I AN EYE OPMER ! I _ , , , _ . „ , _ , . , _ p. goods for the benefit of those who are being misled by the delusive and silly advertise- j ments of some merchants who claim to re- v tail groceries at 25 per cent , below credit stores. I COMPARE PRICES. I • I 12 libs. Best Granulated Sugar , $1.00 I ' 12 lbs. Extra "C" Sugar , _ 1.00 A' * 14 lbs. Goldenj "C" Sugar , 1.00 I 3 lbs. Tomatoes , per can , .10 2 lbs. Gooseberries , per can , .10 a \ \ 3 lbs. California Fruit , per can , 20 II ji 'v 2 lbs. Black Berries , per can , _ . .8 % II hW * 2 lbs. Sweet" Corn , per can , : .8 % ' t Sardines in Oil . . .05 Sardines in Mustard , M . . _ .10 . . . . _ I V JJLvRXv/-/ JLt.VKJX\5 JL Xvy-IJLC/j5j.i > MUMii liII JMHi • • • iimihiiiii tiiiniu. JL v9 2 State Baking Powder , per can , .40 II DRY GOODS , CLOTHING , HATS ID K I , BOOTS AND SHOES AT I ACTUAL COST ! I C. H. ROGERS , The Pioneer Merchant. I J. A. VanSIioik , _ H AGENT FOR THE I Singer Sewing Iftchmes H _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ • - ' ' " . • H H ALSO KEEPS ON HAND A FULL LINE OF I Repairs and Supplies. I Office , in McMillen's Drug Store , • - - McCook , Nebraska. I M03G(0)GC ( ( ) ( ) $ ] & _ . H Authorized Capital , $100,000. - Paid up Capital , $50,000. H OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS : . . . . H GEO.HOCKNELL , PRESIDENT. Bl M. FREES , VICE-PRESIDENT. . . . F. L. BROWN , CASHIER. . . . . . . . . A. CAMPBELL. J. C. ALLEN. S. L. GREEN. I 1 Itt _ i 1st Ci I OF McCOOK , NEBRASKA. Makes First Mortgage Loans on Farm Property. . M OFFICE IN FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. . , . . . . , 1 A. CAMPBELL Ppesident. B. M. FREES 1st Vice President. M . , . . . , . GEO. HOCKNELL Secretary. S. L. GREEN 2d Vice President. F. L. BROWN , Treasurer. I 1 Fras k 1M1 Liter Ci. H DEALERS im = I LUMBER ! Sash , Doors , Blinds , Lime , Cement , I HARD AND SOFT COAL. 1 , 7 _ _ . , _ _ _ Li _ _ _ _ * . _ - _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ! : * i WILL YOU SUFFER with Dyspepsia and Liver Complaint ? Shiloh's vitahzer is guaran teed to cure you. McMillen's. Out of the Breastworks. Tate SriuNGs , Tenw. , July 4,1888. The Swift Specific Co. , Atlanta , Ga. : Gentlemen Seven years ago I contracted an exceedingly bad case of blood poison. I tried a physician , the best at command , but secured no benefit. My throat began to get sore , and my body covered with sores and ulcers. Going from bad to worse , I felt that my grave must be reached in the near future. I gave up the doctors' treat ment , and with a despairing hope I com menced taking your medicine. I began to improve from the first bottle , and in a short time the ulcers healed , and my skin cleared off and was entirely well. One year ago a case of catarrh developed in my system. The physician did his best , but could not cure me ; but two bottles of Swift's Specific gave me permanent relief. J. H. Robinson. Kaufman , Tex. , Juno 23 , 1888. The Swift Specific Co. , Atlanta , Ga. : Gentlemen I have been afflicted with a skin disease for about twelve years , and the best medical treatment failed to give me re lief. I am now using Swift's Specific , and have received the greatest benefit from its use. Yours truly , Wm. JONES. For sale by all druggists. The Swift Specific Co. , Drawer 3 , Atlanta , Ga. New York , 756 , Broadway. London , Eng. , 35 Snow HID. For lame back , side or chest , use Shiloh's Porus Plaster. Price 25 cents. McMillen's. IS CONSUMPTIoYcURABLE ? Head the following : : Mr. . H. Morris , New ark , Ark. , says : "Was down with Abscess of 1 Lungs , and friends and physicians pronounced mo an Incurable Consumptive. Began taking Dr. King's New Discovery for onaumption , am now on my third bottle , and able to over- see the work on my farm. It is the finest medicine ever made. " Jesse Middlewart , Decatur , Ohio , says : "Had it not been for Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption I would have died of Lung troubles. Was given up by doctors. Am now in best of health. " Try it. Sample bottles free , at A. McMillen's drug store. ( A GOLD WATCH FOR ONLY I One Dollar , Per Week , by our Improved Club System. The Cases in our Watchesare fully Warranted ii for 20 years. The movements are Elgin and c Waltham , reliable and well known. The Wutches are Hunter case or open face.Ladies' a or Gents' size stem Winders and Settlers , and r are fully equal in durability , service and ap pearance to any $50 Watch. We sell these watches for $23 spot cash , and send to any ad dress by Express or Registered Mail ; or by s our Club System at ? 