in whwwmm nainwiw iiawwwywMWiiiiiiiiiii * ii g I o Oralm of Bait P I . A hay finding a beggar-boy at hei fe t oor garo him a meal , of coffee , meat , m * nd broad and butter , which he sat L down in the area to eat. A momonfc nf § rtorward , however , ho rapped besocch- | § " " in&ly at the door again , and on its bo- K ing opened romarlccd with liis ] > and | g upon his heart , "If I had but a little § fe f Bait 1 should bo perfectly happy. " IW Of courso ho got the suit. . < " f Human nature i always lacking some- fe , * , thing. Oftentimos it wore bettor of ; Kf f • without ita wishes , yet it is universally " ' r" i conceded that no permanent en oymeiI } > ' , I can bo had without the savor of health , * rI "which keeps good cheer fresh and pro t _ f serves and sweetens life for tho fnturc. * . * The great , ruddy farmer pines be- * t cause he has not won fnmo or position. % I Tho famous man longH for the -fy jr t health of tho sturdy farmer. iU I The grain of suit is wanting. wfr s How to secure and retain tho suvor ol PL , I health in tho midst of this rushing , yjr | nervous , overworked generation is n | js = ? problem worthy of our closest attention. | J\ ) , • * . cannot bo done with stimulants , ml "which but spur on the over-worked I , < nerves to fresh efforts , only to leave g * them more jaded and phattered. Noi PJt | "Tith narcotics , Arhich temporarily m'j soothe , but to create an unnatural appe- * fy * tite , the terrors of which a Do Quincy | p * i has so graphically' portrayed. Bf * It mr.y he asked , what is the cause ol | this extreme nervousness , lack of appe- * * tire , lung trouble , deficiontheart action , * I failing eyesight , apoplectical tendency , ? * eteWe . reply , poisoned blood , caused | | 5 by diseased kidneys , and tho trouble ? r l indkatod are aftsr all , but symptoms ol \ advanced Kidney Disease , which is but T \ another name for Bright's Disease. TJa- IY I \ Icrs remedied theie will be it complete \f \ breaking down of the great blood-puri- > fying orcraiiB , the kidneys , aud they will ' \ bo excreted piecemeal , through the * urine. "Now , in the spring ot the year , owing \ to the extra work which has been put • I upon the Kidneys and Liver , through a \ meat diet during the winter months , these symptoms are more pronounced , * and the to tho dnnper patient corre- ' spondingly increased. It is therefore * imperative that tho poisoned blood be eradicated , and that the Kidneys be , put in complete health , which can be * speedily and effectually accomplished N , by ; the use of Warner's Safe Cnre , a " tried and proved specific in hundreds of I I thousands of cases. 1 Pursuing tho path we havo marked P gf out you will possess tho salt of content , K I } * • y "without which life's banquet is ' 'flat , H ] \ , stale and unprofitable. " M A The situation that has not its ideal waa K never yet occupied by man. Carlyla. ft ! Frozen Milk. If Tho agricultural society of Prance has H been shown by M. Querin that fresh milk may be easily transported to tho f # * most distant places in a frozen state , * * " S * the freshness being retained for an in- I / definite period. "NVhen thawed , though B1/ days and weeks after freezing , the milk B If is said to eqnal new for-cooking , yield B | ' of cream , production of bntter and R'l | cheese , and in all other respects. B I If fcflllctrd with Sore Eies , use Dr. Isaac Thomo- H / ton's Eye Water. Bracelets sell It. 23c. if | | The state of Louiaia"a has instituted a R suit to break up the cotton oil monopoly. B' When Bnbr w Rlofc. itf ; rave hpr Castorla , B I When * hf > f a Child , she c ried for Ointaria. B f" When shp tirrnni ? Mies , she clung to Castoria. U I When she bud Children. be pare tbrra Castoria. B . Four hundred millions meteorites fall B | into the earth's atmosphere daily. H I "The spring comes slowly up this B iw. "way , " sings Christabel ; but it is always B i * * " - summer time in California , and the best H way to reach that enchanted land is over H the Union Pacific Eailway , on the fa il mous Golden Gate Special , every H J Wednesday from Council Uluffs and am } Omaha. MB | | Lady Randolph Churchill is much alfect- [ jmII in pale greens in her costumes. I Rheumatism I ) • "I have been a victim of Q3j $ 7J4b 3 I | rheumatism for the past six ) \ / / / / | | years , and I have tried variJ&lf II I I ous remedies , but none gave \l 1/ relief until I used Paine's i ; Ul • ' Celery Compound. The lf } tl ( . r effect was wonderful ; in yfj/A\ . ' two days I was relieved r'VJL'ffi * . . , I of all pam , and when I W ° had used one bottle I felt JjJc o ' SlV better than I had for a | . m long time. " ff Vi \ J. . D.H.GiLLBeltonMo. U \ \ Hr Paine's ' Geiery Compound WW has undoubtedly cured more cases of rheuma- ) H > tism , which had.resisted other treatment. KM than all other rheumatic remedies combined 21 If troubled with rheumatism or neuralgia , ui < BBf Paine's Celery Compound at once a fen ISj doses will prove its unequaled value. iKj f I.oo. Six for $5.00. At druggists. K Wells , RiaiARnsoN & Co. , Burlington , Vt II DIAMOND DYES feSfffiffig * * lit 1 snTMTcn rnnnac'ientificfoodf ° rinval- I SICK HEADACHE H- L , _ _ _ _ • _ I fosltivrty cured by B IfADTrDO theeuttiepuis. Hk , W lHrfcll trcsSrromDyBpepsUIn. mwL flsJlWI P ftigeitiontndToeHeartT I f. B I I I Lb Eating. A perfect rem- I llipn edyforDirzinesa.Njiiuej 1 , I Vr.K Drowsiness. Bad Tsst * I Smtmm 1 ° the Mouth. Coated i 11 LLS. Tongue.Pain in the 8id § . " m { IBM mS TOKPIDIIVER. They y IKIbH B re nlate the Bowels. f BHm Bi Purely Vegetable. | ' > Price 2K Cents ; If ! CABTESKEBICmSC0.fKZW02S. ! I : &malIPilKSm Dos B | LvS LvSK . This BELT or Becencrator M > jMKyWiC3cu v % cnreofderanpimeaUof th Bl A/nfriuA -onttnuont stream ot Ele I-fT r / Ionttnuont * h. VtXUAniwVD SJ\f' < ricltr.perineaUar through k • 277. . rnmTV Fth P rtx.mmtr itorethsai. , I fcJiSIiii toJKtt&thy action'J > o.not I k F * F 1 confoundthii witfcElectric i 1 a L-A-LT tf Beiu adrcruted to cure all BK nlk ? - - .ffV lUsfromhead to toe. It is HI inr Kl B Bnal I P ror tk * OKK , pcmc pQI" " MLIl Bi UnLI B-v For drenlars string fall j . torantloa. . addrtst Cheevfr 1cctrie Belt Co. , 183 W \ juMnetoa Street. Chicago , I1L B 'Bl ' MRESIfflEREAlLELSnAItS. BT V M Best Cough Sjtup. Testes good. Use Bl Bb ! s * * * in time. Boldbydrnggiata. Bl. . Hi ' • / rtTinTiiaBrt JFrce M5 * ° n "T. Sign ? , Grips an BB Vl Hm Horgan'sfatebrtnsilonrccetpt91 SSF93 UftV OllUIiBiU ° f lejVeublUhlng ; Co. . > . B * * 1CCMTC * " wlnlnir moneywith our hcwbooU AVER Id Write for circulars. Distance no hind • ' Tauve. Empyreal Pub. Home , St. Paul , Jllnu. H " BBSB9BBBBBBSSS9B1 A < rare KTUU1 * wMBft BB u trtmmwmtak taaMVDiT relieffor M Cluirlfitown.Ma * H ATUII CAN BECCREB. Atrlalbot- H j- M I Nil A tie sent free to any one afltlctrd. - fV I niflPlu .TArTBBOBocbcster.XV f - * * - - ' - • . < < - ? -J THEKARIL Acrlcaltnrint. Tlio worldly comforis arc cosh , conildchce , cheerfulness and con stancy. "A. 'tried and trusted friend' is iibuuHj * all right till he is tried and trusted. " The troublo is , details are too much neglected , and there come in tho losses. Country Gentleman. . Tho dignity of labor is not what it Fotches in tho market , but what it develops in tho man. There is more comfort in a good , 3trong harness than there is an ac cident insurance policy sometimes. The cost of raising potatoes in tho southwestern part of Minnesota is B8timated at from 12 to 15 cents per bushel. Among the points of a good dairy cow mentioned by Dr. Law in a re sent paper were , development of ab domen , depth and breath of body posteriorly , evidences of large blood vessels , fineness of tho bony struct ure , looseness , pliancy and elasticity' ; of tho skin , abundance of sebacious secretions. A speaker at the late meeHng of the Pennsylvania state dairymen's nssociation said : "A milch cow can eat almost anything she likes with out injury to the milk. "What she requires is good food , in variety , regularly , and. enough of it. Feed succulent food for milk and dry food for beef. " The farmer , as a producer of neces sary articles of consumption , should take the same interest in his busi ness , and be as anxious for its suc cess as he who is engaged in manu facturing or commerce , and should study the waj's and means carefully nnd intelligently , being ready to adopt any or all methods that prom ise success. The agricultural professors tell us that the raising of 30 bushels of wheat to the acre will remove from the land 71 pounds of nitrogen , 24 pounds of phosphoric acid and 37 pounds of potash. This could be re placed by 60-pounds of sulphate of ammonia , 171 pounds of superphos phate of lime and 76 pounds of chloride of potash. . Whole Flax Seed as Feed. Flax is extensively grown at the West for its seed. It is sold general ly so cheap that Eastern farmers can better afford to buy it than to grow it. The crop is very exhaus tive , both of ammonia and mineral elements ; but Western farmers do not mind this so much as do those of the East , or as they themselves should. "Whole flax seed well boiled is very laxative , keeping the diges tion good , and it may be fed with straw , thus taking the place of hay. It is probably cheaper nutrition fed thus than stock can be supplied with otherwise. Farmers who use none of it make a mistake. Oil meal has less fattening properties than the whole seed , but is safer unless the seed is well boiled before feeding. Profits of Farininjr , There is a good deal oftalk among farmers and others that farming does not pay as a buisness. This is doubtless a fact , some seasons , and sometimes a succession of seasons are poor and that makesalonghard pull , but those who depreciate farm ing forget that all otherkinds of busi ness has its ups and downsandtbat only about five per cent , of the busi ness men of towns and cities succeed permanently. In the large cities of Minnesota , many men who are now the l'ichest have failed at least once in business careers. The fact is that while farming does not make quick or large fortunes , it pays better on the average than any other occupa tion. The wages of mechanics seem high in proportion to those of the laborer on a farm , , and yet , at the end of the yeara prudent farm lab or- er will have saved more money than the mechanic whose idle days have consumed all the wages earned when employed , while on the farm every day counts , and expenses are trifling. It is not what a man earnsbutwhat he saves that measures his success. The cities are full of it en who left farms because the business did not pay , only to find that other callings pay even less , and are subject to more worry and perplexity. Tho farmer who owns his farm and im proves it year by year , while making a living for himself and family , is laying-up a little fortune , in thebest of saving banks. Increased fertility gives year by year better crops and better profits , and then a better barn is possible. A better barn means more stock and more fertility , and more crops again , a constant in crease in comfort and wealth. f hincIi-Bng Disease * . Mr. C. P. Gillett treats this sub ject in an interesting manner in Bulletin No. 3 , of the Iowa Agricul tural College Experiment Station. A-tter referring to the comparatively recent dote at which it became known that chinch-bugs were subject to dis ease , Mr. Gillette refers briefly to Dr. Shimer's observations on an epi demic in 1867 which carried off the bugs so completely that it was im possible to find specimens for his collection the following year. Then : ame the observations of Prof. Forbes on a similar epi- lemic in Illinois , in 1883. This vas a truly contagious disease , and S'condncted ironiVbugtoTing by , nicroscopic germs , as small-pox or mellow fever is conducted from man ; o nmn. These are probably the ) nly reports on chinch-bug diseases ) efore the present season. In his observations in Iowa , the Jnr. lr.J lr. , . , . . „ . , , , , , , „ „ lLI limmmmmmmmmmmmm , * , > , present season , Mr. Gillette details the manner in which the disease works , and the deadly effect which it hac upon tho bugs. His observation began August 3 , when tho bugs were qmte abundant , and by the middle of October almost no bugs were to be found. Experiments were made to determine the possibility of mak ing a practical use of tho disease- germs by exposing apparently healthy bugs to them , and , as waB expected , the disease soon appeared and destroj-ed most of them. "No one who knows the nature of tho disease , says Mr. Gillette , will doubt the possibility of introducing it into localities where it has not previously occurred , but , as it has probably been in most places where the bugs have long been present , it is extremely doubtful whether tho promiscuous scattering of the germs would be of any use. If tho germs of the disease are already present , it would bo of no use , niid if the proper atmospheric conditions are not present the germs will not grow , no matter how numnrous they are. If , howevor , the bugs have continued free from the disease in anylocality in the State where they have been numerous the past season. nd where the necessary at mospheric conditions havo been present , these places may be greatly benefited by the introduction of the disease when the bugs are again numerous. " Mr. Lincoln and a Reporter. "Washington Post. An old newspaper man was remi niscencing a bit the other night , and said some interesting things , as such a reminiscence is aptto do. Hesaid : "My only experience with Abe Lin coln was just after his election to the presidency. I was sent down to SpringGeld by Hie New York Tribune with the mission to find out all I could of his cabinet and policy. In those days n. president-elect was not besieged as Harrison has been , and such a mission as mine was a streak of newspaper enterprise. I felt my importance tremendously , and being young and fresh was immediately sized up by Mr. Lincoln , as I can see now , though I didn't see it then. "He received me kindly in his office and said pleasant things about the paper and so on. He sat facing me , with legs crossed and nursing his knees , rocked his body slightly and slowly forward and backward. Fin ally , after speaking of several slight matters , he asked : " 'Now , my young friend , what can I do for you ? ' " 'I drew forth a note book with much display , produced a pencil , and said : " 'Mr. Lincoln , T would be obliged to you to give me the names of such members of the cabinet as you have decided upon , if any , and what policy you will pursue , if you have settled upon anything definite. . ' "Mr. Lincoln gave me a look which filled my heart with pride , for I thought it was full of admiration and respect. It makes me groan when I think of it now. "He said ; 'I shall be glad to do anything I can to assist you. ' " 'Have you settled upon your cabinet and your policy ? " " 'Oh , yes , 5 he replied. 