K& - L By F. M. KIMMELL. I Official City and County Paper. I THE NEW CABINET. I Washington , Murcb 6. President irnrrlson H to-day sunt to tbo ecnate t ho f ollowiug noininu- H' . tions and tboy vorouonllrmod : B .Secretary . of Stato Jamos G. Dlatno , or H Malno. I Secretary of thoTrcasury William WIndom of Minnesota. Ht Secretary of War Itcdfleld Proctor , of Vor- t H raont. Soerotary of tho Navy Benjamin F. Tracy- B of Now York. B Secretary of the Interior John W.Noble , of B Missouri. B Postmaster Gonoral John Wanamakcr , of B Pennsylvania. B Attorney General W.JH. H. Miller , of In- B dlana. ' B Scerotary of Agriculture Jorotnlah Rusk , B of Wisconsin. B fc i w m B A. B.Ball.Nebraska's original Harrison iuuu , B Js a candidate for tho McCook laud office. B Lincoln Call. B Mn. and Mns. Cleveland and Col. Lamont B havo arrived at Now York , their f uturo home , B and tho accident of ' 84 Is now ready to take up B lifowJioro ho left off four years nfo. B Tiik now cabinet officers took the oath of of- B ilco Wednesday and entered upon tho discharge B of their respective duties. The cbaugo of of- B flco aud of administration has again taken B place without ajar. B President IIaiuuson enters u pon the duties B of his great office with tho profound respect B and perfect confidence of all good citizens. B Ills record is clean and honorable in every I respect , and nil tho signs in his horizon point B. to bucccss. H * mmmmmm"MM" I The "White Cap" idiocy has broken out in a I remote section of the state. Tho attempt to I transplant Hoosicr methods of regulation on I tho prairies cannot fail to result disastrously I to the authors. Nebraskarallroad bridges are elegant and convenient means of involuntary suicide. _ _ I Now tho little local railroads in Iowa aro np- I pealiug for relief. Like huge anacondas tho I hig roads swallow all th'o business. "findtbe I weak lines aro only running dcepor into doblV - This is a phase of tbo railroad problem over I which the Iowa state commission may well I knit its brows. Bee. I Cleveland's enthusiasm for civil servico I reform became intense with the dying hours I of official life. Ho regards it "so flrmly estab- I lished and its value so fully demonstrated , 1' I that he seriously commends the ruins to his I successor. Tho few friends of the president " ' have cause to regret tho crucl levity of his lat- tor day professions. The Haytian troubles seem to be approach- I ing an end. Legitime bos been successful lately in several Gngagmcnts , and Hyppolite I is on the run. Many sensational stories havo I been put in circulation regarding these I troubles , most of which are now denied , but I that a change has come in affairs and that tno insurrectionist has nearly reached the end of I his rope is probably true. Within a few weeks ' the cruel war will-doubtless bo over and the I rightful ruler restored to his authority. The Burlington road comes to Omaha's res- cue with a grain tariff to Duluth equal to that I charged for Chicago shipments. The deter- I mination of the Chicago board of trade clique I to grade down Nebraska corn and discriminate I against the products of the trans-Missouri I region , should bo promptly and vigorously re- sisted. With St. Louis on the south and Duluth I on the north the producers of the west aro I fairly independent of the greedy Hutchinsons I of Chicago. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I An appropriation of S3.000 was made toy the ; f Kansas Legislature to defray the expenses of B an immigration commissioner to the Paris Ex- I position in 1890 , and Emil Firman of Marion has been appointed by the Governor to spend I the money and do tho work. It will be the duty of the commissioner to make such a re- I presentation of the resources of Kansas at the II - Exposition as will increase foreign immigra- I * tion to Kansas , and it is believed that a proper effort in this direction will prove highly benc- ficial to the state. I , Toe dissolution of the Lth congress may be I hailed with delight