1 per week. One good re- , liable AGENT WANTEDin each place. Write for particulars. n EMPIRE WATCH CLUB Co. , I 34 Park Row , NEW YORK. a FOR SALE. I ' SI / have a mixed bunch of hogs , inii eluding 0 od sows , for sale. Jl J. F. BLACK , ti Red Willow , Neb. BUCKLEH'S ARNICA SALVE. * ' The Best Salve in the world for cuts , bruis es , sores , ulcers , salt rheum , fevor sorea , tet- ter , chapped hands , chilblains , corns , and ail Bkin eruptions , and positively cures piles , or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perO feet satisfaction , or money refunded. Price * 25 cents .par bo * . ForealobyA.MoMfllen. ci imiiij ni'i mm ii .iH.limioMri rm Sf Sid smm t * _ _ 5mMm $ r < r fllgi&Kf. s * * * * % . „ -x-J -f mm SBBSSSSSm i GENERAL ITEMS. Prairio fires are becoming common. Have wo forgotten the fire disasters of tho proceed ing years ? Havo wo not learned a lesson from them ? Every man who is caught sotting tho prairie on flro should be dealt with to tho full oztont of tho law. Plow your flro guards , but undor no circumstances burn thorn , for in 9 cases out of 10 tho flro will got beyond your control. t Ono of tho peculiar and most attraotlvo char- oterlstlcs of McCook Is tho great sociabil ity of its citizens , who nevor fail to grcol tho stranger and now settler with a warm wel come as Boon as ho lands in our city. Lot us mako all happy , poor as well as rich , remo.m- bering that wealth with its retinuo of luxury is very changeable and unoortain. It often plays with our. circumstances with very un pleasant results. Energy , lntelleot and char acter aro tho great and true factors of a high rank in good society. Now we aro sailing under tho good old flag of Republicanism. .We have now two good men at tho head of our government and may tho Divine Blessing of tho Great and Almighty Ruler of tho universe , In wnoso hands aro tho destinies of nations , rest upon our President , Yico-Presldent and Cabinet In tho discharge of their great responsibilities. Wo hail with gladness their advent to tho head of our affairs , andit is tho duty of every true christian citizen to hold up his hands in prayer for thorn. There is a llttlo neglect on tho part of non-liturgical churches to forgot to pray for the heads of our government. This should not be so : for tho scripture in strong words commands It , "Ren der unto Caesar the things that belong to Caesar , and to God tho things that belong to God. " So called Domocracy or more properly called "Bourbonism" is entombed in the grave of the past , wraptin tho mantle of its blunders and misgovernment. Time oannot efface the monument of a bad record they have erected to the memory of their defeat. Bewaro of Democratio rulers In tha April elections. Lot us bo Republicans in all our civil affairs. Reforteh" The following from tho pen of Mr. L. P. Bard well , editor of Tho Marion ( Iowa ) Pilot , will we believe , bo of interost to many of our read ers. Ho says : "It is with pleasure that I certify to the real merits of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. I have used it in my family for years and havo always found it most excellent , and especially for colds , croup and sore throat. It is safe and offeotivo. " For sale by all drug gists. i BARTLEY BOOMINGS. 0. Frost made a business trip to Omaha , last week. 0. W. Hodgkln and B. Seely hayo gone into the tree business. Morley Piper visited his home and friends at Box Elder , last week. Rev. Samuel Hartley preached In College Hall , last Sunday evening. O. Frost is having a largo corn crib built and will buy al' tho ear corn he can get. Mr. L. YanDelinder , of Cambridgewas shak ing hands with his numerous friends in Bart- ley , Saturday , C. L. Knowles come up town , one morning , with a box of cigars under his arm , and a smile on his f aco like tho rising of a full moon. Ho says it is a girl and now he has as many kinds of children as any one. G. W. Grienior , of Streetor , III. , spent last week hero looking over our town and vicinity and before he went away entered into contract to build a wagon and implement factory here within tho next sixty days. The main build ing will bo 80x100 feet , with paint and dry shops attached , and fitted with tho latest im proved machinery. A force of men , under the management of C. L. Knowles , have been busy , the past week , moving tho stock of