BBB > MMEgJMBMWBWMBB > MBiatartBrtMMi L -i - 2 l-- JL.x " " " . _ _ . , VK HBSx . .mJ , . _ . . , . . , , . ' MyWt mm iiiti iiim .ill ii ijn mm i i a i i i ! < i ' ' i i i i i i i i • * - - - r F " * , , . < r , M - ' . ' * - . . * . PS' - ! rt * > - j.j K • * * * - - j ; v r I He Frees & Hoetil Lnier Co. I. DEALERS IN = = L LUMBER ! + Sash , Doors , Blinds , Lime , Cement , f HAED AJSTD SOFT COAL. - fie McW Loan id Trust Co. * . OF MeCOOK , NEB. h PAID UP CAPITAL , - $100,000.00. M • j Makes First Mortgage Farm Loans. Applications for Farm Loans Wanted. Money paid soon as paperB completed. Monoy advanced to make proof. -Z A. CAMPBELL , Pucsident. B. M. FREES , 1st Vice Pbesiocnt. ! § ; GEO. HOCKNELL , Stc. & TntAs. S. L. GREEN , 2d Vice PncsmcHT. -A E. C. BALLEW , Manager. ? ' W OFFICE IN FIRST NATIONAL BANK. in a B etanaiii n 11 i 11 b ombp " H. KAPKR , i hade mm mm , KEEPS A LARGE , COMPLETE LINE OP jiftporied ® oiitesttc &oods ' I WILL MAKE YOU TO ORDER : I PINE BUSINESS SUITS , $28 t > GOOD SPRING OVERCOAT$25 GOOD WORSTED SUITS , $30 v BUSINESS SUITS , Sack Coats , $25 | TROUSERS , PROM $6 UPWARDS * First Class Work and a Perfect Fit Guaranteed. Call and Examine Stock. THE CITY BAKERY , A. BliOBST , Proprietor. ; ? ; FRESH BREAD DELIVE ® EVERY DAY FREE OF CHARGE. MES-CAKES-CANfclfcS-NOTS-OYSTERS-CIDER - - - - - f Ci < SASSf'OBACCOETCETC. . LUNCH ROOMS-- CONNECTION. - : - - : - - : - Jit has permanently cured thotjsajods of cases pronounced by doctors hope less. If you have premonitory symp toms , such as Cough , Difficulty of Breathing , &c , donrt delay , hut use PISO'S CUBE fob CONSUMPTION immediately. By Drucgists. _ 25 cents. LEGAL NOTICE. In the District Court of Bed Willow Co. , Nebraska. Joseph H. Howard , Charles Hal- \ lack , and Charles S. Howard , ) stockholders of andmcorpor- / ated and doing business under I - joTiTr < i7 " - " ' * • thenameofTheHowardLum- / her Company , Plaintiff , V vs. , 1 Dana E. Graves , Defendant. / Dana E. Graves , defendent , will take notice that on the 9lh day of November. 1S88 , the plaintiff herein filed its petition in the district conrt of Red Willow county , Nebraska , the ob ject and prayer of which are the foreclosure of a certain mortgage executed by defendant to the plaintiff on lot 7. block 47 , in town of Hartley , Bed Willow county , state of Ne braska , to secure the payment of one promis sory note dated July 28 , 18S7 , for the sum of 5552.90 , payable eight months after date. There is now due upon said note mortgage the sum of 5582.90 , with interest at ten per cent , from theSSth day of July , 1887. Plaintiff prays that said premises be decreed to be sold to satisfy i s the amount due thereon. You are required to answer said petition on or before the 29th day of April , 1889. * Howard Lumber Company. By W. S. Morlan , its attorney. Dated the 12th day of March , 1889. 434ts. When a person tells you they never bad such a cold In their life take their word for it and advise them to use Chamberlain's Cough Bemedy and cure it. For coughs , colds and hoarseness it has no equal. Sold by all drug gists. A GOLD WATCH FOB ONLY One Dollar Per Week , by our Improved Club System. The Cases in our Watches are fully Warranted \ _ for20years. The movements aro Elgin and m Waltham , reliable and well known. The . Watches are Hunter case or open face.Ladies' , _ or Gents' size stem Winders and Settlers , and are fully equal in durability , service and ap pearance to any $50 Watch. We sell these Watches for $25 spot cash , and s"end to any ad dress by Express or ltegistercd Mail ; or by our Club System at $1 per week. One good re liable AGENT WANTED in each place. Write for particulars. EMPIRE WATCH CLUB Co. , ' 84 Park Bow. NEW YOBK. ' J. S. McBRAYER , % House Hover % Drayman , ( t MeCOOK , NEB. * T' ESP House and Safe Moving a Speo- - - ialty. Orders for Draying left at the m ' Huddlcston Lumber Yard will receive ; Sjf prompt attention , Direct from the Front. Knoxviixe , Tenn. , July 2 , 1888. The Swift Speci5c Co. , Atlanta , Ga. : Gentlemen I can cheerfully and truth fully say that S. S. S. is the greatest blood purifier on earth. In 1884 I contracted blood poison. Physicians treated me with no good results. I took a half dozen differ ent kinds of blood medicines , but , without receiving any permanent relief ! I was in duced to try 3. S. S. I began the first bottle with the gravest doubts of success. I had been so often deceived. But im provement came , and I continued its use until perfectly well. I have since married , and have a healthy family. No trace of the disease is seen. Swift's Specific did all this for me , and I am grateful. Yours truly , • J. S. Strader. 