p * " " * " " * " * * * . - . . . . . . . . . r ' - ' * tr .j. i /'i-i i 'i hi11mi , iti.ro < ltim iM-a I " -THE M'COOK TRIBUNE , " " H F. ML KIROIELL , PHbll.her. H McUOOK , NEQ ABOUT NEBRASKA. HK 1M "ve Stock commission. H j Oapt. T7. W. Abbey , of the Btato livo 1 stock commission , in answer to ques- B tions propounded by an Omaha Boo ro- B porter , eaid : "Tho law now in force was m suggested by an ontbrealc of Texas fover B about fivo years ago in a bunch of cattle , B near Brady Island , that was shipped H | | direct from tho south. Native cattle H | passing over tho pasturage which had ! f beon occupied by this diseased ship- g ment , and stock with which they com- Ef municated , were subjected to great fatal- Hff ity , aggregating a loss of $100,000. Hff There has been no such prevalence of HJf disease since the sanitary 'law was car- i ried out. Hlf "Two years ago pleuro pnonmona was H | raging in the stockyards at Chicago , Bf and hod it not beon for this law , that K fatal affection would doubtless have H spread , not only through Nebraska , but B it would have reached the country west B of ns. To illustrate our danger , Dr. H. Vb Xi. Eamocciotti , of this city , acting for Vs the commission , stopped four shipments of ten cars of feeders from tho Chicago BVa yards , at tho Bluffs transfer , and sent Hkj luera back to Chicago , thus preventing BSj the importation of this dangerous J malady. " BVj On beingquestioned asto'the sanitary HS vigilance of the commissioners in rela- H > tion to keeping out glandered horses HS and exterminating those animals within BV the state already stricken with that dis- H ease , the doctor asserted that although H cases were numerous at the time of the BB organization of tho commission , at the Bjf present time "fifty counties of the state Bal were practically Tid of 'the destroyer of Bai horses , and that he expected two more Bj | years of ite aggressive work would re- Bjj lieve the state of the malady. H STATE JOTTINGS IN BRIEF. B Jr. J. S. Brice , a prominent physi- B cian of Crete , died in Des Moines last BV week of heart disease. Bb In Custer county on the 10th Fred B " Pierce shot and killed Samuel Ankney. B $ k Ankney was partly intoxicated , and had Bb abused several people and made a bru- Bjj tal attack upon his brother George. At BV the request of George's wife , Pierce Bjj pulled Samuel off his victim. The fu- xions man 'then struck Pierce , who Bj pulled a revolver and fired. Samuel Bj Ankney had a hard name , and was an Bb -ex-convict and a violent man. B Toung Beers , convicted in the dis- B trictcourt of Lincoln of killing his Bj sweetheart , 'has been sentenced to the Bl penitentiary for life. H | Word has been received by a Fre- Bj montonan , says the Tribune , as to the H whereabouts of George W. Lehr , Ifoe H -ex-station agent at West Point , whb Bj eloped a short time ago with Mrs. J. M. BJ Maybee. He is at Sherman , Texas , and BJ remitted a sum of money to the Pre- BJ mont man to cancel an obligation. He BJ is railway agent at Sherman. BJ * Death is announced of two brothers BJ in the southern part of the state from H glanders contracted from diseased horses BJ Steps are being taken at Beatrice H for'tho construction of the paper mill. H It is rumored that a bill will bo in- j troduced during the present session of K the legislature excludintr all females BJ from any employment in the legislature Bj or on committees. BBjB | Brainard was somewhat disturbed B a-few days ago by Miss Hoghe filing a By -complaint against John Leisure , charg- ] . ing him with seduction , under promise Bp of roarriage. Sheriff Darnell took the H bird in charge before he could fly , as he was spreading his wings to do , and he B ] therenprm concluded to marry the girl H he had wronged. H Some of our best citizens of Tecum- B seh are talking of going to the Okla- B homa country to get their fill of Indian B lands and Indian arrows. I The B. & M. will build ffeight B and passenger depots in Plattsmouth B this year. II The entire highway from Grand t II Island to Wood Biveris to be graded as B eoon as the weather will permit. B The city of Tecumseh is somewhat If -excited over the fact that the supreme II onrt rendered a decision which closes If up both saloons of that place. The B ground upon which the decision is based If ] isihata councilman who has signed a HJ " petition for a license is incompetent to Bl pass upon it as a councilman. Bj An electric fire alarm is the latest BJ improvement at Grand Island. Kj Prof. Thrasher , of Edgar , will soon H issue a 300 pasre cloth volume contain- Bj ing biographical sketches of the more H prominent teachers of Nebraska. B ' Scarlet fever has laid hold of the Hj littlf ones in the Lincoln Home of the B Priendless. Pour of the inmates are B down with the disease. B Tho board of trade of Nebraska B - City bus propositions from four differ- B ent manufactories looking for locations. B H. C. Hitt , an Omaha lawyer , was B arrested on the street for being drunk. B He resisted vigorously and was booked B . on that charge as well. When taken to B the station he tore down the water closet B * and raised Cain generally until it was B found necessary to 'handcuff him to a BL post. B * Mrs. Hanna , of Grand.Island , last B week crave birth to triplets , At last B _ Accounts two of them were living. B • ' A revival is in progress in the Chris- B tian church at Beatrice and deep inter- B eat in the work is manifested. B * * A wild cat weighing 61 pounds was I „ caught in a trap near Ainsworth. ' - A religious revival at Beynolds ro- c suited in 33 accessions to the Methodist ' k and 5 to the Baptist church , ij' Mrs. Vener Berenger , living north of Cnlbertson , had the misfortune to c ; fall down cellar , breaking her left leg * * above the knee. The coun ly surveyor of Custer coun- 0 " " " iy , with'aiorpe pf eleven , men , is busy > . making the survey for the proposed t3 * canal to connect the Dismal river with > 4 the Muddy and thus furnish a magnifi- r cent water power for Broken Bow. It is told that a prominent citizen of this county , says the Culbertson Sun , 1 who does not live more than a dozen miles from the river went home the other night and found his wife in the arms of another man. The gentleman