The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 17, 1889, Image 5

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_ _ _ _ _
f' He Jfijfftwk JVttmj * .
I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
f l _
' A , McMillen's Drug Store ,
On goods slightly damaged by
water , including
rFOB r\
| C , GAMES , Etc. , Em
m Call and be convinced on prices.
/ '
A Farm Loan , to get Insured , or have
any Real Estate to Sell or Exchange
• for Merchandise or other Personal Prop-
[ erty , go to
Tribune Building.
This is to notify our customers that
r" we will adopt a strictly CASH system
> of business , May 1st , 1889 , also that
; . • we will sell all goods at greatly re-
i duced prices. We do this believing it
will benefit our patrons as well as our-
k selves. Our entire stock of Boots and
• Shoes at cost.
Wo are still here and here to stay ,
and receiving goods every few days.
Just received another assortment of
Ladies' and Children's Hats , Summer
Shawls , Hosiery , Balls , Fish Hooks
1 and Lines , Pearl Buttons , etc.
Hamilton's .Cheap Store.
Pony _ _ _ For _ _ Safe.
A handsome , "single-footer" pony.
Will be sold cheap. Call at this office ,
I at once. AJso , a cart very cheap.
ESF'Buy the
" ' '
Celebrated Universal'
" " ' Gasoline Stove. Sold by
Messrs. Hall , Cochran & Co.
, * Noble for superb hanging lamps.
| A fine line of new Curtains at
I Pade & Son's.
1 : r B
1 New goods received daily at
* 1 A. Oppenheimer's.
A pi
1 ' For Baby Carriages go to j
ft Pade & Son's.
I [ E Fresh sausage at the B. & . M. m
II Meat Market. ci
Ij1 B5F"1 Go t'o Mrs. Lathrop's for your
i , Millinery. ,
• > The J3. & . M. Meat Market meets all ei
I cut prices in meats.
. • Prices at the B. & M. Meat Market v5
1 are as low as the lowest. ai
[ „ - A full line of gent's furnishing goods
' cheap at A. Oppenheimer's. tr
- . G
Fresh and smoked meats of all kinds
J at the JB. & M. Meat Market.
A Everything fresh and clean in the Zi
i . * way of groceries at Noble's store.
Buy your hat for spring wear and
b cet it cheap at A. Oppenheimer's. S
' Cash paid for live stock , poultry and g
I hides at the B. & M. Meat Market.
[ Silk Mitts 25 to 50 cts. , at _
f Mrs. Lathrop's.
I There is no other way. Buy your a
mW groceriesqueenswareetc.of Noble.
Ba grp-For Refrigerators see ll
my Pade & Son.fa
Mr T
* ' A splendid line of patterns in French S
[ Satteens at A. Oppenheimer's.
Ludwick's Pawn Shop. Opposite p
; McEntee Hotel. Plenty of cash on ci
* "I hand. fcl
H For home sugar cured meats hams , tj
t breakfast bacon , etc. , go to the B. &
I' Meat Market. m
. " C fln thel ine of plain and fancy b
[ - groceries , C. M. Noble will fill your fr
every want satisfactorily. n
• . , Second Hand Cook and Heating
Stoves wanted opposite the McEntee. 1
. .
J. H. Ludwick.
& w
H We have the largest stock of seeds
H1 for farm , field or garden in the city.
T Tree seeds a specialty. P
Ki C. G. Potter & Co. . tc
Hi' T\ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ . _ is
St a A If you want nice tender beefsteak pi
lVfjl\ Sive the B- & MJIeat Market a cal1u
_ fLr . JChey butcher none but the choicest of di
Bljp y ves. ei
l _ | | l .Hall , Cochran & Co. sell the celebrata
H il r& "UNIVERSAL" Gasolinp Stove. ed
MN-Jj f Guaranteed to give entire satisfaction , ]
WpFy J or no pay. . *
' I \ If you want something handsome in tl
r \ the way" of a hanging lamp , call on CM. in
I jr > Noble. He is just in receipt of the ai
Mi' largest and finest stock of hanging m
1 lamps ever brought to southwestern ir
mNebraska. . P
Bli 'j ' ' t "mMPw " "V ' n
HEtf" _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " * _ _ _ _ _ . _ .cf * * _ _ _ * _ Kii i _ SSB 3iSBiBnws _ H 4.i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ l
All parties knowing themselves t ' n-
dobtod to LYTLE BROS. & CO. please
call < and settle at once. Headquar
ters at Citizens Bank for fhe present.
[ f you cannot
Read the lines below , your eyesight is
"GoorgoM.Chcnory nt tho City Druj ? Storo
, soils pure drugs and medicines. "
$100.000 < to Loan on Real Estate.
Insurance written in reliable com-
panys ] , city property for sale and rent.
Office up stairs in Morlan block.
C. J. Ryan.
HoyDo You Stack Up
For Hay ? Eaton & Co. have quantities
of j nice bright hay for sale at lowest mar1
ket prices. Call at the
Cirolk Front Livery Barn.l
_ _
Hall , Cochran & Co. have just received
a large shipment ot tho celel rated Mila
burn Tubler-Axe Waoons , which
! they are ready to sell at fair prices.
A second-hand Wind Mill and Tow
er , in excellent condition. Inquire of
" " "
F. E. • Stock at
1 : = 5 B. & M. Meat Market.
Star Restaurant and Lunch Room.
Lunches and warm meals served at
all Hours of day and night. Hot coffee ,
hot . soup , steakt ham eggs , pieg , etc.
For Sale or Trade.
