The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 22, 1889, Image 5

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Hi '
1 1
H H J14 * 'JVitop.
Hnf *
BflU Has now open a line
H J , assortment of NEW
H ; Wall Paper ,
B H. & M. Tinted Leads
l for house painting.
H Please call and exam-
Hlf amine my selection be
ll fore purchasing.
Mj A Farm Loan , to get Insured , or have
Hi any Real Estate to Sell or Exchange
IB for Merchandise or other Personal Prop-
H ) erty , go to
H ] Tribune Building.
| | { We have just opened 2 cases new
| KJ prints. They are selling fast Come
HI ' and get our prices on. prints and
Wmf muslin. Call for Lonsdale Fruit of the
I ) ! ' Loom or Hope Muslin.
Bfi | J. C. ALLEN & CO.
' '
HI' '
Hf j City Drug Store.
K" Remember Noble for groceries.
M ? Noble for superb hanging lamps.
Hpj Go to Noble for your family groceries.
k Pade & Son's is the place to buy Fur-
B' ' niture.
HP New goods received daily at
Hi A. Oppeniieimer's.
' BTTresh sausage at the B. & . M.
If j Meat Market.
if- { Sweet cream furnished by Clark &
JJf Ziegler at any time.
11 Predmore Bros , are the geniuses to
mm , repair broken castings.
Kj Read The Famous Clothing Co. 's new
Hj advertisement and profit thereby.
Htt * * " A full line of gent's furnishing goods
Bk cheap at A. Oppenheimer's.
Ww Parlor goods in great variety , at
if' Pade & Son's.
R1 Fresh and smoked meats of all kinds
Bf1 at the B. & M. Meat Market.
Dl Everything fresh and clean in the
H > way of groceries at Noble's store.
H Buy your hat for spring wear and
B. get it cheap at A. Oppenheimer's.
B * Cash paid for live stock , poultry and
B hides at the B. & M. Meat Market.
B There is no other way. Buy your
| i groceriesqueenswareetc.of Noble.
Iks . i. . „ . i
K Money to loan on city property.
B Ryan & Noren.
w. Spalding's Official Base Ball supplies
Ba at McCook BooK b Stationery Co. 's.
HV Money loaned on residence and busi-
| g ness property. Ryan & Noren.
' '
Uj- T - A splendid line of patterns in French
Hit ' Satteens at A. Oppenheimer's.
| | v < >
Bj New things in neckwear , hosiery ,
Irt handkerckiefs , underwear and shirts at
| i "Ludwick's Pawn Shop. Opposite
Kj McEntee Hotel. Plenty of cash on
Hr hand. _
' Plumbing in all its branches prompt
er ly and skillfully performed by F. D.
Xy Burgess.
v A large line of double and single
ly lounges , new and cheap , at
W ; Pade & Son's.
H. .
II , For home sugar-cured meats hams ,
I ? breakfast bacon , etc. , go to the B. &
IT • Meat Market
B \ JJ p In the line of plain and fancy
< groceries , C. M. Noble will fill your
B , . every want satisfactorily.
3K - All window shades purchased of us
JP > ' ' hung free of charge.
Kv McCook Book & Stationery Co.
If. Organs and sewing machines sold on
| ( - the instalment plan at the implement
| ' t ' warehouse of „ C. P. Rinker.
V " Hats and Caps , all of the latest and
I ' nobiest styles and shapes. Largest
stock and lowest prices.
Lt If you want nice tender beefsteak
jh give the B. & M. Meat Market a call.
, | e They butcher none but the choicest of
! v beeves.
' ? .
Qk Organs and sewing machines at ab-
solute cost for cash at C. P. Rinker 's
PK \ for thenext ten days jouly. Office in
EfC , warehouse old stand.
ife- •
! J | ' Strasser has two of the finest offices
1 • < ' • 1)l ) in the city for rent. Front rooms , with
ife ' ' bay windows. Call at'once if you want
jlK- • to secure elegant office quarters. .
h& " ' Ladies are invited to rexamine our
rcgr new styles in children's kilt and pants
rjSpj suits , new hats , and new waists. The
jj g only house in town that can show you a
lWt : . complete line. THE FAMOUS.
ffip * Jamestown dress goods at
; ; " J , C. ALLEN & CO. 'S.
f - " *
The undersigned desires to announce
to the citizens of McCook and vicinity ,
that he has recently purchased the stock
of furnituro and undertaking goods of
the lato firm of Ludwick & Trowbridge ,
and willcontinuo thoiurniture and un-
dertakingbusiness at the old standwhere
a full and complete line of goods will
be found at all times. Having been en
gaged eleven years in different branches
of railroad work , I respectfully solicit a
part of the patronage of railroad em
ployes of McCook. Mr. Ludwick , of
the lato firm , remains with me and su
perintends the undertaking department.
An effort will bo made to make this de
partment complete in every detail.