in question left so suddenly that he for got his hat and coat , which to his great % relief were brought to him by his ever faithful horse a few hours later. * The Independent clamors to have ift , . th'o jail gang at Grand Island put to iFv - -worlcon the streets , just to kcepsamn iff ? from finding somethiug for their idle lp ' Ul Jiandstodo. * r ' . . * - -IMIIMIIIM 1 im.nl i iir .in | _ _ Iul > J HMBBSHBBBBBBflB1BIBHBH > J . > - . * * * * * - - % .sip3. .r , - . . . . . . . . . . . . " ' * r i. n 1 l \y. "T , yV jl i 11 1 1 l l l .l ll.i An effort is being made to form * building and loan association atBl Hill. - One of tho mules of an Uncle Tom's Cabin troupe jumped off a train be tween Chester and Hubboll and broke its neck. Broken Bow will have a new county court house next summer. A number of members of the legis lature took a trip to South Bend last week to make a visit to the state fishe- rics at that place. Tho object of the visit was to show the improvements that liuvo been mado in tho fisheries in the past few years. Tho institution , in charge of Superintendent O'Brien , is working with .excellent results. Almost every variety of fish that can bo culti vated in this temporaturo is being grown. Among them are a dozen varie ties of trout , salmon , bass and carp. It will not be many j'ears till the influence of tho institution will bo felt all oyer the state , and demonstrated by tho inhabi tants of its waters. Gilbert , alias Moore , an employe at tho sewer pipe works at Beatrice , skip ped last week. Next day iKirties from Shelton wore on hand with underwood , deputy sheriff of Buffalo county , looking for him. Ho is said to have committed forgeriesof notes and mortgages amounting to $1,000. He is supposed to have gone to Kockford , 111. Pasker Byan , one of the earliest set tlers and a highly respected citizen of Pillmoro county , died at his home a few miles north of Exeter last week. Mr. Byan leaves a wife and fonr children and a large number of friends to mourn the loss they sustain. He was sick but a few days and his death was tvn unexpected blow to the community. Tho Lincoln Journal says : Dr. Bill ings reports that the calf inoculated with the pure culture of the germ of tho cattle disease which was not investigated by the cattle commission at Premont , is very sick and will probably die to-day. Tho rabbits , Guinea pigs and mice which were innoculated with the same culturo have already succumbed , the same germ being found in each of them. Buffalo Bill , of Nebraska fame , is going to Paris with his Wild West show and will hold forth in that city for six months. Tho Catholic church at Homer was dedicated on Sunday last. There are six bankers in the Ne braska lower house. The Custer county court house bonds will bo sold to the highest bidder on the 2d of March. Tho bonds are expected to bring a good price , as it is under stood there will be a number of bidders. Beal estate in Valparaiso has been active since opening of the year. The citizens of Louisville are mov ing in the matter of securing a wagon bridge across the river at that place. Fremont , in the matter improve ments , expects to beat the record this year. I I Over $2,000 has been subscribed at Cedar Bapids to build a "lodge halL" i An effort is being made to organize a Christian church at Table Bock. The street car robber has turned up in Beatrice. He made a capture of twelve dollars while the driver was changing teams. The 7-year-old son of Post Surgeon Haskins at Port Omaha died lost week from the effects of having a leg ampu tated pt the thigh. The Jad was badly injured while trying tocatch a ride on a wagon near the fort , and in some man ner his leg waseaught in the wheel , crushing it in a horrible manner. The amputation took place an the evening , and in spite of the best medical aid the child died. A step in the interest of rigid econ omy of the Union Pacific was taken by Mr. Cushmg last week. He has given instructions to the effect that all time worked in the TJnion Pacific machinery department outsido of the regular hours must be reported fully with a detained statement of the necessity of such extra work before any allowance can be made for such. The TJnion Pacific railway company has incorporated the Carbon Cut-Ofi " railway company in Wyoming. W. A. Holcomb , T. L. Kimball , C. M. Cum- mings , V. C. Boj'ne and J. S. Cameron are the incorporators. The capital stock is placed at $1,000,000 , and the company intends buildins a road from Sulphur to its coal fields , fifteen miles northwest of that point , and has agreed in its charter to build branches to any coal or mineral deposits in Carbon , Sweetwater or Pre mont counties. Representative Wilcox of Bed Wil low county , has introduced a bill to en courage the manufacture of sugar from cane , beets and other sugar producing plants. BjT the provisions of this bill the sum of $35,000 is appropriated to be expended in paying a royalty of 2 cents per pound on all sugar produced in this state from cane or other plants. G. W. Barnhart , one of the state live stock commissioners , thinks it would be a most unwise thing to make any change in the present law , and gave figures to show what had been saved for the state since the commission was cre ated. The Schuyler Sun hears of a very sad case in the vicinity of Clarkson. A family by the name of Hejtmanek lost fonr children with that dreaded disease diptheria. A peculiar accident happened last week at Morrissey's eleyator in Mil- ford. The floor in a shipping bin broke through , letting about 800 bushels of corn drop to the floor below and break- ing through that floor. A "Fancy" Ball In Helena. Helena ( Mont. ) special : The demi- monde of Helena turned out in force last night , and mado a night of it in a way that made tho on-lookers open their eyes in wonder and astonishment. Helena has never had such an exhibi- tion during its history. The police did not interfere , and the gay members ol the substratum of Helena society held high revel. JCho performance took 1 place in a large basement in an out-of- ' the-way place , and the noise and rib- ' aldry did not reach the ears of the peoJ pie on the street. The < 5oceasion was V-M grand masquerade and fancy dress ball ! tendered th"tn by one of