' ' 1 = DEALERS IN 5 I LUMBER ! Bl ; | | Sash , Doors , Blinds , Lime , Cement , II HARD AND SOFT COAL. I ] ; f be McCook Loan ni Trust Co. H | * OF MeCOOK , NEB. I1 , AID UP CAPITAL , - $ 100,000.00 , B in ' " < ' Makes First Mortgage "Farm Loans. Applications for Farm Loans Wanted. . H iaj Money paid' soon aa papers completed. Money advanced to make proof. HlB \ A. CAMPBELL , President. B. M. FREES , 1st Vice President. . .fP ' GEO. HOCKNELL , Sec. & Treas. S. L. GREEN , 2d Vice President. Hf ? IP E. C. BALLEW , Manager. Hf § r jy OFFICE IN FIRST NATIONAL BANK. V I H. KAPKE , I Hill IB ? TAILOR , Kff ; i KEEPS A LAKGE , COMPLETE LINE OF Hy Imported jDotitestic uoods Hl / WILL MAKE YOU TO ORDER : FINE BUSINESS SUITS $28 11 GOOD SPBING OVERCOAT , . . $25 GOOD WORSTED SUITS , . . . . . $30 K | BUSINESS SUITS , Sack Coats , $25 TROUSERS , FROM $6 UPWARDS I Brl First Class Work and a Perfect Fit Guaranteed. Call and Examine Stock. Kjl STATIONERY. SCHOOL SUPPLIES H • SCHOOL BOOKS j K At Publishers7 Prices , Bi BLANK BOOKS. LEGAL BLANKS M J. D. SHAHAN , H * 4 > - CITY4 - I. jnnnpii H • EST * Nigufc calls will receive prompt 1 attention. Call at store. I mP * i a B ' It has permanently cured thousands ' "by doctors hope- | of cases pronounced H _ _ less. If yoa have premonitory symp- B toms , such as Cough , Difficulty of H Breathing , &c. , don't delay , hut use H ' CURE CONSUMPTION FISO'S fob H immediately. By Druegists. 25 cents. H Melbourne H J Will make the season of 1889 , com- Lv' " mencing April 1st and closing July 1st. P ; on .Mondays , Tuesdays , Wednesdays H and Thursdays at my farm on Driftwood H . - .creek , 10 miles southwest of McCook ; H . . _ and on Fridays and Saturdays at Eaton Bv , & Co. 's livery barn in McCook. H - Teems : $10 to insure a standing H' " colt. $8 for the season. $5 for single H- service. H Ben Butler , H A fine .dark Iron-gray jack , 2 yeare f f J old pastj 13 hands high , weighing 800 H ' -pounds : , , will also make the season at | Kj _ . the same places and times , and undei . " H' " ' " ; .sametcrms. Call and see them , ' r ' \ > * * : ' - • . • LewisF. 'Fatjss , ! . . . . . , HLk : • - * > $ " - # > * Tate Springs , Tenn. , July 4,1888. The Swift Specific Co. , Atlanta , Ga. : During : the spring of 1871 , while working in the field at my home in Morgan county , Ga. , I pulled off my shoes to give my feet a rest. Unfortunately , I walked into a clump of poison oak , and in a few days my feet were in a terrible condition , and I could not put on a shoe because of the soreness and swelling. I was treated as poison oak cases usually are , and everything was healedup. About the same time the following spring , 1872 , my feet became sore again , as at first , and every succeeding spring for five years brought back the same condition of the dis ease , only each time it became more dis tressing , because I began to think it was a lifetime trouble. Finally , I was induced to try Swift's Specific. I took six bottles , and to-day am entirely well. My improvement was gradual from the first , and no evidence- of the disease remains. I shall take pleas ure in testifying as to its curative proper ties. It is the greatest blood purifier in ex istence. Yours truly , J. L. Morgan. The foregoing certificate is taken at random from thousands of letters in posses sion of the Swift Specific Co. , and presented simply as a sample. It is a voluntary statement , giving facts and results of the case. * Its accuracy and genuineness are beyond question. * A valuable Treatise on Blood and SHn Diseases mailed free. Address THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. , - ti . . * * ' - r > SHILOH'S CATARRH REMEDY a positive cure for Catarrh , Diphtheria and Canker- Mouth. HcMillen's. ELECTRIC BITTERS. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special mention. All who have used Electric Bitters siug the same son ? nf praise. A purer medicine does not exist nnd it is puaranteed to do all that la claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of the Liver and Kidneys , will remove Pimples , Boils , Salt Rheum and other effections caused by impure blood. Will drive Malanafrom the system and prevent as well as cure all Malarial fevers. For cure of Headache. Constipation and Indigestion try Electric Bitters-rEntire satisfaction guaranteed , or money refunded. Price 50 cts. and S1.00 per bottle , at A. McMil- len's drug store. > S W ° u. § J.s Si S s § § • g1 O COB ? v - , IS a - ° e 5 ' n H pq \ < ft bj g ffi A GOLD WATCH FOR ONLY ONE DOLLAR Per Weelr , by our Improved Club System. The Cases In our Watches are fully Warranted for 20 years. The movements aro Elgin' and Waltham , reliable and well known. The Watches aro Hunter case or , open face.Ladies * or Gents'size stem Winders and Settlers , and are fully equal in durability , serviceand ap pearance to any $50 Watch. Wo sell these watches for $25 spot cash , and send to any ad- dress by Express or Registered Mail ; or by our Club System at $1 per week. One good re liable AGENT WANTEDln each place. Write for particulars. EMPIRE WATCH CLUB Co. , SI Park Row. HEW YORK. THE REVGEO. . H. THAYER , of Bourbon , [ n < L , says : "Both myself Jind wife owe our lives to SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE. ? ' J * * • : ' , . * _ y - - - iMra , ' iH M i i * T-r - f - -n-TiBTi-r-rwifr r > rm . III . . > flIMIi • fcTpm-TTWIff- ! * Commissioners * Proceedings. * COONTrCLEnK'SO ps-ice , I • * • Indlanola , Neb. , May 4tb , 1889. f Board ot bounty commissioners met pursu nnt to adjournment. Prcsont , Stephen Bolles , Henry Crabtree and C. T. Blackman , commia- sloners , and Geo. W. Roper , clerk. Minutes of previous meeting read and ap proved. Resignation or Alva Gamsby , constable foi Indlanola precinct ; read and approved. Or motion Henry Crab tree was appointed con stable for Indianola precinct to fill vacanc ; caused by resignation of Alva Gamsby. Resignation of William Brlnkman , oversees road district No. 32 , road nnd approved , and on motion J. H. P. Rowe was appointed over seer road district No. 33 to All vacancy caused by resignation of Wm. Brlnkman. Resignation of Charles Colling , overseei road district No. 3 , read and approved , and W B. Spain appointed to nil vacancy caused bj resignation of Charles Colling. On motion tho following ofllolal bonds wen approved : * Henry Crabtree , constable for Indlanola pre cinct. J. R. P. Rowo , overseer road district No. 32. W. B. Spain , overseer road district No. 8. Petition of C. H. Boyle , Q. W. Knime anc others asking for a public road , read and con sldcred. Tho board finds that all requirement ! of law have been fully complied with and nc claims for damage filed. On motion samo Tvas granted establishing t public road , as follows : Commencing at a point on section line , 21 chains , 7 links west of S. E. corner section 33 town.4 , range 29 W. , running south 3 degrees 3Q seconds , W. 12 chains , thence west 13 chains thence south 14 chains , thence south 80 do grees , east 10 chains , thence south 3" degrees cast 30 chains , thence south 2 degrees , east 2 ( chains , thence south 53 degrees , east 35 chains to section line , thence west on section line tc S. W. corner section 4 , town. 3 , range 29 W and terminating thereat. Petition of A. C. Nettleton , Andrew Carsor and others , read and considered. The boarc find that all the requirements of law hav < been complied with , but that the general pub lie do not require the establishment of sak road , and on motion , same was rejected. In tho matter of the bonds of tho Village o : Bartley , Red Willow county , Neb. , the follow ing were had and done : NOTICE OF ADOPTION. Notice is hereby given that the propositioi of the Village of Bartloy , Red Willow county Neb. , to vote Two Thousand Dollars in bondi of said Village to aid the Bartley Canal Co. to construct their canal in ' said county , nov under construction from a point on the Re publican river , above the town of Bartley Nebraska , for water power and irrigating pur poses , and to aid in the construction of sail canal , a dam across the