II jft j * Jfttfrafc tVfap. itS I By F M > KIMMELL. • JII $25,000 Go Up in Flames. IS The Most Disastrous Conflagration j j in the Life of the Cit j § Five Business Houses Destroyed. fl ' Firo Department Does Good Service I K Under Many Disadvantages. M Early ( about 3 o'clock , ) yesterday 9 morning , the city was visited by a con- § | flagration , • which in less time than is re- 1 | quired to chronicle the facts , reduced [ I to ashes Lytle Bros. & Co. 's hardware lij ' store , J. D. Shahan's furniture and un- I I jfj . dertaking establishment , S. JL. Green's I ill building , J. A. Deitzer's ten-cent.store I ill aQd Smith & Bates' barber shop , all I H frame structures. I . IJ THE ORIGIN OP THE FIEE I It Seems to be enshrouded in more or I 1 less of doubt , at least there is a variety Iff • of expressed opinion on the subject ; but 1 If however that may be , in a space of 11II time almost incredibly brief , all five of lH * e aD0Ve structures , with contents , II J | were enveloped in the furious flames I i If and past the possibility of saving. So , I m II soon after the department were playing II If water on the fire , it was necessary to Ijjfi ; direct attention to adjoining property , I { If i l e * mmense general store of J. C. Al- I urn len & Co. being in imminent danger. I 111 By dint of heroic effort the building was llli saved , although considerably scorched I Bj by the intense heat. After this danger UK was passed , the McNeely building and ll-Ei the smaller buildings in rear of the IpSf burning houses absorbed the attention I III of the department and of the willing B | ones who rendered efficient assistance. IS These were all saved ; not , however , be- I I fore the second story and contents of I m the McNeely building were practically I destroyed. The fight to conquer the I ffi { flames at this point called for the most I 1 " ' persistent bravery , and many burns and mlM sore eyes were received. THE LOSSES SUSTAINED. U Upon Lytle Bros. & Co. falls the IM heaviest blow. Their stock and build- M ing , worth about § 12,000 , being insur- M ed in the small sum of $3,000. The IfJf books of the Benkelman store , lately Pi sold by them , are among tbe ruins , en- bI tailing additional loss. If 1 ! Mr. J. D. Shahan , the .furniture deal- l | J er and undertaker , comes next on the Hi list of heavy losers. His stock invoic- mm , ed perhaps $5,000. His insurance be- HB | y ing $2,900. The building was the prop- HS \ erty of Mr. V. Franklin , whose loss is w | $1,000 , and no insurance. Big Dr. S. L. Green's building had just J recently been vacated by GA. . Morgan , Mm the harness dealer. The doctor figures MM his loss at $1,500. Insurance $750. Hj The stock of the ten-cent store was a H total loss , , practically. Mr. J. A. Deit- Wm * zer , gives his loss , which includes over Wm $300 in cash , at $800. The building Ijf • occupied by Mr. Deitzer , also that by Igg ' Smith & Bates , the barbers , were the mm property of Brewer & Wilcox. Their In loss of $650 , is fully covered by in- > . The barbers succeeded in _ * surance. re- H ( moving their furniture and tools with g j " \ but nominal loss. fl K " The loss sustained by Albert McMil- fl len , from .water , is heavy , and will fl probably reach the-$1,000 mark. He fl is insured for $3,000. The damage to B the building will .not fall far short of $2,000. Insurance of $4,000 will fully B ' cover the damage. B j Dr.T. B. Stutzman , who occupied an B j office in the McNeely brick , comes in B I for a total and * heavy loss. All his val- B j uable books , instruments and appara- B I tus , save an operating chair , were de ll- [ stroyed. . Money cannot replace some I J of the articles. $1,000 may cover his i f loss. No insurance. | 1 Dr. Peter Boyle's dentist office was } * A in the front of the same building. His i. j * instruments and stock was damaged ' } "v . fully a$100 worth. r ' Mr. J. A. VahShoik and family qc- | - , cupied the rear portion of the brick. 2- His furniture , etc. , were mainly destroy- l ed or badly damaged. He places the figure at $300 ; no insurance. f . f The old First National bank build ing , Dr. S. L. Green's brjck , Brewer & ( Wilcox' brick , A. C. Clyde ' s saloon " ; ' building , Menard's Opera House , the 8 f Citizens bank , Famous Clothing store , * $ T. and J. C Allen & Co. 