The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 15, 1889, Image 4

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11 . .
II' j
fe By F. M. KIMMELL ,
Official City and County Paperv
How verbose the average democratic
editor grows over this sumptuary lcgis-
* lation nonsense.
Oa , the subtle sophistry of the anti-
I prohibitionist's position on the economic
bearing of the proposed amendment.
'On the temperance question the
couutry press best mirrors the senti
ment of tho people of Nebraska. The
country press reflects their best and
truestsentiments in most other respects.
However well Representative Meek-
I or may do his duty by his constituents
I in other respects , in voting against the
I submission question it said
I that ho represented even a respectable
I minority of the voters of Dundy , Hitch-
P cock , Chase and Hayes counties.
Bbeidenx Olevel and , JMouday , ap
proved tho bill creating the department
of agriculture , and within a few min
utes after signing tho bill filled the new
office by tho appointment of Norman J.
a Coleman. Presidept Cleveland isn't a
spoilsman , of course , . but'he believes in
giving democrats a chance tc draw from
the .treasury every cent that it is possi
ble" for them to draw. *
- - • • Nebraska enjoys the distinction
with Kansas and Illinois of being one of
the three great broom corn states in
America. Among them , it is said , , that
they virtually enjoy a monopoly of sup
plying all the broom corn needed for
manufacturing purposes , being favored
by peculiar climatic conditions. This
is , of course , most gratifying to our in
dustries. But the question arises , if
this be so , why is it that the making of
' brooms has not become one of the
great manufacturing enterprises .of the
state ? With the natural .advantages
which Nebraska possesses in Taising
broom corn , the state should , be able to
supply a great part of the country hot
alone with the raw material , but with
the manufactured broom.
The seven dynamite guns for which
the secretary of war has just awarded
the cdntract , are all to be completed ,
delivered and mounted ready for ser
vice within eight months. This is
chiefly to promote the interest of the
5 contractors. They have their defects.
Their range is limited to a mile or a
mile and a half. They cannot be used
for horizontal shell firing , oven at that
range , but must be elevated and trusted
to drop , their projectiles- , the right
distance. Their shells are a long time ,
in the air compared with those of regu
lar guns , and cannot get the penetra-
s\ \ tion whi , 3h enables them to do their best
work. . Nevertheless , as the . New York ;
Times observes , the knowledge that be
fore the close of the present year Sandy
Hook , Port Schuyler and Fort Warren
will each have two fifteen-inch tubes ,
and Sandy Hook in addition an eight- .
inch tube , is enough to justify the ex- \
penditure of the four hundred thousand
dollars authorized by congress. :
Springtime approaches and every Tvarm ,
Bunny day makes the farmer think o hauling
- his "plow from its winter quarters and prepar
ing for the crops of tho summer and fall.
_ - Bussew B. Harrison , the general's son ,
proposes to remain in Montana , and may fig
ure as a candidate for senator when that terri-
tory is admitted. He is president of the Hele-
| . na Journal publishing company , and.the other
tv day bought out the plant , good will , etc. , of
r the Daily Record , at an expenditure of $9,000. '
f - P. L. Brown , of McCoolc , was in Hastings , <
* • Wednesday. Until recently Mr. Brown has
been cashier of the First National bank of that
' ' city , but owing to the confined labors had to
' give up the position. Although not active in
• ' the Tmnk he remains interested therein and
; : will reside in McCook. Hastings Democrat. i
Representative Meeker and W. C. Ash-
! will , of the Stratton Herald , lookso much : s
alike that they miglit claim to be brothers and i
nobody wouM doubt it. In this connection h
the sad duty remains to announce that they y
do not speak as they pass by , although a tear r <
bedimstheeye. Waltilason. All of which , u
Mr. Mason , is perhaps most creditable to Mrt <
Meeker. e
. d
NEVADAhasfounditselfindesperatestraits. b
Dowhat she will , her population is" gradually
dwindling away. What itwill be within ayear ,
when the national census man comes around
Is viewed with no little alarm in that state.
t ? The legislature of Nevada , however , proposes
? ' to ask California to .cede three or Sour coun- . .
; ties in order to prevent its decline. Tho prop- _
* - " ositionis certainly unique. But generous as .
