The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 15, 1889, Image 4

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lfeBy F. M. KIMMELL.
{ < I ? , . ' •
; I ? " Official City and County Paper ,
-1 Foun. members of tho Harrison cabinet
: ij. . Bsrvod In the union army , but that Is not a bai
{ | sinister under tho present administration ,
' Tiie pplIUcIanSjttro nlrcady beginning t <
* Kil howl over-what they oonsider an unjuatlflabh
' 8 . delay on tho partor tho now administration li
"Jr z ' . ' making official changes. If President Harrl
- eon desires to earn tho gratitude of tho coun
a&i. try ho will not wasto any tlmo in concillutinf
jk & . "kickers" of that stamp.
jgfcr . The capture of Matt Zimmerman , tho con
ft- vlcted murderer of Sheriff Woods , Is a choerfu
g " Indication that Nobraska justice is erruduall ;
'wp coming to tho front. Zimmerman successfully
_ • bluffed every court in tho land for three years
I- . - and finding the halter getting too closo to hi
W - neck for comfort ho walked out of jailwitl
Wi' [ - tho asslstanco of a pair of legal conspirators
W Ho is tho last surviving link of cowboy ruffian
f" ; , Ism In tho state , und can point with blood :
| . prido to a record of thrco sentences of dcatl
i * ' ' -without a tasto of tho gallows.
jL The death of Miss Mary Loulso Dootb , edit
' - \ roes of Harper's Uazaar , will be sincerelj
W mourned in every refined household. As i
K ' moulder of opinion among tho higher classei
W ; of American-women , Miss Booth has excrtec
Wf an olovatlnginQuencoupon ner Hex and placet
ft' -womanhood upon tho highest piano of clvillz
I atlon. While realizing that elegance in drcs :
g and refined mannors are cssontlal to woman' !
1 attractiveness , sho sought iu all her work t <
I mako dress and display subordinate to menta
i . culture. Her life's work has placed mankini
I all tho world over under a debt of gratitude
f -which should enshrine her memory forever ii
1 every cultured home.
I' Lent began , lost Wednesday. It was Asl
S- - • Wednesday , tho day in which tho chrlstiai
| : -world is supposed to repent and make atone
% merit for sins in Back cloth and ashes. Tbii
| is tho time when every one should put awaj
$ " tho things that are ovil , and forgot when
m they placed them and think only of those thn
fc. nro holy and good. Lent is the season of sel
I' ' " denial when every ono should endeavor to d <
I' penanco for his misdeeds. Notonly is fastinj
1 : " ' and abstinence to bo observed , but self denia
I Bhould bo practiced in other things also , am
every effort should bo made to ovorcomo be
12 sotting sins and refrain from doing that whlcl
3 gives greatest delight. Ex.
; . . . , The state should not cripple saving bank :
j . by imposing needless restrictions. Tho mall
! ; object is to provide for frequent examinatioi
p. of tho condition of tho banks , and the securit ;
uponwhich money is loaned. First clas
| . , bonds and paper readily convertible into casl
? , * -would answer every purpose as a reserve , am
afford tho banks a source of revenue. Honor
I , able savings institutions should be encourag
ed by every means consistent with safety , bu
| -wildcat cancers and cent per cent shark
should bo hedged in by stringent rules and re
! pulations which would make a repetition o
, Valparaiso aud similar robberies imposiblc.
} House roll 372 is a bill , by Sleeker , to pro
| vido a state board of immigration , and deilninj
; tho duties of tho board. This bill has for it
S object the same result which several othe
t bills seek to accomplish tho advertising o
the state. TbaUsome such provision shouli
be made by the present legislature is a ques
! . tion which ought not to need argument. Thi
] \ state has suffered in the past two years be
cause of the want of work in this lino am
I -will remain at the same disadvantage so Ion ;
ns other1 western states spend money tolnduci
immigration and Nebraska spends nothing
• Whether this bill or some other bill should ap
i pear to the legislators to meet the necessltiei
of tho case , something , it will generally b <
agreed , ought to be done.
