The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, March 01, 1889, Image 5

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    _ _ _ _ PmW..i 'i > % nf
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H I"J JBcftwfc IWw ? * .
Il K' ' FItlDAY EVENING. MAKCJI 1 , 1889-
Wmht Has now open a iin
| -A assortment of NEW
| 8 v Wall Paper , I
| H H. & M. Tinted Leads
| Ht for house painting.
| M- Please call and exam-
| H amine my selection be-
QH fore purchasing.
A. MeailLLEN ,
IVi Wo have just opened 2 cases new
IK prints. Thoy are soiling fast Come 1
| S and get our prices on prnts and
jB | muslin. Call for Lonsdale Fruit of the ,
ilS * Loom or Hopo Muslin.
H6 J. . yU / / < C0.
ID 11 The "CelebratedDunJap Hats , " best r
PI II * made. Spring styles now ready.
HI I THE FAMOUS , Sole Agents.
II m'YW ' Citv Dnua Store.
Max /Remember Noble for groceries.
MBEfl _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Oflf Noble for superb hanging lamps.
ED nj j Fresh candies at the City Bakery.
( fi ill
[ f.fXf Go to Noble for your family groceries ,
HjF " ? * > . Hall's office , over First Na-
fflM tional bank.
DkI\ , [ SFFresh sausage at the B.M. .
EH * ' Meat Market. .
I E Fresh oysters , in cans and in bulk at
mfflt the City Baker } ' .
mMj Predmorc Bros , are the geniuses to
Bfl | repair broken castings.
HHr Remember that Leland & Morrow sell
[ flg * " the reliable Olds wagon.
NH Fresh and smoked meats of all kinds
Jl at the B. & M. Meat Market.
iH Everything fresh and clean in the
wBU- • way of groceries at Noble's store.
wm Cash paid for live stock , poultry and
11 " hides at the B. & M. Meat Market.
HK There is no other way. Buy your
ITS groceries , queensware , etc. , of Noble.
MB Children's kilt and pants suits. Lat-
l | | est. ' THE FAMOUS.
jtt ] " " Latest things in children's hats at
HI. Plumbing in all its branches prompt-
H | ly and-skillfully performed by F. D.
V " • Burgess.
II % Predmore Bros , have no superiors and
jjl few equals. Try them on plow and
M lister work.
9 t\ For home sugar-cured meats hams ,
jflf' ' * , breakfast bacon , etc. , go to the B. &
S Meat Market .
| H ( r . " * "V Bf In the line of plain and fancy
Kg . groceries , C. M. Noble will fill • your
[ H - evory want satisfactorily.
_ _ The celebrated Olds wagon for sale by
fll , * * Leland & Morrow. Also spring wagons ,
! BJ : 4. - v buggies , etc. All very cheap.
Ml ,
lh Every tiling new in goods for men's ,
l/H / boy's , and children's wear at
m " . . v c
m - J I guarantee both quality and price.
IE" Nothing slop shop or stale. Give mea
ft call * . H.H. Berry.ft
B -
m ' - Undertaking in all its branches
m promptly attended to by
m Pade & Son. vi
m * / . ar
H < ' _ Organs and sewing machines sold on
n % the instalment plan at the implement
m warehouse of C. P. Eixker.F
W \ tu
ft This weekLeland & Morrow have re-
11 ceived a car-loa 'd of fall and winter ,
9 wheat flour. They carry the best grades.
ft \ ifyfiu wantr'nice tender beefsteak
B give the B. & M. Meat Market a call ,
jf • t / , They butcher none but the choicest of av
H - beeves.
jl . , Leland & Morrow carry a complete
IK ' stock of corn , oatschop feedand in fact 1
B * * of everything belonging to a first-class se
* flour and feed store.
i ' Organs and sewing machines at abc'
solute cost for cash at C. P. Binker's
r for the next tendays only. Office in
\ ' warehouse old stand. j
I" Strasser has two of the finest offices la
r * in the city for rent. Front rooms , with rc
\ * baywindows. . Call at once if you wan
to secure elegant office quarters. ri
ff . * ' • We will furnish estimates and designs
i * • ' and decorations and -
r- for wall paper guar-
'X" , antee prices.
} V McCook Book & Stationery Co. a
$ Small , but well selected stock and
M constantly turningis why my goods are
f always fresh. No stale stock in my
f ; X store. H. H. Berry. i „
Iv If you did not get a sample package . .
JE % of Si Patent flour , do not feel .
iL. f slighted as it was not intentional , but
i -i X try that brand and you will use no '
\ % other. Sold by Potter & Co. tl
A full line ' of carriage bows , sockets , N
offsets , concealed points , top prop nuts , a
loaf nuts , thumb nuts , shaft shackles , w
clip king bolts , anything in the carriage . ft
line'can bo found at Predmore Bros. -
1 .
• ; Jamestown dress goods at
J , C. ALLEN &V0/S. a
Tf ia n' [ - rmnLi ii ) riiiri'iin < ntt > TrVWiw ' * ii " * > ii'M '
i -
r *
< •
Never before have as largo lines of
White Goods been shown as our stock
of Embroideries , Laces and Handker
chiefs. Wo will make lower prices than
any competitor in this market. We
have the largest and best assorted
stock of dry goods to be found in the
west. We invite an inspection of our
stock. / . C. ALLEN & CO.
I will.sell my residence property in
McCook on very good terms to the
right purchaser. Lot is a southeast
corner , in the best residence portion of
the city. House has six rooms and
good cellar. Will sell all my furniture
also , as it now stands in the house. For
terms and particulars sec W. F. LawSt
son ( at the First National bank , or ad-
dress 0. C. Gaston , 408 , First National
bank , , Omaha.
Bead the lines below _ , your eyesight is
"GeorsoM.Chonory nt tho City Druff Storo
soils pure drugs and medicines. "
Rooms for Rent.
The rooms over the First National
bank building , formerly occupied by
Dr. Z. L. Kay. Inquire of ,
S100.000 to Loan on Real Estate.