; - she is California is too jealous of her patri- , .
> mony to yield a single foot. In view , how- .
| . ever , of the desperation of the case and the
j-t close relationship of the two states , California
i. may be induced to lend Nevada a strip of her .
* - _ . ; eastern territory long enough to allow the .
\ - next census to give Nevada a population of a
corporal's guard.
. Itch , Mango and Scratches on human or an >
> - mals cured iu DO minutes by Woolford's Sani-
kt tary Lotion. This never fails. Sold by CM.
f Smith & Sons , Druggists , McCook.
Pv The Meekers.
Lincoln Journal. ]
gr - [ a ]
&J \ Representative CW. . Meeker took tea with
* r. Mr. C. W. Meeker of Kansas , Thursday even-
fl ing , with the sister of the latter gentleman , * (
I- * - Mrs. M. Shelton on O. Street. These two gen-
| w tlemen .have been opening each others letters n
m ' ' eo frequently of lato that they have almost be-
egt" 0 come confused as to which , one lives in No-
% - , ' . - braska and which in Kansas. By getting toP1
? - ' _ . - . , . gether and talking the matter over they took
their bearings anew. . . . ig
; . ' . al
Mr. Laird's Condition. pi
t [ Hastings Democrat. ! .
I L - The latest report regarding Congressman df
Laird's health is to tho effect that he is not Io
so well as when moved from Omaha to Hasta
' . irigfc , if anyone knows' just how that is. His p
• * i physician is hopeful , however , that he will
" ! recover and bo able to resume his seat in the t0
\Y t ' Jifty-First congress. . * J
; . ' . ; ' Twenty-Fifth Anniversary. pl
' of next .week tho -
ig $ ' on Tuesday evening
P - ' Knights of Pythfas will celebrate tho'twenty-
JK - r .fifth anniversary of the founding ofthat no- ;
' " ceremony. Be-
: appropriate
M' with
- We order ,
- q
f there trill be speeches , toasts , readings ,
sides H
I- ; good time all
; - • music , a ,
W. grpunrf , i
' * '
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A good blacksmith can " make mbn ' 6yatB6x *
Eldor. . r
A' ' ' • . / ! . , - J - , . • * ' ' •
. ' • 'A'gentlo rain Is falling which will flt.thV
ground for spring work. ' { .
Tho funeral of Mr. Frank Ward took place
at Box Elder , ou Sunday last.
Revival meetings aro In progress at tho
church with a good degreo of success.
MIsb Jennie Bonner has been quito elck , but
wo learn Is some better at this writing. ,
Mrs. H. E. Creasman , who lay at tho point of
death , last week , wo understand Is recovering.
P. Browor has been laid up with a lame
back for some tlmo , but Is improvingslowly.
A child of Mr. Vaughn's is very sick with
membraneous croup , and hopes of Its recovery
are very weak.
Mr , Ira Kimball has bought tho Burtfarm
near Box Elder , and will become a permanent
rcsldentof our community.
Tho Oxford League will meet at 0 o'clock on
Tuesday evening next , instead of 7. A very
interesting program is announced.
Our sick , friends , Mrs. Mary Pollock , who
has been quito sick , is much better , also Mrs.
Davis Pollock was improving at last account !
Rev. Berry , of .McCook . , preached a very in
teresting sermon , on Sunday evening , at the
close of which eight or nine persons rose for
On Friday evening quite a numbor of young
peoplo gathered at the homo of E. F. Piper to
celebrate his birthday. Tho evening was spent
with various exercises , in which tally and pop
corn figured quito largely.
box elder cnuRcn directory.
Preaching tho first and third Sundays of each
month. Pruyer meeting and teachers' meeting
on Thursday evening of eacli week. Oxford
League , meeting on Tuesday evening of each
week. Sunday School every Sunday at 10 A.
M. Rev. E. L. Hutchins , Pastor.
N. J. Chrysler , Supt. • Buevis. ,
Prof. Smith attended tho Teacher's Institute ,
atlndlanoia , yesterday. .
Selby & Co. , have just received a large stock'
of fine glass and queenswnre.
A students' social ' will bo held in College
Hall , next Thursday evening.
Mr. Roberts , manager of the Merchantilo Co. ,
is very sick with rheumatism.
