The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, April 26, 1889, Image 8

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Mf # . - ' 'Vr--- ' , ' - ; " - " ' ' - ' • • ' • : - ' i-.n . „ JIl , , „ ; . , „ . . . , . „ , , : r. ' , . , , i. ; , , . . , . . . . . r-
I lies &UI Lief ft
jH | | > • -DEALERS 1N = = = =
Sr MJ M B E R !
| | | , Sash , Doors , Blinds , Lime , Cement ,
I The McGook Loan aM Trust Co.
Wi , ' • n . % OF MeCOOK , NEB.
jH PAID UP CAPITAL , - $100,000.00.
| W\ , Makes First Mortgage Farm Loans. Applications for Farm Loans Wanted. .
; ? * ; r. Money paid soon as papers completed. Monoy , advanced to malio proof.
I , * & $ ' : ' . A. CAMPBELL , President. = = B. = M. = . FREES , 1st Vice President. .
. ,
, .
4v „ GEO. HOCKNELL , Sec. 4 . Treas. . S. L. GREEN . 2d Vice Preoident.
: | % : ; E. C. BALLEW Manager.
. ?
U i : ' _ _ _ _ _ _ „ _ _ ' _
i K\- \ =
% H. KAPKR ,
imported domestic < uoods
j * First Class Work and a Perfect Fit Guaranteed. Call and Examine Stock
I > * _ _ _ _
. Out of the Breastworks.
I. ' : Tate Springs , Tenn. , July 4 , 1888.
t > The Swift Specific Co. , Atlanta , Ga. :
i y " * % Gentlemen Seven years ago I contracted
tl _ " • V an exceedingly bad case of blood poison. I
I , / tried a physician , the best at command , but
j • / secured no benefit. My throat began to
a f get sore , and my body covered with sores
I / and ulcers. Going from bad to'worse , I
. . . J felt that my grave must be reached in the
I { J near future. I gave up the doctors' treat-
Mi * ment , and with a despairing hope I com-
HT . menced taking your medicine. I began to
I. ' improve from the first bottle , and in a short
H time the ulcers healed , and my skin cleared
H off and was entirely well.
t " One year ago a case of catarrh developed
I in my system. The physician did his best ,
3 „ but could not cure me ; but two bottles of
; L Swift's Specific gave me permanent relief.
j < J. H. Robinson.
; * ' -
\ : Kautman , Tex. , June 23 , 18S8.
[ " The Swift Specific Co. , Atlanta , Ga. :
• Gentlemen I have been afflicted with a
! • ' skin disease for about twelve years , and the
; | best medical treatment failed to give me re-
J lief. I am now using Swift's Specific , and
I have received the greatest benefit from its
R • use. Yours truly , War. Jones.
iJLe 5 * " " ' * " For sale by all druggists.
| | r The Swift Specific Co. ,
Drawer 3 , Atlanta , Ga.
New York , 756 , Broadway.
London , En . , 35 Snow H31.
" The concerted action of the farmers in ten
various agricultural states to protect them
selves against tho twine trust , has alarmed
that syndicate. The plea is made that the
combination is not responsible for the rise in
price of binding twine. The fault is laid at the
door of the dealers of sisal and manila fiber ,
who are said to have proQted by the scarcity
1 ' of that raw material. The explanation , how
ever , is swallowed with a grain of salt.
{ * * - CITY # -
/ &T" Night calls will receive prompt
/ attention. Call at store.
( When a person tells you they never had such
"S * " " ' a cold In their life take their word for it and
: ; advise them to use Chamberlain's Cough
; " " Bemedy and cute it. For coughs , colds and
• hoarseness It has no equal. Sold by all drug-
; ' • - glStS.
r roa ONLY
• \J \ Per "Week , by onr Improved Club System.
, ? 1 The Cases in our Watches are fully Warranted
& - for 20 years. The movements are Elgin and
P-- Waltham , reliable and well known. The
W Watches are Hunter ca ! e or open fsee.Ladies *
; . * - or Gents'size stem "Winders and Settlers , and
| p- are fuiiy equal in durability , servico and ap-
! _ . • pearance to any $50 Watch. Wo sell these
fci ; 4 watches for $25 spot cash , and send to any ad-
• ' dress by Express or Registered Mail ; or by
fp S our Club System at $1 per week. One good re-
[ , j t-f liable AGENT WANTEDin each place. Write
M J for particulars.
t' SlTarkRow. NEW YOBET.
