Epr * t - ' ' . .J : . .i11 . % 4- , , . 4. . „ • . j . < r-i * rr- , ' - . -jffts < " . rV r f * "f * - " % - ' C < * Hni pllQii Rureljr Cured. | p v To tlioKdltori iPloaKo inform your roacl. & - - - > . ? t tlmtl havo jv jionUIvo rnmody for con * g | > ritimpHon. Ujr it timely iikq thousands of WL licijoli o cn r > liavo been permanently fp- : fined. 1 ftlut.ll bo plnil to * dwl two bottles Wis ' of my rornod.v rnnirto any of your read * S- % it * who Jiiivu coiiHiimpiion If thoy will send gfcy - . mo tliclr express and 10. . tutilrpai. Re- % & : . fpectfully , ' 1A. . SbOCUM , ir. C , 18lPcnrl sPw Ktrcot , } * ow York. | g" / ' jphe respectable man noithor vaunts nor § fe | . condomtiB himself. fe * Stand up for your rlphtH ; your wrongs , vfr : \ will stand up for tbomsclvog. ; | gr ' Groom wnntwl. One who Iiiih novcr luul W 'if a bride preferred. ffc'Sf A youth with an ambition to rise would 'M 1IU anitunt'nn ' n olovhtor boy. % . ; I Cleanse I the System pb ; With tliat most reliable ifc ; medlclno Palne's Celery | & 4 ff Oi Compound. Itpurlflestbo 1 Jj.V \ Jtf blood , cures Constipation , ' & and regulates the liver and IpLV IT I WdneyaeffectuallycleanS ? § | V 1 I tap the system ot all waste g and dead matters. With jp - A | # % Uf this action Is combined | | . ItHW WW nerve tonic and strcngth- fpH cnlng qualities , reviving lllj , the energies and spirits. ff"I have been troubled for some j'oars with a fte * - complication or dlMcultles. Alter trying va- f . rloua remedies , and not finding relief , I tried It ' Palrae's H/ Celery Compound % f - Before taking one full bottle tho long troublc- y = " somo symptoms , began to subside , and I can % -i - trulysaynow.tuatlfeclllkcanowman. Dlges- % Won has Improved , and I Tiave gained ten I fe ; " pounds in weight slnco I have commenced fv , taking the Compound. ix * " Honectus Steaiins. rclchvllle , Vt. & " $1.00. SixforW-OO. Druggists. [ { . ? : XVeusj , lticnARDsow &Co.Trops.BurllngtonVt. , CvvZoIX Ldth DIAMOND Ifyci. 6 O/O/ ' A-J „ Photographs You can do good work. | K DIAMOND DYES ZtefTau'S"1' * rp [ ' rTni'osltlvclycuredbjJi # ADTrO © , n eHe Wtflo Pills. iW ; la M | \ I r It i3 Tbcy also rclioro Dla-B V * * * V fv- * * • trcsafromDyspcpsU.In.J , % . . - • HHB'P'VSer digestion andTooHoartyffl 1 % . PITTE. EaUng. A perfect rem-H H ! i : H 1 1 Pr ! odyforDizzlncss. 'NaiiseaM V ' , . - H IWlLlI Drowsiness , Bad TasU-H 1\ \ % - " nciN J * hi the Mouth. ContedH IVfe H FiLHaS. Tongiie.PainintheSide.H K.r > M maw" TOKPID I.IVEU. Thoyl i HHHPfli ro < nilato tho Bowels.l iliCBEBHHmh Purely Vcaotablc. I If ; • J Price 2S Cents ; % ; CAETES MEDICINE CO. , HEW-YOit 1 f Small Pill. Small Dose. Small Price. ! t. ELYS CaTARRH . " 1 CREAM BALM | WUl > M & Cleanses thpl MBN jS I'/ Nasal lassagesB / X'gESMt ' 5i Bf. Allays Pain andPS cOantADJ P Inflam m ati o n. PttyFEV R8fe # J [ r ; Heals the Sores.lt , tftfM | vV. ; Restores tin Bf > / flj uk. Senses of TastePfefc rS5H ! If an Smell. mK v C I ; . TRY THECUREHAYHFEtfER fel ' - A. particle lnppllc < l In o eacli uos-trll and is nsree- K [ ' . " . able. Price 9) cents at druggists : ijy mail , resin- 3kv • toreil. Hieen's KV - ELY IIKOTIIEIIS. EG Warrca St. Xcvr York. X Is offered to the person whe shall send in the ? $ „ - largest number of yearly subscribers to the I Ladies9 Home Journal * ' . betweennowand.Tnly 1st , 18SO.at 50 cents & - - per year-IIAIiP PRICE. Afler that date , no subscriptions received for less Vian $1.00 per year. t $400 8300 is offered respectively lor next largest clubs. A good cash commission paid for • 5..V every subscriber secured , if desired , instead of LSI - premiums. Hundreds of dc-Uaw can bemade f * . during the next six months , by men , women or & children. We furnish free sample copies , poat- SK ers , &c Address ft CURTIS PUBLISHING CO. [ # ; PHILADELPHIA. PA. | | k ON 3 ® DAYS' TOALa ft EH euSiVtbuss : % + JWK&FSjttGGSyrtfifMHaM a Fad different from all gp" lLSWifiV J ? I < i "llni U cup shapewith ScK- fpgi Wt "TE5J * " adjustlnjr Ball in ccnter.adapta > Vl mf itself to all positicinsorthebody whila Kg : ' - r the ball'nthecup presses back w ' fc the intestines just as a per- ? T son does with the finger , with light pres-sura mp- the Hernia is hrlJ securely day and nipht , and aradic.it 85V" enre certain. It ise.isv.dnrciMo and cheap. Suit by mail. • - ' ' ' Ctrculars tree. KQQLKST0S Tncss lira. CO.CklcijoUl " fex JONES R > H ® pAYSthF EIGHT § % ' Mfekb. EJ * Ton Wason Scales , I JK • * KM&r Lerers , Site ! lteulmi , Briu , S , ' Eplrb. Bum ullnm Box for ' JK - ; y X yii Hrery tl Sc4le. For trte prl t llrt * : k AT J lrfi t\il * tfiacntlftB thli p n r and addreia W/- . # iK--1 10S&S OF ClHQHAUTBH , w > * BlXCUAaiTOM. N. IT. J1 ITiSUllK IS ' THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY Wtr > 035 * NEW YOH.K. sSj > Tlie Largest. Cheapest and Uest in the World. mh : ' CASH ASSSJTS $130,000,000. IjE- SIMON G0KT2. WM. P.ALLKK. g r " Special Aceat General Agent . ; * | JR L prescribe and fully en K&f j- - i dorse Big li as the only Eg" * • T Cn"Jn _ Z l specific forthe certain cure . % , • fHT1 TO 6 ? aTS. of this disease. lip. - - - . W wa38trcterfc Amsterdam , K. Y. 2 ; , • BSl vraonjj bytie We have sold EIp G tor mb : teflSnsiCUsisalCs.may years , and it has aSe-s- Bf TT VT raiiiiiiMi ? lvn the best ot satis- 535- ' - A.osesjosMXijK mm faction. ml CMC VW D.K.SYCHE&CO. . &i ? , ; . " ' - i i M > V Chicago , 111. mS - ' * * i H Tiar l$1.00. Sold by Druggists. 