* ' : f yT''t ' m * * = * m ? * ' * * * ' * awTT1ft i'TffwMilTrf iaaWiTTF ? yT''tiMi a a a -f sy rTr i . M iMi iiin H A famous WnBliinglon gambler , Ulsnald , 1 will soon go to preaching. Ho would Iiryo i Ijcgun It ten yearn ago , but ho baa only juRt m now found a euro lor hla cough. Jt Is Dr. K Bull's Cough STrflp. "Behold ! tho world rests and her tired M inhauitiinti havo paused from trouble and B turmoil , because tho customory hcadacho K mid neuralgia havo been cured by Salva- n tiotiOil. Price 25 conta a bottle. LB k . ? /T / ° u want to break a Bick man'B henrt B Vloll him that ho la looking well. H "I WISH I could find noiiiethln that m vrould cure ( jalla and prevent tho hair comlntj > - In white , " it an expression frequently heard. 1y ° , t , e . rIn"rJr C rbolUplve will always do It. H Nf bold by Druggists at 50 Centa and $1.00. K It is a-tonaion to pay attention to a dull B It is an old adage , "To be forewarned in M [ to be forearmed. " So let it be in your Hp CttHe' who road this , andkeep on hand Ai > M > licn'h Luno Balsam , wWlA Ib Bold by all M ( IrugyiHtH. B .Mout men who take pains to be eccentric V nro IniigliPil at. for * helr pnines. I ASpringTonic Bb la , an actual nocessltr to nine out or ten. Ba Shattered ncrvestlrcd Hi S & pS&K bratn , Impure blood , W ffi ' jffi U debilitated system , all * BV PL Evi vrL are tbo Datural out" BW tf7 i&&T ! conic ot winter's rapid Be f /4lv57tNm rU3nn ltXe * A tonI ° BS fij fej i > y must be U3cd , and no- H % v\ * < i thin ? equals Palne'a B Xl $ TltT dizA Celery compound. Wo B yfil li " 'I ' letotuera pratse us H yyU / ) AI you cannot help be- H oV lleving a disinterested B Brigadier-General Vf. L. Greenlcaf , Burllng- f ton , vt , writes : "I havo U3ed W Paine's B OeSery Compound Be on several occasions , and always with ucneflt- U Last spring , being very much run down and ML debilitated , I commenced taking It. Twobot- II tics made mo feci like a new man. As a gen- t S eral tontc and spring medlclnel do notknow ot lis equal. " Mm > iArgcbookor similar letters sent free. mm $ i.oo. six for 15.00. Druggists. II WELLS , IUCHARDSOS & CO. , Burlington , Vt I * o _ : n. . : * ' " d he done with Diamond - - Rl opring uyeing ja/es. Take no other. 10 as. KM * _ _ . - . . M tk laclaled Foo $ is the best „ „ mm Anx/OUS mothers to wsejor baby. S sizes. | f S10IHEA0ISHE Bt P A © TIT O > ® thcsc wtte pIs- , H LfMalSnllto TheyakorelievoSij BT 2mLm • * " * * ' treBsfromDyspepRlt.In. BL.I I- BBlB B r * digestion andTooHearty Hf i 'B PIfi BLEi Eating. A perfect rem- Bf > MM IllPn DdyforDizzinrss.Niusca Bl H 1 V EK DrowslncsB , Bad Taste Bf nifiA ln the Mouth , Cgated Bw H fBLlid. Tongiie.PainintheSide. Wk a& MB - TOICPID LIVEK. Thej FT * hRH I regulate the Bowels. Bi m UBal Bayfji Purely Vegetable. Ba P * • Price 2S Cents ; ' * 0 ETERUEDICINE CO. , NSW YOiS. Bl Small Pill Small Dose. Small Price. H ? " HHH BBi HSi H HHHK9ffK3EWf > 9 a S0B0PULA CWP | | % WastingDiseases GOLDS ] Wonderful Flesh Producer Many have gained one pound per-day by its use. Scott's Emulsion is not a se- -cret remedy. It contains the of the - • stimulating properties Hypophosphites and pure Nor wegian. Cod Liver Oil , the po tency of both being largely increased. It is used by Phy sicians all over the world. &ALATABLE AS MILK. Sold oy all Druggists. S00TT & BOWIE , Chemists , If. Y. CHD1GETEKAS LANDS Rare Chance for Settlers. Th.TUIlrtwid System of Texas hayinj : deTcloped tt astolbrinc within easy access of good mtorior and I ssaboard marksts the lands granted to the ' HOUSTON &TEXAS CENT'L RY.C0. St has bsen dstermlned to offer to settlsrs ths Eenowned Agricult'l Lands Localsd along > th line of the Fort Worth i Denret City Ji. Jt.-bgiuninjt with Wilbarger i County , comprising 200,000 ACRES la firms of 160 acres and upward. These lands wen located by the Company among the earliest , witt " * especial car * aa to soil , timber and watsr. They an adapted to ths crowtn of cotton , corn , oats , wheat * barley , rye , vegetables , orchards acd cardans and ths Tarious domestic frasses. Z Situated in the elsTatrd and healthy region knows as ths Southern .Panhandle of Texas , they possess s 0 nteZ climate , faxorabls to man and beast , when outdoor work can be. carried on the year round , ana ' > are ln marked contrast with regions of early and latt dest nctiTe • * • . " frosts er of blizcards. % \ Population is fast pouring in , and local goTsrnmenl is already established , with schools , churches , 4c. Tekkb or Sals : One-fiftheash , balance in four equal yearly payments , wlthtlnterest on deferred payments. For further information aa to these and lands in adjacent counties , apply.te r.r J.S. NAPIER , * Vernon , Texas , J , " * vwho is prepared to-ehow to purchasersor ; to Li - C. C CIBBSj J > and Ag't , Houston , Tex. h Help Wanted. R r , 'We offersSOOD E1T to WOMEN for spe- Pt ; " ci&l work cploJUIiY next. Beddcs good pay \-Z \ for "worlc 4&fS \ \ Trill be given as an | -v ' * performed , SvUV KITKA present to Rt't the agent doing the best work ; ; 9400 to the jp * second , and so on. Men , boys .ond girls can 14 ? ' make hundreds f dollars between now and * & July ISfca. This is a SPECIAL..chance , and Kg holds good only until July. Address WCURTIS PUBLISHING CO. Sfyr PHILADELPHIA , PA | MOTHERS'FHIENfl t iks CHILD BIBTHJffl ft , " IP USED BEFORE CONFINEMEMT. fe. • • * ' . . - Book to Mothers'MArLinsFitrx. VX ? < SSaOFIELI ) KBOVULTOK < CO „ ATLAATAJOA- M * , Sold bt allDrcgoists. l&fce \ JT ' RfrTfl "JT atko iia * i - < > r rwotsiacf r ia a iWS • ? ' Uwlslt- SBflhlnr U * 1 Ibe warta. HtieT sex. Costly cotSt W fjaTr--r n rgsa. jLiinu. TyA COA tTmaAUia . tip * ' A salsi-ftfi 1 CAN BE CURED. A trial bot- mr- mVJ H Ml mWe " > - . free to any one afflicted. i | | , v .f # | 0 g'JMItlsfftPP- BBO. ROcbestcr 'i. Y W The tramp is accused oL doing nothing Ik for a living , but he is nevertheless in the Ki * • i f hard-wear business. H * . ' --L vBa-trsur * ofOlatmeaU for Gatarrh TIikC grf" - Contain JHereary An Mercury will certainlj destroy thesenss Wz' : ' of smell and completely derange the whole Bplfc t. rstem when enterin * it through the mucus Higr ' "p Barfoces. 8uch articles should never be Sj'l | > ' < ; > used except on prescriptions from reputa- gal- ble physicians , as the damages they will EJT'4 > do are ten fold to the good you can posai- > gTfc bly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh W& & - Cure , manufactured by F. J. Cheney < fe Co. , Kg- ' Toledo , O. , contains no mercury , and is JE& > j taken internally , and acts directlynpon mS 'i the blood nd nticus surf&ces of the sys- ffltz * tern. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be & ? ' sure you get the genuine , it is taken in- k&\f * * ternally and made in Toledo , Ohio , by li ? F. J. Cheney & Co. j Bg § 53oJd by Druggists , price 75c per bot I 6 ? - \ . t HHL L BnBBHsssQSB b faH a > asas sB saBaaCS = saaM -MM iMMM a-ss What the Sea Cast Up. BY AltTHUK 1j. MKfjEKVB. It was a bleak December nightand and a great gale 'waH abroad over sea and lund. Hugo waves throw themselves with mighty force ngainst tho great jng- god cliffs as though they would forco Ihem from their foundations , as for nges they hnd been trying to do. On tho land the wind had better success. Great trees were uprooted , and tho air was filled with flying branches wrenched oil and carried along on the blasts as though they had been wisps of straw. I twos a night long after remember ed by the people a long the coast and spoken of as the groat storm. That night in an old , largo , ram bling house some half amilo from the shore , two people were sealed on tho hearth , listening apparently to the warning of the elements without , for some time had elapsed since a word had passed the lips of either. The house seemed somewhat un stable , and with every blast it shook and trembled as though it were about to como tumbling down about the heads of its occupants. Strange and uncanny sounds were heard coming from the room in other , parts of the building , ai though un seen guests were holding high revel there. Tho fire on the hearth burned fitful. Sometimes it would leap high up the broad open fireplace ns if it would es cape on tho wings of tho wind , and then it would fall down and well-nigh disappear , save the bed of glowing embers scattered over the hearth. The pranks of tho fire sent strange and grotesque shadows danc ing upon the wall , taking all manner of uncouth shapes as though they were holding high carnival - Tho two figures before the fire sat speechless and without motion. They saw not the strange pranks and the liberty the firelight was taking with them on the wall. To all appearances they were utterly unconscious of any thing which was passing in the room and unmindful of the warfare with out.One was an old man , gray and bent with years. His hands clutched a long staff which he had planted on the hearth , and his eyes wide open , were fixed on the glowing embers as though he saw something which fas cinated him among them. His face was almost bloodless and as white as the long thin hair which fell upon his shoulders. His companion was a girl of not more than twenty years even if she had seen as many. She was beautiful as it was , but she would have been far moio so had it not been for a tir ed , weary look upon her face. It was a discouraged look , as if all the hopes of her life hadfled away forever , and what she saw before her was only a dismal blank. " "Nellie , " aid the old man itsLtfr"I length , but at that moment such a blast struck the house that it would have drowned a much stronger voice than that of'her companion. " ' .Nellie , " " repeated the old man in a iouder key , "don't you hear me ? " "Did you speak beforegrandfather ? " said the girl , looking up into his face. " "Y s , " said the old man , queru lously. " "But you were thinking of