Republican river , res ervoirs and water power fixtures , therefor was on the 8th day of April , 1889 , in accordanci with the notice and proposition of the count : commissioners of Red Willow county , Neb. duly carried and adopted by more than two thirds vote by the legal voters of said Vlllag < of Bartley , and that thereupon , on the 9th da ] of April , 1889 , said vote was duly and legally canvassed by Geo. W. Roper , county clerk o : said county , and S. W. Gossard and C. D. Cra mer , tho duly appointed canvassers , and thai there upon , the county commissioners of sak county at their general meeting on April 12th 18S9 , found that said election and vote and al proceedings thereon , had been duly and legal ly had in accordance with the notice and cal therefor , and thatmore than two-thirds of al the legal votes cast of said Village were in fa vor of said proposition to .vote said bonds , a'nc that said election and vote were duly adoptee in accordance with chapter 45 of the Complec Statutes of Nebraska , 1887 , entitled "Interna Improvements , " and said bond of said Villag < of Bartley in the sum ot Two Thousand Dol iars will be duly issued on tho completion ol this notice. STEPHEN BOLLES , Attest : Chair. Board Co. Com GEO. W. ROPER , Clerk. PUBLISHER'S AFFIDAVIT. The State op Nebraska , I „ _ County of Red Willow , J ES' I , William Smith , being duly sworn on oath says that I am publisher of the Bartley Inter- Ocean , a reputable newpaper published al Bartley , in said county and state , and of gen oral circulation in said county , that a true copy of the attached notice was correctly pub liBhed in the regular issue of said paper anc not in a supplement , on Saturday , April 13th 1889 , Saturday , April 20th , 1889 , and Saturday April 27th , 1889. William Smith. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4th day of May , 1889. [ seal. ] Charles W. Beck. Notary Public. On motion it was ordered that the bonds oi the Village of Bartley , Red Willow county , Neb. , in the sum of Two Thousand Dollars be issued in accordance with the foregoing propo sition and that the clerk enter all the proceed ings upon the records of the board as by law required , and finding that the notice of said election and proposition was published as re quired by law , * and that all proceedings in connection with said notice and election was in accordance with law , thereupon tho bonds were duly signed by Stephen Bolles , chairman , Henry Crabtree and C. T. Blackman , commis sioners , and attested by Geo. W. Roper , clerk , on the 4th day of May , 18S9. On motion J. E. Hawthorn. B. F. Brower , H. Wiley. B. W. Seeley. H. A. Barnhart and -Frost appointed trustees to O. - were nego tiate the sale of the four bonds of live hun dred dollars each of the village of Bartley , at tho best price they can obtain and f hey aro hereby authorized to receive the pro ceeds of the sale of said bonds and to apply tho same for the use and purposes for which same was voted in tho proposition an < } bonds. And it is further ordered that the trustees before mentioned shall execute and deliver to the. county clerk of this county a good and sufficient bond for four thousand dollars to Red Willow county. Neb. , to be approved br clerk of this board , that they will do and perform the several acts required of them undor this appoint ment and as by law provided and report their doings to the board as soon as tho bonds are sold and tho proceeds thereof are paid out under this appointment and upon the filing of said bond tho county clerk is directed to deliver said bonds to 3aid trustees. On motion O. a. Blair was appointed con stable for Tyrone precinct to fill vacancy and his bond approved. Petition of J. E. Allen. S. E. Hager and Dtliers asking for " a consent road was read nnd considered. The board finds that all owners of land along lino of proposed road nave given their consent in writing and on motion same ivas granted establishing a public road as follows : Commencing at the northwest corner of section 16 , township i. range 