M * ° * " " " * * " * i [ > ! * > > iiu > * . .fcm' < jiiifi i i < > J y : iini5i . > iai. > j..A > -JLjii i .inwjMOnrinnhi iiii i 'KTVir > ' iK * > th > n ! • • > ly iit > > ini vmni.tf. - < ' ki , / * t j4 . iij \ A ' * . ' , , , _ .ii , , , nnin . , . . . , . > , rri. .w. ii. .ni > in ; > n ami ; \ 1 tii ii. K * . . . n > .wiii > w.ii . . m.a nnni 1 minimum jp ) > 'TugMfl > . . . ' ' ' ' 'J ' VV yjy rj ? U-tc > 4 ? * ' fcJ > iX * a VAyVvfabfgM JMi > > l ! a * TC ? * i * * ; . ; - - -Mm JIICC00I1 : enbttne.c : ; - . . . . . . : 1 J • ; VOLUME VII. McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY EVENING , MARCH 8 , 1889. NUMBER 41. , . I : ' ! \ I " " " > . - . . . . .l . . . . . . . , , . . , . . , . . _ ( / # H4t H W 41 W H-H W < + + + + + + + + + + I ) ' We have just opened up a i large line of Northern grown GAEDEN SEEDS in bulk , upon which we are making attractive prices. Parties wanting Onion and other | | garden seeds , will do well H' ' to get our prices before buy- Ml Ma & m ing. Blue Grass and White it Clover for lawns , and Planet _ _ K I " * * II Jr. , Garden Tools. H I J _ _ _ _ . . - • in in i i - ir i i - - - - - • ' in * nr r - • nn lit UMTS BIOiTPPTI If S IHBTO fl TIP m\ \ 'I1 m Is Si S M Kb Sj U fu * Pi ft BJ 0 ill h U u | | I Ills I lUit jjiilr llliiiJJ If ulm , 11 LaTOURETTE & CO. , H f &T * Brick Store , Main Avenue , 4 doors south of J. 0. Allen & Co. I A. OPPENHEIMER H f W IS NOW OPENED UP AND 1 READY H BUSINESS ! H. I CARRY AN IMMENSE LINE OF I CLOTHING , Etc. U' ' * i * * * a * * * * " B 3 THIS WEEK I WILL QUOTE A FEW | | SPECIAL LOW PRICES K ONE LOT OF SUITS AT $5.00. Hi' ONE LOT OF CHILDREN'S SUITS AT $2.50. " I& . .ONE LOT OF YOUTHS' SCOTCH SUITS AT $3.50. IIt SIX FINE ALL-WOOL MEN'S SUITS AT $12.50. til ONE DOZ. MEN'S BLUE BEAVERS AT $12.50. | | ] ONE LOT WORSTED SUITS AT $8.00. Ii | JEANS PANTS AT 90 Cents TO $1.50. | tk ' BOYS' JEANS PANTS AT 75 CENTS. lip ' , _ BIG CUT IN ODD VESTS. H : " * " * . \ ODD PANTS BELOW COST. H ( ONE LOT OF COTTONADE PANTS AT $1.50. ' m Big Bargains in Dress Goods , Ginghams , Etc. I " Boots ® Shoes M AT PRICES THAT DEFY COMPETITION. : - - - - K t * Sj y I . A. QPPENHEIMEE , ' ' _ _ n B 4 f BAB0OOK BRICK , - M4QQ9K } JTBBBASKA. J < BUSINESS DIRECTORY. * J. BYRON JENNINGS , ATTORNEY - AT - : - LAW. _ _ Will praotico in tlio Slnte and United Stnto Courts , and boforo tlio TT Land Olllcc1 ? . Curoful nttontion given o Collodions. Olllce ovor Citizens Bank , McCool. , KoI ) . THOS. COLFER , ATTORNEY - : - AT - : - LAW. AND NOTARY PUBLIC. Eoal Estate Bought and Sold and Collocion Mode. Monoy loaned on.roal estate and fliiu ! proof. Agent Lincoln Land Co. Offlco , over Farmora & Merchants Bank. R. M. SNAVELY , ATTORNEY - : - AT - : - LAW. INDIANOLA , NEIJKASKA. Will practico in nil tlio State and [ Tniio States CourtB. Aro ! , boforo tlio LundOt'tcofi ' McCook and tho department at Washington. HUGH W. COLE , LAWYER , MCCOOK NEBRASKA. Will practico in all tho Courts. Commercial and corporation law a specialty. MONEY TO LOAN. Rooms 4 and 6. First Nafl Bank Building. A. J. BITTENnOUSE , W. R. STARR , McCook. Indianola. Rittenhouse & Starr , Attorneys $ at $ Law. OFFICKS AT McCOOK AND INDIANOLA.S C. W. DAVIS , Attorney , Land g Loan Agent , McCOOK , - NEBKASKA. Four year's experience in the General Land Office at Washington , D. C , as Examiner of Contest Cases. DiiBcult contest cases a spec- ialty. Remember , I advise correctly upon all i pertaining to tho publio land laws. 8uestion8 Basement of Citizens Bank. H. G. DIXON , Real Estate and Loan Broker , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. Special attention given tc tho sale of city property. Houses rented and collections made. Offico : Rear of CitizenB Bank. T. B. STUTZMAN , M. D. , Eclectic Physician and Surgeon , OOULIST & 8T > AUEIST. McCOOK NEBRASKA "Office in McNeely Building , Main St. B. B. DAVIS , M. D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON , McCOOK NEBRASKA.ei l OEQco at Chenery's drug store. a L. J. SPICKELMIER , M. D. , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Bporial Altcatiffi Glvoa to Femle Dlseasos. Office hours , from 9 to 11 A. M. . and 2 to 4 P.Y M. . mountain time. Offico : Over Farmers & Merchants bank. > j Dr. Z. L. KAY , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON McCOOK. - - SKUHASKA. "Rooms : Overnew First National Bank. . A. J. THOMAS , a ak DEINTIS'T. SCi Ci Administers Gas if desired. "Office over 1 : Scott's brick. n G. W. MINKLER , a FORMERLY gl COUNTY - : - SURVEYOR , tc McCOOK , NEBRA8KA. Will do all kinds of Surveying , Grading and j Civil EnBineerinff. Residence north of school house. n ot THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL , is Geo. E. Johnston , Prop. fil McCOOK , "NEBBASKA. This house has been completely renovated and refurnished throughout , and is first-class In every respect. Rates roasonabio. . W. M. SANDERSON , pe er DECORATIVE - : - ARTIST , " su SCENIC PAJLNTEB , 3d Calcimininff , Graining. Papor Hanging , etc. g with neatness and dispatch. : er JOHN G. W. F. FLEEMING , { : : J Honse and Carriage Painting , : o QBAINIKO , CAidMININa , MABBLIKO , gt MCCOOK. NEBRASKA. bi Leave al ) orders at the drug store of Albert Jl McMillen. | First-ciass work guaranteed. 0 J. H. BENNETT , t A GONTRAGTOR BRICK AND STONE ta McCOOK. - NEBSaSKA. p tt F. D. BURGESS , f0pi pi " plumbing , { P < Steam and Hot Water Heating , tii North Main Ave. , McCook , NeD. EG Hf * All work receives prompt attentlOH. M. C. MAXWELL , 3f BREEDER OF Bi Short Horn Cattle , s by ai o go Stock on hand at all times. Farm : P ] one mile south of McCook , Neb. ie [ ffa 1 M4oeJf fnbnyt. : Anniversary Services. Tlie Anniversary Services at the Lutheran church , last Sunday , were well attended. The pastor , Kev. Kimmel , gave the following statistics in his review of tho three year's work as General Missionary pastor , in the J Republican Valley , including all lines of the B. & M. railroad soutli of Platte river and west of Hastings : Number ot sermons first year , 160 in 19 different towns. The second year , 175 in 22 different towns. Third year , 216 in 16 towns. Miles traveled in his work : First year , 12,400. Second year , 12,000 , and the past year , 21,450. Organized seven con gregations : Franklin , Bloomington and Mc Cook. Neb. , Long Island , Oberlin and Nor- catur , Kas. , and Akron , Colo. And built a church at each place , except the last. The six churches cost § 10,500 , and have an indebt edness of 54,500 , leaving a net gain as money raised on the field , of S12.000. He bought and paid for lots for the use of tho church in the \ future , at Alma , Republican City , Indianola , Minden , Cambridge , and Holdrege , Neb. , valued at 81,500. Total net gain of property in three years , S13.500. Collected for home J and foreign missons , S166.70and received on pastor's salary S500.00. He raised tho money and superintended the building of all the churches , and did all the preaching and pasn toral ' work , and added 179 members. He preaches now regularly every Sunday at Mc Cook and every two weeks , on week-day evenings , at Franklin , Bloomington , Oxford and Grant , Nebraska , and Long Island , Kan- sas. Every four weeks at Akron , Hyde and Holyoke , Colorado , and occasionally at Min den , Holdrege , Riverton , Curtis and Madrid , J Nebraska. He thanked the people of Mc Cook for liberality extended. The member ship of the church at McCook has grown to 35 and their financial condition is excellent. At the close of the services , the congregation by unanimous vote requested that the present relations continue , and pledged their hearty support. Though his family will go to Colo rado , to give Mrs. Kimmel a much needed