tjr- " " " " " > i ' ' " ' - ' " " ' - jV "i ' "ill. . * ' ' ' - - "j . . . | _ i -i I , i . i r I1 I , i ii -i i . i i i . i ii i . / \ ii , i I , . I 1 : Frees & 1H Liter Co. | j | | = DEALERS IN = | LUMBER ! ii * Sish , Doors , Blinds , Lime , Cement , | | HAED AND SOFT COAL. il Tie McM ( Loan aid Trust Co. . , 4 OF MeCOOK , NEB. If = | PAID UP CAPITAL. , - $100,000.00. . I ' . for Farm Loans Wanted. | Makes First Mortgage Farm Loans. Applications . 1 Money paid soon as papers completed. Money advanced to make proof. II A. CAMPBELL , President. B. M. FREES , 1st Vice President. . ! 1 GEO. HOCKNELL , Sec. & Treas. S. L. GREEN , 2d Vice Fresioent. j j & E. C. BALLEW , Manaoer. | * 8 - OFFICE IN FIRST NATIONAL BANK. , * I [ " ii mil in I H. KAPKE , _ ml KEEPS A LARGE , COMPLETE LINE OF I Imported Bontestlc Soods I / WILL MAKE YOU TO ORDER : FINE BUSINESS SUITS S2i GOOD SPRING OVERCOAT . . $25 GOOD WORSTED SUITS , $3 ! BUSINESS SUITS , Sack Coats , $25 TROUSERS , FROM $6 UPWARDS 9 First Class Work and a Perfect Fit Guaranteed. Call and Examine Stock M UA . - - . . . - . ii | mifa ! nina gxBaagmisaiinnwM Bf ; | | STATIONERY. SCHOOL SUPPLIES III SCHOOL BOOKS II At Publishers' Prices Jl BLANK BOOKS. LEGAL BLANKS II J. D. SHAHAN , If * JlfJ iL 1 * - # - CITY H- m $ $ W Night calls will receive prompt H attention. Call at store. If > S H It has permanently cured thottsaiojs of cases pronounced by doctors hope- less. If you have premonitory symp- m toms , such as Cough , Difficulty of M Breathing , &c , don't delay , but use 1 PISO'S CUBE FOB CONStlMPTION I immediately. By Drucgists. 25 cents. I Melbourne rtj ' Will make the season of 1889 , com- ' * * xaencing April 1st and closing July 1st , ; on Mondays , Tuesdays , Wednesdays 'and Thursdays at my farm on Driftwood • . creek , 10 miles southwest of McCook ; and on Fridays and Saturdays at Eaton & Co. 's livery barn in McCook. Terms : $10 to insure a standing colt. $8 for the season. $5 for single service. J Ben Butler , i A fine dark iron-gray jack , 2 years old , past , 13 hands high , 'weighing 800 ! pounds , will also make the season at ! " the same places and times , and under < M - same terms. Call and see them. .8 Lewis F. Faubs , ' , , _ . . in , " " - i i • • 'i ' ' " " ' • ' " _ , I The new vegetablo Tonic-Alteratlvo anfl Blood Purifier acts upon the blood and through that upon all tho organs and tissues , and its vitalizing and enriching . effect reaches every part of tho body and imparts healthy lifo and vigor to all Its functions , hence its great value as a . , . > * .Spring Medicine W For expelling the humors which rankle In tho system at this season of tho year. It tones the stomach. 'creates an appetlto , pro motes healthy digestion , regulates the bow els , renews and enriches the blood and builds up tho system whilo it eradicates disease. Bludblldcr cures DyspepsiaIndi gestion , Costiveness , Heartburn , 8ick Head ache , CatarrhRheumatism , Boils , Scrofula , and diseases of tho blood , liver and kidneys. Pleasant to take and the dose is small. Price SI ; Six for $5. Prepared only by J. 7f. Colo & Co. , Black River FolIs.Wis. Sold by Druggists and Dealers in Medicine. direct from th © Front. Knoxville , Tenn. , July 2 , 1888. The Swift SpeciSc Co. , Atlanta , Ga. : Gentlemen I can cheerfully and truth- fully say that S. S. S. is the greatest blood purifier on earth. In 1884 I contracted blood poison. Physicians treated me with no good results. I took a half dozen differ ent kinds of blood medicines , but , without receiving any permanent relief ! I was in duced to try 3. S. S. I began the firsl bottle with the gravest doubts of success. I had been so often deceived. But im provement came , and I continued its use until perfectly well. I have since married , and have a healthy family. No trace of the disease is seen. Swift's Specific did all this for me , and I am gratefulYours truly , J. S. Strader. 118 Dale Ave. Kemp , Texas , June 23 , 1888. The Swift Specific Co. , Atlanta , Ga. : Gentlemen A sixteen-year-old son of mine was afflicted with bad blood , and broke out with an eruption on various parts of his • body. I put him to taking S. S. S. , and a few bottles cured him entirely. I live at Lone Oak , but my post-office is at Kemp. Yours truly , W. S. Robinson. Three books mailed free on application. All druggists sell S. S. S. The Swift Specific Co. , Drawer 3 , Atlanta , Ga. NovYork. . 