_ _ _ _ _ M- * - : * , . - ; • v -v : v./- ' - - ; > - - > % af s-v- ' : - . . . " . * . . * . . * , . . _ K ; - 4- - V \s - - - ? - • - • • - - Vf : y-- - ? # _ : I ; , . il , l.at , & i-v • ; . _ _ _ K ! J 0 0 < O Q Q Q Q Q 0 0 ; Q _ _ ( j . 0 | 0 0 0 e 0 0 0 * , . H f ; < C- j I liave purcliased an interest in a business that will H j necessitate my leaving MeCook about July 1st , therefore I MUST CLOSE OUT Bjj MY ENTIRE STOCK OF I DRY GOODS , I CLOTHING , I Boots Shoes Hats , , , I CAPS , GROCERIES , Etc. H o' - 0 0 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 - = - 0 O-7-O 0 0 I * What's to he clone to quicken this sale 2 I BLEED EVERY DEPARTMENT ! I Allow the vital fluid to run untiLthere is nothing left but B a shadow qf a price. This will be a sale of Merchandise H pre-eminently on a more magnificent scale than anything I ever attempted in MeCook. I PROFITS ARE MOT CONSIDERED. I l.osses are not ever thought of. Remember the SALE is openand. . " The early bird beats two pair. " We mean I business , as life is too short for attempts or pretenses that I end in nothing. I C. H. ROGERS , The Pioneer Merchant. ft ftI I J. A. YanShoik , B. AGENT FOB THE I Singer Sewing Machines H ALSO KEEPS ON HAND A FULL LINE OF ' . II Repairs and Supplies. I Office , in McMillan's Drug Store , - - - MeCook , Nebraska. I : . Authorized Capital , $100,000. - Paid up Capital , $50,000. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS : B GEO.HOCKNELL , PRESIDENT. B : M. FREES , VICE-PRESIDENT. . . . Mi F. L. BROWN , CASHIER. . . . . . . . . A. CAMPBELL. J.fC. ALLEN. S. L. GREEN. I" Thp Htm % MnpH I iito To I II nm a nillillll J-eU11iI01 ! iu. K DEALERS IN = PLUMBER ! | i Sash , Doors , Blinds , Lime , Cement , I HAED MB SOFT COAL. I " " Tubscr.be . m "THE TRIBUNE , fl year- & % 'f - ' > . . , , _ J3 * * < v - 1- " - - - > /vy < . * fe i i3 * fs -fj ? ' - * ? ' - > • - ' - 1 1 " " ' ' i- _ , . • ' ' * - * - * \a& " 3r-crT ? ' - srf S ? * ' ! " --fc- ' i i 'nnfil ' v - - -t- rr ' * * * - ' i& & & * § &i * & < - -z The sporling editor of the Lincoln Journal , 3Ir. Walter Mason , suggests this revision : "So live that when it becomes necessary to join j the innumerable caravan that moves to the pale realms of shade not hired , you go as a j man scourged to the barnyard , but as one who , soothed and sustained by a pint of coffin f varni3h , wraps a patrol wagon about him and lies down , with his boots on , to pleasant g dreams. " n ThofollowinjrfromthepenofMr.L.F. Bard well , editor of The Marion ( Iowa ) Pilot , will we believe , be of interest to many of our readC ers. He says : "It is with pleasure that I certify li to the real merits of Chamberlain's Cough f Remedy. I have used it in my family for years s and have always found it most excellent , and especially for colds , croup and sore throat. It A is. safe and effective. " For sale by all drug gists. ' si Nebraska's corn has become a great bone ti of contention between New York and Philao delphia on one side and Baltimore on the f other. It seems that the railroads have been b favoring Baltimore in sending corn to that T city for export. Nebraska is willing to stand h neutral and supply any or all the belligerents p with the munitions of war. p pa' a' Tate Springs , Tenn. , July 4 , 1888. lie Swift Specific Co. , Atlanta , Ga. : Duringthe spring of 1871 , while working in the field at my home in Morgan county , Ga. , I pulled off my shoes to give my feet a rest. Unfortunately , I .walked into a clump sc of poison oak , and in a few days my feet w were in a terrible condition , and I could not sc put on a shoe because of the soreness and e swelling. I was treated as poison oak cases cl usually are , and everything was healed up. 01 About the same time the following spring , rj 1872 , my feet became sore again , as at first , and every succeeding spring fcr five years sj brought back the same condition of the dis- fc ease , only each time it became more dis- ai tressing , because I began to think it was a ga lifetime trouble. Finally , I was induced to P try Swift's Specific. I took six bottles , and . to-day am entirely well. My improvement was gradual from the first , and no evidence of the disease remains. I shall lake pleasIt * ure in testifying as to its curative propersu ties. It is the greatest blood purifier in exot istence. Yours . L. Morgan. truly , J. . . m The foregoing certificate