The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 22, 1889, Image 8

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B > Wfrsj j
1 I _ W _ * W _ * W _ V y % W M | BB mg BPBf * * % . Bf
Below we quote a few prices 021 staple
I goods for the benefit of those who are toeing
t misled toy the delusive and silly advertise-
I > ments of some merchants who claim to re-
I tail groceries at 25 per cent , toelow credit
\ stores.
f Mb _ Hk BBBM. _ M. H H _ _ _ S " - - BBv _ _ HEt HF _ IS _ MT _ k Hr _ _ l > " ' :
If 12 lbs. Best Granulated Sugar , $1.00
w1211)8. . Extra , "C" Sugar , 1.00
i ; , 1411)S. Golden "C" Sugar , : 1.00
! / ' ' ' 3 libs. Touiatoes , per can , 10
I' ' * 7' , 2 lbs. Gooseberriesper can , 10
C / tj. 3 lbs. California Fruit , per can , , . 20
* * l-i 2 lbs. Black Berries , per can , : . .8 %
* ' " & * * 2 lbs. Sweet Corn , per can. 8 %
K , ' Sardines in Oil . * . 05
i * * ; ? ' Sardines in Mustard , 10
t ' . " Choice Table Peaclies , 16 %
H State Baking Powder , per can , 40
I •
- ' *
m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
* . 0. H. ELOGEH.S9 Te Pier 3 eFea.t.
I' J. A. YanSlioikj
I Singer Sewing Machines
1 . . - - Repairs and Supplies.
ft ' Store McCook.Nebraska.
Office , in McMillen's Drug , - - -
ft- MG3Mc ( ( ! BJlEIBs ,
K Capital and Surplus , $60,000. - Authorized Capital , $100,000.
| k . Makes First Mortgage Loans on Farm Property
' .
_ A" CAMPBELL' President. B. M. FREES , 1st Vice President.
! Bt > GEOHOCKNELL , Secbetahy. S. L. GREEN , 2d Vice President.
: Hg § " . F. L. BROWN Treasurer.
& _ _ _ _
= DEALERS IN = = _ _ _ =
p . . Sashr Doors , Blinds , Lime , Cement ,
B y * • 1
iS -
"I hare used St. Patrick's Pills , " says Mr. J.
Be ynolds , of JUayfleld , Ky. , "and pronounce
them superior to any I have ever before used.
I do not hesitate to recommend them , know
ing them to be reliable. " They are thorough ,
yet gentle in their action and leave thesvstem
in splendid condition. As a cathartic , or for
disorders of the liver St. Patrick's Pills have
no equal. For sale by all druggists.
cure for Catarrh , Diphtheria and Canker-
Mouth. McMillen's.
Morris-town ; Tenn. , July 4 , iS8S
The Swift Specific Co. , Atlanta , Ga. :
Gentlemen Five years ago I was so un
fortunate as to contract an extremely bad
case of blood poison. My bones ached and
my muscles began to swell and contract. I
was under treatment of the physician from
the inception of the disease until I found
that he could do me no good. Then ,
through the advice of a friend I began tak
ing S. S. S. Your medicine seemed to have
an immediate effect. I took six bottles , and
to-day am sound and well. That was two or
three years ago , but I have seen no evidence
of the return of the disease , and I take this
opportunity to thank you for v/hat it has done
for me. It saved my life. You can refer
any one to me. R. M. Wall.
Farsiersville , Tex. , June 22 , i883.
The Swift Specific Co. , Atlanta , Ga. :
Gentlemen Thi mother of a member
of our firm was afflicted with a cancerous
sore on her face for about twenty years.
During the past few years it troubled her
very much by continued pain and itching.
She " used your S. S. S. , and the sore has
disappeared and is apparently well. Should
it break out again , will advise you.
Very truly ,
- Pendleton , Yearly & Riley ,
Three books mailed free on application.
Drawer 3. Atlanta , Ga.
Read the following : Mr. . H. Morris , New
ark , Ark. , says : "Was down with Abscess of
Lungs , and friends and physicians pronounced
me an Incurable Consumptive. Began taking
Dr. King's New Discovery for onsumption ,
am now on my third bottle , and able to over
see the work on my farm. It is the finest
medicine ever made. "
Jesse Middlewart , Decatur , Ohio , says :
"Had it not been for Dr. King's New Discovery
for Consumption I would havo died of Lung
troubles. Was given up by doctors. Am now
in best Of health. " Try it. Sample bottles
free , at A. McMillenVug store.