1 I CURE FITS' fflfs- ' * - I do not mean merely to stop thera joratimc and HKi - then havo them return. I mean a radical cure. I have IgV- , - . made FITS , EPILEPSY or FALLING SICKNESS a jag' . iue-long study. I warrant my remedy to cure the SU > - yorst cases. Becauso others havo faileil ii no reason I5t v for not now receiving a cure. Send at once for treatife Bi , Midl'TeoBottlacTmyinfaliibleremedy. Give Express Wgjrj * * & pO. . H. G. ROOT. SI. C. 1S3 Peirl Vt. ? . ' V ' ; " M Best Cough Syrup. Tastes good. TJso fS &s • Ba In time. Sold by druggists. Rf. _ glpr * WAMTCn The address of Soldiers Kn . ' * * 8 E.KJT and Sailors whoHOME- B7 SOLDIERS'Slr- • P HOMESTaDS. ' w. E. moses , gl' C3r-lIentlon thin paper. DEXYEK - CotX ) . ' P APPHII Fresn Reliable. Only 2and 3 SSj- < " % pbll % cents per large package ; 500.000 fcg if . - Tlg0mm mm # njoth Seed .Farms.4H > no. cro. . HaT gScKjgKl3 o a eM- K" Sweet potatoes ass * | K. i' " - bo sprouted on shares. No ezpenence required. Sek ; Directions for aprontliig FREE. Addres * fM I X. J. SUI5XEB , Columbus , Kansas. Sl ? : AOLE'S TESTED " SEED © | fe. - ' I BiCole's Til urn. Garden Animal Free.J > % MB . JfLateslN Teltice'owestprices. . AIlshouldRJf WBk , , . " 'b4lTelU.Cale tIJro , Seedsmea.Pella.la. P' : - " MHsBVaHBHHB ASTHMA - fc , • KIPPER'S PASTILLES. + % % - PJHHHHBaslCharleuovrn.Mas' . . r , fifiTTl H tl > onie na amk mor mcmryworklBgforiuIh n SBS tyian "t Si tMnslM m lif wrtrti rjlbfr * r % . Cottar miSt . ' Ki : ' A ftT UJ ! 1J 5CAN Hfe CUKiD. . , atrialbot- .WStt AVl H fcf Kne > * nt fre < * I. niiv one nlllicteiL ' mi. HftW 1 IilSifftWE.TAFTltROltotbc ! tuX..Y. . Usjkv . I " : -W. If. U. . lnnliai - 453 Sr * , _ ft * * \ * Wreck of Two Lives. Ainong tho residents pf Montreal , in tho Hpring of 188was an old Canadian family whom wo will coll Maisonvillo , who occupied one of Shor- brooke street mansions. The fa mily were but few in number , consisting of Pierre Muisonville , n retired land owner , who , for the past few years , had been a widower , his daughter Emiline , nyoungor daughter o ! somo 14 summers and a boy of 10. These , with the servants , lived a quiet , en joyable and uneventful life in that pleasant section near tho baso of Mount lioyal. To Miss Emiline , a beautiful and dignified young lady , life appeared all sweetness and in its mostglowing and attractive colors , for she had a lover , a fine , frank manly youth , somo two or three years her senior , and a scion of one of the old English-speaking colonists , who are represented as being tho most proud and domineering class in the Dominion. Archie Stevens has for some three years been a constant and welcome visitor at tho Maisonville residence , but of late had become the accepted lover and betrothed ot Emiline , and the full time of tho two was at pres ent occupied in making plans for the future and depicting a long and hap py life in roseate colors. But man proposes , and fate disposes , is an old trite saying and became wretchedly true in this instance ; for a few un guarded and jealous words were giv en utterance by Archie , when Emiline impetuous , and dignified as a queen , arose from her silken couch and in a few hasty words regretted .that she had ever met him , then coldly inform ed him that all was over between iaiom and that she desired the be trothal broken. Archie high strung , sensitive and smarting under the re buke so justly administered , too proud to admit his error , passionate even as his intended bride , assisted in enacting a formal parting with seeming cheerfulness , and went to the cit } ' . The next morning's train conveyed him to the far west , from whence occasionally his friends heard of his exploits. "When Emiline found that her lover had departed , after the first flow of tears and sting of remorse , she put on an air of gaiety , and seemingly thought but little of the occurrence that severed two hearts , although in her heart she felt that a lifetime of misery was to be the future of each of them. In order to make the world believe she was happy and still heart whole , she passed the scores of young men by , giving her hand to JohnForster , an ossified old bachelor who had but oneidea in his head to make money. Thero was another thing he under stood equally well , and that was , how to keep it. His manner was cold and precise , in character he was mean , srroveling , contemptible and cunning. But he , with the aid of her proud spirit , obtained her , and wdien she stood m church arrayed in her bridal dress , she seemed to be the embodi ment of beauty , grace and refine ment. "Well , the wedding was over , and after a short trip Emiline was duly installed as the mistress otFor- .ster's fine house on Cote St. Antoine , and she reveled in fine dresses , fine furniture , a fine equipage and a