I have a Norman stallion for sale , or
will trade for land or cattle.
F. S. Wilcox.
For Sale Cheap.
An M. K. Lewis Well Au nir and
Horse Power. Inquire at the
First National Bank.
100 cords of well-seasoned , 4-foot
wood. By Mrs. P. J. Taylor ,
44-8ts. Red Willow , Neb.p
A good girl wanted to do general
house work. Inquire at residence of
W. C. Bullard.
_ -
City Drug Store.
Remember Noble for groceries.
New Rugs at Pade & Son's.
Go to Noble for your family groceries.
The B. & M. Meat Market sells meat
as low as the lowest. n
A line of trimming silks and plushes
at A. Oppenheimer's.
Rattan and Oak Rockers , just receivft
ed , at Pade & Son's.
Ladies' and Misses' Silk Mitts , 25 to oj
50 cts. , at Mrs. Lathrop's. V
, . a
Hose , Lawn Sprinklers , Hose Reels c
and Fixtures , for sale by F. D. Burgess ,
A great assortmentin ladies' , gent's
and children's hose at
A. Oppenheimer's.
Plumbing m all its branches prompt-
b and skillfully performed by F. D. !
Prescriptions accurately comm
pounded , day or night , at the City &
Drug ) Store. ai
Noble , the leading grocer , carries the
most complete line of queensware in the ,
city. Inspect it.
Frank D. Burgees carries a full stock
ol Hose , Lawn Sprinklers , Hose Reels , ar
etc. , ina
EclF'The price of liberty is eternal T
vigilance , but Noble's prices on groceries sa
are sure to catch you."i
J. H. Ludwick will buy and sell or t0
trade for all kinds of Second Hand to
Goods. Opposite McEntee Hotel.
Our prices on all kinds of meat are t'1 ; '
low as the lowest. lo
B. & M. Meat Market.h ,
I have a large stock of Hose , Lawn bn
Sprinklers ] , Hose Reels , and Hosa Fix0l
hand of the best tu
tures. constantly on ,
grades. ] F. D. Burgess.dc
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Try us on flour , feed , or seeds , and at
sve will guarantee satisfaction , in both jn
price 3 and quality. Seed sweet potatoes dc
specialty. C. G. Potter & Co. lie
. ui
Do you want a Gasoline Stove warpe
ranted safe and to give entire satisth :
Faction ? Go to Hall , Cochran & Co. ai
Phev sell the celebrated "UNIVER- .
3AL. " of
It is amusing to read in the daily pa
per < of the canal schemes that every m
jross-roads in Nebraska has. If the stl
time ever comes when Nebraska has as
man } ' canals in fact as she has on paper ev
there won't be enough land left for ,
mill sites.
f0 :
Secretary Gilchrist , of the state ] o
board of transportation , just returned 1
Prom a trip through the western and w
of the said of ict
northern ( portions state ,
the crop prospects : "I huve lived in
Nebraska twenty-five years , and never wi
aw sach prospects for small giain as be
have this Year. " to :
Talk as you may but you cannot W
possibly ( blind yourself or any one else of
the truth of the assertion that liquor K
a curse to humanity and its universal gc
prohibition , as a public beverage is the of
ultimatum. To-day it is considered ae
disgraceful to be seen under the influe:1 :
ence of intoxicants , but twenty years
ago when public opinion had not purgbj
itself , nothing was thought of the ei :
matter in Iowa other than it was to be ; ill
expected. "When the morale of a comv. . *
munity has advanced to such a stage , hi
the final decision adverse to liquor is as al
inevitable as the return of the tides , j"
and legislation and temperance move-
ments are but means adopted , through f
impatience , to hurry the outcome. fs
Panora ( la. ) Tedette. tli
i _ _ iS9 _ _ _ tfv B
_ _ _ _ _ _ : : M _ , g. . . . . in.M.i.r. , . , „ , ! i II 1 , |
IM WSMIB"M p ifin it i _ waa Hmw
1i i '
Wnit for Eaton & Co. 's sale , Wcclnesdnj * ,
JunolOtli. •
An occasional immigrant &lill westward
wends IiLs weary way.
The latest in lino writing papers at Tub
Tjuuunb Stationery Department.
Screen doors and windows have become' '
tlm proper caper. Flies are barred out. '
"Very few men In JMeCooIr , " observes an
esteemed , exchange , ' 'are insectmlal reposi
tories. i "
The base ball season will open at Arapa-
hoe j , next Wednesday , "McCoolts" versus
"Aiapalioes/ '
Preaching at the Lutheran church , next
Sunday ; , at 10:30 : , and 7:30 : , M. Pastor J.
W. Kimmel. .
You should not fail ' to read the new adver-
tisement I of Diysdale , the Leader in Honest
Prices ] , in this issue of Tub TitmuxK.
• This morning , W.E. Hart purchased Fied
Eberhardt's 1 interest in the firm of Ebeiiiault
& ! Hart , and will conduct the business alone
hereafter. l
Tub Tiuuune carries tho only complete
stock of legal and land blanks in Western
Nebraska. Blanks put up in tablet form
without extra cost.
The ladles of tho M. E. Mite Society will
sene refreshment * ; , Decoration Day , in the
room of the Scott brick recently vacated by
the Candy Kitchen.
The public is cordially invited to the pi each-
ing j services , Sunday evening , in tins opera
hall i , , by Elder Combs of the Christian chinch ,
at 7:00 : o'clock , mountain tune.