The presentrcoiitest in West Virginia , ove ;
tho governorship can have but ono result th <
seating of'Gen. Goff , tho republican elected
The returns show Gen. Goff to havo been f airlj
4 elected , even against tho wholesale robbery ol
' ballots which was committed for the purpose
of defeating him. The trouble was that th <
robbery was not quite extensive enough to ac
complish the end sought , which was to havi
the face of the returns show a democratic vie
tory. Tho courts of West Virginia havo de
clared that Goff is elected by tho returns , 'jbu
the present court proceedings aro on a differe 'rii
ground. In the face of the decision that Gof
was entitled to the seat , the democratic speak
er of tho house refused to announce the resul
\ as required by law , and hence the presen :
* situation , with three men claiming the offlce-
3 the republican and democratic candidates anc
tho former executive. Tho state courts maj
not seat Goff , but higher courts mav recogniz <
s- that ho is kept out of office through th <
wrong doing of this democratic clerk and con
sequently entitled to tho seat notwitbstandinj
the absence of tho little formality illegallj
omitted. .
* Aiuiirai , Porter sums up in a few words
the concensus of public opinion in this coun
try iaregard to tho Samoan question when h (
says that a pin is worth fighting for if princi
pie is involved. Tho American government ii
! strong enough , and brave enough to be able tc
omploy all honorable means to adjust the diffi
culty with Germany upon a basis of peaceful
arbitration. There is no call for any blustei
because the world knows that when the people
of tho United States are called upon to defend
the honor of their flag , they will not fail at any
point , in measuring up to tho emergency.
This country has never Invited any conflict oi
t arms in which it has become involved and its
5 greatest struggle was precipitated upon it at
a time when tho energies of tho people had
f\ " been for many years devoted to the arts of
1 peace. But the sudden exigencies of war
\ rapidly developed the means for its successful
' : prosecution , and tho resources of the country
; proved more than equal to tho requirements
K ; of the great occasion. If Germany goes too
i.\ far in its apparent purpose of testing the
s • spirit of the American Itepublic it will find to
jj its cose that the ready-service of a people.who
w. cheerfully give all to thoir-country for the
I , r great love which thoy bear for its institutions ,
-v : is stronger than standing armies and more in-
viucible than a compulsory military system.
* '
* ' Green grass has made quite a start. A good
rain now would soon cover the earth with a
flno emerald mantle.
W. T. Stone and C. H. Jacob3 were down to
f' tho county-seat , the fore part of the week.
The Tribute office , wo observe , is coming
' down in tho world.
? ; - Bath. Stone has rented one acre of ground
| j of Will Long near his wind mill and will put
* . tho eamo into onions.
fefe -
fe > Mose Colfer's mother returned , last week ,
jjfe , from her eastern visit , and now Mose thinks
fc- no more baching and flap-jacks for him.
g . Tom Keeley has returned from his visit to
fefc\ Illinois.
gS' Miss Mamie Holmes had quite an adventure
gS with a runaway team , last week. The horses
| ran through two wire fences and smashed
§ gi. up things generally , but fortunately Miss
Holmes escaped serious injury. TJso.
District court , Hon. J. B. Cochran presiding ,
-opened , Monday morning , with the largest
-docket it has ever had in this county.
Among the attorneys attending district court ,
this week aro.J.B. Jennings , Thoa. Colfer , L.
L. Hulburd , John. Wiley , J. N. Luoas , H. W.
! -Cole , Judgo Bittenhouse , J , B , Hart andS.
Dodge , of McCook ; W. H. Selbyof Cambridge ,
W.S.Morlan of Arapahoe , Morris Cllggett of
Hastings , JohnDawson of Alma. . . .Misses Ida
' in Mo-
'C acaga and Lena Miller are
jookrfor 'theprcsent , Coarlor ,
. < * ,
. • *
' : .
