The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, February 01, 1889, Image 5

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j | . . - Jl4M4aok IVitop.
| • * ' PlllDAY KVKN1.V0 , FEH. I. 189.
li t A McMlLLEN ,
I Drugs Stationery
i / , ,
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vf } - Artists ' Materials , Etc.
jy . A. McMILLEN ,
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J | \f \ DBUGGI8T ,
'i ' . .1 " J ?
BBBBBK'H < ' Crrr Drug Store
KrVD Remember N lile for yrnceries.
i Nolilfi for Mipnrb hatipnir lamps.
' • H Fresh candid t. the City Bakery.
i M Go to N\Ii1h for your family { jroooriefi.
I | 3rDr. Hull's office , over First Na-
M S tional bank.
I : I fg"Fresii Huusagc at the. B. & . M.
I C • Meat Market.
' 1 Fresh oysters , in cans and in bulk at
1'f \ ' the City Bakery.
. ' 1 , RpniPinbor that belaud & Morrow sell
, ' * the reliable Olds wairon.
i * , Every thing trehli and clean in the
fj t way of groceries at Noble 's ttore.
T ' Cash paid f > r live stock , poultry and
y | hides at the B. & M. Meat Market.
y ' ' II you want the tendered steak for
: ' supper , go to the MeConk Market.
. < • I i
\ 1 There is no other way. Buy your
\ j groceriesqueensware , etc , of Noble.
I | I Sugan syrup , maple syrup and sor-
i I I gbum at _ Berry's.
If you want nice pork sausage for
> breakfast , go to the McCook Market.
, Plumbing in all its branches prompt-
V ly ard skillfully performed by F. D.
j. Burgess •
| Go to the Huddleston Lumber Co. for
j the latitat winter styles in Hard and
SI { Soft Coal.
[ * For home sugar cured meats hams ,
j breakfast bacon , etc. , go to the B. &
1 Meat Market . . . . :
I Prescriptions accurately com
pounded , day or night , at the City
Drug Store
h „ ; IS The price of liberty is eternal
Wf4. I vigilance , but Noble's prices on groceries
R .i ; are sure to catch you.
lJSfln the line of plain and fancy
groceries , C. M. Noble will fill your <
every want satisfactorily.
The celebrated Olds wagon for sale by
Leland& Morrow. Also spring wagons , 1
* . buggies , etc. All very cheap.
I guarantee both quality and price.
Nothing slop shop or stale. Give me a }
call. H. H. Berry. a
A few second hand heaters suitable
for store rooms. For sale very cheap at
Lytle Bros. & Co. ' s. J
Organs and sewing machines sold on '
the instalment plan at thcimplement =
warehouse of C. P. KlNKER.
This week.Leland & Morrow have re
ceived a car-load of fall and winter
wheat flour. They carry the best grades. a
If you want nice tender beefsteak s
give the B. & M. Meat Market a call. „
I They butcher none but the choicest of a
beeves. t
Leland & Morrow carry a complete ,
stock of cornoats , chop feedand , in fact r
of everything belonging to a first-class ,
flour and feed store. s
Organs and sewing machines at abj j
solute cost for cash at 0. P. Kinker ' s
for the next ten days only. Office in .
warehouse old stand. .
Strasser has two of the finest offices
in the city for rent. Front rooms , with
bay windows. Call at once if you wan
to secure elegant office quarters. j
Small , but well selected stock and 1
/ constantly turningis why my goods are
always fresh. No stale stock in my s
store. H. H. Berry. t
S. W. Huddleston. who recently pur
chased the Howard Lumber Co. 's yard c
here , seems to be starting out with a e
good--trade a record for fair square
• - dealing always 3
* 'u- ' * . We don't sell goods at "your"prices , 1
% ' but "ours" are marked so low , and in
I J plain figures , that you will always find fl
jk I > them the cheapest. e
tgt - THE FAMOUS. , c
111' '
\t\ i The ladies who , live too far from the
j [ shop to get meat for dinner can get their *
/ meat delivered ; it. their door by notify
ing the McCook Market meat wagon to t
stop at their houses in the morning.
1 If you want something handsome in
S the way of a hanging lampcal ! on C. M.
| Noble. He is just in receipt of the j
largest and finest stock of hanging -
lamps ever brought to southwestern i
r Nebraska.
• T v Ground Hog ' 8 day will soon be here , J ;
BB i , but the Huddleston Lumber Co. are * '
WjBj StJrf now here , with full stock of Lumber
f * and Coal. ' 'Shadow or no j-hadow" we ti
p § & are oat to stay. Come and see us , and P
Kjp swap lies , fcpit on the floor , and be
Wma iwcigble. ti
5,00000 !