756 Broadway ELECTRIC BITTERS. This remedy is becoming so well known an so popular as to need no special mention. A who havs used Electric Bitters siug the sam song of praise. A purer medicine does nc exist and it is guaranteed to do all that i claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all disease of the Liver and Kidneys , will remove Pimplei Boils , Salt Rheum and other enactions cause by impure blood. Will drive Malaria from th system and preventas well as cure all Malarit fevers. For cure of Headache. Constipatio and Indigestion try Electric Bitters Entir satisfaction guaranteed , or money refunded.- Price 50 cts. and S1.00 per bottle , at A. McMi ! len's drug store. Now that the Cherokee commission ha been filled by tho appointment of John E Baker of Goshen , Ind. , the board shouh promptly address itself to the work with whicl it has been charged. Many of tho home-seek ers who failed to secure claims in Oklahomi are now waiting the opening of the Cherokei outlet , which will add to the ppblic domain million acres of land , more than three time as much as tho entiro area of Oklahoma The early transfer of this tract to the govern ment is especially desirable in view of thi trouble which is likoly to arise from its at tempted occupation by impafient immigrants before its settlement is authorized by law The strip 6hould bo opened with the least pos slble delay. CATARRH CURED , health and sweet breath secured , by Shiloh's Catarrh Remedy. Price , 50 cents. Nasal Injector free. McMillen's. A GOLD WATCH FOR ONLY One Dollar Per Week , by our Improved 'Club System The Cases in ourWatchcsaro fully Warrantee for 20 years. Tho movements aro Elgin anc Waltham. reliable and well known. Th ( Watches nro Hunter case or open fnco.Ladies or Gentssize stem Winders and Settlers , ami 'are fully equal in durability , servlco and ap pearanco to any 550 Watch. We sell these Watches for $23 spot cash , and send to any ad dress by Express or Registered Mall ; or bj our Club System at $1 por week. One good re liable AGENT WANTED in each placo. Writ * for particulars. EMPIRE WATCH CLUB Co. , WFfirkRow , NEW YORK , . • - - " - * - -j-- mii QtiiTi ' iil'.i ' if j - * * wnii 1 11 fc w 11 1A 11. < i yi 1 ii ; 1 1 , . I 1 1 .i > 1 ii . ' " . ' ' * ' ' " " " .Qifurni z . . 11 , .i , . ; * , ; ' iii . , ! ; 1\ \ . , r ' I _ ' i -i.i . n 1,1. , 1 . . . . .nil ' . . . ' • • aNV' ' 1 . " . ' - ' . " - . " - • > " ' : t : ri-- : ' * ui * ' - ' - - • . -a - ; : • • * > \ * MsJvixr - v - • > . - ' " • • ' 7- • ' * " * ' ' • $ " " Temperance Convention. To all electors of Nebraska without regard to party affiliations , who nro opposed to the continuance of tho saloons in nny form In this state. Greeting : WflEUEAS , Tho legislature of tho stato of Nebraska has submitted to tho voters for their approval or rejection amendments to tho stato constitution , providing for tho prohibition or licensing of tho traffic In intoxicating liquors , andWhereas Whereas , Tho influonco of the saloon and liquor trafllc is evil and demoralizing and tho continuance thereof is tho contjnuance of a gigantic wrong , and WnEitEAS , The question involved is not ono of party , but ; of right and wrong , and tho success of tho right depends largely on the united efforts of tho temperance people of tho state : Therefore , We , tho undersigned , hereby join in a call for a mass convention of all elec tors who are opposed to the continuance of tho saloon and tho liquor traffic in any form , In this state. This convention will bo held at Lincoln , on tho 5th day of June , 1889 , at 2 o'clock , P. M. The object of the convention is to take ac tion for the perfecting of a stato organization and such other organizations as . may seem best , so as to thoroughly organize in the statn for tho overthrow of tho saloon and tho liquor traffic in Nebraska. We urgo upon such electors the importance of this convention and tho necessity of a largo attendance from every county in the stato. For further information call on or address