J. D. Shaiian.
Never before have as large lines of
White Goods been shown as our stock
of Embroideries , Laces and Handker
chiefs } We will make lower prices than
any competitor in this market. We
have the largest and best assorted
stock of dry goods to be found in the
west. We invite an inspection of our
stock. J. C. ALLEN & CO.
New spring goods in Ladies' Hand
kerchiefs , Laces and Embroideries.
A good girl. Inquire at the Commer
cial House at once.
Read the lines below , your eyesight is
"GeorgeM.Chonery at the City Drug Store
sells pure drugs and medicines. "
A good girl to do general house
work. Call at oiice.
Rooms for Rent.
The rooms over the First National
bank building , formerly occupied by
Dr. Z. L. 'Kay. Inquire of ,
Babcock & Kelley.
S100.000 to Loan on Real Estate.
Insurance written in reliable com-
panys , city property for sale and rent.
Office up stairs in Morlan block.
C. J. Ryan.
How Do You Stack Up
For Hay ? Eaton & Co. have quantities
of nice bright hay for sale at lowest mar-
ket prices. Call at the
Circle Front Livery Barn.
Two good office rooms. Inquire of .Frees
& Hocknell Lumber Co.
Jamestown dress goods at
J. C.ALLEN & CO. 'S.
Fancy Rockers of the lates styles , at
Pade & Son's.
A line of trimming silks and plushes
at A. Oppenheimer's.
Clark & Ziegler will furnish you with
sweet cream at any time.
We have the latest in Window Shades.
Don't fail to see them. Pade & Son.
No delay in furnishing money for city
loans. , Ryan & Noren.
Now is the time to get your plow re
paired and Predmore Bros , is the place.
Hose , Lawn Sprinklers , Hose Reels
and Fixtures , for sale by F. D. Burgess.l
When you need any blacksmithing ,
Predmore Bros , can be found at their
anvils. ;
A great assortmentin ladies' , gent's
and children's hose at
A. Oppenheimer's.
Wall paper stock direct from manu-
facturers. t No old stock at
McCook Book & Stationery Co. 's. j
Prescriptions accurately com3
poundedday or night , at the ClTY ]
Drug Store ]
Noble , the leading grocer , carries the
most : complete line of queensware in the <
city. ( Inspect it. ]
Second Hand Cook and Heating ]
Stoves ( wanted opposite the McEntee. s
J. H. Ludwick. i
Go to the Huddleston Lumber Co. (
for the latest winter styles in Hard 1
and Soft Coal. j
r 1
BSF'The price of liberty is eternal
vigilance , but Noble's prices on groceries
are sure to catch you. (
C. P. Rinker has an exceedingly fine j
lot of organs and sewing machines to i
sell cheap. Call and see them. tt
McCook Book < & Stationery Co. i
ii i
J , H. Ludwick will buy and sell or t
trade ' for all kinds of Second Hand 1
Goods. Opposite McEntee Hotel. t
We put in new steel sockets for car
riage arid buggy bows at less price than
others ' can patch them. .
Predmore Bros.
I have a large stock of Hose , Lawn x
Sprinklers , Hose Reels , and Hose Fixl
tures , constantly on hand , of the best
grades. F. D. Burgess. )
Our New Flannel Over Shirt stock is
now complete , all have the new patent •
Conforming Collar , no other house can ]
show you this great improvement.
If you want something handsome in i
the way of a hanging lamp , call on C. M. (
Noble. He is just in receipt of the ,
largest and finest stock of hanging \
lamps ever brought to southwestern i
Nebraska. 1
? i
Our line of Hamburghs , Swiss , and i
White goods will please our many j
customers , J , C ALLEN & CO. ,
Sunday was St. Patrick's day.
The city school board was in session , Mon
day evening.
McCook's Building and Savings Associa
tion Is a winner.
No preaching services at the Congregation
al church , next Sunday.
The rain of Sunday had an encouraging
effect on man as well as nature.
Your attention is directed to Mrs. Lnthrop's
announcement in this Issuo. Call and see
Occupation tax delinquents are being stirr
ed up with a long pole by the city authori
Mr. A. Oppenhelmer makes somo sugges
tion , to the public through our local columns ,
this issue.
Messrs. L. Lowman & Son have an an
nouncement of their new spring goods in this
week's issue
"Hope deferred maketh the heart sick. "
But then "everything comes to the man who
waits" even machine shops.
If this moist weather continues , it will
stand the pedestrain in hand to cultivate web-
feet , if you'll allow the expression.
The business not warranting its continu
ance , Messrs. W. C. Bullard & Co. have clos
ed out their lumber yard at Wauneta Falls ,
Chase county.
School books , blank books , scale books ,
letter copying books , legal and land blanks ,
pens , inks , pencils , tablets , etc. , at The
Tiumjne office.