the most ' prominent landladies residing in the ] prescribed section of Wood street. ] About seventy-five couples were pres- ] enr , some en masque , others in abbre- viated skirts , many in fancy dress , not a small sprinkling of whom appeared in a suggestive style of undress. Frail co1 quettes in silken tights which brought 1 out the oontour of the naked form were conspicuous. The fnn crew fast and i furious and between heated turns in the waltz and more heated turns at the bar ' the crowds with wild and reckless aban- j don committed acts that were very far oufrfide the limits of propriety. As they filled with wine their orgies' were ] of , the most outrageous character , and ] not untU tho dawn of day did the rev- ' ellers adjourn exhausted by the night's experience. ' * r • - _ V * . „ < l 1 v ' 3r ' * f % - * ' - t- r' * , , • < * - . * a * v . THE NEIKAIKA SENATE AND HOUSE. „ Fretee&lnQt of the Vppur and Xotcer Sranch * of the Xvbratlw Atremhly. In iho' senate on the 9th but two bills were introduced , as follows : A bill for an act to emend seotion 2 of chapter 2 of tho compiled statutes of 1887 of the state of Nebraska , entitled "Agricul ture , " and to repeal said section. A bill for an act entitled . "An act to appoint registrars of election and to pro vide for the registry of voters in cities having a population of 5,000 or more inhabitants. The registry bill for cities of over 5,000 inhabitants provides that one inspector or registrar shall be appointed for each ward , or precinot by the mayor of tho city , and tho confirm ation of such appointments lies with tho city council. It provides that a list ol voters in all the precincts shall be pre pared by tho inspectors or registrars acting as a board , which shall meet fiyo - weeks before tho election. Into the list shall be incorporated the polling lista ot the last previoiis general election , and every voter shall be exactly located. The list is to be posted in some conspic uous place in the city clerk's office. On the Tuesday preceding election lha l > oard of registrars shall meet to reviso the listsbut additions shall notbe placed on the original list. Tho usual Fafo- guards are thrown around tho registry lists , and it is provided that tho right of challenge shall not be impaired. Senate files Nos. 113 , 120 , 122 and others , reported from the joint comraitteo on county and township organization , wore recommitted after some lively passages between Howe and Bansom over the bill granting the right to condemn real estate to water companies supplying towns and cities. In tho house but few members were present. The motion by which Corlffn's bill for an amendment to the constitution providing for _ tho investment of a permanent educational fund of the state was refused a position at the head of the general file , was re- ponsidered nd oiven tho esired posi tion. The house then went into com mittee of the whole to consider the measure. Hall of Lancaster moved that the bill bo recommended to pass. Christy of Clay vigorously opposed. Corbin , the author of the bill , defended the measuie , claimin that there was a vast sum ot money lying idle in tho treasury which mi-jiit be loaned to school districts on their registered bonds. Hamilton favored the measure on the ground that it ought to be submitted to the people as any other measure. Burn- ham of Keya Paha also favored on like grounds , adding that the selling of school lands is constantly swelling tho state school fund. The bill was recom mended to pass. The senate on the 11th held a short session , beginning at 4 o'clock. It passed a bill authorizing Omaha's chief of police and police judge to sell un claimed property coming into their pos session in the course of duty. Another bill provides that the proceeds shall go to the police relief fund. The senate also passed a bill allowing n yearly ex- penditure of $1,000 for the city en gineer's salary in cities of second class , The committee of the whole approved the bill establishing a police relief fund in Omaha. In the house barely a quorum of members responded to the roll call. McBride offered a resolution directing the committee on insurance to report back senate file 8 , tho Bansom bill to compel insurance companies to pay full face of policy , and house roll 14 , a bill of the same tenor. Satisfac tory explanations were made , and the resolution was withdrawn. A bill was introduced by Hanthorne to compel purchasers of tax titles to notify all par ties who held mortgages on the poperty of the sale , also one by the committee on public lands and public buildings to appropriate the sum of $20,000 to repair the damages that resulted from the re- cent explosion at the insane asylum. In the senate on the 12th , Senator Connor introduced a bill , senate file No. 194 , amendingsection25of the compiled statues , regarding school lands and funds. Tho purport of the bill is to compel the state treasurer to keep the permanent school funds of the state in vested in bonds of some kind named in the statutes. Senate filo No. 195 was in troduced by Jowett. Senate file No. 91 was passed. This bill provides that in counties under township organization , the assessor with his assessment book and the schedules and statements of property by him assessed , together with the towntoard ) , or in cities of the second class of over five thousand (5,000) ) in habitants , the assessors with their said books , schedules and statements , together with the flupervisors from such city , or in cities of the second class of less than five thousand (5,000) inhabi tants and villagestho assessors with their said books , schedules and state ments , together with the mayor and city council and the supervisors fromsaid city or board of trustees shall constitute a board for receiving assessments. The time of the senate in the afternoon was chiefly employed in committee of the whole. The most interesting bills under discussion were the bill granting muni cipal suffrage to women and that amend ing the pharmacy law by raising the ex amination fees and annual dues. The latter was recommended to pass. The former was indefinitely postponed. Hooverfrom the committee on military affairs , reported house rol ' No. 47 , with the recommendation that it pass. In the