Insurance written in reliable comja
panys , city property for sale and rent.
Office up stairs in Mqrlan block.
0. J. ltYAN.
How Do You Stack Up
For nay ? Eaton & Co. have quantities
of nice bright hay for sale at lowest mar-
ket < prices. Call at the
Circi/b Front Livery Barn.Pf
Special Notice.
Just received a car load of Flour
from the Superior Mills , including 84
Patent , Lion and Legal Tender brands.
Potter & Co.
Farmers Attention !
Skandia-Finished Plow Lays warrant-
ed ] to fit any make of plows , right or left ,
IS , 14 and 16 inch , at Predmore Bros.tri
_ _ ! I
To build a good brick business block l
and get a loan on it at nine per cent ,
apply to F. L. Brown.Uo
5,000 ROLLS
New Wall Paper at
McCook Book & Stationery Co's.
Go to Leland & Morrow for everso
thing in the flour and feed line.
Hats , the only complete line in Mc
Cook < , at THE FAMOUS.
Pade & Son's. h
New style neckwear.
Sugar syrup , maple syrup and sor-
ghum at Berry's.
A large line of KOCKEBS at
Pade & Son's.
Now is the time to get your plow rejus
paired and Predmore Bros , is the place ,
Spring overcoats , latest styles , at
When you need any blacksmithing ,
Predmore Bros , can be found at their
anvils. " v
For plain , practical , scientific or
pathological horse-shoeing , go to Pre 'd- c
more Bros
Prescriptions accurately com-
pounded , day or night , at the City c0
Drug Store : S0
Noble , the leading grocer , carries the
most complete line of queensware in the cal
city. Inspect it. * en
Go to the Hud'dleston Lumber Co. wa
for the latest winter styles in Hard ers
and Soft Coal. sta
JEtPThe price of liberty is eternal
vigilance , but Noble's prices on groceries
are sure to catch you.
Lost A Knights Templar charm , int
Finder ] will be suitably rewarded by reb
turning same to E. E. Lowman. lo
t wa
Canned fruits , evaporated fruits and
dried fruits of all kinds and best brands jj1
at ' * H.H. Berry's. en
Fine tailor-made suits , sacks and cut-
aways , latest novelties , at ing
C. P. Rinker has an exceedingly fine
lot of organs and sewing machines to cw
sell cheap. Call and see them. clt1
We make aud hang all shades purmr
chased of us. "E
McCook Book & Stationery Co. mi
A. McMillen is selling Wall Paper
Bemnants cheap to make room for his
large stock of WALL PAPER , just
received. \n \
We put in new steel sockets for carfin
riage and buggy bows at less price than and
others can patch them. be _
Predmore Bros.
You can't afford to buy Wall Paper w
and window shades until you have seen the
our new .line. in
McCook Book & Stationery Co. qu
Those who prefer to have their clothtio
ing "made to order , * ' and want them at Xyj
reasonable prices nail and inspect our wl
line of samples just received. A fit io
guaranteed. THE FAMOUS. Di
If you want something handsome in
the way of a hanging lampcall on CM.
Noble. He is just in receipt of the the day
largest and finest stock of hanging in
lamps ever brought to southwestern ce
Nebraska. ren
= Tne
Our line of Hamburghs , Swiss , and tier.
White goods will please our many "We the
customers. J. C. ALLEN & CO. 0f
_ _
i' ' '
' ' ' / • - - •
inc stationery , regret and calling cards at fc
The Tiiimjyrj oflice.
Oil , tlieso "rays of sunlight" from tiie '
county oflicials efTlcientI •
You have no doubt noticed the fact , but
"j onik JiiLs su obi blnoinThe TiuIiune.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _
TJio dnnce . annoiinced for last Friday eventj \
in ' ? , ' , at tlie Menard , did not'transpirefor lactt
of itartfclpants. .
The rcliablo West Dennison street fumi-
turo de lers , Pade & Son , present a string of
locals , in this issue. -
"IHgii Five" next to poker , of course ,
is perhaps the most popular game wlthMcl
Cookitcs ( , nowadays.
It is to bo desired that Kamson's bill raisse
ing the test of oil from 100 to 120 degrees
will become a statute.
"Come and settle" is the word Ludwick &
Trowbi idge are sending out to their debtors.
See them before the 20th.
The i supreme court lias passed on the
dual submission proposition and has estabM
lislied its constitutionality.
-i i - - - .1n
Canon City , and other grades of soft coal ,
and ) botii Pennsylvania and Colorado hard
coal at Bullard's lumber yard.
Uullard doesn't sell drugs ; but it is a cau
tion the amount of hard and soft coal lie is
weighing out , these chilly days.
Billiard has "the cream" of the coal trade ,
He keeps in stock a large supply of best
grades of both hard and soft coal.
Is your coal bin empty ? If so consult I3ul-
lard ] , dealer -"dusky diamonds" • of best
grades , at the Badger lumber yard.
We devote considerable space , this week ,
to the publication of another lengthy list of
land ] patents , just received at the McCook oftei
The Iluddlcston Lumber Co. is gradually
extending their territory. The latest pur-
chase is The Frees & Ilocknell Lumber Co. 's
Bartley yard.
School ' books , blank books , scale books ,
letter copying books , legal and land blanks ,
pens , inks , pencils , tablets , etc. , at The
Tiubuxe ollice.
With Bullard's filling your order for hard
or soft coal ? "He's all right. " So is his
large : stock of coal. So are his figures. Give
linn a trial order.
The "Glucinum" pen is undoubtedly the
finest pen in the market. Will outwear three
other pens. For s.tle at The Tiubune Sta
tionery Department.
The birthday ot the "Father of Ilis Coun
try" was quite generally observed in Mc
Cook. Business was in a measure suspend
etl and the school children enjoyed a holi
Improvements J are still being made on the
Commercial House. Host Johnston lias in
mind the best hotel in Western Nebraska ,
and. nothing short of that mark will satisfy
"West < McCook is preparing for quite a
building boom. Five houses will be built as
soon < as weather will peimit , among the
number before one for Police Judge O'Dontin
The Tihbuxe's handsome new window
sign will of course be recognized as the work
of Mr. Miller , undeniably the best artist m
his line , in Western Nebraska , who will
shortly locate in McCook.
