The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, May 03, 1889, Image 5

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IK. : J& " *
II Fl * JBcfnk IWtof * .
* | C FRIDAY EVENING. MAY 3,11889.
. " A. McMILIaRN
| r ' * Wall Paper ,
Iff : Mixed Paints , Etc.
| j. | : Hammocks , Base Balls.
[ j * Druggist and Stationer ,
If i
mi A Farm Loan , to get Insured , or have
any Real Estate to Sell' .or Exchange
' for Merchandise or other Personal Prop-
Hi u
Hi ' erty , go to
MM Tribune Building.
m' CASH ! CASH !
Wmj This is to notify our customers that
[ ) we will adopt a strictly CASH system
Hj' .j . of business , May 1st , 1889 , also that
Wtl we will sell all goods at greatly re-
H /a ducedprices. We do this believing it
j will benefit our , patrons as well as our-
Hj ) { selves. Our entire stock of Boots and
B Shoes at cost.
mmmW Ay
The Star Restaurant
' And Lunch.Room is open all hours
Mi of tho day and night. If you want a
Br good lunch , hot soup , etc. , give me a
H a call. S. T. Eton.
Hjt l Pony For Sale.
m [ A handsome , "single-footer" pony.
H ) ' Will he sold cheap. Call at this office ,
Hf • at once. Also , a cart very cheap.
B '
] = = = = = = = = =
Bl , Noble for superb hanging lamps.
B > I A fine line of new Curtains at
m . Pade & Son's.
B J New goods received daily at
B , [ , * . - A. Oppenheimer's.
K [ For Baby Carriages go to
Hi Pade & • Son's.
H Neckwear , all the latest novelties in
j great variety , at THE FAMOUS.
H/j BSF'Fresh sausage at the B. & . M.
H | Meat Market _ ' _
Bij Large consignment of attractive Fur-
Bt niture at Shahan's.
Bf ' The B. & . M. Meat Market meets all
B cut prices in .meats.
Bj x Prices at the B. & M. Meat Market
Be arc as ow as 10 i ° wesc-
H A full line of gent's furnishing goods
B cheap at A. Oppenhedier's.
H Fresh and'smoked meats of all kinds
B at the B. & M. Meat Market.
H Everything fresh and clean in the
H * way of groceries at Noble's store.
H Buy your hat for spring wear and
H get it cheap at A. Oppenheimer's.
H .Cash paid fpr * live stock , " poultry and
B hides at the B , . & 11. Meat Market.
H i *
H There is . no " other way.Buy your
H groceriesqueenswareetc.of Noble.
B A splendid line of patterns in French
B Satteens at A. Oppenheimer's.
HS Ludwick's Pawn Shop. Opposite
B > McEntee Hotel - Plenty of cash on
B hand. *
B For home sugar-cured meats hams ,
K breakfast bacon , etc. , go to the B. &
g Meat Market
B Seasonahle "Under Wear , " Hosiery
H an Gloves in great variety at
B U In thel ine of plain and fancy
B groceries , C. M. Noble will fill your
B every want satisfactorily.
flt Second Hand Cook and Heating
Br Stoves wanted opposite the McEntee.
Hl J. H. Ludwick. i
B We have the largest stock of seeds
HH * for farm , field or garden in the city.
B Tree seeds a specialty.
B C. GPotter & Co.
H if you want nice tender beefsteak
H give the B. & M. Meat Market a call.
B They butcher none but the choicest of
B beeves.
B Nebraska did not go to New York
B- - ' * vofficiallybut she celebrated all the same
H feat heme in every town and hamlet The
Ht Bglyes of liberty still burn on the hearth-
B Wjranes of her people.
L pJ If you want something handsome in
V the way of a hanging lamp , call on C. M.
B Uoble. He is just in receipt of the •
KyJ largest and finest stock of hanging
W lamps ever brought to southwestern
m Nebraska.
B To buy of a first class house is an adi i
V vantage in every way , they always j
B have the goods to show you , the lowest
B prices and the largest stock , as well as
B " the very latest styles. It is therefore ,
B - your interest to buy at . • ;
The following prices for meats will
bo offered our customers on and after
April 15th , 1889 :
Loin and Porter House Steak , . . . . 10c.
Bound and Shoulders , 7c.
Boasts , 7c.
Boiling Meat , 3c.
Pork Steak and Boast , 8c.
Pork Sausage , 8c
Mutton Chops , 10c.
Mutton Boast , 8c.
Mutton Stew , 3c.
Veal Cutlets 10c.
Veal Boasts , 7c.
Veal Stew , 3c.
Dry Salt Pork , 10c.
Front Quarters Beef , 3c.
All other meats in'proportion.
Brewer & Wilcox.
From Osburn , Frontier countyabout
April 22d , two cows , red and white , and
one red yearling heifer. Suitable re
ward will be paid for their recovery.
Frank Hackenkamp.
( jsburn , Frontier Co. - , Neb.
Bead the lines below , your eyesight is
"GeorRoM.ChonQry at tho CJty Drujj Store
sens pure drugs aud medicines. "
S100.000 to Loan on Real Estate.
Insurance written in reliable com-
panys , city property for sale and rent.