I and well deserved rest , the pastor will con- tinue ' his work as before. The pastor was elected superintendent of the Sunday School , which will meet every Sunday at 9:39 : , M. T. A. C. Ebert was elected treasurer. Geo. Le- Hew , secretary , Miss Dora LeHew , chorister , and ; Miss Minnie Pade , librarian. A cordial invitation is extended all to be present at all g the services. The pastor may be called at any ! time for funeral or other service , by re- quest to A. C. Ebert at Citizen's Bank. My Night Experience in Search of a Doctor in McCook. Editor Tribune : As much comment is being made on a circumstance in which I am somewhat interested , I take the liberty of presenting the following facts to your read- ers : A neighbor , A. C. Nettleton , sent me for doctor , in a case where two lives were at stake. Like the most of us , he had his pref erence andl went to that one and was given the excuse of other professional duties , an other gave the same excuse , while a third must stay at home with his children as they were alone. Another could not attend on ac- count of a disabled hand as is well known. was told that Dr. Hall would soon be at home at the Commercial Hotel where I soon \ found him ; but he did not know A. C. Net- tleton. Reference was made to tho "black I list , " but the name was not there ; still he was not satisfied , but must be sure of his pay , so 1 told him I would give him my note for the amount , § 12.50. I had to provide convey * ance for him both ways ; but I was also un known to him , but finally he said if I wouldm get some one that heknew to also sign the note he would go. Frank P. Allen who came to the hotel with his bus , and to whom was almost a stranger , kindly signed the note thus placing me under great obligations to him. It seems hard , to say the least , that man must see his wife and children lie and suffer , while the messenger is going around town at midnight to waken some one to sign notes with him ; or if he be a stranger , see liim return without the looked for doctor , instances like the above are no blot on the - noble profession he represents , but is only an- sther phase of "man's inhumanity to man , " found the world over , causing misery and m suffering , filling prisons and poor-housesand - illing hell brimful and running over. Andrew Carson. TRUE TO NAME. Those who appreciate the value of nursery stock , trees and plants true to name and in perfect condition , should write to Crete uurs- jries , Crete , Nebraska , for their catalogue ind printed matter giving full description of such varieties as they have found best adapt to Central Nebraska , together with sug gestions for planting the same. Their nurs eries are located 20 miles S.V. . of Lincoln on he main line of the B. & M. , and in 17 years hey have built up a large business. On large jrders they pay fare both ways of customers = come and see them and examine their stock , by deducting travelling expenses from Sill purchased. Everything ordered before March 25th will be delivered in McCook free ffl f charge , as the Supt. lias sold three-fourths K a car load , with which additional orders | jan be packed. No sale yard. Order early. Address , E. F. STEPHENS , Supt. Pensions for Deafness. ' The recent act of Congress , providing for increase of pension on account of total or partial : deafness , having been approved by a the President , the Commissioner of Pensions ci ives notice to all those now pensioned for = total or partial deafness that no formal ap plication will be required to secure said inv urease. Notice is given by the Pension Of- 5ce that it will only be necessary for such pensioners to write to the Commissioner , give names , certificate number , and service , and such cases will be settled at the eailiest prac tical moment. ELECTRIC BITTERS. This I remedy is becoming bo well known and