The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 08, 1889, Image 8

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B . i i •
B O O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 = 0 0 0 0 0 0 * 0 0 0 0 0
m I have purchased an interest in a business that will
M necessitate iny leaving * MeCook ahout July 1st , therefore
I Boots Shoes Hats
, , ,
H - * < - 0. O 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
H What's to he clone to quicken tills sale ?
H Allow the vital fluid to run untirthere is nothing left but
H - a shadow , of a price. . This will be a sale of Merchandise
H : ' pre-eminently on a more magnificent scale than anything
H ever attempted in MeCook.
H Losses are not eyer thought of. Remember the SALE is
I -open and. " The early bird beats two pair. " We mean
H .business , as life is too short for attempts or pretenses that
B " " . - "end in nothing. ' .
I ' ' C. H. ROGERS
- i& . . ,
H The Pioneer Merchant.
. ,
- '
1 * - I T
I • J. A. YanShoik ,
I Sisger Sewing Machines
I > : -Repairs and Supplies.
I Office , in McMillen's Drug Store , - - - MeCook , Nebraska.
I Authorized Capital , $106,000. - Paid.up Capital , $50,000.
. . .
. . . . . . .
IE rlSjoS a nlMiil LUIIllloi 111.
: : = DEALERS IN =
W/ Sash , Dooi"s ; Blinds , Lime , Cement ,
I iubscribe for THE TRIBUNEi5oayeab ' -
f. * *
i HtR" ; . ' , . • a
n • - •
Morristo vn , Tenntm July 4 , i838.
The S vift Specific Co. , Atlanta , Ga. :
Gentlemen Five years ago I was so un
fortunate cs to contract an extremely bad
case.of blood poison. My bones ached and
my muscles began to swell and contract. I
was under treatment of the physician from
the inception of the disease until I found
that' ' he could do me no good. Then ,
through the advice of a friend I began tak
ing S. S. S. Your medicine seemed to have
an immediate effect. I took six bottles , and
to-day am sound and well. That was two or
three years ago , but I have seen no evidence
of the return of the disease , and I take this
opportunity to thank you for what it has done
for me. It saved my life. You can refer
any one to me. R. M. Wall.
Farmersville , Tex. , June 22 , i8S3.
The Swift Specific Co. , Atlanta , Ga. :
• Gentlemen Thmother of a member
of our firm was afflicted with a cancerou3
sore on her face for about twenty years.
During the past few years it troubled her
very much by continued pain and itching.
She used your S. S. S. , and the sore has
disappeared and is apparently well. Should
it break out again , will advise you. •
Very truly ,
Pendleton , Yearly & Riley ,
Three books mailed free on application ,
Drawer 3. Atlanta. Ga ,
Hyde Topics : The Lincoln Land company is
making : arrangements to obtain , the entire
control of the town site of Hyde , and has
promised in that event to put several thou
sand dollar's worth of improvements in the
town during the coming months. It is also
probable that other parties with capital will
become interested here , negotiations for the
quarter on the east of the town now being
perfected by Denver capitalists. An addition
is now being platted on the west. A big boom
may bo looked for in this direction before
many weeks.
This remedy is bGComingso well known and
so popularas to need no special mention. All
who havu used Electric Bitters sing the same
song of paaise. A purer medicine does not
exist and it is guaranteed to do all that is
claimed. Electric Bitters will cure all diseases
of the Liver nnd Kidneys , will remove f imples ,
Boils , Salt Rheum nnd other ejections caused
by impure blood. Will drive Malaria from the
system and preveutas well as cure all Malarial
fevers. For cure of Headache , Constipation
and Indigestion try Electric Bitters Entire
satisfaction guaranteed , or money refunded.
Price 50 cts. and $1.00 per bottle , at A. McMil
len's drug store.
Bed Willow Co. Times : Bed Willow county
had a display of forty-three varieties of corn
at the recent corn show at Lincoln..Stephen
Lyons was brought before Judge Shirey on a
charge of stealing a plow and was fined § 20
and costs. . .A now dance called tho "chow
chow" has become quite popular in the cast.
a portion of it consists , of a waltz in which you
can hug four ladies in rotation. The boys
want to know why it dou't come out west. . . . . .