On account of heavy rain , last Friday evenI
ing , Kev. Kimmel was held at Grant , Neb. ,
and missed his appointment heie , Sunday ,
aniviug j , , on Monday morning train.
Tub Tiuuune carries a full stock of
school books and supplies , blank books , staI
tionery , etc. , all at lowe&t prices. Give us a
call when wanting anything in our line.
All sons of old soldiers 14 years of age and
over , are requested to meet at the office of J.
S. LeUew , at 7:30 : o'clock , Saturday evening ,
May . 18th , to arrange to take part in Decora-
r. tion services , May 30th.
- :
On account of damp walls , Mr. McMillen
has not been able as yet to remove the evid
deuces of the late lire fioni the interior of his
duig store. As soon , however , as possible ,
the ! store room will be papered , decorated and
painted in fine style.
On Wednesday of next week , the home club
have arranged to go down to Arapahoe , to
give the pumpkin buskers down there a few
points on the national game. On the 30th
instant the McCooks will wipe up the home
diamond with the Arapahoes.
The work of repairing the McNeely brick
is progressing rapidly under direction of Conc
tractor McAdams. The openings on south
side of the building are being closed and light
will be piovided tlnough sky lightsA few
weeks will be required to complete the woilc.
The creamery will open for the season on
Monday next , and with prospects of doing a
much ] larger business than last season.
Farmers are beginning to realize the advant
ages to them of a creamery and will patron-
ize the same more extensively than hereto- -
fore. '
The musical talent of the city are now
practicing for a concert to be given in the
opera hallthe evening before Decoration
Day , under the auspices of the Eelief Corps ,
and ] lor the benefit of the National Itelief St
Corps Home. Program and particulars , next
week. ?
The opportunities afforded a newspaper tr
man for incurring the displeasme of various
classes of people are J"A
B'or ( a man to write ten or a dozen columns a
week , year in and year out , without offend-
ing anybody , would be equivalent to writing a
that much without saying anything.
Tour especial attention is directed to the
new advertisement of Messrs. Hall , Cochran
Co. , the West Demiison street hardware
and implement dealers. They are making a st
specialty of the Walter A. Woods Binder. M
Y/ou want to see them before buying a mate
2hue. His Single Apron Steel Binder has m
no superior , til
We learn that Messrs. J. C. Allen &
ire seriously cousidering the idea of replac01
ing their present wooden store building with re
handsome and substantial brick structure. "
Their business , so far this year , has been so is .
atisfactory and the prospects of the city betu
ing so encouraging , that they feel almost per- "
maded to do so. We hope they may decide ai1
build at once. A building of great credit i'e
the city is assured in that event. a11m
A gentleman who is an enthusiast concerntu ;
ing the possibl" achievements of man admits D
hat there is one "can't , " one thing none can m.
c : "Ton may hive the stars in a nail keg. ei
lang the ocean on a rail fence to dry , put the m\
iky to soak in gourd and unbuckle the bellyro
aand of eternity and let the sun and moon jj :
jut , but don't think you can escape the place co
hat lies on the other side of purgatory if you re
lou't pay for your paper. " '
There is a fair prospect that the second I11
itory ( of the brick buildings , contemplated be-
ng erected on the site of the frames lecently ,
lestroyed , will be arranged for an opera )
muse. Three of the interested parties , we c'
mderstand : , favor the project and it is ex
pected that tiie proposition will meet with
he sanction of all involved. It would make
splendid location for an opera house , for C
.vhich a greater demand exists than for more fe
jffice rooms. te
Some one has wisely said : "Spend your
noney among home institutions , wheie you pl
chance to it back.
stand a good get Every jfc
lollar _ you spend with a btranker is gone for- sll
. dollar with home
jver. Every you spend a tl !
nan finds its way back to your pocket. A r
lollar spent here goes to help build up our stl
own. Figure the thing down line and you so ;
ose money by baying away from home , eveu ar
j'ou get the aiticle at one-half what it .a
ivould cost you at home. JRemember tiiis and
Quite a number of our Masonic brethien ? "
ivent to McCook , Tuesday evening , where a ' } n
Dountiful banquet was given by John JRoxby
his fellow-craftsmen in commemoration of
lis sixtietli birthday. A number of toasts
tvere ( given ; S. ItSmith and Prof..Charles
this city , were among the speakers. Mr.z *
Koxby < was madethe recipient of a beautiful ; ioi
old watch-chain einbelished with emblem ?
the order. It was r.u event that will long f1 ; !
remembered by all those who were pres- " : '
int. Indianoln Times. a
About noon Tuesday the house occupied i'le
Gus. Hosentreaterabout , six miles southal
east of this place , was.bunied , together with ac
tho conlrnf ? . Mr. , Itosenirenter and son di
wero feeding the slock and his wife getting a d (
bucket of water when the fire was discovered m
and it had gained such headway it was impi
possible to save any of the goods or furni
ture , and only by a narrow escape and at the
cost of being quite badly burned about the
face and hands that the father rescued his insc
fact child ; though the burns are not fatal
they are quite painful. Iudinnola Times. .