- -
ij : House Hover % Drayman ,
m&'f tS tiousq and Safe Moving a Spec-
W : , - ialty. Orders for Draying left at the
W > p -Buddleston Lumtier 'Yarll" . willreceive
W' - - ' prompt attention. - . . i ( - "
Bead tho following : Mr. J. H. Morris , Nei
ark , Ark. , says : "Was down with Abscess (
Lungs , and friends and pbysioians pronounce
me an Incurable Consumptive. Began takir
Dr. King's New Discovery for onsumptioi
am now on my third bottle , and able to ove
see tho work on my farm. It is tho flnei
medicine ever rnade. "
Rich in lands , minerals , muscle , energy , i
teliigence , morals , health , and the best bloc
that ever flowed In human veins the so-callt
west will pay every hones dollar she borrov
for a time and the 20th century will see us tl
creditors of tho world. Ex.
This remedy is becoming so well known ai
so popular as to need no special mention. A
who have used Electric Bitters sing the san
song of praise. A purer medicine does n (
exist and it is guaranteed to do all that
claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseasi
of the Liver and Kidneys , will remove Pimple
Boils , Salt Rheum and other effections cause
by impure blood. Will drive Malaria from tl
system and prevent as well as cure all Malari
fevers. For cure of Headache. Constipatic
and Indigestion try Electric Bitters Entii
satisfaction guaranteed , or money refunded.
Price 50 cts. and S1.00 per bottle , at A. McMl
len's drug store.
It has permanently cured thousands
of cases pronounced by doctors hope
less. If you have premonitory symp
toms , such , as Cough , Difficulty of
Breathing : , &c. , don't delay , but use
immediately. By Druggists. 25 cents.
Mr. C. J. Smith , traveling salesman for Be
ford , Clarke & Co.Chicagobad the misfortun
to sprain his wrist most severely. "I was su
ferinjr great pain , " he says , "and my wris
was badly swollen ; a few ; applications c
Chamberlain's Pain Balm relieved the paii
and reduced the swelling in one night , and i
consequence my work and business was nt
interrupted , for which I am very grateful ,
can recommend Chamberlain's Pain Bait
from personal experience. " Sold by all druj
Will make the season of 1889 , com
mencing April 1st and closing July 1st
on Mondays , Tuesdays , Wednesday
and Thursdays at my farm on Driftwooc
creek , 10 miles southwest of McCook
and on Fridays and Saturdays at Eatoi
& Co. 's livery barn in McCook.
Terjis : $10 to insure a standing
colt. $ S for the season. $5 for singh
service.Ben Butler ,
A fine dark iron-gray jack , 2 yean
old past , 13 hands high , weighing 80(1 (
pounds , will also make the season a (
the same places and times , and undei
same terms. Call and see them.
Lewis F. Fatjss.
The Best Salve in the world for cuts , bruis
ed , sorcs/-ulcer8 , salt rheum , lever sores , tet-
.tcr , chapped" hands , chilblains , corns , and ail
skin eruptions , and positively cures piles , or
no pay required. It lis guaranteed to give per
fect satisfaction , or money refunded. Price
Kwatspfcfcpz. FcTSl3 > FA.MeMillen.
- - J . • ,
* r- ' " . . : ? V ? . . . ' ' A--y-yr
? 'i * ii - , .Jmhii [ 1 fitl T
' '
* "
r * r - - mil1 11 1 11 • i i r 1 r * " iTT 1 ii 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 ii
- - "V
r *
James Russell Lowell made the following de
fense of Christianity in reply to somg depreca
tory remarks at a recent banquet : "Tho worst
kind of religion is ho all , and theso
men , living in case and luxury , indulging
themselves In tho amusement of going with
out religion , may bo thankful they livo in
lands where tho gospel they neglect has tamed
tho beastliness and ferocity of the men who ,
but for Christianity , might long ago bavo eat-
on their carcasses llko South Sea Islanders , or
cut off their heads and tunned their hides like
tho monsters of the Fronch Revolution. When
tho microscopic search of skepticism , which
has hunted tho heavens and sounded tho seas
to disprove tho exlstonco.of a creator , has a
placo on this planet ten miles squaro , where a
decont man can live in decency , comfort and
security , supporting and educating his child
ren , unsollcd and unpolluted a , placo whero
age Is roverencod , infancy respected , manhood
respected , womanhood honoredand human
life held in duo regard when skeptics can find
such a place , ten miles square , on this globe ,
whero the gospel of Christ has not gone and
cleared tho way , and laid the foundation and
made decency and socurlty possible , it will
then be in order for the skeptical literati to
move thither and therc'ventllate their views.
