11 IT COST FOR MSB I I [ . Our entire stock of 1 t BOOTS AND SHOES. I > . I gv This Stock , consisting of over $3,000 I . worth , was bought for I | SPOT CASH I / f5 - Direct from Manufacturer. I f % - ' \s- * - S A > I v ES _ We intend closing out this line of our I , > * ( _ V $ _ I I ; Jp § business and can make you prices I I / t'JJ that will surprise you. I * ; p- * _ _ _ _ _ _ = = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = _ _ _ _ _ _ _ = = = = = I | ' We also carry a complete line of ' . Dry Goods , Groceries , Eats , Caps , J ! | AND FURNISHING GOODS. | , WILCOX & FOWLER , West Dennison Street , McCook , Nebraska. W. 0. BULLARD & 00. . . - SELL COMBINATION ; px Screen and Storm Doors. § • i . 7 ( PATENT APPLIED FOE. ) _ I . J w W&A % _ _ _ 4 t I * / • ' " ' • • wM 3 i # i % ml t - f - • • • mBrnmsttJl _ _ . , iLMJmMi . fci f- * I < l < $ r * trlir * * * * ? * -si v Tfei-a • ' lit „ pass1 * ® ® * PIynra tdilL H ' ' W0 CJiiii I ; ; j H. KAPKE , : Bk > fll KEEPS A LAEGE , COMPLETE LINE OP ] I _ | r. . Jniort@d | BontesttQ Goods \ f KJS / VZ MAKE YOU TO ORDER : I GOOD SPRING OVERCOAT , $25.00 t ; . BUSINESS SUITS , Sack Coats , $25.00 Wi J | GOOD WORSTED SUITS , $30.00 y I PINE BUSINESS SUITS , $28.00 3 Mr J TROUSERS , PROM $6 UPWARDS ! I' 3 * v i , F/rsf C/as Work and a Perfect Fit Guaranteed. Call and Examine Stock. ! r ' * sl S I = DEALERS IN = " j i 0 : H LUMBER ! ! Sl - * ir Sash ; Doors ; Blinds , Lime , Cement , I Li HAED AND SOFT C0AL.E m 1 t > c H ( : ) THE CITIZENS BANK OF McCOOK | f N * > 5 ( INCORPORATED UNDER STATE LAWS. ) 1J fPaid up Capital , - - $50,000.00 , m IB in IS 1 does n if IJ of kdj General Banking Business , " : H CollecUons made on . all accessible-points. Drafts drawn directly on the principal cu B cities of Europe. Taxes paid for Non-Eesidents. Money to loan on fanning _ _ _ _ f \ lands , village and personal property. Fire Insurance a specialty. _ F4 , Tickets For ale to and from Europe , t H * ChemIjJNaaonglB n NeTrYorlfcJp-- ; • _ 0.fiMBT , CuUM _ Or S4 | _ H _ _ _ _ _ _ _ HQ _ _ _ _ _ _ Hf' - . * TT * " * ty . . . , . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ * - 5 . . . M _ j _ . _ _ . _ . _ , - „ „ . , . f ' ' W.I. . .S.--.I . ! ' ' " ' ' v jf2 _ _ _ _ _ ' _ j ' _ _ _ _ _ g _ l _ _ ; X SOLILOQUY. How blest wo should bo , I havo often con- coivod. * Hod wp roally nchlovcd what wo nearly achieved. Wo but catch nt tho skirts of tbo thin ? wo would bo , And fall back on tho skirts of faleo destiny. So it will be ; so It has boon Blnco this world began. And tho happiest , noblest and best part of man , Is tho part which ho hath novor fully played out. Who can sit down and say , "What I will bo , I will ? " Who can stand up and affirm , "What I was , I am now ? " Who Is It that must not , if questioned say. "What I would havo remained or become , I am not ? " Yet thoro's none so unhappy , but what ho hath beou Just about to be happy nt somo time I ween , And nouo so beguiled and defrauded by cbanco , Dut what once in his lifo somo mlnulo clroum- stanco Would havo fully sufficed to securo him the bliss Which missing it then , ho forever must miss. ' And to most of us , e ro wo go down to tho grave. Lifo relonting accords tho good gift wo would havo. But , as though by somo slight imperfection in fato , The good gift when it comes , comes a moment too late. Tho futuro's great veil our breath fitfully flaps , And behind it broods over tho mighty per haps. • Owen Merediiii. The increase in the number of na tional banks in Nebraska in the past twelve months has created considera ble interest in financial circles. In ' 87 there were in operation one hundred and four national banks in the state. During ' 88 six new national banks were organized. This record compares most favorably with the gain made by any one state in the union. But three states can mako abetter showingname ly , Kansas , Pennsylvania and Texas. Both Illinois