\ Jk' J"
One of tlio most brilliant and numerous
gatherings * ! ! ! tho city's social existence was
that assembled In the opera house on tlm
evening , of Tuesday of this week , in response
to invitation of Mr. nnd Mrs. George Hock-
nell , who had there provided enteitaiument
for : their host of friends on an elaborate
scale i never before essayed in this part of the
state. t Since McCoolc has had an honored
name ] or occupied a bright , particular spot in
tho ' geography of this state , a more notable
company ' of her elite society have not graced
an i occasion more delightsome. An oichustra
of ( four .pieces enlivened the affair with in-
spiring'strains { of music , which was enjoyed
by j those who stiove diligently , at cards , for
the < prizes , as well as by those who found
pleasure ] as enthusiastic votaries at tho ever
popular ] shrine of Terpsichore. A goodly
portion 1 of the guests also passed the few
fleeting hours of the evening in social chat so
dear to the American heart especially to
the { gentler sex. Refreshments were served
on the stage , and the appreciative attention
accorded tills feature of the entertainment is
conclusive evidence of their deliciousness ,
and that Caterer Probst and his assistants per
formed i their offices efficiently and accepta-
bly. In fact everything conspired to make
the paity charming and memorable. Fol-
lowing is a
Sccrerary and Mrs. G. L. Laws , the honored
guests of the occasion , Mr. and Mrs. A. Camp
bell , 1L. . Brown. Samuel Strasser , J. C. Bird-
sell , .7. Byrou JenniDgs , P. W. Newman , Z. L.
Kay , F. M. Kimmell , F. O. Newman , W. J.
nills , B. B. Davis , II. 0. Dixon , W. D. Paine ,
Frank Harris , C. II. Meeker , S. P. Hart , C. M.
Noble , S. W. Iluddleston. A. E. LyticV. . C.
Bullard , II. II. Troth. C. J. Hyan , J. A. Cordeal ,
F. II. Spearman , J. A. Wilcox , F. II. Fowler ,
T. G. Hecs , Frank Walsh , T. B. Stutzman , Geo.
E. Johnston , Geo. W. Kaime , G.A. Noren , C.
P. ItinUer , J. E. Kelley , J. B. Meserve , M. Y.u
Starbuck , A. J. Thomas , C T. Brewer , S. L.
Green , Albert McMillen , V. Franklin , F. S.
Wilcex , C. P. Babcock , W. F. Lawsoti , E. C.
Ballew , J. C. Alien , W. C. Laturop , W. M. Antl
derson , E. A. Leach , It. A. Coupe , J. T. Wells ,
Ed.Jordan , C. G.Potter , L. B. Stiles. Mes-
daraes C. D. Belnap. C. W. Paine , E. A. Hollis-
ter , It. It. Woods , II. W. Cole. A. M. Kelley , S.
A. ! Prescott , Adelia Lee , Miss Lyons , Mr. C. B. ±
Mrs. H. II. Troth and Dr. B. B. Davis , a {
pen and holder and a smoker's set respective
ly. j , No booby prizes. u
A Bright Spot tlS
In the social life ot the city was the evenj
ing naity given by Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Nor0j
en : , last Saturday , at their cosy residence ,
corner < Madison and Dodge. Progiessive
euchre card playing , that source of enjoym
ment that never fails , nor becomes blase ,
constituted the foundation of the evening's
pleasure , and from this ample and popular
base ' arose the charming superstructure of a
delightsome social occasion.
Secretary of State and Mrs. G. L. Laws , in .
honor of whom the party was given , Mr. and
Mrs. A. Campbell , J. Byron Jennings , F. S.
Wilcox , C. F. Babcock , J. A. Cordeal , F. II. *
Spearman , C. J. Hyan , L. B. Stiles , C. T. Brew-
ei , Frank Harris , V.Franklin , J. B. Meserve , P'
. L. Kay,41. B. Davis , S. P. Hart , Geo. Hockhe
nell , C. G. Potter , C. M. Noble. H. II. Troth , F. of
L Brown , S. L. Green , and Mesdames Samuel ai
Strasser , C. W. Knights and It. It. Woods. to
When the game had come to a reluctant
close , it was found that victory perched upon
the banner of the Clan Campbell , Mr. and
Mis. C. having taken both principal prizes , pe
While the booby honors were due Mrs. H. II. af
Tioth and Mr. J. B. Meserve. Refreshments
0j anunusually delicious character were sei vth ;
ed. In line , it was one of the pleasant social nc
af fails of the kind in which the people of in
McCook j have ever paiticipated. sc
Some four jrears ago Mr. George E. John
ston , a formerly-of-Illinois man , removed to
McCook , Nebraska , and commenced the ho
tel business on a small scale. He secured the CI
most eligible location in the young and beaut'f '
tiful city , and from the date of his opening be )
the present time his Commercial has gone fa
3ii "prospering and to prosper. " Always toi
ready to accommodate his guests , assisted °
jy his wife as landlady and Mr. G. L. Etter ,
s chief clerk giving their personal'atten
tion to the tables and rooms it is not won-
lerful that the house has taken front rank cs
imoug formidable rivals. Dining the past be
trear , by an expenditure of about six thousan
md dollais , he has made his establishment a ss
nodel both for comfort and convenience in
he way of bath looms ; sample rooms , electric
bells are contracted for and other improve
ments. The rooms are heated by steam , with
ilectiic ( lights from basement to attic
Twelve large and luxuriously furnished
ooms , lrontingthe main business avenue of Qu [
he city , have been added for the benefit of ot' >
ommeicial travelers , and it is no uncommon w'
remaik on trains to hear a traveling man say , mv
'Dick , when you go to McCook be sure and v *
nake your home at the Commercial. " The
iiouse lias fifty looms for guests , and twelve
leautiful bay windows. An elegant omni-
jus conveys guests to and from trains tree of 0\
marge. ' B'ooniington ' Guard. o'c •
School Banking System. sn
One of the happiest devices for the public t0
schools to secure good habits was made a
few years ago , by a New Jersey teacher , and
termed the school banking system , says an
exchange. It consists in opening a savings- ' . 1
jank on true business principles , iu which the , . '
aupils are encouraged to invest their pennies. l.t
is well known by teachers that a great L15Tl
jhare of the danger to tiia young comes from
heir being furnished with spending money
which goes indirectly for cigarettes or for
stomach-spoiling candies , or for the worst
ort of reading matter , or for useless trinkets is
ind ornaments. This bank creates habits of scl
saving and economy which will wonderfully is
iffect the whole life. At LoDg Island City , 2G'
New Tork , recently , the deposits of a
jingle week amouuted to S2G0.41. The total co :
bank in this school amounts to over S10 , - sh
00 , the credit of about three years' growth. it ,
The Tribune desires to congratulate Dr.ho
L. Kay upon his appointment to the. im- md
tain position of Medical Examiner of the P . °
Burlington ' Voluntary Relief Department , for •
he Western Division , lti.saproperrecogni-
ion of the professional merit of one of our 8jj
iblest physicians. For the present tiie docin
ttr's quartere will be in the front room over pr
Frees & Hocknell Lumber Co. ' s office , tu
although it is contemplated to provide office co
necommodations for him eventually in the vit
livision headquarters building heie. The P' '
Joctor will assume the duties of his appoint- ' "
ment on May 23th. In the meantime his temJ"
porary offices are being placad in readiness. .