is taken at cil random from thousands of letters in posses- dr sion of the Swift Spccilic Co. , and presented ln simply as a sample. It is a voluntary tn statemctt , giving facts and results of the ° F • case. Its accuracy and genuineness are tn beyond question. pi A valuable Treatise on Blood and SHn Diseases mailed free. Address . ' THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. , ! f ; TV . - n A .1 _ _ . flm , tic : _ ha to A GOLD WATCH J FOR ONLY 6a One Dollar • Per Week , by our Improved Club System. The Cases in our "Watches are fully Warranted for 20 years. The movements aro Elgin and ga Waltham , reliable and well known. The ti Wutches aro Hunter case or open faco.Ladies * t . or Gents * size stem Winders and Settlers , aud lul aro. fully equal fn durability , service and apso1 pcaranco to any S50 Watch. We sell these 0f Watches for $25 spot cash , and send to any ad- dress by Express or Registered Mall ; or by > c ourClub System at SI per week. Onegood re liable AGENT WANTED in each place. Writo C for particulars. is ; 1 EMPIRE WATCH CLUB Co. , 2 JHParkBonr , NEW YORK , re : - . , r . . , . _ r THE PRESS EXCURSION. In tho.matter of the Nebraska press excur sion for the coinlnsrsummer , tho chairman Is pleased to announce that arrangements aro worklngsmoothfy for a trip to tho Yollowstone park , . and perhaps Portland , Tacoma , eto. Thus far , judging ; from letters received , It seems to be tho preference of tho editors to Journey northwestward rather than north and cl8ewhero. Itis urgently requested of thoso who anticipate going that they notify L. Wea sel , Jr. , chairman , at Lincoln , as soon as con venient , also staling tho direction thoy pre fer visiting. Au excursion to Portland , Tcu coma and Seattle , with a trip by water up tho beautiful Puget sound to Port Townscnd and Victoria , could be made at a very small ex pense , the time consumed being about twenty days. The proposed plan Is thus : Omaha to St. Paul via. F. , E. & M. V. railway , St. Paul to Portland via Northern Pacific stopping at Butte , National Park , etc. , en route. Thence from Portland to Tacoma , Seattle , PortTown- send , blympia , WT. , Victoria , B. C , etc. , re turning via tho Union PacIflqvthrough Hunt ington , Shoshon , Ogdcn , Suit Lake City , Den ver and on home via the Burlington. Tho chairman of the excursion committee having visited that section last spring rcecomiricnds * it as a most pleasant trip. The people of that vicinity ace evor Wfttchful.Xor visitors.and never fall to royully entertain their guests. It is a now country and a delightful one , having a similar cjjmate to California , although not visited by the extremes that make portions of that state so very unpleasant. Editors sheuld give this their early attention and send in vow8. It is expected that the party will start about July 1. Burdette asserts woman's physical superi ority. He , however , frankly confesses that she cannot sharpen a pencil , and outside of commercial circles she cannot tie a parcel to make it look like anything but a crooked cross- section of chaos , but land of miracles , seo what she can do with a pinl There are some women that can pin a glass knob to a door : She can't walk so many miles around a bil liard tablo with nothing to eat and nothing ( to speak , of ) to drink , but she can walk the floor all night with a fretful baby without.golng In to tho sleeping-car to reatand ( get away from the children ) . She can go to town and do a wearysome day's shopping , and have a good time with three or four friends without drink ing a keg of beer. She can enjoy the evening without smoking half a dozen cigars. She can endure the torturing distraction of a house full of children all day , while her husband cuffs them all a howling to bed-before ho has been home half an hour. She is the salt of the church , tho pepper of tho choir and the life of the sewing society , and about all thero is of a young ladies' school or nunnery. A boy with a sister is fortunate , a fellow with a cousin is to bo envied , and a young man with a sweet heart Is happy , and a man with a wife is thrice blessed more than all. Young man , aro you cognizant that you are not permanently located in this country , but are en route for another and better land which you can only reach by stopping at the best hostelries and avoiding the pitfalls and snares that beset the traveler