's store were * . " each and all less jsV more or damaged , by j - ' f the heat , in breaking of glass , etc. * * , . f > . Both of-Dr ; Green's large plate glass a i | * " f\- \ were badly broken. Also one of the 1 fj fl. - large and costly plates in the old bank 1 feJ. ; . building. I k | > ; fi _ _ , All in all the work of the fire depart- ( P ' , . ! * ' 1" " " ment was creditable. Indeed mucb ( J X ' praise is due them. They cannot be b g _ \ : 0 held responsible for the delay in getting- Wj ? : ' - water on the fire in , effective quantities , a a ? . Lack of hose , the breaking of hose long ii i. since condemned , absence of hydrant n p- wrenches , etc. , all conspired to retard s j | V . their efforts. Had everything worked f s . * to perfection and the fire apparatus t % . - v ' been thoroughly complete , and .efficient , g | pr > ' the damage to the McNeely building p W rr r would have been less. But the results u ' : ; . show , to those who know what good I SiS * : - fire service is , that everything possible , c • | r - 4 under the circumstances , was done. Of e i i course there are some valuable lessons o ; to be learned from this disastrous affair , a igfi , the necessity of the purchase of more ffc ' ; t. hose , a fire alarm bell , another hose | > i' ? ' cart , hooks , etc. 1 ' a' ' Jp' SPABKS ABEESTED. | : s Our first "baptism of fire. " jj % \ ' " ' - The adjusters were promptly on hand. tW- * - is Mlv * e insurance agents have been ex. tt ft i ? . - : periencinga small boom the past day or w % • • .v - -two. , * TO % 'K' M After all the wind favored us , and n ( % ? ' ! $ • the result was indeed more fortunate m i " * ' " ' . ' . ai % than'early appearance .indicated. \ $ $ . , . . Sweeney Munson was severely burned tt | L'fc • about the neck while battling with tc % t- - : -f ' 'flames and heat in the McNeely builddi ' " | % * ; • * ing : • Jre Ik • BB ' 1 < v v - • . • • > • . " / Xt - - • . & &i-\ \ ' . ri.n.y , , ! , ! uumn mil < nUiKft 11 mn < * * . * im nn Wl"IMirillllliB E. C. O'Donncll carries a bandaged hand which was painfully burned during his gallant fight to save the Allen build ing.Will Will Eaton , employed in J. C. Allen & Co. 's store , was quite painfully in jured by being thrown off a horse he was riding to inform Mr. Allen of the fire. fire.The The prospects that the destroyed buildings may be soon replaced by brick structures arc bright , Messrs. Brewer & Wilcox , Franklin and Green have al ready expressed such a purpose. SCHOOL ITEMb. o Tlie book-keepers will soon finish single entry. Dr. Ii. 13. Davis and Mr. F. H. Fowler vis ited the schools , Thursday. Prof. Charles of the Indlanola schools , vis ited the east ward school , last Tuesday. Owing to the decrease in attendance the primary departments are now having whole day sessions. Quite a number of Miss McKee's pupils have been transfered to Miss Hart's depart ment. The appearance of the school grounds in the east ward has been greatly improved by new sidewalks. The amount deposited in the school savings bank , this week , was S0.05 ; Miss McKee's de partment having S1.75. The pupils in Miss Myer's department had a spelling match , last Friday ; Ida William son spelling the school down. Mollie Moore and Olive Ilittenhouse then chose prisoners , Mollie being the victorious one. The class in Higher Arithmetic completed the text book , Thursday , and a written exam ination will be given , Friday. All pupils standing80 per cent , in examination will re ceive a certificate of completion. MONTHLY HEPOKT . of McCook Public Schools for month ending April 20th : Hmn School. Chas. C.Heltman and Rachel Berry , teachers. J3oys enrolled , 11 Girls enrolled , 21 Whole 2fo. enrolled 32 Number belonging 80 Average attendance , .20 Cases of tardiness 7 Minutes lost , 32 Visits of officers 1 Second Gkamsiak Mary Meyers , teacher. Boys enrolled , 19 Girls enrolled , 30 Whole number enrolled. . . 49 Number belonging , 49 Average attendance , 42 Cases of tardiness , 3 Minutes lost , 15 Visits of patrons , 2 FntST Gbammab Alice Murphy , teacher. Boys enrolled , 34 . Girls enrolled , 37 Whole number enrolled , . . 