_ _ H • _ _ _ _ " " " - " H : q 0 - „ . i 11 11 o o o o o 0 * o H I have purchased an interest in a business that will H. necessitate my leaving McCook ahout July 1st , therefore I MUST CLOSE OUT I MY ENTIRE STOCK OF l DRY GOODS , I CLOTHING , I Boots , Shoes , Hats , I CAPS , GROCERIES , Etc. , < l • O " " II ll II B O n II I ) ci ( I 11 i 11 11 O . " m 0 I What's to he done to quicken this sale ? I BLEED EVERY DEPARTMENT Allow the vital fluid to run until there is nothing left but I a1 shadow of a price. This will be a sale of Merchandise I pre-eminently on a more magnificent scale than anything I ever attempted in McCook. I PROFITS ARE MOT CONSIDERED , I , Losses are not ever thought of. Remember the SALE is - „ open and. "The early bird beats two pair. " We mean I business , as life is too short for attempts or pretenses that I end in nothing. I % ' : , . C. H. ROGERS , I The Pioneer Merchant I FOR SALE OK TBADE ! H 320 acres good farm land , 200 acres broke , 100 in pasture , ( fenced ) , good house , water and outbuildings. Also 75 head of cattle , mostly cows , 8 head horses , 10 head hogs , 1,500 shocks of cane , and 115 acres of corn , partly shocked. Will either sell or trade for merchandise. I GEO. LELAND , H McCook , Nebraska I IMPDRTAJT _ NOTICE ! Great Reduction in Base Burners ! H We liaye only , a few base "burners left and in order tc , will make the following un H close them out entirely we H equalled low prices until they are closed out : $30.00 Base Burner for $25.00. $32.00 Base Burner for $27.00. $36.00 Base Burner for $30.00. $40.00 Base Burner for $32.00. I These are the celebrated "Gold Coin" and "Palar-e A lad I din" stoves , guaranteed to be first-class heaters. We alsc I have a complete assortment of Soft Coal and Wood Heaters at very low prices. ' • If you want a base burner , call early , foi I they are bound-to go quick at above prices. K Respectfully , I , / LYTLE BROS. & CO. I f- > ' - . i i i I ; LELAND & MORROW , - . f * . DEA.LEUS IN I Giojeries , Boots and Shoes , H : " ' • 'l # fe < FLOUR ANP FEED. . . . . , . . . . t ' ir i - ' " H • * i * 2Y3 ? * - > - - < v- > • - rl I ; • .Counlfep8uce taken in Exchange at Highest . Market Value ' " " . . : WEST DENNI80K.STIIEET. • • ; X ; : * . ' ' ' * v . . ' , \\4f ? ' - < - < 7. : - w ' w -r . - - * * ou > ? * u * ' - . - 'MoCOOKr - . , . . . 1 L . - • - • : t- " - i5 ' - J - . ' < ' " * . • v • • . II • , - - " " * l / - I ' / ' " * 1 * - • ' " " " * * * * * ' " " ' . . H | : \ "T /T ; u „ 'iv Stanleys Labors on the Congo. A ItuuioAn Ints been planned to en freight around the catarnels. Stum , tradi stations will be scatteied alimilie flvetli sand miles of navigable waters of tliH pr river. Stanley found a vast country that I no owner. The river drains a rejiton conti injjmore than a million square miles , niucl ' • vhioli is well peopled. The Congo Free Sti founded by Stanley's friend , Leopold Kina of th" Uelgaius , lies chielly south of jtreat bend or ihe river , and contains f a of one million five hundnd and ci ht tlioua : square miles ; its population is more than ' ty two millions. Tlie aiticles cullcctcd It the African trade aro ivmy. palm oil. jnim pal. rubber , beeswax , cabinet woods. hi | : uotamus teeth and hides , monkey skins , ' i divers other things. These are boujrht v goods , such as coloreil beads , brass and cop wire , not ton cloth , cutlery , mms. ammiiniti and a great variety of articles known as" tlous" or "trade-goods. " The basis of all b ing and si-lling in the Congo Free tftate is I trade ; all nations that p n-ticipa'ed in the I tin Congo Conference havo right to trade i barter and establish posts within the bun aries of that territory , vast and rich , made cessible through the labors of Stanley. Ft • • The White Pasha. " by Noah Brooks , iu Nicholas for February. The Inaugural Supper. It is understood that tin ; catering at the augural ball , on March 4 , will be superime ed by George C. Boldt , ul the llellevue. Ph dclphia. and the rood , table service and se ants will bu taken to Washington from establishment 'iu that city. At one side of peusioii building , in which ihe ball will held , it is intended to build a wooden kitcli iu which will be erected a twenty-foot rai and six stcameri. , Ir .is. estimated , that 7 people will be fed. Two special trains will run over the Pennsylvania railroad one the Saturday night before the ball , to ca waiters and provisions , and cine on the all noon ol March 4 , which will carry cooked f < dishes and silverware. A departure' will maoe from the old plan , and an elaboi supper will bo servei instead of a dim The sub-committee 1ms approved of Uoidt as caterer and indorsed his plans , wli will probably cause tnc coi.tract , with main committee to be closed iu a low davs The Senate on Prohibition. The question has been decided as to what senate would do with thu joint resolution s nutting a constitutional amendment to people for the adoption or rejection pri.hil tug ; the bale of intoxicatingliquors as a bo\ age. ' The matter came up Friday afternoon a special order and was considered in commit on the whole , reported 'favorably upon , jfrosted and passed by tbo followingvote : Ajea : Senatoia Uurton , Conner , Corn Fnnck , Gallogy. Hoover. Howe , Hunt. Ke ley. liiun. Lindsay. Maniiluif. Nestiit , Picki Uobiusou. Uoche , Sbanuer. Sutherland. T gnrt and Welherald 21. Noes : Senators Ueardsloy , Dorn , Ijai Malter. Noryul. Paulsen , Paxton , Pope , U Bom. Itaymond and.Walhach . 11. Absent aud not voting. Senator Polk. The supreme court of Aew Y > rk baa allii ed t hidtcteiuti of thetouit telowgivingC .Campbell $75,000 damages against Arbuc ! ' the millioiiaire coffee merchant. It o something for a rich man to toy with the " fectious of tin Ohio girl. THE citizens of Frontier , Hajos aud Ch counties purpose holding a railroad meet lu Uttjes Ceutre , February 2d. , * . , + , .iu.V. , . . . n. . , i. l..illi.l . . lli.M il , vfif r/ . - , . . L-i-5ii * * * - - * - * * -i ii. * r * * l , , i " . % t * ' I I I Mil n r TnEitK aro between two 'nnd tlirco thousn pntcn'8 remalulnfr In the liloomltiBton U. Ian 1 tffl'OtmcHllcdfi'r. Winyou rtealro a plcnpnnt phyflo try Put rick's Pills. They can always bo depend upon , and do not nauseam the stomach i : grlpo the bowels. For'salo by all druggists Tit" ' only truo antidote mr tho whlfnoap the black cap , and the soon' " I k adopted better. Down with the soirot tribunal the niMn'i/hi tlnurl Persons troubled with chronic diarrhoea subject to bowel complaint in any form , shot try Chamberlain's Colic. Choicra and Di rhoea Remedy. Many chroniocnMisthHt h resisted all other treatment havo been out by it. For salo by all druggists. ' hhow that r. Tilt : Omaha Hee's efforts to hibltlon and bankruptcy aro synonymous I dreary and hopelessly Idiotic spectacle lode Prohibition chuhcfinancial disaster forsoo Croup Is a terror to youncr mothers espr ally ( luring thu winter mouins us it is th most prevalent. It can always be preventi if properly treated as soon as the first syn tnms appear. Hoarseness is the first sympto this is soon followed by a pccullar.rough com If Chamberlain's Cough Itemedy Is freely g on as soon as these symptoms appear , it v Invariably prevent the attack. There is danger In giving the remedy , as it contains Injurious substance. Forsalebyalldrugghi COXONKI. F. i > . tll'ANT IS PlluueHttMl lor Chlneso mission by Editor Childs of the Ph delphia Ledger , an old and well uitested frit of the great general or the