The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 15, 1889, Image 5

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i P p H ap * * * * * * i * # * * * * * * * ! r ! " BS M SZ ! S
fp FBIDAT EVENING. FED. 15. 1889.
lV |
( \ r * - Has now open , a tine
/ > assortment of NEW
! Wall Paper ,
f AND '
% . _ ALSO
I H. & M. Tinted Leads
ifr * for house painting.
t Please call and exam-
Jp amine my selection be-
fore purchasing. •
\ B
\ :
} . _ ) A. McMILLEN ,
, , , DRUGGIST ,
f | = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
, ' Cur Drug Store.
Remember Noble for groceries.
_ . _ Noble for superb hanging lamps.
/ Fresh candies at the City Bakery.
I Go to Noble for your family groceries.
* "Dr. Hall'8 office , over First Na-
_ i- . tional bank.
ft irffFresh sausage at the B. & . M.
& i * - ' - Meat • Market. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
S * - F'resh oysters , in cans and in bulk at
% the * City Bakery.
i * f * ( i
! f Pi'edmore Bros , are the geniuses to
1 \U rep 'air broken castings.
jp. Remember that Leland & Morrow sell
sf the reliable Olds wagon.
j *
Fresh and smoked meats of all kinds
at the B. & M. Meat Market.
Everything fresh and clean in the
way of groceries at Noble's store.
: Gash paid for live stock , poultry and
, hidesat the B , & M. Meat Market
J 'There is no other way. Buy your
groceriesqueenswareetc.of Noble.
5,000 rolls of new wall paper.
McCooe Book & Stationery Co.
- Sugar syrup , maple syrup and sor
ghum ' at Berry's.
Plumbing in all its branches prompt-
ly and skillfully performed by F. D.
Predmore Bros , have no superiors and
few equals. Try them on plow and
lister work. %
For home sugar-cured meats hams ,
v breakfast bacon , etc. , go to the B. & •
t Meat Market
Fine wall paper and ceiling decora
tions at the " ]
* McCook Book & Stationery Co's. ;
jJSgrin the line of plain and fancy
groceries , C. M. Noble will fill your
every want satisfactorily.
\ The celebrated Olds wagon for sale by i
v Leland & Morrow. Also spring wagons ,
buggies , etc.All very cheap.
L I guarantee both quality and price.
Nothing slop shop or stale. Give me a
calf n. H. Berry.j j
"We have still a few overcoats left , j
W. which are going at low prices.
* ' Organsind sewing machines sold on j
g the instalment plan at the implement j
| : warehouse of C. P. Rinker.
if This week , Leland & Morrow have re- ]
H" ceiv.d a car-load of fall and winter 1
wheat flour. They carry the best grades.
Ojur hat stock for spring is now com- -
% plete. The largest and finest we have (
j * _ " ever shown. Come and see it.
S y
nice tender beefsteak l
f If you want
g give the B. & M. Meat Market a call.
Si . They butcher none but the choicest of
| 5jJ' " beeves. . ,
Leland & Morrow carry a complete
M. stock of cornoatschop feedandinfact , j
p of everything belonging to a first-class .
| ? ° . flour and feed store.
* - _ ' - *
§ T „ Organs and sewing machines at ab- ]
, - solute cost for cash at C. P. Rinker's t
. - for the nest ten days only. Office in
warehouse old stand.
Af : ;
3 Strasser has two of the finest offices
I in the city for rent Front rooms , with
t bay"windows. . Call at once if you wan
f _ to secure elegant office quarters. c
M Small , but . well selected stock and
P constantly turningis why my goods are
W - always fresh. No stale stock in my |
, store , -H. H. Berry.
* If you did not get a sample package
f of 84 Patent flour , do not feel 1
II slighted as it was not intentional , but s
t ' try that brand and you will use no
1 other. Sold by Potter & Co.
. A fall line of carriage bows , sockets , i
i ' . " offsets , concealed points , top prop nuts , (
WL loaf nuts , thumb nuts , shaft shackles ,
H . clip king bolts , anything in the carriage j
K * - line can be found at Predmore Bros , j
Hi handsome in T
If vou want something
H the way of a hanging lampcall on 0. M.
R' Noble. He is just in receipt of the (
B & largest and finest stock of hanging < e
H [ lamps t ever brought to southwestern
B Nebraska.
B Dont ? give any orders to a travelling r
H agent or buy any shirts , until you see c )
H our line. Iu bout two weeks we ex-
B pectto show about forty to fifty pat-
B ; terns * ITjnerScotch" French custom
H ? -made flannel shirts with patent improve-
| B ments which no other house can show , c :
H * It will pay you to see them. s
r 7
* *
WlSor bargait.8 in WATCHES ,
CLOCKS and JEWELRY call at Mo-
Cracken's old stand , where everything
is being closed out regardless of cost.
Mr. Louis Fox is in charge and will
guarantee everything as represented.
If you want a time piece or anything in
tho jewelry lino don't put it off now ,
for the price is such you cannot miss the
I will sell my residence property in
McCook on very good terms to the
right purchaser. Lot is a southeast
corner , in tho best residence portion of
the city. House has six rooms and
good cellar. Will sell all my furniture
also , as it now stands in the house. For
terms and particulars see W. F. Law-
son at the First National bank , or ad
dress 0. C. Gaston , 408 , First National
bank , Omaha.