" The Bartley Shoo factory is in full blast , with
B. F. Bromer as general manager.
The employes of tho Bartley Stovo factory
aro kept busy making trash burners.
Tho Bartley Merchantile Co. are closing out
their largo stock of general merchahdiso at .
cost. • : •
Surveyor Mlnkler of McCook , is hero tOrday
making afinal estimate of the work dpne.on
the canal.
Will S. King of the Trenton Torpedo , came
down last Saturday , to see how the students
were cetting along. He takes great interest in
3omo of the students , especially one them.
A select party of young ; folks went out to the
residence of Mr. Bowright , on Tuesday oven- ' - ,
Ing , and were entertained in an elegant man- ,
ber , by Mr. and Mrs * B. , music , songs , tripping i
the light fantastic and a splendid super con- ]
tributed to make an evening of pleasure. . •
The Hermesian society of.Bartley , mefcwith ]
the Literary society of Indianola , at the latter i
place last night , - in joint discussion , on tho '
juestion , "Resolved that the President pf the ,
[ Juited States should be elected by the popular i
rote of the people. " The Indianola Literary j
rained tho victory. * j
Messrs. O. Frost , C. L. Knowles , C. W. Hodg- -
tin and Jennings , went down the valley as far f
fted Cloud , to collect information in regard to
lamningthe Republican. They came back i
ell stocked with plans and specifications , '
some of which will immediately bo put to use (
in turning'the ' river into the Bartley Canal.
Bartlev , Feb. 11,1SS9. Max.
Elijah Tegarden is down with lung fever.
H. H. Benjamin and family are visiting at
Miss J. L. Gates is pushing the Banksville J
ichool in splendid shape. c
Gold & Gates seems to bo much thought of
> y the Banksville people. c
W. E. Wyman is putting down a well for Mr. I
Jleason of sections 7 and 8. J
A. D. Ashley is putting down a well on his a
: laim in section SS , - and G. C. Pike is tho well
George Lincoln was preparing ground theOth
or sowing wheat ; a good showing for Nebras-
: a for the season.
Mr. Editor : The submission question c
eems to be thq uppermost theme at present , k
'ho ' Gazette claims that our representative *
as gone back on his pledge. But the people
rho elected J. A. Wilcox to tho position of
jpresentativo considered that they were elect-
lg a man. to that place with sufficient calibre
) know and do his duty ; and ho has perform-
1 his part well. The question of submission t (
Des not make Nebraska a prohibition state t (
v along way. When a much smaller portion d
C the people than a majority asks for submis-
on of any is the duty of tho state c
allow the submission , which is all that J. A. 1 !
rilcox has done. Now if the people want w
rohibitien let them come forward with oufii-
ent force to establish such a state of. affairs J :
hen the voting time comes for them to act.A
n honest man that represents his people , let sl
m . be of what politics or interest , in our style u
'managinggovernmental affairs , would have P'
itedfor the questiou of submission ; and p 1
hen the time of voting comes to the people , cl
ie same , party , could consistently vote for 0 (
igh license. Observer. _
Almost summer. jjj
Business reviving.
James Speer has nearly recovered. SI
T. S. Ferris has purchased tho Gambill farm.
Glad to meet David Bopmyer on the streets
? aln. . • • • cc
Grandma Williams has returned to her old j0
> wa home. - G' '
1 ' • " '
• !
- • w
R. M. Wllliam3 is negotiating for the entire ot
inch of Wm. Jinks. J
, th
Quito a little improvement is in progress at sh
resenf. Glad to seo it. tD
Ought not the Driftwood bridge on section su
bo finished ? It has stood unfinishedfor -
> out fifteen months. Surely tho county and
lblic cannot stand this.
Friends of neighbor Dutchor , spent a few
lys in our midst and they departed for their ns
wn homo , saying that Vnilton made as fine a
showing for a good farming section as any lo
ace west tho "Father of Waters. " on
MARRiED-On thoSnd Inst.Mr. G. A. Baldwin H-
Miss-Ella * Clements or this place. Air. Baldjjj
In is a son of Gale Baldwin , tho extensivo hii
Dck dealer on tho Republican river. May tl
taco and happiness attend tho voyage of our Mj
mag friends. Ralph. de
Residence for Sale. [ hi
A 4-room house , 2 lots and barn , 2 blocks tu
ijthcasfc of Court House , in Indianola. to
ice , § 500. - su
ATIY" . COREY , , LockJBox4QO , JKcCook ,
? ' ' • t. ' t
-i " '
- * s" %
' ' "
% • > >
- . v .f r- °
W. TJ'Slpiip :1s talking of taking a trip over
Into Frontier county soon.