lumber formerly owned by tho Frees & Hocknell Lumber Co. , Into tho yard of tho Huddleston Lumber Co. Tho Huddleston Lumber Co. aro fortunate in securing the services of Mr. Knowles as their manager at this place , he is an energetio busi ness man , thoroughly understands the lum ber business , and has gained tho respect and esteem of the entire community. Dated , March 2nd , 1S89. Max. "I have used St. Patrick's Pills , " says Mr. J. Reynolds , of Mayfleld , Ky. , "and pronounce them superior to any I have ever before used. I do not hesitate to recommend them , know ing them to be reliable. " They are thorough , yet gentle in their action and leave the system in splendid condition. As a cataartic , or for disorders of tho liver St. Patrick's Pills havo no equal. For sale by all druggists. SOUTH SIDE SILHOUETTES. o. I. T. Birdsall is engaged in tho stirring busi ness of breaking colts. Plowing has commenced in earnest on tho < South Side for spring crops. School opened in distriot eight , Monday , tvith Miss Hattio Critser in chargo of tho ] birch. W. T. Stone takes comfort in a new buggy. 3. H. Jacobs being second best with a new ' larness. W. T. Stone was over in the County Frontier , j ; ho fore part of last week , and took a trip to ( ) berlin , the close of tho week. Umo. ( Persons troubled with rheumatism should ' ; ry Chamberlain's Pain Balm. One applica- Aon will ease tho pain , and its continued use las cured many cases of chronic and Inflamma- ory rheumatism , that had resisted other remj idles and even tho treatment of the best ihysician8. Price , 50 cents per bottle. For ale by all druggists. i _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ t Siberia. > [ Florence Earlo Coates , in The Century. ] 'he night-wind drives across the leaden skies , And fans the brooding earth with icy wings ; , Against the coast loud-boomingbillows flings And soughs through forest-deeps with moan ing sighs , c ibove tho gorge , wberesnow , deepfallen.lies , q A softness lending e'en to savago things r Above the gelid source of mountain springs , p A solitary eaglo , circling , flies. 1 pathless woods , O isolated sea , 0 steppes interminable , hopeless , cold , , 9 0 griovous distances , imagine ye , nprisoncd bore , tho human soul to bold ? Free , in a dungeon , as yon falcon free , Ic soars beyond your kon its loved ones is jE afoldl tl Chamberlain8Co ugh Remedy is famous\for prompt and effectual cures of coughs and ) lds. The most severe cold may be loosened id relieved by a few doses of this valuable F smedy. For sale by all druggists. - In his new book on America Max O'Rell ates that in America "young girls propose 1 men that take their fanoy , ladies wear low 2ck dresses in tho afternoon and spittoens • e to be found in every room. " He should ive added that in our churches collections e taken up by highwaymen armed to the eth , that when twins are born the parents ay poker to decide which to keep and which drown in the family washtub , and that it is f o for a Frenchman to cross Boston common broad daylight , while the North American idians of the vicinage are joining the stud- its of Harvard college in scientific investiga- ) bb at tho bar of tho Parker house. There is no danger in giving Chamberlain's > ugh Remedy to children , as it contains no jurious substance ; besides it is unequalled r r colds and croup. Children like it. For le by all druggists. J & .RE YOU MADE miserable by Indigestion , t instipation. Dizziness. Loss of Appetite. 3 3lIow Skin ? Shiloh's Vitalizer Is a positive 3 re. 1 * " " - Jrf > - v * V4r > r , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 - - i - - - _ u -ii 1 n 1 _ _ _ _ _ < _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ BaaB ; . 'M ' L. , LOWMAN ' & SON , J 1 1 1 ' - I I J ; I * * * * * * * - • • * * - m . . , . . . . . ' . ' 9 it - ! % ' * > * ! * * * - a. * -5' • * • * * - * ' "it- > * * ' MifAiE bUMB iUISiltlEtl : A : > OF , ii i-V. L. LOWMAN ft SON. > 1 " . ' 4 } r ' - ' _ _ _ - _ - _ _ _ . , u ' \ I • * -0 - Everiit House , Jfew York March p/i88g $ % ' - I ; L. LOWMAM & S0JV , ' - & ' \ • • "t - - , J J McCook , Nebraska. . * ! ; : i We are purchasing the finest line of goods we have ever \ f carried , and far below in price of anything everlpought in Chicago. Spring goods are beautiful in design , and the col / orings are in exquisite taste , t j Yours , Etc. , ' . _ * , , . i LOUIS LOWMAN. ' • I II , -j Our Spring ClotLingr and Hats are already for your