71 No. enrolled by transfer , . . 1 Number belonging , 49 ' Average attendance , 40 Cases of tardiness , 0 Minutes lost , . - . 0 Visits of officers , 1 • V isits of patrons 4 * Second Pkim. Anna McNamara , teacher. Boys enrolled , 3S Girls enrolled , 33 Whole number , 71 Number belonging , GO Average attendance , 50 Cases of tardiness , 5 Minutes lost , 85 Visits ot patrons , 2 JHIST PlUMAHY , 2d. DIVISION. Ella Con-dit , teacher. Boys enrolled , 18 Girls enrolled , 35 Whole number , 53 Number belonging , 53 Average attendance , 42 Cases of tardiness , 8 t Minutes lost , 54 First Piiimary , wtest side. M. E. McKee , teacher. Boys enrolled , 53 Girls enrolled , 47 Whole number , 100 No. enrolled by transfer , . . 4 Number belonging , 73 Average attendance , 60 Cases of tardiness , 7 Minuteslost , 29 Visits of officers , 1 Visits of patrons , 1 First Primary , east side. L. E. Hart , teacher. j Boys enrolled , 25 Girls enrolled , 34 r Whole number , , . . 59 No. enrolled by transfer , . . 1 • Numberbelonging. . . . . . . . 50 ' Average attendance , 50 Cases of tardiness 6 I Minuteslost , 45 Visits ofparents , 2 General Summary Boys enrolled , 178 ; . i iirls enrolled , 230 ; total enrollment , 408 ; d lumber belonging , 370 ; average attendance , 10 ; cases of tardiness , SG ; minutes lost , 210 ; „ isits of officers , 2 ; visits of patrons , 27. t 1 1 Adjourned Meeting. Council met at 3 o'clock , yesterday d ifternoon , pursuant to adjournment , jj Present , Mayor Green , Councilmen Alii en , Kay , Brown and Boyd , Treasurer h Sallew , Fire Chief Burgess and City * ' ) lerk Kelley. Claim of F. L. Mct ] Jracken , ex-city treasurer , for Jreim- inrsement for a warrant on city treas- irer , paid by him on November 1st. ' 86 , b' ' nd which he claims was not included N a his settlement with the city. On J notion same was allowed and clerk in- tructed to issue warrant on general tv und for said amount. On motion Bt reasurer wasinstructed to transfer to C1 ; eneral fund all money on hand and all * ! eceived on dog tax fund and road fund 8l ntil further notice. On motion by 0 < Jrown , second by Kay , the finance ti omraittee were instructed to procure m stimates on a fire alarm bell , 500 feet f hose , one hose cart , hook and ladder nd trucks , and report at next meeting. pth = = = = = th It is said that while Hon. James ,0 , iaird is recovering from his recent and u' Imost fatal illness , he does not intend' > take any part in distributing offices. th [ e is now seeking quiet. Lincoln Call , fo There will be no uneasiness or dissat- * j | faction manifested in the Second dis- t ] ict as long as "our Jim" is getting jni ell , and seeks quiet. His constituents th ill be content to wait patienly and ba spefully for his recovery. In the th leantime let no understrapper step in id try to assume the sick congress- ( an's prerogatives. Let Jim rest , and no ten let his nurse and slop bucket atth mdant devote his time to his special b , ( aties , and give Jim's constituents a ch ist too. Hastings Nebraskan. no 4. " " " ; " ' . . > - , . . i-1 , i , . , , , . . . - „ . . . . . . n , i „ . i , , - f | | | nfcfi mi.i n.'l KJiH. . ! . ) „ yl | im * , . i , , , . , ,1.1. . .mwd , . , , . -y * . ' " ' ' , . . , " / * f > * ; - • , - • ' * ' - . , % f • _ • _ - , , " - . * • = , * - . • - > * * . . - PERSONALS. Dr. L. W. Critscr has returned to his farm on thoSoutlvSIde. , F. D. Burjrcss Is entertaining his father from Arapahoe , this week. Scott McCoy , the well known horseman , was In the city , Tuesday. Sheriff Mooro was down from Benkolman , Monaay , on official business. Danker O. Frost of Hartley was In the prin cipal city , on business , Saturday. Deputy Clerk Barnes of Indlanola was regis tered at the Commercial , Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Yager spent Sunday and Monday visiting in Culbcrtson. O. W.DeWaldof the Trenton Register was down on business , Saturday evening. Tom O'ltourke came in from Wyoming , Fri day , to spend some time with his family in our city. city.Thos. Thos. Colfer arrived home , Wednesday morn ing , from a visit of two or three days duration In Omaha. Mr. J. C. Allen