Office up stairs in ' Morlan block.
\ C. J. ltYAN.
How Do You Stack Up
For Hay ? Eaton & Co. have quantities
of nice bright hay for sale at lowest mar
ket prices. Call at the
Cirolk Front Livery Barn.
Hall , Cochran & Co. have just received
a large shipment ot the celebrated Mil-
burn Tubler-Axe Wagons , which
they are ready to sell at fair prices.
A second-hand Wind Mill and Tow
er , in excellent condition. Inquire of
F. E. Stock at
B. & M. Meat Market.
Special sale of hats , Saturday , May
4th , very cheap. Am selling every
thing else at very lowest prices.
M. E. Barger.
For Sale or Trade.
I have a Norman stallion for sale , or }
will trade for land or cattle.
F. S. Wilcox.
For Sale Cheap.
An M. K. Lewis Well Augur and .
Horse Power. Inquire at the
First National Bank.
100 cords of weli-seasoned , 4-foot (
wood. By Mrs. P. J. Taylor , (
44-8ts. Bed Willow , Neb.
A furnished TOom to rent Desirably
located. Inquire at The Tribune of- s
fice at once. " ]
'City Drug Store.
Bemember Noble for groceries. i
New Bugs at Pade & Son's. ]
Go to Noble for your family groceries. '
Go to Shahan's for Furniture and
Baby Carriages. - t
The B. & M. Meat Market sells meat j
as low as the lowest. x
ESF'For Befrigerators see
Pade & Son.
Baby carriages will be sold at cost j
for the next ten days at Shahan's. ]
A line of trimming silks and plushes j
at A. Oppenhedier's.
Ladies/visit Shahan's Furniture Store l
and inspect his newly arrived goods : .
Eattan and Oak Bookers , just receiv
ed , at Pade & Son's.
Hose , Lawn Sprinklers , Hose Beels ,
and Fixtures , for sale by F. D. Burgess.
A great assortmentin ladies' , gent's s
and children's hose at
A. Oppenhedier's.l
. Shahan offers his large assortment of t
Baby Carriages at cost price for next *
ten days.
Plumbing m all its branches prompt- .
ly a ' nd skillfully performed } > j F. D. t
Burgess. t
Prescriptions accurately comt
pounded , day or night , at the City r
Drug Store. f
Noble , the leading grocer , carries the c
most complete line of queensware in the t
city. Inspect it t
Frank D. Burgess carries a full stock f
of Hose , Lawn Sprinklers , Hose Beels ,
dPTho price of liberty is eternal t
vigilance , but Noble's prices on groceries J
are sure to catch you. r
1 i
J. H. Ludwick will buy and sell or *
trade for all kinds of Second Hand .
Goods. Opposite McEntee Hotel. J
SHIRTS of every conceivable style , T
quality and shape , an immense stock , at t
Our prices on all kinds of meat are
as low as * the lowest
, B. & M. Meat Market. "
Dress , .Business , and Working Suits ,
an immense line at low prices , at (1
I have a large stock of Hose , Lawn r
Sprinklers , Hose Beels , and Hose Fixf
fcures , constantly on hand , of the best * j
grades. F. D. Burgess.
Try us on flour , feed , or seeds , and
tve will guarantee satisfaction , in both j
price and quality. Seed sweet potatoes t
a specialty. C. G , Potter & Co. a
ViN . * / - • - - * ' * * * . .V
f v- .
Walt for tho electric ll h1s.
Did you tnko down your baso burner ?
Vociferous whooping cough Is making Its
presence heard throughout the city.
Cliango of advertisement by Lownian &
Sou , this week. Bargains in clothing and
Ico and frost botii Tuesday and Wednes
day nights ; but no particular dntnngo occas
"A great snap" in footwear at Bowen &
Laycock's. See their new advertisement ,
this Issue.
The cloud and chill of the early part of the
week has given place to serene skies and
genial sun.
The county teachers' association holds Its
next meeting in Bartley , Saturday , May 11th.
See program in tiiis Issue.
McCook will soon bo luxuriating in electric
liKhts. The plant has been ordered and work
on same will commence at once.
Tho missionary meeting at the Lutheran
church , last Sunday evening , was a success.
Tho "lloral cross" was beautiful.
Snow falling , with an accompaniment of
reverberating thunder and vivid lightning ,
was a nbvel experience , this week.
' That Tuesday's celebration was not more in
keeping with thoenterprise and patriotism of
our citizens is not entirely creditable to Mc
Arrangements are being made by Mis.
Barger to close out her business here and to
rcinova to Culbertson to resume the millinery
business theje.
Dr. L. W. Critser , physician and surgeon ,
offers his professional services to the people
of McCook and vicinity. Oflico opposite tho
Arlington House.
The TiiiBUNE carries the only complete
stock of legal and land blanks in Western
Nebraska. Blanks put up in tablet form
without extra cost.
This week , the joke has been on the man
who had just taken down his base burner
and put up his ice cold soda water fountain
only pure fruit juices used.
The present oflice of the Singer-Sewing
Machine Co. is located in the frame building
in rear of the new First National bank build
ing. Thos. Yarbrougb , agent.
Services at the Lutheran church , next Sab
bath morning and evening , by the pastor , J.