inasmuch as it rids the I country at largo of that national inebriate , I Senator Eiddleberger. This blackguard's ex- I hibitions of himself even to the last day of the I' term have been the shame of the Lth congress , I and it is with a sigh of relief that we reflect I that annals of the coming session will not re- semble those of tho police court. Unless Sen. ator Barbour is known to bo strictly temperate „ they shouldfadminister tho pledge to him. I" Senator Riddleberqer terminated his I - Washington engagement Sunday night , with a I star performance , not specifically announced I on tho programme. He overtaxed his capacity I' for whisky.it seems , and the spectacle be made I of himself brought round after round of cn- I thusiastio applause from the galleries. The I parquettc and dress circle didn't seem * to ap- " m predate his efforts to entertain , but it was I " rare fun for tho upper spectators until two I - muscular sergeants at arms bore him away to I secluded spot to cool his fevered brow. I In conversation with a brother senator on I" tho Clayton murder in Arkansas , Senator I Jones of that state is quoted as saying : "We ; II intend to continue to carry elections at tho i If south by what you in the north call fraud ; j I * but if we cannot carry them in the present , I manner wo shall carry them in any method j t necessary , no matter what tho cost. " And yet- % the same senator is the most ready In debate ] 1 when these questions como up for considera- f > - tion in tho senate , to fling tho "bloody shirt' ' at any republican who dares to say that elce- l tions ought to bo carried on in the south hon- s , estly and lairly. - i Larrabee , governor of Iowa , has been aci L - quitted , by a Jury opposed to him politically , ] 5 of tho charge of criminal libel. The acquittal \ ? was the result of direct instrnctions from the i r. presiding Judge that tho pamphlet , on which 1 the action was broutrht , was privileged com- * municatlon , it being simply a copy of papers ' _ on fllo in the governor's office. The question 4 ' of malice in the issuing of this pamphlet does ] not appear to have been under consideration , i t but It is to be presumed , in the absenco of pos- | itivo evidence , that malice was wanting. The ] - ' * main interest in the trial was the question i t whether the document issued by the governor f .camo under the head of privileged.communi- .catiQn , ad this has been settled , at least so .far as i e decision of the trial court goes. ' j " 'Whattfae.cup enjo court may decide , should ( 'the case be tak60 ip/6 yet ono of tile things TJ- .which is not known/ ' a | ; ' i $ : The inaugural ball was a euepfjEfi . .nctwjih- fe" standing the earnest denunciations of e J ; < dergy. Wealth and beauty were there and tdsaced the evening' and tbo morning hours t g" i&wayfu honor of the newpresident. Theroom j . -buildinff in wWch tho ball was held , tho Ei .court of tiie new pension building , was large s P' - and airy , and thousands participated in tbo apt jL - propriate exereisea of tho occasion. Tho hall ° g. was perfect in its decoration. Lights flashed d [ from thousands of Efeaded flames , perfume t scented the air , bunting decorated tho walls and entwined tho massive piilRii , while deli- ci&UB music filled the air with its seductive * jstroifis. Itwasanightlongtoboremembere * . sBeauty. light , color , the flash of Jewels and tho .charm of4 cdelIcate perfumes heightened tho t ; I s .enjoyment. The Joyousness of youth and tho 5 .satisfaction of age mingled together and all J went merry as ft marriage bell. Long life to \ , , - heifl8u uralbflU * ' 1 GOING TO WASHINGTON. Hastings , Nob.March 3. [ SpoclalToIegram to Thu JJco.l James Laird started for Wash ington this morning In company with Charles H. Paul and wife. He is worso than 0110 month ago , but his presenco in Washington is regard ed as prudential for both personal and politi cal reasons. In case of an extra session bo could bo present to voto and thereby assist re publicans with their