onthewayl Your destination is not to "No Man's .Land" that our legislators are excited over just now , but to "Every Man's Land , " where flows tho River of Life , and whose principal metropolis is pav ed with gold and precious stones , and whose king is Father of All. Did you ever think of this ? Base-ball , prize-fighting , horse-racing , rum-guzzling , etc. , are not tolerated in that country , and the sooner you abandon these 'no good' practices , especially on the Lord's sabbath , thovgreater will bo the prospect of your proving up on a homestead when you get there. "As ye sow so shall ye reap. " "I have used St. Patrick's Pills , " says Mr. J. Reynolds , of Mayfleld , Ky. , "and pronounce them superior to any I have ever before used. I do not hesitate to recommend them , knowE ing them to bo reliable.They are thorough , yet gentle in their action and leave the system in splendid condition. As a cathartic , or for disorders of the liver St. Patrick's Pills have no equal. For sale by all druggists. : No Dunning by Postal Cards. ' Assistant United States District Attorney T. B. Alcon has notified W. R. Ford , delinquent tax collector , of Pittsburg , to discontinue the [ sending of the postal card as notification to delinquent payers , as in his opinion the issu ing of them come under the inhibition of''the new law , making it a misdemeanor to send postal cards of a threatening nature through the mails. Attorneys in Pittsburgh express the opinion that not only will tax collectors have to quit using these notices , but secret or- c ganizations also who are in the habit of send ing out semi-threatening notices to derelect members. Thero is no danger in giving Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to children , as it contains no = injurious substance ; besides it is unequalled for colds and croup. Children like it. For sale by all druggists. Are You Intending to Build a Home ? If so , send us your' address and 50 cents in * ] stamps or postal note for our new book con taining over Fifty Different Styles and Plans Df Houses , costing from $200 to § 3,500 , suitable for < city , town or country , arranged by the bestarchitectsintheUnitcd States andEurope. The book gives pictures and plans of each bouse , showing just how they look when comT pleted. Any carpenter can build from these plans. If you ever intend to build a house , tvrite at once , as this advertisement will not appear again in this paper. Address , F. C. Shepard , Evansburg , Pa. ELECTRIC BITTERS. This remedy is becoming so well known and so popular as to need no special mention. All ivho have used Electric Bitters sing the same iongof paaise. A purer medicine does not ixist and it is guaranteed to do all that is jlaimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases f the Liver and Kidneys , will remove Pimples , Boils , Salt Rheum and other elections caused jy : impure blood. Will drive Malaria from the system and prevent as well as cure all Malarial evers. For cure of Headache , Constipation ind Indigestion try Electric Bitters Entire latisfaction guaranteed , or money refunded. Price ] 50 cts. and $1.00 per bottle , at A. McMil- en's drug store. The organization known as the "Personal lights league , " which was organized last ummer and which has as one of its cardinal ibjects resistanco to the prohibition move- nent , which is characterized as a menace to itizens , rights , has issued an impassioned ad Iress to tho citizens of tho United States , wani ng them of the dangers threatening them in ho prohibition movement , and calling xra all A ipposed to it to join in the work riflighting hem by forming local assemblits under the mm ilan of the parent organization in Chicago. Persons troubled with rneumatism should ry Chamberlain's Pain Balm. One applica- ion will ease the pain , and its continued use as cured many cases of chronic andJnflamma- sry : rheumatism , that had resisted other rem- dies and. even the treatment of the best hysicians. Price , 50 cents per bottle. For * ale ; by nil druggists. A secret circular is reported to bo circulat- ig among tho workingmen of New Yoik in Inch tho number of ill advised strikes that ave occurred lately is referred to with ndig- ation , and the labor unions are advised to or- anlzo secrctVribunals for the s ment of traitors. " Theso tribunals Bha. " i ot under- iko to inflect capital punishment , but their , 3vcrest sentenceshall bo to cut off tho ears offenders so that they will bo cheaply , con- cniently and endelibly marked. Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is famous.for ° ' prompt .and effectual cures of coughs and jj ; jlds. The most sovero cold may be loosened j > relieved by a fow doses or this valuable j > imedy. For sale by all druggists. ji i-J "r' * . ' 8 , * * . .g . ' : k. ; „ ' : ? ' • - . . . mm3Z5SS5SSZSmmml Z5SS fedsg4 " - "V : i it - "Wi t ! % ; -r. i i i 'x i. ' mi " : , * > ' _ i # , j.j * "V • . .I : , , . i . , . . - - > , y „ / „ * _ , • . * . . , . .niii . , - > - - 'X , , - . . ; - . . .ti.ii. C . , . - . - t' , i : . i i ? , i . ; . it , ' - ' , . , ii i - iiitmMmmmmimmmmmttmmmmmHmi : • • - ' - i - ' i K m m mm ! A . * • : . - . ' - ' V V1 - - • ? . ; - - - • . - . ' . * " - r . > . * * : • • ' • - ; ' - . ' * " - . - • s ' : H , . . . , , . , - * . , . , , . . . . . , - ' ' " ' " * • - " - -J. - - - v. - V"z'V. ; ? v .j • r ' ! ; * ; > - \ - - - - r- • ' - - ; - } > * > * ; < - & > % 3 L. LOWMAH & SOH. I OUR NEW SPRING * | CLOTHING , I Furnishing Goods 1 : > AND EATS , j ARE IN STOCK. | . - V * . . • j We "have the very Best Variety as usual , and our Prices are the Lowest ! Pants Made to ' orfler k mi t L. LOWMAN & SON , Coiiie and get a Bixtterick Pattern slieet for March. /S CONSUMPTION CURABLE ? Read the following : Mr. C. H. Morris , New ark , Ark. , says : "Was down with Abscess of Lungs , and friends and physicians pronounced me an Incurable Consumptive. Began taking Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption , am now on my third bottle , and able to over see tho work on my farm. It is tho finest medicine ever made. " Jesse Middleware Decatur , Ohio , says : "Had it not been for Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption I would have died of Lung troubles. Was given up by doctors. Am now n best of health. " Try it. Sample bottles free , at A. McMillen's drug store. " FORSALE. / have a mixed bunch of hogs , in cluding brood sows , for safe. J. F. BLACK , Red Willow. Neb. Wm. H. ANDERSON , AGENT FOR rhe Mutual Life Insurance Co. OF NEW YORK. ALSO A FULL LINE OF FIRE AND LIGHTNING INS. office : Juddleston's Lumber Yard , MeCook. ' KILPATRICK BROTHERS. ( Successors to E , D. Webster. ) Horses branded on left hip or left shoulder. mlx , P. O. address , Estelie , tag ; Hayes county , and Beat- . J MHMMBk rice , Neb. Range , Stink- SfSling Water and French- Kllff man creeks , Chase Co. , M Nebraska. F Pi Brand as cut on side of A ; l | some animals , on hip and QH nS&jfc sides of some , or any - * 4 - where on the animal. ; It has permanently cured thousands f-cases pronounced by doctors hope- ess. If you have premonitory 3ymp- oms , such as Cough , Difficulty of Jreathing , &c. , don't dolay , but use J 'ISO'S CURE FOR CONSUMPTION mmediately. _ 3y Druggista , _ 25 cents. : # - IN THE CITY. 4- r y * * Bj ; Have just received a heavy stock of new I I CLOTHINGwhich makes our stock com- I - plete , consisting of Dress Suits , Business l I : Suits , Work Suits , School Suits , Etc. , Etc. : A COMPLETE LINE OF : I j M - We received this week , from Chicago , the ; largest stock of Dress Goods , Flannels , f Waterproofs , Blankets , Underwear , Shirts , - I Hosiery , Notions , Gloves , Mittens , Hats , l " Caps , Etc. , we have ever carried. ' 1 1 H . m i . A $3,000 STOCK OE I \ We have § 15,000 in Merchandise to sell I ] for CASH or PKODUCE at as low a price : i as any house can sell. Don't pay more for i V * goods than we pretend to ask , thinking - H you are saving " 25 cents on a dollar , " as ' H 4 some of our competitors advertise. t S ( INCORPORATED UNDER STATS LAWS. ) iJlllifH , _ % - _ _ Paid up Capital , - . $50,000.00. _ _ BI _ j General Banking Business , - I Collections made on all accessible points. Drafts drawn directly on the principal * _ ' ' H cities of Europe. Taxes paid for Non-Kesidents. Money to loan on farming . _ lauds , Tillage and personal property. Fire Insurauco a specialty. ' " * ' _ _ Tickets For Sale to and from Europe , - 'I ' CORRESPONDENTS. V. RuxsuKPresident , " • 4 _ | rirot National Bank , Lincoln , Nebraska. V m j0h B , Cimik , Vice-Proaldeat , 1 1 The Chemical National Bank , Not * York. J a , a Ssxrx , Cuhia * . i l . 'V _ _ _ _ TME'V " • ! ' M" : " ; > 4 - * ' - * • * " • * - -SSr , - _ . . .jgeT r * > ' T' Tg TTrrTi ii. j. j iu i i _ Jm m mW