* "
"Two of Will Cooper's brotbersjf rom tho east
have been visiting him the past week.
Goorgo Schwerdt and son left for their old
homo in North Platto , last Wednesday , to bo
gone a week or ten days.
Tho lyceum at tho Boatman school house ,
last Tuesday evening , was well attended , in
factthcro was about 20x30 fqct of people in a
house about 10x10. %
Tboy seem to be doing a rushing business at
tho now grist mill in McCook. Wo scoured ono
of the first , if not the first , sacks ot Hour , and it
goes without saying that it was No.l.
Wo noticed Frank Babbit anxiously pacing
tho depot platform , last Wednesday , waiting
for No. 1. When it enmo bringing his wife
from her long visit to tho east , Frank's faco
brightened verv percopttbly. v
Wo have justreceived tho ead.nows that Mrs.
Georgo Roper , wife of our county clorky died
a tthelr homo In Indianola , last evoning , the
12th Inst. Mr. and Mrs. Roper aro well and
favorably known on tho South Side , and wo ox-
tend to friend Georgo tnoheart-felt sympathy
words aro inadequate to express. Uxo.
5,000.00 !
We have $5,000.00 to place on
good farms during the next 20. days.
No delay if security is , approved.
Hocknell Brick Upstairs.
A good girl. Inquire of Geo. E.
Johnston at the
For Sale or Rent.
Good farm 4 miles N. E. of McCook ;
90 acres under cultivation ; good house ,
outbuildings , water , and 55' 'acres : iri
pasture. C. \Rowel'i
' TMcCook Neb.
* . • , , - .
Farmers !
, Avoid. the spring rush and get your
plow repaired in time at PredmbreBros. .
A.Farm or City Loan , go to -
E. h. Brown.
We hang all window shades free of
McCook Book & Stationery Co.
. Go to the Huddleston Lumber- .
for the latest winter styles in HARD
and Soft Coal.
flotice of Meeting of the Council of
City of McCook to Make Special As
sessments for Improvements.
Notice is hereby given that on tho 25th day
jf February , 18S9 , at 7 o'clock in tho evening ,
there ' will be a special meeting of tho Council
) f the city of McCookRed Willow county , Ne
braska , to be had and holden in tho council
: hamber of said city at the office of \ % M. An-
lerson , city clerk , to levy a special tax on the
ots.and parcels of land fronting on the high- ,
ivay known and designated on the plat of said
jity as Main Avenue , and between Dodge and
Dearborn streets on said Main A\enue ; and
; o provide for said levy , the council will make
in assessment at such special meeting , by a
resolution fixing the valuation ofsuch , lot as-
jessed , taking into account tho . benefits deriv
ed , or injuries sustained in consequenceof
such improvement , and the amounts charged
igainst the same , for grading arid permanent-
y improving the said Main .Avenue from and
ncluding tho intersection of Dodge street on
he south and including intersection of Dear-
jorn street north , being tho highway as afore-
aid on ! Main Avenue in said city ' of McCook.
AU.persons owning or occupying lots or
larcelsof land adjoining or abutting on .Main
ivenue as aforesaid , are uerebvnotifled of the
ime. place and object of the special meeting
> f the Council of said city of McCook * .
Dated January 25th , 16S9.W.M.ANDERSON
[ seal. ] - City Clerk.
Chattel Mortgage Safe.
Notice is hereby given that by virtue , of a
battel mortgage , dated February 6th , 1888 ,
xecuted by Eugene Dunham to H T. Ander-
6u , deceased , to secure the payment of a
ertain promissory note , dated February 6th.