Read tho lines below , your eyesight is
"GDorRoM.Chenory nt tho City Drtipr Btoro
soils pure drugs and medicines. "
Hall , Cochran & Co. have just received
a large shipment of the celebrated Mil-
burn Tublkr-Axe Wagons , which
they are ready to sell at fair prices.
Owing to increase of freight rates ,
the price for five gallons of gasoline ,
from and after Feb. 15th , will be $1.15.
L. A. Hurlbdrt ,
Proprietor of McCook Tank Line.
Rooms for Rent.
The rooms over the First National
bank building , formerly occupied by
Dr. Z. L. Kay. Inquire of ,
Babcook & Kelley.
$100,000 to Loan on Real Estate.
Insurance written in reliable com-
panys , city property for sale and rent.
Office up stairs in Morlan block.
C. J. Ryan.
How Do You Stack Up
For Hay ? Eaton & Co. have quantities
of ; nice bright hay for sale at lowest mar
ket prices. Call at the
Circle Front Livery Barn.
A comfortable house of not less than
six rooms , a good rent will be paid for
the right place. Apply at ' -
Special Notice.
Just received a car load of Flour
from : the Superior Mills , including 84
Patent , Lion and Legal Tender brands.
Potter & Co.
Farmers Attention !
Skandia-Finished Plow Lays warrant-
ed ( to fit any make of plows , right or left ,
12 ; , 14 and 1G inch , at Predmore Bros.j
_ J :
To build a good brick business block
and get a loan on it at nine per cent ,
apply to F. L" . Brown.
Don't fail to see new styles in hats at
. i
Go to Leland & Morrow for every-
thing in the flour and feed line. <
Dado , Holland and muntto shades at
McCook Book & Stationery Co's.
Now is the time to get your plow re
paired and Predmore Bros , is the place.
When you need any blacksmithing , j
Predmore Bros , can be found at their (
anvils. 1
For plain , practical , 'scientific or
pathological horse-shoeing , go to Pred
more Bros. *
Prescriptions accurately comj j
pounded , day or night , at the City \
Drug Store •
Noble , the leading grocer , carries the 1
most complete line of queensware in the <
city. Inspect it. - "
HEtT'The price of liberty is eternal
vigilance , but Noble's prices on groceries j
are sure to catch you.
5,000 rolls of wall paper and every *
one new.
McCook Book & Stationery Co.
R. H. Hamilton will commence the i
racket , next Monday. Call and get my {
prices. South of postoffice.
Lost A Knights Templar charm.
Finder will be suitably rewarded by re- ]
turning same to E. E. Lowman. *
All the new colors and shapes in soft 1
md stiff hats , just received at
Canned fruits , evaporated fruits and
dried fruits of all kinds and best brands j
at . H. H. Berry's. f
& § r"We can saveyou money on wall
paper. *
McCook Book & Stationery Co.r
C. P. Rinker has an exceedingly fine c
lot of organs and sowing machines to 1
sell cheap. Call and see them. 2
c :
Mrs. Hamilton will also open a line
af Ladies' Hair Goods. She also mant
afactures all kinds of Ladies' Hair *
Goods. *
A. McMillen is selling Wall Paper a
Remnants cheap to make room for his j
large stock of WALL PAPER , just p
received. * * n lif
Don't buy old stock in wall paper.
Dur line is the largest in the west and . .
jvery roll new. :
McCook Book & Stationery Co. j ,
"We put in new steelsockets for carE
y •
riage and buggy bows at less price than r
thers can patch them. j
Predjiore Bros. t
We have just received an immense
stock of latest styles of Hats and Caps .
omprsing : every thing new in soft and
itiff goods. Come and see them. ,
f , & * • * ' * * * * ' * ' *
* > * , . ,
. ; _ _ _ t
M pwiiMa _ n
A co-Incldonco : Tho McCook antl llold-
rege shop booms.
Fine stationery , regret and cnllimr cards at
Tun TjtwuNK ofllce.
Since Tuesday murnlng , lie writes It , "Ed
ward E. Lowman , notary public"
Canon City , and oilier grades of soft coal ,
and both Pennsylvania and Colorado hard
coal at Bullard'a lumber yard.
13ulard } doesn't sell drugs ; but it is a cau
tion the amount of hard and soft coal lie is
weighing out , these chilly days.
The A. W. Corey residence on Madison
avenue has been purchased by Mr. Albert
McMillen. Consideration , S1.300.
Billiard has "the cream" of the coal trade.
JIo keeps in stock a large supply of best
grades of both hard and soft coal.
Is your coal bin empty ? If so consult Bill
iard , dealer in "dusky diamonds" of best
grades , at the Badger lumber yard.
A new style of linen collar has been nam
ed after Private Secretary ilalford. It Is
called "The Elijah" and has a tendency to
go up.