is preparing to erect a fine residence on his lots , corner of Monroe and Dearborn. Pete Miller and W. S. KImmell spent Sunday in the metropolis , driving back to the Centre , Monday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Howell moved in from tho farm , Wednesday , and occupied their fine new dwelling In town. W. E. Hymer , a prominent and wealthy citi zen of the town of Holdrege , imbibed the In- Bpiration of metropolitan life , Friday. Ralph McCracken , who has been absent at Lincoln and elsewhere for a number of months past , arrived home on Saturday morning last , to remain. Bert Mann has moved out onto Ben. Olcott's pre-emption , which ho will farm , this summer. Ben is also baring acres more breaking done on his farm. Col. T. J. Pickett , the veteran newspaper man , was a city visitor , Sunday. He contem plates entering tho harness again in the west ern part of the state. H. C.DeGarmo and J. A. Small , Hayes Cen tre ; Frank Israel and M. D. Cowan , Benkel man , wore among tho out-of-town Nebraskans in , the city , Saturday. Secretarj Laws spent Sunday in the city , talking over matters and things with "tho boys" in McCook. He returned eastward on the evening passenger. Samuel Sims was down from Wauneta Mon day , on land business. Mr. Sims is to bo con gratulated upon the successful outcome of his land case before the secretary of the interior. John F. Helm of the Willow , who has been laid up for the past five weeks with inflamma tory rheumatism , was able to be on the streets , of the metropolis , Tuesday , though still con siderable of a cripple. Hon. W. W. Brown , of Culbertson , was among tbe political visitors in headquarters , Sunday. Bill didn't bring any of his circu lars with him , this trip , but he was as sanguine of being the next register of the McCook land office as ever. Hilen Trowbridge has sold his horse and buggy to W. M. Anderson. The colt ; one of the handsomest pieces of horse flesh in the city , was purchased by B. F. Olcott , who is as proud of the little sorrel as a boy of his first pair of red-topped , copper-tipped boots. Our young friend W. H. Smith , one of the Q. • striking firemen , who met with a very severe accident in Cheyenne last fall , has quite re covered , and has been given a very important position at ABpen , Colo. Will is a very worthy youncr man , and we wish him all the success possible. Denver cor. Omaha ttailway News- Reporter. TI vdlE TABLE. \ GOING EAST CENTRAL TIME LEAVES. 1 No. 3 , through passenger , 5:15 , A. M. No. 4. local passenger , 6:05 , P.M. No. 128. way freight 5:15 , A. M. S9 Way freight No. 130 arrives from westat 1:30. P. M. , mountain time. GOING WEST MOUNTAIN TIME LEAVES. j No.3 , local passenger , 7:35. : A.M. No. 1. through passenger , 9:30 , P.M. \ No. 129 , way freight , 5:45 , A.M.J El' ' " Way freight No.127 arrives from the east ' at 7:20. P. M. , central time. A. Campbell , Supt. A. J. Welch , Agent. E The station at Parks has been closed. J Engineers' and firemen's time books for sale 1 it The McCook Tribune office. \ Mrs. Felix Benefield arrived home , Sunday * light , from her Hastings visit. ( Store Keeper Weed was up from Platts- nouth , Monday , on company business. The Omaha Bee quotes General Manager loldrege as saying that the Frechman line . vill bo completed , this year. Conductor W. M. Newman of the Denver & Hoi Grande came in from Salida , Colo. , Moni lay , on a short visit to his relatives here. * Yesterday morning , a large outfit of railroad J Taders , wagons , scrapers , mules , etc. , passed hrough the city , from the east , westbound. I 'hey gavo Denver as their objective point. J A new time card goes into effect , next Sun- ' ay. Changes of time at this point are slight j ' nd few. Nos. 2 and 3 arrive ten minutes earo er. There is some talk of putting on a din- . IB car west of the river , but nothing definite E as been announced. In the event of its bei ag put on , it will not likely run farther west I tian Holdrege. x xc WILL COMPLETE THE ROAD. t Two years ago the Burlington graded aroad- edup the Frenchman valley from Culbertson , - eb. , to Holyoke , Colo. , and the town-site ampany laid out towns and sold lots , the pur- iiasers