'My policy is all written out and is in that trunk over there , with an entire list of the cabinet. ' " 'I would like to have them , ' I said , 'if you have no objections. ' "Again he gave me that look of admiration , and if there was any twinkle in his eye I did not catch it. ' * 'Not the least in the world. You are welcome to the whole matter. Nothing would give me more pleas ure that to let you have it. I would give it to you now , but the fact is I have lost the key to the trunk. ' " 'Mr. Lincoln went on feeling in his pocket , regretting the loss of the peskeykey , and condemning his own carelessness , and emphasizing his sorrow at the situation and his abil ity to accomodate me , and fairly talked me out of the office , leaving me at the threshold with a hearty handshake and cordial invitation to come and seek him again. I can imagine how he must have doubled up with laughter after he got the door closed and rejoined the other people wlfo were in the office. "It took me several years , while I was growing a moustache , to come to a full appreciation of the perform ance , and t len I determined thatthe way to freshen the Atlantic ocean was to drop me in it. " . . Got Mixed as to the Funeral. ChU-agc Heruld. Two young ladies residing on the North Side started out the other day to attend the funeral of one of the prominent men pillars of their church. The two young ladies were sisters. One was very devout , and sot every Sunday in the family pew. The other went semi-occasionally to witness the new bonnets. The devout sister called npon the indifferent one and asked her to go with her to the fun eral of the deacon. At first she refused , but itwas urged thathe had been a pHlar of the church , and that it was really her duty to pay her best respects , and finally she con sented to go , but with an ill grace. They started out together , andwh.n they reached the deacon's late resi dence they were surprised to see no crape upon the door and no signs of hearse or carriages anywhere about. The indifferent sister asked the de vout one if she ivas sure he was dead , and she replied that she was quite positive , as she had read the funeral notice in the paper. It was suggest ed that they walk up to the house of a lady member of the church , who lived near by , and find out about it. They did so. "Isn't deacon dead ? " asked the devout sister , as the lady entered the parlor. "Yes. poor man , he is dead , and he was buried.yesterdsjv , " was the reply. TJ& aeVout ' ite * aid lieTduI nvofe see how she could h uve made such a mistake in rending the notice. When they got outside the indifferent sister turned and said : "Well , I've done my duty to the pillar of tho church. L hope. Next time one dies I hope you'll get the date right. " r i , in ii .in.i.i iiii inriti i mmiummmtmaammmmlKimMl / . , . tv . ' " Lorsllueas In Sllppera. The girl who dances for dnncinz'rt Rake wears n pair of thin , eltsjrnutly finished patent leather shoes , with de cidedly low heels , auil lacinjr up the in- top with ribbons. Tho beauty who loves to dauce , who has more than ordi narily pretty feot which she wishes to display to the best advantage , weave bronze silk stockings , eTaborately clocked , and Louis "XV slippers of tan Suede , embroidered on tlio toes with gold beads and sometimes n gilded lieol. Miss Hargous , the beaut3" , wears the former , and Miss Hecksher , the belle , who has charming little feet , the latter. Miss De Wolf wears with her India tea gown , a little pair of scarlet satin slip pers , sharply pointed at the too , and In dia red stockings. Miss Mnrbtuy , who has extremely pretty feet , wears pale blue stockings and black satin slippers embroidered in gold. Mrs. James Har vey Dew wears a pale yellow Empire gown , with bine silk stockings and yel low satin Blippers. Mrs. James G. Blaine , jr. , receives her calls in a black lace gown , aud wears scarlet stockings and slim , low-heeled patent leather slip pers. Most of tho debutantes wear their white tnlle dancing dress , tan Suede slippers , fastened with small sil ver buckles. Tho Model Womnn. A wit belonging to the skating clnb has declared that , in order to be known a ? a belle patineuse , a lady should be gifted with the thirty following points : "She should have three things white , the skin , teeth and hands ; three black , eyes , e3relnshes and eyebrows ; three rosy , the lips , the cheeks aud the finger nails ; three long , the wai&t , hair and hands ; three short , teeth , ears and tongue ; three broad , forehead , shoul ders and intelligence ; threo small , waist , mouth and instep ; three finely formed , the nose , head and feet ; three artistically shaped , fingers ; upper lip and chin ; three beautifully developed , the arms , the limbs and the dowry ! " To which catalogue of perfections , what lady would not gladly have the right to lay claim ? Nor would she , lack admir ers , even if she happened not to skate. New York Truth. Stephen' * TffXt. A few weeks ago a favorite uncle of Stephen Abbey , a lad belonging to this neighborhood , went awaj' , " to be gone an indefinite length of time. Stephen thought the proper thing for him to do was to buy a present for his relative and the object he set his young mind upon was a Bible. "He has more than one Bible now , " said Stephen's niothei1 . "And he'll have another when he gets mine , " was the imperturable reply. The Bible was purchased , and then it was decided by the boy to write an "appropriate" verse of scripture on