stupid incumbrance in the shape of an an tiquated old fogy of a husband. But John Forster was seemiugly very proud of his beautiful young bride , and the fact . of ownership • seemed to warm even bis callous old i heart , and for a while turn his < thoughts in other channels than those ' of money grubbing , note-shaving and ; the Quebec system of banking and • finance generally. Then , again she i added to his importance , and he < plumed himself not a little in bear- , > ing off so dainty .a prize , and it gave him a malicious pleasure to meet her • numerous old admirers in the park or at the resorts with the graceful ; Emiline on his arm. His smile as he ; passed was cynical , for of course she i prelerred him to them all ; for if she i did not , then why did she marry him ? ( In her manner after their marriage she became yery deferential and at- • tentive to her old Adonis , and peri i formed her duty to the letter , and so < the old man really began to experi- • ence a feeling akin to that of satis- ] faction. He noticed that her girlish. 1 gaiety was all gone , and that she no , > longer wished for the round and j pleasureable excitements of the ball , - room and opera , but the change-he < considered was a decided improve- i ment , for she was now Aire. Eorster i and intended to drop all her former < acquaintances or keep them at a rej j spectable distance ; and he evidently 3 liked the change , for he kept away ] from the club where he formerly called to associate with liis cronies and ; brother financiers , and found his way ; homeward , and all through , those ' long evenings Emiline sat and played j games ot chess or whist , or listened ; to his gains or losses in the way of 1 business , or read political articles on 1 the in affairs be- manner which were - j ing conducted at Ottawa , of which. 1 the words conveyed no ideas to her absentmind. But day by day a silent and unex- ( plainable sorrow seemed to grow up- ' on her , andjvas continually gnawj j jngatlierheart. She walked through. ( the * busy streets pf the city leaning' on her husband's arm , but she "felt" ; form at her side and an unseen ever , 1 ac night , although she slept next his ] heart , she felt that hers was far , far 1 away. Then at times , when she was alone , j with no human eye near to read her - sad secret , then would her small ; hands be clasped in the agony that 1 had required all her strength to con- ' ceal , her " fair head bent to the very j dustwhilst ; for hours afterwards her ] eyes would be swollen and red from ] bitter weeping. The summer months were spent 1 quietly at the resorts at St. Hillaire j • * { m/mi MTi.iiB..iyi. L. " ' 'ji ' ' * . ' ! , ' * nullum " " | " ' ' „ ' ' ' ' . . . * . * . " ' * T' TinT imS ' ir"J ' " ' 7 ' " ' " * ' ' ' ' ' " " " iTi [ . 1 rs > [ ur r n'umi i . . ! ? - : : , * * CkkvF "s > .f ? -s. > ifs i * } * * ' \ * i • • - * ? % ' < * - „ * " r3 . if * - " " " and Mont Beloil , and autumn found them homo again in Montreal. One evening in September one of thoso heavy snow , sleet and wind storms so frequent in tho fall occurred , and Mr. Forster decided upon dining at tho nearest club to the office rather than proceeding to tho Cote in tho face of that howling gale. Ho had just comfortably seated himself and was enjoying tho refreshing glow of warmth instilled from quaffing an excellent glass of burgundy , and was giving liis orders to the obsequious waiter , when his attention was at tracted by tho conversation of two gentlemen who occupied seats at the little table behind him , and who with all tho delightful assurance of youth and good spirits imagined themselves unheard. • 'That looks like old Forster , " re marked tho elder. "But still it can not he , for he has never been known to be away from home one evening since his marriage. " "Oh , no , I do not think that is he , " said the other. "But say , Harry , have you seen the beautiful Emiline since her marriage ? Why , she used to be the life of the Hollands' par ties. " "No , I feel too much put outabout it ; such a splendid woman to marry such a money grubbing old idiot , find all on account of a foolish quar rel with hot-headed young Archie. Why , it has been the talk of our set ever since , and those who have had the news say that you never saw such a wreck as it has made of him. How ever , she is being well punished , for with all her pride and consummate tact , and the forced effort to keep up appearances , it is plain that she is the most miserable woman in exist ence , and if old Forster had not been the biggest fool in existence he would have perceived it long ago. The old adage that an old fool is the biggest iool is well exemplified there , you may be sure. " Those words were sufficient. Fors- ters appetite seemed to fail him sud denly. The oysters and fish were un touched. The game Jay there un- tasted and no order for removal was was given to the waiter , who gazed from the other side of the room on tho inactivity and sudden change that seemed to have-overtaken tho old man. Then Forster filled glass after glass of wine and rapidly quaff ed it and called for a bottle of brandy , which he