118 Dale Ave. Kemp , Texas , June 23 , 1S88. The Swift Specific Co. , Atlanta , Ga. : Gentlemen A sixteen-year-old son of mine was afflicted with bad blood , and broke out with an eruption on various parts of his body. X put him to taking S. S. S. , and a few bottles cured him entirely. I live at Lone Oak , but my post-office is at Kemp. Yours truly , W. S. Robinson. Three books mailed free on application. All druggists sell S. S. S. The Swift Specific Co. , Drawer 3 , Atlanta , Ga. New York , 756 Broadway. Mr. C. J. Smith , traveling salesman for Bel- ford , Clarke & Co.Chicagohad the misfortune to sprain his wrist most severely. "I was suf fering great pain , " he says , "and my wrist was badly swollen ; a few applications of Chamberlain's Pain Balm relieved the pain , and reduced the swelling in one night , and in consequence my work and business was not interrupted , for which 1 am very grateful. I can recommend Chamberlain's Pain Balm from personal experience. " Sold by all drug gists. gists.Melbourne Melbourne "Will make the season of 1889 , com mencing April 1st and closing July 1st , on Mondays , Tuesdays , Wednesdays and Thursdays at my farm on Driftwood creek , 10 miles southwest of McCook ; and on Fridays and Saturdays at Eaton & Co. 's livery barn in McCook. Tebms : $10 to insure a standing colt. $8 for the season. $5 for single service. service.Ben Butler , A fine dark iron-gray jack , 2 years old past , 13 hands high , weighing S00 pounds , will also make the season at the same places and times , and under same terms. Call and see them. Lewis F. Fauss. BUCKLEH'S ARNICA SALVE. The Best Salts in tho world for cuts , bruis es , sores , ulcers , salt rheum , fever sores , tet- • tcr , chapped hands , chilblains , corns , and all ekin eruptions , and positively cures piles , or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give per fect satisfaction , or money refunded. Trice j X cent * ppr box. For sale br A. McMillcn. * * " > " I ' ' ' " - t- , , < - * - jU _ s , -r . ' - - " ' * * • iiilum"r > ir „ „ 1 1 1 --i -iiilum" ! i t , BAHTLEY BOOM1NGS. i C. E. Boberts and family havo gono to IUI- nols. , J Curlco & Co. shipped two cars of corn , last week. C. L. Knowles' addition to Iiib house is nearly flnlshed. 0. Frost is having an addition built on to his corn crib. U. L. Knowles shipped throo cars of corn , last week. Prof. Wm. Smith has built a nice park for bis chickens. .0. Frost has built a nice yard for his thoroughbred leghorns. Will S. King has gono west to grow up with the country or something elso. Mr. T. Clark has rented his farm and moved to town. Ho occupies Dr. Hathorn's houso. The students aro beginning to come in for tho spring term , which commences April 9th. Prof. Andrus and familyhavo gone to Bulo , this state , where he will take charge of a news paper. T. F. Thomson , of Hormosia , Dakota , was in town last week , looking after his ieal estate interests in and around town. Tally three for tho girls ; tho last arrival came to the homo of U. Sells , our gentlemanly Btatlon agent and was adopted by a unanimous vote of the family. C. Benedict stopped in town over Sunday , on his way to Crete. Ho must bo intending to take Holy Orders , judging from the close at tention be pays to the Bishop. J. W. Thomas' old butcher shop , after wand ering aimlessly around town for some time has Anally brought up on tho east side of Commor cial Avenue and is now being fitted up for a business house. A severo case of sunstroke occurred at the residence of B. F. Fackler. Dr. Hothron was called , and soon pronounced