Your good right optic will very naturally
rest on McMillens new advertisement , this
week , lie is making a special run on wall
At a meeting of the agricultural society
held at lndinnola , last Saturday , it was de
cided to hold the 1SS9 fair at the Indianola
It is stated that C. W. Knights is serious
ly contemplating the erection of a brick build
ing on his lot north of The Tuibune office ,
in the spring ;
School books , blank books , scale books ,
letter copying books , legal and land blanks ,
pens , inks , pencils , tablets , eta , at The
Tbibuxe office.
With Bullard's filling your order for hard
or soft coal ? "He's all right. " So is his
large stock of coal. So are his figures. Give
him a trial order.
Joel S. Kelsey will speak , next Sabbath
morningjUpon "The Sabbath , a Human Nec
essity , " and in the evening upon "Five
Scientific Straws. "
The "Glucinum" pen is undoubtedly the
finest pen in tho market. Will outwear three
other pens. „ For sale at The Tribune Sta
tionery Department.
This issue , L. Lowman & Son have some
thing of interest to say regarding their new
stock of spring clothing , furnishing goods ,
etc. Head their new add.
A quantity of broom corn was shipped
from this point , the close of last week , by
Messrs. Henderson , Johnson , Modrell , and
\ others , of the North Side.
On uext Monday , E. H. Hamilton will open
a stock of millinery , furnishing goods , etc. ,
in filestore building , next door to the post-
office. See locals in this issue.
Last Friday was "Good Friday" at the
Spearman residence Mr. and Mrs. Spear-
man rejoicing in the advent into the family
circle of a son upon that date.
The county commissioners are in session
to-day. Col. Bolles , chairman of the board ,
went down to the couuty-seat , last evening ,
in order to preside over their deliberations.
In a country like this , where sugar cane
can i be grown so unfailingly , the subject of
encouraging ( the establishment in our city of
a j sugar factory may well receive careful at1
tention. i
The advisability is suggested of putting
down ( an experimental shaft to develop
whether or not Mother Earth , in this im
mediate I vicinity , has not something of value
in store for us
Elsewhere you will observe the announce
ment of a Washington's Biithday Dinner by
the ladies of the Methodist church , next Fri
day i , in the old Bernheimer building , in rear ]
of Famous Clothing Co. ;
The McCook Book and Stationery Co.
have had a large rack built , in the rear of
their store , in which to place their stock of
wall papers. It is very convenient and will j
accommodate ; a large stock.
The harness business of Henry Penner has <
been purchased by his brother Peter , a form- <
er resident of our city , who will continue the '
business at the present stand , in the rear of < '
The Famous Clothing Co. ,
The greatest variety of tablets in this sec- \
tion of Nebraska may be found at The Tki- j
bune Stationery Depaitment. The line has
just been largely increased. Call and see
the assortment and get prices. ,
This week , Shorty Bai tholomew , who has '
been one of Herian & Deslarzes' trusty driv
ers , formed a partnership with Jack Dwyer ,
and embarked in the dray business for him- ,
self. Success to the new firm.
Be very particular about disinfecting the 1
kitchen sink. Washing soda , two table- '
spoonfuls to a gallon of boiling water , makes <
an excellent wash to pour hot into a sink at t
night after you have finished using it. I
The Huddleston Lumber Co. have organj j
ized with a board of directors and elected the
following officers : S. W. Huddleston , Presi-
dent and Secretary ; J. W. Huddleston , Vice-
President ; M. A. Huddleston , Treasurer.
We have for sale in our Stationery Depart
ment one bundled nounds of fine paper cut j
into various sizes lor figuring pads. Every s
business man should lay in a supply , Only c
15 cents a pound. Don't foiget us if you t
want any figuring pads. r
The first of the week , George Paxton occu- '
pied the old Bede building on Lower Main s
Avenue , .recently purchased by him from c
Messrs. Simpson and Jay. His new location
gives him enlarged accommodations , both
for mannfactuie and retail.
Alive to McCook's shops piospects , Secs
retaiy of State Laws has planted a few dola
lais in McCook realty , having this week purs
jhased three valuable business lots in block e
Lo , Main Avenue , north of Commercial c
House. And yet a substantial growth diss
ounts a
boojri ; t ;
The latest postal laws are such that newsa
paper publishers can arrest any one for fiaud
svho takes a paper and refuses to pay for it.
Under this law the man who allows his sub
scription to run along for some time unpaid c
md then orders it discontinued , or tells the t
aostmaster to mark it "refused , " and have a (
postal card sent notifying the publisher , lays a
limself ; liable to arrest and tine , the same as o
for theft , eta
The "Whittling Social" at tie ! Congrega-
ional church , last night , was an immense suc-
ess. The attendance was quite unusually 2
arge , and pleasure practically unlimited. A s
irogramme of music , recitations , eta , was li
endered to the marked satisfaction of all
uesent. In tho "whittling match , " Mrs. C.
D.Belnap won the prize , a haml-painted bot-
Je. This featnre'of the entertainment af-
forded no end of merriment. Acorpsofphy-
iicians , nurses , etc. , were constantly on hand t :
o minister to the wants of tho wounded and
t may he safely assumed that more than one
mild-mannered jack knife "got in its work"
m au offending digit.
Board of Trade Meeting.