SHILOH'S CURE will immediately relieve
Croup. Whooping Cough and Bronchitis. Mc
One Dollar
Per Week , by our Improved Club System.
The Cases in our Watches are fully Warranted
for 20 years. The movements are Elgin and
Waltham. reliable and well known. The
Watches are Hunter case or open fiice.Ladies' 1
or Gents'size 6tem Winders and Settlers , and
are fully equal in durability , service and ap
pearance to any § 50 Watch. We sell these
Watches for $25 spot cash , and send to any ad
dress by Express or Registered Mail ; or by
our Club System at SI per week. One good re
liable AGENT WANTED in each place. Write
for particulars. \
34 Park-Row , NEW YORK. '
The Best Salve in the world for cuts , bruis
es , sores , ulcers , salt rheum , fever soree , tot1
• ter , chapped hands , chilblains , corns , and all
skin eruptions , and positively cures piles , or. <
no pay required. It is guaranteed to giro per1
fact satisfaction , or money refunded. Price
80 cents per box , for solo by A , Mc-Ulon ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ yygf fiff M B r
[ From the Iudfanoln Times/ ]
The district court of this county convened ,
last Mouday with the largest docket it ever
had , Judge Cochran presided and dispatched
tho business brought bcroro him in a rapid ,
-methodical manner , showing ho meant busi
ness. The following is a condensed but cor *
root account of the manner in which tho cases
were disposed of up to the time of our going
to press , Friday noon :
The following cases were settled : C. P.
Ill nicer vs. R. II. Neil ; Frees & Hocknell Lum
ber Company vs. T. C. Teas.
The following cases wero dismissed and
plaintiffs pay costs ; S. J. Mattox vs. J. B.
Morning , foreclosure : McCormick Harvesting
Muchlno Company vs. Francis Marrian , ap
peal ; C. B. & Q. R. R. vs. 0.0. Prico et al , dam
ages ; Frees & Hocknell vs. J. B. LeIIew ot al ,
foreclosure of mechanic's Hen ; Rebecca A.
Goble vs. Geo. W. Goble , divorco ; Nebraska
& Kansas Furm Loan Co. vs. Maggie J. Smiley ,
foreclosure ; It. P. Kendig und L. Story vs.
Clark Ward , foreclosure ; J. A. Curleo vs. A.
Hartley , report of garnishee
Tho following cases have been continued :
J. W. Davis vs. E. It. Banks.error ; F , L. Brown
vs. John Imel , et al ; J. E. Borgor vs. J.M. . Fer
guson ; F. Marrian vs. J. W. Wolborn ot al , ap
peal ; Lininger , Metcalf& Co. et al , vs. A. Z.
Jones et al , equity ; E. F. Quigly vs. Daniel
Courtney , injunction ; S. 11. Smith vs. M. E.
Spauldlngctal , attachment ; Harriet Auder-
' son vs. Wm. Anderson , divorco ; W. Hurnes vs.
E. J. Aillngton et al , foreclosure ; Howard
Lumber Company vs.D.E.Graves.foreclosure ;
M. W. Simmons vs. O. S. Van Doren , appeal ;
Citizens Bank vs. L. J.Burtlcssct al , equity ;
John Merrit vs. Howard Lumber Co.damages ;
and tho following cases on report of gar
nishee ; JohnG. Miller & Co. vs.Boyer & David
son ; McCord Brady & Co. vs. Boyer & David
son ; Peycko Bros. vs. Boyer & Davidson ; L. A.
Shackman & Co. vs. Boyer & Davidson ; S. A.
Ryder & Co. vs. Boyer & Davidson ; J. A Forbes
& Co. vs. Uoyer & Davidson.
Tho following cases wore continued until
time named : John Imel vs. T. M. and A. M.
Phillips , on note.Saturday : Bradley\Vheeler &
Co. vs. C.S. Quick , Saturday ; 11. E. Chirk vs.