popular as to need no special mention. All ivho ' havs used Electric Bitters sing tho same song of paaise. A purer medicine does not jxist and it is guaranteed to do all that is claimed. JUectrio Bitters will euro all diseases tho Liver and Kidneys , will remove Pimples , Boils , Salt Rheum and other effeetions caused . impure blood. Will drive Malaria from the system and prevent as well as cure all Malarial fevers. For cure of Headache * , onstlpation ind Indigestion try Electric Bitters Entire satisfaction guaranteed , or money refunded. Price 50 cts. and $ 1.00 per bottle , at A. McMil4 en'a drag store. Hall , Cochran & Co. , DEALEBSIK n tii Mi nil flMlJiliillJj , Implements , Etc. A complete stock of CUTLERY , STOVES , TINWARE , BARB WIRE , WINDMILLS , OILS , ETC ; Lowest Living Prices. WEST DENNISON STREET , McOOOK j , - - NEBRASKA. n - T | Trp | I ( HI Yon will fkd a splendid line of Ckrtha , Cft stK47O0 , Wop. Bteds , LoBctoa Suitings , and Trouserings , and & complete assortment of Spring and Fall Overeoatrngg. Also Esqui mau Bearers in all shades at DEYSDALE'S Fine Custom Tailor Shops , opposite the new posfcofaco. Good fltg gnaraatoed. Thir ty-five years' exjrerianee in New York City. MAIN I AYENUE , McCOOK , NEB. : ALLEN'S TRANSFER , Bus i , Baggage Bray Line. . J F j , P. ALLEN , Prop. , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. festest Equipped in tho Citr. Leave order at Oommcrcifll Hotel. Qeod well water fur niabed oo sbort notice. . Herian & DesLarzes , FrojHieteni of tho JfcCook Transfer % City Bus Line. Bis t&aad fraai all trateg. C al hauling and gGStetl St&r&rr. Tftrsu tfpiys. AH work pto5sb45t atfcsntfed to. Leave orders at Frees Jfc B ko i Lumber Yard. Blue ' j Front Livery Stable D. D. SMITH , Proprietor. Livery , feed and sale stobJcs. Fines . t torn onts In the city furnished. Born , rear Mc- Entee Hotel. R. H. COLE , = "The Leading" llsrehant Tailor or McCOOK , for First-Class Tailoring. Having a large stock of Fine Suitings and Troas&ringa , I will furnish them cheap for the next 60 days. KILPATRICK BROTHERS. ( Sttceesfiocs to E. JD. Webster. ) Hor e tosnflea on left hip or left shoulder. mb P. O. address , Estellc , KZT Hayes county , and Beat- BflHRMlSENL rice , Neb. Bange. Stink- P9M | j3&lBff Water and French- VBjj > s ra iaancr8ska , Chase Co. , H XrasdM onion eide of d | JCf • oaao animals , on hip and - 1 i 1 I WeVeGotTM ! - . - . - , , , _ - . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ - - - - - - ni B | | In r r I j n | | | | --rr- | -i i i i r i i i i i ' i 'i- .in r n - i illmuui n > i ihi--I-jm " * * * * . . * * . * * * * GOT WHAT ? / * - - - _ . - . . _ . - - - - . - . - . - _ - . . . . . _ . . , , , | -i i i. r- - i r i. - - -j. " i. - - " " ' " - - - - Ii - - i i i ' OLID S ERYIGEABLR CHOOL ! HOBS. ton MISSES , III IB ffllDSI ' * * ft ft It ft * ft ft ft | Our "Challenge" and "Lion" School Shoes are the best ever offered in McCook. Every seam is stitched with the hest of silk , and riveted with an invincible rivet. We have just • } opened 24 dozen pairs for a starter. t r We will have something- say re garding * a line of BUFtT AMB HEARS5 ! Fine Shoes for Gentlemen , which are Tuidisputably the hest goods in the world. Retail price , § 8.50 per pair. , Yours for Good Goods. "BOSTON BARGAIN SHOE STOKE. " OPERA HOUSE BLOCK , - McCOOK , NEBKASKA. * CITY BAKERIES , A. PItOBST , Proprietor. FRESH BREAD DELIVERED EVERY DAY FREE OF CHARGE. PIES-CAKES-CAlSDIES-NUTS-OYSTERS-CrDER CIGARS-TOBACCO-ETC-ETC. LUNCH ROOMS INCONNECTION. . - : - - : - - : - LYTLE BROS. & CO EEEP THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT OP SHELF AND HEAVY ABDWABE' ' ' STOVES AND TINWARE S. W. Nebraska , and at lowest living prices. Mae Cutlery a Specialty. ANY V/ORK IN THE LINE OF TIN , SHEET IRON OR COPPER \ 1 PROMPTLY AND NEATLY EXECUTED. LYTLE BROS. & CO. Ih I . ' .a