The "Glucinum" pen is undoubtedly the
finest pen in the market. Will outwear three
other pens. For sale at The Tkibune Sta
tionery Department.
The executive board of the building asso
ciation has had somo important sessions , this
week. The association is fast becoming one
of our great institutions.
Quito an addition is being built to her
Madison Avenue dwelling by Mrs. Nellie
Johnson , tlfis week. It will add greatly to
the comfort and convenience of her home.
"Kesurgam , " says Col. Colfer , is the ma
chine shops' motto. By liberal translation
the colonel thinks the motto may be cou-
strued into English as , " 1 shall return again. "
Work on a dwelling house for U. J. War
ren was commenced , this week , by Contrac
tor McAdams , who is also building another
residence in same part of town-tlie north
western part.
The second hand store has been purchas
ed , by Mr. J. H. Ludwick , an experienced
man : iu that business , which will hereafter
be conducted with great profit to the proprie
tor , we "future.
Many of our city homes are in the hands
of ' the paper hanger and painter , just now.
From their artistic efforts they will emerge
brighter ' and more attractive than ever in ex
terior ; aud interior appearance.
At the meeting of the Building Associa
tion 1 , Wednesday evening , about § 4C00 , were
\ bid off at an average premium of a fraction
over 37 per cent. The usual routine business
of < the association was duly transacted.
Let every citizen respond to the call for a
citizens' [ caucus appearing elsewhere in this
issue. The selection of good city and school
officers is of paramount importance. Be on
hand and cast your ballot for such candi
dates. '
We have for sale in our Stationery Depart-
nient ] one hundred wounds of fine paper cut
into i various sizes for figuring pads. Every
business man should lay iu a supply , Only
15 ] cents a pound. Don't forget us if you
want any figuring pads.
A worthy Quaker thus wrote : "I expect to
pass ] through this world but once. If , there
fore , there be any Kindness 1 can show , or
any good thing I can do to any fellow human
being ] , let me do it now. Let me not defer or
neglect itfor I will not pass this way again. "
Since the splendid , soaking rains of the
early part of the week , a search warrant dili-
gently * served cannot discover one of those
dry weather croakers who erstwhile held
forth. They are with their less faithless
husbandmen J , in the field preparing the soil
for i the seed
Just how the regular feast days named in
the calendar move in the days when they oc-
cur from year to year is curious aswell as in
teresting | to note. Last year Shrove Tuesday
occurred on the 14th of February ; this year it
comes on the 15th of March. This year Asli
Wednesday , or Lent , occurs on the Cth of
March ; last year on the 15th of February.
Palm Sunday last year was March 25 ; this
year April 14. Easter this year , April21 ; last
year , April 1. Whit Sunday last year was
May 20 ; this year it will come June 9.
This week , Mr. August Droll , lately arriv
ed from Loda , 111. , purchased the Steve Ryan
place , just north of the city. The sale in-
eluded the farm implements , stock , etc. , and
Mr. Droll is now in possession. We under-
stand the consideration to be $ S,000. The
farm is located near the city and is constant-
ly increasing in value with thegrowth of Mc
Cook. Mr. Droll has already invested many
thousands of dollars in realty in this vicinity ,
and with his fine blooded stock will make a
most valuable citizen to Western Nebraska.
Besides the progressive whist , pedro and
euchre parties , westein society has adopted a
novel form of entertainment and chrktenpd
it "spider web" party. The card of invitation
bears a tiny painted web in one comer with
the inevitable struggle fly. On the arrival of
the guest he is given a cord , which is attach
ed to a small nail in the dressing room. He
is then expected to find the other end , which
is concealed under some articles of furniture ,
and to which is fastened a favor. The un-
tangling of the string is said to be no triffling
matter , an hour often being consumed in the
Hello I Ton farmer. Did you save your
seed corn last fall ? Have j ou got your grain
marketed , your plow sharpened , your harrow
in shape , your manure hauled out , your
fences repaired , your corn stalks broken , you r
milling done , your seed wheat and seed oats
cleaned , your harness mended and your
horses fat ? If you have , you are ready for
spring , if not , you had better hustle yourself.
Have everything ready to go to work when '
the ground thaws out. Then get your small
grain in the ground and not on top. Plow
yonr com ground deep and plant your com
the first week in May , not the first week in
June , that's too late. Never cultivate your
corn less than three times over. Five times
is better than less. The key to success in
farming is to have good seed , plow and plant
early and deep , get ahead by getting ready ,
stay ahead by early rising and staying with
the work , not on the road to and from town
and in town. Make your credit good and
keep it good by a strict attention to your busi
ness. Follow the above advise and we vent
ure the assertion that you will respect your
self , you will win the respect of your neigh
bors , and your success will command the re
spect of business men and the world at large.
Our New Plan.
We , the physicians of McCook , have been
foro" to adopt a kkw plan with regard to
our collections for the following reasons :
1. < Yo have found it impossible to collect
mora than a small portion of our accounts.