W. Kimmcl. Subject at 10:30 , M. T. , "Amer
ica. " Subject at 7:30 , "The Wail of the
Soul. "
The Culbertson Reveille was in error in
stating that Mrs. Lathrop of our city intend
ed going into business at that place. Mrs.
Lathrop has pinned her faith to McCook per
In all this commotion about cut prices in
clothing , Drysdale , the old reliable tailor
and draper , continues to turn out well made
clothing of best quality goods at his usual ,
reasonable figures.
Yesterday morning , Swarts.the candy man ,
removed his kitchen to his former quarters ,
four doors south , where he is now prepared
Lo accommodate his customers as usual , in
anything in his line.
A poem of considerable merit , by M. J.
Adams , well known in Bed Willow county ,
is given space in this issue. Mike is cultivat- ,
mg the muse with a diligence which we hope !
to see rewarded substantially in due course ,
3f time.
The first of the month , C. H. Dietrich puri i
jhased William Bartholomew's interest in i
the dray business of Dwycr & Bartholomew , i
D. H. draws the ribbons with scarcely less 1
skill tian he managed the iron steed on the :
Burlington in ante-strike times. * <
A petition signed by all the barbers of the j
: ity , save one , has been sent into the council
requesting the closing of barber shops on ,
Sundays. The council will doubtless take ,
such action at their next meeting. Barbers ,
ire entitled to a day of rest with the rest of ' .
The city authorities have agreed to take 8 1
ire and 90 incandescent lights from the elec-
; ric light comnany. This will afford very
" air noctural illumination. The arcs will be
lsed on the main business streets , while the
ncandescents will be used at crossings and .
> n corners throughout the city.
Early Wednesdiy evening , the "student's" 1
amp which is regularly kept burning in the (
farmers and Merchants bank at night , took t
ire in some unaccountable manner , and but i
or the prompt action of Marshal Bennett , t
vho raised a window and quickly removed r
he darning lamp , the result might have been
lifferent and perhaps serious. As it was the i
lamage was merely nominal. ]
The many lovers of birds are probably j
deased to note that the favorite trimmings .
his season for hats and bonnets are artificial j
lowers. Bird life is dear to all true hearts , j
tnd their wanton destruction to trim hats is
l sin and a crime. Those exquisite butterr
lies of birds life , the humming birds , are
nuch in demand for ornamental purposes ,
md they must be had. The idea of using i
he body of a dead bird as a personal adorn- 1
nent does not appear to be a civilized one. i
; t is fashionable and that is all. i
The so-called "bad lands" of Nebraska '
lave rapidly disappeared from the maps of
he country. It is coming to be understood j
hat the old-time estimates of the capabili- ,
ies of Nebraska soil , or indeed , for that ;
natter , of the west in general , no longer hold *
; ood. There is , of course , in Nebraska as in
ither states , land that is not good for ogri-
ultural purposes , but the ratio of uutillable
o tillable soil here is very small , and less
ban in any other region that we know of. i
Nebraska is , in fact , an earthly paradise for t
While all flowers are beautiful in their own .
weet way , still the modest apple blossoms .
iow to be seen in full bloom on nearly every .
awn in this city , have a charm and sweet-
less that entitle them to a high place. Their "
> ink delicacy as they are unfolding their l
learts of gold is exquisite and a bunch of
hem nestling in the hair of an autocrat child
s typical of u pure and sweet innocence.
) ne could rhapsodize long and lovingly over t
hem , but when thf heart feels most the lips t
nove not. lie who has no love for flowers , s
he stars of the earth , has lost much. And i
iven the artificial flowers are pleasing as a i
nemory. . '
"Signs of the early cucumber and raddish
, nd spring-booms are upon us , ere yet the oys-
er has lessened or the niincepie has waned.
Tea , verily , an early spring is upon us , and t
liphtheria will bloweth whither it listeth.
ioon will the nonexcitable chigo perambu-
ate beneath the. monogram garter of the ro c
uantic 2Jebmska school inarm , who goes i
orth to gather the blue-eyed violet , or the 1
ild lady in search of a dish pan full of teni
[ er greens , as the case may be. Soon will
he balmy breath of gentle spring bring forth
he fluent swear words from tho family man
is he gently butfirmly swings the garden t
ioe , and soon will the rural subscriber begin c
b pay his subscription in spring chickens I
md water melons. " 1
One Hundred Years Ago.
Tho centennial of tho inauguration of the
"Father of Ills Country" was commemorat
ed by our pcoplo in proper form and spirit ,
Tuesday morning , In the M. K. church. Al
though tho affair was somewhat impromp
tu , tho attendance was good and tho exer
cises Interesting. Tho church was appropri
ately decorated for the occasion. Tho city
council was present in a body , Mayor CJrecn
being chairman of the meeting. Below wo
give tho order of exercises :
Music "Frecdom'a Banner , " Choir.
Prayer , Key. I. W.Dwlro ,
President's Proclamation.NellioIIuddleston.
Music , "America , " Choir.
Historical Addrcs ? Col. T. E. McCracken.
Music "Star Spangled Banner , " . . . .Choir.
Toast , F. M. Kimniell.