A meeting of the Board of Trade wasJichl
In tho Babcock building , Wednesday even
ing , the attendance being fair. Mr. Jennings
of the road committee reported favorable
progress , some three or four roads aheady to
place before tho county commissioners for
official cstablibhment Mr. Meeker of the
sugar commission read a partial report of the
inspection of the Topeka cane sugar mill by
himself , Judge Cochran and Frank Harris ,
exhibiting a specimen of tho output of tho
mill. The gentlemen brought back a very
favorably report indeed , and feel confident
that a sugar mill would make a splendid ,
paying enterprise for McCook and Bed Wll-
iow county. On their return , Judge Cochran
stopped over at Lincoln and with the aid of
Representative Wilcox prepared and intro
duced a bill in the state legislature pioviding
for a bounty of two cents per pound on cane
and beet sugar grown in this state. Tho fol
lowing preamble and resolution were then
framed and adopted by the board , and
Messrs. Cochran , Green , Meeker and Harris
were constituted a committee to go to Lin
coln to urge tho passage of the bill :
WnEiiEAS , This board has taken consider
able paius to invustixato the sugar manufac
turing interests in Kansas , and
Whereas , Tho industry is new in tho west
and is ono that must provo beneficial to tho
entire state , and
Whereas , Tho bonus or premium of 2 cents
per pound paid by tho state of Kansas for each
pound of sugar manufactured in tho etato has
been tho principal impetus to sugar manufac
turing in that state ;
Therefore he it Resolved , That it is the
senso of this Board that tho bill introduced by
Representative Wilcox ib. tho legislature of
.Nebraska is a movo in tho right direction , and
that tho same , if passed , would be of great
benefit to tho state ; and wo most earnestly
urgo tho passage of tho Bald bill.
Bills of The Tbibune , § 5.50 , and of The
Democrat , S7.50 , allowed. Adjourned.
Bepresentative Wilcox lias introduced a
bill entitled , "An act to enconrage sugar
manufacture , " which in the writer's opinion
is one of the most important measures
brought before the present session. The bill
provides the payment of a bounty of two
cents per pound on all cane and beet sugar
manufactured inNebraskaand will no doubt ,
should it become a law , encourage what in
Kansas , under a similar law , is becoming a
great and growing'industry , in which tho
people , the farming community , as well as
the mill owner and capitalist , enjoy a good
profit. To Western Uebiaska the establish
ment and operation of sugar mills would bo
a great boon. Sugar cane is successfully
grown j here and in great quantities. It would
bring eastern capital to our aid. Encouiage
the cultivation of cane , providing a local
market for its purchase. Would givo em
ployment to a large number of hands at a
time when demand for laborers is limited.
The Tribune hopes to see the bill pass
without opposition. The entire state will
necessarily : profit by the establishment of su
gar ' manufacturing interests within its limit.
A Gladsome Surprise.
A bus load of young people from the city
enjoyed ' a very pleasant evening at the
"ranch" home of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Meserve
on Brusli creek , Monday evening. The par
ty was in the nature of asurpiiseon Miss
Edna : , and in that particular was a complete
success i also. Progressive euchre engaged
the i wrapt attention of the young folks until
the 1 evening was well advanced. Upon in
voicing it appeared that Miss Ida Hollister
was entitled to the principal prize , Mr. Nor
man ] Forbes to the much-sought-after-booby.
The company was composed of : Miss Saia
Lowman , Miss L. Ella Hart , Miss Grace
Hammer. Miss Ollie Hannah , Miss Ida Hol
lister , Miss Anna Forbes , Miss Anna McNa-
mara J , Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Kimmell , Mr. A.
C. Ebert , Mr. W. E. Mullen , Mr. E. E. Low-
man , Mr. Norman Forbes , Mr. Gee. B. Berry ,
Mr. J. F. Forbes , Mr. J. D. Eobb.
Death of Mrs. Geo. W. Roper.
[ Indianola Courier. ]
It is with a feeling of sorrow that we chron
icle the death of Mrs. Geo. W. Boper , the
wife of our excellent county clerk , on Tues-
day evening at her home in this city. That
dread disease , consumption , had been gradu
ally undermining her health for some time
and a cold.caught a few weeks ago , hastened
the ' close of her eaithly career. A good wife ,
a loving mother and a kind neighbor has
gone to her rest. A husband bereft of his
helpmate , and five small children , of a
mother's care. Iu behalf of this community
we extend to the bereaved ones a heartfelt
sympathy. The funeral takes place to-day ,
Thursday , at 2. P. M. , at the M. E. church.
The Magic City.
[ Hastings Republican. ]
McCook , the magic city of Western Ne
braska , is to paralyize the natives by anoth er
surprise. An electric light plant is to be in '
operation within 90 days. The big infant of '
the Republican Valley , with water works ,
graded streets , electiic lights and preserved *
forces of public spirited enterpiise , is a haul i
hitter. In each mill the competitors recoul ]
is paragraphed in the biief lepoit "knocked :
out in the first round. "
Subscribers Pay Up.
