e * * f "BOOTS AND SHOES. , ' ; REMOYAL SALE. ' v" from this , date until furthef NOTICE WE WILL GIVE U FIFTEEN Per Cent OFF < ' V , ' * ' . ' ON ALL CASH PURCHASES. : I BOWEN 9 LAYCOCK. ' t BOSTON SHOE STORE , ' : OPERA HOUSE BLOCK. fc . * • ' ' 'Below we give only a few of the many * y bargains we offer : 20 pounds new Prunes , for $1.00 20 pounds new Dried Apples , for 1.00 All package Coffee , per pound 25 Canvassed Sugar Cured Hams , per pound , 13 Hew Evaporated Blackberries , per pound , 08 Muscatel , Raisins , per pound , 10 Our { brag" 00 cent Japan Tea , per pound , * . 50 " ' . Best brands of Corn , Tomatoes and Blackberries , per can , 10 Full Cream Cheese , per pound , 15 i J. T. Plug Tobacco , per pound , 35 " ' Revenue Plug Tobacco , per pound , 25 • - Best Kerosene Oil , per gallon , 20 Salt , per barrel , 1.45 New Japan tea , natural leaf , 25 1 3 pounds table peaches , . . . . * . 15 | - Challie Cloth S cents per yard. r Lawrence L.L. Muslin , 6 cents per yard. P * Cheviot Shirting , per yard , 08 f --and--Shoes--Cost. : : : . Special bargains in CLOTHING , HATS , CAPS , NOTIONS , Etc. Prices of all goods as low , and many LOWER than any other house in McCook. Get our prices before purchasing. WILCOX & FOWLER , . West Dennison Street , McCook , Nebraska. W. C. LaTOURETTE , Prop. The Brick Store on Lower Main Ave. DEALERS M = T TIMRFRf . . * - LKJ 1VJL JLJ JLLJLY I | i Sash , Doors , Blinds , Lime , Cement , ft HARD AND SOFT COAL , | PATE BROS. . . . SUCCESSORS TO B. F. OLCOTT. Livery , Feed and Sale Stable , Most conveniently located barn in the city. Finest turn-outs. Reasonable prices. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW - - , I. REAL ESTATE AGENT , Over the Famous Clothing House. .U.Mflllfl , LIVEEY BARN. | • REAR OF THE McENTEE HOUSE. \ L GOUPE BROS. B. & M. MEAT MARKET. ; MAIN AYBNUB. . - - ( M. D „ WELCH , Agricultuf 1 Implements , ; . . . WAGONS .AND BUGGIES. i GEO"W - B LXjXj , O jkasrOEK. . i fij i WBBBWM K K tf'tfW5 ' "Tfrffii pB zy t * I i i _ 1 " 1 ONE Or A SERIES OF PICTURES REPRESENTING COFFEE CULTURE. V/ATCH FOR THE NEXT. m < - - - g T-- ' : ATIVE-GgFFEETPlCKERS. . T. f GCc1 ? QNo A COFFEEPLANTAT10N D flHASE & SANBORN. GUI ? GOFFESS HAVE A HATIOMAR. REPUTATION REPRESENTING TKZ FtWEST GROWN. SEAL BBASFB COFFEEt * &JfWk in its richnGQS and delicacy of flavor. Justly called The Aristocratic Coffee of America8 Always packed vrtiola roasted ( unground ) in 2 lb. air-tight tin cans. • / T ' fITC Fa IFtfiff " 53 > "i7' TEF'&T'ifft A skilful blending of strong , fla- Uli4i feAMib JfcDjLaJtaJUi&0 vory and aromatic high | rada coHees. Warranted not to contain a single Rio bean , and guaranteed to suit your tasto a3 no other cofl'eo will , af a moderate price. Always packed wholo roasted ( unground ) , in 1 lb. air-tight parchment packages. rY37ri ? < im CC3VB TCTv ? ' We are exclusively an Importing house , selling A & ! ? $ ! L * K dS& S only to dealers. But to give consumers an opportunity of testing our famous corfee before buying , we will , upon racoiot of 6 cents in stamns to cover tho cost of can and postage , send fres 'by mail a 1-i pound of Seal Brand Coffee. Address CHASE & SADJBOSN , S7 BROAB ST. , BOSTON , MASS. -SiSOLD ONLY BY't - Q. M. NOBLR , -SlTHE LEADER IN - IB- MAIN AVENUE. POTTER & EASTEKDAY , Commission Merchants. Our leading brands : 84 , Sliogo , Ked Lion , Kollianna , Five Marks , Gold Medal , Boiler Loaf , Legal Tender , Pride of McCook , Etc. , Etc. Highest market price paid for grain. DAILY PROGRAMME. Fbiday , Oct. 11. Children's Day. Sunrise , Morning Gun. 9 A. M. , . Guard Mount. 