• . ' - * . ; , . ; ' - " - - . "i ' . , - „ , . •
* * ' *
b mmm i mmii i > iiijwiftt4rnfnnm ili.ili il iikiiiiiiiii
Ludwick& Trowbridge.
Jamestown dhoss goods at
J. G. ALLEN & CO. 'S.
This newspaper is now afforded to
the public at the unprecedentodly low
price of $5.00 per year , or 50 cents a
month. The is 7-
. Republican a4-pagc , -
column paper on weekdays , anl 8 pages
( or more ) on Sundays. It is new and
complete in every detail , and is the
best , cheapest and handsomest paper
published in Nebraska.
Send for sample copy.
TriE Omaha Republican.
HallCochran , & Co.havcjustreceived
a large shipment of the celebrated Mil-
burn Tubler-Axe Wagons , which
they are ready to sell at fair prices.
WANTED 250 Head of Cattle
and horses to pasture. 1,500 acres best pas
ture in the county , 3 miles east of McCook.
Will be responsible for loss. Ilavtf lived 14
years on same ranch and am here to stay.
Aluekt W. Cokey.
For Sale or Trade.
I have a Norman stallion for sale , or
will trade for land or cattle.
. F. S. Wilcox.
For Sole Cheap.
An M. K. Lewis Well Augur and
Horse Power. Inquire at the
First National Bank.
A good cook , male or female , is want
ed at once at the
Arlington House.
I have a quantity of dry stove wood
for sale at a reasonable price. Give
me your orders. Frank P. Allen.
I have 7 Brood Mares and 2 Work
Horses for sale J. B. Meserve.
Jamestown dress goods at
J. C. ALLEti. & CO. 'S.
Farmers !
Avoid the spring rush and get your
plow repaired in time at Predmore Bros.
Notice Probate of Will.
In Couktv Couht op I Nehemiah Burtless ,
Red Willow Co. , Neb. f Deceased.
The State of Nebraska , to tho heirs and next
of kinoftliesaidNekemiab Burtless.deceased :
Take notice , that upon filing of a written in
strument purportinc to be the last will and
testament of Nehemiah Burtless for probate
and allowance , it is ordered that said matter
be set for hearing tho 1st day of April , A. D. ,
1883 , before said County Court at the hour of
one o'clock.P. M. . ac which time any person in
terested may appear and contest the same ;
and notice of this proceeding is ordered pub
lished three weeks successively in The Mc
Cook Tribune , a weeklj'newspaper published
in this State.
In testimony whereof , I have hereunto set
m % ' hand and the seal of the County Court , at
.Indianola.this Cth day of March.A. D. . 1889.
: r 11v. \ -HARLOW W. KEYES ,
County JudRO.
Road Notice to Land Owners.
The commissionnr..appointed to examine a
road commencing at a pointSlchains. 75 links ,
west of S. E. corner Sec. 33 , Town. 4 , Range 29 ,
in Box Elder precinct , Red Willow County.
Nebraska , running thence South 3 degrees , 30
minutes. West 13 chains.theuco West 13 chains ,
thence South 11 chains.tbence South S degrees.
East 10 chains , thence South 3 decrees. East
20 chains.t hence South 2 degrees , east 20 chains ,
thence South 53 decrees , East 25 chains to Sec
tion line , thence West to S. W. corner Section
4 , Town. 3. Itango 29 , and terminating thereat ,
has reported in favor of tho location thereof ,
and all objections thereto or claims for dam
ages must be filed in the County Clerk's office
on or before noon of the 19th day of April , A.
D.18S9 , or said road will be established without
reference thereto.
39-4ts. GEO. W. ROPER , County Clerk.
The Commissioner appointed to locate a road
commencing at bank of Red Willow creek on
sec. line between sees. 25 30 in and Town. 4 , It.