house Representative Majors' joint resolution making state warrants state securities when indorsed by the state treasurer "presented and not paid for want of funds" was put on third reading and passed uunnimouslv. " Lee offered a resolution to adjourn over February 22 , in order to gxve the uiemlters of tho legislature an "importunity to attend the G. A. li. re.u.ion. Carried 44 to 13. Cody ' , of Howard , offered the following resolution : Whereas , Hon. Frank B. Morrissey has publicly charged in the Omaha Herald of the 10th inst. , that members of this body corruptly re ceived ' a money consideration for their action ; upon measures pending before this house , and declared his ability to furnish the names of members so re ceiving \ such consideration and the amounts 1 received ; therefore , Eesolved , That ' Scoville , Hopper , Majors , White and Corbin , be , and they are hereby ap pointed ' a committee to investigate said charges and all other charges of corrup tion made against members of this body , with full power to send for per sons and papers and administer oaths and affirmations to witnesses called. And be it further resolved , That said committee > be and they are hereby in structed to proce ' edewith such investiga tion with all convenient dispatch and report all evidence taken to the house with their recommendation in the prem ises. After discussion the resolution was-adopted. In the senate on the 13th , Senator Ijams' bill for a polico relief fund in cities of the metropolitan class was passed. The senate passed Nesbitt's bill giving the "Tenth district two judges , Manning's bill , permitting persons to associate to insure their own property , and Pope's bill , making counties liable ' to an individual who may suffer damage by reason of a defective bridge or high way. Cornell's resolution for a consti tutional amendment relative to the in vestment of the permanent school fund was defeated. Senator Cornell intro duced a resolution directingjthe indicia- . ' i. t , * * \ . I W > * w t J f ry committoe to frame a bill for tho in vestment of the surplus in tho state treasury. Laid over under tho rules. Sutherland's resolution requesting tho board of transportation to make a sched ule ot freight rates that will prevent dis crimination camo up as a special order. After lengthy discussion tho resolution was indefinitely postponed. In tho house The following were reported for pas sage. A bill to insuro a more speedy trial bj * limiting tho postponement on the motion of 0110 party alone , and pro scribing tho conditions on which trials may be adjourned. A till incorporating homestead associations to loan caoh memlor money to purchase land and make improvements. A bill to punish anybody with a $25 or $100 fine for selling intoxicating liquors to habitual drunkards. Tho bill authorizing the mayor aud council of cities of second class , having over 5,000 inhabitants , to borrow monoy not to exceed 5 per cent on tho valuation to aid in bnilding or repairing tho court house , was recom mended for passage. The South Omaha charter bill was recommended for pas sage. A bill was introduced by Hill , of Butler , appropriating $3,100 to pay tho damages caused by Billings in his ex periments to prevent hog cholera. The money is to be distributed ns follows : H. H. Hues , $1,380 ; Edward Hiukloy , $480 , and Louis Lindon , S840. All these parties are residents of Butler county , and have lost swine through "innocn- lation" by Billings , aggregating tho amount named. House roll 45 , Hall's maximum tariff bill was taken up , but went over. Gilbert's usury bill was then taken up. Wistoner's motion to strike out the enacting clause was lost by a voto of 41 to-35. Tho matter was not disposed of at the hour of adjourn ment. In the senate on the 14th Senator Punck presented a resolution directing tho committee on public lands and 'buildings to prepare a bill for tho re moval of tho homo for tho friendless to the experimental farm. 'Tho resolution recited that the homo needs enlarging and tho adjoining land is very expens ive. Tho resolution called for the sale of tho present homo and the uso of ten acres of tho farm. There was quito lengthy discussion over tho resolution , which was finally adopted. The com mittee of the whole took up Senator Paxton's bill , giving Nebraska's consent to the purchase or condemnation of a postoffice site in Omaha , and ceding jurisdiction thereover to the United States. The bill was passed over for a time. Mr. Howo's glass ballot box bill was approved in committee. When re ported to the senate tho fight to indefi nitely postpone was begun , and to savo it the house consented to have it recom mitted with a view to making it apply only to the larger cities. Senator Linn's bill for taxing sleeping cars was recom mended for passage. In the house rolls 14 , 88. 104 , and senate file 3 , all bills of a similar character , regulating insurance companies , were reported from the com mittee without any recommendation. Among the few bills introduced was one by O'Brien , of Douglas , to limit the number of insurance agents in a town or city to one for each company. The Gil bert usury bill was called up and ordered to a third reading _ by a vote of 43 to 38. The house went into committee of the whole to consider bills on general file. House roll 124 , a bill by Hall , provides that at each election in cities or villages , the question of license or no license shall be submitted to the voters. If a majority vote for license , the city coun cil or village board shall issue licenses to all who complywith the provisions of the statute1 , and if the majority vote no license , then the sale of intoxicating liquor shall be unlawful in city or vil lage. The bill was amended to make-ifc necessary for the applicant to secure the written consent of each property holder adjoining the proposed location of the j 1 saloon , before a license shall issue. The license is fixed at $500 for all villages un der 2,000 inhabitants , aud $1,000 for all cities of a larger size. Efforts were made to increase the license fees from S500 to $1,000 and from $1,000 to 2,500 , but they were not successful. The bill was reported back with the recommen dation that it do pass. Th following bills were introduced : T < - provide for the letting by contractor all printing or stationery used by'tie state of Ne braska , and all societies and institutions Df the state where tho bills for printing ind stationery are to be paid for by tho 3tate. 