Anniversary services at the Lutheran
chiuch next Sunday morning and evening by
the pastor , J. W. Kimmel , who will give a
review of the three years work in the JRepub-
licau Valley. All are invited.
The greatest variety of tablets in this sec-
tion of Nebraska may be found at The Teipe
buxe Stationery Department. The line has jj
jus been largely increased. Call aud see an
the assortment and get prices.
We understand that Mayor McEntee conpri
templates making extensive improvements
liis hotel , among them being steam heat.
The McEntee is to be kept in the van of the F.
McCeoIvS improvement prbcession.
. ,
For the list of patents appearing - in - tins M.
week's Cornier , piinted at Indianola , this m
county , our esteemed contemporary is under
obligations to The Tkibuxe. The matter
proper credit was no doubt overlooked.
Word from ltev. D. S. Morris , pastor loci ,
conveys , the news of the burning of the WilI
sonville ] M. E. church , Sunday afternoon pei
las , at about 3 o'clock. Defective flue the aff
cause. The parsonage was saved by wind on
changing : direction. the
r . , ne
This } week , the McCracken jewelry store im
was purchased by Messrs. McElwain & Bowscr
, who will continue the business at the old
stand. Mr. Louis Fox will remain with the
new propi ietors for the present. The Tijib-
vse wishes them success.
We have for sale in our Stationery Depart
ment one Imndrrd nounds of fine paper cut
into various sizes for figuring pads. Every the
business : man should lay in a supply , Only wil
cents a pound. Don't forget us if you to
want any iigm ing pads. * "
Ouresteemed ( , but bilious , contemporary at
Indianola ( , this county , bears witness to the
enterprise ; of McCook papers in this language :
"The McCook papers are nothing if not en
terprising. " And it is said that the llecoulJ
Angel thereupon gave Bishop a red credit an
mark. teJ
- cit
The persistent statements of our demolal
cratic contemporaiy , tiiat The Democrat exwi
clusiveiy pi hits the news , reminds lis of the
traditional democratic Irishman , who re
marked in the course of a campaign speech :
"For spache making and the loikes I am not
much , but for honesty and integrity I can tui
bate the devil. " W
Nothing , perhaps , short of the receipt of a J'ei
commission as Register of the McCook TJ. S.
Land Ofiice , could have caused as mucli joy
" the Majors home , as the arrival of that
boy baby , Wednesday night. Mother
child are doing nicely and John hopes to &
able to resume his clerical labors by the _
first of comiiur week.
On Wednesday , a deal was consummated lit
whereby ] Mathias Dr.ill , of Lodajll. , became Co
( proprietor of the C. E. Boyd half section Ju
"Town Four , " which consists of a deeded like
quarter and a timber claim. It was a cash
hand transaction. It is Mr. DrolPs intenJ
to move out at once and occupy his farm , 0f
whicli he will stock with some fine horses nr
which lie will ship from lllinoi ? . We are co
looking < for more just such settlers as Mr. se
Droll. Welcome. ml
_ sp
Wednesday afternoon , the remains of Mi s. and
Carey , who died suddenly , the preceeding .
, on the farm , a few miles southeast of
city , were mingled with Mother Eart'i toi
Longview cemetery , this city. The deno
ceased ; leaves a husband and four small childto
, one an infant but two or three days old. a
departed was comparatively a new setAi
. The case is a sad one and calls forth ed
' profound sympathy of all kind hearts , fu
undeistand that the deceased isasister hi
Mrs. John Calkins , nee Mrs. Susan Kneff. th
TjLl1 'r r = - . - * - rflr5iJ'Jtfr Qgr '
iuniiji iijjirij * , iij riijiwi '
minifcnii < iim 't ' > jii i iiiL.7l.tiiriliiLli
A goodly company of friends participated
In j , a delightful progressive euchre party at
the ( homo of Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Babcock ,
Tuesday evening ; and all unite in voting it
among the most pleasurable affairs of the
winter. Anew feature was intioduced into
the game , in that each table was know by
the name of a state , whllo each of the four
players j at the various tables represented an
important ' city in that state. Among the
eager participants were : MB. AND MBS.
J. * B. Mesrve , F. L. Brown , George Ilocknell ,
C T. Brewer , F. S. Wilcox , O. W. Knights ,
S. L. Green , B. B. Davis , Z. L. Kay , Emil
Lindner , C. M. Noble , V. Franklin , P. W.
Newman , G.A.Noren. MBS. Samuel Strash0
ser , Alex. Campbell , H. H. Troth. MISSES
Ida ! J. Hollister , Mary Myers , Sara Lowman ,
Anna McNanura , L. Ella Hart. MESSRS-
E , E. Lowman , J. F. Forbes , A. C. Ebert ,
Geo. ( B. Berry , Caleb Clothier. The honors
0f the evening were carried off by Mrs. C. T.
Brewer . , who sustained the dignity of Des"ln
Maines , Iowa , in a becoming manner. While
Mrs. Emil Lindner , who repiesented Topeka ,
in the "Sunflower" state satisfied her soaring
ambition | with the "booby prize. " Kefreshtai
inents were enjoyed at a convenient lull in
the absorbing game.
Our New Plan.