C. A. Robbins , J. M. Stewart , or C. A. Atkin son , at Lincoln. Cole's Carbolisalve. It is a truly wonderful remedysuited alike to tho skin of the child and tho adult , and its soothing , cleansing and healing properties renders its application universal. As an ex ternal remedy it has no equal as a cure for Piles , Fever Sores , Ulcers , Tetter , Poisons , Chilblains , Chaps and all Itching and Irritat ing diseases of the Skin and Scalp. It im mediately relieves the pain of Scalds and burns , and cures the worst case without a scar. Get only the genuine which has a black wrapper with green letters. Small boxes 25 cents ; Large boxes 50 cents. To Protect Trees From Borers. Last year , says the Rural New-Yorker , we * briefly alluded to tho simple method employed by our ncighbor.Augustus J. Hewlett , to pro tect his apple and peach trees against tho borer. It has led to so many inquiries that it may bo well perhaps to speak of tho method more in detail. Fruitgrowers all know that 1 tarred paper about the trunk is harmful to it. Laths , etc. , tied about tho trunks are not alto- [ gothcr satisfactory. Mr. Hewlett's mode re- I duces tho labor and expense to a minimum , and seems thorough ] } efficacious , as he has ' practiced it for over 20 years. White lead and raw linseed are mixed as for ordinary outside 1 painting , though a somewhat smaller propor tion of tho lead suffices. With this mix enough , cheap mineral paint and lamp black to imitate ' closely the color of the bark. The young treee should be painted in the spring just as soon as transplanted and every year thereafter in early May. Tho paint is applied from a little below the soil to a foot abovo. In four or five years tho bark will peel off after the paint hat been applied. When this excoriation occurs , if before July , it is best to remove .what bark still clings and at once give another coating oi the paint. The now bark underneath will be found bright and healthy , showing that the paint does no harm. Mr. Hewlett painted some apple trees every spring for 15 years 01 more. The painting was discontinued for several years , as he thought there might be nc occasion for further painting. These trees , however , were at once attacked by borers , and several were found six inches above tho en trance. Peach trees are painted in the same .way. He has never had a tree injured by bor ers if they were regularly painted. The editor of the Rural New-Yorker adds that Mr. Hewlett is a careful , conservative farmer and his statements may be accepted as fully trustworthy. , ARE YOU MADE miserable by Indigestion , Constipation , Dizziness , Loss of Appetite , J Yellow Skin ? Shiloh's Yitalizer is a positive cure. Not a fit , but an expression of delight. "About a week ago , " says a Los Angeles , Cal. , druggist , "a Chinaman came in with a lame shoulder. I sold him abottlo of Chamberlain's Pain Balm and guaranteed that it would cure him. He came in again last night , and as soon as he got inside of the door , began to swing his arms over his head like an Indian club swinger. I thought the blamed fool had a fit , but he finally stopped long enough to say : 'Medicine velly flue , velly fine ; alle same make me feel plenty good. ' " Chamberlain's Pain Balm , is without an equal for sprains , rheu matism , aches , pains , or lame back. For sale by all druggists. • s.noHIKOicr • no jojifpamaji on } St 9.tno S.qoiiqgqSnoo oiquaaj rjuqg . q 0q [ aosjm opum 'SXHOIN SSa EdaaiS Secretary Noble has ordered a prompt in vestigation of the charge that certain govern ment officials in Oklahoma have used their au thority to secure prior rights in lands in the territorv in disregard of tho rights of others. He declares that not the least shadow of in justice to settlers jn Oklahoma will be tolerat ed , and that the aotion of the government in the treatment of such offenses will be prompt and decisive. The order is timely , and is doubtless warranted bv the necessities of the situation in tho new territory. It is claimed that the railroads have pre-empted much of the best land in Oklahoma and this statement should also invite examination. The adminis tration will strengthen itself with the people if it will pursue a policy in relatiou