nearly emptied- a few draughts , when an inspiration seem ed to seize him , and taking his hat he hurriedly rushed into the open air. Making his way through the blinding storm to Cartier squarehe drove out to the suburb of St. Saveur and there demanded to be set down. Ho paid the hackman and was left alone. For a time he walked as though rea son had left him , and then an air of determination returned , and settling his hat down over his brow in a very prophetic manner , he turned his foot steps deliberately homeward , and , after along tramp through the blind ing sleet and the bitter blast , neither of which seemed at all to concern him in the leasthe , arrived at the mansion , to all appearances calm and collect ed ; but it was but the counterpart of the deceitful lull of the calm out side. side.He He found Emiline pale and self-pos sessed , as usual , and evidently wait ing and wondering as to the cause of his being belated. He seemed to be quite as much at ease himself , even going so far as to indulge in a little gaiety , complimenting her on some coquettish additions that set off her splendid figure charmingly. So , seat ing himself by her side and toying with her sUken sash , he remarked : "I am thinking of taking a short journey , and , as it is only a business trip ) it would only inconvenience me to take you along ; but you will hear from me , and meanwhile you know how to amuse yourself don't you , Emiline ? " He carefully scrutinized her , but there was no conscious blush arose to her pale cheek , nor could he ob serve a change of expression in her countenance or a tremor of her frame. To all appearance he might as well have been addressing one of his pieces of statuary in the hall. How ever , he had determined what to do , so biding her one of his characteristic , adieus , he ordered hip coachman to bring a valise and start for the rail way station. When the door closed Emiline felt as if a load had been lifted from her heart. She knew that for some time since her marriage had been the gos sip at each party of the elite , and each day she was relenting of the part she took in causing the depart ure of her lover , of whom she had since heard nothing definite. He wrote a letter to her once from a dis- tant"point in California , which she received shortly after her marriage , but she mustered up pride and cour age enough to return it unopened , and now that her husband had gone away she knew that gossip would be ever ready with its thousand tongues ' to malign her , so that the only course : that she could pursue soon determin ed upon , and denied herself to all vis itors and was strong in her purpose not to go abroad until her husband's return. Shortly a letter was received from him at Quebec and another from j Montmorenci. Then a long silence. | : The wearied wife wandered restlessly and abstractedly through her finely furnished rooms and tried by this self-inflicted penance to .atone for tho defection of her heart. She tried her guitar , and the old songs they had sung together would rise unbidden her . The * stories she to lips. verj se lected to read she had read before 'in j [ company with her absent lover. Turn where she would , all seemed gloomy , and her cup of misery seem ed quickly ; filling to the brim. She. becamfe nervous from close confinej j ' j ' ment and started at every footfall , as day after day passed , and still no letter from her husband. The time had long since passed that was set for his return , and poor Emiline was in a dreadful state of suspense ; but the letter came at last , one morning. It was sealed with black , and . in its contents it stated that whilst at Tadousac , near the mouth of the gloomy Saguenay , one day it was found that Mr. Forster was sudden ly missedand that everything tended to show that he was accidentally drowned. His hat , with his name inside , - his handkerchief with his , • . ; " i . - * > • mammmmmmmmmmmtmi mmmwmmmmmmmmmmmmmmimimmmmmmm ! initials , and his coat was found ; but ' all search for tho body had been un availing. Emiline silently perused its con tents , and then quietly forwarded instructions to the Bearehers to inter tlio body , if found , and inclosed tx liberal reward for the services thoy had already rendered , in her behalf. She was no hypocrite , and did not I mourn deoply lor him , save in the • outward garb of woe. How tho news of the occurrence' ' got spread amongst the upper set , I ' or who forwarded theinformntion to the Pacific , is of course , a mystery ; but for a while the disappearance ot Forster , and the fact that he left a pretty widow , was tho all-absorbing ! i . topic both at the clubs and the fash- ' ionable kettledrums. But tho news got there all the same , and just as Archie received , it he was about starting for the Sandwich islands on i the advice of his physician , but he at once altered his course , and took tho first boat from Los Angeles for 'Frisco ; in order to make rapid tran sit to Montreal. The time he was traveling he gave to decorum , and on arrival at the Bonaventura sta tion at once called a hack and drove to the residence of tho sorrowing Emiline. ' • What