We , the physicians of McCook , have been
forco to adopt a new plan with regard to
our collections for the following reasons :
1. ve * have found it impossible to collect
more than a small portion of our accounts.W
. 2. We have repeatedly found that our bills
have been "left until the last , " and we have
, ,
thus frequently been compelled to borrow
money from the banks to pay our running
3. ! This has been carried to such and exw
tent that we are forced to stop practice unin
less our patrons appreciate our services in a
more substantial manner. For the forgoing
reasons be it hereby
Resolved , That hereafter we will do
strictly a casli practice , and whenever any-
one of our patrons becomes delinquent , lie
shall be notilied , and unless satisfactory set-
tlement be made within thirty days thereatI
tei , he shall be put upon the delinquent list.dul
Resolved J , That all accounts now on our
books shall become delinquent , on Feb. 20 ,
18S9 , unless satisfactorily settled before that
Resolved , That we mutually pledge ourtliii
selves to refuse to answer all calls from those
found ] on the delinquent list. (
L. J. Spickelmiek.
T. B. Stutzjiax.
Z. L. Kay.
A. E. Halt. .
And. J. Willey.
B. B. Davis.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Those who appreciate the value of nursery
stock , trees and plants true to name and in
perfect condition , should write to Crete nurs
eries , Crete , Nebraska , for their catalogue
and printed matter giving full description of
such varieties as they have found best adapton
etl to Central Nebraska , together with sug-
gestions for planting the same. Their nursC
cries are located 20 milts S. W. of Lincoln on
tin main line of the B. & M. , and in 17 years
they ( have built up a large business. On large
orders they pay fare both ways of customers
to come and see them and examine their
stock , by deducting travelling expenses from
bill j pm chased. Everything ordered before
March 25th will be delivered in McCook free
0f charge , as the Supt. has sold three-foiuths
of a car load , with which additional oiders
cai be packed. No sale yard. Order eaily.
Address , E. F. STEPHENS , Supt.
Unannounced , But Not Unwelcome.Fva
A company of neighbors and friends dropjj
ped ) in upon Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Strasser , her
Monday ; evening , in an informal manner , win
and ( enjoyed a very pleasant evening with for
cards and chat and refreshments. The "surcou
prisers" were : MR. AND MRS. C. W.J0U
Knights , F. O. Newman , F. L. Brown , J. C.ar0
Biidsall , F. S. Wilcox , Georjre Hocknell , "W.
. Lawson , S. P. Hart , Emil Lindner , H. W. ter
Cole , B. B. Davis , Mrs. P. W. Newman , wee
Mrs. Mose Erman , Mrs. Z. L. Kay , Mrs. C.trp
. Noble , Mrs. S. Patton , Miss Grace Hamll
mer , Mr. J. C. Allen , and Messrs. M. Stern '
and ( A. Loeb of Hastings.
Subscribers Pay Up. the
It is not the habit of the publisher to do sale
persistent dunning ; but there is a tide in the
affairs ; of men which taken at the Hood leads
to glory ; so there is a.time in the life of gUl
publisher when a little casli seems to be
necessary < , in addition to glory. An urgent
invitation is extended our delinquent subTuc
scribers to call at once and settle up. In ami
other words we must have some money.
ThePublishek. V1
A Card of Thanks. nis
The ladies of the Geometrical Society of
Congregational church , desire in this on
wise to express their thanks and appreciation ras'
all those who aided th societyin the prep-
aration and serving of the recent Knights of bug
Pythias banquet. By order of the society. very
Grand Millinery Opening.
Mis. Barger will have an opening , Friday m0
and ( Saturday , March 8th and 9th , and exina
tends a cordial invitation to all ladies in the day
city and vicinity to call and see her on those nat
dates. Her stock of spring railliiiery goods uni
will richly repay inspection. TiU
WANTED 250 Head of Cattle 8et
and horses to pasture. 1,500 acres best pasper
rure in the county , 3 miles east of McCook. mo
Will be responsible for loss. Have lived 1-t wh
years on same ranch and am here to stay. rell
Albert W. Cobey. twe
Two good ofiice rooms. Inquire of Frees Ha
Hocknell Lumber Co.
- - -
His Honor , Police Judge O'Donnell , had a has
little seance , Tuesday , with some South Mcert.
Cookites of belligerent propensities. The in
Judge murmured something that sounded his
" 3 fine and usual trimmings. " they
. r- with
Last Friday evening was the anniversary thii
Rev. E. J. Hall's birthday , his fiftieth ana J
niversary , and his friends on the South SideT
commemorated the event for the reverend = =
gentleman iu a very pleasant manner , with a j
musical entertainment and a bounteors me
spread of refreshments , at the home of Mr. } tc
Mrs. Geo Leser. line \
' jec
"As ' happy as v. lark" is Ephraim C. Gasam
, lie having this week , received official wi'l
notification of the fact , ( an encouraging fact tue
the old soldier , ) that he had been granted are
pension of S14 per month , dating from hope |
August , 1SSS. Mr. Gaston was only examinf rl
, the first of the year , and feels very grate
to Mr. J. U. Foxworthy , of Lincoln , for 2
promptness in pushing the matter illi
through the pension department , si
_ _ _
ii. >
a 3taw newx y _ Mia yj o
Supr ' { CiiHfipv f.ttuily of Lincoln aro Judgo 1
CoatMnt'V vu st8.
A . KittoiilioiiBO liad legal business ln In-
diiitu la , this county , yesterday.
Car ' ! Clurk'a family , we tiriilorstund , conj
tctnpluto inovlnsr to Dorvcr to live.
J. Byron Jennings hurt legal biiainoss in
CulliL-rtson ; the fore part of the week.
Dr. ] Critser of the South swie lias moved Into ,
the city and will practise his profession.
H.P. Waltoand family moved to McCook ,
last ( Friday. Cambrldgo Kaloidoscope.
Kepresentative ] Wilcox spent Sunduy at
home , no returnod to Lincoln on Monday.
Mr. 1 A. Loob of Hastings has been visiting
friends and rolatlves in the city , this week.
II. W. Colo had buslnesj in tho stnto's mc-
tropolis , a number of days , tho first oftlio
Jleesrs. Geo. Hocknell and C. n. Meeker went
ln to Lincoln , Tuesday ovenlug , on matters of
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Hallow have been enterlti
taining Mr. and Mrs. Jack Laughlln for tho
past week.
Miss Magglo McAlpino is spending a few
days ; with her brother and family In Indianola ,
this county.
F. L. Brown made a short business pilgrim1
if to Denver , tho close of last week , returng
ing on Saturday.