mother and child doing well and B. F. has so far recovered as to be able to get down town and buy tho boys a box of cigars. ' Max. Bich food , and lack of exercise , during the winter months , causes tho system to become torpid and tho blood impure. A dose or two of St. Patrick's Pills will cleanse and Invigor ate the system , purify tho blood and do more good than a dollar bottle of blood purifier. Sold by ' all druggists. Advertisements of the Day. [ New York Evening Star. ] Wanted , a hostler. Must also be a bustler. A wealthy but invalid gentleman , a great Bufferer from gout and corpulence , having been ordered by his physician to pay stricter attention to his diet , would like to engage a first-class gastronomical director. A lady who has just taken a house in the suburban portion of the town would like to purchase a young calf , not over 5 years of age , which would yield about two pounds of liver dully. Five Dollars Howard Strayed or stolen , a dude , who answers to tho name of Cholly. Was last seen following a female member af a bur lesque troupe. The above reward will be paid to any one returning it to its keeper. A first-class tenor , employed week nights in Pat Braay'a concert saloon , not caring to be idle Sunday , will accept engagement in some church choir for that day only. Forsale , a revolver , bowie knife , and flue head of hair. Beason for selling , owner in re duced circumstances. Address Cowboy. A butcher wanted. Second-rate actors need make no application. A poor young man with an overpowering ambition to bo president of the United States , would like a job either as canalboat boy or at splitting rails. Wanted , by a well-known temperance lec turer , a reformed burglar ; also , frightful ex ample. Applicants must bring references as to sobriety and previous good character. Cole's Carbolisalve. It is a truly wonderful reinedysuited alike to the skin of the child and the adult , and its soothing , cleansing and healing properties renders its application universal. As an ex ternal remedy it has no equal as a cure for Piles , Fever Sores , Ulcers. Tetter , Poisons , Chilblains , Chaps and all Itching and Irritat ing diseases of the Skin , and Scalp. It im mediately relieves the pain of Scalds and burns , and cures the worst case without a scar. Get only the genuine which has a black wrapper with green letters. Small boxes 23 cents ; Large boxes 50 cents. A Boy's Composition on Girls. Mark Twain gives the following as a sample of a boy's composition on 'Girls. " "Girls aro very stuck up and dignified in " their manner and behavyour. They think more of dress than anything , and like to play with dowis and rags. They cry if they see a cow in a far distance , and are afraid of guns. They stay at home all the time and go to church every Sunday. They are al-ways sick. They are al-ways funny and making fun of the boys' hands and say how dirty. They can't play marbles. Ipity them , poor things. They make fun of boys and then turn around and love them. I don't believe they ever killed a cat or anything. They look out every nite and say , 'Oh , ain't the moon lovely I "There is one thing I have not told , and that is they al-ways have their lessons bettern boys. " THE HEV. GEO. H. THAYER , of Bourbon. Ind. , says : "Both myself and wife owe our lives to SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION CUKE. " HABITS. 'From an Exchange. Like flakes of snow that fall uunerceived upon the earth , the seemingly unimportant eventsoflife succeed one another. As the snow gathers together , so are ourhabits | form ed. No single flake that is added to the pile produces a sensible change ; no single action crpates , however it may exhibit , a man's char acter ; but as the tempest hurls the avalanche down the mountains , and overwhelms the in habitant and his habitation , so passion , acting upon the elements of mischief , which perni cious habits havo brought together by impcr- ceptable accumulation , may overthrow the edifice of truth and virtue. ELECTRIC BITTERS. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special mention , All who bavs used Electric Bitters slug the same Bongof praise. A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaranteed to do all that is claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases of tho Liver and Kidneys , will remove Pimples , Boils , Salt Bbcum and other effectlons caused by impure blood. Will drive Malaria from the system and prevent as well as cure all Malarial fevers. For cure of Headache. Constipation and Indigestion try Electric Bitters Entire satisfaction guaranteed , or money refunded. Price 50 cts. and 51.00 per bottle , at A. McMII- len's drug store. P. T. Barkum , the great showman , has made the following proposition : "I will undertake to give bonds for tho fulfillment of contract that if the city of Philadelnhla will stop selling liquor and give me as much as was expended last year , I will pay all the city's expenses , no one shall pay taxes a good dress suit shall be given to every poor man , woman , boy and girl , all cducationnl expenses shall be given to every needy and worthy person , and I Bball clear a half million or a million dollars by tho operation. " "HACKMETACK , " a lasting and fragrant perfume. Price 35 and 50 cents. IS CONSUMPTION CURABLE ? Bead tho following : Mr. J. H. Morris , New ark , Ark. , Bays : "was down wIHi Abscess of Lungs , and friends and physicians pronounced mo an Incurable Consumptive. Began taking Dr. King's New Discovery for onsumptlon , am now on my third bottic , and ablo to over see tho work on my farm. It is tho finest medicine ever made. " - " ' n > " 'i ' * * w" " - - , fT . . . . f „ -y ij . . -v V7. „ . * m r Nebraska soil la In splendid shape for spring planting. A remarkably early soason has en abled tho farmers to placo tho ground in prime condition. Tho lack of moisture is only felt to a limited extent along tbo river counties. In nil others tho winter frosts were more effective than enow in moistening tho uplands , whllo tbo valloys aro rarely lacking in this impor tant essential. All things considered , tho farmers of tho state have nevor had such fa vorable conditions for spring work , or such fine prospects for a bountiful harvest. A person is seldom sick , when their bowels are regular.and never well when they are ir regular. Bear this In mind and keep your bowels regular by an occasional dose of St Patrick's Pills. Sold by all druggists. WILL YOU SUFFEB with DyBpepsia and Liver Complaint ? Sbiloh's vitatizer is guaran teed to cure you. MoMlllon's. When Corporal Tanner , tho appointed com missioner of pensions , was asked for his poli cy , among other things he remarked : "I toll you frankly I am opposed to these 81 , S3 and ? 3 a month pensions. If you are going to give a man auything give him enough to realize ne Is getting something. If tbero is an old sol dier who has a claim that you arc satisfied is a good one and ho has not quite proved It , my policy is to assist him to secure that proof. You may say that I am opposed to knocking out soldiers' claims because of technical short comings. " _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Jesse Middleware Decatur. Ohio , says : • • Had it not been for Dr. King's Now Discovery for Consumption I would have died of Lung troubles. Was given up by doctors. Am ow in best of health. " Try it. Sample bottles free , at A.McMillon's drug store. The first month of President Harrison's administration has been marked by a reduc tion of over twelve million dollars in tho pub- licsdebt. If the same rate of reduction shall continue through tho four years of his admin istration , it will result in a reduction of SC06- 000,000. In other words the public debt will bo wiped out before the end of his second term. SHILOH'S CATABBH BEMEDY-a positive cure for Catarrh , Diphtheria and Canker- Mouth. MoMillen'fi. Murat Halstead will writo an article in an early issue of Frank Leslie's Weekly , on his rejection by the senate. < A little of the same quality of smoko which hovers over tho Cin cinnati Commercial-Gazette may possibly bo detected when the article appears. WHY WILL YOU cough when Shiloh's Cure will give immediate relief. Price 10 cts. , 50 cts. , and $1. McMillen's. SUMMONS. H. O. Thayer will take notice that on the 15th of March,1889S.H. Colvin , a justice of tho peace of Willow Grove precinct , Bed Willow county , Nebraska , issued an order of attach ment for the sum of $24 00 , and interest from February 5th , 18S9 , at 10 percent. , in an action pending bofora him wherein B. F. Olcott is plaintitf and H. O. Thayer , defendant ; that property of the defendant consisting of butch er tools and fixtures used in a butcher shop , has been attached under said order ; said cause was continued to the 13th day of May. 1880 , at 0 o'clock , A.M. B. P. OLCOTT , Plaintiff. By L. L. Hulburd tc A. J. Kittenhouse , his attorneys. 44-3ts. Land Office at McCook , Neb. , I March 25th , 18S9. J Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to mako final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Bcgis- ter or Beceiver at McCook , Neb. , on Wednes day , May 8th. 18S9. viz : WILLIAM G. GILLESPIE. P. E. D. S. No. 5686 tor the N. W.J * Sec. 25 , T. 2 , N. of B. 29 , W. 6th P. M. He names the follow ing witnesses to prove his continuous resi dence upon and cultivation of , said land , viz : William A. Vincent. Alvaro N. Griffin , Francis M. Kennedy , William Kennedy , all of McCook , Neb. Neb.Any person wno desires to protest againsr tno allowance of such proof , or who knows of any substantial reason , under the law and the reg ulations of tho Interior Department , why such proof should not be allowed , will be given an opportunity at the above mentioned time and place to cross-examine the witnesses of said claimant , and to oifer evidence in rebuttal of that submitted by claimant. S. P. HABT. Register. Land Office at McCook , Neb. , : March 16th , 1889. i Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of her intention to make final proof in support of her claim , • and that said proof will bo made before Regis ter or Beceiver at McCook , Neb. , on Monday , May 6th , 1889 , viz : SABAH C. KENNEDY , H. E. No. S531 for the N. E. K Sec. 12. T. 1 , N. Range 29 , W. 6th P. M. She names the follow ing witnesses to prove her continuous resi dence upon , and cultivation of , snid land , viz : George Fowler , Isaac N. Fowler , Abram Ham mond , John Calkins , all of McCook , Neb. Any person who desires to protest against the allowauee of such proot , or who knows of any substantial reason , under the law and the regulations of the Interior Department , why such proof should not be allowed , will be given an opportunity at the above mentioned time and place to cross-examine the witnesses of said claimant , and to offer evidence in rebuttal of that submitted by claimant. S. P. HART. Kealater. .LAND OFFICE AT MCCOOK , NEB. , J March 6th , 18S9. f Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claimand that said proof will bo made before Register or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on MoudayApril 29th , 1889 , viz : WILLIAM P. BELKNAP , who made P. E. D. S. No. 5.606 for the S. E. Ii Sec.3Twp.5 , N.Bangc30 , W. 6th P. M. Ho names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon.and cultivation of , said lhnd , viz : Austin A. Clark. Frank B. Cramer , Seth Nettle.and Samuel Cinnamon all ot Osburn , Neb. Any person who desires to protest against tne allowance of such proof , or who knows of any substantial reason , under the law and the reg ulations of the Interior Department , why such proof should not be allowed , will be given an opportunity at the above mentioned time and place to cross-examine the witnesses of said claimant , and to offer evidence in rebuttal of that submitted by claimant. S. P. HART. Register. Land Office at McCook , Neb. , March 20th , 18S9. f Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention1 to make final pre-emption proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made be fore the Register or Beceiver , at McCooir , Neb , on Tuesday. May 7,1889. viz : GEORGE H. SCHNEIDER , D. S. No. 5604 for the E. V N. E. H Sec. 12Twp. 5 , N.B. 31JW. Ho names tho following wit nesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of , said land , viz : Gottleib Mentz , William J. Vogel , of Osburn , Neb. , Louis Allmann , of Zimmcr , Neb. , and Oliver P.Fairbanks , of Highland , Neb. Any person who desires to protest against the ailowauce of such proof , or who knows of any substantial reason , under the law and the reg ulations of the Interior Department , why tu ch proof should not be allowed , will be given an opportunity at thp above mentioned time and place to cross-examine the witnesses of said claimant , and to offer evidence in rebuttal of that submitted by claimant. S. P. HART , Bngister. Land Office at McCook , Neb. , i March Htb , 1889. f Notice is hereby given that the following- named eettler has filed notice of his intontion to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Harlow W. Keyes , County Judge , at Indianola , Neb. , on Tuesday , April 23rd , 1889. viz : JOHN BARBER. H. E. No. 826 for the W. V S. W. H of Sec. 15 , and W. ; 4 N. W. Ji of Sec. 22 , Town. 4 , Not Range 28 , W. 6th P. M. Ho names the follow ing witnesses to prove his continuous resi dence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : William McCool , Charles Hartman , Louis Castcn , George Gregg , allot Indianola , Neb. Any person who desires to protest agnliiFtrnu allowance of such proof , or who knows of any substantial reason , under the law and the reg ulations of the Interior Department , why such proof should not be allowed , will be jriven an opportunity at the above mentioned time and place to cross-examine the witnesses of said claimant , and to offer evidence in rebuttal of that submitted by claimant. S. P. HABT , Resistor. Mr. A. T. Fields , one of the leading mer chants of Colfax , Iowa , says that Chamber lain's Cough Bemedy Is the best cough prepar ation he ever used and recommends it to all without hesitation. Sold by all druggists. Dr. A. P. WELLES , HOMCOPATHIC PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , MeCOOK , NEBRASKA. Special attention given to Diseases of Wo- , wen and Chtldken. The latest improved : methods of Electricity used in all cases re quiring such treatment. Offlco over old First National bank. Residence , Commercial Hotel , 'S9. ' SPBIKfi * ' 89. : j Our New Goods are Almost ail ii. " I- I1 - One HiH Pieces o ! tan , Engl ii Fnh f . - " SATTEENS , - . . ' \ - | r Banging in Price from 8 to 50 cents per \ yard. Colors are Exquisite. \ < J WORSTED , SILK AND WOOLEN J Dress Goods in all the new shades 1 at from 20 to 150 cents per yard. \ | - ; Mens' ' Cloli al Ms at llitai of Prices ! ! A MAN'S ALL WOOL SUIT FOR $6.00 \ COME AND SEE US ! ' j LLOWMAN & SON , j Land Office at McCook , Neb. , i March 2nd , 1889. Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in supportcf hisclaim.and that said proof will be made before Bejristcr or Beceiver at McCook , Neb. , on Thursday. April 25th , 1889 , viz : NEL.SON J. CHBYSLER. who made H. E. No. 503 for the S. E. H S. E. M of Sec. 10. and W. y2 N. E. H of Sec. 15 , and N. E. MN.E.S of Sec. 15. in Town 4. N. of Range 29 , W. of eth P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation of. said land , viz : Joseph H. Stephens. Stephen Bolles , Josiah E. Moore , Alexander W. Campbell , all of BoxElder.Neb. Any person who desires to protest against the allowance of such proof , or who knows of nny substantial reason , under the law and the i egu- lations of the Interior Department , why such proof should not be allowed , will be given an opportunity at the above mentioned time and place to cross-examine the witnesses of said claimant , and to offer evidence in rebuttal of that submitted by claimant. S. P. HART , 41 Register. Land Office at McCook. Ned. , i February 25th , 1889. f Notice is hereby given that the following- named settlers have filed notices of their in tentions to make final proof in support of their claims , and that said proofs will be made before the Register and Receiver , at McCook , Neb. , on Thursday , April 18th , 1889 , viz : ENOCH E. OSVOG , H. E. No. 352 for the N. W. U Sec. 8 , Twp. 5 , N. B. 29 , W. 6th P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of , said land , viz : Col- beiu P. Viland. Andrew P. Larson , Christopher