believing that tho road'would speedily ° d finished. But the old grade still stands a ith not a rail laid thereon. The town of Palit < ide and the other towns along tho line laid tho • * ise before the state board of transportation , w nd , though powerless to act for want of jurisq Iction , they have by friendly negotiations & leceeded in getting a. promise out of the 0 ] > mpany to rail tbe road and put it in operaG on. It is understood that work will com- • * ' lence soon. Denver News. tj A LOCOMOTIVE FIRING SCHOOL. An exchange says that the Burlington is BI racticing economy at every possible point , | j ie latest move being the establishment of a bi comotive firing school for the purpose of edOJ mtingits firemen in the methods , of firing . liich'are 'tho.mpst'economical for the com- , , iny. In order to facilitate the instructions e school has been started in a car which was m rmerly used asla dynamometer car , in which to o instructor travels to different points on a n line , examining tho firemen and giving injt ructions aftor the manner of tbe air brake structions , same as for the automatic brake ; ere will bo a system of marks , and those w ; vlng attained the greatest familiarity with pr e theories and nomenclature of scientific H ing will be given tbe highest marks and the uB eference in promotton. Firemen : as a rule ivo very little regard for economy , and do ? J it care how much fuel they use so long as ui ey have a continual red hot fire , and stenm P * owing off almost steadily. An engine in ° f argeof an experienced engineer and fireman cl ; ed never blow off steam at all , and should th t. 1 1 mi 11 tvtmm ml lffttSmBmm ) . . . . . . . . in."i , . - . . i . 1 I ' - • I I in f. i n. i. _ .n. Mi , i i i iiw > iii < rtw < WBifWBwiinpifcii ( iwiueii jAjiMM ) m a Exclusively of trusc funds , there are in the treasury of the United States in Washington $105,000,000 , principal ly in good and silver. There are , be sides this , $283,000,000 in new green backs and coin " certificates , and $218- 000,600 , worth of bonds. Tho total is $096,000,000 , but not all of this large sum represents money. In the New York sub-treasury there are $185,000 , - 000 , the greater part of which is gold. The entire amount is nearly $900,000- 000. No other nation in the world has any such sum in its depository. That in the counting of this enormous amount there should be no discrepancy is a real ly remarkable fact. Four years ago there was a discrepancy of two cents discovered , but this was afterward ex plained by the discovery of the missing coppers , which had escaped from a bag of minor coins and rolled into a * corner of the vault. The honesty with which this vast sum of money is cared for is not more marked than is the intelligence. Nowhere else in the world are vast pub lic or large private trusts under so se vere , so correct and so honest a guard ianship. Whatever party has the reins of government , there is scrupulous and surpassing fidelity exhibited in the care of the public funds. The treasurer at Washington and the assistant treasurer in New York have been replaced with new men. It is not too much to ex pect that at the close of their term of duty , the hundreds of millions in their keeping will be found intact. WILL YOU SUFFER with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint ? Shiloh's vitalizer is guaran teed to cure you. McMillen's. Appeals and Decisions. The first assistant secretary of the in terior has considered the appeal of Rob ert A. Williams from the decision ot the commissioner of the general land office of March 26 , 1S88 , being the contest case of Williams vs. Frank J. Coulter. The commissioner affirmed the action of the local land office , dismiss ed the contest against Coulter's timber culture claim entered upon the north west quarter of section 31 , township 3 north , range 35 west , McCook land dis trict , Nebraska. The decision is affirmed by the assistant secretary of the interior. In the case of William C. Neihardt vs. Frederick S. Harris , involving the northwest quarter of section 23 , town. 2 north , range 35 west , McCook land district , the first assistant secretary of the interior has considered the appeal of