Miss Faj Doty of Wauneta was In tho city ,
Wednesday , on her way to Uttiimwa , Iowa , on
an extended visit.
Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Oman , Fanny Fisher , G.t
II. Grubb , S. H. Smith , of the county-scatwcru
city ; visitors , Wednesdaj' .
E. E. Eisenliart , E. E. Cnpps and Wnllaco
Wlieeier wore among tlio Cuibertson visitors
in tho city , "Wednesday.
Mr. Gcorgo McNaul spent a few hours In tho
city , , Wednesdaj' , on his way to Wauneta from
a brief trip to Hastings.
Judge Harlow W.Keyesand fnther.M.Koyes
of Mt. Vernon , Iowa , were looking over tho
city , Wednesday afternoon.
L. A. Ilurlburt , tho oil man , who has boon in
dulging in tho luxury of an eastern visit , ar-
rived home on tho Saturday night passenger.
Manager ; Miller of tho "Economy Storo , "
Hayes Centre , had business In tho city which
detained him here , Monday and Tuesday of
tliii week.
ltegister and Mrs. S. P. Hart left on tho Tues-
jaj morning train for Ainsworth , Brown
county ; , where they will make a brief visit at
their former home.
Judge Itoyai Buck , of "Forest Home , " wc
arc pleased to note , has so far recovered from
his recent serious illness as to bo ablo to bo
about tho yard again.
M. ' Stem , owner of tho Stern's addition , has
been spending a few days in the city , this
week , on real estate business. He returned to
Hastings on Wednesday evening. "
Mr. A. E. Harvey , the Orleans banker , stayed 1
over in the city , between trains , Wednesday ,
on business. Ho was en route to Denver and
resumed his journey on the ilyer. {
Co. Treas. Goodrich returned from a two
week's visit to Lincoln , Saturday evening.
While there ha closed up a deal by which he
became the owner of about0,000 worth of
Lincoln real estate. Courier.
Messrs. Geo. Kaime and Will Anderson in1:57
voiced the The Frees & Hocknell Lumber Co. 's
yard at Bartley. last Friday , preparatory to j
turning over the same to The Iluddleston
Lumber Co. , who have purchased that yard. 1
C. E. Shaw of tho Nebraska Loan and Bank- !
ing Co. of McCook was up from Hastiugs.Tuesj
day , on business. He reports that the company
wil open up on the first of the month , in tho
Franklin brick , upstairs , in rooms formerly
occupied by the U. S. land ollice.
Miss Grace Hammer , who has been visiting
sister , Mrs. F. O. Newman , during the past
wiutcr , took her departure , Tuesday morning ,
her home in Polo , III. Miss Grace has be-
como a general favoiitc durinir her short so
journ in McCook. and regrets at her departure
heard on all hands. ,
E F. Stephens , Supt. of Crete nurseries , in.
terviewed his friends in McCook , early this _
week , and sold Mr. Hocknell a half car-load of
trees ( for his fine block northwest of town , -
with liberal sales to many other gentlemen .
. Stephens regards this as tho most enter-
prising town met in his round of trade.
Mr. G.W.Marquardt , the DesMoines , Iowa ,
wholesale jeweler , who has been in the city ,
past week , on business connected with the
alc of tho McCracken stock to McElwain & isj
Bowers , took his departure for home.Tuesday. fri
. Marquardt is considerably interested in
McCook { , owning the Scott brick and valuable Ve
suburban ] property besides.
Messrs. J. C. Allen and H. H. Troth departed ,
Tuesday erening , for the east , and will be pre
among McCook's representatives at the inaugaai
uraMon , next Monday. Mr. Troth will remain coi
the ' east three or four weeks , visiting in ua
Jersey and Pennsylvania. Mr. Allen will also
spend same time there , making purchases for alt
spring stock of goods.
Mr. Charles White , of this village , started. pul
Monday ] the 17th inst. , for McCook. Nebt(1 |
raska ' , where he has accepted the position of at.
examiner for the Nebraska Loan and Banking 1
Company of that place. Mr. White is a good for
business man and will undoubtedly make a exI
efficient man for the company. He will el)1
propably move his family west in the spring.
-Owego ( N. Y. ) Tunes.
Col. T. E. McCracken left on yesterday dai
morning for Washington , D. C , to witness the est
inauguration of General Harri = on , next Menen
, The Colonel will spend some time at the pja
national capital , and hopes to secure a position w
under the now administration , in which Tue ueI
TamONE hopes hb may be successful. Secre- t.e |
. Laws accompanied the same pany.which
out from Lincoln , yesterday. .
Win. II. Gorrell has disposed of all his protui
perty in this place , and in a short time will un
move with his family to McCook ' , Nebraska. oy
where ( he has purchased prop erty. Mr. Gorac
has been station ajrent at Millersburg for dei
twenty-eight years and is > one of the most t0
competent and courteous officials along the jin
of the road. In his removal from town , his
Millersbur-r losses one of her Lest citizens. jn
Holmes County ( O. ) Farmer.
"Win. H. Gorrell. our most efficient station , ,15
agent , has returned from the west , where he Rel
conclude 1 to locate. He has bought propa ?
. in McCook , Nebraska , and will move there tnt
the spring. He saw .Tame'.Anderson and the
sisters Mollie and Mrs. Rfce.eni , and says jjc
are looking hearty , jind are well pleased DIJ
the west. Mr. Gorrell has been agent at Mill
depot for about twenty-seven years , and .j
better > man for the placecould not be fouud. has
TIoImes ] County ( O. ) Republican. ve
Petitions are being circulated aud very nu
merously signed for a star mail route between- ! _
McCook and Curtis. The friends along the 1
of the proposed route are at present subme
jected to no end of inconvenience and delay , tary
it is fondlS' hoped that the department Su
' come to their aid andjielp them out-of
trouble ; Postmaster Quick aud othersr
moving energetically iu the matter ; we an
| that their efforts may result in glad the ,
fruition. ] • _
A young son of Rev. Win. Suess , whose
illness lias been mentioned in previous issues ,
improving nicely.
iMMiMMMir < U * _ - u ' ' : < _ fesi > * SJiJl ! * vWyVBW _ Mrvyf7TF -
List of Patenfs.