2. vfo have repeatedly found ttiat our bills
have been "left until the last , " and we have
thus frequently been compelled to borrow
money from the banks to pay our running
3. This has been carried to such and ox-
tent that we are forced to stop practice un
less our patrons appreciate our services in a
more substantial manner. For the forgoing
reasons be it hereby
Resolved , That hereafter we will do
strictly a cash practice , and whenever any
one of our patrons becomes delinquent , he
shall be notified , and unless satisfactory set
tlement be made within thirty days thereaf
ter , he shall bo put upon the delinquent list.
Resolved , That all accounts now on our
books shall become delinquent , on Feb. 20 ,
18S9 , unless satisfactorily settled before that
Resolved , That we mutually pledge our
selves to refuse to answer all calls from those
found on the delinquent list
T. B. Stutzman.
Z. L. Kay.
• A. E. Hall.
And. J. Willev.
- B. B. Davis.
Who Can Vote ?
Below will be found a statement from the
state superintendent of public instruction as
to the qualifications of a voter at a school
board election :
Office of Supt. Pun. Instruction , \
Lincoln , Neb. , March 20,1889. J
Every person , male or female , having the
following qualifications shall be entitled to
vote :
First : The person must be 21 years of age.
Second : The person must have lived in the
district forty days prior to voting.
Third : The person must have children of
school age residing in the district , or
Third : The person must own real property
in the district , or
Third : The person must have owned peri
sonal property assessed in the district in his
or her name at the last completed assessment.
A voter then is a male or female having
the First , Second , and either one of the Third
qualifications above named.
A man's wife can vote when the man has
children of school age living in the district ,
and vice-versa.
A man's wife can vote when the man owns
real property in the district , and vice-versa.
Geo. B. Lane.
Mission Hand Entertainment.
An entertainment will be given by the
Mission Band at the Lutheran church , Sun-
day eveniue , March 24th.
Song , FIo.Thompson , Organist ,
"Cheered by the Promises. "
Dialogue , By 12 boj's.
"What we know about Muhlenberg. "
Song , "Our Boat. " Class.
Letter from Africa , . ' . Blanche Seaman.
Recitation , Katie Kimmel.
" . "
"Birthday Party.
Song , Mabel Jordan , Organist.
"Waiting for the Bridegroom. "
Letter from India , Anna Thole.
Recitation Pearl Patterson.J
"Temple Builders. "
Song , May Seaman , Organist.
"Build on the Rock. "
Recitation , "Astray. " Olive Kimmel.
Song ' , "Opeo Wide the Door. " ,
Cantata , "Daisy Chain. " By 7 girls ,
Song , Flo. Thompson , Organist.
"Land of Rest *
A voluntary offering for missions will be
made by everyone present. Basket commitl
tee , Minnie Pade , Dora LeHew. Doxology. j
Benediction. Everybody welcome.
At Pleasure's Shrine.
Last Friday evening was an occasion of
genuine i pleasure on a large scale at the Potter
residence : in West McCook , Mr. and Mrs. C.
G. i Potter on that occasion entertaining a large
company of the city's young folks in an altot
gether ' delectable manner. Progressive euchre
was the principal item of amusement and
many 1 joyous hours passed swiftly in playing
that popular game. The votaries at pleasA
ure's shrine were : Mn. and Mrs. G. A.
NorenB.B.DavisAlbertMcMillen , F. M.x
Kimmell , Frank Harris , R. R. Woods , C. H.
Dietrich. Mrs. W. J. Hills. Misses Anna
McNamara , L. Ella Hart , Mattie Knights ,
Maggie McAIpine , Dora Hunt , Lillie Rowell ,
Louie Starbuck , Mayme Hunt , Mma Bullace ,
Elva Hunt. Messrs. A. C. Ebert , J. D. Mc-
Alpine , Frank Vore , J. D. Robb , Will Hills ,
E. L. Laycock , U. J. Warren. The prizes
were won and distributed as follows : Mrs. W.l
J. . Hills and Mr. C. H. Dietrich.the first prizes ,
Miss : Louie Starbuck aud Mr. U. J. Warren ,
the "boobies. "
Merchants' Carnival.
The ladies of the Woman's Relief Corps
and : of the Aid Society have joined forces and
will hold a "Merchants' Carnival" in the i
Opera i Hall on the evening of April 4th ,
Thursday ' two weeks. The ladies have al- ]
ready i commended preparations for the event
which they purpose shall eclipse anything l
of < the kind ever held in Western Nebraska.l
Basides the interesting entertainment promis-
ed i , a supper will be served which will be in t
keeping with previous efforts of the ladies
in the line in fact assured
culinary ; , we are t
that i they have set the mark a little above i
anything ; heretofore attempted and we feel c
safe i in promising great tilings , in advance l
The price of admission will be 25 cents.