It is not the habit of the publisher to do ;
persistent dunning ; but there is a tide in the j
affairs of men which taken at the Hood leads (
on to glory ; so there is a time in the life of <
the publisher when a little cash seems to be •
necessary , in addition to gloiy. An urgent i
invitation is extended our delinquent sub1 1
scribers to call at once and settle up. In l
ather words we must have some money. E
The Publisher. (
The Time to Advertise. *
Advertising is never so much in order by
sagacious and merchants active as it is when
season has passed its first month. For in
stance , the stock of all winter goods , wheth-
jr in the hands of manufacturers or mer- '
mants , should be got lid of before the sea-
son has filled two-thirds of its length. To do ;
his in all the lines lor such goods needs far ,
ind liberal adveitisimr.
x ;
Substantial Confidence. |
C. H. Meeker has exhibited his substantial i
confidence in the city's future prospects , in i
ihe recent purchase of a tract of laud from
3. H. Bo3'Ie , comprising about seventeen
icies , lying noith of the city limits and east
f Egau Park. The consideration is § 2,003.
Found Homestead Papers. ]
Application and affidavit of Thomas S. \
Mize , for lots 1,2 , ti , 4 of section 31 , in townt
ship 2 , north of range 2G west. Owner can f
tave same by ailling at this office. i
Series "G" Now Open.
Series "C" of the McCook Building and
Savings Association is now open for sub
scriptions. Apply to E. E. Lowman , secres
ary. See advestisement In this issue.
Two good office rooms. Inquire of Frees r
& Hocluiell Lumber Co. ix
E. Lindner is entertaining lite fatlicr-in-iuw ,
Mr. L. Lowcnsteln.ofSt. Loul , this week.
Mr. J. U. Mcsorvo murkctrd a car-load of fat
cattlo in South Omaha. Wednesday.
Carl Clark arrived bomn , Tiiesdny. and will
spond a few days In tho bosom of his family.
V. Franklin and J. B. Jennings were among
tho business tourists to the scat of county af-
fulrs , Monday.
O. H. Grubb. 1.8. Sliircy and J. W. McCIung
represented the county-scat lu tho principal
city , Wednesday.
A. M. Kelley loft , Thursday night , for Wy
oming , whero wo understand , ho goes into
business with a brother.
J. M. Wilson and family arrived from Noma-
ha county , Saturday , and is now located on tho
Geo. W. Hoper placo south-east of tho city.
Judgo Cochran was down at tliostato capital ,
tho first of tho week , seeing with n judicial
oyo , tho state legislature go through its daily
Mr. J. D. Shahan , successor to Ludwick &
Trowbridge , arrived from York state , Sunday
night , and has assumed charge of bis business
affairs hero.
Mr. Baker of tho Waunota Breeze spent
Monday night in tho city on his way cast on a
visit of somo length. Ho loft on Tuesday
morning's flyer.
Mrs. L. Lowman doparted , yesterday morn
ing , for tho city of Lincoln , whore sho expects
to make a visit of four or flvo week's duration ,
tho guest of her sister , Mrs. S. Swab.
ThoS. Bissott has sold his property In West
McCook and expects shortlv to leave for South
Carolina , to live. A gentleman by the nnino of
Gorroll. wo understand , Is the purchaser.
ThoS. Glasscott , who has been spending a
few weeks back in Indiana , arrived homo on
Friday Inst , having of course enjoyed a most
pleasant vacation back In the old home count
Judson Babcock of Cambridgo spent a few
hours in the city , Friday evening , guest of his
brother C. F. , whilo on his way to Culbertson
on a short visit to his daughter , Mrs. Thos.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ilarris arrived. Tuesday
morning , from San Francisco , Cal. , and will
spend a few days in the city , visiting relatives
and friends. They expect to locate at Holy-
oke , Colo.
Mr. and Mrs. A. H. McGee of Oberlin who
have been detained in the city for tho past two
weeks on account of small pox In Oberlin.drovo
ever home , Monday. They were guests at tho
Harlow W. Koyes , county judge of Red Wil
low county , spent several days In the city , the
latter part of last week , on business' connect
ed with the Economy Store Co. failure. Hayes
Centre Times.
Ira Gordon , who has been visiting his broth
er , Smith Gordon , who resides a few miles
northeast of tho city , for tho past week , left
for his homo iu tho eastern part of tho state
on Saturday evening's passenger.
Dr. H. P. Fitch expects to put in his time on
his large farm in Frontier county , near Stock-
ville. thiB summer. Ho will do some evang
elistic and temperance work in the western
part of the state. Hastings Independent.
Mr. Coleman , of McCook , was in the city
Friday , and in company with J. H. Parks , call
ed at this office. Coleman Bros , will take
charge of the Holdrege Manufacturing Co. 's
wind mill business in McCook. Holdrege
Mr. Geo. Hocknell arrived home , yesterday
morning , from a brief sojourn among the
state's law makers at .Lincoln. He brings with
him the encouraging assurance that the shops
have been finally located at McCook , and that
work will commence in tho spring.
Engineers' and firemen's time books forsale
atTHE McCook Tribune office.
Train Master W. E. Dauchy was up from
Red Cloud a few hours , on business , Tuesday.
Train Master Harmon has bought the Bounot
quarter ( block north of Supt. Fhelan's resi
dence , for SI ,300.
Frank Farmer and Frank Cochrau left for
Edison , Neb. , Tuesday night , for a week's visit
to friends and relatives.