30 , Red Willow county , Nebraska , and G.chains
east of quarter corner on said line , and running
on left bank of 6aid creek by courses and dis
tances as follows : N. 81 degrees , easts chains ,
N. 47 degrees' , cast 3 chains. S. 52 degrees , east
4 chains , S. 10 degrees , east 2 chains , S. G5 de
crees , easto chains , 15 degrees , west 2 chains ,
to sec. line between said sections 25 and 38.
And also to vacate that part of public road on
sec. line between sees. 25 and 30 , T. 4 , R. 29 , be
tween tho first and last stations on above de
scribed road ; has reported in favor of the es-
tablishmentthereof , and all objections thereto
or claims for damages must be filed in the Coun
ty Clerk's office on or before noon of the 11th
day of May , A. D. , 18S9 , or said road will be es
tablished without reference thereto.
GEO. W # . ROPER , County Clerk.
Notice of the Incorporation of the
Huddfeston Lumber Company.
Notice is hereby given that the Huddleston
Lumber Company has been incorporated un-
der thc laws of tho State of Nebraska. That
tho name of the corporation is the Huddleston
Lumber Company. That tho principal place
of doing business is McCook , Red Willow Coun
ty , Nebraska. The general nature of the busi
ness of said corporation is tho general lumber
business , and such other business as is usually
connected therewith. The authorized capi
tal stock of said corporation shall bo Forty
Thousand Dollars in shares of One Hundred
Dollars each , with the privilege of increasing
said capital upon a two-thirds vote of all the
stockholders , giving one vote to each share of
stock owned by said stockholder. Tho capital
of tho corporation shall be paid in upon tho
call of the president of the corporation. The
commencement of this corporation shall bo
tho 1st day of January , A. D..18S9 , and contin
ue during the period of ten years from said
date. The highest amount of indebtedness to
which said corporation shall at any time sub
ject itself , shall not exceed the sum of Fifteen
Thousand Dollars. The business of said cor
poration shall bo conducted by a board of
directors , not to exceed five in number , to be
elected by the stockholders. Tho officers of
this corporation , shall consist of a President ,
Vice-President , Secretary , and Treasurer.
Dated this 6th day of Feb. . 18S9.
House Mover % Drayman ,
dp" House and Safe Moving a . Spec
ialty. Orders for Draying left at the
Huddleston Lumber Yard will receive
prompt attention.
I UMjiWW in I'll ' HMji if TT
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" "We wTlldpen , this week , the largest
and tiesjjfosGntment of white goods
ever shown in McCook.
For Sale Very Cheap.
Four good , second-hand Sowing Ma
chines , all in perfect running order , all
different makes , at the office of the Sing
er Sewing Co. , in McMillen's drug store.
Land Office at McCook , Neb. , i
March 11th , 1889. J
Notico is hereby given that tho following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to mako final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will bomado before Harlow
W. Koyes , County Judge , at Indtanola , Neb. ,
on Tuesday , April 23rd , 1889. viz :
H. E. No. 220 for tho W. Vi S. W. M of Sec. 15.
and W.i \ N. W. J of Sec. 22 , Town. 4 , N. of
Range 28 , SV. 0th P. M. Ho names tho follow
ing witnesses to provo his continuous resi-
denco upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz :
William McCool , Charles Hartman , Louis
Castcn , Gcorgo Gregg , nil of Indtanola , Neb.
Any person who de6ires to protest against ttio
allowance of such proof , or who knows of any
substantial reason , under tho law and the
regulations of tho Interior Department , why
such proof should not be allowed , will bo given
an opportunity at tho above mentioned time
and piaco to cross-examine tho witnesses of
said claimant , and to offer evidence in rebuttal
of that submitted by claimant.