But as long as these men are dependent upon
the religion which they discard for every priv
ilege they enjoy , they may well besitato a
little boforo they seek to rob tho christian of
his hope and humanity of Its faith in that
Savior who alone has given 'to man that hope
eternal which makes life tolerable and so
ciety possible , and robs death of its terrors
and the grave of its gloom. "
The now vegetable tonic-alterative and
blood purifier is in the shape of a pleasant
syrup , and contains in a concentrated form
the most valuable vegetable curatives which
have been developed oy modern medical and
scientific research. It acts directly upon the
blood , through it imparting tone and vigor to
the entire system and , eradicating disease ,
and is unequaled as a cure for bcrofulous ,
Cancerous and other humors , whether con
stitutional or otherwise , Catarrh , Bheuma-
tism , Dyspepsia , Dropsy , sick and nervous
headache , female weakness , and all blood ,
liver and kidney diseases. Price S1.0C.
Goo. Kneeland is working for Geo. Freder
Howe , Smith , of Grant Precinct , was down
The road by tho west bridge is in a very bad
1 Mrs. Alfred Nottleton is still inverypooi
Under the skillful care of Dr. Welles , Mrs ,
John Whittaker is improving.
Perry Stone has just left Iowa with anothei
car load of horses.
Mrs. C. H. Jacobs is anticipating a visit from
a friend in Michigan. : - '
• After various mishaps and hair breadth es-
[ capes , Frank Fleming ( of Upper Driftwood , )
r by the aid of a guide succeeded in locating the
whereabouts'of his best girl , Saturday night
' Mr. Edson , an old friend of the Holmes boys ,
and Train Dispatcher on the U. P. R. R. al
North Platte , has been .on Driftwood the pasl
' week , looking after his Interests in that local
ity , and judging from tho regularity of hi
visits and the timo it takes to transact hiE
' business , it must be of some importance.
' Joe.
A person is seldom sick , when their bowels
are regularand never well when they are ii
. regular. Bear this in mind and keep youi
[ bowels regular by an occasional dose of SI
> Patrick's Pills. Sold by all druggists.
j The past week has been fraught with tender
• interest to the Christian world , as commemor
I ating the closing events 'in tho life of thai
[ teacher of men whose philosophy of universal
1 brotherhood pervades and ennobles the
\ world's best civilization. The tragic scene tc
. which the church lifts its eyes to-day througli
the distance of eighteen centuries , has losl
• ; none of its awful distinctness in the sweep oi
the ages. It is , remembered on Good Fri >
day by the followers of tho Nazarene in the r&
motest corners of tho globe , and is observed
in that chastened spirit of self-abnegation
which underlies the purest type of human
philanthropy. Higher to-day than at any time
in the history of the worid does the cross towei
above all other emblems of religious beliei
and faith.
Mr. A. T. Fields , one of the leading mer
chants of Colfax , Iowa , says that Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy is the best cough prepar
ation he ever used and recommends it to ail
without hesitation. Sold by all druggists.
Ayounq man of moderate circumstances
picked up in the New York postofHce on
Wednesday a roll containing $900 in cash and
529,475 in certified checks. Did he take the
next outbound steamer for Europe ? Did he
climb frr Canada ? Did he blow tho money in
against the tiger ? He did none of these
things. . He took the roll as he found it to the
bank at 61 Wall-st. , where it belonged. Did
ho receive $1,000 ? Scarcely. Was it § 500 ?
Hardly. Was ho made a partner in tho con-
1 ceru or given the hand of the president's fair
daughter ? Neither. He was made to wait till
tho cash was counted and each check was ex
amined , and then ho was offered a So bill.