the latter from the decision of the commissioner of tbe general land office of February 9 , ' 88 , holding for cancel lation the entry of said land , and affirms the same. THAT HACKING COUGH can be so quickly cured by Shiloh'B Cure. We guarantee it. Mc Millen's. NOTICE * Office of the City Clerk , McCook , Neb. , May 8,1889. f Notice is hereby given that occupation tax became due and payable May 7th , 1889. Unless paid to E. C. Ballew , city treasurer , on or be fore June 15th. 1889 , costs will be added. By order of the Council. J. E. KELLEY , City Clerk. It was maintained by the late Horace Greely , that "nothing succeeds like success 1" If this be true , Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will al ways be popular , as it never fails. It is in tended , especially for Coughs , Colds , croup and hooping cough , and is undoubtedly , the best and most reliable medicine in use for those diseases. It is decidedly a success. For sale by all druggists. • • ] Dissolution of Partnership. ; McCook , Neb. , May 1st. 1889. Notice Is hereby given that the co-partner- ' 3hip heretofore existing as LaTourette& Co. , ' Is this day dissolved , JameB LaTourette retir- ] Ing. The business will be continued by W. C. 1 LaTourette , who will pay all liabilities and ] collect all indebtedness of the firm. 49 3ts. James LaTourette , : W. C. LaTourette. ' i Notice of Settlement. [ n Estate of H. T. Anderson , Deceased , in County Court , Red Willow County , Neb. To the Creditors , Heirs. Legatees , and j Others Interested in the Estate of H. ] T. Anderson. ( Take notice , that Wm. M. Anderson has filed 1 n the County Court , a reprrt of his doings as < Bxecutor of the last Will and Testament of < said decedent , and it is ordered that the same ' stand for hearing the 3d day of June , A. D. i 1889 , before the Court atthe hour of 1 o'clock , i ? . M. , at which time any person interested 1 nay appear and except to and contest the t same. And notice of this proceeding is order- : d given by publication three weeks succes- lively , previous to time appointed , in TnE Mo- ( : ook Tribune , a weekly newspaper publish- id in said county. ( Witness my hand and seal of the t [ seal. ] County Court at Indianola , this 1 2d day of Mav , A. D. 1889. 1 HARLOW W. KEYES , 2 49-3t. County Judge. c Land office at Mccook , Neb. , I April 24th , 1889. j" . Notice is hereby given that the following- lamed settler has filed notice of his intention = o make final proof in support of his claim , rad that said proof will be made before Regi ster or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Wednes- lay , June 19th. 1889 , viz : JOSEPH H. STEPHENS. T I. E. No. 793. for the S. W. H Sec. 35 , Town. 5 , * I. of Range 29 , W. of 6th P. M. He names tho allowing witnesses to prove his continuous esidence upon , and cultivation of , said land , iz : Matthew Stewart , William D. Trinque , r. felson J. Chrysler and William Weygint , all f f Box Elder , Neb. Any person who desires to protest against tno illowance of such proof , or who knows of any , lubstantial reason , under the law and the rc > rr ilations of the Interior Department , why such > roof should not be allowed , will be given an j , mportunity at tbe above mentioned time and c ) lace to cross-examine the witnesses of said ilaimant , and to offer evidence in rebuttal of p hat submitted by claimant. „ S. P. HART , Recister. | ? n Land Office at McCook , Neb. , : ii May 6th , 1889. i tl Notice is hereby given that the following- : amed settler has filed notice of his intention jmake final proof In support of his claim , o nd that said proof will be mnde before Regissi jr or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday , si une 15th , 1889 , viz : o JOHN M.FORD , ci ho made H. E. No. 614 for tho northwest w uarter of Section 33 , in Township 1 , north of T ange 29 west. He names the following witai esses to prove his continuous residence upai n. and cultivation of , said land , viz : Joshua u erver , Calvin C. Smith. Herman Berndt , and p : Dhn D. Gerver , all of Cedar Bluffs , Kansas. Any pcreon who desires to protest against ti ie allowance of such proof , or who knows of Tl ay substantial reason , under the