C. Dueland , and Henry Tilgner , all of Quick. Neb. Viz : ANDBEW P. LABSON , H. E. NO.250 for the N. E. ! jN.E.M 19 and N. W.Ji N. E. H and N. y2 N. Wi Sec. 20 , Twp. 5 , N. It. 29 , W. 6 P. M. He names thefoliowing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of. said land , viz : Henry C. Shepherd , Winfleld T. Shepherd , of Osborn , Neb. , Colbein P. Viland , Enoch E. Osvog , of Quick , Neb. Viz : COLBEIN P. VTLAND , H. E. No. ail for the S. W. U S. E. Ji Sec. 8 , and N. M N. W. H and N. W. Ji N. E. Ji Sec. 17 , Twp. 5 , N. R. 29 , W. 0 P. M. He names the fo'- lowing witnesses to prove his continuous resi dence upon and cultivation of , said land , viz : Enoch E. Osvog. Andrew P. Larson , Nels C. Dueland.of Quick , Nob. , Henry C. Shepherd.of Osborn , Nob. Any person who desires to pro test against the allowance of such proofs , or who knows of any substantial reason , under the law and the regulations of the Interior Department , why such proofs should not be allowed , will be giveu an opportunity at the above mentioned time and place to cross-ex amine the witnesses of said claimants , and to offer evidence in lebuttnl of that submitted by claimants. 40 S. P. HART , Register Land Office at McCook , Neb. , 1 March 30th , 18S9. f Notice is hereby given that the following- named settlers have filed notices of their inten tions to make final proofs in support of their claims , and that said proofs will be made be fore the Register and Beceiver , at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday , May 11,1869 , viz : JOHN S. WALKER , H. E. No. 8622 for the N. E.Ji S. E.Ji section 24 , T. 2 , N. Bange 31 , W. 6th P. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : George S. Myers , Lewis F. Fauss , James L. Hoyt , John Baldwin , all of McCook , Neb. Viz : CHARLES S. FERRIS , n. E. No. 552 for the N. E.Ji Sec. 24. Town. 2. N. Range 81 , W.6thP.M. He names the following- witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : James L. Hoyt , Jesse Webb , George S. Myers , Isaiah B. Pate , aJl of McCdok , Neb. Any person who desires to protest against the allowance of such proofs , or who knows of any substantial reason , under tho law and the regulations of the Interior Department , why such proofs should not be allowed , will be given an oppor tunity at tho above mentioned time and place to cross-examine/the / witnesses of said claim- ante , and to offerovidence In rebuttal of submitted by claimants. } S. P. HABT , Begister. BLUDBILDER. The new vegetable tonic alterative and blood purifier ty in the shape of a pleasant syrup , and contains in a concentrated form the most valuable vegetable curatives which liave been developed oy modem medical and scientific reseated. It acts directly upon the blood , throngl/it / imparting tone and vigor to the entire system and eradicating disease , and is unequnled as a cure for Scrofulous , Cancerous and other humors , whether con stitutional or [ otherwise , Catarrh , Rheuma tism , Dyspepsia , Dropsy , sick and nervous lieadache , feiaale weaKiie&s , aud all blood , liver aud kidiley diseases. Trice 31.0C , THE CITIZENS BANK OF MeCOOK ( INCORPORATED UNDER STATB LAWS. ) Paid up Capital , - - $50,000.00 , " DOES n = = = = = General Banking Business , Collections made on . all accessible points. Drafts drawn directly on the principal cities of Europe. Taxes paid for Non-Eesidents. Money to loan on fanning j lands , Tillage and personal property. Fire insurance a specialty. V * 1 1 Tickets For Sale to and from Europe , 'i ? ? ? NDHNTS- ) .Runnnr. President. * ! , , . ftrst National Bank Lincoln Nebraska. I j0H B. Clark Vice-Preald-nt. The Chemical National Bank , New Yorfc. j Tg gggggS ; 5 MMFlHS 1 i Our entire stock of ' ' . BOOTS AND SHOES. j t I' This Stock , consisting of over $3,000 P , worth , vas bought for \ > , SPOT CASHi Direct from Manufacturer. i \ ' We intend closing out this line of ourl j business and can make you prices ! if ! that will surprise you. A "We also carry a complete line of i Dry Ms , Groceries , Ms , Cfti AND FURNISHING GOODS. 1 ; WILCOX & fowler ! \ We3t Dennison Street , McCook , Nebraska. I