The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 24, 1889, Image 5

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    Hnflf | 1 Urn iiiMiiiiniintkiirt M jiajui iiiiii !
Iff n W Jfofo * * IWhw
B si \ v _ _ _ _
I 1 ! ) J ritlDAY EVENING. MAY 24,1880.
| ri FOB 8ALE !
Iff A. McMillen's Drug Store
B fif j On goods slightly damaged by
B Sfg , water , including
_ _ _ _ _ _ SHv
H W GAMES , Etc. , Etc
B ; Bjl Call and bo convincod on prices.
Km WL \
I m a. McmiiIlrn
I | J IF you want ;
_ _ _ E' (
H fj ; A Farm Loan , io get insured , or have
H 2j any Real Estate to Sell or Exchange
H mh for Merchandise or other Personal Prop-
II' ' erty , go to
H % Tribune Building.
_ _ B _ H _ i t • _ _ _ • _ _ _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ - _ - _ _ _ _ _ - - - _ _
I 1. CASH ! CASH !
B 2 . 7ss to flor7p customers that
B Jg ' ive iv7atfort a strictly CASH system
B n ' of business , May 1st , 1889 , also that
B we will sell all goods at greatly re-
B Si duced prices. Vie do this believing it
B W iv7benefit our patrons as well as our-
B * selves. Our entire stock of Boots and
B ij. SAoes af cos/ .
_ 1 $ onZ _ _ _ _ ! _ _ _ a'0 *
B 1 A handsome , "single-footer" pony.
H m Will be sold cheap. Call at this office ,
H fy at once. Also , a cart very cheap.
H M B "Ruy the
_ _ .
H Mi
H S Celebrated "Universal"
HJ | Gasoline Stove. Sold by
BB Messrs. Hall , Cochran & Co.
BB Noble for superb hanging lamps.
B St A fine line Of new Curtains at
BB ? _ Pade & Son's.
r t New goods received daily at
fl flp For Baby Carriages go to
jpj - Pade & Son's.
BCH BfEresh sausage at the B. & . M.
Hflli Meat Market.
Hgj ] ! The R. & . M. Meat Market meets all
BB A ; out prices in meats.
B E'j Prices at the E. & M : Meat Market
Hi' aro as low as the lowest.
Hflj I Tnis administration is giving the old
HBj soldier the benefit of the doubt.
H m A full line of gent's furnishing goods
in cheap at A. Oppenhedier's.
Hf , Fresh and smoked meats of all kinds
H , ( at the B. & M. Meat Market.
Hl ) Everything fresh and clean in the
V-Jw tray of groceries at Noble's store.
H Buy your hat for spring wear and
V get it cheap at A. Oppenheimer's.
1 Cash paid for live stock , poultry and
hides at the B. & M. Meat Market.
mmmm There is no other way. Buy your
H groceries , queensware , etc. , of Noble.
B EIPFor Refrigerators see
Hi Pade & Son.
H I • A splendid line of patterns in French
H f Satteens at A. Oppenhelmer's.
H I Ludwick's Pawn Shop. Opposite
H 1 MoEntce Hotel. Plenty of cash on
B' * hand. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
* * Allen Thorndike Rice , the great
• editor of the North American Review
is dead.
For home sugar-cured meats hams ,
breakfast bacon , etc. , go to the B. &
Meat Market
( gp In thel ine of plain and fancy
groceries , C. M. Noble will fill your
every want satisfactorily.
Second Hand Cook and Heating
Stoves wanted opposite the McEntee.
J. H. Ludwick : .
We have the largest stock of seeds
for farm , field or garden in the city.
Tree seeds a specialty.
C. G. Potter & Co.
If you want nice tender beefsteak
give the B. & M. Meat Market a call ,
i They butcher none but the choicest of
Hall , Cochran & Co. sell the celebrat-
A ed "UNIVERSAL" Gasoline Stove.
A * ' Guaranteed to give entire satisfaction ,
C _ \ . pay.
N Gov. Hill of New York vetoed the
if election reform bill. Gov. Hovey of
J Indiana , signed the one passed in that
S state. Hill is a democrat and Hovey a
v republican.
If you want something handsome in
the way of a hanging lamp , call on C. M.
.Noble. He is just in receipt of the
largest and finest stock of hanging
4 lamps ever brought to southwestern
. _ _ . ' . .
't ti r
> i ii i .i. i I i i i
All parties knowing themselves in
debted to LYTLE BROS. & CO. pleas *
call and settle at once. Headquar
ters at Citizens Bank for fhe present
Read the lines bolow , your eyesight i
"GcorgoM.Chonory nt tho City Draff Stor
jolls pure drugs and medicines. "
S100.000 to Loan on Real Estate
Insurance written in reliable com
panys , city property for sale and rent
Office up stairs in Morlan block.
C. J. Ryan.
How Bo You Stack Up
For Hay ? Eaton & Co. have quantities
of nice bright hay for sale at lowest mar
ket prices. Call at the
Circle Front Livery Barn.