law and tbe sc jgulations of tbe Interior Department , why Tl ach proof should not be allowed , will be given el n opportunity at the above mentioned time ol ad place to cross-examine the witnesses of Fl lid claimant , an d to offer evldonce in rebuttal w C that submitted by claimant. ' bi v 8. P. HART. Retriater. < = Nl Land Office at McCook , Neb. , i u < May 7th , 1889. - f N. Notice is hereby given that the following- lined settler has filed notice of his intention sc i make final proof in support of his claim , id that said proof will be made beforo Registi < r or Receiver at McCook , Nob. , on Tuesday , st inel8th. 1889. viz : vi SAMUEL D. MCCLAIN , ot lio made H. E. No. 788 for the south east bt mrter section 2i , township 4 , N. of range 30 ' 2St. He names the following witnesses to sb ovo his continuous residence upon and tn iltlvation of , said land , viz : Frank Stokto 3a , Jr. , Charles M. Collins , John Cain , Wllhe im Pate , all'of McCook. NeD. A ] AnypersonwnodesirestopretcBtagBicsrtBe co lowance of such proof , or who knows of any ad ibstanbal reason , under the law and the rejra i at Jons of the Interior Department , why such esi • oof should not be allowed , will be given an tic iportunity at tbe above mentioned time and ace to cross-examine the witnesses of said aimant , and to offer evidence in rebuttal of at submitted by claimant.m _ , B. P. HABT , Register. J , f it rzr j • . - . y ' - - - * - • > " ' * * " ' " . r jy. - . . . . - . . - . , • • - - * . , . _ , . , „ ii i itiViMiifyn ti Miifcw " "Til ' THE ' ' W Famous Clothing Gov CI A GENUINE REDUCTIONS j | . : - j's , -V . i i Oiir inmiense stock of Spring * Suits not moving * as rapidly as we wishwe announce a Special Discount of TEN PER CENT , from our Plainly Marked figures , which , are al ready lower than the same class of goods can be hought any where in Southwest ern Nebraska. This includes our FINE TAILOR MADE as well , as the lowest grade suits. O JONAS ENGEL , Manager. I McCook , Nebraska , May lOth , 1889. 1 _ ; ! Notice to Land Owners. To alii Whom it May Concern : The Commissioners appointed to examine a road commencing at N. W. corner Section 26 , rown. 3 , Range 80 , in Perry precinct , Red Wil low county , Nebraska , running thence south 2d chains to right of way B. & M. R. It. , thence east along north side of said right of way U 25-100 chains , thence south across said right of way to south side thereof , thence eastaloug south side said right of way , terminating at range line between ranges 29 and 30 , has re ported in favor of tbe location thereof , and all abjections thereto or claims for damages must be filed in the County Clerk's office on or be fore noon of the 20th day of June , A. D. 1889 , 3r said road will be established without refer- once thereto. GEO. W. ROPER , 47-it. County Clerk. SHERIFF'S SALEi By virtue of an order of sale directed to me from the District Court of Red Willow county , Nebraska , on a judgment obtained in the Dis trict Court of the 11th judicial district , in and for Red Willow county , Nebraska , on the 11th lav of March , 1889. In favor of S. J. Mattocks is Plaintiff , and against Nettio E. Parks and tVilliam H. Anderson , as Defendants , for the sum of two-hundred and twenty-six dollars md costs taxed at § 19.33 , and accruing costs , L have levied upon the following real estate : aken as the property of said Defendant , Net tie E. Parks to satisfy said order of sale to-wit : ( V Yi S. E. } _ Sec. 20 , Town. 2 , Ransre 30 , West , Ith P. M. in Nebraska. And will olfer the same "or sale to the highest bidder , for cash in hand , > n the 3d day of June , A. D1889 , in front of jourt House , at Indlanola , Red Willow county , Nebraska , that being the building wherein the asttermof Court was held , at the hour of ! o'clock , P. M. of said day , when and where iue attendance will be given by the under- iigned. Dated , April 25th , 1889. W. O. RUSSELL , Sheriff. > y Rittenhouse & Stark , her attorneys. NOTICE OF INCORPORATION OF THE Nebraska Loan and Banking Co. OF MCCOOK , NEBRASKA. Notice is Hereby Given , That the Nebras- : a Loan and Banking Co. of McCook , Neb.has teen incorporated under the laws of the state if Nebraska. That