions will find a place in our columns. • Hie rule is inflexible. The Baptist Ladies of McCook will ive a Sociable in Meeker Hall , Thurs- lay evening , June 5. Strawberriesice- jream and cake , 25 cts. A cordial in vitation is extended to all. Noble , tho leading grocer and queens- ] ivare man , also has a large assortment ] f hanging lamps in store. The hand- ( jouiest and richest designs to be had in < he market , too. See them. ' This week , we turned out 4,000 daily eport blanks for J. H. Christner , the i Hayes Centre abstract man. It is stat- ] d by competent judges that abstracts ] Tom Mr. Chnstner's ofiice are the ] leatest issued from any ofiice in the j listrict. It should be stated , too , that ( Miss Fannie DeGarmo is the artist who yields the pen so effectively. i Mr. L. Strickler made a trip south j < luring the past week visiting Curtis , t Vloorefield , Stockville , McCook and ( iher towns. He reports quite an i tcreage of flax being sown by the , armers in tin ! section he visited. This s a crop it will pay farmers to pay at- ention to for the reason that it usual- ] y commands a good price. North 1 ? latte Current. Both Cases Dismissed. ' Squire Colvin ' s court was a popular , esprt , Wednesday , when the alleged ittempted rape case came up for a tearing before his honor. After hear- ng the evidence in both cases , and the c estimony was particularly silly and dist usting , the Squire wisely dismissed he suits. In the suit against Ben \ 3uttlip , the complaining witness was t Sniily Barraclough , while Queen Vic1 1 oria James was the complainant in - he suit against Bill Ramsey. The dei i ails are too disgusting for publication. NOTICE TO BREEDERS. ) I will make the season of 1890 , with ( ny two trotting stallions , beginning j Ipril 1st , as follows : Mondays at my , anch in Hayes county ; Tuesdays , Wedj lesdays and Thursdays at Culbertson ; j Fridays and Saturdays at McCook , . llaton & Co. 's barn. Terms of service t uade known on application. j John S. Hughes. i South Side Dairy. c Having purchased this dairy , we are iow prepared to deliver milk and cream n quantities desired promptly. Your t latronage solicited. 1 Clark & Brown.r . f g c. , For Sale. e A team of large bay horses , a mule f nd a single horse. Will sell for cash e r approved security. Inquire at Frees i Hocknell lumber yard. t ; Morris DesLarzes. r rc c : For City Loans , go to -5 RYAN ii NOREN. | s It will he observed that the weather is gradually warming up to its work. The work of taking the census will commence , next Monday. Wanted : A five or six room house to rent. Inquire of W. E. Dauchy , at depot. Red Willow county farmers arc not burning very much corn for fuel , just at present. The addition to tho engine house of the electric light plant is rapidly Hear ing completion. The city liveries were taxed to their utmost , last Sunday , to supply rigs for the disciples of Ike Walton. Speaking literally , a jag means "a small load , " but it has been corrupted to mean very a large one. And now Brother Noah is charged with brewing beer in the ark , because a kangaroo was seen going aboard with hops ! Uncle Sam has just made another citizen happy. It is Charles S. Squires ; and an original invalid pension is the cause. Col. Fred Ostrom thinks there ought to be no trouble in raising a neat fund for the purpose of sending Annie Rooney off on a summer vacation. E. B. Bowen & Co. 's $3.00 , $3.50 and $4.00 shoes for gentlemen are the best values ever offered in McCook. At wholesale and retail by Bowen & Laycock. No "referee" is necessary to decide who sells theichoicest meats at the most reasonable figures. Brewer makes quality and price his specialty , and his competitors "are not in it" at all. The first of the week , Mrs. Anna Stewart of Easton , Penna. , owner of the Burtless ranch , purchased from Mrs. Burtless the cattle on the ranch , num bering nearly one hundred head. The Farmers' Business Association of Lebanon has bought L. Robinson's stock of groceries and started a co1 operative alliance store. E. M. Pear- son as manager. Cambridge Kaleido- scope. Bartley is preparing for a substantial growth , this year. A flouring mill , the resumption of work on the college buildj ing , improvements of the water power , ! etc. , are among the improvements in hand. 1 A glass of soda water , these warm days i , will add refreshingly to your com1 1 fort. At the City Drug Store you will i find . the choicest quality of Arctic Soda 1 Water . made with strictly pure fruit 1 juices. 