'To provide for the uniformity of text books for the public and common ? ohools in the state of Nebraska. The senate on the 15th labored with the three bills for the creation of Thurs ton county. One took a slice from Wayne county , thi fcther. robbed Burt . of a patch and the third joined them with the Omaha and Winnebago reser ' vations to make territory enough for . the proposed county of Thurston. The bills were made special order for the 19th. The senate passed Linn's bill for taxing sleeping cars , Burton's bill in creasing the aggregate limit of school • taxes in cities of 1,000 to 5,000 from 20 to 25 mills , and Hoover's resolution call ing on the secretary of state for a bill of the telephones in state institutions I and their cost. Tho committee on pub lic lands and buildings reported favora bly on Polk's bill requiring executive officers to report annually to the gov ernor the personal property in their of fices and a statement of any such prop- erty as may have been disposed of. Senator Connor's abstractor bill was discussed at length and killed. It made abstractors liable under their $10,000 bonds for errors in their abstracts , and fixed penalties for violating the act. The secretary of state _ reported fifteen telephones in state institutions nt a yearly cost of $9G4. Three of them cost $100 each. The others range from $48 to $54 , the six in the state house be ing at the Jatter figure. In the house Hampton introduced a resolution recit ing that whereas the house had 137 em ployes , a larger number than ever be fore , therefore a committee consisting of Johnson , Elliott , Berry , Hnnna and Farley be appointed to examine the matter and report to the house the names of those , if any , whose services could be dispensed with. Adopted. Bills were introduced : To establish a board of printing , and to appoint n state printer and regulate his prices therefor , and to establish a system for contracting for the material for the pub- lie printing used by the state. To pro1 vide that all persons shall be entitled to 1 the same civil rights and to punish all 1 persons for violation of its provisions. 1 To repeal the law creating a bureau of 1 labor. A bill appropriating $20,000 for 1 the purpose of sending a delegation to 1 the centennial celebration of the inau- gurations ; of President Washington , at 1 New Yorkoh April 30 , was taken up j and debated at length without reaching 1 a vote , 1 ( Americans in China. ] Washington dispatch : In a communi- ] cation to the state department Minister Denby states that the number of Ameri- can citizens now residing in tho Chinese t empire is 1,022. Of this number 500 are missionaries , seventy-three are seafarers , twenty-eight are in tho Cliinese customs service and twenty-three follow mercan tile pursuits. Tho occupations of 845 are unclassified. „ t The auction craze has stmck O'Neill c to an alarming extent , so mueh so as to c have a rather depressing effect on the s .old tried and true merchants. ' c i * * t , A SKY SCRAPER'S .COLLAPSE. Tfic Tallest Ofilce Jlitttdlnir tn Chicago a to tal WrtcJt. Chicago dispatch : Ono of tho tidiest office buildings in America collapsed to-dny. A number of workmon rushed out just in time to escape being crushed under tho mountain of wreckage Tho ruined building was tho Owings block , a beautiful gothic structure , fourteen stories high , situated at tho corner of Dearborn and Adams streets , just oppo site tho postoffice , in tho center of tho business district. The ten lower stories fell in , ono after another , leaving tho walls , tho four upper floors and tho roof standing in a decidedly shaky condi tion. In tho tenth story tho tile floor ing was defective , or was damaged by tho natural settling of tho building. About 8:30 : this morning a dozen or so of the workmen who wero in tho basement heard an ominous crack and crash. Fortunately for them they did not stop to inquire tho cause , but rushed frantically into the street. A succes sion of thunderous reports followed tho first crash , then one mighty din , and tho atmosphere was filled with a great up rising cloud of dust. When tho air was cleared , where onco story above story rose with every appearance of collo sal strenth and durability , now mounted a fantastic heap of debris , while a space for 130 feet above was empty , savo for the bent and distorted iron beams that here and there projected from tho walls. The superintendent and contractors wero summoned , but did not seem to have any idea of the cause of the wreck , or if they did they kept it carefully to themselves. Tho building , which was rapidly approaching completion , was considered one of the finest in the city from a standpoint of convenience , strength and architecture. Tho three lower stories wero of stone and others above erf pressed brick. Tho interior was entirely of tile , supported bj' mas sive iron girders. The tiles of which the flooring were mado wero fitted together like keystones , and airy extension of spaco confining them would"tend to allow the entire mass to drop out. It is presumed that the setting of tho building caused the first break , and that the weight of tho mass precipitated from the tenth floor carried down the remainder of the inner struc ture. The matter creates great com ment among business men. Tho very fact that the accident seemed to bo un- forseen is generally considered the most serious phase of it , when taken in con nection with the idea that it might havo occurred when tho building was com pleted and filled with occupants. Not withstanding the great height of the building , the land on which it stands is not more than fifty feet square. Tho design was to utilize every .inch to the utmost. Tho exterior shows-no signs of the wreck of tho inside. No informa tion as to tho probable loss or what is to be done could be obtained from any one about the building. A SECRET SESSION OF THE SENATE Wherein im Passed a Jttill to Protect Oitr In terests tu Panama. Washington dispatch : The senate , in secret session , has