.1. S. Phillips et al. , foreclosure , Saturday :
'Wm. Murphy vs. W. O. Russell et al. , replevin ,
Friday : Exchange National Bunk , Hustings ,
vs. W. H. Hayden , April 4th , ISM ) ; Parliu , Or-
endorf , Martin & Co. vs. Clark Ward , equity ,
Monday ; H. Smith vs. A. Leonard , equity.
Monday ; Bank of Bartiey vs. A. Bartloy et al ,
foreclosure , Monday ; Nebraska & Kansas
Farm Loan Co. vs. F. E. Lytic , foreclosure ,
Monday ; McPheo & McGinity vs. Z. L. Kay ,
foreclosure , Wednesday ; Walsh & Boyd vs. B.
Hofer. appeal , Friday ; Wm. Oswalt vs. W. O.
Russell et al. , appeal , Friday.
Confirmation of sale in tho following cases
wore decided thus :
G.L.Lawsvs. A. Bartloy , defendant allow
ed until last day of court to show cause why
sale should nor bo confirmed.
KESouthwick vs. same , defendant allowed
until March 12 , to show why sale should not bo
Frees & Hocknoll Lumber Co. vs. same , same
time allowed.
Same vs. same , same time.
F. L. Brown vs. same , sale confirmed and
judgment rendered for $142.98 balance.
Eastern Banking Co. ts. A. Z. Jones , con
firmed and deed ordered.
Chas. Nash vs. H. M. Wolfe , confirmed and
judgment rendered for § 109.79 balunce.
Citizens Bank , McCook , vs. D. J. Reynolds ,
conflruiPd and deed ordered. Default of de
fendant taken and judgment was rendered in
favor of tho plaintiff , with amount , in the fol
lowing cases :
Henry Small vs. C. A. Frederick.appeal ; Ne
braska Loan & Trust Co. vs. J. Z. Teter et al ,
loreclosure , S313 ; S. J. Mattox vs. W. L. Mc-
Clung , foreclosure , S305 ; B. Newberger vs.
MrsL J. Miller , attachment ; B. II. Gardner
vs. W. P. Elmer et al , attachment , 212.75 ; S. J.
Mattox vs. Nettie E. Parks et al , foreclosure ,
5226 , sale ordorod ; Howard Lumber Co. vs. A ,
Bartloy ot al , dolault of defendants taken ex *
ccpt W. Peck , Chas. Nash ; Metcalf Bros , and
John Miller & Co. who were allowed to answer
instanter ; Nebraska & Kansas Farm Loan Co.
vs. J. C. Sheriff , foreclosure , § 457.90 ; same vs.
I. Starbuck , same , § 43sale ordered ; A. Hersch
& Co. vs. F. L. McCracken , on account , § 200.20 ;
Lapp3 & Fleshem vs. same , same , § 314.35 ; H.
& H. Schneider vs. A. Schamoni et al , torclos-
uro , SJOO : Bank pf Jndianola y § . W , R. Scott et
al , foroclosuro , § 347.08 ; Indianola Loan and
Building Association vs. Rebecca Peako , fore
closure , S882.17 ; Thos. McDonald vs. T. M.
Clark et al , note ; Mrs. H. A. Sleight vs.
H. H. Pickens , foreclosure. § 2,509 ; First Na-
tionol Bank , McCook vs. G. B. Nettleton et al ,
note § 212.70 ; P. F. Connelly vs. Harlem Cattlo
Co. § 125,00 ; McCorinlok Harvesting Machine
Co. vs. J. E. Ohlson , note , § 110 : same vs. H. W.
Olmstead , note , § 156.25 ; Nebraska Loan and
Trust Co. vs. L. Starbuck et al , foreclosure ,
The divorce cases wero disposed of as fol
lows :
Cora L. Ford vs. S. W. Ford , plaintiff , allow
ed § 50 alimony and judgment rendered against
defendant for said amount.
D Josephine Jackson vs. J. W. Jackson , defend
ant , required to pay § 50 alimony.
Cora E. Faling vs. 1.1. Failing , default of de
fendant taken , and divorco granted on pay
ment of costs and her maiden name restored
to her.
Mont. Doyle vs. Bettio Doyle , granted on
on payment of costs.
In the case of John Conner vs. Martha Con
ner , divorce was granted on payment of costs.
Alex. Jones vs. Mary Jones , divorce was
granted on the payment of costs.