armies. The s gcstioii is well received in the enstand hea ly endorsed by several Western journals.i remember General Grant's popularity at Chlneso capital. Fovcral jears agt > Chamberlain & Co. . of \ Molues , Iowa , commenced the mauufiutti of a cough remedy , believing it to bo tho un prompt and reliable preparation yet prod ed Tor coughs , colds , aud croup , that the pi lie appreciate true merit , and iu tlmo It v certain to become popular. Their most si gulne hopes have been more than rcalizi Over three hundred ttiousai.d bottlesof Cha bcrlaiu's Cough Itemedy are now sold en year , and it is recognized as "the best madi wherever it is known. It will cure a sevc cold In less time than any other treatment. J sale by all druggists. w. n. Wasi'B' un. tl e ne-v Min csnta se tor , is estimated to be worth $ l 0n0.000. i owim the second largest flouringmill in world , with a capacity of 10 0 0 barrels n d A few years ago he went through bankrupt and there was some hot talk about the mam In which he got through , with a surplus $100,009. ; EUPEPSY. This is what you ought to have , In fact , y must have it , to fully enjoy lire Tbousai are searching for it dally , and mourning can so they find it not. Thousands upon thi sands or dollars are spent annually by c people iu the hope that they may attain t boon. And ynt it may be had by all. We gu autee that Electric Hitters. If used accord ! to directions and the use .persisted in , u bring you good digestion and oust the dem Dyepepsia and install instead Eupepsy. \ recommend Electric Bitters for Dyspepsia a all diseases of Liver. Stomach and Ividiie , Sold at 50o. and $1.00 per bottle by A. McMilli druggist. A Boston organization is attempting' form "self-improvement clubs" for work ! men. The clubs are to meet two "evening werk. ard topics of all kinds are to be stud and discussed with a view to giving1 inembi an intelligent understanding of the oleme of literature , political economy , aud gene science. Out of tho Breastworks. Tate Springs , Tenn. , July 4 , i338. The Swift opecific Co. , Atlanta , Ga. : Gentlemen Seven years ago I contracts an exceedingly bad case of blood poison. tric"i a physician , the best at command , bi secured no benefit. My throat began I gjt sore , and my body covered with son and ulcers. Going from bad to worse , felt that my grave must be reached in tt near future. I gave up the doctors * trea ment. and with a despairing hope I con menced taking your medicine. 1 began I improve from the first bottle , anu in a sho time the ulcers healed , and my skin clearc off and was entirely well. One year ago a case of catarrh develope in my sys m. The physician did his besi but could not cure me ; but two bottles < Swift ' s Specific gave me permanent relief. J. II. Hocinson. Kaufman , Tex. , June 23 , iSS3. The Swift specific Co. : Atlanta , Ga. : Gentlemen I live been afflicted with skin disease for about twelve years , and th best me Heal treatment failed to give me r < lief. I m now using Swift's Specific , an have received the greatest benefit from il use. Yours truly , Wji. Jones. For sale by all druggists. The Swift SPECinc Co. , Drawer 3 , Atlanta , Ga. New York , 756 , Broadway. Loudon , Eag. , 35 Jnow IlflL If two irreat. nations like the United Sta and England could set 1 In by arbitration serious an International disagreement astl which grew out of ihe Alabama claims , c tninly there should I e noialk of war betwi the two great nations of ihe United Sta and Germanv over a coaling suition In 1 South Pacific ocean Germnny needs a less lu arbitration much more than a lesson war mm . CQNsuMPTl0 It has permanently cured TnotrsAinD of cases pronounced by doctors hope less. If you have premonitory symj toms , such as Cough , Difficulty c Breathing. < fec , donrt delay , but us PISO'S CURE FOR CONStJMPTIOI immediately. ByDrueeists. 