* ' * - IL ' * * y - > „ ; I JL VOLUME VII. McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY EVENING , MARCH 22 , 1889. NUMBER 43. \1 * * * s5 ! WE' ARE * • To double our cash trade for 1889 , and in order * to make it an inducement for every one to trade y ; with us , offer to cash customers the following f • ' ' LIST OF PRIZES ; ' - lfftideJBai' Top Buggyworth - $140.00 1 Koad Cart , - 40.00 j 6 Sets Rogers' silver plated Knives 7 and Forks , at $ ,7.50 per set , - 45.00 1. . 5 Prizes $5.00 worth of Hard- j " ware each , - 25.00 | j ? 50 One year's subscription to the | "Western Plowman , " a first- II class agricultural paper , at $1 , 50.00 St 63 Prizes , worth - $300.00 I ; I Each one Buying goods of us for cash to. the f > | g amount of § 5.00 will receive a numbered chance | i * * in a raffle for the above list of prizes. Our prices I ARE AWFULLY LOW i\ and our stock is complete. We mean business. ' j r / Great Western Stoves & Ranges. b r ) "Jewel" Gasoline Stoves. I a II q ° 'e Agents \ Siberia , Refrigerators. If' ( Glidden Barbed Wire. ' ! , - Large stock of northern grown Garden Seeds in bulk. Don't fail to call on us. Don't forget place. LaTQURETTE & CO. , Props. ! ' " . Bri "lSVSkHoffe-Si'Si ? l SaI H < : C00E. M13RASKA. I \ W. 0. BUL ' LARD & CO. " " - I LIME , HAEI ) t CEMENT , Of I AND O K nil Em | f WINDOWS , U IWI O If D j SOFT jj _ _ BLINDS. j COAL. _ " ! "I ° I "I ° 1 IT . * ot \ ' \ RED CEDAR AND OAK POSTS. I- Ip p- 1889. SPRING SEASON. 1889. i if ; I have to offer for this season an unusually large stock : t v.o SP&INGr GOODS , of all descriptions ; the latest styles of I ? wide WALES Satin Finish , WOESTEDS , SCOTCH SUIT- | l : MGS , SPRING OVERCOATS , FINE TROUSERINGS , Y . Etc. , Etc. Call early and examing the ' new goods. t L. bernheimrr , P ? Old First National Bank Building , McCook. MERCHANT TAILOR. j r I CRETE NURSEFUES. f _ _ _ _ _ _ TSVj. Two hundred acres of Nursery Grown Trees and Plants ior sale. 70 acres V of orchard and 15 acres of small fruit. | • Try a Home. Nursery ! jp > - It should be apparent to any one that a Nebraska nursery can and will do t better "by its patrons than eastern nurseries. Our trees and plants are adapted Br | . to Nebraska soil and climate. We also " ' ' * PLANT TIMBER CLAIMS. and cultivate and guarantee them a term of years. We PAY YOUR FARE * BOTH WAYS on large orders to come and sec us. Correspond for terms on f this plan. We are well stocked with Heavy "Shade Trees , suited to street plant ing. The Superintendent having sold fof a carload of trees for streets of Mc Cook , would like to secure by mail , trade enough to finish the car. No sale ' yard. Order before March 25th what you wish forwarded. TIME SALES made on many lines of stock to responsible parties. Address , * , E. F. STEPHENS , Supt. , Crete , Neb. _ _ LHB4 , r * o * * * * BUSINESS DIRECTORY. J. BYRON JENNINGS , ATTORNEY - : - AT - : - LAAV. Will practice in the Slate unci United Pfato Courts , anil boforo Urn TT < s Lnnrt Ofliccs. Careful intention given to Collections. OHicu over Citizens Bunk , McCook , I'oj. . TIIOS. CONFER , ATTORNEY - : - AT - : - LAW , AND KOTAItY PUBLTC. Real Estate Bouplit and Sold and Collcoion. " SIndo. Money loaned oil icul cstntonnd Una ! proof. Ajjcnt Lincoln Lnnd Co. .Office , over Vuruicrs & M crclmnts Bunk. R. M. SNAVELY , ATTORNEY - : - AT - : - LAW. INDrANOLA. NUHU.\5KA. Will vructice in nil tli < - Stute ami Pii : > e < flitter. 'oir' . AI o. liefort ! tu ! < l.nndOI > : vcit' McCook itnd tlic dopai Uncut .it WstEl.nijrto : : . llDGII W. COLE , . LAWYER , McCOOK NEBRASKA. Will practice m all the Courts. Commercial and corporation Ian * a specialty. MONEY TO LOAN. Ilooras 4 and 5 , First Kut'l Bank Building. A. J. IUTTKNHOUSE , W. It. STAJtlt McCook. lndianolu. Rittenhouse & Starr , Attorneys $ at t Law OFrif'ES AT' McCOOK AND INDIANOL.A. C. W. DAYIS , Attorney , Land if Loan Agent , McCOOK , - NEBRASKA. Pour year's experience in the General Land Olllce at Washington , D. C , as Examiner of Contest Cases. Difficult contest cases a spec ialty. Bcmcmber , I advise correctly upon all pertaining : to the public land laws , Suestions Basement of Citizens Bank. H. G. DIXON , Reai Estate and Loan Broker , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. Special