"Tho Press Then and Now. "
Music , "Flaflr of the Free , " Choir.
Toast , . . . . . . . .Hov. I. W.Dwiro.
"Tho Early American Sermon.
Music • • itcd.Wbltoand DIuo. " Choir.
Toast "G.A. R. " J.S.LoHow , Esq.
Music "Centennial Hymn , " Choir.
Clean Up Your Alleys.
"You'may pave and garnish the beautiful
street and put on metropolitan style ; and the
face of the city you may make complete and
your lawns and gardens with beauty smile ,
but in your alleys there Is fever and death ,
more fatal and dread than tho Simoon's
Behind your hotels , so large and complete ,
the germ of death in the gutter lies ; behind
your lawns , so luxuriant and neat , the incense
of death and destruction arise. Beware of
the alley , there is death in its trench , and cer
tain destruction in its nauseous stench.
The fever season is coming apace , and
death will desolate tho city , contagion and
woe will sweep the place without remorse ,
regret or pity , unless your fever fields are
gleaned , unless your ungodly alleys are
Grim Death Is brooding over the town , his
molars chatter , his eyeballs glare ; at any
iromenthe may swoop down , to reap his
harvest that's in the air. For God sake , man ,
arouse and rally to cleanse your fever-laden
alley. "
A Delightful Gathering.
Register and Mrs. S. P. Hart entertained
a large company of friends , last Friday even
ing , at their home on Upper Marshall street ,
In a cleverly charming manner , indeed. Pro
gressive euchre was the never-failing source
from which the major share of the evening's
pleasure was drawn so eagerly. The guests
were :
Mr. and Miis. F. L. Brown. A. Campbell.
Frank Harris , J. U. Birdsell , George Hocknoll ,
F. M. Kimmell , W. J. Hills , M. Y. Starbuck , C.
H. Meeker , John F. Majors , C. W. Knights , G.
A. Noren , R. It. Woods , T. J. Rees , Z. L. Kuy ,
Frank Walsh. F. O. Newman , J. Byron Jen
nings , P. W. Newman , S. L. Green , C. M. No
ble , J. E. Kelley , Samuel Strasscr , F. H. Fow
ler , E. A. Leach , II. II. Troth , Mrs. Reed of
Yuma , Colo.
The first prizes were won by Mrs. J. E.
Kelley and Mr. J. Byron Jenuings. The
boobies by Mrs. H. II. Troth and Mr. C. H.
Mary had a little lamb , its fleece was white
as snow ; it strayed away one summer day ,
where lambs should never go. Then Mary
sat her down and tears streamed from her
pretty eyes ; she never found her Iamb be
cause she did not adverti'se. And Mary had
a brother John , who 1 kept- 'village store , lie ;
sat down and smoked his pipe and watched '
the open door. And'as the people passing
along but did not stop to buy , John still sat ;
down and smoked his pipe and blinked his
sleepy eye. And so the sheriff closed him '
out , but still he lingered near ; and Mary '
same to drop with him a sympathizing tear.
"IIow is it sister that these other merchants
liere , sell all their goods and pay their bills
and thrive from year to year ? " Remember
ing now her own bad luck , the little maid re- j
plied : 'Those other fellows get there , John , ]
iecause they advertise. " ,
The School Law. i
We should like to know what was the <
natter with the legislature when they passed '
: hat school law with the emergency clause. '
3ut of one-hundred and thirty-three men
liere was not one who saw in what a state
) f affairs they were placing the schools of
lie state. Here we are with ahillegal meet- <
ng on one handwhich will prevent i
he county board from acting on the levy , i
md on the other a law requiring the annual (
school meeting to be held after it is too late (
: or the levy to be acted upon. The statute t
provides that a levy cannot be made at any t
) ther than an annual meeting. It begins to
ook as if the schools would have to run next
, Tear without money or be shut up. The law
s a gooil one , if provisions had been made (
: or levies this year. ,
The action of the city council in instruct-
ng the police to enforce the ordinance pro-
libiting certain games is a proper and com-
nendable one. Card playing and dice throw-
ng have been carried on to an extent not at
dl creditable to our city. Such devices are 1
mbusiness like , as well as unlawful , and
> ander to a popular weakness which should (
) e firmly discouraged by the authorities.
Chey have become a prouounced nuisance
md the people will rise up and call our city
lathers blessed for their abatement. *
A Friend to the Editor. *
The person who furnishes items to a news-
japer is always a valuable friend to the edi-
or. Many are diffident about handing per- *
ional notes to a newspaper regarding'them- (
ielves lest the editor should think them anx-
ous to see their name in print. He will (
hink nothing of the kind , but on the conj j
rary will be glad to get such notes. Many \
leeiLingly unimportant items when printed
ire news to a large num ber of readers.
Business Change.
The partnership heretofore existing bef
ween W. C. LaTourette and his father , ]
Fames LaTourette of St. Louis , has been disj j
solved , and the former will coutiuuethe busi-
less , assuming indebtedness and collecting
ill accounts. The Tihbuxe wishes the old t
'Pioneer" continued prosperity. 1
Not An Inopportune Time. l
It occurs to the writer that if McCook con-
emplates doing anything for herself , this
season , it would not be an inopportune time j
o build a city hall as has been proposed and 1
jonsidered at various times during the past
lew years. McCook needs to acquire the j
labit of self-help almost as badly as she - \
leeds the shops. 1
Their Suburban Home.