688 , for the .sum vf § 80.00 , with interest at the
ate of-10 percent , per annum frommaturity : ,
ue and payable on August 11th , 1888 , and up-
n which note there is now due the sum of
70.C0 , with interest from maturity at the rate
f10 per cent , per annum ; and default having
ieen made in the payment thureof , and no
irbceedings at law having been instituted to ,
ecoversaid money , 1 will sell at public auc- -
ion , the following described goods , chattels ,
nd property , to-wit :
1 Spotted , cow , white and red , 8 yenrs old.
1 Red cow , white belly ; 9 years old.
1 Red and white cow , 4 years old.
1 Red cow , * in forehead , i years old.
2 Roan heiferSfl year old.
1 Morrison stirring plow.
1 Grand DeTuro cultivator.
1 Morris breaker.
Said sale to take place on Main street , in the
ity of McCook , Red Willow couuty , Nebras-
a , on Saturday , March 2d , 18S9. at 1 o'clock ,
. M. W. O. RusSELL.Sheriff
(37) Of Red Willow County , Nebraska.
Land Ofeioe at McCook , Neb. , 1
January 22nd , 18S9. f
Notice is hereby given that the-followlng-
amed settler has filed noticejof ber intention
> make final proof in support of her claim ,
ad that said proof will be made before Regis-
> r and Receiver a&3IcCook , Neb. , on Satur-
jy , March 9th..1889. viz :
idow of Elias H. Conrad , deceased , H. "E. No.
fttOfor the N.l N. W. X Sec. 25 , Town , i , N. of
ange 30 W. C P. M. She names tho following
itnesses to prove her continuous residence
pon and cultivation of , said land , viz : Robert
oore , Charles M. Collins. Nettie O. Collins ,
imes R. Barner , all of McCook , .Nebraska ,
ny person who desires to protest against the
lowance of suchproof. or who.knows of any
ibstantial reason , under the law and the reg-
lations of tho Interior Department , why such ?
roof should not be allowed , will be given an
jportunity at the above-mentioned time and
lace to cross-examine the witnesses of said
aimaut. and to offer evidence iu rebuttal of
'that submitted by claimant.
35 S. P. HART. Register.
Land Office at McCook , Neb. , {
January 22nd , 1SS9. f
Notice is hereby given that the following-
lined settler has filed notice of his intention
make final pre-emption commutation proof
support bC his claim , and that said proof "I
ill be made before Register or Receiver at I
cCook , Heb. , on Monday.March 11th , 1889 , viz ; I
iio made P. E. D. S. No. 5,693 for the W. y2
N. W. J and W. y. of S. W. X Section 32 ,
> wn. 3 , North of Range 30 , W. of 6th P. M.
9 names tho following witnesses to prove his
mtinuous residence upon , and cultivation |
, said land , viz : William Baldwin , AT.Row1
5 % Arden Harlan , all of Culbertson , Neb. , and I
2orge Loser , of McCook , Neb. Any person I
Iio desires to. . protest 'airainst tho allowance I
such proof , or who.knows . of any substantial *
ason , under tho law and the regulations of
e Interior Department , whs such proof
ould not be allowed , will be given an oppor-
nity at the above-mentioned time and place
cross-examine the witnesses of said claim-
it. and to offer evidence in rebuttal of that
bmitted by claimant. S. P. HART ,
35 Register.
0 ,
Land Office at McCook , Neb. , I
February 6th , 18S9. ( !
Notice is hereby given that the following- _
med settler has filed notice of his intention f
make final proof in support of his claim ,
d that said proof will bo made before Har-
, r W. Keyes. countyjudgeatludhinola , Neb. ,
Wednesday , April 3d,18S9. viz :
D. No. 383 for the N. W. H of Section 33.
wnship 2 , North of Range 28 , West 6th P. M.
j names the following witnesses to prove
f continuous residence upon , and cultlva-
m of. said landviz : Jacob O. Foutz. Fran-
; W. Weaver , John W. Tolman , and William
Her , all of Danbury , Neb. Any person who
sires to protest against tho allowance of n
ch proof , or who knows or nny substantial II
ison , under the law and tho regulations of
3 Interior Department , why such proof
DUld not bo allowed , will be given an oppor
dity at tho ubove-montioned timoana placo
bfoss-examlno the witnesses of stud , claim- •
t. ana to offer evidence in rebuttal of that
bmitted by claimant , S , P. HART ,
37 Register.
v - - . ; • . \
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. .This picture shows two laundresses , one at'work the other not able to ,
because her hands are cracked and sore she has been using soap-containing
too much alkali.Read Prof. Leeds's report. . , ' . . . .