In other cases heard , the following is tho
disposition made of them :
J. B. Hannmg vs. C. P. Rinker et al. , demur
of defendant filed.
In the case of Charlotte Bacon vs. L. C.
Bacon et al. , to set asido a will , default of de
fendants taken and the court finds that tho
instrument set out in petition was intended at
the time as a will , and same declared no lien
"on premises or cloud on title of Charlotte Ba
con to said premises.
In tho caEe of J. G. Morrow vs. Geo. E. John
son , equity , default ot defendant taken.
In tho equity case of Harriet Anderson vs.
Wm. Anderson and B. F. Anderson , the latter
defendant files a demur.
On application of the Wyeth Hardware Co.
the Baker Wire Co. are allowed to answer in
stanter in the foreclosure suit of J. W. Dolan
vs. J. W. Maiken et al.
In the S. Roily vs. S. Strasser appeal case de
fendant was allowed 30 days to answer and
plaintiff 30 days after to reply.
School district No. 2 vs. Wm. Gaiser , equity ,
demur filed.
gjw. C. Kandall ts. J. Pickle , appeal , defend
ant was allowed GO days td answer , and plaint
iff 30 davs after to reply.
E. B. Vail vs. A. Z. Jones et al. foreclosure ,
defendant allowed to answer instanter.
W. H. Smith vs. same , same action and dis
L.Randall vs. J. W. Pickle et al , appeal , de
fendant allowed CO days to answer and plaint
iff 30 days after to reply.
D. C. .ludd vs. It. H.Thomas , appeal , defend
ant allowed 80 das'S to plead petition and
plaintiff 30 days after to reply.
. Laura V. Marker vs. C. H. Oman , plaintiff al
lowed to file amended petition.
Precilla Pryor vs. Wm. Shoekley , appeal , on
trial as w e go to press.
State vs Patrick Shelley and E. R. Roe , as
sault and battery , nolle pros.
State vs. Thos. Dunn , horse stealing , guilty.
State vs. Mike Walsh , petit larceny and
burglary , guilty ; sentence , 00 days in jail and
§ 100 fine.
State vs. C. A. Dibble , embezzlement , not
State vs. Gottfred Schaffert , rape , not guilty.
Tho following from the pen of Mr. L. P. Bard-
well , editor of The Marion ( Iowa ) Pilot , will
we believe , be of interest to many of our read
ers. He says : "It is with pleasure that I certify
to the real merits of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. 1 have used it in my family for years
and have always found it most excellent , and
especially for colds , croup and sore throat. It
is safe and effective. " For sale b all drug
The appointment of Walker Blaine to a po
sition in the state department that puts him
near his father in the capacity of confidential
secretary , has evoked a great deal more com
ment than the circumstances seem to demand.
The estimates on his ability are varied as possi
ble , some metropolitan editors describing him
as a pigmy in intellect and others avering that
he is almost as great and gifted a man as bis
distinguished parent. On tho whole it is fair
to let tho secretary gratify himself with the
presence of a man whom he can implicity trust j
to obey orders , though ho break owners , in his ,
department , whether ho be his own son or
some other man's son.
Persons troubled with rheumatism should
try Chamberlain's Pain Balm. One applica
tion will ease tho pain , and its continued use
has cured many cases of chronic and inflamma
tory rheumatism , that had resisted other rem-
: dies and even tho treatment of the best
physicians. Price , 50 cents per bottle. For
sale by all druggists.
The Now York county democracy declares
: hat "tho use of money in elections has be-
: omo a disgrace to our civilization. " No com
pilation of men has done more to spread this
lisgraco over the country than the" New York
lemocrncy , and their post mortem confession
ividences the depth of their grief that they I
lid not have enough boodlo to go arouud last
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is famous.for
3 prompt and effectual cures of coughs and
olds. Tho most Eovero cold may be loosened
ind relieved by n few doses of this valuablo
emedy. For sale by all druggists. .
' * if 1
JA A < XtKIImIt > QQ ft
Our New Goods are Almost all in.
_ _ _ _ .
' - * !