passed the following bill to enable the president of the United States to protect our interests in Pan ama : Be it enacted , etc. , that there be aud is hereby appropriated out of any money in the treasury , not otherwise appropriated , the sum of $250,000 to en able the president to protect the inter ests of the United States , aud to provide for tho security of the persons and property of citizens of the United States at the isthmus of Panama , in such man ner as ho may deem expedient. It is learned that the committee on foreign relations had received no news of any outbreak at Panama , but deem ing it best to be prepared for any that might occur , it had decided to ask for ttie passage of this bill at once , as an in dependent measure , rather than risk the dela3's and uncertainties attending nn amendment to the appropriation bills. Tho troubles are such as are incident to tho discharge of a body of labor ers whose means of gaining a livelihood are thereby cut off , and who , in their desperation aud distress , may resort to violence and bloodshed. It is under stood that it has boen deemed wise by the authorities of the United States , Great Britain and other nations having large numbers of their citizens employed on the Panama canal , to arrange for bringing them home in case of wholesale discharge , and not to suffer them to re main on the isthmus in destitution and want. To provide for this the sum of $250,000 was appropriated. After a number of appointments favorably re ported by committees had been con firmed , the question of removing the in junction of secrecy from the proceed ings in connection with the considera- tion of the British extradition treaty was taken up. To this there was considera ble opposition. The motion finally pre vailed , and to-morrow the record of pro ceedings , covering a period of two or three years , will bo furnished to the press. Fell a Victim to Bunco Men. j ! Burlington ( la. ) special : Luke Pal mer , sr. , for fifty years a resident of Burlington , worth about $250,000 , and reputed to be one of the shrewdest financiers in Iowa , fell a victim to bnncc men on Saturday to the tune of $5,000. Tho particulars have , until this morning , been guarded closely. The game em- ployed was but a slight variation of the first bunco game on record. The men who phvj'ed it were J. F. Connor , known the country over as "Dyed Beddy Con nor , " because of his fiery lined mns- tnche , and G. W. Kelly , alias "Big Nose j Kelly , " and a third pal. The first pair are the same who worked a 1 state official at Topeka , Kan. , three ' years ; ago for $12,000. They came into < town at 11:30 Saturday morning and ] were at once spotted by an officer and . warned to leave. They ate a hasty din- j ner : , spotted their victim , and introduced x him to a room where an alleged ( Cincinnati ' publishing house was con j ducting < a lottery. Palmer was iuduced { to 1 play and won $5,000. As usual in t such cases , he was obliged to prove his financial responsibility by producing the equivalent of the sum he had won ; solic stepped"are-und'to the First Na- j tioual bank , drew S5.000 and laid it on the green cloth. This "reference" was | satisfactory , and the old man , holding j another chance in the drawing tried it again ; this 'time , of course , losing. He • kicked as the dealer raked the lucre off c tho board , but nnavailingly. Kelly , c Connor aud his partner left town at 2:30 : v p. m. , going towardPeoria , but as , * through the old man's stupidity , he having bound himself to keep silence * until Monday in the hope of recovering i the money , the swindlers have too long ( a start to be easily captured. j " c A Consular Agent Dead. i The department of state has received * notice of the death at his post of Mr. Thomas A. Boberson , c6nsnlar agent of ] tho United States at Fnerth , Germany , on the 4th inst. Mr. Boberson was a f citizen of Missouri. He died of con- j sumption , after an illness of several { j months. mB55mm55 hI3RmBBS90BJBJBJKJPJBJBJBJF SMPJBJBJBJBJI • - T . - 1 f Ar Improvement f r SIsmx City. Sioux City special : Deeds woro niea to-day for a largo number of lots in the lower part of town for a site for a union' ' depot. 0. J. Brnokobush , as trustee , has beon buying tins property for months. Tho building is to front 600 feet on Wall street and to be 150 feet deep , to bo mado of brick faced with stone , and to cost $500,000. It will bo built by tho Chicago & Northwestern , the Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha , the Illinois Central aud the Union Pacific. SENATE AND HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES A. Synopsis of ProceedlUgs In the Senate and House of Jtepresenlatlces. Senate. In the senate on the 9th the bill to establish a United States court in the Indian Territory was taken up and passed. Tho fortification appropri ation bill was taken up. On motion of Manderson tho item of $200,000 was in serted for the purchoso of movable sub marine torpedoes , impellod and con trolled at will by power from shoro sta- sionB. Several amendments reported from tho committeo on appropriations wero agreed to and the bill passed. Tho senate resumed consideration of tho Union Pncifio refunding bill , tho ques tion being on Mitchell's motion to re commit with instructions to tho com mitteo to report a bill applying also to the Central Pocific. Without definite action the senate adjourned. House. In the house on the 9th the senato bill was passed authorizing the construction of a bridge across the Mis sissippi river at La Crosse , Wisconsin. The house then went into committee of tho wholo on tho postoffico appropria tion bill. After considerable debate tho committeo arose to allow tho houso to limit tho donate , and that having been done , Springer of Illinois reported that tho conference committee on the terri torial bill has been unable to agree. Baker of New York offered a resolution instructing the houso conferrees to ox- clude New Mexico from the bill to pro vide for the admission of north Dakota by proclamation , and Washington shall be admitted on the same terms , either by proclamation or by formal acts of admission. The matter went over until Monday. Senate. In tho senate on tho 11th , Mr. Frye having been