small majority to organ ize tho house. ' , Hon. James Laird , his private scerotary , Paul , and wife , and Deputy Oil Inspector Jacobson mid wife , passed through the city Sunday on route for Washington. Tho bright weather of the past few days has had a wonder fully invigorating effect upon Mr. Laird and his friends beliovo that only a short timo will bo necessary to restoro him to his former health. Lincoln Journal. Hon. James Laiud has reached Washington nnd Is reported as having endured tho trip much better than was expected ho would. Stato Journal. DISAPPOINTED. [ From the Hartley Inter-Ocean. ] Mr. Isaiah Pate , of Hitchcock county , came down lost Sunday , expecting to bo united to Miss Luln Tcter at tho residence of his old friend O. S. VanDorn. After a number of friends had gathered and a Itev. called , it was found that tho ceremony could not bo per formed as the llccnso was procured in Hitch cock county. After a pleasant timo tho couple left for Hitchcock county where they wero soon made happy. / SETTLE AT ONCE. ALL PARTIES OWING US AUE REQUESTED TO MAKE SETTLEMENT BY CASH OR BANKABLE PAPER , BE FORE MARCH 20TH. AFT ER'THAT BATE ALL UN PAID ACCOUNTS WILL BE PLACED IN THE HANDS OF AN ATTORNEY FOR COL LECTION. . Ludwick& Trowbridge. Jamestown dress goods at J.G.ALLEN & CO/S : OMAHA DAILY REPUBLIGAN. This newspaper is now afforded to the public at the unprecedentedly low price of § 5.00 per year , or 50 cents a month. The Republican is a 1-page , 7- colutnn paper on week days , and 8 pages ( or more ) on Sundays. It is new and complete in every detail , and is the best , cheapest and handsomest paper published in Nebraska. Send for sample copy. The Omaha Republican. For Sale Very Cheap. Eour second-hand Ma good , - Sewing chines , all in perfect running order , all different makes , at the office of the Sing er Sewing Co. , in McMillen's drug store. WAGONS ! WAGONSI ! WAGONS ! ! ! Hall , Cochran & Co. havejustreceived a large shipment of the celebrated Mil- burn Tubler-Axe Wagons , which they are ready to sell at fair prices. For Sale or Trade. I have a Norman stallion for sale , or will tradefor land or cattle. J7. S. Wilcox. For Sale Cheap. An M. K. ' Lewis Well Augur and Horse Power. Inquire at the First National Bank. % A COOK WANTED. A good eook , male or female , is want edat once atitKc • * - Arlington House. WOOD FOR SATE. I have'a quantity of dry ' "stove " wood for sale at a reasonable price. Give me your orders. Frank P. Allen. HORSES FOR SALE. I have 7 Brood Mares and 2 Work Horses for " sale J. B. Meserve. Jamestown dress goods at J.C. ALLEN & COS.m Notice Probate of Will. In County Court of I Nehemiah Burtless , Red Willow Co. , Neb. f Deceased. The State of Nebraska , to the heirs and next of kin of the said Nehemiah Burtiess.deceased : Take notice , that upon flling' of a written in- < strument purporting to be the last will and ; testament of Nehemiah Burtless for probate i and allowance , it Is ordered that said matter ' . be set for hearing tho 1st day of April , A. D. , • 18S9 , before said County Court at the hour of one o'clock , ? . SI. , at which time any person in terested "may appear and contest the same : and notice of this proceeding is ordered pub lished three weeks successively in TnE Sic- ' Cook Tijibune , n weekly newspaperpubllshed ' in this State. - 1 In testimony whereof. I have hereunto set J my band and the seal of the County Court , at Indianolathis 6th day of March.A. D. . 1889. , 41 HARLOW W. KEYES , County Judge. • l Road Notice to Land Owners. \ TO AM. WHOM IT MAY CONCERN : ] The commissioner appointed to examine a road commencing at a point21 chains. 75 links , , west of S. E. corner Sec. 33 , Town. 4 , Range 29 , * in Box Elder precinct. Red Willow County. ; Nebraska , running thence South 3 degrees. 