Hall , Cochran & Co. have just received
a large shipment of the celebrated Mil-
burn Tubler-Axe Wagons , whicl
they arc ready to sell at fair prices.
A second-hand Wind Mill and Tow
er , in excellent condition. Inquire' of
F. E. Stock at
B. & M. Meat Market.
Star Restaurant and Lunch Room.
Lunches and warm meals served at
all Hours of day and night. Hot coffee ,
hot soup , steak , ham , . eggs.piesetc.
For Sale or Trade.
I have a Norman stallion for salo , or
will trade for land or cattle.
F. S. Wilcox.
For Sale Cheap.
An M. K. Lewis Well Augur and
Horse Power. Inquire at the
First National Bank.
100 cords of well-seasoned , 4-foot
wood. By Mrs. P. J. Taylor ,
_ _ -8ts. Red Willow , Neb.
Cattle Sale.
18 head of yearling steers , good size.
Also 4 two-year-olds. Very low for
3ash. Niciiolaa Sivenker ,
2 miles of the city.
City Drug Store.
Remember Noble for groceries.
New Rugs at Pade & Son's.
Go to Noble for your family groceries.
The B. & M. Meat Market sells meat
ts low as the lowest.
W. F. Allen shipped five car-loads of
iteers to South Omaha , to-day.
A line of trimming silks and plushes
; t A. Oppeniiedier's.
Rattan and Oak Rockers , just receiv-
id , at Pade & Son's.
Hose , Lawn Sprinklers , Hose Reels
ind Fixtures , for sale by F. D. Burgess.
J. B. Meserve shipped several car-
aads of cattle to South-Omaha , to-day.
A great assortmentin ladies' , gent's
nd children's hosekat
A. Oppenheijier's.
Plumbing in all its branches prompt-
y and skillfully performed by F. D.
Prescriptions accurately com-
iounded , day or night , at the City
) rug Store.
Noble , the leading grocer , carries the
lost complete line of queensware in the
ity. Inspect it.
Frank D. Burgess carries a full stock
f Hose , Lawn Sprinklers , Hose Reels ,
tc ,
tF ° The price of liberty is eternal
igilance , but Noble's prices on groceries
re sure to catch you.
Corporal Tanner , commissioner of
ensions , will speak at the Crete Chau-
mqua next Fourth of July.
Brad Slaughther , the new United
tates marshal for the district of Ne-
raska , will be sworn in July 1.
J. H. Ludwick will buy and sell or
ade for all kinds of Second Hand
oods. Opposite McEntee Hotel.
Our prices on all kinds of meat are
3 low as the lowest.
B. & M. Meat Market.
Mrs. Folsoji , the mother of Mrs.
leveland , was married at Jackson ,
[ ich. , last week , to Henry E. Per-
ine , of that city.
A sons of Veterans camp of 50 mem-
srs ought to be mustered on the 30th
ithoutany trouble. And it can be
ane if the boys will go to work.
I have a large stock of Hose , Lawn
prinklers , Hose Reels , and Hose Fix-
ifes , constantly on hand , of the best
rades. F. D. Burgess.
Try us on flour , feed , or seeds , and ;
e will guarantee satisfaction , in both
rice and quality. Seed sweet potatoes
specialty. C. G. Potter & Co.
Do you want a Gasoline Stove war-
mted safe and to give entire satis-
iction ? Go to Hall , Cochran & Co.
'bey ' sell the celebrated "UNIVER-
AL. "
Flowers are likely to be abundant
7 the 30th , and we trust the friends
ill donate all they can to the ladies
F the relief corps for decorating pur-
Mr. Clarkson is still making first-
lass time in the postmaster line. He
iscounts the business end of a hornet ,
'here ' are 58,000 postoffices in these
United States. Mr. Clarkson has his
ands fall makiDg the changes ,
Straw hats on deck.
Vegetation jumps along.
Don't let it rest the lawn mower.
There Is a circus looso in the state.
A heavy frost is predicted for May 23th.
County Commissioners meet , Jf j , ' ' } .
These May showers mean food aiitt flow
The pestiferous house-fly Is becoming ar
noyhigly numerous-
lloldrego is having troublo with hor Ah
pensers of tho ardent.
Don't say that girl is freckled ; be poetical
and say tiiat she is sun-kissed.
New bonnets arc adorning the cmnlnms o
many fair and radiant maidens.
The latest in line writing papers at Tin
Tribune Stationery Department.
Speaking of the weather , these aro gloriou :
days known only to Nebraska and Italy.
The M. E. church lias a fine appearance oi
tho msido since being papered and painted.
Joel S. Kolsey will speak next Sabbatl
evening , upon "Eight Dark Sayings in Na
ture. "
Tho Citizens' bank , which was scorched bj
tho late fire , is being "touched up" by local
A refrigerator of mammoth proportion has
been placed in the McCook Meat Market ,
tills week.
The quadiicenteimial of the discovery oi
America will fall on October 11th , 1893.
Wait for it.
Last Sunday was a great day for fishers of
both sex , on the Driftwood. Plenty of fun
but no fish.
Tho fields and prairies aro as green as a
sallow youth and as lovely as a maiden of
nveet sixteen.
With plaster and paint the Huddleston
Lumber Co. 's office has been put in a very
leat and cosy state.
It is stated that A. P. Sharp lias received
lotification of an increase of pension from
J8 to S12 per month.
Now is a good time to clean up your back
i'ards and dump the garbage into the alley in
lie rear of your neighbor's yard.
A young lady in Iowa recently whipped
> utan incipient conflagration witli iierstock-
ng. She had heard that firemen use "hose. "
Armed with rod and flask , the angle now
narches forth , to return laden witli spoils of
lie immigration. It is bamboo booze , and
Tjte Tribune carries tho only complete
took of legal and land blanks in Western
Nebraska. 131anks put up iu tablet form
vithout extra cost.
The shed on the soutli side of tho Frees &
locknell lumber yard has been torn down
.nd removed to the north side improving ap
learance materially.
"Who sails with me comes safe to land. "
le who takes the Tribune gets the news ,
nd lie who patronizes tho job department
ets his money's worth.
The crop prospect still continues fine. Al-
eady the business in the West is wonder
idly increased and strengthened from assur-
nce of an excellent crop.
A new postage stamp has been added to
liose now in use. The new stamp is similar
) the 3 cent green. The denomination is
cents but the color is a bright lake.
The next census year begins June 1 , 1SS9 ,
nd ends May 80th , 1S00. It is expected that
le result as to population will be known in
very few days after the census closes.
Tiie Tribune carries a full stock of
; hool books aud supplies , blank books , sta-
onery , etc. , all at lowest prices. Give us a
ill when wanting anything in our line.
Probably the next most notable celebration
ill be the four hundreth anniversary of the
iscoveiy of America. Tins will occur in
> 92. Christopher Columbus was likewise a
reat man in his way.
A dance was held in the Ball building in
Test McCook , last Saturday night , which
as largely attended and thoroughly enjoyed
j the participants. Another dance is on the
5t at the same place for to-night.
Pittsburg used to have 720 saloons and an
ferage of fourteen arrests per day for drunk-
mess. Now she has ninety-eight saloons
id does not average three drunks per day
Isdemeanors of all sorts have decreased CO
jr cent. Even divorces have decreased one-
The creamery opened up business , Monday ,
he farmers now fully realizing the mutual
inefit of the creamery are responding in
ich a hearty manner with their cream as to
rerburden the workiug capacity of the
The very latest edition of the "pigs in clo-
ii" brain softener is called "rats in meal"
id is a vest pocket repetition of the "pigs , "
itli bullets substituted for marbles. All
at is necessary to make the puzzle perfect-
satisfactory is the revolver and the in-
Nearer and nearer comes the gentle tread
summer. Over the green fields and on the
llside , and in the valley , and along the
hiding road , the grass is growing brighter
its hue , the wild flowers more gorgeous in
eir beauty , and the earth happier in its
: rdure.
Men do not have office seeking now all to
emselves. "Women are competitors. It is
id that never before at the beginning of a
! W administration have there been so many
jmen office seekers at Washington. Proba-
y there have never been so many women in
arch of employment.
Street Commissioner Paine did some good
srk in front of the postoflice , Wednesday ,
• smoothing up the brick sidewalk. He
id he was tired seeing the young ladies ,
otiiing said about the old ones , ) go stumb-
ig over the jaged points sticking up , and
concluded to do a good work in their favor.
b is undoubtedly a ladies man.
By the "Horseman" published at Chicago
e report had gained credence that I. J.
arbuck formerly of this city had purchased
estmont , ( who has a record with a running
ark of 2:10) ) to be used as a "rounder" in
e western circuit. But the "Horseman"
mistaken , Mr. Starbuck merely bid the
irse in for its former owner , at forced sale .
Saturday evening , the Board of Education
et and elected Prof. Win. Valentine ofNe-
askajCitj' , principal of the city schools ,
iss Helen Davis and Minnie O'Eiley , assis-
ntejyjTbe rest of the teachers were re-in-
atedsdve Miss Alice Murphy , whom , much
regretthe patrons of the schools , friends ,
S U5iot make application. Prof. Valeu-
iej3 8j nized as one of the leading educa-
i offtHi state , and the Board has done a
ise act iu securing his service. His salary
McCook , Neb. , May 22,18S9.
Council met in regular session , prcsuu
Mayor Green , Counclimen Allen , Kay , Brow
aud Boyd , and Clerk Kelloy.
Meeting called to order by tho Mayo
Minutes of last meeting read and approve *
Finance committee report that they fin
Treasurer's report dated May 7th , 1689 , coi
rect , and recommended that it bo accopte (
Keport accepted and on motion Treasurer' '
report of May 7th , 1689 , accepted.
Finance committee report various price
and propositions for hose and fire apparatus
On motion of Brown , seconded by Boyd , tha
finance committee be instructed to purchas
for the city 500 feet of 2-inch fire hose , on
hose cart , one hook aud ladder truck and fir
alarm bell , on 'the best terms offered m tliei
judgment , and report their actiou at nex
meeting. Carried.
On motion committee on streets and alley
aro authorized to secure location and con
struct a suitable tower and building for hos <
and hook and ladder carts. Carried.
On motion ordinance committee instructe (
to arrange for four additional fire hydrants
provided Lincoln Land Company will put ii
telephone from city to engine house , to b (
used in case of fire. Carried.
On motion , Messrs. Lj'tlo Bros , was grant
ed a permit for temporary frame building or
Dennison street as per their application or
Ordinance No. 35 authorizing Mayor to en
ter into a contract with B. Ii. Woods assignee
of Thompson & Co. , for lighting city by elec
tricity , passed under suspension of rules.
A. McMillen granted druggist permit.
Bills of policemen for services to May 14th ,
1889 , allowed as follows :
J. 11. Bennett , 8 5G.75
A.Dewey , 40.75
McCook vs. Arapahoe.
[ From tho Arapahoo Mirror. ]
Tho baso ball park contained more lovers of
iho national game , yesterday , than on anr
previous occasion within tho memory of tho
jldest inhabitants. They canio from all points
) f tho compass , from town and country all
Dent on having a good time , whether victory
jorched on tho banner of Arapahoo or Mo-
3ook. The contest commenced promptly at 3
) 'clock , with tho homo team at the bat , and
ho boys scored 3 runs and shut tho visitors
> ut. Tho visitors returned the compliment in
ho next two innings and evened up tho score.
! u the fifth and sixth innings Arapahoo piled
lp eight big runs , and seemed In a fair way to
iomoouton top of the heap. Tho visitors and
heir backers looked blue. Arapahoo stock
lad an upward tendency and offers of two to
mo on tho favorites found no takers. It was
veil that they did not. however , for in tho
eventh and eighth McCook , by a series of
ortunato hits , and reckless playing by the
lomo boys , snatched victory from the jaws of
; efeat. It was a great game , hotly contested
rom beginning to end. and ought to have
eon a victory for Arapahoe. Following is tho
irapahoo , 3 0 0 13 5 0 0 0 12
IcCook 0 3 5 * li
lilonthly Meeting
Of the Y. P. M. B. at the Lutheran church ,
ext Sunday evening , at 7:30 : , M. T.
pkogkam :
Organ Voluntary.
Opening Service and Prayer.
Song and Chorus by the Band.
Bennie's Thauk-You Box , " . . . .Anna Hurd.
Issay , "My Mission , " May Seaman.
olo , Mabel Jordan.
Lecitation Bertha Boyle.
Aunty Parsons , " Miss Murphy.
• net , . . .Hannah Stanglund and Anna Thole.
lecitation , Ida Zimmerman.
'emperance song , Class.
Address by the Pastor.
Spasmodic Advertising.
"If you want to be healthy you must eat
igularly , as meat to-day will not serve you
( -morrow. To be well aud hearty eat at
, 'ery meal time. To be prosperous in busi-
Bss advertise regularly. Stop one and you
arve and die. Stop the other and your busi-
2ss takes consumption and dies also. Spas-
odic advertising is like having a 'feast and
imine' more famine than feast as a general
lie and is never satisfactory. To take out
mr card iu dull times is like killing your
irse because he is a little lame. In dull
mes advertising is the most effective , as
ore notice is then taken of printer's ink than
ly other time. "
he NebraskatjChautauqua Assembly.
The eighth annual assembly of the Nebras-
i Assembly will convene at Crete on June
'th ' , and hold a continued session up to ana
eluding July 6th. Everything seems con-
icive at present to warrant its patrons in
including that the current session will far
irpass all previous efforts to make this great
lucational gathering a veritable literary
ast as well as a cheerful summer outing.
Ggin early to make the necessary arrange-
ents to attend this great ingathering of
ndred spirits who offer fealty at the sliriue
: learning.
ebraska State Fair and Exposition.
We are in receipt of the premium list of
ebraska State Fair and Exposition. It is a
ell arranged and neatly printed list. The
ir will be held at Lincoln , September Gth to
th. Nebraska may well be proud of her
irs in the past The board is evidently de-
rmined that the fair of 1S89 shall surpass
ly of its predecessors , if the thing can be
me. For information concerning the fair
• ply to Robt. W. Furnas , Brownville , Ne-
Subscribers Pay Up.
It is not the habit of the publisher to do
irsistent dunning ; but there is a tide in the
[ airs of men which taken at the flood leads
i to glory ; so there is a time hi the life of ,
e publisher when a little cash seems to be
icessary , in addition to glory. An urgent
vitation is extended our delinquent sub-
ribers to call at once and settle up. In
her words we must have some money. '
The Publisher.
D0 Y0U ?
Do you want to buy a horse , a cow , a steer ,
liog ? Messrs. Eaton & Co. will on Wednes- :
iy , June 19th , afford you an opportunity to
1 that want. See their large bills , and their
splay advertisement in this issue of The
tUBUNE , for particulars.
Sunday School Anniversary.
The Fif Hi Anniversary of the M. E. Sun-
ly School will be held at the M. E. church ,
mday evening , May 2Gth , at 7 o'clock. Ap-
opriate exercises by the school and others.
J. H. Yargeb , Supt.
Is McCook Going to Celebrate.
As nothing has been heard from our neigh-
iring towns in regard to 4th of July cele
ation. McCook ought to get to the front
id make preparations for that great day.
The ladies of the M. E. church , will serve
nch and ice cream and cake decoration day
the Scott building , on Main street.
Mnj , McOabe , President.
- - -
* --lM
CirctiK ngent in tho city , Tuesday.
County ClerkltoporwaaaCommorcial guei
F. L. Drown mndo abueinoss trip to Frontlc
county , Monday.
Sum and Ellsworth Brown have rcturnc
from their Afton visit.
Nusby Hall of tho sprightly burg of Ticnto :
wns a city guest , Tuesduy.
Dud MoKllllp and It. Hutchinson , ot Uurtloj
Sundayod in tho metropolis.
W. J. McGillen of tho Ilarlan Cattlo Co ,
Stratton , is In tho city to-day.
Low Vnnco was down from McCook , las
week. Ked Cloud Republican.
Geo.V. . Knights , brother of our Charllo , wai
up from Cambridge , Wednesday.
W. T. Hacker , ox-county treasurer of Dun
dy couuty , was in tho city , Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. E. Hanks , Culbertson , wen
guests at tho Commercial , Wednesday.
W. S. Morlan attonded tho district court ol
Hayes county In session thoro , Tuosday.
Col. T. J. Bickett , Bloomington , tho voteran
in tho newspopor Hold , Sundayed in tho city.
Edgar noward , whilom of tho Democrat ,
Bonkelman , was a Saturday evening tourist.
Father Cullen had business pertaining to tho
cloth in Hayes county , Monday and Tuesday.
Mrs. Conway and Atwood ef Culbertson , was
down , Saturday , on a little shopping expedi
Prof. Hcltman dopnrted Tuesday , on a hurri
ed business trip to Geneva , Superior and Lin
C. F. Babcock took No. 1 , Sunday ovoning ,
Cor Denver , expecting to put in tho week there
dii business.
Mr. and Mrs. Tato drove down from Carrlco ,
Monday , and aro stopping with Mr. and Mrs.
Milkman Clark's usual docilo steeds indulg
ed in a lively little runaway , Tuesday evening
damage light.
E. C. Ballow of tho First National had busl-
less before tho county oflicials of Hitchcock
( ounty , Tuesday.
County Superintendent Howard of Hayes
lounty had business before the local U. S.
and office , Tuesday.
Mr. Burt Coldren , Denver , Auditor of the
Ioward Lumber Co. , was transacting business
n tho city , Wednesday.
Mr. A. H. Mondcnhall and H. L. Lippencott
if tho Stato Journal Co. , Lincoln , were looking
iver the city , Tuesday.
J. J. Dillenback , examiner of loans for the
Nebraska Loan and Trust Co. , Hastings , was
n the city , Wednesday.
Hon. W. A. Paxton of Omaha , visited his
ild time friends , tho Burtless family nt Glon-
rood , the first of tho week.
Jos. W. Shabata , loan examining agent ,
) awes & Foss , Crete , was here in tho perform
nco of his duty , Wednesday.
Dr. B. B. Davis is in attendance upon tho
tate Medical Association at Kearney , having
oparted yesterday evening.
John S. Hughes was down from his stock
arm in Hayes county with his thoroughbred
rotter , Moskmont , Thursday.
Judge Cochran and Eeporter drove
p to Hayes Centre , Monday , district court for
[ ayes county being in session.
Mr. E. E. Bowen , senior Boston m&M
owen & Layco2k , spent several days , the lat-
; r part of last week , in the city.
Mrs. J. A. Jackson , has taken a claim near
aigler and moved onto same the first of the
eek. Tom will remain in McCook.
Chas. Boyd returned , Monday night , from
rederick , 111. , where he had accompanied the
• mains of his mother , for final intermc .pt.
A. E. Lytic was granted a permit by the city
juncil to erect a frame buiidingon Dennison
reet until the Co. 's brick on the old grounds
in be erected.
Mrs. Joel S. Kelsoy leaves tho latter part of
ie week for her home at Pittsburg , on a visit
i relatives and friends which may reach sev-
: al month's in duration.
Joe. D. Robb , left , Tuesday , for Albia , Iowa ,
• r a short visit with his parents and friends.
re have not heard whether Joe will bring
nek a "partner" with him or not.
Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Lucas drove up to Hayes
2ntro , Monday. The Judge had some legal
atters to attend to i n the district court which
as In session in that countv.
Miss Ada Quigging gave a tea party to a
• mpany of young friends , evening
! last week , at tho residence of her parents-
the northwestern part of the city. A pleas
it evening was passed.
Editor Byrkit of the Republican Valley
2ho , spent a few fleeting hours in the city be-
reen trains , Monday Of course Mr. Byrkit
tiled and was shown through the depart-
ents of this newspaporial kingdom.
B. F. Brower has sold his stock and farm
iuth of the river to Chas. llmman , of Mc-
) ok. Mr. Brower has bought three-fifths of
ie creamery In McCook , and will help to
ake that enterprise a success. Bartley In-
Lawyers Hatch and Galloway , Liverymen
Isseberth and J. M. Garrett , of Hayc3 Centre
ove down to the city , Wednesday , on busi
es matters and to imbibe some of the spirit
id business activity of the "Peerless City" to
oculate the 'Centre with.
John Majors , of McCook , is still said to be a
issibility for register of the McCook land
See. He was in the city , to-day , and stated ,
th some assurance , that Senator Lindsay
d everything but a walk-awaj. Mr. Majors
11 not yield the fight until an adverse ap-
lintment is officially made Omaha Bee May
Elder L. L. Combs of the Christian church ,
s been conducting a series of meetings in
ecity , this week. The Elder is a forcible ,
d learned expounder and has been drawing ,
od audiences. There are about fifty persons
the city holding membership with that de-
mination. An organization will bo effected
tn the view of buying or buildings building
r church purposes. The meetings will be
ntinued this week in the old U. S. Land Of- .
c building on tho hill.
Mr. Caleb Clothier , assisted by Mrs. H. H- ,
oth , entertained a few of their Quaker
iends , last Monday evening , in a grand and •
mptuous Eastern style , indicative of a New
rsey hospitality , where sociability , and lux- \
ies abound , and when partaking of the deli-
cles of the season late in the evening , after
ending the fore part thereof in the social
me of Progressive Euchre , ( where some of
e party failed to progress. ) reminded one ot
e good old days so happily spent in the grand
I state of New Jersev
I. It. Grifiitts , Traveling Passenger Agent.
, & M. , was in the city , Thursday , In the in
rest of the Crete Chautauqua Assembly ,
r. Grifiitts took tho evening train east , but
II return Sunday , and in ttie evening speak
ncerning the Assembly in the Congregation-
church. He informs us that if an excursion
irtyof fifty. ocgmpra , can be organized5ne } |
ilf rates wilLbo yen by the railroad-com-
iny. Those desiring to join tho excursion. '
hich will Ieacm the morning of JuiieSiihr ;
e requested fo andjtheir names in to3J _ F '
iwson at thB F&ilpNfetional Bank , wbofwill i
ovlde progm\M.of-tneAs6emblf tQ&lf-P ?
lout. . v : * m&
M n _ WBM ' p - a -f9 - - -
19 ! _ _
" " ]
In order to reduce my large stock of Spring 1
Goods , will sell them at the following I
Unprecedented Prices ! ! 1
Business Suits from § 22.00 up. 1
Business Pants 10111 $ 5.00 up.
All other Suits in proportion. All orders receivo prompt
attention. If required , will make you a suit in 2-1 hours.
Main Avonuo. by First buildingformorly National Bank. occupied f t ItXCUWUIi. TVJV rnYIr , 1M TWlvi . n _ JVl. lri '
_ . . , _ _ _ _ _
' ' ' " - 1
' -Triimi i * V t * h n mam • linn i > > * -Fl l
- .in 1 1 1 1 ii i.nn 1 ii -
On Wednesday evening , May 29 , tho ladle
of the W. R. C. will give a relief benefit ji
Menard's Opera House , with tho followin
pitoaiiAM :
Koll call. Assembly of buglers. Kovollle.
1. Song "Union for Ever. "
2. Kecltation , entitled tho • Kovcillo. "
3. Song01d Shady. "
4. Kecltation "Tho Bravo at Homo. "
5. Song "Ladles Trio Nlllio Leo , Mrs
Itinkcr and Josiu Mennrd.
0. Kecltation "A Woman of tho War. "
7. Song "Thoy Died for You and Me. "
Uuglo Call. Boots and Saddles. Camp Calls
1. Song 'Tenting on tho Old Camp Ground ,
2. Kecltation "How aro you Sanitary. "
3. Song "MarchingThrough Georgia. "
4. Kecltation "Somebody's Darling. "
r.viiT TmitD.
Memorial of Flowers.
Music of tho states ; each stato representee ]
> y a young Miss in appropriate costume.
Goddess of Liberty.