Register and Mrs. S. P. Hart moved out to 1
heir pleasaut suburban home , east of the <
: ity , Wednesday , and Mr. C. E. Shaw and 1
lamlly at once assumed possession of the 1
iouso vacated by them , J
j. . . . - . . i . i . . - . ! . - . . . . . . . . _ * * . _
I ti i ii. .n.ii nwwi.g ii .inn mwi | .g.niMjt j < lnrr i I i | - * " .f It ?
* .fc fc.l I ! . .I il. . t r . ! . ! . . ! . f Wil l i I IJ.'I ' I'l ' I'lW Jj ll .ll > l" < < lWl I ' I
Tho "J ai.K-rmcK Skulk" as placod on tho
boiirdr. > Kft ovcuing , undor auspices of tho
Gcomutiicid Sooioty of tho Congregational
church , wus a most amusing affair nnd kept
tho audience In ono continuous roar or lnuxh-
tcr. from tbo opening to the closing thi-u-of.
Costumes woro excessively grotesque. Char
acters wero well taken and by contrast wero
made moro thoroughly ludicrous and laugha
ble. Tho ball was fairly well filled and enter
talnmont enjoyed largely. Hoiow we give the
Timothy Todboystut'ng ( boy.C. F. ilabcock.
Betsey Trotwood , J / . , „ „ \ . J Mrs. Belknap.
Iko Trotwood , f"Vins. ( . ) . } u 1 { < Woods.
Susanna Bobbs.tattler.Miss ) Ella Hurt.
Betsey Bobbet , Mrs. Zclglcr.
Susie Maligau Mrs. Z. L. Kay.
PcggioSlim Mrs. S. Strasscr.
Carrio Melindy Squinte3'e , Mrs. Woods.
GernlaToulaban , . . . . ( crying girt ) . . .Mrs. Hills.
Sally Waddles . .Moymo Hunt.
Tootsey-Wootsoy , . . . Anna MoN'amara.
Nathaniel Rackstraw , I/Roy Allen.
Jotban Domuch , C. G. Totter.
Jason Dolittle A. J. Welsh.
Jacob Pigeontoo Dr. Z. L. Kay.
Bridget O'Flanagan , Mrs. Harvey.
Cynthia Cartright , Mrs. Babcock.
Jerusha Spoopendyke , Mrs. Batchellor.
Hannah Dobson , Mrs. Green.
Maria Flipper , Mrs. Brewer.
Patlonco Smith , , . ( pert girl ) . .Mrs. J.C. Allen.
SamanthaHartshorno , Mrs. A. M. Kollcj.
Hezekiau Higginbottom , Dr. S. L. Green
Squikk Kiokeii. I
* ,
j t .
Obadiah Jones , f
An Adjourned Meeting.
The city council convened in special session ,
Friday afternoon. Present , Mayor Green ,
Councilmon Kay , Brown , Allon and Boyd , i
Clerk Kelley and Attorney Jennings. On mo- '
Hon tho city marshal was Instructed to enforce
the ordinanco regulating and prohibiting cer
tain games. On motion under suspension of -
rules , Ordinanco No. 3-1 , amending tho occupa-
tion tax ordinance , was passed. It was decid- '
ed to expend for tho purpose of lighting tho ' .
city by electric lights 6170 per month for tho
period of ono year , S150 per month tho Becond ]
year ; and not less than 5100 per month for the
succeeding threo years. Arc and incandes
cent lights to bo used , at regular rates , to be
placed at such places and in such manner as (
may bo stipulated in contract to be hereafter 1
entered into. Adjourned. ji j
Teachers' Association. ]
The County Teachers' Association will con- I
veno at Bartley , May 11th , commencing at 9 I
o'clock , A. M. Following is the
What Should be Taught in ) , , E
, n , , , , ,
< * • ! > . ri,0-i | „ „ .
Physiology and Hygiene , f
Khetoricals , Miss Mary Meyers.
The Bible in the Schools. .Supt. Mrs. Nettleton.
HowMuch Arithmetic-Should bo I -n
Taught in the Country Schools , fli--fc'--uc'voc-
Science in Elementary I , . . . - . . _ .
. . . . „ Mp . . \
School j- .Miss M. ! L. McKee.
Writing , F. Stilgebouer.
Educational Journals and I . . , t
„ , „ „ n. „
f"3Iss Blackburn.
Other Aids for Teachers ,
Alice MurphySec'y. .
List of Patents.
Patents as follows are in the McCook land
oflico for delivery :
kecexpt no. 1
1183 Samuel D. Samuel , T
1161 Patrick Cullan ,
105C Hugh Clark , d
1994 Christian L. Buck , r
723 John M. Daniel ,
629 Oliver W. Baker.
. t
Subscribers Pay Up.