Thus is virtue encouraged. Herald.
• lesse Middleware Decatur. Ohio , says :
"Had it not been for Dr. King's New Discovery
for Consumption I would bavo died of Lung
troubles. Was given up by doctors. Am ow
in best of health. " Try it. Sample bottles
free , at A.McMIllen'8 drug store.
And now it transpires that New York's aris
tocracy is not entirely included in Ward Mc
Allister's exclusive set of four hundred. The
row over tho inauguration centennial ball has
brought to light that there are two and possi
bly three select Four Hundreds in the Metrop
olis. The question is one of almost national
importance. It would never do to have these
Four Hundreds so badly mixed up as to con
fuse them with sober , respectable people of
the country.
Rich food , and lack of exercise , during the
winter months , causes the system to become
torpid and the blood impure. A dose or two
of St. Patrick's Pills will cleanse and invigor
ate the system , purify the blood and do more
good than a dollar bottle of blood purifier.
Sold by all druggists.
A six millionaire whisky dealer in New York
is about to stake his fortune on his ability to
smash tho whisky trust. He has bought a
site , in Illinois and is going extensively into
distilling on his own account. As an object
lesson to trusts generally every man , no mat
ter whether ho is a prohibitionist or not , will
wish a large measure of success to Mr. Kidd ,
which is the name of the champion of nopular
WILL YOU SUFFER with Dyspepsia and
Liver Complaint ? Shiloh's vitalizer is guaran
teed to cure you. McMillen's.
Th. Nast who onco drew § 10,000 a year from
Harper's Weekly , is now drawing about § 1,000
a year from a third-rate San Francisco paper.
The story of Mr.Nast's life should bo regarded
as a striking illustration of tho evil results of
a swelled head by tho young man who is prone
to allow his ambition to soar above his tal
THAT HACKING COUGH can be so quickly
cured by Shiloh's Cure. We guarantee it. Mc
Seventeen years ago Nebraska commenced
the observation of ArborDay by planting 12-
000,000 trees on the wind-swept prairies. There
are now growing in Nebraska 605,000,000 trees ,
largely the result of Arbor Day observance.
THE REV. GEO. H. THAYER , of Bourbon ,
Ind. , Bays : "Both myself and wife owe our
ui - , , , , i ; > 1. . . . . : " •
" * " '
T T nl ry It "v 0 *
JLX vAxxll Vfl
8km an(3 ( blo0j
' disease , from a common Pimple to the worst
caso of Scrofula , can bo cured by the use of
Jlludbllder , tho now vegetable Blood Furl *
fler , internally , * nd Colo' CarUolUtuv * ,
the Gret kin Bemedy , externally , _ _
v Bludbilder
la ft concentrated vegetable extract < md
poB8cssea wonderful tonio , alterative * ud
blood puriying qualities. It renews . nd
enrlchos the blood and through it roaches
every part of tho body , Imparts life and
vigor to all Its functions and strengthens
and builds up tbo system. It is tho oest
known remedy for all Scrnfulou * Cumplalntt ,
Erysipelas , Eczema. SotU , Tumors , Mercvr
rial Pnltonino and ComUtuHimal Disorders.
Blutclies , Pimples and Eruptions of the Shin ,
Rheumatism , and all diseases caused by an
impoverished or corrupted condition of the
blood. Small doses and pleasant to tako.
Prlco SI ; Six for $5. Prepared only by J.
W. Cole & Co. , Black River Falls , Wis.
Sold by Druggists and Dealers in Mtdlclno.
President Harrison appears to bo a thor
oughly systematio man. no has just intro
duced a reform in the way of giving considera
tion to public business , which promises ex
cellent resul ts. This consists simply in devot
ing one day in tho week to the exclusive con
sideration of tho affairs of a single one of the
six principal departments that is , Monday to
the navy , Tuesday to the postoffice , Wednes
day to the treasury , and so on. Tho practice
hitherto has been to discuss the business of
all the departments at the cabinet meetings ,
and the result of this method of considering a
great variety of matters having no connection
with each other , tbo president found to be
very unsatisfactory. Hereafter , each depart
ment will have its special day for tho presen
tation of business requiring the attention of
tho president , and it is said that the good ef
fects of the new method are already apparent ,
especially in the matter of expediting the pub
lic business. It is a little remarkable that this
simple and sensible system was not establshed
long ago.