and Michigan show a gain in the number equal to that of Nebraska. What the national banks in the past have done for the eastern states they are now doing for the wes tern. One peculiarity of the present growth of the national banking system is that it is confined almost exclusively to the smaller towns. bludbilde rT The new vegetable tonic-alterative and blood purifier is in the shape of a pleasant syrup , and contains in a concentrated form the most valuable vegetable curatives which have been developed ay modern medical and scientific research. It acts directly upon the blood , through it imparting tone and vigor to the entire system and eradicating disease , and is unequaled as a cure for bcrofulous , Cancerous and other humors , whether con stitutional or otherwise , Catarrh , .Rheuma tism , Dyspepsia , Dropsy , sick and nervous headache , female weakness , and all blood , Jfyer and kidney diseases. Price S1.0C. Tub Manufacturers' Record observes : "The beauty and variety of Southern forests are admired by all lovers of na ture. Town founders , remembering this , should remember also that full grown trees once destroyed cannot be replaced. Lowell once wrote : • Who doog his duty , is a question Too complox to be sojyed by me , But he , I venture the suggestion , Does part of his that plant a tree. ' To which may safely be added that he who saves one from destruction , that his fellows may enjoy its beauty and de light in its shade , is entitled to still greater credit for duty well done. " ELECTRIC BITTERS. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special mention. AH who have used Electric Bitters sing tho same song of praise. A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaranteed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitters will euro all diseases of the Liver and Kidneys , will remove fimples , Boils , Salt Rheum and other ejections caused j by impure blood. Will drive Malaria from the system and prevent as well as cure all Malarial ( fevers. For cure of Headache. Constipation and Indigestion try Electric Bitters Entire satisfaction guaranteed , or money refunded. Price 60 cts. and $1.00 per bottle , at A. McMil- len's drug store. The New York Herald says : "It is i going to be an up-hill business to elect J ! a democratic president in 1892. " If this administration is as wise as it gives ' promise of being , it will look more like in : 'up-hill business" three years from j now than it does to-day. Protection j. to American labor is the foundation j stone of the republican party just as j ; free trade is that of democracy , and the _ people of the United States favor pro0 ection by a large majority. Not a fit , but an expression of delight. • About a week ago , " says a Los Angeles , Cal. , n iruggist , "a Chinaman came in with a lame . < ihoulder. I sold him abottle of Chamberlain's ? ain Balm and that guaranteed it would cure n lim. He came in again last night , and as soon . is he got inside of the door , began to swing tl lis arms over his head like an Indian club i : winger. I thought the blamed fool had a fit , mt he finally stopped long enough to say : 01 Medicine velly fine , velly fine ; alle same make ae feel plenty good. ' " Chamberlain's Pain Jalm , is without an equal for sprains , rheuT , aatism , aches , pains , or lame back. For sale U y all druggists. u Phineas T. Barnuji , the famous howman , has introduced a new feature a ] ato his circus business , that will rec- ? J mmend itself to the christian world , "r nd draw additional crowds to see "the P . 