It is not the habit of the publisher to do
persistent dunning ; but there is a tide in the j
affairs of men which taken at the Hood leads
on to glory ; so there is a time in the life of
the publisher when a little cash seems lo beD
necessary , iu addition to glory. An urgent
invitation is extended our delinquent sub
scribers to call at once and settle up. In c
other words we must have some money. v
Extensive Improvements. c
Mr. J. Ryron Jennings and family have
moved into one of their rental properties ,
preparatory to making extensive improveu
ments to their own residence , to which a
large addition will be built , the present a
building will be raised to two stories and u
everything generally elaborated until it shall
ie numbered among the Iargestmost conven e
lent aud handsomest residences in the city. s :
Land Decision.
Assistant Secretary of the Interior Chanti
Her , has affirmed the decision of the comh
nissioner of the general land office in holdP
ng for cancellation the pre-emption cash
jntry of Benjamin Bird for lands in McI
Jook land district , Nebraska , on the ground s
hat the entryman had not complied with T
lie pre-emption law.
Woman's Relief Corps „
Will have their regular meeting , Satur- , (
lay , May 4th , at the Masonic Hall. Each
nember is desired to be present promptly c
it 2 o'clock , M. T. S
Mrs. Cordelia Fowxer , Pres. a
Nellie Lee , Secretary. "
The light of prairie fires are nightly reflectj ,
2d on every horizon. s ;
We understand that an Illinois party is
iguriug on opening a saloon in this city.
The job of sprinkling the streets of the t ,
sity has been awarded A. B. Davis at the ]
sum of 547.50 per month. v
The various players are being signed aud v
t is expected shortly to have a club here n
ible to compete with any amateur combina-
; ion of base ballists in Nebraska. t
The Tribune carries a full stock of D
school books and supplies , blank books , sta3
lonery , etc , all at lowest prices. Give us a • •
: all when wanting anything in our line. I
The order of court in the Kendall case was
mforced by Sheriff Russell , yesterday , eject-
ng the Kendall's from the Bon Ton Bakery >
milding. It was not a pleasant duty the v
sheriff had to perform. Jit
On Sunday , seven car loads of steers were a
shipped to the Omaha market from this t
joint , three cars by H. T. Church , ami two v
: ach by Messrs. Brewer & Wilcox nnd J. B.
Vleserve. The shipment was marketed on
Monday , and brought top prices.
The spring racing and trotting met'thjg of _ , J
; he Overland Park Club of Denver will be "
leld from May ISth tn 25th. The aggregate s
ralue of stakes and purses exceeds 510,000. a
Send for program to D. L. Hall. SnpL , 13 t ]
Dpera House Block , Denver , Colorado. c
"The scarlet girls arc. abroad the
ire prim and buxom and jolly and neat ; but t
jeware young man lest your truant feet c
mould take you into their base retreat ; for I1
ilthough they look jolly nnd happy and c
ivell , their jolly course 'takes hold on v
ielL' Look out for the girl with the fc
irazen stare.that are bold aud forward , with c
iiangled hair ; 3ou may follow a lion into his
ialrand hope to come safely out Into the
men air , and into his den you may tracethe 8
jear and grasp his shaggy and tangled hair , i
but don't you fool with the scarlet belle , for I r
lier certain course 'takes hold on hell. " ' I j
i . mi , ii i.n i. ii i ii i'n , , ' . i.ij , , ii . i mm " . .bJfeii ' " m n "
l. bernheiMerT I
In order to reduce my large stock of Spring H
Goods , will sell them at the following H
Unprecedented Prices ! ! H
Business Suits from $22.00 up. ' M
Business Pants from § 5.00 up. H
All other suits in proportion. All orders receive prompt , |
attention. If required , will make you a suit in 2-i hours. > H
m * * * * H
McCook , Nebraska.
The U. S. Loan and Investment Go. of Omaha , Neb. H
Will furnishtho means to build u homo , pay otr a mortgage , cancol a debt , or educate your H
children , and take back tho amount In small monthly payments , on a less rnto than ordinary H
rentals , and a lessor lutorcst than is charged l > y other money loaning Institutions. H
Or it will recelvo sninll deposits of ll.xed amounts from those who desire to invest their sav- M\ttttt.
lugs nnd nor. becomo borrowers , and make each deposit earn from ten to thirty per cent , ayer.r H
as though they wore a part of ti largo Investment , as per examples given below , showing tho 1
estimated cost and prollt derived by both tho borrower and non-borrower , on a cortltlcato or I H
one share In Uvo years , or one-half of the full maturity period. H
Of a Coitiasato ct O20 Shan le fha "c:3.
Pays a membership fee of S 10.00
Sixty monthly installments of $3.00
rwenty quarterly installments of ? .50
each . . . . . . . . . . f 000
• • • • • " • • • • • • • • • •
A. cancellation fcb'oK. . . . . . 10.00
Making a total of all expenses f6r tho
five years of Si > 0.00
He is then Entitled to . $500,00.
Tho non-borrower has had the advantage of
jur peculiar system of accumulation , where
by every Installment paid in draws interest
immediately and is compounded monthly : ho
ms participated i the lapse prollts , ami the
iccumulatlon from Hues , dues and penalties ,
ins had an absolutely secure Investment , un-
listurbed by Huctuating values , and has real-
zed a clear profit of ono hundred per cont. In5
rears , while accumulating tho capital paid in.