The pay car , that harbinger of joy to the
railroad man's heart , made its monthly tri
umphal entry into the city , Tuesday.
Conductor J. C. Jetmore and bride have
J gone to keeping house in the It. R. Woods
' dwelling north of the Arlington House.
The Spalding property on Tipper Madison
has been purchased by Conductor Birdsall.
We understand the deal was closed , this morn
A. Campbell , of McCook , superintendent of
the ' western division of the B. Si 31. trom Mc
Cook to Denver is in the city. ilonday's Lin
coln Call.
Dennis Cullen. who has been having a most
seriou3 time with his hand , now reports that
injured member improving in a rapid , satic-
factory manner.
Candidate for the House of Correction. <
The latter part of last week it was discover
ed that about S25 had been stolen from the U.
5. laud office. The matter was placed in the
hands of Policeman Dewey , who worked the
case up very satisfactorily , fastening tho guiit
Dn a youngster by the name of Mike Welch ,
who > has been performing the "broom act" iu
the office of late. Michael gave himself away
In the unusual lavishness of his toilet and by
liis mild'y ' riotous life during the limited sea
son of flusbness. He now reposes in the serene
quietude of the county hostile. An effort is or
trill be made to get him into the House of Cor- '
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i
The members of the dancing club are com- '
jleting their arrangements to close up the
lancing season .with a grand masquerade ball '
ind luncheon , on the evening of 3Iarch 1st. '
A costumer will be here from Kansas City J
with a fine assortment of rich costumes. 1
CiUncii will be served. Place not yet deterl
nined upon. Price per ticket , including '
luncheon , will be.00. . It is expected to make '
this among tho finest affairs of the kind ever !
beld in the city , and the management war- '
rants the expectation. 1i 1
The Ladles' Aid society or the 31. E. church t
ivill give a Washington birthday dinner the 22 <
Feb. , in the third building west of the Famous. 1
rhe dinner will consist of chicken pie , meats ,
jaked beans aud a variety of everything good
o eat. Time , from eleven till two. Lunch
ram six until eight in the evening. All are
nvited. 31ns. T. E. McCimckex , Pres.
Mus. S.iRAn E.Ludwick , Sec.
Real Estate Active. c
During the past week , there has been conl
ilderable activity in real estate circles , a num- .
> er of quite important deal3 havinpr been \
made in a quiet way. Although there is noth- t
IngJikeaboom In piorcss. theTinowingones
ire taking In ull the largalus that cau be
A majority of tho teachers of tho county
met at Indianola , Saturday morning of last
week , and spent thu day lu dkcusslng the
best methods of presenting various subjects
to tho youthful mind. The attendance was
good , Including not only teachers but many
others interested In education ; tho program
was long and instructive , and consisted of
papers , class-exercises.discusslonsand music ,
tho latter being furnished by tlw young ladles
and gentlemen of Indianola. Owing to the
absenco of Principal Heltman , his subject ,
"Who Is the Good Teacher in tho School
Boom , " was taken up informally and dis
cussed In a lively manner by both teachers
and patrons. For the benefit of thoso who
were unable to attend , Miss Condlt's permis
sion was asked and obtained to havo her pa
per on "Language in Primary Grades" pub
lished. The association was made a perma
nent organization and hereafter it will hold
its meetings quarterly , the noxt to occur at
Bartley in May. Following we give Miss
Condit's paper on
Possibly no branch In tho Primary schools
serves to cultlvato so many faculties of tho
youthful mind as Language Observation
may bo quiokoued , imagination cultivated ,
memory strengthened and attention aided.
Its importance is second to no other branch , as
likewisotho necessity for a proper beginning.
Each day's lesson should bo a stcpplng-stono
to something higher. Each step but a portion
of what ahull finally bea complete , full , round
ed structure. Tho most of the first year's
work must oral , likewise tho
beginning of tho socjnd. For several weeks
at the beginning of this year , I attempted
little further than to lead tho children "to
talk. " They described pictures and objects ;
imagined themselves to be in possession of a
certain amount of money , and told how they
would spond it ; they told me what tli03would
like to do when grown ; how they hnd spent an
hour or a duy and what they saw coming to
school. We also had somo very interesting
"guessing games" In which I thought of somo
object , and tho class by asking questions , the
answers to which would describe tho object ,
endeavored to dcterinino what it was. When
a class is tired or a change is needed to awak
en Interest , tho last named device may provo
quito successful. The first written work wo
did was tho copying of sentonccs from the
board. As the cluss described an object I
wrote tiic description aud tho children copied
it. 1 also asked questions and the class wrote
answers in complete sentences. Soon I ceas
ed to writo whole sentences , butslmply placed
the hard words before them and they wroto
out tho sentences. As they wero able to spell ,
I increased the written work and gave them
less nid : though in all my work I encourage
requests for the spelling of new and difficult
words. By tin's means incorrect spelling Is
prevented and the child learns to know when
hoJtnows how to spell a word and when he
does not. When a class has become so far ad
vanced us to be ablo to spell fairly well then n
variety ot means may be used to keep up the
interest and progress with the work. Pictures
are very useful In language work , not only
thoso in the readers , but others may be used to
advantoge. I have a set of Language cards , on
which are pictures , which have served as the
basis of several lessons. I also have quite a
stock of pictures which I have cut from papers
and magazines and pasted on card board , I
consider these a valuable assistance in mi-
work. By the use of pictures the powers of
observation may bo cultivated. I am often
times surprised at the accuracy with which a
picture is described , tho quantity written be
ing limited only by the allotted time. To cul
tivate tho imagination the class may bo per
mitted to imagine themselves asleep and
dream and then write tiie dream. Tho variety
of adventures described will doubtless be
as amusing and unreal as dreams usually aie.