called away by death in his family , tho Union Pacific funding bill was laid aside aud the naval appropriation bill taken up. The amend ment reported by the committeo on ap propriations for tho construction of two steel cruisers of 800 to 1,200 tons dis placement , to cost in the aggregate , ex clusive of armament , not more than 1 $700,000 ; of one steel cruiser of about 2,000 tens at a cost of not moro than ! $700,000 , and of one ram for harbor doj j fense , was agreed to without discussion. I This is in addition to the provisions of the bill as it came from the house under. I the heading "increase of the navy. " I House. The house on the 11th , on motion of Mr. Caswell , of Wisconsin , insisted upon its amendment to the direct tax bill , and a conference was ordered. The house determined yeas ' 131 , nays 80 to consider the Smallsj j j Elliott contested election. Twenty-four I democrats voted with the republicans in the affirmative. Mr. Crisp then took the floor for a presentation of tho caso. The committee had considered it in tho light of nn established law. He pro ceeded to review the evidence in the case , and entered upon an argument tending to disprove several material claims of the contestants. He then re ferred to tho conviction of Smalls for accepting a bribe while a state senator , and contended that that conviction had injured him with tho colored people. Mr. Dalzell asked what relevancy that had to the question of how many votes Smalls received at the lato election. Pending further debate tho matter went over aud the honsa adjourned. Senate. In tho senate on the 12th among the bills reported back from committees and placed on the calendar was one to provide for the enforcement of the quarantine laws and regulations of the United States , and for the estab lishment of a national board of health. Tho senate at 12:45 proceeded to execu tive business. Within five minutes the executive business was transacted and consideration of the naval appropriation bill was resumed. An amendment was adopted appropriating $50,000 for test ing the Hurst gun , and then the bills were passed. Mr. Evarts asked unani mous consent that the unfinished bnsi- ness the _ Union Pacific funding bill , be laid aside and the report of the com mittee on privileges and elections as to outrages in Washington county , Texas , taken up. Agreed to. A resolution ac companying tho report was read as fol lows : Besolved , That the committee on privileges and elections be directed to carefully revise the existing laws reg ulating tho elections of members of songress , with a view of providing for more complete protection of the exer cise of tho elective franchise , and for tho punishment of offenses against it , and to report to the next legislative ses- jion of the senate by bill or otherwise. House. In the house on tho 12th the senate bill to enable the president to protect tho interests of tho United States I in Panama was referred to the committee ' on foreign affairs , and leave was granted to the committee to report at ; airy time. Mr. Townshcnd , of Hli- nois , introduced a bill appropriating $50,000 ; for a snecial display of the farm products , of tho United States at the Paris exhibition , which was referred. Tho house then resumed consideration of ' the Smalls-Elliott contested election. After discussion and without final action on ' tho ease the house adjourned. J Senate. In the senate on the 13th the house bill granting to tho St. Paul , J Minneapolis & Manitoba railway a right- | of-way through the White Earth Indian ' reservation in Minnesota was reported j and passed , with one formal amendment on which a conference was asked. The 1 resolution reported from the committee C on privileges and elections , instructing I that committeo to revise the existing I election law regulating tho election of j menilwrs of congress , was taken up , and Mr. Evarts spoke in its support. * - The i groat question came , at last , to be whether there was to be tolerated in \ this country an authority and persistent c power that was to set aside the governc ment of the constitution and its laws. E If thero would prove to be an irrecon- citable conflict between public opinion in Texas or in New York and public . , opinion in the country at large , his c \ opinion was that the opinion of the 0 whole country must finally prevail. p House. In the house on the 13th the l Smalls-Elliott contested election case " was considered , Mr. Hemphill of South g Carolina taking the floor. Mr. Hemp hill spoke at great length and in a sar- castic vein. All this talk abontan unCi fair election law in Sonth Carolina wa3 q nonsense. Tho people of South Carojj liua believed that the negro should havo c his rights , but they did not believe that " lie should have all "his rights and the white nianV , too. After lengthy discus- siou. indulged in hy a number of mem- J : ' hers , a vote was taken 011 the minority g resolution , declaring Smalls tsntitled to 9- KfRrfSS - * sS - - " -iifr 1 1 TiTT.JWiTr r 1 f Tfr ry * - 1 - , . . . . , yjli _ j in , , , 1 .1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 iiili iii miammimm lSmm Ks t s Sti - a $ M ft scat ICwM Iecf a ftf far * l8 of 120 to 143 , with the J6PtoB • * • . JB Messrs. Wilson of Minneeot * , and ll-- , * JgK sell of MaesaohuaotU , who toted will * m tho republicans , Tho majority * $ "S tion seating Elliott waa then wcw1 M house ad- t without division , and the journcd. , . . Jot Senate. In tho sonata on the 14th * ' Jfr M resolution of Hoar'a calling for copies % < jBj of tho testimony taken * by Special Agent- : | lj i3yrno of tho treasury department in re- mj gnrd to undervaluations at the New Jp York custom houso. was agrcedto. Sen- • ? § & ator Hoar explained that he wished tc # 1 compare tho testimony with the svrora < * M statements of formor employee ot the- ' jS offico , published in tho New York Even- jM ing Post. Senator Wilson , of Iowa , ad- - dressed the senato in support of tho but JBj relating to imported liquors , introduced m by Senntor Fryo on Decombor 21 , 1887 , , J3 { and reported bade adversely from the- ' " f&f judiciary committeo on the 10th ov iM'i March , 1888 , and then placed on the * "Mi calendar. No definito action was taken. ' - | Tho resolution in relation to tho elec * - g tions in Texas was taken up and Son's ? ator Coke addressed tho senate. He- | ? i said the report of tho committeo on in > : ] vestigatiou was unjust , one-stdod , and * . je'l portisan. Tho testimony that was dam- > J aging had been included in it and tho- J exculpatoiy testimony had been care- > . * | fully excluded. Adionrned. / * * - 1 House. In tho house on tho 14th the * -r j senate bill was possocf providing for * I writs of error to tho United States su-- - ' J premo court in cases involving theqnes * 1' % a tion of tho jurisdiction of tho oourt be- * * * | * | low. Tho bill to divide a portion of the1 J Sionx reservation in Dakota into sop- ' " * I nrate reservations and to secure tho re- > to linquishment of tho Indian titles to the 1 remainder , was called iip , and twe % 1 amendments having been rejected , the- a 1 bill was passed. Mr. Sayers , of Tcras- * 1 reported back tho fortification appro- \ fl priation bill with the Benate amend- -m ments , which was referred to the com- " - * mitteo of tho wholo. Mr. Springer called up tho conference report on the * 1 senate bill for tho admission of tho state * - M of South Dakota. Tho report , which- 1 reports a total disagreement , was agreed ) fl to. Mr. Springer moved thnt the house- fl insist on its amendments , nndask for I another conference. This motion waa I agreed to. Adjourned. I Senate. In the senato on the 15th , I the senate bill to ratify aud confirm the agreement with the Muscogee ( or Creek ) I nations of Indians in Indian territory , I opening to settlement unassigned lands in Indian territory , tho consideration. 9 being $2,281,000 , was taken from tho calendar aud passed. Among other bills- H passed wero the following : Tho senate- bill authorizing the president to place- General William Eosecrans on there- tired list as a brigadier-general of the- * H regular army. Houso bill granting a- right of way to the Fort Smith , Paris & H Dardanelle railway company from Fort Smith , Ark. , through Indian territory to or near Baxter Springs , in Kansas- I ( with amendments ) . The senate then H took up the individual pension bills on. H the calendar and passed all of them , for- ty-one in number. Tho credentials of William D. Washburn as senator from , H the state of Minnesota for the term be- ginning March 4th next were presented , . read and placed on file. House. In the house on the 15th the * committee on ways and means reported' ' H back the Mills tariff bill with the senate- H amendment , and by direction of the- 9 speaker it was referred to the committeefl of tho whole. By a voto of-144 to 100 I the house tabled the motion to recon- H sider tho vote by which tho conferee. H on the territorial bill were instructed tt > H consent to the admission of South Da- kota by proclamation and without an- H other voto on division. The remaining ; H instructions , relating to the admission H of North Dakota , Montana and Wash- in 2ton by proclamation , were agreed to * without division , and tho bill was again. H sent to a conference after the adoption- H of preliminary instruction clauses by it H vote of 149 to 101. The house then passed the senate bill appropriating H $2o0,000 for the protection of American H interests in Panama. The senato bilL K was passed granting n pension of $30 a. H month to the widow of Hear Admiral H Nicholson. The houso then went into- H committee of the whole on the postoffice- / * H „ appropriation bill. Tho pending amend- / jH ment offered by Mr. Cannon , ofHli- H nois , increasing by $300,000 the appro- H priation for clerks in postoffices , was- H disenssed at some length. There was a M majority in favor of" the amendment , M but Mr. Blount raised the point of nc H qnorum and the committee rose. jH Dynamiters at Work. 1 St. Lonis dispatch : Last June a year M ago some unknown fiend attempted to- M blow up Dr. Buck's home with dyna- M mite. The explosion was terrific , tear- M ing away tho lower portion of the house , | and entailing a loss of over $1,000. For- | H tunately no one was hurt. Detectives- M wero employed but failed to find the M miscreants. Last night the attempt was- M repeated , but only a portion of the dyn- M nmite exploded , tho only damage done M being the wrecking of a carriage house. M A portion of the dynamite and a piece- M of fuse is now in the hands of the police. M Dr. Buck stands high in the community- H and , these attempts on his life cannot be- H explained. , M r.ms stock axd pjiovucjs markets M Quotations , from Xew York , Chicago , Omaha * . | | and Jilirtphere- M OMAHA. Wjikat No. 2 85 © 85J . H Coiin 1 No. 2 mixed 19 @ 20j H 1 v Am iiio * * * • • • • * * • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • ( ty t > H HYP * * 1 Cn * Qlt' H HoTrna Creamery. . . . . . . . . . . . 24 ( # 26 H Hl'ttuk Choice country. . . 18 @ 20 H Koas ' Frenli 11 @ 12 H Chicicenh dressed 6 @ & H Tckkeys 9 (5) ( ) 10 H Lesions I Choice , per box. . . 3 75 ( a ) 4 50 * M OnANOKS Per box „ 3 25 (3) ( ) 4 00 H Onions Per bu 50 ( § 53. H Potatoes 35 ( "ft 40- H Tuknips Per bn 20 fa 25- j H Apples Per bbl 2 50 @ 3 50 H Beans Navies 2 25 @ 2 50 * H Wooi , Fine , per lb . . . . . 16 @ 18- H HWB * 15 @ 16v B Chopped Feed Per ton 12 00 ( g)13 ) 00 * M Hay Bailed 4 00 @ 6 00 * H Hofis Mixed pneking. . . . . . 4 40 @ 4 2S H Hogs Heavy weights. . . . . . 4 40 @ 4 43- H Peeves Choice Bteere 3 00 ( | 3 60 j | Sueep Choice Western. . . 3 75 @ 4 20 H NEW YORK. H \Vhe-t-No. 2 red * H 07J < § iOS Coiin No. 2 43-/ 43- m Oats Mixed western. . . . . . . . . 27 @ 33 ii' ' H Pome . . . .12 75 ( § 13.00. * S H CHICAGO. T-f | \Viieat l M Perhiiahel I03f2) ) 1 03 ConN-PerbuHhel 34 ft 34 ; 0AT8-Per bushel 25 ( | 2s ! onK 11 37J < @ 11 47 > IC. / H " * Lud - 6 HO @ 6 90 At H Hogs Packing vtshipping. 4 55 < § 4 7 7Z. --G M LATTI.E Stockers 2 10 @ 3 40 * Hi biiKEP Natives 3 00 @ 5 10 H , ST. LOUIS. H Wheat No. 2 red caah. . . „ . 95V/a 98 1 H oin Perbushol 2SJf © * > 8 H Oats Per bushel 25" ( § , . oq , | H Hogs Mixed packing „ 4 45 @ 4 60 F H Cattle Feeders 1 go H @ 2 70- KANSAS CITY. ' H Wheat Per bushel 90 @ 93 H .onx Per bushel M 23K@ 24 * Jat9 Per bushel o2 ( & * > * > " 4. H Battle Stockera it feeders. 1 50 < & 3 * o H aoos Good to csoico. . . . . . . 4 20 Q 50O H