Woman ' s Relief Corps tbm ;
Will meet Saturday , May ISth , at the Maur :
sonic hall , at 2 o'clock , M. T. , ] r
Mrs. Cordelia Fowler , Pres. 0v
Nellie Lee , Secretary , | bs
.4 Wi Ire- _ i fiSTi ( > ' < Es _ , i' * * * * .T _ * i '
BBMBytti : w''rl ' i ( > " r' - ; . . , .i. I , . . i ri , - , v-
Dr. \ \ . F. Stephenson , of Springfield , 111. ,
was tho founder of the G. A. B. and labored
especially ( during the winter of IStW and 18C0
to ' erganlzo tho veteran soldiers Iu an asso
ciation. ' In order to have tho ritual printed
without publicity , he went to Decatur , III. ,
where all tho printers in the olllces. had serv
ed ' their time In tho army , and wem therefore
eligible ' to membership iu the new nHrty.
While there ho organized on ApilMilii , lcSO ,
tho * first post of the G. A. 11. in lSoS , John
A. Logan was elected Commander in Chief.
On April 13th , 1802 , one year after the
fall ' of "Fort Sumpter , " Mrs. Evans with the
wife and two daughters ot Chaplain May of
the 2d Michigan , decorated the graves of a
number of soldiers buried at Arlington
Heights. J In May of the next year the same
ladies ' performed the same service at the same
place. In May , the next year , they visited
Fredericksburg J , and performed the same sad
rite at the graves of soldiers buried there.
In * 1808 , the National Commander set apart
May 80th , as "Decoration Day , " and in 1874 ,
congress made it a legal holiday. Tho Farra-
gut Association of Naval Veterans was or
ganized in Philadelphia , Pa. , July 15th , 1S07 ,
and the National Association of Naval VetI
erans was organized January 13th , 18S7 , at
New Tork city. In some parts the Naval
Veterans strew flowers on the waves of tho
harbors { ' of the Ocean on "Decoration Day , "
in ] honor of their fallen shipmates , who sleep
beneath the waters of the mighty deep.
Tho G. A. It. , assisted by the W. R. C. are
making extensive preparations for Memorial
Services on the 30th. Being a National holiv
day it is expected all places of business will
close , at least in the afternoon , and that the
citizens generally will turn out. Hon. W. A.
McKeighan , of lied Cloud , will deliver the
oration , at Menards Opera House. The Mays
or and Council and all the civic societies as
well as all citizens will be invited to attend.
The farmers on coming to town that morning
are ! requested to bring a fine lot of prairie
ilowers for decorating purposes , and leave
them as early as possible at the hall. A
complete < programme , next week.
Christie Peached.
, It appears that the gambling fraternity of
the , city tried to profit , last evening , lroin the
fact that Thursday was pay day. Consequent
ly the interest manifested atEdwauls' gam-
blingquarters over Strasser's liquorstore was
unusuallykeen. ] Engineer Christie , it seems ,
was present ; also Mr. Charles A. Fi edei ick of
the McCook Gazette , and a few other kindred
spirits. ] Christie's luck ran against him , and
the j other fellows became the safe depositories
0j hiswealth. . Christie called Policeman
Dewey in to his rescue , without avail , and
the entire gang were taken in by the tireless
minor of the law. As we go to press , this af-
ternoon , the cases have not come up for trial.
Gone to Her Reward.
On Monday morning , Mrs. Margaret Boyd ,
who has been m delicate health for some
time ; . , quietly passed away. Her lemains
were shipped back to Frederick , 111. , on the e
evening passenger , and there tenderly laid to rj
rest , her five sons , Chailes , James , Walter ,
Fred and John accompanying the body and sc ;
paying the last sad tribute of filial love to an cl
lionored mother. The deceased was 03 years
age , a faithful member of the M. E. chinch , co
md respected by all who knew her. Peace v
her ashes. tic
Subscribers Pay Up.