30 minutes. West 12 chains.thence West 13 chains , ' thenco South 14 chains.thence South 8 degrees , J East 10 chains , thence South 3 decrees. East i 20 cbains.theneo South 2degrees , east20chains , j thence South 53 desrrees , East 25 chains to Secl tion line , thenco West to S. W. corner Section , Town. 3. Range 29 , and terminating thereat , ] has reported in favor of the location thereof , j and ail objections thereto or claims for dam- ages must be filed in the County Clerk's office \ on or before noon of the 19tli day of April , A. c D.1889 , or said road will be established without j reference thereto. , -i 39-4ts. GEO. W. ROPER , County Clerk. ( t ; ROAD NOTICE TO LAND OWNERS. \ ; TO Alii. WHOM IT MAY CONCERN : " y I The Commissioner appointed to locate a road n commencing at bank of Red Willow .creek on jn sec. line between sees. 25 3 in and Town. 4. It. * a 30. Red Willow county , Nebraska , and 6 chains o east of quarter corner on said line , and running c on left bank of said creek by courses and dis- - tance3 as follows : N. 81 degrees , east3 chains , If. 4" degrees , east 3 chains. S. 52 degrees , east chains , S. 10 degrees , east 2 chains , S. Co de grees , Jcr.st chains , 15 degrees , west 2 chains , n to sec. Ifne Jibtween caid sections 25 nnd 30. t ) And also to acat tjjal'pari of public road on ti Bee. line betivccn secs2 ' ? nnd SOYS ? . 4 , H. 20 , be- 0 tw en tho first and last statttwis.ph ahoye doa scribed road : has reported in favor.of tho fes- * > tnblisbmontthereor. una" all objections thereto X or claims for dnmaires ' must bo IJJprt in the Conn0 ly Clerk's office on or before no&M of the 1Kb % lay of May , A. I ) . , 1S39 , or said road will be ea- ( tablished without reference thereto. GEO. W. ROPER , County Clerk. } , Dissolution of Partnership. ' a Tho copartnership between Helm & Davis Is a this day dissolved by mutual consent , Mr. si Helm hcvnir disposed of his interest therein It to Mr. Davip , .who. will continue to reside at p McCook and give his personal attention to cono tests and other businekb connected with the p Public Land Laws.JTM.HJ3LM , cl _ C. W. DAVIg , ti Dated , McCooktfcbTob , SfitJj , Wl , j WHITE GOODS. 'jWy will open , this week , the largest and be ' s 'f assortment of white goods ever.shvjffl in HhCop/c. J. C. ALLEN & CO. Notice of the Incorporation of the Huddleston Lumber Company. Notice is hereby given that tho Huddleston Lumber Company has been incorporated un der tho laws of tho Stato of Nebraska. That the namo of tbo corporation is tho Huddleston Lumber Company. That tbo principal placo of doing business is SIcCook , Red WillowCoun- ty , Nebraska' . Tho general nature of tho busi ness of sulci corporation is tho general lumber business , and such other business as is usually connected therewith. Tho authorized capi tal stookof said corporation shall bo Forty Thousand Dollars In shares of Ono Hundred Dollars cacb , with tbo privilege of increasing said capital upon a two-thirds voto of all the stockholders , giving ono voto to each share of stock owned by said stockholder. Tho capital of tho corporation shnll bo paid in upon the call of the president of tbo corporation. Tho commencement of this corporation shall bo the 1st day of January , A. D.,1889. and contin ue during the period of ton years from said date. Tho highest amount of indebtedness to which suld corporation shall at any timo sub ject itself , shall not exceed the sum of Fifteen Thousand Dollars. Tho business of said cor poration shall bo conducted by a board of directors , not to exceed flvo in number , to be elected by tho stockholders. Tho officers of this corporation , shall consist of a President , Vice-President , Secretary , nnd Treasurer. S. W. HUDDLESTON , Pres. Dated this 6th day of Fob. , 1889. Land Office at SIcCook , Neb. , I Slarch Cth , 18S9. 