1 The marriage of William Francisco , of McCook , and Miss Amanda A. Mur phy , of Red Cloud , took place at the residence j of the bride ' s parents in this ( city ( Thursday , May l5th. Red Cloud t Argus. 1 For Sale Several 4-room houses , nearly new , small cash payment down , balance monthly about as rent. Would " take one or two good residence lots in exchange. Address. "D. W. " care of J The Tribune , McCook , Neb. K It is not "irrelevant , immaterial and t incompetent" to state that Brewer sells I more choice meat for a dollar than any ] man in the city. No "mandamus" [ proceedings brought about this desir- ] able result , either. He does so of his own sweet will and pleasure. The publisher of the Indianola Cour ier , if we may draw the conclusion from , the weekly vaporings of that publica tion , is as proud and haughty over In- | dianola's "great ( ? ) victory " ' in the re1 m ' oval fight "as the load of fertilizer was of the bran new wagon. " The annual meeting of the Red Wilc low county Suuday school association is announced to be held in Bartley , Wednesday , June 4th. opening at 9 o ' clock in the forenoon , and to continue d through the day and evening. Mrs. \ \ L. A. Beardslee , Indianola , will provide a programs , upon request. r : ) The "burning out"'of the large smoke , stack of the electric light plant , Tues day evening , caused some timid one to turn in a fire alarm. As the uncanny sound broke upon the air just as the wind the heart of ' ; was blowing a gale , the community was given a most vio- lent throb , an unnecessary one as well. \ The plant shortly afterwards shutdown r for the night. ' e We know of no good and sufficient reason why "rizzling" shall not become a very popular fad among the "lords of creation. " It is described as the proper thing to do after dinner. You retire to a quiet room , light a cigar and do ab- solutely nothing for ten minutes at least. That is rizzling. With a little c practice it becomes possible to stifle c ) the brain so that it is absolutely at rest.v It is a condition bordering on sleep , and is said to be highly beneficial on account of the aid it gives to digestion. [ Peculiarly Sorrowful. t , Again Death has ruthlessly entered the home of Engineer and Mrs. Barney Lewis and bereft them of their dear one. The child that died on Monday is the fourth one that the grief-stricken par ents have lost from the same disease , v- whooping cough. The remains were tak0 ) 2n to Lincoln , Tuesday evening , for burd ial. Words are inadequate to express e he anguish of the parental hearts thus repeatedly pierced. So all human agen- ies seem insufficient for consolation. STet all true hearts go out in tenderest n lympathy to the bereaved ones. l b" JI ! . * r ' > " ! Tt iTT-m ' . , \r „ itt 1 Tit Trr r i" " r T < Cji > i7 23- * ' : HIGH SCHOOL COMMENCEMENT. That there is something of quite un usual attractiveness about commence ment occasions is attested by the aud ience that thronged the Lutheran church , last Friday evening , to witness and hear the graduating exercises of the McCook high school. At the appointed time the edifice was crowded with an expec tant company , and scores failed to gain admission , much less a seat. The class of ' 90 numbered but four that of ' 89 , but one. The program was such as usually obtains on similar occasions , the various parts being rendered in good form , and reflecting creditably upon graduate and teacher as well. "Five Wars" was the