10 A. M. , Exhibition Flag Drill , and songs by pupils of public schools. Address. 2 P. M. Oration. 4 P. M. , Sham 13attle , Vet erans and Sons of Veterans supporting Battery. 5 P.M. , Dress Parade , Heading of Orders. Sunset , Evening Gun. 7:30 , Open air concert. 8 P. M. , Camp Fire. Saturday , Oct. 12. Sunrise , Morning Gun. 9 A. M. , Guard Mount. 10 A. M. , Competitive Drill of Sons of Veterans for oflieer's sword. Presentation. 2 P. M. , Breaking Camp and Farewell. General Superintendent T. E. Calvert is in the city , to-day. "W. II. Sampson is down from Grand Is land , arranging to move his family to this place. Mr. Edgar Howard came down from Ben- kelman , last evening , to enjoy a few days of the reunion. C. II. Meeker's mother and sister arrived in the city , Monday night , 'from Fannington , III. , on a short visit. N L. Lowman is in Baltimore , having been called to the Monumental City by u telegram announcing the serious illness of a sister. C. W. Davis , Esq. , is entertaining his mother , who arrived from Omaha , Tuesday night , and will remain through the reunion season. E.M. Famsworth , War Claim Attorney , arrived from Decorah , Iowa , on train Xo. 1 , October 9th , to attend the reunion , and will remain here about ten days. Holmes Blair , who has been in the employ of the B. & M. for many years as resident engineer on constructed lines at McCook , has resigned his position , and gone to Tuscon , Arizona , to accept a position in a mining company. His position on the B. & M. has been filled by Mr. G. P. Smith. Lincoln Journal. AVre hear that Sam Fisk , who was firing at McCook previous to the strike , was killed , on the 9th hist , in a collision on the Ft Worth R. Ft. , near Trinidad , Colo. His old friends in this country will be grieved at this death. Later : The remains of the de ceased will arrive in the city , to-morrow morning , for interment Being a member of Willow Grove Lodge K of P. , he will be buried by the Knights. THE MeCOOK REUNION. Great Gathering or Old Soldiers in Western Nebraska. Special to The Denver News. McCook , Neb. , Oct. 8. On the grassy slope overlooking the city from the west , a city of canvass lia3 been erected iu the last twenty- four hours. It is Camp General JlcCook , and on to-morrow what is destined to be the largest and most successful re-union ever had in western Nebraska begins. Our merchants have beenas busy as bees to-day in decorat ing their places of business and to-night the city is draped and festooned with the national colors. Three large arches on Main Avenue have a very-pleasing effect. Col. Gatcheh ar rived to-day and has been busy getting tho camp In order. General McCook , after whom Dur city was named , will. arrive to-morrow , aovornor Thayer , Secretary Laws , State rreasurer Hill , Colonel Stein , General S.J. llexander. Colonel Ed. lloggen will arrive to morrow. General