. -1
WHY WILL YOU cough when Shiloh's Cure
.willgive immediate relief. Price 10 cts. , 60
cts. , and $1. McMillen's.
Rather breezy the past few days.
Mr. McCorkle , we notice , is building a now
That new wind mill of W. T. Stono is of
course a dandy.
W. T. Stone and George Schwerdt visited the
county seat , last Monday.
C. H. Jacobs is quite a cripple , nowadays.
He sprained his ankle , last week , and a few
days ago , came very near breaking his arm.
oure for Catarrh , Diphtheria and Canker-
Mouth. McMillen's.
The Ways of the World.
[ Washington Critic ]
The soldier soldiers for his fame ;
The hunter hunts to catch his game ;
The preacher preaches well and long ;
The singer sings his high-priced song ;
The driver drives his cart all day ;
The clerk he clerks for weekly pay ;
The dealer deals at put and call ;
The dude he dudles , that Is all.
Road Notice to Land Owners.
The Commissioner appointed to examine a
road commencing at north west corner of S.
W. H Sec. 23 , Twp. 3. Range 80 , W. in Red Wil-
low precinct , Red Willow county , Nebraska ,
running thence East on half section line nnd
terminating at N. E. corner of S. E. U said sec
tion ; has reported in favor of the location
thereof , and all objections thereto or claims
for.damages must be filed in the county clerk's
office on or before noon of the 13th day of
June , A. D. , 1889 , or said road will be establish
ed without reference thereto.
464ts. Geo. W. Roper. County Clerk.
Notice to Land Owners.
To all Whom it May Concern :
The Commissioners appointed to examine a
road commencing at N. W. corner Section 26 ,
Town. 3 , Range 30 , in Perry precinct , Red Wil-
low county , Nebraska , runninjr thence south
26 chains to right of way B. & M. R. R. , thence
east along north side of said right of way
14 25-100 chains , thence south across said right
of way to south side thereof , thence eastalong
south side said right of way , terminating at
range line between ranges 29 and 30 , has re
ported in favor of the location thereof , and all
objections thereto or claims for damages must
be filed in the County Clerk's office on or bp-
forenoonof the 20th day of June , A. D. 1889 ,
or said road will be established without refer
ence thereto. GEO. W. ROPER.
47-4t. County Clerk.
Publication of Summons.
CoraE.KelieyPlaintiff , - ) In District Court
vs. of Red Willow
Alexander M. Kelley , " County , Nobras-
Defendant. J ka.
Alexander M. Kelley. Defendant , will
take notice that on the 3d day of April , 1889 ,
Cora IS. ICellev , plaintiff herein , filed her peti
tion in the District Court of Red Willow Coun
ty , Nebraska , against said defendant , alleging
that on the 15th day of July , 18S8 , and at div
ers and sundry times before and after said
date , defendant committed the crime of adult
ery with one Ella Rogers ; and the object and
prayer of which is to secure a divorce from
you on said ground.
You are required to answer said petition on
or before the 13th day of May , 1889.
by J. Byron Jennings , her attorney. 45-4ts.
Land Office at Mccook , Neb. , i
April 23d , 1889.
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of her inteution
to make final proof in support of her claim.and
that said proof will * be made before Register
or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Wednesday ,
June 5th , 1889. viz :
P.E.D.S.No. .forthe W. y2 S.E. U Sec.
17 , Town. 5 , N. Range 29 , W. 6th P. M. She
numes the following witnesses to pr ivo her
continuous residenco upon , and cultivation of ,
said land , viz : Enoch E. Osvog , Christopher
C. Dueland , Andrew P. Larson and Anna Han
son , ail of Quick , Neb.