eomething'or somebody besides me. It -always so when I speak. I might as well be all alone. " • "I-did not hear you , grandfather. The wind is blowing such a gale that it is no wonder. "What is it I can do for you ? " • "Nothing , 'nothing , " replied the old man , testily. " 'jYes here was , grandfather , " said the girl , laying her hand on the old mam's .knee. "Tell me what it was. You were at least thinking of some thing. But listen a moment. Did you ever know a harder gale than taifi ? " Again the < old house rattled , and creaiked , .and groaned. The wind whispered if possible more like afiend than before , and above all was the roar of the ocean as if enraged to think that it could not engulf tho land .and sweep everything before it. "I've .known many a bad night aiaeeiiiisiroof has covered my head ; nighte in which it seemed that the waves • would washrthe old house from its foundation. Alack , it is a pity that it did , not. I would rather that it would liave chanced to do so , than to have lived so long , and then to be turned out of it in my old aire by Si mon Grover. But it is to be , and we have only a , week for it to shelter us. Could I but have my wish the storm would lay it low to-night , and fill up the field and meadow so that it would only he an expanse of drifting sand. " "Do not talk in this way , grand father. You shall not come to want. You know that I have got strong hands and am willing to work. We will find a little cottage somewhere hereabouts , where lean get work , to do at home , and we shall be happier than we have been here for many a year. " There was a pained and bitter look upon the face of the old man. It was evident that the words of the girl had brought no comfort to his heart. "Acurse be upon the head o Smibn Grover ! " he criedT ' "If itwere not for him should not be turned out of my home in my old age like a dog. You know tliat I always thought that it was he who stole my strong box , when I was so sick as not to know what was passing about me. He sat up with me one night , they said , and it must be then that it went , although it was not missed until days afterwards when I had come to myself. He stole it , the mis erable thief , and with it went all my papers that showed my title to this house and lands which I had from his father. They had never been put on record , as they should have been , and the lawyer who drew them , and * li0 witnesses , are dead. Dead , all of . ' * * k'N . , * * > * § r * itsLtfr" I them. All this timo ho has let usBtay here for an ovil purpose of his own. He hus Been you grow up into a beautiful woman and ho has meant to havo you for a wife. But , my girl , you havo your grandfather's spirit. Better that wo should beg from door to door than that you should con- soiit to his wishes. " Tho girl shuddered. "I could not do it , grandfather , oven for your sake. It would be a living death to me. I can work my fingers to the bone , but to bo tied to that man would be horrible. " ' • You shall not my child. I would not have you comply with his wishes for what little of life that islefttome. Still I can 't help thinking and speak- of it sometimes , and when there is such anight as thisthe , impulse to do so is more than I can understand , but we will say no more about it to night. Let us try and talk of some thing more cheerful. " And then Nellie , humoring his whim , did her best to lead his thoughts in another direction. It was a hard task , as the firelight showed when it illuminated her face ; but the old man did not see the look of pain thereon and how bravely she bore up trying to carry the burden that had been imposed upon her young shoulders. Tho hour for retiring came at last , and after she had seen him comfort ably tucked up for the night , she went into her own room. But it was a long time before sleep came to her eyes. The house again and again shook beneath the fury of the blast as though it meant to level it to the earth. But it was not this nor the' roar of tho ocean that kept her awake. It was the thought of her grandfather , and whabshe was to do when Simon Grover turned tham out from beneath the roof that had shel tered her ever since her eyes had first seen the light of day. But at last she slept , and when she awoke , the low , slanting rays of the sun , as it ai'oso from its ocean bed , shone in through the window. The storm had ended during the night , and the only sound thatmether ears was the still angry roar of the ocean as it dashed upon the jagged coast as if loath to give up the assault it had so fiercely made upon it. She gave a weary sigh as she thought of the long day before her , and the future that stretched out so blank and dreary before her. Then she arose and dressed herself , for she heard her grandfather in the outer apartment. Soon after she joined him with a smile upon her face , and she was glad to perceive that his despondent mood of the night before had disappeared. About