12 S. P. HART , Register.
Land Office at BIcCook , Neb. , t
March Cth , 1889. J
Notico is horeby given that tho following-
named settler has filed notico of his intention
to make final proof in supportof disclaimand
that said , proof will be made before Register
or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Monday.April
29th , 1889 , viz :
who made P. E. D. S. No. 5,000 for tho S. E. }
Sec.3Twp.5 , N. . Range 30 , W. Cth P. M. He
names tho following witnesses to provo his
continuous resideuco uponand cultivation of ,
said land , viz : Austin A. Clark , Frank B.
Cramer , Seth Nottlo.andSamuel Cinnamon all
ot Osburn , Neb. Any person who desires to
protest against tho allowanco of such proof ,
or who knows of any substantial reason , un
der the law and tho regulations of tho Interior
Department , why such proof should not bo al
lowed , will bo given an opportunity at tho
above mentioned time and place to cross-ex
amine thowltnesses of said claimant , and to
offer evidence in rebuttal of that submitted by
claimant. 41 S. P. HART , Register.
La nd Oi"fice at McCook. Neb. , 1
February 16th. 1889. |
Notico is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notioe of his intention
to mako final proof iu support of his claim ,
and that said proof will bo made before Regis-
ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Thursday ,
April 11th , 1889 , viz :
who made H. E. No. 189 for tho S. Vs S. W. } ol
Sec. 12 , and the N. & N. W. J4 of Sec. 13. Town ,
2Rango30 , W. Cth P. M. He names the follow
ing witnesses to prove his continuous residence
upon , and cultivation of. said land , viz : John
Whittaker , Mrs. Sarah M. Nettloton , William
O. Russell , George J. Frederick , all of McCook ,
Neb. Any person who desires to protest
against the allowance of such proof , or who
knows of any substantial reason , under the
law and the regulations of tho Interior De
partment , why such proof should not be al
lowed , will be given an opportunity at the
above mentioned time and place to cross-ex
amine the witnesses of said claimant , and tc
offer evidence in rebuttal of that sudmitted
by claimant. S. P. HART , Register.
Land Office at McCook , Neb. , I
February 6th , 1889. J
Notice is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to mako final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Har
low W. Keyes , county judgeatlndlanola , Neb. ,
on Wednesday. April 3d , 1889. viz :
H. D. No. 383 for the N. W. } of Section 33 ,
Township 3 , North of Range 28 , West Cth P. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon , and cultiva
tion of , said land , yi : Jacob C Foutz. Fran-
lin W. Weaver , John W. Tolman , and William
Miller , all of Danbury , Neb. Any person who
desires to protest against tho allowance of
such proof , or who knows of any substantial
reason , under the Inw and the regulations of
the Interior Department , why such proof
should not be allowed , will be given an oppor
tunity at the above mentioned timo ana place
to cross-examine the witnesses of said claim
ant , ana to offer evidence in rebuttal of that
submitted by claimant. S. P. HART ,
37 Register.
Land Office at McCook. Neb. , I
February 26,1889. i
Notico is hereby given that the followiug-
nained settler has filed notico of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Regis
ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday ,
April 19th , 1889 , viz :
H.E.No.447 for tho N.7.U of Sec.30Town.4N.of
Range 29 , W. Cth P. M. He names tho follow
ing witnesses to provo his continuous resi
dence upon , and cultivation of , said land , viz :
Charles M. Collins.SamuelD.McCIain , William
S.Pate , Hiram K. Bixler , allof McCook , Neb.
Any person who desires to protest against the
allowance of such proof , or who knows of any
substantial reason , uuder the law and the
regulations of the Interior Department , why
such proof should not be allowed , will be given
an opportunity at the above mentioned time
and plaee to cross-examine tho witnesses of
said claimant , and to offer evidence in rebuttal
of that submitted fey claimant.