the meeting was it is useless to attempt to describe such scenes occur but once in generations. Days and months of wretchedness were for gotten like some dreadful dream , and - Archie received the admission that a > woman who once loved him could never forget him. She was once again his own Emiline , rich , sorrow ing , repentant and happy. Thus days passed on. Every day Archie ; called. He was rapidly recovering ' from his illness , but the travel and expense had reduced his fortune , so that now he had none to waste , j One evening they were sitting to- l gether on the portico of the Forster • mansion , enjoying the balmy breeze that stirred the leaves of the maples and brought sweet fragrance through * the matted honeysuckle and climb-1 ing jessamine and arbutus that shaded the porch from the glare of the sunlight during the day and made the spot a pleasant and cosy ! retreat for the evening. Her head was upon his shoulder and her face j was as radiant as a seraph's. They spoke but lowly and at intervals , and the topic was their future home. "Oh , Archie , " said Emiline , "take me away from these painful associa tions take me to any place in the wide world , for Montreal has become hateful to me. " The lovers were too intent to no tice that a shadow had been visible passing towards them , but now a well known and instantlyrecognized voice proceeded from it with : "Is that what you say my pretty Emiline ? My death was merely a ruse to try your constancy. It is a pity to turn such a pretty comedy into a tragedy , but I happen to fie manager here , young man , " remark ed Mr. Forster , for it was he Avho had returned in the flesh , and if you don't go out of this in 20 seconds I'll blow the whole top of your head off. " The revolution produced by the sudden reappearance of Forster was too startling for nerves that had borne so much already , and Emiline fainted , and was car ried to her room. She survived the shock but a week , but in that short time since Archie's return they had opened up their source of grief only to regret that they did not bear and forbear while it was yet time , and by kindly concession endeavor to repair the breach that irritation had made , and that a brief word timely put would have amended. Archie wandered around the city , demented , for a few days , when , hear ing of the death of his beloved Emiline be managed to obtain a stolen glympse , which sight unsettled his reason forever , and he became hopelessly insane. Old Forster sold out and went away , but it is said that he is engaged in one ofthe west ern cities in his old business of shear ing the lambs and is now more miser ly than ever. Detroit Echo. First Tramp , Then Governor. "Washington Corr. New York Press. A number of men and women who have during the past year or two lost their positions in the depai-t- ments through the varied changes which have been brought about by the political operations ofthe party in power have interesting incidents connected with their lives. A couple of days ago your correspondent , while passing up Pennsylvania Avenue with a bureau officer , passed a man named Wilkinson , who was recently turned out of the office oi the comptroller of the currency on account of offensive partisanship. The bureau officer , after passing Wilkinson , turned to me and said : "You recognize that man ? Yes ; well there was an incident in the early part of his life which connects him in a way with one of the most promi- nent Democrats in Ohio. A good many years ago Wilkinson was moving into a house at Spring field , now one of the most pros perous manufacturing towns in the central part of the Buckeye State. While his goods were being put into the house and those belonging to the outgoing tenant were being put on a • wagon * a seedy-looking tramp came up and inquired if he could get some thing to eat , offering to assist in the work if he was accommodated. The , outgoingtenaKt referred the trampT to'the incoming tenant , and'tnelat- ter took the wanderer into the house and gave him a dinner. There was not much attention paid to that tramp , and for years those who saw him on that day lost sight of him. Finally he reappeared , how ever , entered into the business of the place and began to grow. He grew in every sphere of life. He became wealthy and influential. Afew years ago. he was governor , and now he has more property and money than any man in his section of the state. It is notneccessary for me to mention hisname. He lives otSpringSeld yet and is a very rich man. His name is a household word throughout Ohio. * ' yj.4.q i ii i l.mP Wl.iU _ l tfi lW'l ' IJ MIH < tfllj iljlitil "inn nfnl ? l.