A Rroken Leg. ]
On Wednesday , a young son of A. A. PhilJ J
lippi ; , who lives a few miles south east of the
city ( , met with an accident , in whicli lie re
ceived ( a fractured leg below the knee. The
boy ; was climbing into the wagon over the
wheel , when the father started the team , un
knowingly , with above result. Drs. Davis \
the fracture and the i
and Kay replaced , young
man will be in shape , in a few weeks , to j
climb ' onto the mowing machine over the cut
ting bar , as usual. ]
Fourteenth Monthly Statement
Of the Building Association of this city <
makes the following exhibit : <
Loans , . . . . S17.9SG.00 <
Cash , 3,684.00 1i 1 i
521,070.00 j
Capital S18.315.66
Loans Unpaid , 1,427.82 f
Profit and Loss , . . . . 1,020.52 i
§ 21,670.00 i
A Rack Seat.
Those five boys m Elder H. H. Berry's '
family had to take a back seat in the Berry '
synagogue , when that girl baby put in an ap- '
pearance , Saturday last. The young lady !
rules the roost now by common consent. '
Pay Your Water Tax. {
Pay your Lawn Tax before using water on ,
lawn , trees or garden , as water will be turn
ed off from all service withont notice , where
water is being used lor any purpose not paid
for. C , H. Meeker , Supt.
Jlr. riiii i riu'lili-r is ublo to bo about again
utter a > cvoio bout with pleurisy.
Tim * . U. llonroll's now dwollltig In the north
eastern part of town la about complotol.
Mrs. Ferguson of Stanton , this state , Is In
tho city , this week , visiting her slstor. Mrs. It.
M. Hale.
Mr. Smith , formerly engaged In tut barbcr-
lhg business horo , fatlior of Uert , is visiting iu
tho city.
Mr. and Mrs. Swoonoy Munsoa becamo tho
proud parents of a bouncing boy baby , Wednes
day morning.
Col. Suavely was up from tho seat of county
affairs , Wednesday ovonlng , on business of a
legal nature no doubt.
D. E. Elkonborry's brother arrived from
Indiana , last Friday , and will remain a perm
anent citizen of UeU Willow.
Hon. J. W. Ivey , Hayes Centre , banker and
leading politician , was hobnobbing with tho
boys of tho metropolis , Tuesday.
Mrs. Will F. Lawson took the ilyer , Tuesday
morning , for tho "City on the Lake , " whero
sho i will vlBlt friends for a few weoks.
Mr. and Mrs. Hutton of Hayes Contre moved
down to tho city , tho latter part of last week ,
and will mako their f uturo homo with us.
Supt. Campbell and PrcsIdentHocknotl havo
been helping aleng tho wheels of legislation nt
Lincoln , this week. Both roturned home ,
' William Wildo , representing tho bright and
sprightly ; Omaha Republican , was In tho city ,
Sunday ' and Monday , working in the Republi
can's interests.
Manager Ballcw of tho McCook Loan and
Trust ' Co. made a business pilgrimage to the
county-seat < , last evening , returning homo on
tho night passenger.
Mr. T. M. Helm and son Elmor started over-
land ] , last Friday , for tho "Promised Land"
Oklahoma. < May success bo their portion
amonjr i tho "boomers. "
Mr. and Mrs. W. O. Moody of Stratton visited
friends i in tho city , the closo of last week. Tho
former ] returning home on tho early morning
train ( , Monday , the latter remaining hero un
til i the night passenger.
Travis Benjamin , of Banksville. who is doi
ing ; efficient clerical service in the office of tho
Secretary j of State , at Lincoln , came up on a
short ( visit , the close of last week. He left for
tho i state capital on Monday evening's truln.
J. C. Allen , who has been cast a number of
weoks laying In a large and varied stock of
spring f goods , arrived home , Monduy. Ho will
shortly present for the inspection of his nura-
erous customers a line unexcelled iu Western
Nebraska. ]
Rev. F. W. Ware , pastor of the M. E. church
at Lexington , Nebraska , raude Elder Clover
and Rev. Boswell a brief visit on Tuesday.
He ] was driving through the country to Mc-
Cook ( and other points in tho west. Bartloy
Inter-Oceau. 3
Mr. Tom. Frabin , of Hastings , inspector for
tho loan firm of McKinley & Lannlng , was in
the city , yesterday. He went west , this morn
ing , to inspect some claims in counties west of
here , upon which his company contemplates
placing a farm loan.
II. C. Jacobs and wife of Highland , Hayes
county , were in the citj , u few days , the closo
of last week , returning homeward on Sunday.
Mr. Jacobs formerly resided near McCook ,
having homesteaded what is now known as
Brown's J Park Addition.
Mrs. J. It. Phelan came down from Holyoke ,
Colo. , Monday , and has been spending the
week with relatives and friends in tne city ,
Two of the younger children accompanied her.
They , have been the guests of Mrs. A. Camp
bell , and will return home on to-morrow.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Lowman arrived home , Mon-
day , from their eastern trip of pleasure and
business. New York , Baltimore and Chicago
are of the cities visited during their absence.
They announce having purchased a stock of
goods calculated to astonish and delight the
people of McCook and Southwestern Nebras
ka. Besides the social feature of their pil
grimage was decidedly felicitous.
There has been a very decided change for
the better within the past two days in the
condition of Congressman Laird , and the fears
that his recovery would not be speedy are no
longer ' entertained. Dr. Sower , his physician ,
who has been in constant attendance on Mr.
Laird , said this morning : "Mr. Laird is on
the road to recovery , and there is no good rea-
son to believe that he will not have a rapid
convalescence. His trouble has been one
largely of non-assimilation of food. Thi3 na
turally \ had a very depressing effect upon his
system , and bis depression of spirits and bodi
ly 1 weakuess have been the natural results. *
During ] tho past two days there has been a
great improvement manifested in his case ,
and I see no reason to doubt that he will fully
recover long before tho opening of tho. next
session of congress. All that he needs now is
a ! little rest and quiet and freedom from the
harrossments of ofllce-seekers. The rumors ,
which I understand have been spread through
out Nebraska , that Mr. Laird has been suffer
ing from threatened softening of the brain ,
are absolutely without foundation. There is
not , nor has there ever been , in my judgmeot ,
any S3'mptoms of mental trouble , aside from
the natural effect of his chronic dyspepsia ,
Ho is today in better spirits than he has been
for months , and I consider him on the high
road to recovery. " A friend of Mr. Laird to
night said that he had been much hurt by the
reports in the western papers that his case
was a hopeless one and that he would not be
able to attend to the business of his district.
Mr. Laird , he said , will within a few weeks be
able to attend to all questions of appoint
ments in person. He has already been in fre-
qucnt consultation with the members of the <
Nebraska delegation , and lias expressed his
views and been fully consulted as to the policy
to be adopted in thedistribution of patronage.
It is only now important that he should be al
lowed a little rest before taking np again the
burden of patronage and daily busiuess.
Wednesday's Bee.
Keep Pushing.
The spring wilt witness thousands of new
settlers come into Nebraska. They are com
ing from all parts of the east , from the north
and from the south. They expect to make '
their future homes in agricultural Nebraska '
one of the best states in the union. Kansas {
has her drouthsDakota her blizzards Nebras
ka her equable climate , her sunshiue and her
prolific soil. All these things induce the farm1 1
er to come to our state. And as the state in
creases in population the commercial interests
of McCook are accordingly enhanced. For
this reason The Tkibuke shall continue to
urge upon every individual citizen Jhe neces
sity of upbuilding fhe city. We need whole
sale establishments ; manufacturing enter
prises ; more enterprising and progressive
citizens. Wben these come there is a demand
for mechanics and more laboring men to oper
ate and place in motion the wheels of machin
ery and to assist iu building the houses. And
this spring is the time to start anew the wheels
of progress which have caused McCook to
grow from an unpretentious village to a
promisirg little city of busy life. Let the
citizens push their town and call to the atten
tion of tne man who desires to locate all of
our adrantages. Every man of us must be
loyal aud alert and the result is not to be
'Lndies.vswt Slialmu ' s Furniture Store
and iiij-jiect hia new I ) anivttl goods.
No. 10 , local passenger , 6:05 : , A.M.
Nc 2through passenger , 6:00 : , A. M.
No.4.localpassenjrer. 0:05. : P.M.
NOjl28. way freight 0:30 : , A.M.
B3TWay frolght No. JM ! arrives from westnt
4:30 , P.M. . mountain time.
No.3local fmssougcr. 5:80.A.M.
No. 1. through passongor 1MB. P.M.
No. 15 , local passoneer , 10:1J0P. : M.
No. 12i , way freight 5:45 , A.M.
E3T Way frolght No.127 arrives from tho cost
at 7:20. P. M. , central time.
A. Campiieix , Supt. A. J. Welch , Agont.
Engineers' and nrcmon's tlmo books forsalo
at The McCook Tiiiudne olllco.
A now cur greasers'oabln Is , this week , re
placing that destroyed by flro , Saturday night
a week ago.
Conductor E. B. Odoll has caught tho pre
vailing epidemic and is having a convenient
addition built to his dwelling houso.
Tho lato agent at Orleans has been promoted
to Roadmaster at Red Cloud , vice Highland.
Tho ' Red Cloud agency Is being lllled by the
lato agent at Halglor.
Walter Murphy moved his family to McCook ,
Saturday. Ho has been employed in tho
round houso at that placo for somo tlmo and
found It inconvenient to run down to his farm
southeast i of this city. Indlanola Courier.