27. lhenco north on section line two miles to county line terminating thereat. Settlement of Charles Colling , overseer road district No. 3. was read and eonsid- sred ; it is found that he has received from tho county treasurer $70 and expended 569.75 from January 1st. 3889 , to May 4th , 1889. On motion same was approved. On motion the following claims were al lowed and the clerk directed to draw war rants on county bridge fund levy of 1888 as 'ollows ' : Frees & Hocknell Lumber Co. , bridge material $101 87 ft. Loomis , piling for bridge 0 00 On motion tho following claims were al- owod and tho clork directed to draw war rants on jcounty general levy of 1888 asfol- ows : iV. H. Powell & Co..mdse court house. $ 3 60 Lee Starbuck , atfgdist. court 8 00 ; . S. Shire y.cash furnished pauperSlrs. Herr 15 , 00 1. 8. Bishop , stationery 20 16 I. S. Woodburn , glazing courthouse. . 75 foseph Menard , indse for pauper , Mrs ; Forrest 10 50 luddleston Lumber Co. . coal for pau- ners. Mesdumos Corle , Merritt and Waite : 27 56 t.M. ! Snavulv. expense Lincoln 10 00 > eter Frederick.board for pauper.Mrs. Enos 6 00 ) mahaRepublican Co. , blanks county judge 17 CO > maha Republican Co. , record district cIerk. , , > - . . . . . . . . . . . . -i. . . . . . . . . . . . . ? . 16 ( X ) > m'aha Republican Co. , canvas cover treasuror'sblanks 12 50 imaha Republican Co.Bartley bonds. 20 00 , im'aha Republican Co. . road and reve nue laws. . ; . - 9 45 olin Young , board for pauper , J. T. . Malone..i 33 00 tephen Bolles ; bridge material : 1200 Hbson. Miller & Richardson , blanks county , clerk , . . , , , . . , . . . . . . , 1 00 s t-1 jf : . . * - ? * % if- * L * vi - - * - \ vif' ' ' - . ' \f' ' x ' 1 . , * - - n Gibson. Miller & Richardson , blanks . district olork 5 Henry Crabtroo.Bervico commissioner 6 oc • • " 13 Stephen Bolles. O. T. Blackman , " 6 oc In the matter of tho Willow Grove pre cinct bonds. It appearing to tho board that the two bridges'acroBS.th8 Republican rlvei near McCook have been completed accord ing to the plans and specifications and the contractor duly paid four thousand dollars , the amount received from the sale of said bonds-forthat purpose , and it appearinzto tho' .board that all the requirements of this board having been fully complied with on motion the bond given by' J. Byron Jen nings. O. E. Boyd andF. D. Hess to Red Willow c&unty is hereby cancelled. On motion board adjourned to meet June Stephen Bou.es , Chairman , Geo. W. Bopbb , Clerk. v Not a fit , but an expression of delight "About a week ago , " says a Los Angeles , Cal. druggist , Chinaman came In with a lame shoulder. I sold him a bottle of Chamberlain" ! Pain Balm and guaranteed that it would cure him. He came in again last night , and assoor as he got Inside of the door , began to swint his arms over hiB bead like an Indian clut swinger. I thought the blamed fool bad a fit but he finally stopped long enough to say 'Medicine velly fine , velly fine ; alio 6am 0 mak < me feel plenty good. ' " Chamberlain's Pal : Balm , is without an equal for sprains , rheu matism , aches , pains , or lame back. For sal < by all druggists. f ' TnE question of the constitutionality of the butchers' inspection bill , which has passed the legislatures of New Mexico , Colorado and Minnesota , was submitted for the opinion of Judge George W. McCrary , long on the Unit ed States Circuit bench , and "Wallace Pratt , who is ac the head of the Kansas City bar. They state tho case anc their conclusions in a thirty-seven page pamphlet. The opinion is adverse tc the law. . For Diseases of Horses. There Is nothing that compares with Cole' Veterinary Carbolisalve. It cures Culf Wounds , Bruises , Collar and Saddle Gaflf Sores , Mange , Sctatches , Thrush , lufiammn tions and all skin and hoof diseases quickc than any other remedy. It is the only prep aration that will invariably renew the hai its original color. Edwin D. Either , drive of Jay Eye See. says : "Having given Vetei inary Carbolisalve a thorough trial , 1 can ful ly endorse it , and take