ten o'clock that forenoon as her grandfather was sitting outside the door he called to her. "What is it ? " she said , coming out to the spot where he was seated. "There is a man coming up the road yonder. Can you tell me who it is ? Your eyes are sharper than mine. " ' "That is Simon Grover , grand father. " * 'That is who I thought it was. He is coming to harass me again to-day. Oh , the viper. How I wish that I could crush him beneath my foot. But alas , it is he who can do the grinding now. " "Let him do his worst , grandfath er. We know what that is and Ave can meet it. I don't want to see or speak to the villain again , so if you are willing I will jro down to the beach and wait until he has gone. I can go down back of the house and he won't see me if Igo at once. From where he is < now his view is cut off. " " So at once , Nellie. It is enough for one of us to have to see him. " "I will be back as soon as ho is gone , grandfather. I shall know when he goes , as I can see the Toad from where I shall be among tfhe rocks. " With these words and a kiss on "the old man's cheek , she ranthrough ; the house and out of the reardoor and took her way to the rocks with the speed of a deer. Once arrived there , and concealed among them , she casta backward glance toward the house. She saw that Simon Grover had ar rived there and was standing beside her grandfather. She suspected that high words might be even then pass ing between them , and sbe felt thank ful that she was not there to hear them. Her grandfather , she knew , < was amply able to make reply to the man she so detested , and there was little need of her being there .to thelp ihim. ihim.She She took a seat on alow rock a lit tle back from the water's edge and .gazed out on the troubled waters of the great deep , which had not yet re covered from its encounter with its old enemy the wind. The waves eame rushing in as they had done the previous day but they were not so large and violent as they had been , for now , between the rocks and the farthest point of their advance , there was .a narrow strip of white sand which lay drying in the sun's rays. From the wide ocean before her , her gaze came back to this little strip" of sand , and , half imbedded in it , she saw an object which at once riveted her attention. It looked like a small wooden box , almost stained black by the water , and bound about by a eouplo of rusty iron bands. Evidently it had been thrown up from the bed of the ocean by the storm just over. Her curiosity was aroused by the sight and she looked about her to find some spot where she could de scend to where it was lying. This she soon > found , and in a few moments'was standing beside it on the . sand. The lower portion of the box was but loosely buried in the sand , and freeing it , she raised it in her hand. It washeavierthanshehad thought it wouJd prove , but she carried it up over the rocks and was on the point of laying it down , so that she could examine it , when , glancing up toward the road , she saw Simon Grover go ing in the direction of home at apace which showed that he was thorough ly angry. She knew that her grandfather would need her now , and so with her burden clasped in her arms she at once made her way towards the house. She found her grandfather walking • L - < . , lL' , ' . " " * J Jl' ' * " * > "lll > ll'lt ' < iTu1HCTssTi.il. Ibi m * * * i / I mtmmmmmammmmmtmmmmmimmmmmim mtmmmmmmmmmmmmmm wick am ! iorlii Leforo tho door , his ! i co flushed th'tagli his interview ivith Simon ( Jrover had beyn anything ) but pleasant. 1 "Seo grandfather , what T have found ontheseashore. Wnatdoyou suppose there is in it ? * ' The old mnii started as though his .jyu * were coming out of his head , and shook in every limb. "It's my box , " ho cried , as soon au ho could find his tongue. "Oh , Nel lie , where did you find it ? " "On tho sand , grandfather. The storm last night must have cost it up. But nro you sure it is yours the ono your papers were in ? " "Of course 1 am , child. It is tho very box , sent back to mo by Heav en's mercy. Simon Grover , yon have lost tho game you thought you won when you stole this and threw it in to the sea. " It was no small job to forco open the box , but at last it was accom plished. Therein was a package of papers stained by water , but con siderably well wrapped in oiled silk. Not a paper was missing , and the box contained beside quite a sum in gold. The day on which Simon Grover ame to take possession of the prem- ses was a day of triumph for the old man and his granddaughter. A law yer had been sent for , and their snemy brought one with him. It took the two limbs of tho law but a few moments to see how matters stood with Simon Grover , and at a whisper from his lawyer he departed , never to set foot in the old house again. Yankee Blade. ' M - - ' ( El The Bride's Outfit. I remember the cimo when no farm er's daughter in tho Mohawk Yalley was allowed to leave her father's home for another without her dozen of sheets , pillow-oases , table-cloths , towels , etc. , and a goodly supply of bedding , feather bed and pillows. To these was added a cow , and sometimes also a horso and a few sheep. Of course it often required some forethoughtand good manage ment when the family was large and the farm small , but it was no little pleasure in such cases for the girls , as fast as they.advanced to a marriage able age , to appropriate a calf or some motherless lambs , and by care and coddling raise them in readiness for the possible event of their mar riage. Likewise did they have their pluckings from the geese to make feather beds and pillows , and the quiltinjr-frame and spinning-wheels helped them to the rest. These were truly homely preparations , but in a sense that is of far better significance than ordinary bric-a-brac and em broidery , which constitutes chiefly a bride's belonging to these days. I dare say that not many months elapse before most young house keepers wish their finer } ' , which was thought so important at the time of the wedding , could be transformed into blankets or some other useful articles. In a home there must al ways appear a complete background of the necessaries to makeornamc-nts show to advantage ; and where pro vision is not first made for the must- baves , there is a small chance of their receiving proper attention. American Farmer > 0 i 9i Counting'the Motes in the Sanbcam , Counting the dancing motes in a bar of sunlight sounds like one of those hopeless , never-ending tasks withwhich malignant fairies delight to break the spirit of little heroines : ntihe German folk stories. Some thing more than this , however , has oeen achieved by modern science , " which is now able to count the par ticles floating in any given portion of blie atmosphere , and determine what proportion of these are dangerous ' * erms and what are mere dust. Dr. Prankland's curious 'experiments uave shown us how to count the micro-organisms , and now Altken , of Falkirk , by atotally different method , aas been enable to take stock of the aiore harmless but hardly less inter esting dust motes. Thirty-thousand such particles have been detected by aim in the thousandth of a cubic inch of-the air of a room. In the outside atmosphere in dry weather , the same measurement of air yielded 2,119 , • whereas after a heavy rainfall the number was only 521That this power of prying into atmospheric secrets will eventually yield very im portant results mnst be obvious to all. Among the most curious dis- soveries nlreadj' made is the direct relation between dust-partieles and fog , mist and rain. - : - * -e j - 3Te Brought Baek "the Candle. • Cincinnati has the champion absent- minded man. A gentleman living in the suburbs went in s , store on Wal nut Street to make a few purchases. The only light in the store was a Dandle standing on the counter near the mone3r drawer. After making his purchases he handed the proprie tor a bill , and , after returning him the change , the proprietor walked to the rear of the store to arrange something , when suddenly he was left in the dark. He started toward the counter , and , groping round on it , found , not the candle , but the : hange. It struck him then that probably the man , in a fit of absent mindedness , had taken the candle in stead of his change. He started out after him , and catching up with him , he saw that he had the bundle in one hand and the candle in the other. After apologizing focthe mistake the - 3tranger took his change and gave back the candle. • - • - • * Signs of the Millennium. Prcin the New York Sun. In eleven years from this time we 3hall be living in the twentieth cen tury of the Christian era. Some of the Christian interpreters of the Bib lical prophecies have tried to prove by them that the millennium would flawn in the twentieth century , and that mankind would then enter up on the enjoyment of a thousand years of universal peace and happiness. It may be so , though the signs of it are not yet obvious to the unprophetic > ye. r Mi ssasasasasasasasasasasasasasasasasasasasasasasasasasasasH . . t I. I I I Wrs. Whittlesey's Luck. Omahft ( Kcb. ) Bee. Jan. 1C A Bee representative was detailed yes terday to ascertain what truth there was in tho report that E. C. Whittlesey had drawn $3,000 in tho Louisiana Stato Lottery. Tho gentleman was found in tho general superintendent's oflico of tho Wells , Fargo Express Company , where ho holds a very responsible posi tion. Ho stated that it is his mother who is tho lucky holder of one-fortieth of ticket No. 08,744 , which cost SI and returned $5' ,000 from tho December drawing. /Mrs. Whittlesey has invested four times , and has secured prizes twice ; the other being $50 drawn in tho September drawing. Mrs. Whittlesey is the wife of S. C. Whittlesey , formerly editor of tho. . Council Bluffs Globe and at ono time privato secretary to the late 'Thos. A. Hendricks. Sho has resided in Coun cil Bluffs at 35 North Seventh street for a number of years , where she has many friends who congratulate her upon her great good fortune. Her son , Mr. E. 0. Whittlesey , ceneral superintendent's offices , Wells , Fargo Express Company , fifth floor , United States National bank building , will corroborate tho abovo statement to any who call. Raised letters ure intended for the blind , and we suppose that raised clieeka are for the earno purpose. Wo accidentally overheard the following dialogue on the street yesterday : Jones. Smith , why don't you etop that disgusting hawking and spitting ? Smith. How enn I ? You know I am a martyr to catarrh. J. Do as I did. I had tho disease in its worst form but I am well now. S. What did you do for it ? J. I used Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. It cured me and it will cure you. S. I've heard of it , and by Jove I'll try it. it.J. J. Do so. You'll fiud it at all tho drug stores in town. Whatever is said to the chemist ho ought always to bo ready with tho proper retort. Edwin Forrent'si Secret. Tho great tragedian , Forrest , had a Be- cret which everybody ought to learn nnd profit by. Said he , "T owe all my Biicces < i to the fact that everything I have under taken I havo dono thoroughly. I never neglect trifles. " That's the point , don't neglect trifles. Don't neglect that hacking cough , those night-sweats , that feeblo and capricious appetite , and the other symp toms , triflim : in themselves , but awlul in their signiflcance. They herald the ap proach of consumption. You are in dan ger , but you can bo saved. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovi-ry will restore you to health and vigor , as it has thousands of others. For all scrofulous diseased , and consumption iB one of them , it is a sov ereign remedy. Mrs. Cannon , wife or the Illinois congress man , is an expert seamstress. Your Friend. Committed Suicide. You never suspected it , none of his friends dreamed of it , he did not know it himself , but it it exactlywhat he did , nev ertheless. Do you remember his sallow complexion ? Do you recollect how he used to complain of headaches and constipa tion ? "I'm getting quite bilious , " he said to me one day , "but I guess it'll pass off. I haven't done anything for it because I don't believe in 'dosing. ' " Soon after that you heard of his death. It was very sud den , and every one was greatly surprised. If he had taken Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pur gative Pellets he would be alive and well to-day. Don't follow his example. The "Pellets" are easy to take , mild in their action , and always sure. When an actor cannot take his baggage away from a hotel he has lost his grip with the public ' • I HAVEBEKN AFFLICTED with an atfoction of the Throat from childhood cauicd by diphtheria , and havo used various reme dies , but have never found anything equal to Buown's Uno.Nciii.Ui Tiiociies. " Rov. G. F. Hampton , Piketon , Ky. Sold only in boxes. Tho Woman's medical college in Phila delphia is now in its thirty-ninth year. When Bubwin sick , we guTs her Castorlo. Wlif n she nu * a Child , she rrled for Cantorln , Wlira sho bttnmt Miss , she clnns to Custorla. When she hnd Children , she gfiTe thsm CastarU. Tiiero are 110 chrysanthemum societies in England. Consumption Surely Cured. To the Editor : Please inform your read ers that I have a positive remedy for con sumption. By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been permanently cured. I shall bo glad to send two bottlen of my remedy kueb to any of your read ers who havo consumption if they willaend mo their express and P. 0. address. Re spectfully , T. A. SL0CUM , M. C , 181 L'carl street , New York. Sfieumatisii IS CURED BY 1 - - - j0.MnjHEBHAS-A-VllDElERffll- Diamond Vera-Ciara .ITOIt OYSI'KI' IA. AND JILL SrOMAUI Til ( HULKS SI ( It Hi Indlpctt on , t-our-btuninch. Ueariiiurn , Nausea C- dinesn , Conjllnatlon. Fulinrss sfter eating. Food RliliiE In the Mouth and IMnnsreealile tasie alter eallng. Ncnousnest and Low bniriu. Jit Drugatits amt Dealers or scntby mail nn receipt ofZicts. < S lores 1100) in stamps , sample sent on receipt of 2 cent Sutmp. TI1F. CHARLES A. YOUKI.EIt CO. . Baltimore. Md. The gentleman on the left took Mercury. Potash nnd Snrsaparilla Mixtures , which ruined bis dige. Uon and cave him merruri.tl rheumatism. The 1:011- : tleman on the right took Swirr's SPtciriK ( S. S. S. ) which forced out the poison , and built him up from , the first dose. SWIFTS SPKCIFC Is entirely a yegetablo modi- cine , and is the only medicine which has ever curod Wood I'oisnn , Scrofula , Dlood Humors and klndrrd diseases. Send forour hooki nn Hloud and Skin diseases , mailed Freo. T1IK SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. Drawer i , Atlanta , Ga , jjKjfcH t ly " s " " * * 'or months I suffered from KPfcAM BM-H < S a vi-ry upvere told In head. wfe > 9gfSiM r.Iy's Cream lilmhnsw < irk.-d W35S ? ° < o2ivj tjfl like magic in Its 1 urpuftoroise AYF V RSs * weeks' use. I feci grateful for K * / * ? | P * Tvhat It I1113 done for me. tk&X 0 & SamucI J1Iilrrl ( Wholcal & . mtS&k& &lAffi ( inner ) 110 Front Street. Xen bum3rsr > & us.ijork. . The man who has invested lroni three iSa We or.ir the man who want- > ir ice to live dollars in a Kubber Coat , and sTna ( not style ) a garuif-nt tlut will keep at his first half hour's experience in n BB m raa EPUb lln dry in the hardest Murm. It is 0 storm finds to his sorrow that it Is UM & , H called TOWKIc'i * Flill 1UAXI > hardly abetter protection than a mos- Ez _ E " .SMCKEK , " aiiameUmU.irtoetery < juito netting , not only feels chagrined m ma Cow-boy all over the land. With them at being so badly taken in , bat also IB Br l fo , H the only perfect Wind and JVaterpruof fee)3 ) If he does not look exactly like gal E3 jma Coatis"TowirN bi.h Urandiflicker. " " Ask for the "FISH BKAND" Slickkk IS IIbIU and take nn otlnT. Ifycnrntorekreiior does not have the fish brand , sendfordejcriptlvecatalOOTe. A. J. Towhr , 20 .Simmot.sSt. . H01ton.il js * . r- 1 . . _ _ _ _ _ _ Nothingonthofarm PAYS Better r HORTHERN-GROssH than a.good mosdow or puitnro , and h " ' 1 sss . MBfe ffR dF s33 * tha vray to cet them is to follow tho -O > 1 * t r tv > > , 3 f NU fNktj E U O < ff Ol B9lfa v directions given in my pamphlet oa * . - wyCJSsT 1 'a. ' * 2 FTa sfsAiCrjH vIlS 'GnutandioraatyiantCaltur ibieSl l WH | Hflr aysssay is Bent Free to all who ask for it , "Ws > ilffl l < ? * wStfiSfaiSBMMiaiy , carry tremendous stock of Northern grovrn Grass and Clover Seeas , and can j % E3jral&fg | 32 r SAVE YOU MONKY every timo. Oct oar Catalogue. It tells all about it. SALZER'S EXTRA GRASS MIXTURE % " Ejg * " x rS B f S A bushel , § 2.00 ; per 100lbs\S 13.00. SowitandcutSrouunRt-ropaannuallv. ! M | LUCERNE CLOVER SS VbJF HH T"8 great fertilizing plant making the de6ert fertile , and oTeryvthcro doing vSaAxJSB" WB | well , sinking its root3 deep in the soil , finding nourishment and moi ture in all P i/7afil fcKjSiIii EH sdHa and clime3. A. clover everybody nhonld try in tho East. TVest. North and > / ff&Wvv' mBm&L South. See Catalogue about it. Bymail.oz , lOccntt ; lb. . S. 'i cent * . Byei- " &vjSMJWKgfifcgjM pE | press , peck. S2.o0 ; bnshel. S9.00. bend 8 ren\ts \ for grain samples LONGFELLOW'S MAIDEN who is " Standing , with reluctant feet , Where the brook and river meet , "Womanhood and childhood fleet ! " is a type of thousands of young girls who are emerging from the chrysalis stage of their existence , as they enter upon their " teens. " Xervous , excitable , irri table , stirred by strange , unknowable forces within them , each a mystery unto herself , our girls need the tenderesc care.the most loving , patient oversight , and the aid of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Priscription , to ' safely carry them through this critical period , during which , in too many lives , alas , are sown the seeds of dis tressing forms of diseases peculiar to the female sex. But this boon to woman kind will prevent all such diseases , or cure them if they have already seized a victim. "Woman owes it to herself , to her family , and to her social station , to be well and strong. Let her then not neglect the sure means of cure. " Favorite Prescription" is a legitimate medicine , carefully compounded by an experienced and skillful physician , and adapted to woman's delicate organization. It is purely vegetable in its composition and perfectly harmless in its efTects in any condition of the system. Sold by druggists ; $1.00 , or six bottles for $5.00. Copyrighted , 1888 , by World's Dispknsary Medical Association. Proprietors. DE. PIERCE'S PELLETS : SKE TJnequaled as a Liver Pill. Smallest , cheapest , easiest to take. One tiny , Sufjar-coated Pellet a doee. Cures Sick Headache , Bilious Headache , Constipation , Indigestion , Bilfous Attacks , and all derangements of the Stomach and Bowels. 23 centa , by druggists. ' V ) / J m * ' * - Mi ij UlHG BAISP i Stilcllj PURE , It centals KG OPIUM In uj fan , i Among tho best remedies AllrnaI.iiiiBltislanm J stands pre-eminent. The drusr > ts speak of It In n/ / highest tonus , nsulTlnw'cntlrosatisfaction wherever it is used. , - Prioe2r > cts.,50cts.anIl porBottlo. j * The25-CKXT BOTTLES are put up for tho accom- uiodatlon or all who de-lro Minnly n > COU > lIorCUOUtltBUKI > r. _ „ . , Thou desirmij < t remedy for COiVSlfATrTIOX or any LUNG DISEASE should secure tht Largs $1 Dottles. > Mothers. Read ! Oakland Sta. , Kv. April 21. WSJ. Gentltmen. Tho Ueruanl for AM.KN'SLUNO BaI * fiAM la Increasins constantly. The Ud.es think tbert Is no atediclno equal to it for croup and Whooping * Couah. C8 MAUTIN.Drtiralst. ? SOLD BY ACL it EDI CIXSVBS LEXX. j a The most cer- f { HLMflBs fel Sfes and safo IJSlpvSJJr Pain REMEDY | jAj $ JkV9jt ) in the world ; mm m mmSmw& ' that instantly j j HHIinnMk stops the most j m KflkJgW I JyEJ excruciating V * w lhVwi l ? ' ' pains.lt istruly Wtf lffiaiafa the great CON- j PAIN , and has ifl | | done more I good than any known remedy. For SPRAINS , BRUISES , BACK- ACHE , PAIN in the CHEST or SIDES. I HEADACHE , TOOTHACHE , or any other EXTERNAL PAIN , a few appli- cations act like magic , causing tho I PAIN to INSTANTLY STOP. For CONGESTIONS , INFLAMMA- TIONS. SORE THROAT , BRONCHI- jfl TIS , COLD in the CHEST , RHEUMA- TISM , NEURALGIA , LUMBAGO , SCIATICA , PAINS in the Small of the M Back , etc. , more extended , longer con- S tinued and repeated applications aro B necessary to effect a cure. All INTERNAL PAINS , ( in the Bow- els or Stomach ) , CRAMPS , SPASMS , SOUR STOMACH , NAUSEA , VOM- ITING. HEARTBURN , DIARRHOZA. COLIC , FLATULENCY , FAINTING SPELLS , are relieved instantly and QUICKLY CURED by taking inter- naliy as directed. Sold by Druggists. - PriceBOc _ H 2L W . DUNHAM'S I OAKLAWN FARM. * i3,000 PERCHEROH I 0ffflX FRENCH COACH HORSES , M IIII'OKTKU. H VWS fA | Eilp ? t\ STOCK OX HAND : m\ \ Ek & < $ v7VS. 3OOSTAL > lilONSorsfirTl0 - .Hf HB feSI Kbl" ac"5 ir 0 COLTS with H | BErf aaBijXnSslBChoice pedigree * , superior Indl- H K&T * | FW vhttials : 200 IIUPOKTISI * H | Ka " 'kROOI * MARKS ( SOlcfoal HJ jfj by Brilliant , tho most famous living sjre ) . HJ nf Beat Quality. Prices Seasonable. HJ m Terms Ia y. Don't Bay without inspect- H W inc this Greatest nnd Host ucce fal H I Sreedini ; Estnlillnhmrntof America. H M. w. DUNHAM , Waypie. Illinois. S5silbswtiUhca otfaC.AX.W.K'jUl.Tua rJucjricl H return aiall. H lull descriptive | H FEJESSCB7TII3. i | a7 VTOIX DP.II.XS , all Stjles for all Pnr- H SB. poses. Send 20 cents for ' H Jk mailing complete and H /K handsome Catalogue , for H * I 1J4 particulars , address , H J I ISA GOULD , AUSTIN & fl I V\\ & CALDWELL co- | ssJB b > w B I prescribe and fulljr n H jmmmW m } dorse Blr O as th only i H 4mmrT " } * * * -79 specific torthecertaincur * | H mmWri TO 6 djlTI. I 0f this disease. | fi s sso8trt ur . - . -WM Amsterdam , if. Y. - * 2M urdsaljtytas V/e bare sold Big G for H liMlnilClialMlCa.many years , and it has m9M k ClrirtrmatlJIMB faction. H OUoV 2. K. DYCHE & CO. . J- -M Trsb L B iirs.1S1.00. Bold by Dnisjists ! j H iPSI < KgT0IOADim WzP&WzJ WSF kT 3rCIKCLI.AH > rREE. H * i5rfSS B r 1UM Er w t r' = fety Rem 11 > > > > H 9fHolder < GIVEN AWAY to intra- mWM imwmKrA due ? tbern , twerr horse o n r buys B l mwSMViJR from 1 tot' . Lines never under bone's H iBW M i feet. b < nd > cents In stamps to pay H 'MaXiMA postage and pneitinc for Nlckls H / Mlrf irS ' 'latea taraple that sells for & H fci'B fsavJ ! cenUAduresi , H twkfJsSl _ Brewster Mf g Co. , Holly.Mich. H THE SEED MAN 11. AV. GAHD > 'ER , Froeport , Til. , B ( Successor to Gardner Bros. ) will send ton his H beautiful Sei d C atalozu * fa1839 FREEL | The Cheapest SEED HOUSE m America. H More seeds for tne nmney tsan jo < > r n buy H elsewhere. PACKETS 3 Cents. TRY US. H SOUBEFITS ! I do not mean merely to stop thtni tor a. tune < md H then bate tnera return. I mean a radical cure I hare is H mads FITS , EPILEWY or FALLING SICKSESSa H Ule-IoarT etudy. I warrant my remedy to cure the 1 worst cases. Becanse others hare fallen is no reason. I H rornotnotrreceivinfracnre. SendatoEcefortreaUBa H indlrrecBottleofmyinfaliibleremedv' . Gire trprem mmMm adP. O. PL G.BOOT.31.C.lSS carlbt. jj.X * H • Svrg55" rriQcVEN , AWAV.PVw s | tv' / * 7 raB * 0 Mixed rlowerseedi.ao * H kJGeKSr.Itlndm Guide , and lc& Certificate for H SftTfcVSW86"8' voiireA < .aJifor28tampflJ < % .ntA fBiiiiiiH -jiJgjJ&rvEvery flower lover delf < rbtnL TWI all your ee > iiiiV SsaSsmxJlriends. G.w.PAEK.FASHrmBczG.y.t. H Send at once. This notice wilt not appear a ain H U/AIMTsSTI Tae address of Soldiers | H If HJ1 I Cli and Pallors who HOSIE- avavB HOHESTEJDS. W. E. MOSES , . M tmenllun thU paper. DENVER - COLO. 9 9 % SEND YOUR A ME " * ? * * ? H n r rto an T & * • > - , , tost ? . Hairj.armtmtj vn any > fa ! irlirlr , 1Mplea a H atalozua.alionrw man of thcCrrat Stfubtlt • rsortk 1 ljanrlta. retchlnr from th If una f J to tbe aviator wlm jfta H ssscairnoi a > 4 iuxjr atioys • ; . .t > . . couMBjt * iii > . ia H • aljlOrt.ia. Xii , TUt TTI3TXILS 1I0ELD. CH1U60 , IU- H M\ .aaM # % * ! % • end that Piro's Cure- H I fVr % fprl I UP for Consumption not H ll ar , flllli\\ iKB.vB.vrs , but mgVM II H nWiWiiyaLo CUKES Hoarse- BVaBHHawBlsMBBl A IsVSVSVal l THMI KIDDER'S PASTILLES. " ? lH SlB aBSBBBMe BBlllB aSBSBBSBgsHCiLarlfTtown.ilii * H Sweet potatoes8 Lm • be sprouted on shares. Xn experience required. H Directions for fproutl cl'KFX Addres > H T. J. SUIXXKK , Culambua , Kansas. B Aeents Wanted l\ZZirti \ Z & ? . M UiirlToilts. Junpyreol lmU liou • . at. faul. Minn. H W. N. U. , Omaha , - 454 9. ' e l 'i 'AmWW BllllllllH 7 a - - - * t.v . _ \SbIiiiiiiiiiH , . . . 'Jjf' . : I SJJBSSaSSSaSaaaWa aj - l-- * ' .i A * J