to Okla homa which will compel speculators to siand aside and afford protection to actual settlers. Every quarter section of land in Oklahoma should be owned by men who are willing to make their homes in the territory and to de velop and build up the country. Secretary Noble is right , and he should go ahead. Three days is a very short time in which to cure a very bad case of rheumatism : but it can be done , if the p ' roper treatment is adopted , as will be seen by the following from James Lam bert , of New Brunswick , His. : "I was badly afflicted with rheumatism in tho hips and legs , when I bought a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It cured me in three days. I am nil right to-day ; and would insist jon every one who is afflicted with that terrible disease , to use Chamberlain's Pain Balm and get well at once. " For sale by all druggists. Lord Lonsdale , who came so near death from starvation and cold In his recent expedi tion toward the north pole , announces the.dis . - covery of a rival to Niagara Falls on the Hay river , a stream rising about 300 miles north of the United States boundary and an equal dis tance east of the border of Alaska. The river is a mile and a half wide and there are two cascades , the lower one being two hundred feet in the perpendicular and in the form of a horseshoe. He declares that it is more beauti ful than tho Niagara , though the weight of water is less. Tho Hay river runs northeaster ly and flows into Great Slave lake. The lobby of tho New York legislatures de scribed as the most completely organized body of freebooters in the United States. They al ways work together and tho individual or eor poration that pays the requisite price to any of its agents er chiefs has the assistance of the entire corps without reservation or far ther trouble , and the bill is as good as passed when tho preliminary negotiations are closed. Tho association is known as tho "Black Horse Cavalry" and Is said to encompass more brains and native talent than any other lobby in America. Advices regarding tho crop conditions in Nebraska nro favorable , There has been enough rain to keep tho ground moist for the present , and the farmers , who have been busy plowing for corn , are expected to begin this weok putting in a largo acreage. The newly sown oats aro represented to have generally made , a good stand. In northern Iowa the spring wheat and oats are all up , tho rains com ing just when they wero needed. Not much corn planting has yet been done , 1. . . - j- • < _ * * " * * _ ! l mmmmmmmmmmmmmmim . . - - - ' - ' - * • - - • • j * . . . . . . . . . . t .nil-1 ! 1 1 1 i- -I y- t1 i a HWJWiiriiiwwiMi 11 BAHTLEY BOOMINGS. M.E. Piper , spent Saturday and Sunday at Box Elder. Bartloy Is tho placo for tho rJght kind of a man to opon a harness shop. Arbor day was fittingly observed by students and professors of Mallalieu , and many trees were planted. Miss Lizzie Sour , who has been spending tho winter with her brother at Creston , Iowa , re turned homo , last Saturday. W. G. Brockham has boon buBy for some time past building a photograph car which ho will open for business here in a few days. The addition to 0. L. Knowles house is com pleted. The wholo building has been repaint ed and is now ono of tho handsomest resi dences in town. Mr. L. L. Brown has moved his blacksmith shop from Lebanon to this place and is having good success in his business. He seems to be tho right man in the right placo , The centennial of tho Inauguration of Washington was appropriately celebrated by tho patriotic citizens , teachers and scholars of Bartlcy. At 10 A. M. , a large number of citi zens and scholars surrounded the flag polo and tho flag of our country was unfurled to the ! breeze , while all present joined in singing "The Star Spangled Banner. " They then ad journed to tho hall which was soon filled. The audianco was called to order by the chair man , J. C. Sour and prayer was offered bj Rov.Grisell , which was followed by an address byRov. I.N. Clover , who made an eloquent tribute to the memory of George Washington. Rev. Boswell In bis address gavo a brief re sume of tho history of our country for tho past ono hundred years. Tho toast , "One