inspection. J L LOWMAN & SON. The avorago bourbon paper is very much ex asperated at that good old leader , Sammy Randall , end is hurling pumpkins of the larg est size at his devoted head. But they will coon got over it. Sammy Is their fate , and they will bo marched up to the polls in 1893 to vote for him for president , if ho lives until that timo. Ho is tho receiver of all that is loft of the democratic party , and when ho gets a grip on property of that sort he knows how to keep It. Carlisle , Mills and Cleveland were the wreckors , and tho court that sat on November 5 declared the corporation busted and appoint ed Sammy to take tho pieces and do the best he can with them. The publlo dobt of tho United States increas ed by 56,000,000 during tho month of February. Luckily it was a short month. This is the first Instance of tho kind that has occurred for ? .bout twonty years and is a pretty severe scald on tho administration that came into power four years ago on a whine about the surplus. Evidently tho surplus would have ; one glimmering in a year more of democratic ru e * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ THE REV. GEO. H. THAYER , of Bourbon , ' nd. , says : "Both myself and wifo owe our ives to SHILOH'S CONSUMPTION CURE. " The king of Holland is dying ; Otto , of Ba- raria , is hopelessly insane ; tho emperor of Austria is well nigh crazy with grief and ihamo ; Emperor Wjlliam suffers terribly with lis head ; King Humburt is uneasy under his srown ; tho young king of Spain suffers fre- luently with the colio ; the czar has a bad cold , ind Grover Cleveland isn't feeling well him- elf. It is a bad winter for monarchs. SHILOH'S CURE will immediately relieve hroup. Whooping Cough and Bronchitis. Mc- lillen'B. President Cleveland's post mortem eulo- ; Ies were appropriately delivered through he mugwump press. If one squared toed rheel horse of democracy can be found In all ho land who sincerely regrets the departure f Cleveland from tho white house , he can se- ure a permanent and profitable engagement a a circuit of dime museums. The people of the west have good reason to herish tho memory of the Fiftieth congress , he addition of four new states to the union larks an era of prosperity and power for the eople of Dakota , Montana and Washington. SHILOH'S CATARRH REMEDT-a positive lire for Catarrh , Diphtheria and Canker-1 louth. McMillen's. And now it is alleged that Colonel Mason , ho is to tho literary world what Blind Tom to the musical world , is a plagiarist and not io literary genius , prodigy , we have como to • gard him. Benjamin Harrison , president of the Unit- I States. James G. Blaine , secretary of state , oreign governments please take notice , " SV c v- . _ _ Cliff It has permanently cured thousands f cases pronouncoa by doctors hope- ss3. If you have premonitory symp- sms , such as Cough , Difficulty of Ire-thin ? , < fcc. , don't delay , but use 'ISO'S CUBE FOB CONSUMPTION -mediately. By Druggiata _ 25 canto. 25 ; _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ v , ' * " ( INCORPORATED UNDER STATE LAWS , ) Paid up Capital , - - $50,00000 , 1 * _ ! -E.DOES A _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ / General Banking Business , ' Collections made on all accessible points. Drafts drami directly on the principal V cities of Europe. Taxes paid for Kdn-Eesldenta. Money to loan on farming ' m lands , Tillage and personal property. Fire Insurance a specialty. : Tickets For Sale to and from Europe * correspondents : j V. FbahikFresldeirt. I First National Bank , Lincoln , Nebraska. 1 Johjt E. Clark , Vlce-PrwWafit. t , The Chemical National Bunk , Now TotJ A. C. Eanic , Cff _ _ _ _ _ . . . ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ pyjM-K-WU-t&il.yiTyf .i- .im-ml- ijjj i jtfi-flrj-r3- - - - - " ' " "n -BJj-i-M Our entire stock of / ' BOOTS AND SHOES. ' . . . . . . . , . „ r This Stock , consisting of over $3,000 worth , was bought for SPOT CASH . Direct from Manufacturer. s t We intend closing out this line of our - i business and can make you prices that will surprise you. _ ! - - " , We also carry a complete line of - AND FURNISHING GOODS. WILCOX & FOWLER ; , West Dennison Street , McCook , ? ebrasla. - . . - . - _ . ' * ° * * 1X ? _ _ ilM ! mhhjji. ) .frMi--rv * * ' " ' • ' ' " ' v" ' " ' ' " ' " " " ' - t mi M ' , n .A-AJfem J _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , 3 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ M BBM MB B