theme pre sented by Lovell Clyde. Being histor ical , it was of necessity largely made up of dates and stated facts , but was well handled nevertheless. Miss May O'Brien treated the sub ject , "The Education opGirls , " quite thoroughly and thoughtfully , indeed , and was warmly applauded for the ef fort. fort."Our "Our Industrial System" was the basis of Levi Sanderson's essay. The topic is so intricate and comprehensive that the young man deserves credit for his courage in its selection , as well as for the pains-taking manner in which he handled it. Miss Edna Meserve dressed up her composition on "A Choice op Sub jects" in an original , characteristic way which called forth quite a few ex pressions of praise. The remarks by Supt. Valentine , Dr. Davis , Revs. Kelsey and Kimniel were pointed and graceful ; the singing by the chorus of girlish voices altogether chaiming ; while the floral gifts were very elaborate and handsome. In fine the second annual commence- ment of the McCook high school was a , pleasing and successful event. Indianola Is On Record. Indianola is on record as doing an unjust ' thing to avoid the expense of an imaginary i law suit for the county , now she 1 has the opportunity to do the just t thing I in paying the expense of a real 1 law 1 suit to which she is a party in or- ! der < to promote her interests. If the facts justify the statements made by t Indianola , and the commissioners had t ] acted the part of unbiased , intelligent , > business j , men , every illegal name on the McCook petition might have beenc published to the world. If these re- „ duced the petition below the legal num1 her I , then all fair minded people would 1 have condemned those who introduced 8 the fraud and also those who tried to * keep it covered. Foot the bills , gentle- men , and let us have the facts. Bartt ley Inter-Ocean. . The Census Takers. f W. S. Randall of Fairfield , supervisor l of the first census district , has announc ed the enumerators for the district , and * the following-named gentlemen are those * selected for Red Willow county : Geo.c W.Bartlett , H. A. Blakely , Bartley ; a A. W. Campbell , Box Elder ; John * Whittaker , Rothies S. Hileman , Mct Cook ; W. II. Benjamin , Banksville ; Samuel Ellis , McCook ; F. W. Weaver , v Danbury ; N. A. Frame , M. H. Bacon1 John H. Yarger , H. Ii. Berry , McCook ; Samuel Ball , Indianola ; C. W. Beck , 0 Bartley ; C. E. Clement , Cambridge ; J. W. Ruby , Danbury ; J. B. Cummings , Lebanon. a Drank Gasoline. Ralph , the infant son of Mr. andMrs. A. E. Lytle , gave his fond parents a t : terrible fright , Monday morning , and • placed his own precious life in jeopardy , y by drinking a quantity of gasoline. Medical aid was promptly summoned md the youthful experimenter is all right again , barring a certain "loudness af smell. " ' • v ; "On the Trade. " I An Alliance friend tells us that In- lianola is "on the trade , " dreadfully so. \Yhy , they offer to trade anything or a tnybody for Crabtree , not even barp ing the Great Western Watch Factory il r Johnny Lamborn ' s Yellow Ochre Mine ! Marvelous ! Sugar Beet Seed. u Representative Wilcox informs us . hat he is in receipt of a shipment of jeet sugar seed , from the state authori ses , for free distribution. Parties desir- = ng the same should call at the store of Wilcox & Fowler. The supply is limit ed. CONFIRMED. 1 The senate , last Friday , confirmed - ± q nomination of Mr. David E. Bom- 3ARDNER to the receivership of the 1 McCook TJ. S. land office. Mr. Bomj j GARDNER will doubtless assume charge f t the office with the beginning of the iext quarter , July 1st. Underwear at Cost. Preparatory to going out of business , am offering my entire stock of Under wear at Cost ! I have bargains for all. J Mrs. E. SLATER. Rear of J. C. Allen & Co. Ardent Wooers. t ( The ardency with which Indianola is ivooing the Alliance would be a matter f alarm , were not the good sense and liscrimination of the coy maiden well established. LADIES ! / We