• •
Gentlemen : The sample of " Iv.ORY " Soap which you sent to
mc for analysis has been received , and you will find , analysis-herewith.
As a result , the "Ivory" Soap while strongly cleansing , leaves the
skin soft and pleasant to the touch instead of harsh , uncomfortable ,
and liable to chap , as results from the use of many common laundry
soaps , in whicli the ratio of uncqmbined to' combined * alkali is large.
The percentage of uncombined fat in the "Ivory" is very small ,
hence the lather is clean , white and" abundant , with entire absence
of oil or grease. There are no injurious substances. .
The above considerations show the "Ivory" to ' be ' a pure soap
and excellent for laundry use. * jf " \ • ' • ; ' ; • : . : \s t.
Very Respectfully Yours , <
Laboratory of Chemistry , ; ' ALBERT R. LEEDS , Tii.D. : :
. . . ' . ' " , ' . . : ; V -1- ;
There are many white soaps , each represented to be ' 'just ' as good asthohory'V. / . " ;
they ARE NOT , but like all counterfeits , lack the peculiar and remarkable qualities of
the genuine. Ask for "Ivory" Soap and'insist upon getting it.
Copyright 1SSG , by Procter & Gamble.
S. W. Nebraska , and at lowest living prices. .
Fine Cutlery a Specialty.
is now open , in wliicli a limited num
ber of shares will he sold at 50 cents
per sliare membership fee , and $1.00
dues , to be paid on or before February
20th , 1889. Call on or address ,
[ he Old First National Bank Building.
I have to say to my customers that
If Cotatioi i Fi Fates
For gentlemen's wear , is now complete , and it will
give me pleasure to have you see my stock.
fdFirst National Bank Bui/ding , McCook. MERCHANT TAILOR'
/lakes / First Mortgage Loans on Farm Property :
. ' , . . ' , VicePresident. "
A. 'CAMPBELL President. B. 'M : FREES1st
GEO , HOCKNELL , Secretary. S. L. GREEN , 2d Vice Presipcnt. . * ]
F. L. BROWN , Treasurer. • • •
IJ ti ii ' -i ' n - Ti-"t-Ti iY"-IL"Ta' " * ° " ' ' * f ' " " " " -i ° i uaaat s { t ) j MCTm > ri ! " ' * - J * * • - - - -
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. an lrm ' • ; |
i OPrORTONITY ) \ jl
J '
BELDOil - ' ' i
• W ° continue for a short time j
. m7i7 mni
Remember 20 per cent , discount j ]
; on all Winter Goods. Wedon't il
I . intend to carry ovel * any of these il
\ golodsif LOW PRICES Lwlll sell , il
them. We shall have ready in a jl
j few weeks , a Larger , Finer , and } ]
if line (1 (
this will possible a more complete
of Spring Goods than we have jl
ever shown before. We intend ] 1
complete to maintain the reputation we J
w , have , as the Leading * Clothiers , 1
i- ; j Hatters and * Gents'w JRurnishers ji
eveuy , 1 i ihJsSOuthwestern Nebraskai , v ; , J
DEIJAfeCJIENT r : * ; • • ' , " * , : . ' - ' • r , i' ' • ' v rf ' M
LOOK " ! |
VOIt - Vim rl
t mi M
F-jiTETER 11 Q jt \ . ' H " M nMm I
- ; ; : ! . \ • - | ; . { [ | ; -
JONAS ENGEL , Manager. M
? * ' ' • AT i' " - % 1 'M
Owing to the extreme mildness of the I
season , I have on hand an extraordinarim
ly large stock of iidnter goods , and as I/ : , I
am about to receive large consignments fl
of NEW SPRING GOODS , more space is il
absolutely required. I have therefore • I
determined to sell at the lowest possible /il /
rate ever known in the annals of the boot • fl
and shoe ti-ade , BEGINNING JAN. 26th. ; M
Che OiiD-Reliable , . McCook , Nebraska , mm