the fly leaf. And these were the significant words selected and written by Stephen : And ye fathers provoke not your chil dren to wrath. Ephesians , vi. , 4. Stephen's uncle , who is a man of fam ily , was , in all probabilitjduly im pressed. When the Queen's Head Warn Cut Ofi * . Apropos of the recent articles on the amount of feeling experienced by a vic tim of decapitation , the following ex tract describing the execution of the queen of Scots from the bulky catalogue will interest scientists : "At last , while one of the executioners held hirstreight- ly with one of his hands , the other gave two strokes mith an axe before he did cutt ( off ) hir head , and jret lefte a little grissle behinde. She made a very small noyse , no part stirred from the place where she laye. The executioners lifted upp the head and bade God save the queen. _ Then hir dressinge'of laune fell from hir head , which appeared as graye as if shee had been three score and ten yeares old , powied very short. Hir face much altred , hir lipps stired upp and downe almost a quarter of an hower after hir head was cut off. " Pall Mall Gazette. Dr. T , Heman BnEnjiKR , an eminent German authority , says : "Consumption is always due to deficient nutrition of the lungs , caused by bad blood. " At the Brompton Hospital for consump tives , London , England , a statement has been published that o2 per cent , of the patients of that institution have unsus pected kidney disorder. This explains why the proprietors of Warner ' s Safe Cure claim that they have received many testimonials which they have not published , because of the incredulity with which the } ' would be received were it claimed that Warner's Safe Cure cures consumption. But the fact is that if your kidneys be cured aud put in a healthy condition they expel the uric acid and poisonous waste matter , and prevent the irritation of tho delicate substauces of the lnngs , thereby remov ing the cause. When the effect is re- moyed _ the symptom of kidney disease , which is called consumption , disappears , and with it the irritation , which caused it. The Involution of Eari. At a recent meeting of the Western Microscopical elub , of London , Prof. Stewart remarked that while we expect to find the ears npon the hend in the larger animals , we look in vain for the name arrangement in the lower inverte brate creatnres. Many of these , like the scallop , have no head , others , like crabs and lobsters , have their ears- placed on their horns or antennas , oth- ' ers , like the green grasshopper , have the ear on the fore leg ; others , like the fresh water shrimp , have it on the tail. In fact , , it would seem that in these low er forms of life , whose origin was long anterior to the evolution of man , nature was feeling her way and making experi ments as to the fntui'e position of the sense organs. After rain follows sunshine. Stop " that cough"and1 cure consumption bo using Warner's "Log Cabin COUGH AND CONSUMPTION" BEMEDY ind you will find the sunshine of health 3ion following. Two sizes , $1.00 and 10 cents. He Had Smoked One. Wife I noticed to-day that yon have smoked only one cigar out of that box I save 3'on on yonr birthday nearly six months ago. - Hubby Ah , do you think I can smoke those , dear ? I want to keep them as mementoes of yonr affection. Wife I assure yon I would feel just is well if yon.wonld smoke them. Hubbj' iBut I fear I wouldn't. Bing- iiampton Bepublican. In Hip Wronjr Oder. Peddler "My dear sir , do you know liow much time j'on lose dipping a pen into the ink ? Tea dips a miuute means 500 dips an honr or 6,000 dips in ten lionrs , and each dip consumes " j Business Man "Yes , I know : I have ' Qgured it all out. " | Peddler "And yet I find yon writing in the old way. " > Business Man "Yes , I am using the J fountain pen you sold me about a month igo using it in the old way : because , iUv ivon'tTwrife hi any > ptlieji.way. " . W Peddler "Beg pardon f I'm in the tvrong office. Good daw' * New York Weekly. A medical aid socfety Tor self-supporting rromeii has opened rooms in Pliiht < leliliii. ] The further extension of the Tien Tain railway iu China has been prohibited. l HSMHHIMaiBIMHMiMaaHI iMM MMMMMM It is amusing to see people with tbelr fuces drawn its if they had nunllowo- readier and it watt ticklins their 1 lines and tlicjr wonU bo happy if they could only unecx' . Noir thei * in no n < * erl of "milking rareA hot tip ot Dr. Uull' Coii li fc'ynip will draw your face back into a nuiilb. 