We have § 5,000.00 to place on
good farms dqring the next 20 days.
No delay if security is approved.
Hocknell Brick Upstairs.
& 3TFor bargains in WATCHES ,
CLOCKS and JEWELRY call at Mc
Cracken's old stand , where everything
is being closed out regardless of cost.
Mr. Louis Fox is in charge and will
guarantee everything as represented.
IT you want a time piece or anything in
the jewelry line don't put it off now ,
for the price is such you cannot miss the
I will sell my residence property in
McCook on very good terms to the
right purchaser. Lot is a southeast
corner , in the best residence portion of
the city. House has six rooms and
good cellar. Will sell all my furniture
also , as it now stands in the house. For
terms and particulars see W. F. Law-
son at the First National bank , or ad
dress ' 0. C. Gaston , 408 , First National
bank , Omaha. '
Hall , Cochran & Co. have j ust received
a large shipment ol the celebrated Mil-
they are ready to sell at fair prices.
Rooms for Rent.
The rooni8 over the First National
bank building , formerly occupied by
Dr. Z. L. Kay. Inquire of ,
Babcock & Kelley.
SI 00OOP.00. '
To loan on deeded lands. Money
advanced to make final proofs. Gilt-
edged \ loans at 9 per cent.
C. J. Kyan.
How Do You Stack Up
For Hay ? Eaton & Co. have quantities
of ( nice bright hay for sale at lowest marj
ket prices. Call at the
Circle Front.Livery Barn.
W00D F0R S -
All orders for kindling or stove wood
promptly ] supplied by Mrs. L. J. Burt-
less j , P. O. Box 146 , McCook , Neb.
. L _
Vaccine Points.
Vaccine Points for vaccination can be
had ] at
McMillen's Drug Store.
Fresh and smoked meats of all kinds
at the B. & M. Meat Market.
Go to Leland & Morrow for every-
thing in the flour and feed line.
"Genuine" bargains in overcoats for
men , and boys at THE FAMOUS.
_ 1
The McCook Market's new meat cuts
ter can put up the nicest roast in the city.
Noble , the leading grocer , carries the
most complete line of queensware in the
city. Inspect it.
Lost A Knights Templar charm.
Finder 1 will be suitably rewarded by ret
turning t same to E. E. Lowraan. ]
Canned fruits , evaporated fruits and j
dried fruits of all kinds and best brands
at " H. H. Berry's.
C. P. Rinker exceedingly fine i
lot of organs * and sowing machines to *
sell cheap. Call and see them. c
Whatever THE FAMOUS advertises (
you can all depend upon. No humbug j
about this. A genuine reduction to I
clear stock. t
A. McMillen is selling Wall Paper
Remnants cheap to make room for his c
large stock of WALL PAPER , just 1
received. * i
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
"As the hart pauteth after the water
broolvs" so pauteth my soul after the post-
office , ily tongue tliirstetli to lick the stamp j1
and my loins yearn for the salary of Sl,200 a *
year. When shall it come and how long s
shall that unwashed democrat continue to c
stand behind the boxes and hand out my *
mail with a sneer ? Have I not prayed day
and night for the success of the republican
ticket and at the republican rally did I not J
carry a torch and when someone asked (
"What's the matter with Harrison 1" did 1
not shout at the top of my voice , "He's all j
light ? " When I remember these things my
soul feverish with impatience and even in my
sleep 1 crv out , "How long , O Lord , how '
long ! " Ex. i
Listen to his tale of woe : It is a sad duty
to us to state to the many readers of this pa
per that we are actually in need of a suit of A
clothes. We would like to attend preaching ,
but remain away because we are ashamed to
enter the church with the suit that is worn
daily. We go occasionally , but have to slip
in quietly and tike a back saat. This piece
is : not written for the purpose of soliciting
some kind friend to donate a suit of clothes
nor some free-hearted merchant to sell us a *
suit on time , but to arouse the sympathies of
those owing us. We have spent the last dol- .
Iar in our possession to accommodate you ; ,
now come to our needy assistance and re- .
ceive the blessings that only a poor , oppress
ed newspaper man can bestow. Ex. a
The road committee of the Board of Trade
are taking active steps toward securing the j
information ] from the county records neces-
saiy to intelligent action in the matter of se- j
curing laid out roads leading into the metropx
olis and the improvement of those already 8
established. J. B. Jennings and P. T. Frani
cis have the work in hand.