Following wo glvo n list or patoi.ta rccontly
received ( ut tho McCook l * . 8. Land Ollico. Thoy
may ' bo secured by tho proper parties on sur
render of receiver's receipt , duly endorsed :
1319 Anthony. J. II. f 1715 Koarns , Michael
\\m j | ] Anion. Henry JOlti Klugnley , F.O.
IKS ! Armstrong. J. A. IKM KIrkbrJdgc , & .P.
HIS Ulrdsall. IsuaoT. I&0 Ktilftlii , James
H-10 Iltichuium. Thos. 1818 ICunost. Win. K.
19 ' HiiHsutt. K. It. 1G71 Ktalilier , David S.
a > l Brown , JctrersonIHI I-ithrop , Clms.W.
WW Brown. Alex. HKJ Larlngton.Emma
1.T03 lloswell. O. N. 11M Lee. Adoll.i
law Baker , Win. B. VMS Lung , Albert E.
1271 z Booth. Uemivlll. 1770 Lamed. II. M.
12AS Barnard. C. II. 11570 Land , Geo. A.
1229 Black , Wm. L. 1WW Laeey , John T.
122 1 Benson. John C. 12S7 Llndgren , John
1187 Bond , Win. II. 1845 Lohn , Balthar.or
12.VJ Brown. H. II. 158-i Matson. K. M.
ll 9 Buck , Charles 1" 70 Mords , Henry A.
17J5 Baston. Sylvester 1510 * Moore , Edward I ) .
1733 Bunnell , Win. W. 1501 MoHugh , M.
lOtri Bullard , Emmcr 1518 Mlllsati , John M.
1090 Bovston.J.H. 1S01 MeCollum.Z. T.
170" Brlggs , Samuol 623 Moulton , C. II.
170 ! ) Baker , John 1105 .Miller , Mary Ann
18SC liynrs. Eduar It. 1213 Moshur , UonJ II.
IKK Babcock , Peter 1103 Metcalr. Sarah I.
1510 BoiiJamin.Frcd 1333 Mclvendrick , W.
1507 Booker , J. H. 1357 Mux , August
1589 Brand , Israel VJW McCiary. Adit S.
1831 Blrclmll , A. A. 1S0G Murphy. Carry
1832 ! Dlrchall. TI103. J. 807 Meservo , John II.
1107 Clark , Androw I. 987 McGuay , Thomas
1132 Clark , Margaret 1395 Messner. Win. T.
800 ' Crows , Claw. G. K59I McCurtaln , W.
810 Clark , James S. 1711 Mecham. Alvin J.
SU Curry , Lewis W. 1700 Morris , Win. S.
CIS Crockttr. A. II. 1037 McConnolI.Ernest
72 ; Carver , Leslie A. 1070 McConvillo , E.
1J Coates , Chai. N. 1051 Myers , Thos. A.
1238 Cromwell. C. G. 1558 Miller. William
1289 Calkins , John hHJtf Maxsted. It. A.
1250 Conner , Mary A. 1709 Nelson , Geo. G.
1800 | Carrlgnn , Jtimcs lr > 09 Olds , Augustus G.
1035 Clark , Willis L. 1309 Peterson , John 1328 Parrlsh , Chas. A.
1B31 Cooley , II. B. H08 Putorbaugh , I. F.A
1015 ' l Curry. James E. 1320 Peterson. C. A.
J-j | Crows , Wm.T. 1H5 Pay ton , Dudley
1502 Cochran , C. J. H-i * Parsons , Leonard
\t Coo. Stirling , D. 1W0 Pussehl. F. J. M.
1732 Colviu , .I0I111T. K'71 Piper , James A.
1727 ; PniiiP. M. A. 1391 Prieer. Frank E.
15J9 Crawley. F. E. 9TJ ( Pfeiiror. Henry
1802 ( Casten , Lowis 170:5 : Porter , William
1781 Cox , Joel 1573 Pearson , Benj. F.
ji' Dlna , William 1471 Price. Edward
1110 Dow , Schuyler 1801 Powell. Thud.
1489 Dawes , F. II. 1131 I'eilc , Win. O.
1012 Davenport , II. II. 1400 Patrick. It. Elinor
1728 Draper. Thos. W. 1119 Powell , Marlon
1839 Davis , Geo. W. 1451 Powell , John
1202 Eikenberry , Dan. 141t Potter , Ira M.
1008 Emerson , S. U. 1271 Ituedy , John
1533 J Emberling. David 1095 Itobertson. J. A.
1545 Fough. N. W. 1031 Boss. Isaac J.
1706 Fox , Ulyscss E. 1427 Uedtleld , A. L.
1320 Fleischmao.Louib 1120 Itobluett , E. B.
1304 Farrell , Edward 1720 Bedford. A. D.
1305 , Farrell , John 1787 Record. Isaiah
Jfl Forgubon , It. * * 0ll iceyiiolds , Islchar
IfKJ'J ] Fisher , Walter V. 1891 Ross , John
1 li' | ; i ,9 Forbes , Hugh W. 1513 Boss , John
955 Fuller , Ernest 150 * . ) Bowe , Lucy A.
1841 Frost , Jo so II. 1512 Biddle. Laura ,
1853 FIiiBkev , Ifoifill. 1440 Itccords , Win. P.LU
Jjj Fuller , Cash D. 1490 ShalTer , Abner W.
1230 Fidler. Itezin C. 140(5 ( Swigirurt , I ) . C.
1811 Francis , John M. 1578 Stephenson. L.
1559 Frederick. Geo. J. 1093 Smith , Oliver II.
cjj Gamagc , Nelson 1722 Saner , Jacob
1314 | George , FJina L. 1719 Scott. Michael
1352 Gircns. John 1009 Sullivan , Michaol
1200 Gluze. II. W. 1740 Smith , John F.
901 Gee , W. San ford 1400 Saunders , W. F.
am Gammill , M. E. 1383 , John M. .