Colby will arrive Thursdas' . Battery A from Wymore and"tiie Nelson and runiata National Guards will arrive Thursday , jteneral S. H. Morrison , department corn- Bander of the G. A. It , will be present Tnurs- ay and Friday. A large attendance is ex- jeeted to whom the people of McCook will ex- end their wonted hospitality. Quite a serious freight wreck occurred , ast night , at Haigier , section two of freight ' 5 running into the first section , damaging i number of cars. No loss of life. Senator Dolan , of iudianola , is among to- lay's visitors. ( 'Concha "Senora Cdbanna. " Corn Huskers Soap at C. M. smith & Son's. See the Jim Jam Troupe at . Sav or's hall , this evening. - v i i i Einest line of candies in the city at the Post Office Lobby. Last night's train from the east came in in three sections. The militia are quartered in the West "Ward school house. G. M. Smith & Son have the largest stock of drugs in the Re publican valley. Senator Burton , of Orleans , is one of the visitors at camp Gener al McCook , to-day. "Senora Cubanna , " finest 10 cent goods in the city. Sold only by Joseph Reizenstein. PRO HIBITION CONVENTION. Pursuant to previous call the prohibition convention met at court house and organized by calling W. O. Norval to tho chair. S. Gri- sell was elected clerk , after which the follow ing candidates were chosen by acclamation : For county judge , II. W. Kcyes , the re publican candidate endorsed. Treasurer , C S. Quick. Clerk , A. Wiley. Sheriff , O. L. Knowles. Superintendent of Schools , C. M. Charles. Coroner , Dr. T. B. Stutzman. Com missioner , W.X.Johnson. Surveyor , G. W. Minkler. On motion of A. Hartley , there were fivo delegates appointed to attend the district con vention at Hastings , on the 11th inst. On mo tion C. S. Quick , A.Bartley , Andrew Carson , John Lougneckcr and George Frederick , were elected , and after appointing the following persons as a county committee , W. 0. Norval , president , W. X. Johnson , J. W. Corner , George Frederick , E. F. Ellis , Andrew Carson , C. S. Quick , S. Grisell , John Longnecker , the convention adjourned. S. Gkisklii , Sec. W. O. Nohval , Pres. Indianola , Oit. 5th. J. C. ALLEN i CO. GASH BARGAIN HOUSE. GROCERY DEPARTMENT. Saves You From 15 to 25 Per Cent : Sells goods direct from the manu facturer to the consumer , thus saving tho retail dealers profit. Examine their prices : J. T. Plug Tobacco , per pound . . . 35. "No Prophet" , per pound 30. Roasted coffee , per pound 20. Arbuckles coffee , per pound. . . : . .25. 1 Bbl. salt $1.40. 3 cans , 21bs , Beatrice corn 25. 1 can Monarch Baking Powder. . ' . .25. 1 lb new evaporated apricots 15. 1 Bbl. salt $1.40 7 cans table peaches $1.00. First class olives , per gallon 95. Tea , a tip-top article for 35. Salmon , per can 15. 1 Bbl. salt $1.40. 3 lb. can tomatoes 10. 2 lb can string beans 10. 2 lb can lima beans 10. 1 lb can peas 10. 1 Bbl. salt $1.40. New evaporated unpeeled peaches. New evaporated peeled peaches. New evaporated apricots. New California raisin prunes. New London layer raisins. New Ondura raisins. New lot Monarch , Mocha and Java coffee. Vermont maple syrup. Sweet pickles. Lincoln Patent Flour and Sea Foam Flour. Our prices are the lowest in the city. It is to your interest to trade with us. We sell for cash , • strictly. It is only ' by paying cash , we arc enabled to offer these attractive prices. Special prices to Merchants , Hotels , md Ranchers. ( J. C. ALLEN & CO. , \ Wholesale and Retail. Originators of Low Prices iu McCook. I I I i . j L. I0WMAI & SON. . 