General Supt. and Mrs. Calvert and Supt. of
Building and ropulr Rivott wcro in tho city ,
Weduesduv , on business connected with im
provements to bo niiido on tho Eating House ,
iu tho way of papering , painting , etc. They
wero In the Superintendent's special car.
W. W. Josscllyn of the superintendent's of
fice , who has been appointed agent at Orleans ,
left on Monday evening , to enter upon tho dls-
chargo | ! of tho duties and responsibilities of
that position. His family accompanied him.
Agent Welch will occupy his dwelling horo.
CnEYENNE , Wyo. , March 18. [ Special to Tho
Herald. ] Tho Burlington & Winona railroad
company has established a construction train
at Hat Creek , this territory. Soven hundred
graders and a large number of teams aro work
ing i on a branch lino which will run westward-
ly 1 through Converse county , Wyoming , to
wards Douglas , Wyoming.
Robert Moran , a passenger on No. 4 , last
Saturday , , fell from a Pullman car while the
train I wus standing , and broke his arm. Dr.
Lutz J , tho company's resident surgeon , had the
little 1 fellow taken into the B. & M. Hotel
whero the limb was dressed and the little
sufferer mado comfortable. The unfortunate
lad 1 was but eleven years old ; was with his
mother ' ; was enrouto to the east from Califorj
nia ! Tho railroad company has abandoned
, their old well , tho house , pump and engine
having been moved , tho latter sent to McCook
to undergo repairs , when they will be sent
back to do duty at tho new well. Akron
Pioneer Press.
: :
Attorney Morlan was a Capitol visitor , on
Thursday , the " 1st inst.
Miss Ashmoro came in from McCook , Monj
day , and is employed In legislative work.
Supt. A. Campbell and Hon. Geo. Hocknell
wero visible to the naked eye , about tho Capi
tol , on Wednesday.
The "gentleman from Jefferson , " Mr. Baker ,
is losing tho influence that characterized tho
early part of his legislative career. While ho
persistently denies any coalition with tho lob
by , his vote always agrees with that much de
tested adjunct to the legislative body.
Members of the legislature who have never
, Bald a word nor entertained an idea before ,
have suddenly developed "Patrick Henry"
proclivities , upon the appearance of the ap
propriation bill. While it is perfectly legiti
mate for a member to make a iiecokd , it is
also quite evident that his constituency would
have been better pleased had he shaken off his
lethargy , and shown that he was present be
fore the end of the chapter.
H. R. 77 , the Australian ballot bill , which
passed i the House after a prolonged and hotly
coutested struggle , met its death in the Senate
by 'indefinite postponement. ' This was one of
tho ( best , if not the best , bills introduced in the
Legislature during the session , and the Senate
j hasexhibited exceedingly deficient judgment
in j defeating it. Never has there been a law
that , would more completely prevent fraud
than H. R. 77 would havo done , had it been
enacted. ( Electors who desire an "honest and
fair count , " would do well to remember the
gentlemen who cast their vote against this
measure. Sivaut.
Notice is hereby given that on the A day of
April , 18S9nextat the office of Colvin & Demp-
cy. ( in the first ward , and at the office of
Herian ; & DesLarzes in the second ward , in
the i city of McCook , Red Willow county , Ne
braska ] , an election will be held in and for
said i city , for the purpose of electing :
One Mayor.
One City Clerk.
One City Treasurer.
One Councilman from the First Ward.
One Councilman from the Second Ward.
One Councilman from the Second Ward to
fill i unexpired term of Thos. Melnroy.
Two members of the Board of Education at
large ] for the term of 3 years.
Which election will be open at 8 o'clock in
the i morning and continue open until G o'clock
in \ same day. W. M. Andehson. City Clerk.
Matters Municipal.
Council met in special session , Tuesday
afternoon , present Mayor McEntee , Clerk An
derson. Councilmen Kay , Allen and Brown ,
and transacted business as follows :
W. D. Paine $ 7.45
E.C.Gaston 20
H.P.Bailey , 1.25
Ed. Benjamin 9.38 ? 20.58
ON the general fdnd.
Frees & Hocknell Lumber Co. , lumber , . S10.10
Frees & Hocknell Lumber Co. , coal 3.75
On motion clerk was instructed to draw war
rants J for the fourth quarter's salary of the
city officers , excepting the city attorney-
Clerk also instructed to issue notice of city
election. Adjourned.
Polish up your trusty rifles and prepare it
for an occasion like the following :
Working men , listen to Powderly. He says
that In one county in Pennsylvania in a single
year $17,000,000 was spent for liquor and it was
estimated that tll.C00.000 of the amount came
from working men.