the Name The name and style of this corpora- ion shall be the Nebraska Loan and Banking lompany. PiiACE op business The principal place of usiness of this corporation is the city of 31c- took. Red Willow county , Nebraska. The purpose and business of this coh- oration The receiving money on deposit ndloan in the same ; discounting commer- ial paper ; selling and buying foreign and do- lestic exchange ; the negotiation of loans on nproved real estate security , on which loans ae company may or may not make its guaran- f of collection. Tho investment of money in real estate or tlier securities ; the purchase and sale of ii ch real estate and personal property , as jail be considered desirable for its own use r profit or necessary for the collection or se- uring of any claims or debts , owing to , or in bich this company may have an interest , he making of abstracts of title to real estate ad for the transaction of such other business ! i is ordiunrily done by negotiators of real es- tte loans ; the purchase and sale of munici- nl bond and securities. Capital Tho capital stock of this corpora- on shall be the sum of ( $100,000One ) Hundred bousand Dollars with power to increase the ime to the sum of ( $500,000. ) Five Hundred bousand Dollars , as the share holders may ect. Said stock shall be divided into shares ' One Hundred Dollars each , not less than Ifty per cent , of said stock to be paid in , at hich time said corporation may commence jsiness. Duration ano time op commencing rnisr- sss This corporation shall commenee tiusi- 3ss on the 8th day of April , 1889 , and continue I Inety-Nine years , unless tbe stockholders tall conclude to surrender its charter Or dis- live tbe same. . . Liabilities The liabilities of thiscornora- jn shall not exceed Two-Thirds of the capital ockof said corporation , subject to tbe pro- sionsof section 12S of the incorporation laws ' the stato of Nebraska , applicable to the isincss done by this corporation. Officers. The officers of this corporation all consist of a president , vice president , easurer and cashier , with a board of dlrec- rs of six members chosen from tbe stock- ilders to be elected on the first Tuesday in " pril of each year after tho year 1889 , and said rporation shall have power to make and • optsuch by-laws , rules and regulations , as majority of the stockholders may deem nec- sary for the general welfare of the corpora- > n Charles E. Shaw. President. Clarence A. Thompson. Vice Pres. Charles A. VanPelt , Treasurer. Jay Olney , Cashier. Evan. D. VanPelt , HenbyO. Wait , \ , _ - _ _ _ ' I O . ' jl Our stock in every h\ \ * department of Men , Youths , Boys and Children , is full and * complete , and we in- • - % vite every one to ex- / j amine the same. We I take pleasure in show I ing * our goods. Our I stock and variety he- I ing the largest and . I our prices at all times < * I the lowest. The lat- I est novelties in Fur- I nishingGoods , Hats „ .1 and Clothing' to he I found at our store. I • _ 1 o I II " " " . x THE FRESHET. ( f A homeless , drifting band are we , For , strange to say , 'tis not confined 9 " . Yet lucky in a high degree , To cleaning things of every kind , I For when the house was swept away From coarsest cloth to finest lace , ' 9 Before the freshet yesterday , From painted walls to pimpled face , ' _ { To find the bottom went the cans. But proves indeed the greatest prize , - fl Along with kettles , spoons , and pans ; When rain descends and rivers rise ; 9 But safe above the house and mill. So while we have a life to save , jl The ' IVORY SOAP' was floating still ! We'll praise theSoapthatridesthewaYeP ' A WORD OF WARNING. M There are many white soaps , each represented to be "just as good as the' Ivory1 j * : j9 they ARE NOT , but like all counterfeits , lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities of _ | the genuine , Ask for "Ivory" Soap and insist upon getting it. fl Copyright 1886 , by Procter & Gamble. 'fl THE TRIBUNE OFFICE 1 FOR r SCHOOL BOOKS , BUI BOOKS , ; _ -J STATIONERY , % $ - * - v - ! | H Land and Legal Blanks. < * fl .v * COMPLETE STOCK , b * 'F $ ? ) ffl I ' ! ' _ _ I _ / > - " / ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _