' ' " wikhmmw mmiiwhiumih imiiiitTtIi * * g wiffTTiin ii • i ii ifrriT ir * irnri yi nr i * y $ \ 'WPP ' * HWj w , B BP" , L- < .jL ' - jr.uJT • . ' _ wl " * ; l . ; i. "l T yrr-r "rinMMi i Fu7il ? { * jji | | M | tetft rlj " _ i i i jri ; t | | . ImIw : . - , - , - . - , > - . : : • • - tp - ' , , - iM * • H VOLUME VII. " j 5 McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY EVENING , MAY24 * , 1889. . ' NUMBER 52. 3 § § vfl/ / ' - _ - 1 ] ' . 2 _ I _ „ . . , _ , C * SfcslSwt ' ' % THE 'JEWEL' I Gasoline Stove I" - if/ ll Is the Finest in the Land. " f • / \ ; , , : . . " ; , w US , - AND < • . : , - Vr " - . - . ' , , OR , . _ ; , , r.SO . . . . [ ' " . - / " ; ' Lti > - : • " . % , . , , . ' 'YOU * ' ' " ' ' . - WE/ ALL • / ' - ; - - - - SAY , . - fc . . . , WILL • If SO SAY k When you-have used one. It is a Marvel of Simplicity , Quickness , Force H and Economy. _ , • * * * • * * * * * * If We Kiss It Good-Bye When We Sell It , As fc\ It Will Not Return In I % fr & • ' • ; ' " " " 11 - * * * * * * * * * * * . . * , - i * ' | P. S. It makes Gasoline bill 26 per cent. I J smaller and costs no more than other stoves. * ' ' ' " ' • * P TIE PioNEER HARDWARE , [ W. G. LaTOURETTE , Prop. f Brick Store , Lower Main Avenue , 1 doors S. of J. C. Allen & ) K.rr.nnnv , wttut ? \ tt a . | Co. , and 3 doors N. of The Frees & Hocknell Lumber Co. ] McCOOK WtJiKAbJiA. I . _ . OF McCOOK , NEB. I PAID UP CAPITAL , - $100,000.00. , . i\ Makes First Mortffage Pann Loans. Applications for Farm Loans Wanted. . Hit ) Money paid soon as papers completed. Money advanced to make proof. M/ * * . , . . . , Vice President. MX A. CAMPBELL Presidcwt. B. M. FREES 1st I GEO. HOCKNELL , Sec. &TRCA8. • S. L. GREEN , 2o Vice President. I E. C. BALLEW , Manager. I * OFFICE IN FIRST NATIONAL. BANK. [ I -5 GO TO JR - | U ALL , COCHRAN & CO. g FOR THE CELEBRATED If WALTRR A. WOOD -SMLE APRON STEEL BINDERS. wf' Warranted to K , Sorghum 6 Feet High. mJ H " MACHINES , Ir v Hai ware , Implements , Etc ; K' , - IH B A COMFLETJB STOCK OF • < v (7ul | : - S to ves , : = Tinware , Barb = : Wire ] It , B WindmillsOils , = > Etc , H\ - B - ' " * r' - S 5 H " ' fcTDBKlOr'r ET , McCOOK , 2 ; BRASiCA. < Mi BUSINESS DIRECTORY. J. BYBON JENNINGS , ATTORNEYAT ; - : - LAW. Will practlco In the State and United Btato Courts , and boforo tbo IT. . Land Offlcee. Cnreful attention riven to Collections. Office over Citizons Bank , MoCook , Nob. THOS. GOLFER , ATTORNEY • : • ATi LAW , AND NOTAITC PUBLIC. Real Estate Bought and Sold and Collcclons Made. Money loaned on real estate and final proof. Agent Lincoln Land Co. OfBcc , orer Rumors t Mercbaats Bank. ' B. H , SNAVELt , ATTORNEY - : • AT - : - LAW , INDTANOLA NEBRASKA. Will practlco In all tho Btato and Cnltcd States Courta. Also , boforo tho Land Office at McCook and tho department at Washington. HUGH W. COLE , ? LAWYMl , n - McCOOlR , * : . NEBRASKA. Will practlco m all tho Courta. Commercial and corporation lav a specialty. MONEY TO LOAN. Rooms 4 and 5 , First Nat'l Bank Bailding. A. J. BITTENaOUSB , .VT. n. BTAnlt , McCook. Indianola. Rittenhouse & Starr , Attorneys $ at T Law. OTTICES AT McCOOK AND INDIANOLA. C. W. DAVIS , Attorney , Land P Loan Agent , McCOOK , • • NEBRASKA. Four year's experience in tho General Land Office at Washington , D. C , as Examiner of Contest Cases. Difficult contest enses a spec ialty. Remember , X advise correctly upon all pertaining : to the public land laws , Suestions Basement of Citizens Bank. H. G. DIXON , Real Estate and Loan Broker , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. Spceial attention given to the sale of city property. Houses rented and collections made. Office : Rear of Citizens Bank. T. B. STUTZMAN , M. D. , Eclectic. Physician and Surgeon , OOtTLIST AND AURIST. McCOOK NEBRASKA "Office In McNeely Building , Main St. B. B. DAVIS , M. D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , McCOOK , • NEBRASKA. "Office at Chonery'B drug store. L. J. SPIOKELSIIER , M. D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Social MtnUsaOlTea is Fesals Slseitss. Office hours , from 9 to 11 A. M. , and & to 4 P. M. . mountain tftne. Office : Over Farmers & Merchants bonk. Dr. Z. L. KAY , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. McCOOK. - - NKBKASKA. EE7 RO0MS : Over new First National Panic. A. J. THOMAS , Administers Gas if desired. BSTOffico over Scott's brick. G. W. MINKLEE , FOHMERI.T COUNTY - : - SURVEYOR , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. ' Will do all kinds of Surveying , Grading and Civil Engineering. Residence north of school house. THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL , Geo. E. Johnston , Prop. McCOOK , TTEBKASKA. This house has been completely renovated and refurnished throughout , and is flrst-class in every respect. Rates reasonable. W. M. SANDERSON , DECORATIVE - : - ARTIST , SCENIC painter , Caleimlnlng , Grctfning. Paper Hanging , etc. with neatness and dispatch. JOHN G. W. E. FLEE5IING , House-and Carriage Painting , QRAXSISQ , CALCIMIKINQ. JlAnnLIKQ , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. Leave all orders atsthe drug store of Albert MSMillen. Firet-dasa work guaranteed. Dr. A. P. WELLES , HbMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. Special attention given to Diseases of Wo- ies akd Children. The latest improved methods of Electricity used in all cases re quiring such treatment. Office over old First National hank. Residence , Commercial Hotel. M. C. H/UCWELLJ / 4 BREEDER OF Short taOatfle. Stock on band at all times , tfanafc : one mile south of McCook , Neb. F. D. BURGESS , PLUMBING , Steam and Hot Water Heating , North Mala Avenue , McCOOK , - * NEBRASKA. f 3 A stock of best grades of Hose , Lawn Sprinklers , Hose Reels and Hoso Fixtures , constantly onhand. All work receives prompt .attention 4 } , = ? - - * n W m B i\ i jLA - - . . . . , j j flit Mtk ) fti&wpt' Our Hearts Are There. Respectfully dedicated to Frank Hubor , at tached to U. S. Steamer "Brilliant , " of tho Mississippi Soadron. Frank by namo and Frank by nature , Word and Deed , by R. E. H. Levering , Lancaster , Ohio. Oct. 20th , 16M. ( Allt OUR FLAO IS THERE. Our Hoarts are there ! Our hearts aro therol With waving Hag and deadly Biowl Our Hearts aro there. Our Hearts aro thoro. The Conquerors of the Southorn Foe. Our Country calls ! Wo list tho voice. With leaping Soul and sinewed Arm , Our Spirits in tho Fray rejolco With Battle Strength and Battle Charm. CHORUS Our Hearts aro there , etc. * Our Country's Dead of olden time , Tho Recent Slain on Southe rA'Sod , Appeal our Hearts to deeds subline , For Home , for Country , and for God , Wo bid Farewell to every tie. Wo echoing breathe tho Patriot Fiamo , * For these to light for these to d i6 , And shield our glorious Flag from Shamo. CHORUS-Our Hearts aro there , etc. Though Doubt , and Fear , and Wood prevail , ' ' And brewing Clouds from foreign shoro. Though Traitors with tho foo assail , Tho Eagle Bird was made to soar , Tho Spirit our forefathers swayed , The Starry Flag the same endures , Tho same firm Trust on Heavo n is staid , The final Victory shall bo ours. CHORUS-Our ncarts are there , etc. O list tho mighty Tocsin sound , On every wind Its Accents fly. Tho East and West swift pass it "round , The North and South repeat tho cry. The Battle Hosts to Battle speed , In Union Strength and Union Heart , With Spartan Soul and Spartan Deed , To blaze their names on Glare's Chart. CHORUS Our Hearts are there , etc. Our Spirits for the Patriot Dead , Shall weep around tho Nations Urn. Our Hearts shall to tho Livingispeed , With Wreaths on Giory's Field they won. To distant Time tho Truth shall spread * This Land is Heavens peculiar care. To Freedom true , to Victory led , As on she moves her Condupring Car. CHORUS Our Hearts are. there , etc. TriE Nebraska Chautauqua Assem bly at Crete , June 27th to July 4th , promises to be the greatest meeting ever held in the state. An excellent propram has been made and everything done necessary to make it a success. The Oklahoma investigations are proceeding , but so far nothing has been found to positively criminate any United States deputy marshals in taking up land prior to the date fixed by the pres ident. The investigation , however , is not yet completed. The street sprinklersOf Lincoln have gone to law. One fellow procured li cense for some sixteen miles of streets a part of which covered the territory claimed by another , which has led to tho legal proceedings. The constitu tionality of the ordinance is being tested. To sit behind a three-minute horse hour after hour , would seem to be pret ty fast traveling. The steamer City of Paris , which made such a wonderful run recently , averaged on some days 21 miles an hour , nearly a 2:40 : gait the twenty-four hour through. And yet steamship builders are not satisfied. They want a 2:30 : gait. The committee on trusts appointed by the New York legislature has report ed that a trust is harmless as long as it remains a trust , but that as soon as it , becomes a "corner" it is objectionable and ought to be suppressed by legisla tion. This work evidently exhausted the committee , for no legislation was outlined nor any remedies suggested. The people of Genoa , Italy , are al ready beginning preparations for the celebration in 1892 of the completion of the fourth century since the discovery of America by their fellow-townsman , Mr. Columbus. They propose to cele brate the event in a unique manner , and one that is appropriate as well. The Municipal Council has been directed to confer with the National Government and to secure the construction at Genoa of a first-class ironclad. This it is pro posed to have ready for launching Oct ober 8 , 1S92 , that being the-day of the month when Columbus landed at Sai. - Salvador. The vessel is to christened tho Cristoforo Colombo , and will l.e constructed in the best possible manner. Articles nf incorporation of one of the largest companies ever formed in the state , were filed in the office of Sec retary of State last week. The capital stock is $1,000,000 , divided into shares of $100 each , and its object is to found a beet sugar factory in Lincoln county , about thirty mile ? south of North Platte. Nearly ali the capital is for eign and conies from England and Nova Scotia. It has been found from analy sis that some of the finest quality of sugar beets have been raised in this vi cinity. The official analysis was sent to London , from thence to Germany and France. It was-proclaimed by all to bp the best percentage of sugar in beets ever heard of , being nearly 17 per cent. , 5 per cent , above the average of Germany , Erance or England. Reports state that that quantityjOLbeets should easily produce from Pft SOO pounds or sugar per ton. IM reqtmg great excitement in the ollmj airy. tt is es timated that from | Hwp20 | | tons of beets can be raised pjgglpi The price paid for beets deliver r be factory will be about $4.00Mpfcjs rate the farmer will make froj lf o $100 per acre from beets. TjpaiBpltnt | would be cash and beets wqrij iw&ys have a ready sale. One uitfl ll care for ten acres of beets ani4o Oasiderable other work in additlw. plinden Ga- jetton pi * % s > mmJ. > x ; # & . sr # n A GOLD WATCH FOR ONLY ONE DOLLAR Por Weok. by our Improved Club System. Tho Cases in our Watches aro fully Warranted for 20 years. Tho movements aro Elgin and Waltham , reliable and well known. Tho Watches aro Hunter case or open fnco.Ladlcs' or Gents'sizo stem Winders and Settlors , and aro fully equal in durability ; sorvlco and ap pearance to any $50 Watch. Wo sell theso Watches for $25 spot cash , and send to any ad dress by Express or Registered Mail ; or by our Club System at 81 por weok. One good ro- liablo AGENT WANTED in each place. Write for particulars. EMPIRE WATCH CLUB Co. , 84 Park Row. NEW YORK. ALLEY'S TRANSFER , Bus , Baggage Dray Line. P. P. ALLEN , Prop. , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. 0 Best Equipped in tho Citv. Leave orders at Commercial Hotel. Good well water fur nished on short notice. M M9&HBHnnnntB nnBnnmMaa DnMi Herian & DesLarzes , Proprietors of the McCook Transfer % Gity Bus Line. Bus to and from all trains. Coal hanling and general delivery. Three dravs. An work promptly attended to. Leave orders at Frees & Hocknell Lumber Yard. Blue Front Livery Stable D. D. SMITH , Proprietor. Livery , feed and sale stables. Finest turn outs in the city furnished. Earn , rear ITc- Entto Hotel. 5S > I do a STRICTLY CASH business. J. S. McBRAYER , House Mover % Drayman , McCOOK , NEB * B5F" House and Safe Moving a Spec ialty. Orders for Draying left at the Huddleston Lumber Yard will receive prompt attention. ; i KILPATRICK BROTHERS. ( Successors to E , D. Webster. ) Horses branded on left hip or left shoulder. m r. P. O. address , Estelie , BKSl Hayes county , and Beat- KflBQHpMHL rice , Neb. Range , Stink- KSSllng Water and French- ffman creeks , Chase Co. , H HHn Nebraska. P * M | Brand as cuton side of wlfaBml some animals , on hip and 4EsK DK & idea of some , or any * "i" where on the animal. • Melbourne Will make the season of 18S9 , eom- nencing April 1st and closing July lst : ) n Mondays , Tuesdays , Wednesdays md Thursdays at my farm on Driftwood ; reek , 10 miles , southwest of McCook : md on Fridays and Saturdays at Eaton & ; Co. 's livery barn in McCook. , Terjis : § 10 to insure a standing jolt. $8 for the season. $5 for single service. service.Ben Sutler , A fine dark iron-gray jack , 2 years ) ld past , 13 hands high , weighing 800 aounds , will also make the season at ; he same places and times , and under jaul&erms. Call and see them. _ , R ' a iii8 I i , i ' % mm • O -JLzi 71 vli 0 > if t ' r ' % { : ' If " CD SiSSiamae V > " ' ' ' "I'l I mh f a | IT ll f&Gaa s. " \ . 1 4fli r r\ \ ill % * * * \J J . ) Wm it • a 1 m Ti 1 " fl * all McCOOK , NEBRASKA. : f * tM CAPITAL PAIDJN , - - $50,000.00. . ; : • ' I = ( GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. PROMPT MONEY H FOR EVERYBODY. WE MAKE FARM AND CITY LOANS AT LOWEST ' H CURRENT RATES AND PAY MONEY WHEN THE TITLE IS COMPLETE. .y ' j H o OFFICERS : o ' T • ' " l L \ E. SIIAW , Pres. C. A. THOilPSOX , Vice Tres. C1IAS. A. VaxPELT , Treas . , " ' \ M JAY OL 'EY , Cashier. , ' ' * " lH ° . . . "V 1 H Office in old U. S. Land Office rooms. MCCOOK , NEBRASKA. 'rt\ U GEO. HOCKNELL. President. B. M. FREES. Vice President V. " - . j B \ . CAMP3LLL. W F LAY/SON. Cashier ' -i. S. L. GREEM. V ; . * V | Thos. Tarbrough , - . : , ) y AGENTFORTHE H Singer Sewing Machined m f J CD .jeers' H ALSO KEEPS ON HAND A FULL LINE OF „ rJWm H Repairs and . Sup CE . . - f * * ' " _ U- ' ' " ' ' * .f a'jrrailorIfH |