Song "America. "
Grand Tableau "Guarding the Flag. "
Door opens at 7:30 ; curtain rises at 8:00 , M
? . Admission , 35,25 and 15 cents. Keserved
eats on salo at Berry & McConnoll's.
Memorial service at the Opera Hall at 1
• 'clock , central time , with the following
ruomiAM :
Voluntary Glee Club.
lusic Glee Club.
'rayer , II. H. Berry , Past Chaplain.
ntroductlon of Orator , Col. J. S. LcIIew.
) ration , W. A. McKeighan , of Ked Cloud.
lusic "They Kest in Peace. " Glee Club.
Forming line of march to Cemetery by Col.
. S. Lellew aud Aids do Camp , on Main Ave-
mo with light on Dennison street.
1. Drum corps.
2. J. K. Barnes post and old soldiers.
3. Civic societies.
4. Women's Kelief Corps in carnages and
ndies representing states.
5. Mayor , city council , school board aud
lee club In carriages.
0. Hocknell Hose Company.
7. Teachers and pupils of public schools.
8. Arapahoe and McCook base ball clubs.
9. Citizens on foot , in carriages , in wagons
nd on horseback.
At cemetery , graves of deceased comrades
rill be decorated with appropriate ceremony.
A union memorial sermon will bo delivered
y Rev. J. W. Kiramel , Chaplin , at M. E.
hurch , Sunday morning , May 2Cth at tho
sual hour of service. 10:30 o.clock.
This day is sacred to every old soldier , the
atioual encampment having designateded it
s a day to meet and strc\r flowers on graves
f deceased comrades. It has been made a
ational holiday by legislative enactment ,
ho comrades of the G. A. K. expect that
very good citizen who loves his country more
lan individual gnin , will lay aside his daily
vocation on this d y and assist in the appro-
riato ceremony.
Col. T. E. McCxiackek ,
Chairman of Com.
Immediately after the parado there will be
am e of base ball between the Arapahoe and
IcCoolc club3. These clubs aro evenly match-
& and a close and exciting game may bo ex-
Of the Christian Missionery Society of tho
ounties of Hitchcock , Ked Willow , and Dun-
y. Neb. , ana Kawlins. Kan. , to bo held at
ulbertson , Neb. , on Saturday and Sunday ,
unelstand 2nd.
) :00 "Missionary Organization , "
L. S. Kidnour.
1:45 "The Gospel Preacher , " S. Skinner.
) :15"The Evangelist's Work , " . .L.L. Combs.
) :45 "Church Music , " J. M.Yocum.
1:15 "Care of Young Converts , "A.W.Dutton.
:30-"Preacher's : QuaIification , " . .J. C. Allen.
l:00"Tbe : Eldership. " J. S. Hunter.
! :30 Devotional Exercises.
rC0 Sermon , L. 5. Kidnour.
: C0 "Sermonizing , " Elder Hill.
l:30"Church Dicipline , " A.T.Hall.
1:00 "Duty or Pastor , " J. F. Smith.
1:30 "Preachers Attitude to Sins of Age , "
A. L. Beam.
:00 Sermon , L.L. Combs.
:30 "The Mission of the Church , " J. P. Price.
: : < W "Finance , " J. D. Licklider.
:30 "Woman's Work in the Church. "
Mrs. T. J. Floyd.
:00 Election of Officers , Etc.
:30 "How to Conduct Revivals , " L.L.Combs.
:00 Sermon , J. F. Smith.
We are having cool weather and quite plenty
' rain ; wheat and oats look25 percent , ahead
" any year siuce Grant precinct started.
Corn planting is going on hero lively , yet
any are done planting , and quite a number
i plant yet.
W.O.Russell was loofting up real estate in
rant and Gerver precincts this week.
A serious case just comes to the writer ,
imes Hills' daughter Jennie while out herd-
g. was charged by a vicious bull of the herd
hich came very near getting away with her'
: tthe animal left her. and she came to her-
: lf sufficient that phe by dint of energy man-
red to crawl home or near enough to alarm
e family of her situation and they helped her
i the house. Obsehver.
Mr. Cramer of Chase county , has moved on
ie R. N. Benjamin place which he recently
W. O. WIckwire and family have moved back
i their claim in Hayes county , where they
ill make their future home.
The Hon. W. A. Paxton , of Omaha , was visit-
ig in this place the first cf the week , the
riest of his nelco , Miss Lena Burticss.
Mr. and Mrs. John Kussell visited relatives
id friends in Arapahoe , last week.
Miss Mary Holmes who has been visiting her
ster here has returned to her homo in John-
) n county , tbls state. Weso ,
- m - _ _ _
I "ITI-vE-- _ ? _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ .
No. 2 , through passenger , 5:15 , A. M. m
No. 4. local passenger , (1:05. ( P.M. 1
No. K8. way freight 5:15 , A.M. fj
57Vay freight No. 1W ! urrlvcs from wostat t
4:30 : , P.M. . mountain time. f
No.3 , local pussongcr , 7i5 : , A. M.