attention given tc the sale of city property. Houses rented and collections made. Office : Bear of Citizens Bank. T. B. STUTZMAN , M. D. , Eclectic Physician and Surgeon , OCULIST AND ATTRIST. McCOOK , NEBRASKA "Office in McNeely Building : , Main St. B. B. DAVIS , M. D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , McCOOK NEBRASKA. { g ? Onico atChenery's drug store. L. J. SFIOKELMIBR , M. D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Sjecisl Att tjjc Oirca t : Tenalo Bisoiscs. Office hours , from 9 to 11 A. M. , and S to 4 P. M. , mountain time. Office Over Farmers & Merchants bank. Dr. Z. L. KAY , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON McCOOK. - NEBRASKA. 3ST ° Roo.MS : Over new First National Bank. A. J. THOMAS , DENTIST. Administers Gas if desired. "Office over Scott's brick. ( J. W. MINKLER , FORMERLY COUNTY - : - SURVEYOR , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. Will do all kinds of Surveying , Grading and Civil Engineering : . Residence north of school house. THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL , , Geo. E. Johnston , Prop. McCOOK , NEBRASKA. This house has been completely renovated and refurnished throughout , and is flrst-class in every respect. Rates reasonable. W. M. SANDERSON , DECORATIVE - : - ARTIST , SCENIC PAINTER , Calcimining , Graining. Paper Hanging , etc. ' with neatness and dispatch. j JOHN G. W. F. FLEEMING , \ House and Carriage Painting , ; GRAINING , CALCIMINING , MARDLING , 1 MCCOOK , NEBRASKA. ' Leave all orders at the drug store of Albert . McMillen. First-class work guaranteed. J. H. BENNETT , < GONTRAGTOR OF BRICK AND. STONE , McCOOK , - NEBRASKA. F. D. BURGESS , ; PLUMBING , Steam and Hot Water Heating. ' North Main A.venue , McCOOK , - - 2JEBRAS11A. i T" A stock of best grades of Hose. Lawn . Sprinklers , Hose Reels and Hose Fixtures. constantly on hand. All work receives promtt ' attention. < M. G. MAXWELL , j BREEDER OF Short ta Cattle. \ Stock on liaud at all times. Farm : one mile south of McCook , Neb. ] The Nebraska Assembly. Tho EiRhth Annual Session of tho Nebraska Assembly will bo held at Crete , from June 27 to July 0,1889. Recognition Buy will bo Friday , July 5. The Class of ' 89 will meet for tho Recognition ser vice at tho Hall in tho Grove at 1:30 P. M. , after which thoy will inarch through tho arches to the Auditorium , whero the address of the day will bo delivered by tho Rev. Alex ander McKenzlo , D. D. , of Cambridge , Mass. , pastor of tho First church , and ono of tho overseers of Harvard University. Among features of tho Assembly to which special attention is called aro : 1. Tun Dkpautmbnt of Teaciukci. Mrs. M. A. Kennedy of Philadelphia will lead a Palestine class lor young people. Dr. A. E. Dunning and Prof. H. S. Jacoby of Pennsyl vania will teach normal ctasses. Dr. J. T. Duryea will conduct a daily class in tho study of ttio books of tho Bible. 2. The Department of Literature. Daily lectures will ba given by Pros. Homer B. Sprague , for many years a teacher of English literature in Boston , in California , and now President of tho University of Dakota. 3. Tun Department of Music. H. R. Palmer , Mus. Doc. will organize a much larger chorus than ever belore. Excellent selections of music aro furnished free on up plication to F. I. Foss , President of tho Assem bly , Crete , to those who will agree to study them in advance and to join tho chorus. A flrst-class quartette has beon secured. Tho soprano , Madam Carrlngton of Chicago , is one of tho foremost singers in America. Entertainments will be given by tho Imperi al ( male ) Quartette of Chicago , who aro un surpassed in this country. There will bo daily classes for beginners ; also in chorus training , and in harmony. 