\.j ,0.i.i.a- | - * • Th Prince nti * th P e About Iiord Tcnn3'son's well-known horror of publicity it is told that oneo , whenwalking in liis own grounds , ho won informed tlmt Home enterprising tourist was looking down on.him from n tree almost ovor liis head. Tho enthu siast was soon brought down from his coign of vantage. Tho laureate , hotr- over , secured a imgo boy to koop off all intruders in future , ho boimr too short sighted to notice them. Soon after thin youth had begun his duties it happeri- oil that tho Prince of Wales walked over from Osborno to seo Mr. Tenny- son. Arriving at tho poet's houso at Freshwater , ho asked the boy whether Mr. Tennyson was in. Tho boy , think ing ho studied a rat , said : "And what's that to you if he " h ? " "Toll him , " said H. B. H. , "that tho Prineo of Wales wishes to see hint. " Tho knowing youth thereupon , not to bo caught , said : "You don't take mo to bo so green as that ? " and .to empathize his remarks ho "placed his thumb to hi3 nose and spread his fingers out. " The prince , however , had parlej-ed snfii- ciently , so taking tho young hopeful by tho collar ho placed him aside and walk ed into tho house. Loudon Globe. A perlect specific Dr. Sago's Catarrh Remedy. European emigration to Brazil is largely on the increase. Shocking Accident. So read the headlines of manv a news paper column , and we pernso with piilpi- tating interest the details of the catastro phe , and are deeply impressed hy tho sac rifice of human lives Involved. Yet thous ands of men and women are fulling victims every year to that terrihle disease , con sumption ( scofula of tho lungs ) , and they and their friends are satisfied to helieve the malady incurable. Now , there could ho no greater mistake. No earthly power , of course , can rcHtoro a lung that ien tirely wasted , hut Dr. Pierce's Golden Med ical Discovery will rapidly and surely ar rest tho ravages of consumption , if taken in time. Do not. therefore , despair , until you have tried this wonderful reinody. Faint henrt never won a fair Indyunlp > H ths owner of tho heart had plenty of stuff. Ciculoel QimckK. "Yes. it pays , " said a big , fat physician , with a name thnt is known throughout the medical world. "I have a practice worth $40,000ayear. " "Women ? " "Y-syou've guessed it first time. They pay $10 every time they como into my office. When one gets on my list. I tell you sho stays ! " and Dr. H laughed long and loud. This is quackery gilt-edged , genteel quackery to keep suffering woman paying tribute yenr in and year out , and doing them no good. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription cures tho peculiar weaknesses and diseases of women. It does not lie to them nor rob them. Mrs. Ormiston Chant is lecturing in Eng land on her American experience. 1 . . . Whrn Bub.T tm * slefc. we gave her Custorla. TVhrn she ivns a Child. * he cried for Custarln. When she berntne Mi B. she rlnngr to Custorla. \Vlipn Bhe hail Children , she pave them Castorla. No man can see the dirt that is back of his own ear. Plcnae Note. That the Union Pacific , "The Overland Route , ' . ' in connection with thi Chicago & Northwestern railway , now runs a solid daily train consisting of elegant day conches , ftee chair cars especially built for this service , and the latest improved Wiig- ner and Pullman sleeping cars , between Chicago and Denver. This train leaves Omaha for Denver , every day a 't 10:00 : a. m. and arrives in Denver at 5:00 a. m. the next mornins ; . It's to your interest to see lhat your tick et ; reads via the Union Pacific. There are 3,000,000 women in theUuited States earning their own living. A woman can keep a secret , but she gen * erally thinks it isn't worth while. A drummer wanted for brass band. No commercial tourist need apply. A canvasser wanted. No tent-makers need apply. The fly has no respect for the short- tailed horse. J. C. ToIhou'k Good liiicl : . Cadsden ( Ala. ) Timcs-Xcws , Jan. IT. .Learning that J. G. ToTson , of the firm of Tolson Bros. , shoe and clothing dealers , of this city , held a lucky ticket in the December drawing of the Louisi ana State Lottery , a Times-News repor ter called at his store last Monday to learn the facts. In reply to our question Mr. Tolson said : "Yes , sir ; I held a lncky ticket in the December drawing. I have just returned from New Orleans , where I went to get the money. I re ceived three bills , two § 1,000 and one § 5,000 , § 2,500 in actual cash. " The re porter asked how much he invested. Mr. Tolson's reply was , "I spent $10 for ten one-fortieth tickets. One of the tickets No. 43,085 drew $100,000 , and my part amounted to § 2,500 , " He said he would continue in business at the same stand where they lead big drives iu shirts , clothing , etc. Mr. Tolson is a happy man over his luck. He certamh * ought to feel very good on winning .such a big amount of money these hard times. Heroic ] TIin i liawr iic < . A herd of wild cattle was being driven through the town of San Diego. A lit tle child was playing in the street not far from the spot where the cattle were passing , when one of the bulls a hujre creature with large horns made a sud den rush at the poor bairn. To add to the terror of the scene the drover was tipsy ; and'in ' trying to turn the furious animal he fell from his horse. Warning yells arose from the spectators as they beheld the terrible fate from which , as it seemed , nothing conld save the child. At this very moment a lady happened to come into the street , and the noise of the tumult at once attracted her atten tion. She saw the child's appalling dan ger at a glance , and immediately sprang into the empty saddle. She succeeded in catching up with the wild bull and threw her shawl over its head just as it was about to charge the child. She then , withont leaving the saddle , lifted the child to her lap and took it away to a place of safety. This brilliant act of bravery evoke round after round of ap plause from every one who .witnessed it. * * * As. was > . said * at • the * time ; this gallant deed of Misa Lawrence for such was the lady's name was not only heroic , bntafeat of horsemanship which few people could equal. Five Talents of Women. , r State of Ohio , City of Toledo , V- ' ' v5 Lucas County , S. S. j Frank. J. Cheney makes oath that ha the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co. , doing business in the City of Toledo , County and State aforesaid , and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every case of Catarrh tliatcannot ba cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cdrk. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and Bubscribsd in my presence , this 6th day of December , A. D. , 1888. A. W. GLEASON. Notary Public * iHEf Hull's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acta directlr upon the blood and mucus surfaces of the system. Send for testimonial * , free. F. J. CHENEY & CO. . Toledo , O. ' 53J"Sold by Druggists , 75 cents. . . . . _ I ' I r • - i • i " I , . 1 -1 111 I have found out a gilt for ray fair. It ( a not a ring of gold , nor flowers for her hair , .nor pearls for her white neck , but Salva tion OH for her sore throat. She's u sing * Xng bird. , In all largo communities persons are taking an increased inherent hi property insurance , and perhaps for that vorjr rea * son are insuring their live * hy uliig Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup , when they ara flrat at tacked with a comjh or cold. Ayear In tho future Heeins so long ; a year in tho past seoma so short. It is an old adage , "To ho forewarned is to bo forearmed. " So let it be in your case , who read this , and keop on hand Al len's Luno IlALSAir , which is sold by all druggists. Don't quarrel with tho world ; it is too big an enemy ; ASljoiitColi ) , if nealected , ofton at tacks tho lungs. Biiow.n's Bronchial Tho- cues givo sure and immodiato relief. Sold only in boxes. Prico 2u conts. Tho greatest mockery wealth gives to poverty is solfish generosity. Stop that Cotmh. Many peoplo neglect what thoy call a Bimplo cold , which , if not checked In time , may lead to Lung trouble. Scott's Emul sion of Pure Cod Liver Oilwith Hypophos- phites. will not only stop tho cough but heal the lungs. Endorsed by thousands of Physicians. Pal a tu bio aB milk. Try It. Sold by all drugaists. Atev ry railrnnd in Holland there id a watchwoman at tho crosHing. SflBumatism ftWK bactd-md .TheBhas-A'VdgeierE' ' d- Diamond Vera-Oura FORD Y. "ST 131SS C.V. A POSITIVE CURE FOIt INDIGESTION' AND ALL Stomac. 'i Troubles Arising Tlivrefrom. Tour Druggist or General Dealer iclll get Yera- Cura far you { f not already in stick , or it ictll be sen ! ly mail on receipt oj'23 cts. 5 boxes tl.OO ) in stamps Sample tent on receipt ofZ-cent sUimp. THE CHAKLKS A. VOGELEUOQ. . Baltimore. Md. Swift's Specific cured me of malignant. Blood Pois on after 1 had been treated ln > alnwlthoIdso-called remedies of Mercury and Potash. 8. S. S. not only cured the Blood Poison , but relieved the Jlheu- matlim which was caused My the poisonous minerals. GEO. BOVELL. 2422 3d Arenue. N. Y. Nine years ago Scrofula attacked two or my chil dren , and they were badly afflicted with that dis ease , which resisted the treatment of my family physician. I was persuaded to use Swift's SpcclSa br seeing an account of cures In my county papor. The improvement was apparent from tho tlrst few doses , and in n short time my children were cured , and are still sound and well. j JOHN WILLIAMS , Lexington. Y.i. Swift's Specific Is entirely n vegetable remedy , and Is tha only medicine which permanently cures ' Scrofula , Blood Humors , Cancer and Contagious Blood Poison. Send for bookn no Blood and Slcln Diseases , mailed free. TIIK SWIKT SPECIFIC CO. Drawers , Atlunta , Ua. ? T3r ! % ! 7 g T 5t * s * = iy jf * " ? ? • • I H TRY SvfcsvJ0A&7 sti TRY' * * 3S UlHGBALSP I Sldcllf PURE , It ccntalns NO OPIUM In an ? lm , 1 Among the best remedies Al < MrS.iiiitrIii MHB. | | I stands pre-eminent. The riruggKU kppaIc of It la -Mt highest terms , us giving entire satisfaction wberaver J K It bused. Jm PrIce25ctM.,150otN.nmI $1 pcrUottlc. jj | TueiS-CENT BOTTLES nn put up for tho accom- 3H modatlon of nil who Ue lr utmntr a -3S COU. . .I1 orCUOUP IIKMKDV. . * Those desirtnn a rtm'dtj for VUXS lUfPTI02J39 or any L UNO J ) IS ASH should ttcurt -M thi Large $1 Jiottles. 