Hundred Years of Federal Government" was responded too by Prof. Wm. Smith in his usual pleasant and instruc tive manner. # _ , t. - , Tho exercises ' wore Interspersed with appro priate music by tho choir. In the evoning tho Hermeslan Society gave an entertainment in which the performers ap peared in costume of "Ono Hundred Yean Ago. " Among the characters represented wero George Washington , Martha Washing ton , General and Mrs. LaFayette , Gran dan Washington , General Knox and other cele brated characters of olden times. After the entertainment all joined in a general social. Max. SHILOH'S CURE will immediately reliov < Croup. Whooping Cough and Bronchitis. Me Milieu's. It was maintained by the late Horace Greely that "nothing succeeds like success ! " If tbi ! be true , Chamberlain's Cough Remedy will al ways be popular , as it never fails. . It is in tended , especially for Coughs , Colds , croup ant hooping cough , and is undoubtedly , the best and most reliablo medicine in use for thos < diseases. It is decidedly a success. For sal < by all druggists. BANKSVILLE .BUDGET. o Snow on the morning of the 29th inst. , threi inches deep. A. C. Cramer is a new arrival on the W. S Webster claim. Tho prospects are very promising for abun dance in crop products. T. S. Kelley is a new arrival on A. N. Allen'i claim , southwest of Banksville. All the farmers plowing ground for corn anc planting will soon be the order. Gus. Eckloy , the mail carrier , sent a "sub' with the mail , Thursday , and stayed at hom < to take care of his new girl. Mother gettinj along well. Wm. Relph was planting more trees , las week , on his tree claim joining tho Banksvilh quarter section. Frank Cain is putting in 10 acres of fores trees for W. S. Webster on tree claim , north east quarter 20-1-30 , and D. B. Barnes is put ting in 5 acres of trees on T. W. Benjamin'i tree claim on northeast quarter 31-1-29. If tb < forests live and are well cared for in this vicin ity , they will add much to the scenery of the country about Banksville , in a few years. April 29,5 P. M. Observer. BUCKLER'S ARNICA SALVE. The Best Salve in the world for cuts , bruis es , sores , ulcers , salt rheum , fever sores , tet .ter , chapped hands , chilblains , corns , and ail skin eruptions , and positively cures piles , 01 no pay required. It is guaranteed to give per fect satisfaction , or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For salo by A. McMillen. Jesse Middlewart. Decatur , Ohio , says "Had it not been for Dr. King's New Discoverj for Consumption I would have died of Lunf troubles. Was given up by doctors. Am ox\ \ in best of health. " Try it. Sample bottles free , at A.McMillen's drug store. The fact that President Harrison does noi move with more rapidity in the making of ap pointments may be distressing to the anxious patriots who are desirous of drawing a govern ment salary , but it is not alarming the country to any appreciable extent. There are a few minor matters in connection with the conducl of an administration which are of importance as well as the gratification of office-seekers " But , even if there were none , haste in such matters would not benefit the public service , The President is responsible for his. selections and he simply shows wisdomin his discretion and conservatism. It is really astonishing that a law so unpop ular and inequitable aud unjustas Nebraska's assessment law should remain on the statute book of the state as long as it has. SHILOH'S COUGH and Consumption Cure is sold by us on a guarantee. It cures Con sumption. McMillen's. Road Notice to Land Owners. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN : The Commissioner appointed to examine u road commencing at north west corner of S. W. M sec. 23 , Twp. 3. Range 30 , W. in Red Wil- low precinct , Red Willow county , Nebraska , running thence East on half section line and terminating at N. E. corner of S. E. Ji said sec tion ; has reported in favor of the Jocation thereof , and all objections thereto or claims for damages must be filed in the county clerk's office on or before noon of the 13th day of June , A. D. , 18S9 , or said road will be establish ed without reference thereto. 