4. The Department of Drawing. Prof. Frank Beard will bavo classes each day for teachers and others who wish to learn to apply tho principles of drawing in their work ; also for children. Among tho lecturers and readers engaged are Col. Geo. W. Bain of Kentucky , Dr.Alex. . McKenzio of Cambridge , Dr. Geo. P. Hays of Kansas City , Dr. J. T. Duryea of Omaha , Sena tor Manderson , and Frank Beard : There is to be a "College Day , " with an ad dress by Dr. Chas. F. Thwing of Minneapolis , the author of "American Colleges" and other important educational works ; also a "Teach ers' Day , " with addresses by Prof. McFarland of Iowa , and others. Special attention will bo given this year to a "Children's Day , " which Is to be in charge of Frank Beard. The W. C. T. U. will have daily classes , led by competent teachers , in charge of Mrs. M. A. Hitchcock of Fremont. ThoV. . H. M. Union of Nebraska will hold several meetings on important subjects con nectcd with missions at home and abroad. It is expected that meetings of the Y. P. S. C. E. will bo held under the leadership of Rev. Willard Scott of Omaha. The lawyers and editors , as usual , will have public addresses on subjects of special inter est to them. It is expected that the National Day , July 4 , will be celebrated this year with greater en thusiasm than ever before. The Nebraska Assembly has its constituency throughout the State , and with many in West ern Iowa. Chautauquans would not think the year complete without the mutual greetings , round tables , vesper seryices , and inspiration thev get at Crete. But for Chautauqua and what it represents , tho Assembly would never have been founded. A hearty invitation is ex tended to all Chautauquans to spend the en- tiro time of the session in the groves on the banks of the Big Blue River at Crete. F. I. FOSS , President. A. E. DUNNING , Supt. of Instruction. Literary Note From The Century Co. Mr. JosErn Jefferson has been engaged for a number of years upon his autobiography , which will soon begin to appear in Tho Cent ury. No more interesting record of a life up on the stage could bo laid before tho Ameri can public , and Mr. Jefferson's personality is perhaps more sympathetic to the people of this country than that of any actor we have had. He is the fourth in a generation of ac tors , and , with his children and grandchildren upon the sage , there arc six generations of actors among tho Jeffersons. The record which he has made of the early days of the American stage is said to be peculiarly inter esting , especially tho story of his travels as a boy in his father's company , when thej would settle down for a season in a Western town and extemporize their own theater. The autobiography will begin in The Century during the coming autumn , and tho install ments will be illustrated with a portrait gal lery of distinguished actors. Lower House So/ons. [ From the Omaha Bee.l Hon. Justin A. Wilcox , of Red Willow , was born in Canaan , Columbia county , New York , and lived on a farm until he was nineteen years of age. He enlisted in August , 1862 , in the One Hundred and Twenty-eighth New York , and aiterwards accepted the commis sion of lieutenent in the Thirty-eigthth United States colored troops , and served till tho close Df the war. In 1870 he moved to Gilman , 111. , ind for two years followed the plow and then engaged in merchandising. In 18Si he uoved his stock of goods to McCook , in this rtate , and opened out a general store. Mr. IVilcox is one of tho silent members , though ivhen necessary he can talk and say what he neans. As a member of the committee on , : laims he signed the minority report in fight- tig the § 50,000 claim of ex-Governor Butler , ind materially aided in defeating the measure 3n the floor of the house. TRUE TO NAME. These who appreciate the value of nursery stock , trees and plants true to name and in perfect condition , should write to Crete nurs- jries , Crete , Nebraska , for their catalogue md printed matter giving full description of such varieties as they have found best adapt : d to Central Nebraska , together with sug gestions for planting the same. Their nurs- ; ries are located 20 niihs S.V. . of Lincoln on he main line of the 13. & JT. , and in 17 years ' hey have built up a large business. On large > rders they pay fare both ways of customers o come and see them and examine their itock , by deducting travelling expenses from > ill purchased. Everything ordered before tfarch 2oth will be delivered in McCook free > f charge , as the Supt , has sold three-fourths ) f a car load , with which additional orders : an be packed. No sale yard. Order early. Address , E. F. STEPHENS , Supt. Subscribers Pay Up. It is not the habit of the publisher to do lersisteut dunning ; but there is a tide in the iffairs of men which taken at the Hood leads m to glory ; so there is a time in the life of = ; he publisher when a little cash seems to be iccessary , in addition to glory. An urgent nvitation is extended our delinquent sub scribers to call at once and settle up. In ) ther words we must have some money. The Publisher. ELECTRIC BITTERS. This remedy is becoming so well known and io popular as to need no special mention. All vho have used Electric Bitters sing the same ongof praise. A purer medicine does not • xistandit Is guaranteed to do nil that i6 slaimcd. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases if tho Liver and Kidneys , will remove fimples , • lolls , Salt Rheum and other affections caused > y impure blood. Wfll drive Malaria from the iystcm and preveutaswell as cure all Malarial evcrs. For cure of Headache , Constipation ind Indigestion try Electric B.ttorj . Etire atisfuetiou guaranteed , or money refunded ? rlce 50 cts. and $1.00 per bottle , at A. MeMil- eu'sdrugstre. For lame back , bido or chest , use Shiloh's 'oius Plaster. Price25 cents. McMilleu's , Hall , Cochran & Co. , DEALERS IX Implements , Etc. A complete stock of CUTLERY , STOVES , TINWARE , BARB WIRE , WINDMILLS , OILS , ETC Lowest LivingPrices. . WEST DENNISON STREET , McCOOK , - - NEBRASKA. Hi You will find a splendid line of Cloths , Cassimeres , Wor steds , London Suitings , and Trouserings , and a complete assortment of Spring and Fall Overcoatings. Also Esqui mau Beavers in all shades at DRYSDALE'S Fine Custom Tailor Shops , opposite the new postoffice. Good fits guaranteed. Thir ty-five years' experience iu New York City. MAIN AVENUE , JMcCOOK , NEB. ALLEN'S TRANSFER , Bus , Baggage Dray Line. F. P. ALLEN , Prop. , rVlcCOOK , NEBRASKA. "Best Equipped in the Citv. Leave ordc- • at Commercial Hotel. Good well water Un nished on short notice. Herian & DesLarzes , Proprietors of the McCook Transfer % City Bus Line. Bus to and from all trains. Coal haulinq and general delivery. Three drajs. All ' work promptly attended to. Leave orders at Frees & Hocknell Lumber Yard. Blue Front Livery Stable . D. SMITH , Proprietor. Livery , feed and sale stable3 , Finest turn uts in the city furnished. Earn , rear Mc Sntee Hotel. R. H. COLE , . j "The Leading" * * * ? it * H * a 2 5 ffrt QB 3 n Jtm Hi BE I tM y 1 w S3 II si 8 a 113 U 8 of McCOOK , FOR First-Glass Tailoring" . Having a large stock of Fine Suitings md Trouserings , I will furnish them • heap for the next 60 days. KLLPATEICK BROTHERS. ( Successors to E , D. WebBter. ) Horses branded on left hip or left shoulder. oflu | F. O. address , Estelle. gygELHayes county , and Beat- - ltfflMNR jMP& rice , Neb. Sange. Stink- TJmmmm3&&lHrtinS Water and French- WSEmSmVizlman creeks , Chase Co. , mHfgMMCTr ? Nebraska. Wf" 9f wtS } Brand as cut on side of g3g 3Va lfmsome animalson hip and KaBQB BHyL Bides of some , or any * uero on tho animal. We've Got 'Em ' ! 1 * M * * * * * * . * * * . * * * * * fl - - | GOT WHAT ? j V - , , _ . 4 1 * - „ - " - "tw"lirr.r t - . - . _ _ _ _ . - . - . . " . _ _ . _ _ _ _ . . . . - - ' . - - _ . irr.rJiruLi.nr.uu i in in n.i ii. i ui.n.i i i u i i. i in ri.ru li ii i iriri. i.n.n.1 ijij nrinr-r M nj'MT.iTrvl MXa-n-n-rij-w-L M.WM * - t SOLID • • CHOOli 1 HOES. FOR * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Our "Ckallcnge" and "Lion" School Siioes are the hest ever offered in McCook. Every seam is stitched with the hest of silk , and riveted with an invincible rivet. We have just opened 24 dozen pairs for a starter. NEXT WEEK J We will have something- say re- • ' gardiiig * a line of Eine Shoes for Gentlemen , which are undisputaMy theVbest goods in the world. Retail price , $8.50 per pair. Yours for Good Goods. "BOSTON BARGAIN SHOE STORE. " JPERA HOUSE BLOCK , - McCOOK , XEB1IASKA. citTIakeries ; A. PItOBST , Proprietor. FRESH BREAD DELIVERED EVERY DAY FREE OF CHARGE. PIES-CAKES-CANDIES-XUTS-OYSTERS-CIDER . CIGARS-TOBACCO-ETC-ETG. LUNCH ROOMS INCONNECTION. . - : - - : - - : - LYTLE BROS. & CO. KEEP THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OF SHELF AND HEAVY STOYES AND TINWARE- S. W. Nebraska , and at lowest living prices. i Fine Cutlery a Specialty , f ANY WORK IN THE LINE OF TIN , SHEET IRON OR COPPER PROMPTLY AND NEATLY EXECUTED. A LYTLE BROS. & CO. . . \ ' :