pleasure in recoiii mending it to all owners of horses as thi best remedy that I ever saw for general stabli use. " Large cans SLOO ; small cans 50 cents The . first shipment of cattle direel from Nebraska to Scotland is reportec from Kearney. This is an industry which , from its peculiar significancej will create considerable interes 't. Since the development of the dressed beei trade the business of sending live stool abroad has fallen into disuse. It if likely that the industry may revive , and in that event Nebraska demonstrates hei ability to take the initiative. Three days is a very short time in which tx cure a very bad case of rheumatism ; but it cat be done , If the proper treatment is adopted , ai will be seen by the following from James Lam bertof New Brunswick , His. : "I was badlj afflicted with rheumatism in the hips and legs wten I bought a bottle of Chamberlain's Pait Balm. It cured me in three days. I am al right to-day ; and would Insist on every one who is afflicted with that terrible disease , t < 'use Chamberlain's Pain Balm and get well al once. " For sale by all druggists. The gradual and inevitable disappear ance of the national bank circulation does not dull the faith in the continu ance of the system. In 1881 Nebraska ( Great American Desert ) had 12 nation al banks , capital $1,000,000 ; and now 103 , capital , $6,500,000 , with deposits $11,500,000 ! In 1881 Iowa had 76 national banks , capital $6,000,000 ; now 134 , capital 11,000,000 ; deposits $23 , - 000,000. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. ' The Best Salve in the world for cuts , bruis es , sores , ulcers , salt rheum , fever sores , tet- .ter , chapped hands , chilblains , corns , and ail skin eruptions , and positively cures piles , or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give per fect satisfaction , or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by A. McMillen. Carnegie , the Pittsburg iron mil lionaire , is engaged in the laudable work of fighting cheap labor. The Italian laborers of the Duquesne Bessemer Steel works are out for higher wages , they having been employed below the scale , and Carnegie has donated $1,500 to insure their success. Should the men fail Carnegie will be compelled to buy out his rival. WHY WILL TOTJ cough when Shiloh's Cure will give immediate relief. Price 10 cts. , 60 cts. , and $1. McMillen'e. Col. Kossenwasser of the Bee is devoting special attention to "roasting" Paul Vandervort of the mail service. Vanderbum explodes in the vicinity of the Colonel , he will be painfully re minded of an Iowa cyclone's force. Jesse Middlewart , • Decatur , Ohio , says : "Had it not been for Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption I would have died of Lung troubles. Was given up by doctors. Am ow in best of health. " Try it. Sample bottles free , at A.McMilIen'8 drug store. In the Massachusetts legislature a bill is pending to prevent safe deposit , loan and trust companies from investing in Western farm mortgages. They doubt less prefer copper stocks with a syndi cate behind them. It is really astonishing that a law so unpop ular and inequitable.and unjustas Nebraska's issessment law should remaiu on the statute 300k of the state as long as it has. The perpetual , tremendous , and iruly awful surprise which certain Democratic journals profess to feel at heir discovery of the fact that General Benjamin Harrison is , in the fullest lense ot the term , president of the Jnited States is about the most funny hing in the politics of the day. There went into effect , Sunday , on he Vauderbilt railroads , the new policy or that system , of discontinuing the unning of all freight trains on Sun- lays except those which carry live itock and perishable goods. This policy ras introduced , some time ago , on the Urie road , and subsequently on the Del- ware and Hudson and several of the outhern roads , in all these cases with atisfactory results. The New England oads have also found it advantageous 0 discontinue Suuday freight trains. ? he arrangement is understood to have > een under consideration by the man gers of the Yanderbilt system for a onsiderable time before the decision ras reached , and it is understood that he plan is to be introduced simply as u experiment , the order not contem- lating its permanent establishment t will afford a large number of em- loyes "a day of rest , but it will also re uce their pay to that extent. If the Ian works successfully on the Vander : ilt system it will very likely become eneral. 