Sometimes I suggest to my class that they
think themselves to be , for a short time , a
bird , a cat or a dog and tell me on their slates
how they look , what their names are , what
they do and think , etc. lhave just commenc
ed to introduce story writing. As with other
classes at this stage of their progress , I had
experienced considerable difficulty in leading
them to form connected sentences. I tried a
plan this year that has proven quite success
ful in overcoming this difficulty. This work I
introduced some time previous to my attempt
at story-writing. I placed npon tho board ten
words which would suggest a good sentence.
For example "mouse and trap. " After the
class had iormed a sentence using these two
words , I told them to begin a new sentence
and use the word cheese , letting this sentence
also be about the mouse , then I gave them an
other word or porhaps two to form a sentence ,
and so on constantly reminding them that I
wanted each sentence to be about the mouse.
In this way neat little stories were written.
The words I gave them helped them in their
choico of language and also served to increase
their vocabulary. I think it was in the second
lesson of this kind that I gave my II. class that
I wrote the words "cake" and "closet. " This
sentence being formed I wrote "piece , " when
this sentence was written I asked one little
girl to read me tho two sentences. She arose '
and read : "A boy went into the closet to get
some cake , but you may bo sure he did not get
a small piece. " 3Iueh langunge work may be
done incident ] } * in other work , permitting a '
class to write stories iu number work is a vol-
uable assistant. A spelling lesson given oc- -
casionally , consisting of a stanza of poetry , <
or a short paragraph to be copied and laarned I
and then written , serves a two-fold purpose ]
of ' a spelling and language lesson. I think
writing from dictation fchould occupy a more
important place than it usually does in our
Primary grades. This may properly be intro
duced in connection with Language work. By
this means children may receive a drill in ,
punctuation which will be ot great value to
them , beside this the ability to write rapidly
and accurately sentences dictated to them ,
may [ be a valuable assistance in more advanc- '
ed work. I give a lesson of this kind occas- '
ionallyand I can note advancement already.J J
I cap give whole sentences of considerable :
length and almost without an exception they <
will be written correctly. I also give letter <
writing some attention. This the children es
pecially enjoy if they are permitted to have a
P. O. and send and receive letters. Sometimes '
I place pictures of animals on the board , the
first day we describe them and then follow
as time'permits with their habits , use , etc. ,
generally ending with a story about the anii i
mal which may be reproduced , by the class , i
3Iuch valuable information may be given a |
child in regaid to plants , animals and various (
objects by making them the basis of Language
lessons. Occasional lessons are needed to ex
plain punctuation and capitalization , also
somo instruction m the use of possessive ? , use
of "is" and "arc" and the hyphen. There Is <
brielly au outline of the work my class has l
accomplished in the live months of this year , t
3Iany other devices suggest themselves by a i
little thought , the value of each being deter
mined by the object to be attained. To make
the development of the child symmetrical
having no hobbies , hut giving to each faculty .
to be educa'ed due attention , requires un- .
ceasing labor in Language a. well as in other
branche ? . 3
Dissolution Notice.
Notice is hereby given that the co-parlncr- ,
Bhip heretofore existing between John R.Cole. \
man. E. E . Coleman and George Coleman , un
der style or Coleman Bros. , has this day been "
dissolved by mutual consent , George Coleman "
retiring. Tie busincss-will be continued by
John It. Co'emuti and E. E. Coleman , who
will pay all debts and collect all accounts of [ |
the firm. Joiik ILColsmax ,
E. E. Cm.ehan , <
Geougi : Coleman. i
McCook , Neb. , Jun. I , ISiJ. I
il * > ij . .IWt / ii * * f ii jgi . nl. _ < ' _ C , * > f . _ > nn i j > m < iM < ix' > < it * " , j 'ni < * • " * * _ _ _ |
* * f89 _ _ _ _
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Cc 3 _ H
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AT .Ja
- -
The Tribune Offioe , If
feMii3sf JM 18
lS -l 5fcSCTB ! _ SP 31
At Publisher's Prices. • j j
Our New Plan. j M
We , the physicians of McCook , have been M
forced to adopt a new i-lax with regard to \ %
our collections for the following reasons : g
1. We have found it Impossible to collect 1
more than a small portion of our accounts.