40-4t8. Geo. W. Roper County Clerk. Land Office at McCook , Neb. , i March 25th , 18S9. f Notice is hereby given that tho following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Regis ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Wednes day , May 8th , 1889. viz : WILLIAM G. GILLESPIE. P. E. D. S. No. 5680 for tho N. W. & Sec. 25 , T. 2 , N. of R. 29 , W. 6th P. M. He names the follow ing witnesses to prove his continuous resi dence upon and cultivation of , said land , viz : Willinm A. Vincent , Alvaro N. Griffin. Francis M. Kennedy , William Kennedy , all of McCook , Neb. • Any porson wno aesireB to protest agamsttno allowance of such proof , or who knows of any substantial reason , under , the law and the reg ulations of the Interior Department , why such proof Bhould not be allowed , will be given an opportunity at the above mentioned timo and place to cross-examine the witnesses of said claimant , and to offer evidence in robuttal of that submitted by claimant. S. 'P. HART , Register. .land office at McCook , Neb. , i April 24th , 1889. f Notice Is hereby given that the following- mmed settler bus hied notice of his intention o make final proof in support of his claim.and hat said proof will bo made before Register r Receiver at McCook , Neb „ on Tuesday , June .lth , 1889 , viz : JOHN SI MODRELL , X S. No. 5781. for tho S. E. U. Sec. 20 , Town. 4. tf. Range 29 , W. Ho names the following wit- icsses to prove his continuous residence up- > n. and cultivation of , said land , viz : Arthur P. King , Mather L. Brown. Joseph Sanders and ? atrlck O'Conner. all of McCook , Neb. Any person who desires to protest agamsttne ulowance of such proof , or who knows of any substantial reason , under the law and the reg ulations of tho Interior Department , why such jroof Bhould not bo allowed , will begiven an mportunity at the abovo mentlonod time and slaco to croBS-examlne the witnesses of said : laimant , and to offer evidence in rebuttal of : hat submitted by claimant. S. P. HART , Register. • ' { ' • ' * & - - .Vr& • - / - . - • - * . - ; . . . * . . ' ' . " v ' . ' " ' , . ' . . . . . , * . . ' , ' . ; " X'"i" . • ' ' - . - : ' , - „ - - - " . . • • * ; ; • % , " ' • if - -Oft ' - ' ' • ' -i - "r • * * ' * • - ; ; jSf . . ' • ' ' - - ' • - - - ; < - > -te . . . " - * * * -f < • it. S . * > - * * • - . "V * ; " : t 4 I We are sure to sell out our ( CLOTHIG , HATS AND CAPS , j And it is with , you whether you want bargains in s - " ' \ . • these goods or not. Our intention is to sell you > 'V * = Dry Koflfls & Gaiiets Exclusiyely. You can buy CLOTHING- your own Price. , ; , * : / * * - * * " WHITE GOODS , PABASOLS , and SUMMER . - : ' " \ \ GOODS cheaper than ever. J | L. LOWMAN & SON. - . • • "V ' • • • - • " ' 1 * . ; - - . . . . . . . . . . . . , / . . 1 ' t V ; ! - .1 i IS CONSUMPTION CURABLE ? Read the following : Mr. J. H. Morris , New ark , Ark. , says : "Was down with Abscess of Lungs , and friends and physicians pronounced me an Incurable Consumptive. Began taking Dr. King's New Discovery for onsumption , am now on my third bottle , and able to over see the work on my farm. It is the finest medicine ever made. " Land Office at McCook , Neb. , I April 6th. 1889. f Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before the Register or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Mon day , May 20,1889. viz : EDGAR F.TURNER , H. E. No. 634 for the N. E. X Sec. 9 , Town. 2 , N. Range 30 , W. 6th P. M. He names the follow ing witnesses to prove his continuous resi dence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz' : Newton Nettleton , Charles S. Ferris , Lewis F. Fauss and Rothees S. Hileman.all of McCook , Neb. Neb.Any Any person who desires to protest agamstme allowance of such proof , or who knows of any substantial reason , under the law and the reg ulations o 'f the Interior Department , why such proof should not be allowed , will bo given an opportunity at the above mentioned time and place to cross-examine the witnesses of said claimant , and to offer evidence in rebuttal of mat submitted by claimant. S. P. HART , Register. Land office at Mccook , Neb. , I April 23d , 1889. f Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of her intention to make