Any person who desires to protest against the
allowance of such proof , or who knows of any
substantial reason , underthelawand the regu
lations of the Interior Department , why such
proof should not be allowed , will be given an
opportunity at the above mentioned time and
place to cross-examine the witnesses of said
claimant , and to offer evidence in rebuttal of
tbatsubmitted by claimant. S. P. HART ,
48 Register.
Land Office at McCook , Neb. , I
April 6th. 1889. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will bo made before the
Register or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Mon
day , May 20,1889. viz :
H. E. No. 634 for the N. E. H Sec. . Town. 2 , N.
Range 30 , W. 6tb P. M. He names the follow
ing witnesses to prove his continuous resi
dence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz :
Newton Nettleton , Charles S. Ferris , Lewis
F.Fauss and RotheesS.Hileman.all of McCook ,
Any person who aeslres to protest agamstmt
allowance of such proof , or who knows of any
substantial reason , under the law and the reg
ulations of the Interior Department , why such
proof should not be allowed , will be given an
opportunity at the above mentioned time and
place to cross-examine the witnesses of said
claimant , and to offer evidence in rebuttal .of
vhat submitted by claimant.
5. P. HART , Register.
Land Office at McCook , Neb. , i
March 25th , 1889. f
Notice is hereby given that tho followlug-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Regis
ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Wcdnes-
3ay , May 8tb , 1S89. viz :
P * E. D. S. No. 5080 for the N. W. & Sec. 25 , T. 2 ,
N. of It. 29 , W. 6th P. M. He.names the follow
ing witnesses to prove his continuous resi
dence upon and cultivation of , said land , viz :
William A. Vincent , Alvaro N. Griffin. Francis
Si. Kennedy , William Kennedy , all of McCook ,
Neb.Any ' personwno desires to protest agarnsvtne
allowance of such proof , or who knows of any
substantial reason , under tho law and the reg
ulations of tholnterlor Department , why such
proof should not be allowed , will be given an
opportunity at the above mentioned time nnd
place to cross-examine the witnesses of said
claimant , and to offer evidence in rebuttal of
that submitted by claimant.
6. P. HART , Register ,
K rty.C - - rg'X5 > KF' mr ! ' .S' Sf'Ll -Q
BBgHH&qa ryT , ' , u. ' i M"y ' " ' "IIT
' r
. 3 , 9
We will therefore sell out at Actual New York H
and Baltimore Cost , all our m
Clothing , Hats and Caps \ I
Men's Good Working'Suits , - former price , $ S.OOnow $ 5.00
Men's All-Wool Suits , - - former price , lO.OO , now 6.00 M
Men's All-Wool Worsted Suits , former price , 12.00 , now 7.00 * l
Men's Fine Wliipcords , - - former price , 16.50 , now 12.00
Men's Fancy Cassimere Suits , former price. . IS.OO , now 10.00
These are guaranteed first-class apd all new goods. jJH
Men's Hats , - former price , 3.50 , now 2.00 U
Jokn B. Stetson & Co. 's Hats $3.00 eacli guaranteed genuine.
. . . . . . . , , i . - i . 0 i . i i i . . H
ffe Male Suits to erto for 118 , aid fails lor UM I
Remember that nobody beats I
us on Dry Goods and Carpets. I
The locust can be heard a sixteenth of a
mile. An ordinary man will out-weigh 15,000
> of them. Were his voice proportional to his
weight , in tho ratio of the locust's , he could bo
heard 1,000 miles away , . A flea weighs less
than a grain , and leaps a yard and a half.
Were a man of 150 pounds weight possessed of
equivalent agility , he could spring from the
dome of the capitol of China , and almost go
around the world in two lumps.
Land Office at McCook , Neb. , :
March 16th , 1889. <
Notice is hereby given that the followinir-
named settlor has filed notice of her intention
to make final proof in support of her claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Regis
ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Monday ,
May 6th , 1889 , viz :
H. E. No. 3534 for the N. E. U Sec. 12 , T. 1 , N.
Range 29 , W. 6th P. M. She names the follow
ing witnesses to prove her continuous resi
dence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz :
George Fowler , Isaac N. Fowler , Abram Ham
mond , John Calkins , all of McCook. Neb.
Any person who desires to protest against
the allowance of such proof , or who knows of
any substantial reason , under the law and the
regulations of the Interior Department , why
such proof should not be allowed , will be given
an opportunity at the above mentioned time
and place to cross-examine the witnesses of
said claimant , and to offer evidence in rebuttal
of that submitted by claimant.
S.P. HART. Reffi8ter.