25 cent * EOit SALE. Acho ' ce bunch of feeding barrow also a lot of small pigs. J. F. BLACK , Red Willow. Neb. fid. C. MAXWELL , BREEDER OP Short Horn Gatfie Stuck on linnil at nil times. Far tine mile south of McCook , eb. V ' ' ? " V1 " ' ' 'r . . - , : > > , . - • - ' . - - . > - t . • - _ - . ; . . • . , , - . . ; - -4- ' ' " " \ • : - • " ' I H - ' " - : • * . - - - . . _ _ _ _ - . , , : ' 'Ml | * k fx Prepartaory to Our rf ? ; | ASNUAL INVOICE , , ; 1 Which Occurs About . * : % ? I We will sell all our stock of * im Dry Goods , Clothing , I AND CARPETS I , { _ m At ACTUAL EASTERN COST to us ; this ll is about 20 per cent , cheaper than j ifl any other merchant in Mc- { ' ' Cook can buy goods. : _ _ Come in and look at our Bargains. jfl L. LOWMAN & SON , " I \ Wm. 1. AMDERSON , AGENT FOR The Mutual Life Insurnce Co. OF NEW YOKK. ALSO A FULL LINE OF FIRE AND LIGHTNING INS. office : [ ludfllestou ' s Jjiimbi-r Yanl , MrCtmk , PREBMORE BROS. , Blacksmithing- Woodwork , Horse Smoking a Specialty. UepairsVajc uts ami Hiuruies In a Work uiauIiKu Maimer. Ml Work Warranted. McCook , N < bra-fea SHOP South of Bad er Lumber Yard. naaroBa iraimnoweBB wa wai iM ALLEN'S TKAKSFER , ! Bus , Baggage Dray Line. F. P. ALLEN , Prop. McCOOK , NEBRASKA. r nesf Eauiii | > ed in thr Citv. Lenvp on- at Commercial Hotel. Good well ivuter t. nished 011 sliort notice. EATON BROS. & UO. l hMmK lwliA. UHng-e.snutb r JFapiO H r ' * 8 bnuided sitmc . . . . . maawn. nin..i ni.iini 11 I I KILPATRTCK BROTHERS. ( Successors to . D. Wobatur. ) Horses branded on left nip or left shoulder _ _ _ - P. O. aildress. Estelle , t&WX ? Hayes county.and He t- Ej taBMBA , rice. Neb. Hnn o.Sllnk- _ _ W _ _ _ Zlnz Water and French- . niy man creeks. Cbase Co. . BM Mebrankn. \ MBrand as cut on sMe or i _ _ _ _ \J ' some animals , on hi | > ninl Sh H BkI sides some , or mm wtiers on the animal. * i \ _ _ _ _ \ to Us i Lowest Prices \ I IN THE CITY.4 jfl " , . _ _ _ _ - * _ _ _ * ' ' ' _ _ _ _ ' < Have just received a heavy stock of new j H ; CLOTHINGwhich makes our stock com- C [ < H i plete , consisting of Dress Suits , Business ; . . . yJ J j B 1 Suits , Work Suits , School Suits , Etc. , Etc. . . * . ' j'i i H : > A COMPLETE LINE OE 'J ' GROCERIES , FLOOR , OILS , ETC. " I H = ss ' • _ * We received this week , from Chicago , the { H ] largest stock of Dress Goods , Flannels , I H Waterproofs , Blankets , Underwear , Shirts , rj l Hosiery , Notions , Gloves , Mittens , Hats , J , ' H Caps , Etc. , we have ever carried. , H ' A § 3,000 STOCK OE \ Boots and Shoes , Robbers , Etc I I , ' < _ m - 1 ' l _ _ _ _ \ We have SI5,000 in Merchandise to sell [ ' ' M : for CASH or PKODUCK at as low a price 'WM as any house can sell. Don t pay more for • > H goods * 'lian we pretend to ask. thinking . ( H < ' you are saving ' ' 25 cents on a dollar , " as ' _ _ \ ; some of our competitors advertise. y Is il 1 WILCOX & W\R \ I I ft Lsfl - • ' ] H ksBBBI IHE CITIZENS BANK OF MoGOOK ! 1 LiiiiiH . ' • _ ! ( INCORPORATED UNDER STATE LAWS. ) % Paid up Capital , - - $50,000.00. & } does a = • i i'H ' General Banking Business , * ' I Collections made on all accessible points. Drafts drawn directly on the principal . | i\\ \ \ cities of Europe. Taxi s paid for Non-Iiesidciits. Money to loan on fanning j l l lands , village and personal property. Fire Insurance a specialty. r | Tickets For Sale to and from Europe , ClH . . . . V | V. FnASKiJN.President. CORRESPONDENTS. . . . j . . . . * H first Not icmui Hank. Lincoln. Nrhrapfta. > Joa B. IXa.uk. Vtce-Preatdant. i The Cbeuiical Nutionul Uunk. New York. J X. C. EatsCaihlsa ' i | ' ibbbbbbb ! LW \ ism-- - * r o - . . . . , J.Sf _ M