Representative Wilcox has presented a bill in
the house to establish a normal scheol at Me
Cook. County Commissioner Boles was in
town.Triday Wo regret to learn that Mrs.
Bradbury , of Lebanon , is very ill.
• -
Th cro Is no di'iigcr in giving Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy to children , ae it contains no
injurious substance ; besides it is unnqunllcd
for colds and croup. Children liko it. For
sale by nil druggists ,
.J I'll1 ' ' ' ' .J iJxzsttAasam-mr JvJlLZLlJL.m * "mj
. . . . . . . . . . .
, HMmiamm n ,
Calhoun on Prohibition.
[ Omaha Kcrald.l
I4 > ; dni < N.NEB.lFeb' .2,188)-Iu ) your issue o
yesterday you soy : "No need to ask tho dbm-
ocrats. They will bo a unit against prohlhl-
tlon. " Onthlslbegjcaveto sayaword. Tou
aro misinformed as to tbo sentiments of tho
democrats of this state. Many thousands of
them will vote for prohibition. And they
would still liko to remain democrats : For this
reason I wish now , In ample time , to protest
ngninst any attempt by party organs , leaders
" or conventions to commit the democracy of
1 Nebraska against prohibition. This question
is oxtrancous to politics , except as regards
those few people who have been vainly trying
to found and build a party upon it. Their
non-success is conclusive eyidenco that tho
question is one of morals and not politics
essentially considered.
To commit tho party to a defined policy
against prohibition 1b both bad morals and
I politics. Tho experlenco of the democracy of
Iowa and Kansas needs but be glanced at to
mako assurance on this point doubly and for
ever suro. In those states the adoption of
prohibition by tho republicans nnd tho oppo
sition to it of the democrats did cause 'soino
temporary perturbation in tho ranks of both
parties , and for awhile the transfers from one
to the other were quits marked , with an ap
parent advantage to tho democrats. But when
the clouds rolled by it was found that tho
democrats had traded numbers of their best
men for an equal or less number of the worst
men of the enemy. Tho iormer disparity be
tween tho parties la those states has returned.
The democrats aro reduced in numbers nnd in
morale , and as having somo knowledge of the
political premises I can confidently assuro you
that Gabriel will toot his justly celebrated
horn many years before tho democrats will
carry either of those states unless tho cur
rent of events and tendencies change mighti
It is not much to ask that a man may vote
for prohibition and still be a democrat in good
standing. If it is not granted the next state
convention will see men on its floor demand
ing a good deal more than that. The demo
cracy of Nebraska has been tho combine of the
whisky element .long enough. For twenty
years of which I have personal knowledge , the
saloon havo been swallowing democratic
platforms and republican candidates.
Thousands of democrats havo had all of this
disgraceful and humiliating sort of thing they
can stand. Another formal surrender to the
saloons , an attempt to drageon the party to
tho support of tho trade in liquors , will either
utterly fail or it will drive out of tho party
. many thousands of its best men and most zeal
ous partisans.
For these and many other equally good and
sufficient reasons , I beseech tho new Herald ,
the only democratic daily of recognized me
tropolitan standing north of Kansas City , to
treat the subject of prohibition with caution ,
with due regard to the feeliugs and prejudices
of democrats who are weary of continual sales
of birth-right for no potrngo at all , and with
somo concern for the welfare of the party out
side of Omaha. Yours Respectfully ,
The followingf rom the pen of Mr. L. P. Bard-
well , editor of The Marion ( Iowa ) Pilot , will *
we believe , be of interest to many of our reau'
ers. Ho says : "It is with pleasure that I certify
to the real morlts of Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy. I have used it in my family for years
and have always found it most excellent , nnd
especially for colds , croup and sore throat. It
is safe and effective. " For sale by all drug
Lincoln , Jan. 31.18S9.