would call your attention to our lew $2.00 and $2.50 Kid Button Shoes. Bowen & Laycock. I _ _ . jia-t .i mi i my neuritm TJg" • ' * * 'yw * * * LSaygaBBtii 1- iw.i.T 1 . ( * t X C& * , . , „ . c . , . „ - 1 . , . r , n - - - R. V. IMMIGRATION ASSOCIATION. McCook , Neb. , May 27th , 1890. The Republican Valley Immigration Association met in McCook pursuant to adjournment , with J. W. Pearman in the chair ; there being present G. E. Whitman , secretary ; E. H. Marshall , treasurer ; T. J. Cleaver , J. D. Graves , C. E. Byrkit , Frank Israel , S. P. Hart , M. M. House , P. A. Wells , F. B. Ris- lcy , F. M. Kimmell , L. Morse , G. A. Noren , J. W. Edwards , J. P. A. Black , O. A. Williams , E. V. Moore , C. F. Babcock , V. Franklin , J. A. Wilcox , Wm. Valentine , W. H. Dimmick , E. C. Ballew. W. E. Mullen , H. W. Cole , J. Byron Jenuings , Thos. Colfcr , J. S. LeHew , S. W. Stilgcbouer. The secretary read a letter from the president , Mr. J. D. Stine , of Superior , stating his inability to be present at this time. The minutes of the previous meeting wero read and approved. The committee on advertising read their report , which on motion was re ceived. On motion of Mr. Hart a committee of three was appointed and instructed to confer with the proper authorities and find out the probable cost of securing a car to be fitted up with samples of the soil and products of the districts and sending it east to advertise in that way and to report at the next meeting. The chairman appointed S. P. Hart , of Mc Cook. J. D. Graves , of Benkelman , and E. H. Marshall , of Bloomington , as such committee. On motion the vice presidents were in structed to see the county commissioners of , their respective counties and see if they would not make a small appropria tion to help advertise each county. On motion of Mr. Black the vice presi dents ( were instructed to present a memo rial to their respective members of the legislature ] requesting the enactment of a law establishing a state board of immi gration and make an appropriation nec essary < to maintain the same. On motion the following resolution was adopted : Whereas , his excellency , John M. Thayer , the governor of the state of Nebraska , hae.by his proclamation , dated May 27,1890 , convened thelegislature of the state of Nebraska to meet in extra session , on June 5th , 1890 , and Wheheas , it is the sense of this association that the establishment of a well regulated board of imigration is of vital interest to the welfare of our young and rising state ; Therefore , be it resolved , that his excellen cy , the governor of the state of Nebraska , be memorialized by this association , to issue an amended proclamation authorizing the legis lature of this state , at its oxtra session begin ning June 5th. 1890. to make such enactments js the welfare of the state may require , for the establishment of aboard of immigration fixing the powers , duties and compensation ] of such board , and providing by appropria tions , for the payment of the same. On motion the secretary was instruct ed to procure the necessary stationery lor the officers of secretary and treas urer. urer.On motion the committee on adver tising appointed at Orleans , May 13th , be instructed to correspond with various ] 3astern papers for rates on a standing advertisement of about 4 squares in their papers and committee to report at < the next meeting. On motion it was decided that when ( ive adjourn it be to meet at Superior , Neb. , June lGth , 1890 , at 10 , A. M. A bill of $2 for postage and notice jf meeting was allowed and ordered paid. . After a thorough discussion of the jest plan of advertising , the meeting idjourned. G. E. Whitman , Secretary. v : ( The ball game , this afternoon , will j 3e a contest between the local club and J he Benkelman . Andrews boys. prom- ( ses , an interesting game. The Oberi in club will not be present as at first ( stated. Game will be called at 3:30 , t prompt. ( Kansas editors are now quarreling ! vith