final proof in supporter her claim.and that said proof will be made before Revister or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Wednesday , June 5th , 18S9. viz : ANNA B. VILAND. P.E.D.S.No.5517.forthe W. V S.E. H Sec. 17 , Town. 5 , N. Range 29 , W. 6th P. M. She names the following witnesses to pr > ve her continuous residence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : Enoch E. Osvog , Christopher C. Dueland , Andrew P. Larson and Anna Han son , all of Quick , Neb. Any person who desires to protest against the allowance of such proof , or who knows of any substantial reason , under the law and the regu lations of the Interior Department , why such proof should not be allowed , will be given an opportunity at the above mentioned time and place to cross-examine the witnesses of said claimant , and to offer evidence in rebuttal of that submitted by claimant. S. P. HART , 48 Register. Land Office at McCook , Neb. , 1 March 20th. 18S0. f Notice is hereby given that the following named settler hits filed notice of his intention to make final pre-emption proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made be fore the Register or Receiver , at McCook , Neb , on Tuesday. May 7.1889. viz : GEORGE H. SCHNEIDER , D. S. No. 5604 for the E. Yi N. E. U Sec. 12Twp. 5 , N. R. 31.W. Ho names the following wit nesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of , said land , viz : Gottleib Mentz , William J. "Vogel. of Osburn , Neb. , rjonisAHmann , of ZImmer , Neb. , and Oliver P. Fairbanks , of Highland , Neb. Any person who desires to protest against the allowance of Such proof , or who knows of an ; substantial reason , under the law and tho reg ulations of tho Interior Department , why cuch proof should not be allowed , will bo given an opportunity at the above mentioned time and place to cross-examine the witnesses of Bald claimant , and to offer evidence In rebuttal of that submitted by claimant. S. P. HART. Rpgister. Land Office at McCook , Neb. , I March 30th , 18S0. f Notico is hereby given that the following- namod settlers have tiled notices of their inten tions to make final proofs in support of their claims , and that said proofs will be made be fore the Register and Receiver , at McCook. Neb. , on Saturday. May 11,188V , viz : JOHN S. WALKER , H. E. No. 8622 for tho N. E. S. E.J section 21 , T. 2 , N. Range 31 , W. 6th P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : George S. Myers , Lewis F. Fauss , James L. Hoyt , John Baldwin , all of McCook , Neb. Viz : CHARLES S. FEURIS , H. E. No. 553 for the N. E.J Sec. 24. Town. 3. N. Rango 31 , W.6th P. M. He names tho following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : James L. Hoyt , Jesse Webb , George S. Myers , Isaiah R. Pate , all of McCook , Neb. Any person who desires to protest against the allowance of such proofs , or who knows of any substantia ] reason , under tho law and the regulations of tho Interior Department , why such proofs should not be allowed , will be given an oppor tunity at the above mentioned time and place to cross-examine the witnesses of said claim-1 ants , and to offer evidence in rebuttal of iLatl submitted by claimants. 45 8 , P. HART , Register. I THE CITIZENS BANK OF McCOOL ( INCORPORATED UNDER STATS LAWS. ) Paid up Capital , . . $50,000.00 , ft General Banking Business , j Collections made on . all accessible points. Drafts drawn directly on the principal cities of Europe. Taxes paid for Non-Kesidents. AToney to loan on fanning lands , village and personal property. Fire Insurance a specialty. Tickets For Sale to and from Europe , CORRESPONDENTS : j . V. EbaotojhPresident. , . Flrat National Bank Lincoln , Nebraska. J. Johs R. Clark. Vice-President The Chemical National Bank New York. ) A. a Ebxst. CaihlM. finoiiti Our entire stock of BOOTS AND SHOES. ' . . i This Stock , consisting of over $3,000 worth , was bought for SPOT CASH - ' • { Direct from Manufacturer. "We intend closing out this line of our business and can make you prices \ that will surprise you. < We also carry a complete line of J B Dry Ms , Groceries , Hats , Cajs , ; 1 AND FURNISHING GOODS. ' 9 WILCOX & FOWLEL 11 "West Dennison Street , McCook , Nebraska. * ] '