Ed. Tribune : I suppose our friend Wilcox
will be condemned in no uncertain language
and that he will bo relegated to the regions
that surpass the torrid heat of the equator , for
his action upon the final passage of Senate
File 31 , as amended and passed by the House
But I want to say , as a hero worshiper , and
one who rojoices when right prevails over
brazen and tyrannical wrong , that the Hon. J.
A. Wilcox , in changing his vote from nay to
aye , upon this bill , showed himself a hero , a
man who would stand by the right , regardless
of the threats of unprincipled men , who by
threats of financial ruin , sought to secure his
vote against this measure , and if the honor
able and humanity loving men of MeCook
will stand by and see Justin A. Wilcox ruined
flnanoially or otherwise , because of his action
in the House to-day , they are not the men I
take them to be. Ho has performed an act
that not one man in a hundred would have
dono under the same circumstances and sur
roundings. I was present in the House dur
ing tho passago of this bill , and I also know
the inquisition like torture to which he was
subjected by the before-mentioned men , hence
I speak authoritively upon this subject. All
honor and praise to our Representative Wil
cox , say I. Sivakt.
"I have used St. Patrick's Pills , " says Mr. J.
Reynolds , of Mayfield , Ky. , "and pronounce
them superior to any I have ever before used.
I do not hesitate , to recommend them , know
ing them to be reliable. " They are thorough ,
yet gentle in their action and leave the system
in splendid condition. As a cathartic , or for
disorders of the liver St. Patrick's Pills have
no equal. For sale by all druggists.
Died. At her home in Culbertson , Neb. , on
Friday , Feb. 1st , 18S9 , Mrs. Caroline Davenport ,
wife of H. W. Davenport.
Her maiden name was Miss Caroline Gabriel.
She was born Aug. 2nd , 1B35 , in Pennsylvania
and was united in marriage to Hundrick W.
Dayenport on March 8th , 1851. Tho couple
lived in Pennsylvania uutil April , 1873 , when
they removed to Nebraska City. They remov
ed to Culbertson iu the spring of 1883. Mrs.
Davenport is a lady who will be sadly missed ,
not only in her family , but among a very large
circle of acquaintances and especially in
church circles as she always took a very active
part in all things pertaining to religious mat
ters. Her children of whom she leaves seven ,
were all with her at the time of her death ex
cept one daughter. She died in the triumphs
of the Christian faith. Her body was taken to
Nebraska City , Sunday evening , for burial.
Reveille. *
Persons troubled with Tneumatism should
try Chamberlain's Pain Balm. One applica
tion will ease the pain , and its continued use
has cured many cases of chronic and inflamma
tory rheumatism , that had resisted other rem
edies au < ? oven the treatment of the best
physicians. Price , 50 cents per bottle. For
sale by all druggists.
To Be Avoided.
Don't use obsolete words.
Don't use technical terms.
Don't use slang expressions.
Dou't write a feeble sentence.
Don't write a clumsy sentence.
Don't say commence for begin.
Don't write an obscure sentence.
Don't say vituperation for abuse.
Don't say iuitinte for commence.
Don't use foreign words or phrases. ,
Don't take an impracticable position.
Don't say "bard of Florence" for Dante. .
Don't tempt one to question your veracity.
Don't say "Quaker poet" for Whittier. unless
it be to prevent too frequent repetition.
Chnmberiatn's Cough Remedy is famous , for
its prompt andiClTectual cures of coughs and
colds. The most severe cold , may be loosened
and relieved by a few doses of this vuluabie -
remedy. For sale by all druggists.
The ladles of Jackson , Mich. , are embower
ing with roses , the coll of Latimer , who murder
ed his mother. Onedoes not mind when ladies
kiss poodles , but when they fondle brutes one
cannot help wondering bow large a proportion
of tho sex are latent criminals. To bo with
out moral sense is to be an undeveloped crim
inal and these women are surely without
moral sense.
. .