2. Wo have repeatedly found that our bills 1
havo been "left until thu last , " and wo havo f ,
thus frequently been compelled to borrow |
money from the banks to pay our running * |
expenses. - fj
51. This lias been carried to such and ex- rj
tent that we anforced to stop practice un- J _
IchS our pations appreciate our serviceIn a * §
more substantial manner. For the for oin j I *
reasons be it hereby | * S
liKSoLVJ'i ) , That heieafter wo will do I J |
strictly a crush practice , and whenever any- | ' 9
one of our patrons becomes delinquent , he jf 'i
shall be notified , and unless satisfactory set- j ?
tleinent bo made within thirty days thereat i
ter , he shall be put upon the delinquent list. 5 * *
Kisoi.vkd , That all accounts now 011 our
books shall become delinquent , on Feb. 20 ,
18S1) ) , unless satisfactorily settled before that
date. . .
JIksolvi'd , That wo mutually pledge our'j 'j '
selves to refuse to answerall calls , from those
found on the delinquent list. .
L. J. Si'ici'i'i.Mii'i : . ; jj
T. J5. Stutzman.
Z. L. Kay. j §
A. E. Ham , . m !
Axi > . J. Wu.lizv.
15.11. Davis.
A Metropolitan Experience.
IStrntton News. ]
A few da } s hinco a number of Stratton'sciti
zens were down to McCook on business , aud
as we have it , started to playing curds to while
away a few hours , everything was going on
smoothly and serenely as a heavy loaded sleigh
crossing a bare , bridge , when suddenly ' and
without warnlngone of the players was caught
in the act of handing a card to his partner In
tho game , then the fun commenced. A by
stander made a remark about it which was in
stantly taken up by tho party caught aud a
few very pleasant and fluttering compliments
were passed when one of them suddenly re-
memberiug that he hail 1111 old rusty revolver *
in his pocket which ho had brought down for
a friend to try nnd purchase some cartridges
for it as there wero to 110110 be had hero of tho
right calibre , and ho thought he would havo
somo fun , so he said pulling the revolver with
a big nourish , "d you. 1 would as soon shoot
you as not , " or something to that eifect. Tho , '
consequence wits a la-v suit. In which tho
plaintiif came out S23.00 poorer , and yet the
defendent ' acknowledged to having drawn tho
weapon and showed the same In court and tho
court ' decided that it was harmless and tho
prisoner allowed to depart. Of course tho
whole thing was a farce from beginning to
end ' , but children should never be allowed to f
handle dangero-js weapons unless they nro \
loaded and loaded for bar.
McCookJloller Mill.
The McCook Holler Mill is now in full op-
peration and is turning out a brand of Hour
declared by competent judges to be equal to
the output of any mill in the state , not ex
cepting ' the older milling establishments ,
whose reputation is more than state-wide.
Mr. Jones , the miller , is an experienced and
expeit ' miller. lie came highly lccouimend-
ed i to Messrs. Thompson k Co. , tiie proprie
tors , and lie is exhibiting the ability claimed
in a very satisfactory manner. The machin
ery , , too , being of the latest and most approv
ed { patterns , is another potent factor in the
excellence of the Hour being prepai _ d for the
market. In conclusion we wish to advise
our ' people to encourage this enterprise by
using McCook Jiollcr Mill Flour ! The mill
should ' receive a staunch and steady home
support. Advertise McCook Koller Mill
RedWillovj Co. Live Stock Association.
A special meeting of the directors of the
Jieil Willow Co. Live Stock Association is
called to meet at the oflice of the First Na
tional ' Bank , Monday evening , 8o'clock , Feb.
IStii , 1S59 , for the purpose of electing a"presi-
dent and vice-president to fill vacancy and
transact such other business as may be legal
ly performed at said meeting.
J. \ \ \ ioi.\ : < , Stc'y-
The Work of an Artist.
Mr. Miller , the artist , among whose handi
work is the .sign on the front window of the
new FirstXational bank building , that has at
tracted so much attention and favorable com
ment during the past few days , understands
the art of sign writing to perfection , no doubt.
lie is also an expert paper hanger and decor
ator , aiul contemplates starting a shop iu our
city in tne near future , of which more in an
other issue
WAJiS n uTl l-WieMfarnT
about live miles north of McCook. Friday
night , February bth , lbsU.Mr. Frank Ward.
The burial occurred at Box Elder , Sunday ,
the sen ices being conducted by Ilev. Ilutch-
ins of Box Elder and Elder Jieiry of Mc
Cook. The deceased leaves a wife and three
children to mourn his death.
Getting Better.
Hastings , Feb 7. [ Special to The C-sibJ
Congressman Laird is without doubt 0:1 tim
road to recover } * . He is now allowed at in
tervals to consider questions concerning busi
ness affairs for a shoit space of time.
WANTED 250 Head of Cattle
and horses to pasture Ij0 acres best pas
ture in the county , S miles east of McCodk.
Will be responsible for loss. Have lived 14
years on same ranch and am here to stay.
AuiEirr W. Cokey.
Musical Entertainment.
Some of the best musical talent of the city
are rehearsing fur a concert to be given at
theM.E. church , with C. P. Itinker as di
rector , on Wednedav eyenimr " , February
27th. .
Senator Lindsay. , %
Lincoln Journal.j * , § #
Senator Lindsay is one of the ablest lawyers J l §
of tlieseiiute. His statements are always clear i
and his opinion 011 the bills before thu senate x
has great weight.
' t
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