1725 Good , Amos W. 1387 Simpson , Edward
1072 Grcgrcy , JaneC. 909 Stever , Philip II.
Jfi Gibson. John 1270 Spray , Levi
1575 Gale , Harvey T. 1201 Stockton. W. F.
1830 ; Hill , Charley M. 1253 Suitor , Chas. J. „
1511 Hess , .lames A. 1313 Smiley , Ben B. ,
i7g Hogg , Susan B. 1310 Shiimaker.J.C.
1791 ! ) Hogg , Francis J. 1319 Suttars , James M. -
Ji' ' Howe , NelsC. 1050 Sexton. T. M. ,
1708 Harvey , Geo. C. 1223 Smith , Henry W.
170 Henderson.CloM. 1201 Salyer , Charles ,
Ifi ? . 8 Hnrtwlg , William 1105 Stiimpp. Henry
jj. ( 53 Ilartsnck. Walter 1110 Shipman , Win. V.
ICO Higgins , 0.G. 1093 Smith. Lena
1478 Harvey. J.C. F. 1303 Swiiiisoh , Alox.
1301 Hull. IrtiS. 1583 Thompson , VL. .
1291 Hodgkiii , F. A. 178(5 ( Taylor. V/m. M.
l5i Hill , John 1550 Terwilliger , Adel.
12J9 Hamilton , Wm.T 1091 Tritsel. Joseph
107 Harlan. Martin It. 013 Terwilliger , Adel.
1011 Hart. Chas. O. 151 Trumbo , Asa
1401 Hill , Wm. A. 1317 Thompson. J.C. \
1110 Hamilton , J. G. 1333 Teol , Norman '
1W Harris , Frank 933 Vanderrord , It.
133 Hayes. Julia E. 1273 Vogely , John
1:57 : ! Honstene. L. 3'JO VouFarrell. F.W.
Jijjj Hubbell , Win. II. 1089 Vaughn. J. W.
1397 , Hacker , Wm.T. 1588 V/eiek.Gottleib P. of
1321 Herzinger , Geo. 1521 V/acker , George
819 Hess. John F. INS Walters , John A. 01
1302 Holmes , John M. 1125 Wright , Chas. E.
1531 Jaqucs , Louis 1150 wheeler. Wm. J.bI"
1513.Johnson. ; William 039 Wheaton , Bradley
1752 J Jeffrey. John G. 1392 Warthcn. Mary
lrji : Jones , David 1399 Wiekwire. Ira G.
147 ! ! Johnson , Jean P. 1030 Wilcox , Alfreds.
118 Johnson , August 1028 Wolir , C. V.
1017 Johnson , Levi 1295 Wagner , Conrad
51 Jamison , Andrew 1859 Wiseman. J. A.
124S Kerr , David 1842 Wagner. Magda.
i:54 Knox , Ella 1H9 Young , E. F.
120 Knipping , Chas. 12" 1 Young. Lucy
732 Kuhn , Stephen 427 Yaap , Herman
703 Knceland , J. W. re
< SS0S
'e i _ a _ _ ySg 4i tJ ; E
Jgj ® ra ii
_ - _ _
l | | Sj
Z | _ _ i
II. w. Hills , brother of Walter , has taken
position in the telegraph ollice. pr
Engineers' and firemen's time books forsale
atTHEMcCooKTIUIHI E office.
Mrs.E.A.Spraguewifeof EngineerSprague , 0f
just home from a week's visit to Tyrone
friends. <
Engineer J. E. Sanborn arrivel from his the
Veivnont trip , Tuesday. His family will re
main in the east for the present.
Tho "Great Burlington Route" has a very j. 0
proper idea of the eternal fitness of things , lr"
aad wi'l ' not permit of its dignified passenger tat
cons , coming out of an eating house with so UK'
uapoetic ; a thing in his hand as a piece of pre.
Tei days , it is said , is about the way the "penWi
alty is lilted to the crime. " of
It is nimored that twofreipbt trains will be . .
on ihs branch in tho near future , and
that tho passenger will arrive from tho east
about 11 o'clock , P.M. , and from the west at ,
o'clock , A. M. The extra freight is said to bo .
the purpose of carrying supplies for the
extention of tho road from St. Francis to Pu-
eblo. Herndon Courier. HW
Grim , unwelcome Deaih entered the home cin
Fireman and Mrs Chas. Coleman , early Sung0
j * morning , and robbed them of their dearcor
treasure , their only and infant son , Clar- .a
ence , about one year old. The burial took . .
place in Longview , Monday mormng , Rev. I.
> Dwire conducting the services. All true
hearts go out to the berea\-ed young couple in on
their sorrow. t0
One of the best exhibitions of nerve that has
como under the writer's notice of late , wasfcSl
that of Brakemau Torrence , who sustained a Dei
broken leg by 'icing knocked oil of a box car. Ar.
a bridge , near Wymore. last Sunday. The adi
accident was not at once known by the remainvat
of the crew : and the injured man crawled
a fence , near by , breaking olT a board and
improvising , crutches , he managed to make lie
way back to Wyrnorc. The thermometer tin
indicated ] 6 degrees below zero , at the time. p _
Tc-lay , R. R. Woods , resigned , is beimr ! f
checked , out , aud A. J. Welch , late agent at Is
Cloud , is being inductel into the office or 'ea '
agent ( , at this place. Mr. Woods retires from P'J
road with the reputation of being one of tin
( most efficient agents on the Burlington. ,
will in future devote his entire time to his
business in connection with the McCook Roller
and the Vc"ook Electric Light < o. in etl'
which bo is largely interestel. Mr. Welch
been agent at Red Cloud for a numberof
vi ;
years ] , and comes with sufficient ability and Th
experience ; to fill that responsible position in
thorough manner.
_ _ . , .