1 Notice is hereby given that tho following- named settler has hied notice of his intention to make final proof in supportof his claimand that said proof will be made before Register or Receiver at SIcCook , Neb. , on SlondayApril 29th , 1889 , viz : WILLIAM P. BELKNAP , who made P. E. D. S. No. 5.606 for tho S. E. II S2c.3Twp.5N..Range30 , W. Cth P. SI. He n hops tho following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon.and cultivation of , said innd , viz : Austin A. Clark , Frank B. Crnmcr , Sctb Nettlo.and Samuel Cinnamon all ot Osburn , Neb. Any person who desires to protest ngainst the allowance of such proof , or who knows of any substantial reason , un der the law and the regulations of the Interior Department , why such proof should not be al lowed , will be given an opportunity at tho above mentioned time and pJaco to cross-ex amine thewitnesses of 6aid claimant , and to offer evidence in rebuttal of that submitted by claimant. 41 S. P. HART , Register. i ' La nd Office at SIcCook , Neb. , j February 10th. 1889. f Notice is hereby given that tho following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his olaim , nnd that said proof will be made before Regis ter or Receiver at SIcCook , Neb. , on Thursday , April 11th , 1889 , viz : ROTHEES S. HILEMAN , who made H. E. No. 189 for the S. V S. W. U of Sec. 12 , and the N. a N. W. u of Sec. 13 , Town. 2Rango30W..CthP. SI. He names tho follow ing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , nnd cultivation of. said land , viz : John Whittakcr , Sirs. Sarah Sf. Nettleton , William O. Russell , Georgo J. Frederick , all of SIcCook , Neb. Any person who desires to protest against the allowance of such proof , or who knows of any substantial reason , under the law and the regulations of the Interior De partment , why such proof should not bo al lowed , will be given an opportunity at the above mentioned timo and nlace to cross-ex amine the witnesses of said claimant , and to offer evidence in rebuttal of that sudmltted by claimant. S. P. HART , Register. Land Officii at SIcCook , Neb. , l February Cth , 18S9. f Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will bo made before Har low W. Keyes , county nudge atlndianola. Neb. , on Wednesday , Annl 3d , 1889. viz : SASIUEL SULLEN. H. D. No. 383 for the N. W. X of Section 33 , Township 2 , North of Range 28 , West Cth P. SI. He names tho following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultiva- tion of , 6aid land , viz : Jaoob C. Foutz. Fran- lin W. Weavor , John W. Tolman , and William Sliller , all of Danbury , Neb. Anv person who desires to protest against the allowance of such proof , or who knows of any substantial reason , under the law and the regulations of tho Interior Department , why such proof should not be allowed , will be given an oppor tunity at the above mentioned time ana place to cross-examine the witnesses of said claim ant , ana to offpr evidence Jn rebuttal of that submitted by claimant. 8. P. HART , 37 Register. Land Office at SIcCook. Neb. , J February 20,1889. f Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his olaim , and that said proof will be mado before Regis ter or Receiver at SIcCook , Neb. , on Friday , April 19th , 1889 , viz : FRANK STOKLASA. H.E.No.447 f or the N. W.J4 of Sec.30.Town.4N.of Range 29 , W. fith P. SI. He names the follow ing witnesses to provo his continuous resi dence upon , and cultivation of , Bald land , viz : Charles SL Collins , Samuel D. SI cClain , William S. Pate , Hiram K. Bixler , all of SIcCook. Neb. Any person who desires to protest against the allowance of such proof , or who knows of any substantial reason , under the law and the regulations of the Interior Department , why such proof should not bo allowed , will bo given an opportunity at tho above mentioned time and plaoe to cross-examine the witnesses- said claimant , and to offer evidence in rebuttal of that submitted by claimant. 40 S. P. HART , Register. Land Office at SIcCook , Neb. , ) February 2Qth , 1889. f Notice is hereby given that the following , named settler has filed notice of bis intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before Regis ter or Receiver at SIcCook , Neb. , on Friday , April 19th , 18S9 , viz : CHARLES SI. COLLINS , H. E. No. 291 for tho 8. E. ii of Sec. 35. Town. 4 , N. of Range 30 , W. Cth P. SI. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon , and cultivation of. said land , viz : Samuel D. SIcClain , Hiram K. Bixler , Frank Stoklasa , Jr. , John Unzicker , all of SIc Cook , Neb. Any person who desires to protest against tho allowance of such proof , or who knows of any substantial roason , under the I law and the regulations of the Interior De- ' partment , why such proof should not bo al lowed , will be given an opportunity at the above mentioned time and place to cross-ex amine tbo witnesses of said claimant , and to offer evidence In rebuttal of that submitted by claimant. 40 5. P. HART. Register. Land Office at SIclook. Neb. , i r Februaiy 25th , 1889. f L Notice is hereby given that the following- named settlers have filed notices of their in tentions to make final proof in support of their claims , and that said proofs will bo mado before the Register and Receiver , at SIcCook , Neb. , on Thursday , April 18th , 1889 , viz : ENOCH E. OSVOG , H. E. No. 352 for the N. W. M Sec. 8 , Twp. 5 , N. v R. 29 , W. Cth P. M. Ho names the following c witnesses to provo his continuous residonce t upon and cultivation of , said land , viz : Col- bein P. Viland. Andrew P. Larson , Christopher D. Dueland , and Henry Tilgner , all of Quick , Neb. Viz : ANDREW P. LARSON , H. E. No. 250 for tho N. E. U N. E. U19 and N. IV. H N. E. H and N. Vz N. W U Sec. 20 , Twp. 5 , N. R. 29 , W. C P. SL He names the following „ . witnesses to provo his continuous residence * upon and cultivation of. said land , viz : Henry I 3. Shepherd , Winfleld T. Shepherd , of Osborn , f • Neb. , Colbein P. Viland , Enoch E. Osvog , of l 3uickNeb. Viz : - j ] COLBEIN P. VILAND , f H. E. No. 351 for theS. W. U S. E. Sec. 8. and tf. fcs N. W. H apd N. W. U. N. E. U See. 17 , y rwp. 5 , N. R. 29 , W. C P. SI. Ho names the foTn owing witnesses to provo his continuous resi- lence upon and cultivation of , said land , viz : Bnoch E. Osvog , Andrew P. Larson , Nels C. Duoland.of Quick , Neb. , Henry C. Shepherd.of 3sborn , Neb. Any person who desires to pro- est against the allowance of such proofs , or vho knows of any substantial reason , under a ho law and' tho regulations of the Interior - Department , why such proofs should not bo illowed , will be given an opportunity at the ibore mentioned timo and placo to cross-ex- imiae the witnesses of said claimants , and to iffer evfdence in rebuttal of that submitted by ilaimants. * r 40 S. P. HART , Register. Land Office at SIcCook , Neb. , I Slarch 2nd , 18S9. ) Notice is hereby given that the following- tamed settler has filed notice of his intention o mako final proof in supportof his claim.and hat said proof will be made before Register r Receiver at SIcCook , Neb. , on Thursday , LprilJWtb , 1889 , viz : / - NELSON J. CHRYSLER , rbo made HEJNo. . 503 for tjie S. E. U S. E. J f 8eo. 10. and W. W N. p ) . H of Sec , 15 , and N. „ 3. K N. E , H of Seo. 15 , in Town .4 , N. of 'Range . * 9 , W. of 6th P. SI. He names the following \ fitnesses to prove his continuous residence _ pon , and cultivation of , said land , viz : Joseph I. Stephens. Stephen Bolles. Josinb E. Sloore , ' Llexander W. Campbell , all of BoxEIder.Neb. my person who desires to protest against tho Uowance of such proof , or who knows of any ubstantial reason , under the law and the regu- itions of thelnterior Department , why such roof should not be allowed , will bo given an pportunity at the above mentioned time and lace to cross-examine tho witnesses of said laimant , and to offer evidence in rebuttal of bat submjtjed by claimant , S. P. HART , • ' • • if - msistes , . . . THE SULTAN. A Sultan sat by Danube's tide And sore distressed aloud he cried ; While like the waters to the sea His tears ran down both fast and free. A passing stranger said : " My friend , Why do those tears so fast descend ? " "Alas ! " he sobbed , "I've lost all hope ; I've lost my cake of Ivory .Soap. No more in pride through town I'll go , With garments clean and white as snow ; But in disgrace must move about , By scornful fingers pointed out. " "Not so , " the