SATTEENS , • - -
Ranging in Price from 8 to 50 cents per j
yard. Colors are Exquisite. ]
Dress Goods in all the new shades I
at from 20 to 150 cents per yard. ' j
fcllll.MM .IIHI II.I..MIII..II I I.IH I I I I I I.I I I I II I .11 Ml I I.III II..IIIHWI llll.ll ! ! I .III I. IIII..II..I. I II l.ll II .III. . IHI. Il.lll.l. . . .M..I..II..IM.II IM H. 1MWI M M MM ! I . . ! ! H
The present secretary of the navy is likely
to And plenty of work to do. Under authority
given by the last congress , the construction of
eight new vessels will be begun this year ,
while several now being constructed will have
to be passed upon. The vessels to be built in
clude three cruisers or gunboats of two thou
sand tons , two three thousand ton cruisers , a
protected cruiser of flf ty-rhree hundred tons ,
and a gunboat ot eight hundred tons. All of
these are to be of the most modern construe
tion , and when completed will be unsurpassed
in their respective classes. The law requires
that the cruisers shall attain the extraordinary
speed of twenty knots an hour , and if this is
done they will be tho terror of the seas to a
foreign foe. These additions will make our
navy quite formidable , but it is more than
prboable that the next congress will authorize
more vessels. The determination to build up
a strong navy having taken possession of the
country , urged by circumstances which have
made plain its necessity , the movement in
this direction is not likely to halt until we
have a naval establishment in which the coun
try can feel complete confidence for any emer
ARE YOU MADE miserable by Indigestion ,
Constipation , Dizziness. Loss of Appetite.
Yellow Skin ? Shiloh's Vitalizcr is a positive
Bkad D. Slaughter is to be congratulated
upon his appointment to the position of Unit
ed States marshal for Nebraska. And by the
way tho state may well come in for a portion
of the congratulation , for it would have been
a difficult task lor President Harrison to select
a better man for the place. Mr. Slaughter's
longand valuable service as a stauneh.straigbt
republican commends him as one deserving
the place.
There is no danger in giving Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy to children , as it contains no
injurious substance ; besides it is unequalled
for colds and croup. Children like it. For
sale by all druggists.
The Omaha Republican states that "Crime
and pauperism have both steadily increased in
Maine under the influence of prohibition. "
We have not the data at hand to dispiove the
statement ; but we will wager the silk "elec
tion bet" hat donated by our esteemed demo
cratic contemporary , last fall , that it is a lie.
THE REV. GEO. II. THAYER , of Bourbon ,
Ind. , says"Both myself and wife owe our
The Oklahoma boomers have taken to the
woods , with United States troops in hot pur
suit. A poultice of hot steel applied below
the suspender buttons of aland hunter gives
i wierd piquancy to life and celerity to limb ,
but the charms of surrounding scenes are lost
in a wild desire to get out of the country.
WILL YOU SUFFER with Dyspepsia and
Liver Complaint ? Shiloh's vitalizcr is guarau-
: eed to euro you. McMillen's.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' i
comSm pH'
It has permanently cured thotj3AKDS
of cases pronounced by doctors hope
less. If you havo premonitory symp
toms , such as Cough , Difficulty of
Breathing , &c. , don't delay , but uso
immediately , ByDrnfigists i&cents , '
w ww my. . , - r S * AJ- < _ : „ - , 1
Paid up Capital , - - $50,000.00 , I
= DOES a H
General Banking Business1
Collections made on all accessible points. Drafts drawn directly on the principal | H
cities of Europe. Taxes paid for Non-Residents. Money to loan on fanning M
lands , Tillage and personal property. Tire insurance a specialty. | |
Tickets For Sale to and from Europe , /
CORRESPONDENTS. j V. FkanklikPresident. , H
first National Bank , Lincoln , Nebraska. V Johs R. Clakk , Vice-President f |
The Chemical National Bank , New York. ) A. C. Edzht , Cash _ , fl |
Our entire stock ot H
_ _
y m
This Stock , consisting of over $3,000 j H
worth , was bought for ! fl |
Direct from Manufacturer. H
We intend closing out this line of our ! M
business and can make you prices H
that will surprise you. X" B
We also carry a complete line of ; H
West Denuison Street , McCook , Nebraska. - H
_ _
V _ _ _
" • " ' ' " ' ' ' . . * . • • • * Br' 'a ; fa l BF . H
"j r : /t f i' li' t.r .f - ' ' u. ' ' " ' " ' a g ? l