JIOUi ; llllinWQM. lJLIf II IU. ! ! ! I 13 * PO
Itch , Mange and Scratches on human or ani
mals cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's Sani
Lotion. This never fails. Sold by C. M. a s
Smith & Sons , Druggists. McCook. _ .
The > public schsols of the city expect to give
entertainment , some week , r
exact date has not yet been determined , this
due notice will be given. H
Jamestown dress goods at pj
J. C. ALLEN & CO. 'S.
. 4
hi _
- \
iI i Ii
The ' Tribune Office , \
At Publisher's ' Prices. j I
_ _
Wo will open , this wook , tho largest 1
and best assortment of white goods I
ever shown in McCook. I
To'plow a 100 acres or more on my I
farm northwest of the city. Call at I
the Commercial Houso. jl
New spring goods in Ladies' Hand'H
kerchiefs , Laces and Embroideries.
/ . C. ALLEN & CO. 1
Farmers I jfl
, Avoid the spring rush and get your M
plow repaired in time at Predmore .Bros. I
A Farm or City Loan , go to I
F. L. BitowN. I
President Cleveland in an inter- , M
view . yesterday , repeated the worm eat- 9
LU chestnut that the great body of the tl
rank , and file of the union army were I
democrats. It's a question hardly '
worth , arguing , but a man whe holds I
the position that Mr. Cleveland docs , I
ought to he better po ' sted on the compo- A
sition of that army , even if he wasn't I
there to see it or to share in its work. H
The London Times commiserates H
with . , us for the shock we muse suffer * H
from . the admission of four new states H
into the union. Tt saysThe Aineri- H
cans , themselves imperfectly comprehend 'H
the actual amount of metamorpiiosis in- | H
volved. ] " No ? It would seem to Ameri- < H
cans that the Times has need to attend fl
to its own metamorphosis. < H
. A large line of Chamber Suites , An- H
tique Oak , imitations of Mahogony and < H
Walnut ' , at prices within the reach , H
of all , at Pade & Son's. H
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ > _ |
Mrs. Barger has received her stock M
{ . . spring millinery and invites the ladies M
of . the city and vicinity to call and in- S
spect it. Notice of opening elsewhere. { M
Fancy Centre Tables just received at , M
Pade & Son's. H
i ew style linen collars at M
Car-load of NEW FURNITURB just jl
received < at Pade & Son's. W |
ss- : _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i f
With the close of business , last evening , i H
ended Mr. F. L. Brown's oflicial connection ' M
with the FrstXational Bank of our cily. Mr. H
Brown , having resigned the Ca-shici-ship of H
the i bank , will now eima o ill business lor H
himself the real estate , loan and insurance H
business , with which he is perfectly famil- H
far Tiik Tr.inuxi : wiahes him continued H
prosperiti' . The duties of Gabbier will now H
devolve , upon Assistant Cashier Lawson , ' H
who has been with the bank ever since its * H
opening day. lie will no doubt prove worthy H
the confidence imposed in him and will j H
the inipoitant duties of the position with H
credit lo Himself and to the satisfaction of H
management. ) H
The Tumjcnk has no favorites to groom H
for . city offices ; but uudcistandin that his H
friends have him in mind for that ollice , we H
take pleasure in bearing unsolicited tcsti- H
inciiy to his ability to till the responsiblo du- M
ties ' of that ollice to the touch of eiliciency. M
Wi refer to Mr. E. C. Ballew , aud the ollice H
City Treasmer. Shall Mr. Lawson's of- H
ficial mantle fall on Mr. Ballew's .shoulders , M
will repose there safely and honorably. M
Elsewhere appeals tliedi. .sohition notice of M
Helm & Davis. Mr. Helm leaves , in a few H
days , to look up a location in the Oklahoma fl
country , or vicinity , ilis family will reside | |
here for the present. Wherever he may lo- M
cate the Lest wiah sof many fiiend.siu ( which H
circle 'I he Tihucxe desires to be numbered , ) H
with him. Mr. Davis will remain and H
conduct the business of the linn at the old . J
stand. May continued success be his por- H
tion. M
The "slate makerare already at work H
the eitj * election. The Mayoralty svems H
be ] the absorbing ollice. Froi > er timber is H
suggested in Dr. Z. L. Kay , Thoi. Colfcr , H
Esq. , H. II. Troth , while others , dark hor-es , H
perhapare bciiu quietly groomed for the H
April municipal battle of ballots. We will H
to the roster as the names escape the pri- H
vate caucuses. H
The 3 meeting of delegates from the repub- . H
Iican clubs of the United States , formings H
convention of the national league of re- H
publican clubs , now in session at Baltimore , H
largely attended and as a matter of course H
extremely enthusiastic. The national H
leairuc did splendid work during the cam- H
p.iign aud has a right to feel jubilant at this H
time. H
The j old ' • Lr-lmd bam , " ' now the property H
John Coleman , i > being entirely remodel- H
, and will be materially improved. H
Wednesday \ , February 27th , was the anni- H
vcrs-ary ! of the ' 'Great Buriington Strike. " '
< Te was no celebration in McCook. H
Snmecvil-dibpoaed individuals have it re- i H
ported that Clurlic Brewer has the Mayoralty H
view , this spring. H
The Commercial House is becoming quite H
swell ( front ) affair. M
Dissolution of Partnership. _ |
The co litirtuershlp between Helm & Davis Is j H
day dissolved by mutual consent. Mr. H
Helm lmvinyr disposed of bis interest therein H
toVr. . Davi ? . who will continue to reside at H
3IcCook < unci give bl personstl attention to con- ! _ _
? and other business connected with the _ _ H
Public Land Laws. T.M. HELM. H
C. W. DAVI _ . H
Dated , McCookv-Neb. , Feb. 23tb , 1SS0. * | _ |
. ' -r-il : , , . " ' , - , " ' v - , ' - - # 'lm &it . - F _ _ _ _
- j < - 4aB < g i _ g3aj Birtt ] _ -t
- \ _ _ _ _
rfCSrhMirgii i * f- - m