noble stranger cried ; "I have a piece and will divide ; " And from his coat-tail pocket drew A cake and broke it fair-in two. Then rose in joy the Sultan gray , And made that man a Turkish Bey , With servants kind and Viziers sage , And fifty wives to cheer his age. A WORD OF WARNING. There are many white soaps , each represented to be "just as good as the ' Ivory' ; " they ARE NOT , but like all counterfeits , lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities of the genuine. Ask for " Ivory" Soap and Insist upon getting it. Copyright 18S0 , by Procter & Gamble. L Berieiier , Merchant Tailor. 18S9.SPRING SEASON. 1889. I have to offer for this season an unusually large stock of SPRING GOODS , of all descriptions ; the latest styles of wide WALES Satin Finish , WORSTEDS , SCOTCH SUIT INGS , SPRING OVERCOATS , FINE TROUSERINGS , Etc. , Etc. Call earlyand examing the new goods. L. BERNHEIMER , Old First National Bank Building , McCook. MERCHANT TAILOR. iipl Finest Residence Prop erty in the city. A few CHOICE CORNERS left. Call and get prices. BABCOCK&lCELLEY SOLE AGENTS. tW Office in the New Babcock Building , rooms 1 and 2. o CRETE NURSERIES. Two hundred acres of Nursery Grown Trees and Plants for sale. 70 acres ) orchard and 15 acres of small fruit. Try a Home Nursery ! It should be apparent to any one that a Nebraska nursery can and will do letter by its patrons than eastern nurseries. Our trees and plants are adapted o Nebraska soil and climate. We also PLANT TIMBER CLAIMS < .nd cultivate and guarantee them a term of years. "We PA YOUR FARE 30TH WAYS" on large orders to come and see us. Correspond for terms on his plan. We are well stocked with Heavy Shade Trees , suited to street plant- og. The Superintendent having sold fof a carload of trees for streets of Mc- 3ook , would like to secure by mail , trade enough to finish the car. No sale ard. Order before March 25th what you wish forwarded. TIME SALES aade on many lines of stock to responsible parties. Address , E. F. STEPHENS , Supt. , Crete , Nel ) . . * " • - < Sl/BSCFjlBE FOR * J [ | | TRIBUNE * " $ T'50 A YEAR- - . . . ' ' ' * j - • * * - > i s--J * j \ • j tt * V * ii l J' ! i Mi FAMDUS CLOTEUNG CO. 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - , - - - - - - - - , - * - i 1i 1 ii i -i ii -i ii i i " i u , . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . t - - + - - + + + + * + + - - + - + + -f + + + + * - + + + + 4-f + ' + + - j ? i i .rji iji.r.ni.nuTirnnmmvTmri.L .u .ij i i ii i. i 'i 1 j SPRING , 1889.M , * * * * * - * • * * * v i Our NEW STOCK is 1 now in and more com- 1 piete in every way than 1 we have ever shown | before. j [ I . \ The house / * only ( = = = = = = = = iii S. W. Neb- = J J STRICTLY rfeVacomplete j UHB rUGBi ) ] S line in rl = = = = = = = = = every = = = = = = = = = = = = { DEPARTMENT. ' | 1 ii 'I ' \ In Styles , Qualities and - / J ' Quantities , no house . J I in Southwestern Neb- " / 1 raska can show one- ) 1 half as many. I - I . . . . . . . . * * * * * * * * * * * * . * 1m , y- M Goods MarM ii Plain Hps j m FAMOUS CLOTHING CO. I JONAS ENGEL , Manager. { I McCOOK , NEK , FEB. 22nd. 1 'I ' i. cteii o i a i j OF I WINTER 600DS ! Boots , ft ii Rite Cols I AT 1 SlaniiF Prices for Cash Only I AT SHOE STORE OF J. F. I GANSCHOW. I Owing- the extreme mildness of the , . season , I hare on hand an extraordinari- ' ly large stock of winter goods , and as I r jfl am about to receive large consigiimeiits J fl of NEW SPRING GOODS , more space is I absolutely required. I have therefore > /B determined to sell at the lowest possible ' B rate ever known in the annals of the boot fl and shoe trade , BEGINNING JAN. 26th. , W DOME ONE ! COME ALL ! ; I AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS CHEAP RATE. i , H J. F. CANSCHOW , I ) m Dhe Old Reliable , McCook , Nebkaska , H . , . . . . . . . , , . _ _ _ - f fi hisBt * ' i % ' - * * r < * , : * ' ? ' -V. ° < ' > S " r3. ' " " \ JKt < r • " • ' • " • iiti • . < | HW -i afcfc _ _ „ - - g . > . - tt * flinii | M B