1 reatest show on earth. ' ' He has diC1 : ine service in his tents on Sabbath ays for the benefit of his employes , . , nd acting personally as Superintendent f the Sunday School , one of its feat- res. Who says now that circuses are emoralizing ? _ _ _ _ _ r Three days is a very short time in which to „ , : jre a vers' bad case of rheumatism : but it can ui 3 done , if tho proper treatment is adopted , as ill be seen by the following from James Lam- 3rt , of New Brunswick , Ills. : "I was badly Dieted with rheumatism in the hips and legs , C\ hen I bought a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain , aim. It cured mo in three days. I am all P1 ght to-day ; and would insist on every one ba ho is afflicted with that terrible disease , to . • ie Chamberlain's Pain Balm and get well at " * ice. " For sale by all druggists. Assistant Secretary Bussey , of lei Interior will be the ie Department , no ost popular man with the old soldiers , no President Harrison's administration , lai he keeps on reversing the decisions his predecessor , in favor of the claims L ? the maimed veterans of the rebeltet ) n. tVHY WILL YOU cough when Shlloh's Cure sn 11 give immediato relief. Price 10 cts. . 50 IK 3. , and 81. McMillen's. $1 James N. Huston , treasurer of theaa nite'd States , took the oath of office 3t Saturday , that day being the rtieth anniversary of bis birthday. " , ieJSiyrorexghad on hand upojf'the imSr Ujsiness Monday Morning , _ o _ _ _ FJr &cash T fee _ _ _ _ _ _ -s ? l& A jSr SA i [ * I I " P < I' ' Hi . i j i mmiiiTIi i I ITJ I I ( ' . TnE Hungarian Government is labor ing zealously to put a stop to tho emi gration of its subjects to the United States. Particularly is the effort made to deter the common laboring classes from leaving their native land. As one Austrain paper puts it : "Emigrations of this kind are to bef put a stop to with an iron hand. " Even wives and child ren are refused permission to leave tho country to join the husband and father in America , where ho has prospered so as to pay tho passage of his family. Men , women and children who have thus been sent for and have reached the frontier have been turned back by the officers and forced to return to their native villages. Great suffering has been caused by these inhuman regula tions , and one cannot but sympathize with the desire to flee from snch a country. The New York legislature has pass ed a revised excise law that would re sult in an important temperance ad vance if it should be appi'oved by the governor. But it is believed that the saloon power of the cities will neutralize the action of the rnral districts and kill the measure. New York property own ers have to pay nearly $20,000,000 an nually to support the crime , pauperism and insanity occasioned by the saloons , in addition to their taxes for legitimate purposes. Yet the liquor interest , by mustering the irresponsible and danger- our population of the state , has hereto fore been able to outweigh both decen cy and property in the defeat of ame liorating legislation. It was maintained by tho lato Horace Greely , that "nothing succeeds like success ! " If this bo true , Chamberlain's Cough Itemedy will al ways be popular , as it never fails. It is in tended , especially for Coughs , Colds , croup and hooping cough , and is undoubtedly , the best and most reliable medicine in use for those diseases. It is decidedly a success. For sale by all druggists. Col. P. M , Hawes oommitted sui cide at Lamar , Missouri , last Sunday. He was about 55 years old and had been a prominent man in his state. Here is what he wrote and left on his table just before he sent a bullet through his heart : "One more victim for the devil that never lets loose. Once in his grip no human agencies can save you. All sense of honor , family pride , duty , the loyed and dependent , the agony of a devoted wife , the finger of scorn , nothing on this earth can save a man once in the clutches of the liquor habit. His doom is set and sealed , no pride in his past , no hope in a future , he sinks at last in the bleak and bitter gulf of dispair. " The directors of the Chicago board of trade , last week voted to discontinue furnishing quotations to all persons ex cept members of the board. This ac tion was taken , the direptafa say , bpr = pause the Illinois supreme court has de cided that if the board furnished quota tions to outsiders at all , there must be no discrimination. Bucket shopmen havo already begun applying to the courts to prevent the proposed discon tinuance. _ * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i Jesse Middlewart , Dooatur , Ohio , says : "Had it not boon for Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption I would have died of Lung troubles. Was given up by doctors. Am ow in best of health. " Try it. " Sample bottles free , at A.McMiilen's drug store. The joke is now on the joker. Rev. Dr. Toune of Cambridge is about to sue Chauncey M. Depew for $500 for labor spent in getting up his centennial ora tion for him. Chauncey says it was only worth a hundred dollars , and that is all he is ready to plank down. The doctor claims that it took him three weeks to collect ' the material , while Chauncey says any man could have done it in three or four days. /S CONSUMPTION CURABLE ? Read the following : Mr. J. H. Morris , New ark , Ark. , says : "Was down with Abscess of Lungs , and friends and physicians pronounced mo an Incurable Consumptive. Began taking Dr. King's New Discovery for onsumptlon , im now on my third bottle , and able to over see the work on my farm. It is tho finest medicine ever made. " "Send me , " wrote the Mississippi lardware merchant , "one Argument Against Negro Suffrage , ' 16mo. , with LOO tracts on the same subject. " And he jobber filled the order by sending lim a Winchester rifle and 100 rounds if ammunition. ' ( If Colonel Calvin S. Brice , who is iow chairman of the Democratic Na- ional Executive Committee , is also * aade Chairman of the Democratic Na- ional Committee , he will have two po- : Itical elements on his hands instead of ne. ( THE KEY. GEO. H. THAYER , of Bourbon.f nd. , says : "Both myself and wife owe our ( iveB to SHILOH'S CONS [ JMPTION CURE. " ? E. P. Rounds and others , of Omaha , \ re in Hastings negotiating with the itizens to start up the now defunct a azette-Journal plant. They offer to \ ut a force of sixty men at work if the 'I ty will donate them $15,000. | In these days of universal combines ie sensible man puts his trust only in od , and is very careful not to allow " ly pulpit commission merchant to do ti ie negotiating for him. Sac. Bee. ° THAT HACKING COUGH can bo so quickly I ired by Shlloh's Oure. We guarantee it. MoN lllen's. n Marriage is not a failure in the t res of a Duluth manufacturer. HeP ' romptly settled a strike by giving his * ichelor employes the option of quitu og work or getting married. g Eight thousand of those who havei ased school lands in Nebraska , have ll t paid the interest. They have been - itified to pay within six months or the nd will be released. n ; SVILL YOU SUFFER with Dyspepsia and tb ver Complaint ? Sbiloh'svitalizerisguaran- 3d to care yon. MoMUlen's. Ji The Overland Park Club , of Denver , g ring races commenced on the 18th inst. n ' t 0,000 in premiums will be distributed c long the winners. c.so so BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. ail , su rho Best SALVBln tho world for cuts , bruip lai Bores , ulcere , salt rheum , itevor sores , te | [ ; pr r , chapped hondB , chilblains , corns , and ai op rn eruptions , and positively cures piles , or pit pay required. It Is guaranteed to give pereh stEatisfootianor money refunded. Price th centi-wirei. Fat wufr fcr A. MoMillen. 4 i y > • ' < < L. „ • * - - * - _ _ _ _ j > | i I W * i J IglMBil WWBI - i ! i i i in i N.I.IIH in i ii mi inn > - _ _ . * i . . . . I iin. . , ,1. , . - . - > 1 a4.i - , i j | .i..u ; ' " "WJiUi t- _ . I I - V 4 L. LOWMAN & SON. Q . SecDnfl Imie This Season. \ AN ELEGANT LINE OF - j CHALLIES AT S CENTS PER YARD. / BEAUTIFUL SATINES - : - , At 10,12 % and 15 cents per yard. J * - 'i i i i i i - . -i.r i.i - ii - i-li-l ' _ _ inrwmj ii _ i i i uiri i i . -i _ i _ i _ i - - - | i , 1 1 . . - . . - . . . . _ _ r _ ir _ t. ii i _ n _ i ifir j i "i _ i _ i _ i _ _ _ _ All goods New , Bright and Clean. A Nothing in onr house damaged , ' and smeared with dirt and water. u * * . . - - - - - . - - - - - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ H - - - - - - - ' -i-i i i i i ii -i -jnixnjjT.L .i - n -i r. 