1 . Jl J > r " - j 1 . . . . , * _ . , . . . . , . ' ' . ' . " _ ' • • ' - • • * ' - * - 1 < • \-4 - - ; - t : , " . ' „ . . . " * . . . . ' , . . , . . ' ' " - - • * ' ' ' . : . ' ' - - • - - " j"- ' "ui- - * : , - i/j. : ' / % - ! • * ' • - - ' - ; > • • * * > - s < • -v-v- • : : ' ' ' . ' . * , . ' ' * • ' ' " . ' ' ' . " ' " ' ' ' ' * ' . . ' T V * ' I ' -y l'y - : } • * - / - - - • $ ' / - : | v jm ? j ; . . " . w/i V- . ' - . ' .V i V - ' - wk ill ' n - , . t 111 • / . " " " 11 * ' • • - > | | * ) 1 * v - " * : - > - ' ' . " . . , * , - . - - • . . . ' " , ? : , w. - ' - ; t -.y- • ? - * • * - * , . , ' * ' * * * - - • + \ - z&x > l l • - t * ' s < H "We are sure to sell out our • • • - CLOTHING , ITS 11 CAPS , - 1 j ' 1- , , And it is with you whether you want bargains in . \ . H ' .y. ? / • ' these goods or not. Our intention is to sell you fl i I Dry Ms & Carpets Eiclralf. I You. can buy OLOTELENG- your own. Price. < ' , ! 'V . WHITE GOODS , PARASOLS , and SUMMER ; K I > > * GOODS cheaper than ever. ' I " * \ L. LOWMAN . & SOtf. J jl ' * * ' % ' - ' | # % i- • i V. " ' • rH * ' . * . fc I • afc > - - { * > > : - ' - " . ' . . • . ' , | i • - * - .v-- : -/v - - ; . ' - ' . 1-- . . - „ . . ' , " • . 1 1 . . . . . , ' . . . . , . • , - - • fi jsV. : - ' : -r. - - • ' > • - * - ' .i ' -r\ ; i. - .r tm ' ' " " ' " ' ; ' • ' ' ' ' ' ' - * . . ' ' ' ' , " ' , ' " ' " ' ' • ? ? ? . ' ' yi % ? ' " , " fl • * - / - ? ' ' ' • • \ y' - < 'J % / • : % y-T' - / > • • < * • • • i I i 1 " ' " ' " ' ' . J- • " _ . . . . , . , . . . , . , . . . ' " ' • , l • ; - > - - - > -r • - / / ; - * - ' • > / - • „ ; • - rk ' - i • > - > - j lM lM r | II IS CONSUMPTION CURABLE ? Bead the following : Mr. J. H. Morris , New ark , Ark. , says : ' "Was down with Abscess of Lungs , and friends and physicians pronounced me an Incurable Consumptive. Began taking Dr. King's New Discovery for onsumption , am now on my third bottle , and able to over see the work on my farm. It is the finest medicine ever made. " ' " " " * Land Office at McCook , Neb. , I April 6th. 1880. f Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before the Begister or Beceiver at McCook , Neb. , on Mon day , May 20,1889. viz : EDGAKF.TUBNEB , H. E. No. 634 for the N. E. M Sec. 9 , Town. 2 , N. Bange 30 , W. 6th P. M. He names the fol'ow- ' ing witnesses to prove his continuous resi dence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : Newton Nettleton , Charles S. Ferris , Lewis F. Fauss and Bothees S. Hileman.all of McCook , Neb. Neb.Any Any person who desires to protest agflfn t mi allowance of such proof , orwho knows of any substantial reason , under the law and the reg ulations of tho Interior Department , why such proof should not be allowed , will be given an opportunity at the above mentioned time and place to cross-examine the witnesses of said claimant , and to offer evidence in rebuttal of lhat submitted by claimant. S.P.HART , Register. Land Office atMCCook , Neb. , I April 23d ; 1889. f Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of her intention to make final proof in support of her claiin.and that said proof will be made before Register or Receiver at McCook , ' Neb. , on Wednesday , June 5th , 1880 , viz : ANNA B. VILAND. P. E. D. S. No. 5517. for the W. hi S. E. U Sec. 17 , Town. 5. N. Range 29 , W. 6th P. M. She names the following witnesses to pnve her continuous residence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : Enoch E. Osvog , Christopher C. Dueland. Andrew P. Larson and Anna Han son , all of Quick , Neb. Any person who desires to protest against the allowance of such proof , or who knows of any substantial reason , under the law and the regu lations of the Interior Department-why such proof should not be allowed , will be given an opportunity at the above mentioned time and place to cross-examine the witnesses of said claimant , and to offer evidence In rebuttal of that submitted by claimant. S. P. HART , 48 Register. LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK , NEB. , I April 24th , 1889. f Notice Is hereby given that the following- named settler has hied notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claimand that said proof will be made berore Register or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Tuesday , June 11th , 1889 , viz : JOHN S. MODRELL , D. S. No. 5781. for the S. E. J * Sec. 29 , Town. 4 , N. Range 29 , W. He names the following wit nesses to prove his continuous residence up on , and cultivation of , said land , viz : Arthur T. King , Mather L. Brown , Joseph Sanders and Patrick O'Conner , all of McCook , Neb. Any person who desires to protest against rne allowance of such proof , or who knows of any substantial reason , under the law and the reg ulations of the Interior Department , why such proof should not be allowed , will be given an opportunity at the above mentioned time and place to cross-examine the witnesses of said claimant , and to offer evidence in rebuttal of that submitted by claimant. S. P. HART. Register- Land Office at McCook , Neb. , 1 March 30th , 1889. f Notice is hereby given that the following- named settlers hare tiled notices of their inten tions to make final proofs in support of their claims and that said proofs will be made be fore the Register and Receiver , at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday , May 11,1889 , viz : JOHN S. WALKER. H. E. No. 802 for the N. E.U S. E.JJ section 24 , r. 2 , N. Range 31 , W. 6th P. M. He names the following witnesses to provo bis continuous residence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : George S. Myers , Lewis F. Fauss , James D. Hoyt , John Baldwin , all of McCook , Neb. Viz : CHARLES S. FERRIS , H. E. No. 552 f ortheN. E.J Soo. 24. Town. S. N. Range 31 , W.6th P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation of , said land , via : James L.Hoyt , , Jesse Webb , George S. Myers , Isaiah EL Fate , all of McCook , Neb. Any person who leaires to protest against the allowance of juch proofs , or who knows of any substantial reason , under tho law and the regulations of the Interior Department , why such proofs ihould not bo allowed , will be given an oppor tunity at the above mentioned time and olace to cross-examine the witnesses of said claim- inU , and to offer evidence In rebuttal of that mbmitted by claimants. ff B. P. EAST , Register. ' \ . THE CITIZENS BANK OF McCOOK i ' ' M ( INCORPORATED UNDER STATK LAWSj pi i m Paid up Capital , * . • $50,000.0a . I 1 . = DOES * = = s General Banking Business , 1 Collections made on all accessible points. Drafts drawn directly on the principal > , cities of Europe. Taxes paid for Non-Eesidents. Money to loan on farming ) , M lands , village and personal property. Fire Insurance specialty. | 1 1 Tickets For Sale to and from Europe v 1 correspondents : j y. RuHxuir , President. 1 flTBtNatlonal Bank , Lincoln , Nebraska. I Johk B. Clabk , Vice-Preaidtnt. I . The Chemical National Bank , New York. J * . C. Em t Cubitfc I IT COST FOR m1 * Our entire stock of * BOOTS AND SHOES. nl This Stock , consisting of over $3,000 ' J ? " i ' -worth , was bought for jj Jjji SPOT' CASH I Direct from Manufacturer. y -Ml Jtj - , , • - . "jK . j j We intend closing out this line of our ' . . : Ml \ ! l business and can make you prices ' - ? ' % Ai \ i\ \ that will surprise you. ' ri ; ; ' ' - * \ • ' * i t i * 1 - -j We also carry a complete line of * \ * lm ' Dry Ms , Groceries , Hats , Caps , , ; | " 1 AND FURNISHING GOODS. WILCOX &F0fLERlf % { ! West Dennison Street , McCookNebraska. / . . . . S fl ' _ i.- . , , . - - .s j. * - - k _ _ fliH I