For further particulars of the p'an , call on P. Xj. BKOUVjS . ° "eilt 1
Judge Abbott of the Herald , Hayes Centre ,
ras a business visitor , Tuesday.
Rev. and Mrs. William Sucs3 wero in Cul-
icrtson , Saturday last , on a visit.
Kev. Kimmcl is at Franklin , Iiloomington ,
ongl8landand Norcatur , thl3 week.
Miss Tillio Barnes returned , Tuesday morn-
ng , from her visit to Indianola of n weok.
Mrs. J. C. Rirdsell has been entertaining her
riend , Mis. Uced of Yuma , Colo. , the past
A. A. Baldwin camo in from Denver , yester-
lay morning , on business connected with his
> roperty here.
S. E. Solomon and F. Hert Kisley represented
he capital of Hitchcock at theso headrjuar-
crs , Weducsdey.
Mesdamcs Hutchinson nnd Cavanaugh of
he county-seat were the guests of Mrs. CT.
Jrewer , Tuesday.
C. F. Babcock arrived home , Wednesday
aorning , from Denver , having disposed of his
orreis at a good figure.
Miss Martha Thole , one of Hayes county's
ompetent teachers , was in the city , Tuesday ,
isitiug her sister Anna.
Messrs. W. R. Starr , C. II. Oman , L. B. Korns
nd J. L. Hutchinson of the county-seat were
ity visitors , Wednesday.
A. E. Lytlo and familj returned home ,
Vednesday , from a delightful two week's visit
p at the "old ranch" and vicinity.
Banker Quick of Indianola , this county , was
mong our business visitors , Monday. C. S.
rought his robust , dulcet laugh with him.
Mrs.W.C. LaTourette is entertaining her par-
nts from Carrico , Mr. Tate , we regret to
tate , being quite ill and under the physician's
L. H. Wallace came up from Red Cloud , yes-
erday , on business connected with his jewel-
f store here , for which he has bad au offer to
Messrs. H. T. Church , Fowler Wilcox and .7.
! . Meserve went into Omaha , Sunday , with a
hipment of cattle. All returned home ou
'uesday morning's passenger.
Mr. and Mrs.JohnFurr ot Ash Creek became
tie parents of twins , a boy and a girl , last
reek. John reports everything serene and
jvely about the Furr homestead.
Mr. Otis Wheaton , brother of Mrs. J. F. Gans-
tiow , arrived in the city , this morning from
unbury , Ohio , and will make McCook his
biding place in the future , taking a position
1 Mr. G anschow's boot and shoe store.
T. B. Campbell and family , this week , moved
ito their new home on North Monmouth
treet , recently purchased from W. S. Coy.
[ r. Campbell has disposed of his Madison
ivenue dwelling to a Lincoln gentleman.
Hilen Trowbridge came in from his run be-
ween Lincoln and Alliance , Tuesday evening.
He reports a liking for the railway mail ser
ice and progress in learning the details of the
rork. He will remain with his family until
ext Monday.
Mike Adams , who has been connected with
he Democrat for some months , departed on
aturday evening for Akron , where he has
een offered a position on the Tribune.
I ike's pen is loaded with considerable of the
divine afflatus , " and his presence on the
lemoerat wll be missed sadly. "Success be
nth him.
Samuel Cinnamon and family will start on
londay next , by wagon , forBattleford , Norh
• est Territory , where Mr. Cinnamon's family
ive and where they expect to make their : u-
ure abiding place. They will be on the way
number of months. Success attend them _
he Tribdxe will keep them posted on Red
fillow county doings.
Rev. J. W. Kimmel reports that hl < family on
ie homestead , are making for themselves
uite n record as "rattlesnake killers. " One.
ay last week. Miss Katie and the three boys
viulged in the rare but dangerousport of a
aake hunt , over the prairie in the neighbor-
locd of their home , whi. 'e the pa-cnts were
bsent , and brought in as trophies three "rat-
lers , " tho largest having tea rattles. The
hildren werein great glee.
Mr.II. P. Sutton of Ainswortb , Rrown coun-
y. is In the city , this week. ib > guest of his
ousin Mr. J.F. Majors.lookirj overtheclty's
nducements far tne establishment of a first-
lass jewelry store here. Besides being an ex-
lerienced jeweler , Mr. Sutton is one of the
lest brass band and orchestra men mthe state
, f Nebraska and his settlement amongst us
rouldmakca most desirable addition to the
ausical contingent of the Magic City , as his
iresence here is a guarantee that McCook will
hortly take pride in having one ot tho best
iaads in the commowealth. . Though not defl-
litely settled , wo understand that his prcs-
> ects for beoomnga flxturo hero arc good.