No. I. through passenger , 0:30 , P.M.
No. 12D , way freight 5:45 , A.M.
t3fir Wny freight No.127 arrives from tho cast
at 7:20. P. M. , central time.
A. Cami'uell , Supt. A. J. Welch , Agent.
Engineers' and firemen's time books for salo B
atTiiE McCook TitiiiDNK office. 1
Engineer Frank Uhlor of Oxford Is In tho
city this week.
Succial train with tax commission of Colo
rado , passed through here , yesterday.
O. It. C special train of seven cars passed
through the city at 0:30 : , this morning.
Thero is somo talk or tho now engineers and
firemen organizing brotherhood lodges on tho
lino of tho Burlington. |
Watson , local manager of tho telegraph s
company nt this place , is u heavy bettor on |
baso ball. Sporting men plcaso call during 3t
office hours. ' " |
A Chicago correspondent to tho Omaha Bco , w.
snys that n C. B. & Q. official claims that tho f
April statement of that company will show nu j |
astonishing increase iu net earnings. |
Iliicn Trowbridge. D" . S. mail clerk , returned j |
to his run between Lincoln and Alliance , Mou- J
day , after rusticating several days with his f
family , who will continue to reside hero dur- t
tho summer. V
O. D. Likes , postal clerk between Cedar . * !
Rapids and Omaha , was lookintr around head * " I |
quarters , last Friday. This was Mr. dikes' ' _
llrsttripso far west , and he was naturally A
quite delighted with the city and country. " *
Benjamin L. Hurst , of tho Pennsylvania
' * '
railroad , celebrated recently tho close of his
fifty years' actlvo service as a locomotive en
gineer , and he is not ready , by a long way , to
retire. He is called Undo Ben by all who
know him , and he is still running a llrst-class
passenger. His eye is clear as ever , and ho
stands as erect as a caded. He runs from .Tor- ' ' " \
sey City to Kahwiiy , twice daily , and makes - - -4
one trip to Wavcrly.
- *
LoniLellew has returned to school again
after a week's absence.
Willie Snyder has entered school again'after
an absence of about a month.
In the spelling match in Miss McKce's room , |
last Friday , Jacob Bievcr spelled the school Jr
down. F
Tho primary departments of tho west ward /
schools will unite in tho closing exercises of ' 1
the year. , i
We are glad to note that Miss Helen Davia i
of our schools has been hired as one of tho J
teachers for tho cominsr year. J
Scholars have been rather dull this week , \
( especially in the mental arithmetic clasEdue ) / • * ' - , - *
to the warm weather , we presume. ' a
On last Friday afternoon , Miss Murphy pavo ft
her pupils a test in mental arithmetic , Arthur \ f
Nettlcton being the victorious one. t I
The attendance in Miss Condit's room for * I
the past wcel : has been remarkably good. On ]
Thursday morning every pupil responded at I
roll call. I
Oscar Yarger of the high school has lert
school for the remainder , of this term to fill
Mr. J. D. Robb's position in tho postoflice. His
smiling countenance is sadly missed at school
especially by the girls.
The second grade in Miss McXamara's room
have been doing some excellent map drawing
on tho state of Nebraska. The best maps In
the class were those or Walter O'DonneJI , Er-
ma Clark , Lloyd Grims and Eliza Oicott.
Prof , neltman left , Monday , for Lincoln and
other points in tho eastern part of the state. " " "
to be absent until the later part or the week.
Miss Berry in now in charge of the high school
room aud the work i3 rather crowded due to
the Professor's absence.
A great part of this week has been devoted
to examinations in the high school room. The -
3th grades being examined in Arithmetic and
the 3th in Zoology and Arithmetic. As the pa
pers have not all been examined as yet , tho
result of the examinations is not known.
Miss Myers' pupils have been having re
views in arithmetic , this week. The average
standing of the 6th graite being 30 percent.
Those of the 7th grade who received 100 per H
sent , were , Selma Noren. LaVaughn Phelan , H
ilattie Yarger. John Brown , Bertha Boyle and • - " |
Dannie O'Brien.
The Zoology class now have a number of
specimens anionic which is a largo centipede
measuring about > i Inches in length and a
large dragon Hy. They have a number of cu-
: oonsor thfCcropia moth which they havo
iieen watching with great interest since March.
Thursday , one of the Ciicwus burst and a
uoth measuring 5 inches rroni tip to tip , came
On the afternoon or Fiiday , May 17th , the
period after recess was devoted to the literary
program given hy the MeCock L.terary Socio- _
• y every other week. The program , consist-
ug of recitation ; , sketches Eelcct rc.tdin _ HHfl |
etc. , was highly creditable. Tbe _ H |
by and Anna ierd , |
Florence Lsnhum. were _ _ H
The recitations JJ H
an the felcct _ _ H
was beautiful |
"Ge H
wI _ _ H
o rs _
Dcitric > t. _
May Moot _ , _ |
This is tb H
Society , an
for H H