. , , March 6th , 18S9. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has Wed notice of his intention
to make final proofin support of his claim.nnd
that said proof will be made berore Register
or Ueceiver at McCook , Neb. , on Monday.April
29th , 18S9 , viz :
who made P. E. D. S. No. 5.6C6 for the S. E. } .
Sec. 3 , Twp. 5 , N. , Range 30. W. 6th P. M. He
names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence uponand cultivation of ,
said land , viz : Austin A. Clark , Frank B.
Cramer. Seth Nettle.and Samuel Cinnamon all
ot Osburn , Neb.
Any person who desires to protest against tne
allowance of such proof , or who knows of any
substantial reason , under the law and the reg
ulations of the Interior Department , why such
proof should not be allowed , will be given an
opportunity at the above mentioned time and
place to cross-examine the witnesses of said
claimant , and to offer evidence in rebuttal of
that submitted by claimant.
S. P. HART. Recister-
Land Office at McCook , Neb. , j
March 20th. 1889. f
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final pre-emption proof in support of
his claim , and that said proof will be made be
fore the Register or Receiver , at McCook , Neb. ,
on Tuesday. May 7,1889. viz :
D. S. No. 5601 for the E. YiN.B.H Sec. 12Twp.
5 , N. R. 31 W. He names the following wit
nesses to prove his continuous residence upon
and cultivation of , said land , viz : Gottleib
Mentz , William J. Vogel , of Osburn , Neb. ,
Loiiis Allmann , of Zimmer , Neb. , and Oliver
P. Fairbanks , of Highland , Neb.
Any person who desires to protest against the
ailowauce of such proof , or who knows of any
substantial reason , under the law and the reg
ulations of the Interior Department , why cuch
proof should not be allowed , will be given an
opportunity at the above mentioned time and
place to cross-examine the witnesses of said
claimant , and to offer evidence in rebuttal of
that submitted by claimant.
S. P. HART. Rpgister.
Land Office at McCook , Neb. , I
March 30th , 1889. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settlors hare nied notices of their inten
tions to make final proofs in support of their
claims , and that said proofs will be made be
fore • the Register and Receiver , at McCook ,
Neb. , on Saturday , May 11.188'J , viz :
H. E. No. 6622 for the N. E.Ji S. E.Ji section 24 ,
T. 2 , N. Range 31 , W. 6th P. M. He names the
following witnesses to prove his continuous
residence upon , and cultivation of , said land ,
viz : George S. Myers , Lewis F. Fauss , James
L. Hoyt , John Baldwin , nil of McCook , Neb.
H. E. No. 552 fortheN. B.U Sec.24. Town. 2. N.
Range 31 , W.Cth P. M. He names the following
witnesses to prove his continuous residence
upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : James
L. Hoyt , Jesse Webb , George S. Myers , Isaiah
R. Pate , all of McCook , Neb. Any person who
desires to protest against the.allowance . of
such proofs , or who knows of any substantia ]
reason , under the law and the regulations of
tho Interior Department , why such'proofs
should not be allowed , will be given an oppor
tunity at the above mentioned time and place
to cross-exammo the witnesses of said claim
ants , and to offer evidence in rebuttal of that
submitted by claimants.
45 5. P. HAET , Register ,
Paid up Capital , - . $50,000.00 , I
General Banking Business , I
Collections made on . all accessible points. Drafts drawn . directly on the principal M
cities of Europe. Taxes paid for Non-Eesidents. Money to loan on farming
lands , Tillage and personal property. Fire insurance a specialty. I
Tickets For Sale to and from Europe , I
. . , . I
CORRESPONDENTS. j V. FrankunPresident.
, .
First National Bank Lincoln Nebraska. I Johh R. Clark , Vice-President. -
The Chemical National Bank , New York. 3 a. C Ebkbt , Caahto. ' I
AI I. ) rlli l.flxn I
HI Hill ? ! a nil UHOII ]
Our entire stock of I
This Stock , consisting of over $3,000
"worthwas , bought for
. Direct from Manufacturer. : :
We intend closing out this line of our
business and can make you prices r ; :
that will surprise you.
We also carry a complete line of ' |
Dfj Goods ; Groceries , Ms , Caps/ * I
West Dennison Street , McCook , Nebraska. ; ( \ W
l I