"V " ' " " / - • " ' 'J -v .vV " 'i- ; - ; - ' . : / -
Preparatory to Our ' I
Which Occurs About " J |
; - . - . &
We will sell all our stock of I
Dry Goods , Clothing , 1
At ACTUAL EASTERN COST to us ; this il
is about 20 per cent , cheaper than : jj
any other merchant in Mc • 1
Cook can buy goods. i ]
_ _ _ _ _ _ I
Come in and look at our Bargains. • * . J
. . . . . , . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . _
' II1WWII I TJUI.1J)1W1.U. ) ' ' .W. * * > ! ] I - lWHI'l.'i.JiM"i in .1 L.i UJ. .J.I ; l ! | | | UJB-I..JJ Jjg UUII Ilia - f l
Read the following : Mr. C. H. Morris , New
ark , Ark. , says : "Was down with Abscess of
Lungs , and friends and physicians pronounced
me an Incurable Consumptive. Began taking
Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption ,
am now on my third bottle , and able to over
see tho work on my farm. It is the finest
medicine ever made. "
Jesse Middlewart , Decatur , Ohio , says :
"Had it not been for Dr. King's New Discovery
for Consumption I would nave died of Lung
troubles. Was given up by doctors. Am now
in best of health. " Try it. Sample bottles
free , at A. McMillen's drug store.
A choice bunch of feeding barrovts ,
also a lot of small pigs.
Red Willow , Neb.
The Mutual Life Insurnce Co.
office :
Huddleston's Lumber Yard , MeCook.
( Successors to E. D. Webster. )
Horses branded on left hip or left shoulder.
guu P. O. address , Estelie ,
' PatT . . _ Hayes county , and Beat-
Cj teHMML rice , Neb. Range. Stink-
KS3ing Water and French-
I HBMt/man creeks , Chase Co. ,
I HM Nebraska.
" f j Brand as cut on side of
wjfe > Wmsome animals , on hip and
ffiMralPKL' sides of some , or any
where on the animaL
consu mrTI
It has permanently enred thousands
of cases pronounced by doctors .hope
less. If you havo premonitory symp
toms , such as Cough , Difficulty of
Breathintr , < fcc.t don't delay but use
immediately. By Prufjsists , _ 25 cents.
, . _ . . _ . • *
* -Vfy * „ Lk „ t-n , _ _ , . .
' * . _ _ jt mM m
-nr-r isuirvac - v- v * * t. - * - - -
, . i m
41 if ! <
; ; Ml
: - * IN THE CITY. # - M
. .
; Have just received a heavy stock of new t j\M \
; CLOTHINGwhich makes our stock com- * _ vim
- plete , consisting of Dress Suits , Business : , {
: Suits , Work Suits , School Suits , Etc. , Etc. F > Jl
: = _ = _ = = _ : y- M
2 I km
= ,
: ; ;
- We received this week , from Chicago , the. f fl
: largest stock of Dress Goods , Flannels ; I jH
< "Waterproofs , Blankets , Underwear , Shirts , ; jfl
* Hosiery , Notions , Gloves , Mittens , Hats , jfl
4 Caps , Etc. , we have ever carried. t "lH
, , v. : , | - a.m
: ' A $3,000 STOCK OF : ' 'H '
i - - [ ;
i We have 815,000 in Merchandise to sell ' - < lmm
] for CASH or PEODUCE at as low a price : { {
j as any house can sell. Doift pay more for ; * M
j goods than we pretend to ask , thinking [ l M
j you are saving " 25 cents on a dollar , " as. I If M
i some of our competitors advertise. I 'imU
- _ _ i I
x4 'B
Paid up Capital , - - S50000.00 ; : i'H
t ' DOES A : ' " \\c- h H
General Banking Business , - • II
Collections made on all accessible points. Drafts drawn directly on the principal h\J t l
cities of Europe. Taxes paid for Non-Iiesidents. Money to loan on farming & ? 1
lands , Tillage and personal property. Fire insurance a specialty. } \ K 'f B
Tickets For Sale to and from Europe , ? . $ , | |
CORRESPONDENTS. i V. FJuisELKr , President. - ' " „ • * : j' ' M
First National Bank , Lincoln , Nebraska. y Jobs E. Clark , Vice-President. * * * ' ' • * a H
The Cbcmica * National Bank ; New York. J A. C. Kbsbt Cuhia * c -1 If H