J '
It is not the habit of the publisher to do m
persistent dunning ; but there is a tide in the to
iffairs of men which taken at the Hood leads
or to glory ; so there is a time in the life of '
he publisher when a little cash seems lo be .
lecessary , in addition to glory. An urgent in
invitation is extended our delinquent sub
scribers to call at once and settle up. In
jther words we must have some money. fr'
The Publisher.or
"Couldn 't be Better. "
"The small grain prospects , " remaiked oil :
Charlie Weintz , one of Ash creek's substanan
ial German farmers , the other day , "couldn't th
e better. This weather is just light for the
armer. : Wheat , oats , and in fact corn , potaTi
oes , etc. , are in line condition. The present th
mtlook for the farmer is most encouraging. " Ol
We desire to express our smcerest appren
iiation of the kindnesses
many so willingly on
lestowed upon our motherduringherillness , er
mdto acknowledge with gratitude the asco
istance rendered tieely by all after her death.
Charles E. Boyd axd Brothers. tu
McCook Neb. 13th.
, , May Tc ?
The Good Bye Social J
Held } by the Mite Society at residence of ca
lilen Trowbridge , Tuesday evening , was
uite well attended , notwithstanding the .
ther ' social attractions of the evening else-
vhere. And the occasion was a joyous one , Tr
he exercises interesting , therefieslnnentsinj
iting ' and delicious. 0f
Preaching Services.
There will be preaching services in the
pera \ Hall , Sunday evening next , at 7:00 wl
'clock , mountain time , by Elder L. L. Combs 0f
the Christian church , assisted by Elder sei
Smith. The public is most cordially invited M
be present
DO YOU ? tbi
Do j'ou want to buy a horse , a cow , a steer , of
hog j ? Messrs. Eaton & Co. will on Weduesofl
lay , June 19th , afford you an opportflnity to a'
that want. See their large bills , and their wl
lisplay advertisement in this issue of The
L'kibuxe , for particulars.
The Sc hoof Census. da
Snpt. ' Nettleton informs us that the census
complete and that the total population of De
chool age , in Bed Willow county , is 3,071 , co
against 2.S02 , last year , or an increase of nc
09. _
"There is a strong chance , " sajs tho Lincoln
or. to the Omaha Bee , "that the treasurer and ,
iheriffof Chase county have pur Jhcir foot in "c
and will beheld for contempt of court. It Or
learned through reliable sources that the H
larlem Cattle Co. never had any ciaim on the w
inrses levied on for state and county taxes rn
, consequently ; the property levied on and ,
lostcd at sheiiJI's sale , in truth and fact , te-
.jugs to the Kit Carter Cattle Co. It will be n (
emeuibered that Arterbnni , treasurer ofjaj
3uase county , ordered George W. liogers , } g ;
iheriffof tiie county , to seize ten head horses t0
possession of the latter company as the i i ,
iropertyof the former to liquidate a claim for ' . '
axes ; due the county and state by the Hariem * "
ouipany. The facts now known , are that the i Dt
Carter Co. was justified in asking Judjrei ci
Dundy for an injunction to prevent the post-
nii anil sale of the horses , and that the treas-
lrer and sheriff woic wrong iu not respecting
order of the court. Unless the plaintiff is Ss
ucllueu to be merciful and the court lenient , CI
he chances are strong that when the gentle al
ner. o into court to show cause w by they did tl
jot respect Hie order , they wilt ha e to go n
lown for more daddy dollars than they could
jver have hoped to save the county nnd state
the seizure. " E
• * - - ' - - , ? . . . . , , , *
_ " " * y _ Z1" - * - - -l * _ _ _ H i _ " " * ' _ _ W „ T _ | _ _ _ Mk _ _ - - 1
" " J
In order to reduce my large stock of Spring * § W
Goods , will sell them at. the following la
Unprecedented ' Prices ! ! " ' II "
Business Suits from $22.00 up. " | |
Business Pants front $ 5.00 up. | |
All other suits in proportion. All orders receive prompt 12
attention. If required , will make you a suit in 24 hours. ' j I
L. BE&NHEIMER , ; 11
MERCHANT TAILOlt , . * | |
Main Avonue. building formerly . occupied i \Yf * ( * rst\lr , TV/OiTvi'ncTri / . i >
by First National Dank. f IVAlyl UUlV ± UXclOIVcl. -
J. E. Kelley went down to Hastings on bust
ness , last evonlnj ? .
C. W. Davis went to Bcnlcclman , to-dny , on
important laud business.
Mr. Edfar Howard , of Benkclman , was a city
visitor , Wednesday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. C. II. Peck of Trenton spent a
few hours in tho city , Monday.
County Clerk Itopor was to bo seen on tho
streets of tho metropolis , Wednesday.
Mr. Robert Doty , one of Wuuneta's leading
young business iu tho clty.on business.
II. L. Merriman , Esq. , of Stockvillo , had
business beforo the local land office , Wednes
Col. Geddcs , of Gclenn , Hayes county , the
speciajjpension agent , was iu tho city , yester-
Noah Mishler , father of Mrs. A. E. Lytle.was
down ] fro in Culbertson a few hours , Monday
evening' .
Mrs. II. A. lioucii returned on Sunday even
ing from a trin to Indiana , to tho bedside of
an ailing parent.
Messrs. Will Israel and Henry Brandner , two
young Benkelmanitcs , were Sunday visitors
of the metropolis.
Mrs. U. A. Williams came down from Wau-
neta , the close of last week , and is making a
briet visit in the city.
J. A. VanShoik went down to Hastings , Sat
urday evening , on business. Willie Lee is at
present Helping Mr. McMillen.
Mrs. It. B. Simmons departed , yesterday
noruing , for Norris , Mich. , where she makes a
risit of some six weeks or more.