4 KingB aie like 8 nrn , tlioy rice nnd But. " Thu.r liava headachf * , nitu , and hurts lileo meaner men , and arc jtixt as sure to call for fialvation Oil. If you wnnlil create something , you must be sometliio Ooethe. Time Kolls Its Ceaseless Conrse. Invention has been succeeded by invention , tending to the bentfit of mankind ; till the Terr elements bato become subservient to his will. Witness the winged lightning trained to become a fleet and trnsty mcisencer , the placid water converted into a power , tho like of which sur passes tho understanding The cunning , craft and ingsnuity of rnna have achieved wonders for his amelioration , comfort and requirements. Under this connection it uiny not be outef plsce to note of what rcrvice Dr. Itadway hna beon to his fellow men in discovering und com- pounding , safe and rellablo Medicine * for tho Kelief of pnin , and for the cnre of diicnss. Dr. Itndway's .Medicines so long and favorably known to the public , have never been more pop ular than at tho present time. Their excellence extende all over the world. They arc alike wel comed by the rich as by tho poor. In all proper ly stored homes Itndway's Itendy Itolief. ir urcn- parillian Resolvent or Itndway's 1'iIU are suro to be found. Dr. lUdwsyV Medicines can at all times be relied npon. eaih to perform its proper function. Kadway's Ready Reliof is a snre antidote for pain , is quicker in itsoperation , and more pow erful than any other preparation ; while it is en tirely free from the dangerous effocts of many which numb the sodbpo und clog tho circulation. liudvray's Itoady Relief is safe , reliable and ef fectual bocauBe of the stimulating action which it exert * over the nerves and vital powers of tho body , adding tono to the one , and inciting to re newed and increased vigor the slumbering vital ity of the physical structure , and through this healthful r-titnnlntion and increased action , the caiuo of the Pnin is driven away , and n natural condition restored. It is thus that the Iteady Kulief it so admirably adapted for the curu of pain and without the risk of injury which is euro to rebult from the urn ot many of the so-called pnin remHie * of the day. hndwHy' bnrcApnrillinn Resolvent is tho great Medical Discov ry of tlio ago for tho cure of chronic dircase , eurh as fc'crofula in all its forms. Syphilis with its tremendous train of evils , and Cutaneous diseases of all kinds , often bo diHi- cnlt to cnre and > et so formidable an antagonis tic to good health nnd to good looks. Rndway's Pills the only roliable substitute for Calomel or Mercury , are still tho people's favor ite purgatives ; and a sure enro for costiveners , indigestion , palpitation and tho kindred dis- eatm * of the borcels , liver nnd stomach that re sult from over eating or U60 of improper food or improper use of stimulants , or overflow of bile in the blood , and all cases where a pnrgative cathartic , aporient or laxativo Medicine is re quired. Jr. Radwas Medicines can be had of any Druggist or at most ot the country stores. Add a little boiling water to .log swill so as to take the chill off. A Lucky Haul. Marlln t'fex. ) Ball , Feb. 28. Learning a few days ago that lot tery lightning had struck Marlin to the tune of $5,000 , and that Messrs. J. E. Johnson and Matt. Walker were the lucky individuals , a Ball repre sentative proceeded to ascertain the truthfulness of the matter. We met Mr. J. E. Johnson in town last Satur day. There was nothing unusual in his countenance or demeanor , and he did not hesitate to state the facts. Mr. Johnson is a young man engaged in the service of Mr. Walker on his ranches , lor two years he has been in vesting a small sum in the Louisiana State Lottery , but the fickle goddess did not smile upon him until last month. On Saturday before the drawing Mr. Johnson and Mr. Walker put up $25 each and purchased 50 fractional tickets. The money was sent by Wells Fargo Express and reached its destination promptly be fore the drawing , in due time the tick ets were received and on examination it was found that they held one-twen tieth of ticket Xo. 64,100 , which drew the second capital prize of $100,000. The ticket was placed in the Bank of Marlin for collection andwasprompt- ly cashed on presentation , Mr. John son receiving $2,500 and Mr. Walker $2,500. Mr. Johnson says he pro poses to continue investing a small amount every month. Mr. Walker has been twice lucky , having drawn $1,200 in August last. CoiiMiniption Surely Cured. To the Kditor : Please inform your read ers that I have ; i positive remedy for con- Riimption. By its timely use thousands of hopelea * rnseR have been permanently ' ' cmed. I shall be glad to send'two bottle s of my leniedy tree to any of your read ers who haveconsumption if they will send me their express and P. O. addresH. Re- sportfully. T. A. Si.OCUM , M. C , lSlPearl btieet , XewYork. Japan legally recognizes the Christian Sabbath as a day of rest. " Bkowx's Bkoxchui , Troches * ' are widely known as an admirable remedy for Bronchitis , Hoarseness. Coughs , and Throat troubles. Sold only in boxes. Mis A. M. Beecher , M. D. . a cousin of Henry Ward Beecher , is a. practicing physi cian. cian."G. "G. WHIZZ. " On and after March 17th , 1889. Fast LisurEi ) Solid Vkstihuli : Express Trains will run daily over the Great Rock Island Route. leaving Omaha , 4:00 P. M. ; Coun- iil Bluffs , 4:30 P. M. ; Kansas City , G:30 P. M. ; nnd St. Joseph. G:30 P. M. Magnificent equipment of Palace Day loaches. Sleepers , Dining Cars , and ( be- bw een St. Joseph arid Kansas City and uhicaeo ) Free Kerlining Chnir Cars. Sim ilar Fast-Limited through trains between Denver nnd Pueblo ( via.Colorado Springs , ) nnd Chicago. These trains