31 Mothers. Head ! -il Oakland 8ta..Kv , April 31 , K3B. m Gentlemen-Tho demand for AU.KN Ml/MJ Bal - -M SAX Is Increasing constantly. Tha ludte ihlnk there " , ' 3 In no medlclno equal to It for croup and Whooping * .3 Cough. I' .S. MARTIN , Druggist. m SOLD BY All. HEDiClXt : VEALEU& M 1 ASTHMA CURED | . j 1 CERMAN ASTHMA CURE I , f K Instantly relieves the rnott violent attack , and - ' tnsaraacomfortabloalftep. SOWAtT1.1ur rBE.B i - siiLTK.Belngux abrinbaisUon.itsactlonUua > B f ' modiito. direct and certain , and a enra u the • ' . - - . rosult' in all cnrabla caitoa. A single trial coni t vineos tha mont skeptic * ! . Pries CCc. and 81.00 I of any OroggUt. or ny mill. KxraslaKrcn forB ' s gtigip. lJr. U.BCHJFyjgANN.6L r il.ai B 1 D ' eopsit • ) TJtKATKD FREE " Positively Cured with Vegetable Itcmcdle * . J Have cured mnny thousnnd cases. Curo pntlnnU • ' pronounced hnpoless by the best physicians , from. -J tlrst doso Kymptom * rapidly disappear , and In tea * * days at least two-thirds of all symptom * nroremov- < 2 ed. bend for free book of testimonials of miraculous * -U cures. Ten days treatment furnished ireo by malL. ' . If you order trial , send 10 wnW In utaiiips to par postage. JUL 11. U.UUEKN&SO.NS. Atlunta. qL $ $ fcmwm&jlXJ Xj Ei i'5OTBi l1'r'tlle t JIOOK ver-f.I a § 8Sn ! * r 1'rlnttMl. Thousands of fu23 sStSsSSP * * * KnKraviiiRS. IJcstSUKU fcr * _ - ' " - & cht.iiH'st ever grown. VZdL , gc g j 1'kts : ic Vlusap ( if dirt by % 4rt t 3ESiX < = * > oz. Jlb. 100000 pkts.new Efif sorts divided FKKB to Customers. I give II- ' away more than somo firms sell. Send for my ' Catalogue. It. U. Sliumwuy , Kockford , III. . How Express Cabbage rpIs the earliest variety grown. Xr& Try It. ID cts. perpacket. If you , 'KM. wunt the best garden you evsr f. * had , order our Uholrc Iotrsv. E flb Heed * this year. Beautiful [ J m Illustrated Catalogue free , or WKF with a packet each Express Cab- 2 _ baC8 and New cornea kino EST onion ( the largest kind In ex istence ) for li cents. To net customers , we will send for trial 12 packets Cholc * Vegetable Seeds , Including some novelties , or 12 Cbolco Klowcr Seeds for 25c. , or 2U Choice Sackets [ ouseSlantstortl. IowafloodCo. > DesMolnes > Ia. iraJdTfiTOSIOADAY ! HSMfvL lb " AC1KNTM TV A > TED WkmSsWtmk w 1000 Brewster's Safety Bela 15' ' j P Holders GIVEN AWAY to Intro- fnluMnKiFr duce them. Kvery horse owner bays. lilsWfils'lW ' from 1 to 0. Lines never under horde's KW nsW feet. Send2i > cents in stamps to pay ( wBjvKJivBl nostngo and packing for Nlvkln V\W \ m rvmM Plated Sample that sells for < h- BlES'A'ilH ! ' ? cents. Address , Rgrjiiplll Brewster Mf g0o.f Holly.Miclu * " & R$3 C STUDY. Book-keeping. Penmanship , H \J IVl Um Arithmetic. Shorthand , etc. . thor oughly taught by mill. Lntv rates. C'lrciilnr.Hfree. IJUVANT'd COLLEGE. < 3I Main St. . Buffalo. N. V. mmscmm wrtK ovc oogyy fjggxjjg GRGWH ( | • 9F ffl % 21 > KX'JJP. mt . of 1S.H3 praim my scriu. and > ay ( her iii enMK ! all 7 * b & M sfcT s93BKLr0liiEKt33Miflii yields ycsoltendoabledthembyj-ln-t : y Xortb-H j H B m B t ± iM ir ? r-t. &iZlFXB . em Grown fceed giving them on Wheat < u bu. . uts.'i ? B E&iH & _ JV' MPtWSSttSMuSBsY& Y Oats 2W > . Barley50. Corn V : I'otatotCO' bu.ete. Bir " * • * ' s 4H ! SsSHPlffif5 &ai fl'e par In Prizes 1.1 on Farm Sect ! * I L UJ 'J ' ] illlJ II L.J'U'HIJ ' ' ij lls % S5S'\sSSfS ty J end fflMO on Vegetable * for lancet yield In MM lJi rSSS ii KSf ikWfflfflM3MrymMwtt 1X9. You can win one or more If you want to. 5u sg'K ' 5is ( WlSSS ! l SE3l l&W&3 § ( & Ree Ctfios.ne about If Operat. , . ' . , , . n.-es in E sal K $ MftW tmSkWf * * V&V jrowinR > " 'd . Floor room of tewl ftore over 2 ttJfiSZmbV& kW&Xt J MJWJ fl iVS&kziiy 1 wires ; eellar cnp city 0.0.19 bus. Our city has 43 tWcS ti < M $ l % iMiSt > tM ® S&fas LSiJ Vffg 5S "Jf mali" . TO freightxrains and M extrevs dalfr.wi wc kttM ? &ttZlm9&lit l acBSiS SW iAi.1 till all orders nt once. Send Xefnrlirahi kamf K ZSM 9s ywAi MSKbK CS ! ' ' ' * or mc for Cint Cabtwtjf-tud get Kintlatal'is Kpfy MS j S A PROMINENT MERCHANT IN TROUBLE. Old moneybags mopes in his office all day. As snappish and cross as a bear ; The clerka know enough to keep out of hia way , Xest the merchant should grumble and Bwear. ' * EvenTabbri the eat is in fearof a cuff , ' * * Or a kick , if she ventures too near ; They all know the master is apt to be rough , And hi3 freaks unexpected and queer. "What makes the old fellow so surly and grinv And behave so confoundedly mean ? There's certainly something the matter with him Is it stomach , or liver , or spleen ? We've guessed it hia liver ia sluggish and bad. His blood is disordered and foul. It's enough to make any one hopelessly mad. And greet his best friend with a growL To correct a sluggish or disordered liver , and to cleanse and purify the blood and thereby sweeten the temper , Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery has no equal. It improves digestion , builds up the flesh , invigorates the system , dispells melancholy , and makes life worth living. iT 1 GUARANTEED to Denelit or cure , if taken in time and given a -j. } ? " P- " " " ' , ' "l ! fair trial , in all diseases for which it is recom- .ended , or the money paid for it will be refunded. Copyright , 1SS8 , by "Wokld's DispexsarMedical Association , Proprietors. * WKSoasw ms k k memmmmk isWKat mBmsims srsswaemmmaaa si ' C ATA R R H 2L 5JE55 ? * > * * > * 8 * * no matter or how Ions standing Ic per manently cured by DR. SAGE'S CATARRH REMEDY. 0 cents , by drus ristiu