Dave Hill of Itcd Cloud , a former B. & M.
mgineer . , was in theeity. yesterday , confer-
ing with tho brotherhood men here. "
Mrs. M. E. Bargcr came down from Culbcrt-
on , Wednesday evening , to look after the
dosing out of her millinery stock here.
Ed. Nettleton , who has been working in Liu-
join at the printing trade for a few months
ast , came up home , this morning , on a vacac
Itcv. Win. Suess is now having a dwelling
muse built at Lebanon , Kansas , where he will
nove , iu the course ot a month or six weeks ,
o reside.
Kev. I. W. Dwire's family leaves , next week ,
or their claim near Haigler , to revel in the
lelights of the Homesteader during tho ensu-
ng six months. j
Jacob Dambach and W. S. Kimmell are down
rom ' Hayes Centre for the rest of the week ,
in business. They came down from Culbert-
on , Wednesday evening.
Dr. and Mrs. It. E. Campbell arriveil in the
ity , Wednesday night , fiom Buffalo , N. Y „
md will remain a short time looking after
heir interests iu this section.
E.E.Coleman j andS.J.Shafferarrivedhome ,
Tuesday , from their Oklahoma trip , satisfied ci
hat this is not a bad country to tic to , and that h
Iklahoma is a good country to 6tay away P
Mr. T. B. Brown of McCook , who has been v
the city undergoing treatment for a cancer n
in hip lis by Dr. O'Connor , has so far recovj
ired that he returned home , Thursdaj. Linw
oln Call. rj
Judge and Mrs. Samuel Tate , who have been P
he guests of their daughter , Mrs. W. C. Lau
ourette , for a few • weeks , depaited on tl
Vednesday moruing for Carrico. The Judge
still ailing , but better than he was when he
ame down from the ranch for treatment.
Mrs. W. E. German departed , Monday evenn
ng \ , for Denver , to be present at the O. It. C.fl
onvention. For the present they will njake '
"rinidad , Colo. , their home , although Mrs.n
iorman expects to spend a goodly portion aj [
the summer at her old home in n
Mr. J. D. McNcely came up from St. Joe , w
aturday evening , to meet the insurance men _
adjusting the loss on his brick budding ,
Inch was considerably damaged in the fire
last week. Everything was satisfactorily m
ettled and Mr. McXeely returned home on
londay evening's passenger. 8
Secretary of State and Mrs. Laws have heen
be guests of friends in the city for a numberr'
days past. The secretary returned to his
flicial duties at the capital , Wednesdav morn-
ng ' , but Mrs. Laws wdl enjoy the hospitality
her numerous frends a lew days longer ,
rhen she goes to Orleans for a short visit.
MrT. . G. Rees is entertaining her sister , f
Irs. A. C. Rogers of New York City , and her P1
aughter Daisy. They arrived in the city , l
Thursday evening of last week , and will make m
sojoutn here of two or three weeks. This w
ieing Mrs. Rogers' first visit to the western *
ountry , her experience has u delightfully i it
lovel tinge of course. Hr
_ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ r
I C C WIS * - • n mOC IN a M M | M
There was quite a sensation in Lon c
Ion the other day over a raid made up- pi
a fashionable club room by the po- Df is
ice < , who caught the inmates gambling p
vith ; baccarct and other foreigu games.
fhe police captured a wagon load of P
ludes , including four or five sprigs of'ft
lobility , a large amount of sporting par- * l
iphernalia , and 5,000 "pun" in le- k
ral tender of the realm that happened s ,
be in sight on the tables. They all a
iau to give bonds to appear the nest b
lay and show cause why they shouldn ' t al
tent to old Bailey or some other
sooling place in the metropolis.
Pknsion Commissioner Tanner
says that fully 10,000 honorably di *
jharged soldiers are living to-day in
ilmshouseSj and that he means to do for I
them all that he can do. This does
not mean extravagance and all patriotic
jitizens will sympathize with the com
missioner in his work.
f ifyii , - , Vgria&rft'iTv ; 'lifT -
ittmayt - _ _ - • ? ' * * , * " * , ,
ui _ _ :
No.2 , through passenger , BI5 , A , M. § ] /
No. 4. local passenger , fl:05 : , P.M. I (
No. TJ8. way freight fi:15.A. M. 4 \
ETWay freight No. l. 'IOarrlvos from westat ' > I
4o0. P.M. . mountain time. i J
No.a , local passenger , TC.A. : Mt j a '
No. 1. through passongcr , i : ! W , P. M. j I
No. H.MJ , way freight 5:45 , A.M. f I i .