Pr.EPAitATiONS are on foot for a general ob
servance of the anniversary of Thomas Jeffer
son's birthday , which occurs April 2 , by the
Democrat ic clubs and societies throughout the
? ' > * . & c - * [ . Sl
* * M
- > * * - > < - *
* T ill
Thejribune Office , J
At Publisher's Prices. jj
Quito a rain Sunday. ' -1 | 9
Farmers aro busy sowing grain. 1 ? M
Nancy Boatman mudo proof on.hor pro-emp- -S M
tlou tho lUth. . . j ? m
James Cain is building a now house of No- * J m
braska brick. ' * m
Gcorgo Duffy , of Galesburg , 111. , is visiting | |
with his brother E. P. Duffoy. B
i\ \
Chas. Boatman has bcon on tho sick list for a |
few days past. 1 ]
Clark Boatman and John A Ham wont up to 11
tho county seat , hist Thursday , on business. I ]
Mr. Itugglcs , wife and daughter , of Nccl , II
Dundy county , visited with Mr. Boatman. " II
tho lrstof ) tho week. II
Tho hop nt Banksville , last Friday evening , - II
was a grand success , Judging from tho roporc ; II
ofsomoof our young people who wore there. Ill
We are informed that Harry Benjamin and III
wife , of Banksville , hare gono to Washington 111
Territory. Wo are sorry to part with them , . jI |
but , hopo that our loss will bo their gain , and Ml
wish them success in their new home. ill
PnosrECTS. ill
Woman's Relief Corps mm
Will meet in Masonic hall , next Saturday l
afternoon i at 2 o'clock , M. T. | I
Nellie Leb , Sec. el
, !
Sixty people were poisoned in Boston by ill
eating ( ice cream. The health board seized \ M >
what was left of the delicacy and upon anal- j'fl
yzing ] it found it to contain arsenic. Wbo | I
young ; men will paste the above iu their hats I
anil i so be prepared to "bland oil" their best
girls j during the height of tho ice cream sea- > I
son. j • I
The greatest variety of tablets in this sec- I
tion I of Nebraska may be found at The Tm- H
bum ] : Stationery Department. The line lias I
just j been largely increased. Call and see a
i the assortment and get prices. * I
Tun proposed constitutional amendment In- H
creasing , the number of supremo court judges ' m\ \
totlvc is demanded by tho increase of litigation H
iu j keeping with the growth of the state. H
Farmers and Tree Planters. H
Look well to your interests. W. JF. jjH
Wright , proprietor of the Silver Fruit H
Farm and Nurseries of Johnsonxieniaha , i H
county , Nebraska , will have a car load \H \
of first-class stock of varieties adapted , H
to the Nebraska climate "True to [ H
Name" and will be sold at prices to ? H
suit the times and conditions of the -H
people. This car-load of Fruit and H
Forest Trees and Plants will arrive at H
McCook about April 1st. Don't buy H
until you see this stock. H
W. F. Wright , Prop.
Mrs. Lathrop would respectfully in- M
form the ladies that she is located in L\
the new First National Bank building , M
with a full line of Millinery in all of M
the latest novelties , and would be pleas- M
ed to have them call and cxaminp her M
stock. ; Due notice will be given of her M
spring . and summer opening. M
One of the largest houses in the city. M
Six large rooms cellar , and other im- M
provements. Fine location. Only $700 Lm
down. Inquire at Tkibune Office. Lm
V/anted to Rent. H
Two or three furnished rooms for Lm
light housekeeping , by young couple. Lm
Address , J. It. , Bos , 118 postoffice. Lm
Try us on flour , feed , or seeds , and H
we will guarantee satisfaction , in both H
price and quality. Seed sweet potatoes H
a specialty. C. G. Potter & Co. Lm
A furnished room to rent. Desirably H
located. ] Inquire at The Tribune of- Lm
flee j at once. H
I have 7 Brood Mares and 2 Work ' H
Horses for sale J. B. Meserve. H
Farmers ! H
Avoid the spring rush and get your H
plow i repaired in time at Predmore Bros. H
A lot of new goods just received. L L\ \
Embroidery , Laces , etc. , cheaper than H
cheap ( , at Hamilton's , next door south of H
postoffice. i H
carts ! H
McCook Book & Stationery Co. H
Large consignment of attractive Fur- H
niture at Shahan ' s. j H
We have the largest stock of seeds |
for farm , field or garden in the city. L L\ \
Tree seeds a specialty. L L\ \
C. G. Potter & Co. H
Spring stock of Hammocks , Croquet H
and Base Ball goods. LU
McCook Book & Stationery Co. H
If you have any Second Hand Goods j H
for sale , postal card notice will receive |
prompt attention. J. II. Ludwick. |
Residence for sale , two blocks from |
postoffice. cheap if taken at once. |
Calvin Ziegler H
Frank ] ) . Burgess caniesa fuMistAeic j |
of [ lose , Lawn Sprinklers. H. < w : Keels , . < H
Chamber Suites at prices that defy l l
competition , at Fade & Son's. H
Go to Shahan 's for Furniture an& k k\ \
. l
Baby Carriages. 'i
- - - iftihuiiJMiliiiiilitiirigiliJmum