each other over the definition of , : ori- inal package. ' ' Just as though a ' Kansas editor didn 't know one the min- ( ite he set eyes on it. c t The weather is decidedly enjoyable a md inspires everybody with genuine j Measure. The hope is universal that j t will continue. A careful perusal of J. Albert Wells' idvertisement , this week , will save you noney. As ihe ancients had it : These are he days that try men ' s seersuckers. , Note J. Albert Wells' special. it J. MM Wis , , i ii Dress Making , ] Having secured the services : : of a : : DRESS MAKER ! OF Utility Unquestionable Ability ] I take great pleasure in . announcing that I will open this department < I On Monday , June 2nd. ] < J. ALBERT WELLS. i vi jj-l | KMjJL GRAND I < SlANNUALl , [ SPRING OPENING ! I ELEGANT NEW STOCK \ SPRING j DRESS GOODS , . \ \ White Goods , i' ' : l Satines , Satines , . * ; ' I Zephyr Ginghams , I Embroideries , I Tennis & Outing ? I Flannels , Flannels II Summer Underw/iv , I for Ladies , Misses U and Children. I LAEGE STOCK OE 1 Table Linen , ; | Napkins & Towels j. I bought at a FORCED SALE | l in New York , and never have * II such VALUES been offered M anywhere. The Best assort- I ment of * m DRESS GOODS I HOSIERY , I In the City of McCook. I Come , see and be convinced. V J. C. ALLEN ; & CO. , I Originators of Low Prices. I Remember we give one ticket ' H with every dollar's worth of goods H ( except groceries ) that you pur- I chase for CASH. I 8 Tickets give you a Silver Plated | Sugar Shell , worth $ liii 10 Tickets give you n Butter Knife , H worth 125 H 12 Tickets givo you a new style Lace Fin , | worth 150 jH 25 Tickets give you a set of Koger's | Teaspoons , worth 31J0 M 35 Tickets give you a set of Koger's M Knives , worth 35 H 35 Tickets give you a set of Koger's M 50 Tickets give you a set of Koger's . | Tablespoons , worth COO B 100 Tickets give you an Elegant Eight M Day Clock. B Please come and see the goods , H and show the ticket to your friends. H We give the choice of anything in H our well-assorted Jewelry Depart- H ment. H J. C. ALLEN & CO. I Cattle Mostly Contracted. Red Willow , May 17. Editor H Stockman : Through the courtesy of M one of the leading commission Onus of M your city I receive the daily Stockman. M lam well pleased withitand your method M of reportiug the markets. Cattle are M mostly contracted and will all be dcliv- M ered by May 20. Six car loads of cat- * M tie that are not sold will sell m June. M Quite a number of hogs ready to go to M market. Stock steers scarce. Cattle M all doing well. Corn , 25c ; wheat.60c ; M hay very scarce. More wheat sown than M ever before in this county. Soil in fine M condition , plenty of rain so far. Coun- M ty-scat fight still on but I think McCook M and Indianola will compromise and re- M locate it at lied Willow , the canter of M the county , where it justly belongs. M Yer } respectfully. M J. F. Helm. H Pocket Book Lost. H I will pay a suitable reward for the M recovery of my pocket book , lost in M McCook , Sunday. It contains little M money , but papers of value to me. He- M turn to this office. Jon : ; Exstedt. M JUNE 13th. H The day set for the report of Hon. J. M B. Cessna referee in the , county-seat re- | moval matter , is Friday. June 13th. H Wait for the referee's report. H FOR SALE. A Whitechapel Gig , full leather top. M genuinely hand-made , in perfect order. H Price , $50 , cost , $1G5. H Joel S. Kelsev. H LADIES ! You will find the most complete fine H of Wall Paper at McMillen's Drug M Store. H The meeting of the Republican Val- H ley Immigration Association held in the H McCook club rooms , Tuesday , was tke H most enthusiastic one in the history of | the organization. The association gives M promise of good results. H The Tribune appears a few hours M earlier , this week than usual , in order M to observe Memorial Day in a proper M manner. H A number of communications are held M over until next week , arriving too late , M for publication in this issue. M