CK Way trolght No.127 arrives from tho east |
nt 7 : * 0 , P. M. , central time. ,
A. Cami'Iiell , Supt. A. J. Wjsvcm , Agent. > _
Agent Welch presented tho boys with their [ 1 | Jffl
monthly , stipend , yesterday. f 5S _ |
Engineers' and firemen's tlmo books
forsalo > il
atXuc , McCook Tiuuune oillco. L _ i
Sunday , tho "Q" resumed tho running of > M
Nos. 5 and 15 between Omaha nnd Chicago. ' < _ B
* ' * 5 ) 4 _ H
W. E. Gorman represented McCook Lodge in ? & * - S \ * * M
tiro ' O. It. C. convention at Denver , this week. g M
General Supt.T.E. Calvert was m the city , J j -H
Tucsdai- his private ear , on railroad busi- % 4 -M
ness. 1 J. JjM
Mrs. A. B. Archibald gave a tea party , / " " * ti , - |
Wednesday evening , to a small company or mi ' |
friends. l m § M
Tho Order or Railway Conductors has decld- Bi * B
ed to build a national homo somewhero in tho . % _ j _ |
west , the pri/.o going to the town offering tho mm Wm %
best ludtiecments. M % M M
.Jay Tubbs arrived home , yesterday , from * | | | &MM
his ' ' visit east of threo weeks or more , having } & .fl |
had a very pleasant time. J1ill
Mrs. Jack Mooro accompanied the O. It. C. JH S |
crxcursionlsts to Denver , her husband of 101 ' j | _ H
pulling the "third section" through to tho , § vimm
"Queen City of the Plains. " * - f _ _ H
Dr. Z. L. Kay will on tho 2.1th In6t. assume | tV' H
' . _
the title of Medical Examiner for the Western 'K ' ! ' H
Division of the Burlington Voluntary Relief K * ' l
Department , together with the duties and & K 'WM '
emoluments thereof. 1 m j |
The lutest move on tho Burlington to jap- ' Ik
ture first-class through passenger traffic is to Ih H
devise a plan to attach a chair car and sleeper ; j W mW §
to its fast mail train between Council BluffsN"v. . l
- _
and Chicago , which will carry passengersv > 'CW'lH '
across Iowa and Illinois on faster time than ' 4rJliH
any schedule time ever made. r'iHl |
The problem of the speed of railroad trains I
_ _
jc = held by the London Engineer to bo praeti- ; 'lJ i
' _ _
cully settled. It *
names eighty miles an hour -f H |
us the highest speed at which a locomotive 2 fe l
can ' bo kept on the track , sixty miles an hour 1 > ' H
as the maximum operating speed , and thirty * [ * 1 H
miles an hour as the most profitable rate. ' * | H
Engineer Moore aud Fireman Meserve , . who j 9 H
pulled , the third section of the O. R. C. excur- , -J- | H
sion from McCook to Denver , wore made the * * , f _ |
recipients or a purse of § 30 , by members of * _ _ H
the excursion party. In recognition of the effi- • |
cient manner in which the "
boys handled the _ _ _ _
heavy train of twelve cars , ten of them being |
Pullmans. |
The 0.11. C. excursionists , bound for Den- vi\ \ " * ' ' |
ver , passed through this city , Sunday after- * ' |
noon. There were 34 cur loads , divided iiito * * ' , H
three ] sections , containing over 1,000 people , - H
as jolly a crowd as has passed over these praf- * " H
ries in many a day. Hundreds of our townp. ' * V _ _ H
people repaired to the depot to witness the H
unusual sight and the crowd around the sta- l l
_ _
tion must have numbered 2,000. I _ _ l
m M _ _ _ l
The new arrangements for placing dining f f mWM
cars on the main line of the B. & M. will have * J H
disastrous effect on Col. Trammel , who is 4 U H
managing all the dining stations on the road * | , _ I H
rrom Lincoln to Akron. A year or two ago / ' |
the colonel purchased the right to run the |
houses , paying therefor § 20,000. Of course the * "mmM
lining cars will deprive him
of the best por- |
tion of his trade. If the finds the new arrange- i _ _ l
ment : interferes too much with his i
receipts , he / _ _ _
will close all the houses. Bloomington Guard / _ |
A Voice From the West. " * > i
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . * /H _ _ _ H
From tiie Kingston ( Can. ) Whig.l ( * H
McCooic , NEn. , March 13. With renewal of U H
subscription ( mustsay the Whigis , if anything , ' - * |
more interesting each year. The local news |
inform ' me the location of many former friends |
that I had previously lost sight of. The past ' |
winter here has been very mild ; only one 3now H H
stoi-m of 5 or C incites in depth , which remain- |
ed ' . on the ground but few days. On this di- |
vision ' there has not been a snow piow run * - * H
this winter , making considerable Jess expense _ |
for operating than .
usual. The railway com- |
pany are going to build branch shops hero _ H
this spring , which will increase business in H
many ways. They have an extensive water H
works sj stem , ( about twelve miles of mains ) , |
this in consideration of its accessibility makes mWmM
one of the bet locations for their works. r' l
_ _ _
Houses are in gooJ demand , those of 1 rooms H
renting for § 15 a month. This on an Invest- i |
tnent of § S00 to § lCO ) makes very good per
_ _ _ _ _
sent. < Money is worth from 0 to 20 per cent. H
per annum , depending on security , etc. Prices jl H
necessaries or life are re.isonable. . but coal l H
worth its "weight In gold , " being $12 to 514 |
per ton according to quality. This 13 for hard H
oaI , which is brought from Colorado and H
Pennsylvania. Soft coal sell at about § S.C0 H
for great deal better quality than you have - , l
there. Small fruit / '
culturists could make a * - . H
fortune here in a short time , the demand ' |
keeping ( the prices up with no local market to |
supply it. Everything has to be shipped in. H
Berries of alt kin-Js sell from 20 toV cents per- B
box < , ( nearly a quart ) , and these fruits yield MmMmt
abundantly wheu well cared for. I'mnotpuf- H
fing up Nebraska by any means , but state the B
existence of actual facts. Yours truly. H
Train Dispatcher , ' B. & M. H
A. 4-room house north of Catholic church. H
Inquire of W. II. Davis. H
Two good ofiice room < . Inmurc of Frees 1
& Hocknell Lumber Co. ' H
&ilili lsilt il w. _ _ _ i
® rWV W WP JJP &j _ _ _
i T l l
4-7j < t - _