40 S. P. HART , Register.
Land Office at McCook , Neb. , 1
February 20th , 1889. , f
Notico is hereby given that the following-
named settler has filed notice of his intention
to make final proof in support of his claim ,
and that said proof will be made before Rejris
ter or Receiver at McCook , Neb. , on Friday ,
April 19th , 1889. viz :
H. E. No. 291 for tho S. E. U of Sec. 25 , Town.
4 , N. of Range 30 , W. Cth P. M. He names tho
following witnesses to provo his continuous
residence upon , and cultivation of , said land ,
viz : Samuel D. McClain , Hiram K. Bixler ,
Frank Stoklasa. Jr. , John Unzicker , all of Mc
Cook , Neb. Any person who desires to protest
against the allowanco of such proof , or who
knows of any substantial reason , under tho
law and the regulations of the Interior De
partment , why such proof should not be al
lowed , will be given an opportunity at tho
above mentioned time and place to cross-ex
amine the witnesses of said claimant , and to
offer evidence in rebuttal of that submitted
by claimant. 40 5. P. HART. Register.
Land Office at Mccook. Neb. , i
February 25th , 18S9. f
Notice is hereby given thut the following-
named * scttlers have filed notices of their in
tentions to make final proof in support of
their claims , and that said proofs will be made
before the Register and Receiver , at McCook ,
Neb. , on Thursday , April 18tb , 18S9 , viz :
H. E. No. 352 for the N. W. U Sec. 8 , Twp. 5 , N.
R. 29 , W. 6th P. M. He names the following
witnesses to prove his continuous residence
upon and cultivation of , said land , viz : Col-
bein P. Vilaud. Andrew P. Larson , Christopher
C. Dueland , and Henry Tilgner , all of Quick ,
Neb. Viz :
H. E. No. 250 for the N. E. U N. E. U19 and N.
W. J4 N. E. Vi and N.lA N. W } A Sec. 20 , Twp.
5 , N. R. 20 , W. 0 P. M. He names the following
witnesses to provo his continuous residence
upon and cultivation of. said land , viz : Henry
3. Shepherd , Winfield T. Shepherd , of Osborn ,
tfeb. , Colbein P. Viland , Enoch E. Osvog , of
3uick , Neb. Viz :
H. E. No. 351 for the S. W. M S. E. 34 Sec. 8 , and
S. % N. W. X and N. W. H N. E. U Sec. 17 ,
L'wp. 5 , N. R. 29 , W. 0 P. M. He names tho foN
owing witnesses to prove his continuous rcsi-
lenco upon aud cultivation of , said land , viz :
Snoch E. Osvog , Andrew P. Larson , Nels C.
Oueland.of Quick , Neb. , Henry C. Shepherd.of
Dsborn , Nob. Any person who desires to pro-
est against tho allowance of such proefs , or
vho knows of any substantial reason , under
he law and tho regulations of the Interior
Department , why such proofs should not be
iliowed , will be given an opportunity at tho
ibove mentioned time and place to cross-ex-
iraine tho witnesses of said claimants , and to
) ffer evidence In rebuttal of that submitted by
: laimants. 40 S. P. HART , Register.
Land office at McCook , Neb. , I
March 2nd , 1889. )
Notico is hereby given that tho following-
lamed settler has filed notico of his intention
o make final proof in supportof hisclaim.and
hat said proof will be made before Resistor
> r Receiver at McCook , Nob. , on Thursday ,
Vpril 25th , 18S9 , viz :
vho made H. E. No. 503 for tho S. E. U S. El H
if Sec.10. and W. H N. E. H of Sec. 15 , and N.
3.11N. E. U of See. 15. in Town 4. N. of Range
9. W. of 0th P. M. Ho names tho following
vitnesses jo provo his continuous residence
ipon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : Joseph
I. Stephens. Stephen Bolles , Josiah E. Moore ,
Uexandor W. Campbell , all of BoxElder.Neb.
Vny person who desires to protest against the
illowance of such proof , or who knows of any
ubstantiai reason , under tho la w and the regu-
atlons of the Interior Department , why such
iroof should not bb allowed , will bo given an
mportunity at the above mentioned time and
ilaco to cross-examine tho fitnesses of said
ilalmant , and to offer evidence in rebuttal of
hat submitted by claimant. S. P. HART ,
H Register.