H J : w SIxUjstisKd _ Bn8 bz5E0 < J.CO H
Has paid a membership feo of $ 10.00 H
Fays during tho 5 years 10 monthly in- H
stallmentsof J3.00oach 180.00 H
Twenty quarterly installments of SU.W ) . . 50.00 H
Also his interest of SU.t : { : > 6 per month H
lor 51 months " . . . 180.00 H
Also pays tho principal $3.3JH per mouth H
for&t mouths , 180.00 H
Cancellation fee „ _ 1000 H
And has Invested a total , § 010.00 H
As his shares have arrived at their fifth year H
maturity period , his certificate and loan will H
be cancelled. Thus the borrower has had tho H
use of his money in advance of accumulating H
his savings and pay therefore but 110. or not H
quite Uvo per cent , per annum , for ho com- H
bines his loan with an Investment , and while H
repaying the loan , Isrcaliziugiipoii the invest- H
meut. Mu also knows in advance Just what H
ho will pay and how long ho will pay it. H
sAXMMKOt.u1 will1 rviiiiMMumrrn fwTt , M mAm 'jmmttMMauamiarmm umm H
No. ' ' , through passenger , 5:15 , A. M. M
No. 4. local passenger , ( S:05. P.M. | |
No. 1 % way freight 5:15 , A. M. M
S38rVuy freight No. 1150 arrives from westat H
lo0. P. M. . mountain time. H
( UINS WEST MOUNTAIN'TIME LEAVES. H , local passenger , 7i5. : A.M. 1
No. 1. through pa cnger , 0J0 : , P.M. M
No. 0 , way freight 5:45 , A. M. H
CBTWuy freight No.ILT arrives from tho east H
at 7L'0. P. M. . central time. M
A. Cami'iiell , Supt. A. J. Welch , Agent. M
Engineers' and firemen's time books forsalo M
at The McCook olllcc. H
Tom Barnes of Hustings , the genial rigbt-of- H
way man , was iu the city , Monday. M
Conductor Brownlco and tho company have M
dissolved partnership , by "mutual consent" of M
the company. | H
The prospects for considerable railroad build- H
ingiu Nebraska , this year , the Omaha Bco H
considers encouraging. M
TheU.P. 's "golden gate" special , wo see it H
stated , is to be discontinued. The cars will be H
used on the Pennsylvania lines. H
Assistant Auditor W. P. Durkcc. of the Bur- H
Imgton & Missouri , has been promoted to the | H
charge of the auditor's ollice. II. S. Wiggins , H
whom he succeeds , takes charge of the depart- B
mentof the assistant auditor of tho treasury. H
These appointments were made Wednesday by H
J. C. Taylor , auditor and assistant treasurer. H
Joseph Bol3haw , representing the Lombard H
Investment Co. , of Lincoln , met with a serious H
accident , on Wednesday morning , while alight- H
ing from No. " .the east bound passenger. It H
appears he was standing on the steps waiting , H
for the train to come to a standstill , but in- H
stead of stopping it only slowed up , and on B
seeing this he jumped off alighting on tho H
stones at the water tank. Being advanced iii U
years and heavily loaded with two valises and |
an overcoat , the force of the fall was too much M
for his right leg and be fell. As soon as us- | |
sistancc could arrive he was put on a car door M
and taken to the Cambridge House and Drs. | H
Walsworth & Aiken called , when upon exam- M
ination it was found he had received a sublux- M
ation of the knee joint. The company's sur- M
geon from McCook was also summoned to help M
relieve the sufferer. While it is a very serious M
and painful injury , it is thonght the limb will M
not have to be amputated. Mr. B. is a mem- M
ber of the I. O. O. F. lodge and tho brethren M
here saw that his wants were attended to. Ho jH
was put iu a sleeper on the evening train and |
sent to Lincoln. The railroad company stands H
a good chance of having a damage suit ou |
their hands unes3 settlement is made other- |
wise. Cambridge Kaleidoscope. S
1,200 ACRES OF LAND 1,200 I
The Famous Quarter Circle "U" Stock and - I
Grain Farm of A.V. . Corey , ti miles east of fl
Fair Grounds , is now on the market , and will
be sold in a body or in quarters to suit the I
purchaser , for cash or on time. Bestlocation M
and soil in the county. Clear $1,500 annual- M
ly on Daj" . 400 acres No. 1 Hay Land. SCO 'M
acres plow and pasture. 200 acres now in
crop. 2o acres heavy ash timber. One mile
of river front. Wind mill and tanks. Xew
7-rooni frame house and stabling for 80 head _ \
of stock. 10 miles of wire fence. Xo heavy j
mortgages to pay. United States patents and .
warranty deeds for title. Don't nii'.s this < '
chance , as 1 am bound to sell and will make \
lower prices and better terms than any In e •
man in the Valley. lieason for selling , want ' ,
to go back to mv old love , the Pacific Coast ,
md tlie photograph btLsmess. Address , A. W.
Corey , McCook , Xebia.ka , Lock Cox 400 , or
call at farm.
Pay Your Water Tax.
Pay your Lawn Tax before using water on
lawn , trees or garden , as water will be turn
ed off from all service without notice , where
water is being used lor any purpose not paid i
for. C. II. Meekei : , Supt. I
Ice Cold Soda Water. \
Call in at Geo. Cheuerif
\ - if you want a re
freshing drink of so 11 wa' < r. I'e nses noth
ing but Kock Candy Syrup and Pure Fruit
Fan itENT.
A 4-room house north of Catholic church. 'S
Inquire of \V. U. DAVI5. ' "j "
Two good o3ice rooms. Inquire of Frees 4 !
& Ilocknell Lumber Co , " ' f
' J