areVESTiBDi.ED , heated by steam from the locomotive , and haveill modern improvements that con jure to safety and comfort , furnishing un surpassed accommodations to passengers at lowest rates. Prompt Union Depot. Connections in Chi- lago with outgoing Fast Trains for De troitereland , Buffalo. .Pittsburgh , Philaoeiphia , Baltimore. Washington , Bos ton. New York and all point * East. Save time and money , and 6ee that your tickets iningEast read via Chicago , Rock Island fc Pacific IUilway. For the sake of one good action a hun- ired evil ones shotild'be-forgotten. For two two-cent stamps we will send you one of the handsomest almanacs in the country. • • Homestead , ' ' Omaha , Neb. Nothing is so strong as gentleness ; noth- ng is so gentle ns real strength. Bevrar * ol Ointment * for Catarrh That Contain JTCercurjr A * Mercury will certainly destroy thesense ' 9f srnell and completely derange the whole system when entering it through the mucui mrfaccs. Such articles should never b * used except on prescriptions from refuta ble physicians , as the damages they will lo are ten fold to tho good vott can possi bly derive from thema , Ualls ! Catarrh Sure , manufactured " by * " . J. > Cfietiey it Co. , Toledo , O. . co ntams no mercury , and is taken internally , and act9 directly upon the blood and mucus Btirf.ices of the lys- tem. In buying Hull' * Catarrh Cureba jure you get the genuine , it is taken in- tenmllv and made in Toledo. Ohio , by F..I Cheney < fc Co. "Sold by Drujswts , pries 73i : per bot tie. ' " ' n Hi , I . . . . H-.h.L.UII i. r ! 11,1 , / WOM CHICKEN CHOLERA. * " ' ( j Jft V"'HH the dlictu * wai I recommend It aa a lure cure. It hu ut4 o many dollan. H. A. KUKNNIC , Breeder of FIno Fowl * . Diamond Vera-Cura FOR AYMI I0f } t41A. AND ALL RfOBAlK TKOCBLKI ( CCII ASl IndlcctOon. goui-StuRinch. lleartlinrn , Kauira. O' .Z * lno , Coattlpatlon. Kullneni after eitlnir , Food Rlilne in the .Mouth and Illvcrre ble tatte alt r callnc Xenouineai and LowbIr.l . Jit Drugul't * anil IiraUrt nrnnttbi/mnltn-t rtcflpt ofZicti. i.i box * * II Uli in i. < imzamplt tent un rtctipt of 2 cent Stamp. THK CHARLES A. AOOELKKCO. Unl'imore. Md. a vvgA % . i &sTS'53'Ph" ' * * < MBtolm&w WwUBfflH ALK0ST AS PALfflABLE lJ Splair AS MILK. 8ti fSBRSo d'esn ! ed that tho most { • jcStf htJKm delicate stomach can take It. MWKo ShR2 3 Remarkable a m. Hxfnim&n&z z'i'Esii i'iioducer. tWs ' MgSSB 'i/ ' < * Per on gain rapidly WftBmmmSS TvllIle ' nj ; it. wiro SCOTT'SMDLSION 13 aclnowledgel by Physician. to bo the Finest and preparation fur tho relief of COXSVMVTIOX. tiCUOFULA.GK r.RAI. DKBTT.ITY. UASTISG JtlSKASKS OF cuzrjDitiar ami Citnoxic coughs. aixduucgist * " . Scott & BowncNow York. P0BjD5 l In 1G631 contracted Bloo Polaon gSftgJJjwB of bad tyjc „ and was treated with EsMMHwflHincrcury , potash acd eoiviparilla HSS4EJ a Jlfn'I'uri- , ' : Iroft'nC worso all the tune. Kj"ap ni took 7 bmall bottles S. 8. S. which. K Aw . M cured me entirely , nnd no wgn of R Wr MW M * oa dreadful disease has reinrCcd , IK. i aar m\ 3. C. N.wccs , QEHpfl Jan. 10 , ' 89. HobbyUUc , ImL S HhI Sly little niece bad white rweHing W < Mr % M * - ° BQC nn excnt that the was ctw- I mr Mk fined to tho bed for a long time. \ w M M More than SO places of bone came " A aa a a Voatof her Teg , acd the doctor * aald PBaxafaiUtlon was tae oaly remedy te " "gf XaJtro hot fife. I nftuffthe operation " "fl Q ead fat ber on B.6.S. and f ho l now f P _ TnjacdjieUveaadriaaijoodho { Kfaaa I W Aj aay child. HiM AxHicOsnuao , ajgat BaaaB Book on Blood Diseases sent free. ' | HI'H | | | | | | | | | Swot Srrcmo Co. HbIbbbHH Onvrer 3. Atlanta. Ga , MOTHERS'FRIENfl mffiCHILD BIRTHJM ! IF USED BEFOW CONFINEMENT. Book to "MoTnxns'MAiLxnFp.Er. SRADFIEI.D ltr.GUI.ATOR CO. . ATLANTA4UA. SOLD 1ST ALLDaUOGISTJ. I4kl Frice 5o reu- P'io& ' J WILL CUKE CWATMIH HrO ! ' Bn'm ' r-ieli nostril. ? VV-v 'IH-ly ' "t" - ira < k T0OfiDAY ! ! Bwjfj'NSi' ' ' t h AGENTS WAITED ! GEjiift t fSBB * 10U ) nrpvrjtT * * Safety Rein ttPztt 3i l "f Holders GIVEN AWAY to Intro- W MSrSWtwr ! duce them , tvery bori > a owner burs ff''Stp''M' ' , yi from 1 to 6. Lines nerer under horse's ' ' " v Ki''SW" 53 feet , SendS cents In fctamps to pay w aJl'7 Sl postage and packing tor Nickla HflTfilKffijn ] Plated Sample that sells for 63 " * ' " "IEw''i" ' l ) 'fl • 'en1Addreai , WmWM Brewster MPg Co. , Holly.Mich. Baiy0a7riaps lSBH rhanre within 7CC miles of Chicago , bend for Catalogue. C11AS. JCAIBEK. 31 fr. . CU-CI tljboarn Aie. , Ihlsajo. ' " " ' ' " - T - - ' - , a a iMB r i i B mil ium , inn , . .milium iirt M HW * W W- ' ) < K i B B * * • -V\l 11 * * * 1 • _ ihe most cer- • H natflH tfPa tain H | * 44V Pan , REMEDY . fl IBj J j in the world 9 r BL 1 that Instantly M H * * Mll IJIaw stops the most jH UUa&aJu excruciating jH Kl y&W pains.Itlstrulf B t4MPUlaLW. the great CON- jH PilBP * QUEROR OF 9 | PAIN , and has I done more 9 good than any known remedy. * H For Sprains , Bruises , Backache , . < JI Pain in the Chest or Sides , Headache , | H Toothache , or any other External Pain , 9 ] a few applications rubbed on by the jfl | hand act like magic , causing the pain 3 | to instantly stop. fl s For Congestions , Inflammations. 