* '
' * * •
• > . < ,
. . - - ; , - v- . • * - • • - , * " , ,
needle-work and valuable embroideries are frequently ruined ,
or their beauty much impaired by washing them with ordinaiy
soap , which is too rank for such delicate articles. A simple , and
the proper method is to make suds of hot water and Ivory Soap ,
and allow to cool till lukewarm. This solution , while very effective ,
is perfectly harmless.
There are many white soaps , each represented to be "just as good as the' ivory' ; ' "
they ARE NOT , but like all counterfeits , lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities of
the genuine. Ask for " Ivory " Soap and insist upon getting it.
Copyright 1SSC , by Tractor & Gamble.
I fippfllipimpi1 Mpirtaut Tailnp
k DOlliiiullllGl , Iwlol bliO-ilL idlllli.
I have to offer for this season an unusually large stock
of SPEING GOODS , of all descriptions ; the latest styles of
Etc. , Etc. Call early and examing the new goods.
L. bernheimer ,
Old First National Bank Building , McCook. MERCHANT TAILOR.
Finest Residence Prop
erty in the city. A few
Call and get prices.
SSP" Office in the New Babcock Building , rooms 1 and 2. o
Two hundred acres of Nursery Grown Trees and Plants for sale. 70 acres
of orchard and 15 acres of small fruit.
' Try a Home Nurseryl
It should be apparent to any one that a Nebraska nursery can and will do
better by its patrons than eastern nurseries. Our trees and plants are adapted
to Nebraska soil and climate. We also
and cultivate and guarantee them a term of years. We PAY YOUR FARE
BOTH WAYS on large orders to come and see us. Correspond for terms on
this plan. We are well stocked with Heavy Shade Trees , suited to street plant
ing. The Superintendent having sold of a carload of trees for streets of Mc
Cook , would like to secure by mail , trade enough to finish the car. No sale
pard. Order before March 25th what you wish forwarded. TIME SALES
made on many lines of stock to responsible parties.Address ,
E. F. STEPHENS , Stipt. , Crete , Neb.
_ = _ ' ' XoX
9 I 8
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" " W ra " ' "OT
doors , 111 Hffi l \ ISr
WINDOWS , W % * D i S % a SOFT
© . o
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fl""J " " ' " \ f - - s
< 91
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iiiSiSia j
, 1889 ,
. . . . . . !
Our .NEW STOCK is '
now in and more com'v ; j
plete in every way than r ; 1
we have ever shown *
\i \
The only house. ,
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = in S. W. Net ) ' - 1
V raska that carnnfi DriraQ : *
ST0IPTI I 1 LI ries a complete UHu inbOi I
line in every * !
1 ' "
. J
In Stye s , lu a ities and - > . I
Gluantities , no house- ' . . I
in Southwestern Neb- ' . \
raska can show oner • \
half as many. : '
* * * * * # * * . I
( |
_ * + * _ * + * + * * + + • " • _ + + . . _ * * + + + + + + * + + + + + + + + + + + + + t
JONAS ENGEL , Manager. 1
McCOOK , NER. , FEB. 22nd. ' * 'I '
OF 1
AT 1
Owing * to the extreme mildness oi the J
season , I have on hand an extraorclinari- j
ly large stock of ivinter goods , and as i m
amahoiit to receive large consignments 1
of NEW SPRING GOODS , more space is I
ahsoliiteiy required. I have therefore m
determined to sell at the lowest possible ; I
rate ever laiovv a in the annals of the boot ,1 ,
and shoe trade , BEGINNING JAN. 26th. I
[ * H
_ _ • . I
Dhe Old Reliable , McCook , Nebraska , I
, . . ' . ,
r.wr .umi r ' ' i' ' < - ii 'V ' i i i l gftttMatMMMMMMM