1 JpWm - mmr W fill \ AiKfl \ \ IlilTlllIT * i ! ! * wffli fw M Yosir Own Pr pp " % l / IfJF Come in and tell ns what yon fj-Uy ; " if wil1 S"ive * ° r a sni * ° clothes. IilHiB CS" - : SSTXltS \ TiS AJ ' Hat Cords , G. A. It. Wreaths , ! lll l ? Buttons and Flags. f jflHB | BfeffP > " ne aa Cheapest j * * * * * ' Gmmmm * IN ; THE--CITY. : OF MeCOOKNEBRASKA. . I 555gs ? | " r Sis 55sB : Gopi tal awb Sip wa , ' § 40.000.1 T Mi fe g , j Money to loan on Olinttels. Notes Discounted. Farm k , § ] IIL ! | pl MM fulfill } ' Loans made without tho usual voxatious delays. % " ' Wi8i \ | j ? l SB - f K I Foreign Drafts and Steam ship tickets sold. \ , - [ _ _ - - _ | COHKESPONDENTS : • jH S FIEST NATIONAL BANK , OMAHA. 11111 PlRB Effflfe l WM CHEMICAL NATIONAL BANK , NEW YORK. 8 | S ftf MH SI H F. H. SPEARMAN , Pkesident , # j H. D. SPEARMAN , Vice-President , l B JOS. A. CORDEAL , Cashier. * fefe : S. feifci i SS © . . , Nebraska Loan & tiMw On. e tjf * ? ' ' * i / j y ' ' " : 'V- ' . ' % OF MeCOOK , NEBRASKA. J Gapital Paid In , - - $50,000.00 , 'ijv ' - ? - f p& f [ % ' S > l " ' ' General banking business transacted. - ' ' W mW ' Prompt money for everybody. Make I • ? " JSrPP Lft-k7 ! : ! : S " : farm and city loans at loAvest cun-ent I -il l W Iti • [ 5 11 ijf i ratGs'ancl pay money when tiie titl0 1 ii 3tP SHAW' Pres- > ° - VanPELT , Trcas. , I BSmBSSB C. A. THOMPSON , V-Pres. , JAY OLNEY , Cash. 1 f > US & Irs I d y l&Oiii&J WO ltm-f 1 CAPITAL AtW SURPLUS : ' X Mf ' AUTHORIZED CAPITAL : 1 qDtoUUUU. sp PBu jpl sfca vbiUCJCJCJCJ. GEORGE HOCKNELL , President. B. M. FREES , Vice-President. W. F. LAWSON , Cashier. I A. CAMPBELL , Director. S. L. GREEN , Director. M m&fef passpEi. I lid ulilZelfS AflilK Of ibOQuK 1 . . . 1 W- , 0 $ = P&id Ud Capital , $50,000. B Wtfff mb : - GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. I ' j " 'hS ' , * yi mW & S 2 ! iT"7" * " - Collections made on all accessible points. . Drafts drawn direct- B ' ' 'W'M d W c&iM i tB' x h 1 r i5S § * { ly on principal . cities of Europe. Tuxes paid for . non- 1 - { 4\m \ % § ( ' 1 \ l ? " Bfi | mk % residents. Money to Joun on farmin-lauds. yp | | | | I'lWypr gyE : . ' TICKETS FOR SALE TO AND FROM EUROPE. 1 JT fSj &O Cgs22 - ! V. FRANKLIN' . President. JOHX R. CLARK. Vice-Pres. .fl . . . . j g Srfjgd g ac > Trri-r- - , , - & * * & & & ' A' C" EBEUT. Casliier. Taos. I. GLASSCOIT , Ass't Casb. H S J S s 2 5 The First National nunk. Lincoln. . Nebraska. ' 9 The Cbcmica. National Rank , New York City. ' H Sole Agents for WILLOW GROVE and STERN'S Additions I ; o McCook. "OPEN-HOUSE" during reunion. Call and see us. "Concha , " the only five cent ! jigiir with a Snmatra wrapjcr in I ; he city. Sold by Joseph Reizen- ] itein. " " H"P'A ' III fl " T COMPLETE LINE OF B f Si It n in I Bfl U ; vi 3-5 Ja g i I f 18 aUl / p i ft iF $ E3 ? i T 5s ! ? 5 S 5 ° ? H S < P * 3 n * S Wb * B Meets all competition. Opposite the McEntee. 9