'L j.ii Jinan REMEMBEK OUR CIoiMsig and Straw Hats \ 1 Are being sold at COST. 1 Light Coats and Vests and Elannel I Shirts cheaper than any house in 9 the city. Come and see our Coat J and Vest for $1.00. , j M I 1 : J L. 'LOWMAN ' & SON.J 1 - ARCANUM. Little fishing parties , Little jugs of "bait , " Mako tho timo pass quickly. And tho fisher does elate. Little drops of whiskey , Little mugs of beer. Make the legs grow weary And tho head feel queer. Little acts of kindness , By best of motives led , Makes these weary fishers Put their friends to bed. Moral. Don't monkey with malt liquors. S. M. Stockslager holds on to the land office. It is generally agreed that Stockslager is the best land commis sioner the country ever had. The Nebraska delegation in congress has indorsed Judge L. A. Groff for a place on the inter-state commerce com mission. The Allison Times says , Dundy Co. , still ' contains eight hundred quarter sec tions of government land. It is claimed that a new version of the ten commandments has been dis- jovered in Asia. The courts of Nebraska have held ; hat a mortgage on growing crops is in valid . TIRED OUT. The distressing feeling of weariness , and axhaustion without effort , which makes life 1 Urdto x 50 many people , is due to poverty Jf the blood and feeble vitality. If you are suffering from such feelings , Bludbllder is lust what you need , and will be of the great est benefit to you. It purifies and enriches ; no blood , imparts tone and vigor to the vhole system , aids digestion and overcomes ill morbid tendencies and nervous affections sausedby a depressed state of the blood , strengthens and builds up the system , while t eradicates disease. It is pleasant to take ind the dose is small. Try it and be cured. Price S1.00. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK. WEB. , I April 24th , 1889. f Notice is hereby given that the followlntr- lamed settler has hied notice of his intention o make final proof in support of bis claim.nnd hat said proof will be made before Register r Receivor at McCook , Neb. , on Tuesday , Juno lth , 1889 , viz : JOHN S. MODRELL , ) . S. No. 5781 , for the S. E. H Seo.i , Town. 4 , r. Range29 , W. He names thafoHowing wit- esses to prove his continuottatesidence up- n. and cultivation of , said Jand.vVi7. : Arthur ' . King , Mather L. Brown , Joseph ; Sanders nnd 'atricK O'Conner. all of MfiCobfcNeb. Any perflonwijodes-ireStoifroteCTajjwnBttDs llowance of stfflh proof or who knows of any ubstantial reason , under the law and the rejP' lation8 of the Inferior Pepartmeat , why such roof should not Be allowed , willjbe given an pportunity at the above raentianedftUBe and lace to cross-examine the witpesjesJOf said lalmant , and to offer evidence in rebuttal of tiat submitted by claimant. Je * S. P. HART. Register. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK , NEB. , { . _ . ; ) cil 3Jd.18S9. f Notice is herebVj<fVi that the following- < amed settler has nl * * notice of her intention > make final proof In 6ln > P ° rt of her claim.nnd mt said proof will ben > ade before Register r Receiver at MeOook/Neb. , on Wednesday , une 5th , 1889. viz : - I ANNA B. ILAND. _ . , , _ . . E. D. S. No. 5517. for the W. MS. . E.H Sec. \ , Town. 5. N. Rnngo > . V. . Cih P. M. fche , limes tho following witnesses to pnve her mtinuous residence upon , and cultivation or , | lid land , viz : Enoch E. Osvog. Christopher r Duelnnd. Andrew P. Larson and Anna Hane in , all of Quick. Neb. . I Any person who desires to protest against tne lowance of such proof , or who knows of any i ibBtantial reason , under the law and the reguJ tions of the Interior Department , why such oof should not be allowed , will be given an 0 ) iportunity/nt tho nbove mentioned time and i ace to crofts examine tho witnesses of said limant , nnd to oifer evidence In rebuttal of e ; at submitted by claimant. S. P. HART , T [ 8 Register. I J- B _ _ -Sh-i j * < k- - -V MMHHEnHEMBMaaBliKHB9HBHf3 H HH - - - - - - - - - - - _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ BMMder , The ne vegetable Tonlo-Alteratire anfl Blood Purifier acts upon the blood and through that upon oil the organs and tissues , and its vitalizing and onrioblng effect reaches every part of tho body and imparts healthy life and vigor to all its functions , hence its great value as a fK ' < Spring Medicine $ k Jot expelling the humors which ranklo Jn the system at this season of the year. It tones the stomach , creates an appetito , pro * motes healthy digestion , rogulates the bow els , renews and enriches tho blood and builds up the system whllo it eradicates disease. Blndblldorcnres DyspepsiaIndi gestion , Costiveness , Heartburn , Sitk Head- aohe , Catarrh , Rheumatism , Boils , Scrofula , and diseases of the blood , liver and kidney * . Plensant to take and tho dose is smalL Frico $1 ; Six for $5. Prepared only by J. W. Colo & Co. , Black Rivor Falls , Vfis. 8old by Druggists and Dealers in Modicine. Out of tho Breastworks. . Tate Springs , Tenn. , July 4 , 1888. The Swift Specific Co. , Atlanta , Ga. : Gentlemen Seven years ago I contracted an exceedingly bad case of blood poison. I tried a physician , the best at command , but secured no benefit. My throat began to get sore , and my body covered with sores and ulcers. Going from bad to worse , I felt that my grave must be reached in the near future. I gave up the doctors' treat ment , and with a despairing hope I com menced taking your medicine. I began to improve from the first bottle , and in a short time the ulcers healed , and my skin cleared off and was entirely well. One year ago a case of catarrh developed in my system. The physician did his best , but could not cure me ; but two bottles of Swift's Specific gave me permanent relief. J. H. Robinson. Kaufman , Tex. , June 23 , i8S3. The Swift Specific Co. , Atlanta , Ga. : Gentlemen I have been afflicted with a skin disease for about twelve years , and the best medical treatment failed to give me re lief. I am now using Swift's Specific , and have received the greatest benefit from its use. Yours truly , Wm. Jones. For sale by all druggists. The Swift Specific Co. , Drawer 3 , Atlanta , Ga. New York , 756 , Broadway. London , Enr. , 35 Snow HflL , DRYSDALE , LEADER IN HONEST--PRICES ! And what is of more importance , QualityaiHT = . = Style. Why not have a Suit that fits you , rrhen one which is both stylish and ser viceable can be bought for $22.00. A pair of trowsers which are really ele gant , Drysdale will build you for $5. Fine fabrics cost but little at Drys- oale's now , less than misfits in fact Qook him over. You will place your rder. Save money. * Feel better and 00k better. .Buying for cash and light spenses does the business at 1XRYS- OASE'S. ' ' * _ - SHILOH'S OATARRS B9 EDY-a postttva V M cure for . Catarrh , . Diphtheria and Canker- ft _ H Mouth. McMuWs. 1 j H E \ W AM S JI HI' . * i. | . l at J s &s fc 1 _ w * i ? 1W * 1 w . 3 s p ; STATIONERY. SCHOOL SUPPLIES. M SCHOOL BOOKS M The Tribune Offioe9 I At Publishers1 Prices , I " " fl BLANK BOOKS. LEGAL BLANKS. H WrlmtB J ICIIiIlIHN ] i _ H It has permanently cured TH0U3AKD3 _ f _ H of cases . pronounced by doctors hope- S _ E less. . If you have premonitory sympflvfl toms. snch as Cough , Difficulty of 9 H Breathing , &c , don't delay , hut use fl ' H piscs cure for coxstrirpTio-T V ' .H immediately , ByDrrs _ isk * . 25cents - , | _ | * l _ _ _ _ _ l - - _ _ - _ - _ _ - _ - _ - _ _ i i _ _ I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H