91 Sore Throat , Bronchitis , Cold in Ihe Ml Chest , Rheumatism , Neuralgia , Lorn- Ml bago. Sciatica , Pains in the Small of 91 the Back , etc. . more extended , longer SI continued and repeated applications lf | are necessary to ellect a cure l MD WAY'S i m BWRELIEF. . • I Instantly relieves and quickly cures | II all INTcRNAL PAINS , Cramps , II 1 Spasms , Sour Stomach. Nausea , Vom- /aWl , iting , Heartburn , Nervousness , Sleep- \W\ \ lessnecs , Sick Headache , Diarrhoea , % Mm ' Colic. Flatulency , Fainting , Spells. al j Sold By Druggists. ' 50 Cents a Bottle. 3 | ! 20 PRIZE UJLI0NS II | Pcrcheroiss and French Coachera , -jl RESERVED FOR SPRING TRADE * it TO BE 1'LACin * RW On Sale March 25 , 1889. Jl Their Stallions were I'rUo Wlnnoriattbe three- % m erect Horse Show * of Trance. 1N5. Mm I huve foiuiil each year tout a minihcr of ray : ; ( Sistoiaen could not c < inrenleutly buy until Into -afl In thuaeiitoo. > nd It nrss to arcomnuidntu thrtso th/tllut Knlniindeareierroot Twenty of or Bent 3tnllIor > , Old enough for Service. wLUh mm nlll be pitce ) < t on xalo AJnrvh Sti , It betns ; Diy 3 determination to so control my Importations tnat SU I can offer purchcicrs a flrst-cfais Horse any day la tho year. ! JL SntlMfuctory Ttrredlngr Gimraateo Ml Clven wltli lueii Animal Hold. Mm M. VI. DUNHAM , V/ayno , Illinois. II Tblrty-lWa Mll"s West of Chlmjio on tho § M Chicago i orth-Westeru lUllronJ. f WEIL DRILLS , I JL FOR ALL PURPOSES. I / . Havomade2ft.amIuutowitljthe I / m AUSTIN 4 I mlim > * triumph. I s9m j SfPf Send 20c. for mallicj H 'Trrnm1Sn&r Catalogue. F. C. Austin Mfg. Co. 1 COR. CARPENTER ST. AND CARROLL AVC. CHICAGO. ILLINOIS. BROlVXELt , ctCO. . , I Manufacturer * 3nd cle.i'cn hi "H Engines , Boilers and Pumping Machinery I Of all I > ffcr'pt.i ! ! . H Iron nn \Vootl Wo'Llmr Jlicliim v Siw vm M cliint-rvaiKl Mii > | ili - > . : . ] uiiil .in.l C ini cl..rSti | r-I > - Mnlf A"in llndjcp Um. I S | 1 t Pul-t ! < . .mil m • oIk - - l' Jiit NtrSciii < it r.-wj-r Tin ii Ijritn M milt ! . ' • i > . XK'-Mti Trrnton Iruu ( . < V. nc l. 'oi • M IVrl s l'.Irllt K.Mll.lrC.t'Valt JLr H : - : • : : i.rutmiu-orthat. < > 3iaiia.nke. leoiEFifsT I I do sot mean merely to stop tbe.n ior 2 time and M then have them return. I tuean a raalral cure. I havo M iuiiu 1-1X8. KPILKl'SYorJ-'ALLINfi SICKNESS a ufo-lonff ttudy. I warrant my reu.tily to cnr the worst cj&es. Cecanse otherahavf failed In no re2sf j forBotnowreceivintracure. Sciulat once tor trcatiKO M snd J-reoBottleofmylnfaliiKeremedy. Uho lixprefS ndP. O. H. G. ItOOT,31. C. 18i i'c. .rl St. N V- \ \ " . > . U. . Om.iha , -S-l T 1'"i'"r"i"I , i'"i , V , I , < , & AR | { " " ' "ii"r"i , i"l < TV. " , v I ' 1 : : C nun whii. ! j invii-tuil irom tiirte i5c Wc otlr this man whi i.t * H to liMdmlars i-i a Knbbcr Cuat , anil JTs ( not style ) a Kjm.eut tluc v-l' Kerp H at I111 first lu't hour's experience in m " m g % f x3 8B5&2 him dry in tinhardest st'.rm. It K H ft storm tmils to his sorrow that it Is "jtfialT la W called TOWKlt'S FI il UKANI > hardly a better protection than a mosWttf EL I " ! SLICKER , " a name famlliarto every q-uto r.f Kiiijr. not only ttcls chagTined OH Covr-boy all over the land. With them H at bem so badly taten in , but also R 8BB1 BBV the only perfect Wind aud Waterproof H Jeelsjf he does not look exactly lite mmjk WM KUI Coat Is "Tower's Fish Rrand Micter. " AsV lor the" FISH 15IJAXD" Suckkk llElla and Uke no other. If your storekeeper fl doe. not hare the rsnnKAM > , send for descrlptlTecatalopne. A.J.TowtE.20MininonsSt.Uo on.ilast. H 3- aV MIRACULOUS RESTORATION. \ That dainty lady tripping by. At lastwhile in a nopeless frame. How light her step , how brijrht her eye. One day she said , "There is a name How fresh her check with healthful glow , I've often seen a remedy Like roses that in Maytimc blow' Perhaps 'twill help : I can but try. " And yet few weeks have passed away And so , according- direction. Since she was fading1 , day by day. She took Dr. Pierce's Favorite PrescriptIc- . The doctor's skill could naught avail : And every baleful symptom fled , Weaker she grew , and thin and pale. And she was raised as from the dead. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the world-famed , invigorating tonic and nervine , carefully compounded by an experienced and skillful plivsician , and \ adapted to woman's delicate organization. It is purely vegetable and perfectly ' harmless in any condition of the system. It is the only medicine for the dis- J tressing weaknesses and derangements peculiar to women , sold by druggists. under a positive guarantee , from the manufacturers , that , it will give satisfaction ( in every casejor money-will be refunded. This guarantee has , been printed on * * * * , .the bottle-wrappers , and faithfully carried ont for mahjvycars. ' & 'wr " " " Copyright , 18SS , by "Wohld's Dispensart Medical Association , Proprietors. s ' 3 - ; Dr. Pierce's Pellets , or Anti-bilious Granules , are i Laxative or Cathartic , according to size of dose. " j r-