A lady says she knows only one way to
prevent sauerkraut from smelling through .
the house while boiling. She always puts a
rubber shoe on the stove plate at the same .
time. : That is the only successful remedy j
she has ever discovered to prevent" the sauer
kraut from smelling.
Titular the reorganization of the State Bank r
of Iudiauola , Mr. C. S. Quick of Indianola is c
President ; Mr. George Hocknell of McCook , t
Vice-President ; and Mr. Floyd Welborn of c
ndianola is Cashier. ]
According to the Cleveland "Union an old c
lady's idea of a ballet girl is "an open musI
lin umbrella with two pink handles. " v a
The Morlan .store room is being shelved , ,
this week. Messrs. Knights & Snively ex-
pect to open up in a week or two.
A destructive fire swept over Culbertson , c
the Ikst of the week. i
fcaA V.v 2- r * * ± & ) S '
Fine stationery , regret and calling cards nt
The Tiuuumc oflleo.
A notarial roiiimiNsion is one of C. F. Bab-
cock's latest acquisitions.
The jack-rabbit market has been unusually
"long" the past week or two.
An increase of pension has been granted
William P. Parker , of Indianola.
Note the change of advertisement by the
Famous Clothing Co. , in this issue.
A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Mil
lard F. Horrell of West .McCook on yesterday
Never reckon a man by what Ills enemies
say of him. The tallest trees are most ex
posed to storms.
This quiet and orderly municipality was
just a trillo lively on West Dennison , Mon-
day night ( Hie )
It is Councilman Brown now. And F. L.
wears his new found honors with becoming
dignity and meekness.
See McMillen's advertisement in this issue.
He is selling out his wall paper remnants at
marvelouslj ; lot' prices.
Canon City , and other grades of soft coal ,
and both Pennsylvania and Colorado hard
coal ( at Bullard's lumber yard.
Bullard doesn't sell drugs ; but it is a cau
tion ] the amount of hard and soft coal he is
weighing out , these chilly days.
Bulhml lias "the cream" of the coal trade.
He keeps in stock a large supply of best
grades ' of both hard and soft coal.
Is your coal bin empty ? If so consult Bui-
lard , dealer in "dusky diamonds" of best
grades , at the Badgerluniber yard.
_ _ _ _
Foil the proposed commissioner of agri-
culture ( , Ex Gov. Jlobert W. Furnas , the best
qualiiied ' m in in America for the position.
A bill has been introduced by Ilepresenta-
five i Wilcox providing for compulsory vac-
ciuation of school children by state authori-
So far winter has had a pretty soft'snap of
it. I It puts in about one day a month , and
that i in a rather languid and uuenthusiastic
This is how it is in Oberlin , "Oberlin near
the ] " "Advance and tlie
Sappa : give count-
ensign. ' " "Me arm itches. " Guard salutes
and j retires.
School books , blank books , scale books ,
letter ] copying books , legal and land blanks ,
pens , inks , pencils , tablets , etc. , at The
Tribune office.
With Bullard's filling your oider for hard
or < soft coal ? "He's all right" So is his
large 1 stock of coal. So are his figures. Give
him ] a trial order.
The "Glucinum" pen is undoubtedly the
finest | pen in the market. Will outwear three
other < pens. For sale at The Tribune Sta
tionery i Depai tment
With the electric light plant assured , now
for acity hall and sewerage ! There is noth1 1
ing j like self-help to make a city blossom like '
the rose , and to spread herself like a green
bay tree.
If you cannot alford to subscribe and pay
for J The Tkibune go to a neighbors and -j
borrow > it any way so you read it. There
is i no need of being in the dark when you can I
see by your friend's light
The greatest variety of tablets in this sec-
tion of Nebraska may be found at Tub Tki- |
bune Stationery Department The line has
just been largely increased. Call and see
the t assortment and get prices.
Indisciiminate credit is the bane of every
department of business. The Tbibuxe
hopes to see a general improvement along
this line , during the present year. Cash in
hand is the true and safe basR .
Already there Is some stir for a spring a
boom. More capital is McCook's crying f
need. Can't proper inducements be offered n
to secure the needed element necessary for s
our growth and improvement ? k
Tliey have a bright little baby girl of ten- c
der age up at the Billiard residence. The
young lady established her residence there.c
last Friday morning , but proof day will be
deferved at least a score of summers. e
You can 't fail to observe Rogers' closing n
out announcement in this week's Thibune. n
The sale is genuine , as Mr. Rogers is preparc
ing to go out of business'as soon as possible. 11
Go in and price his bargains in every depart-
It seems to be regarded as settled that a
saloon will be established in the McCracken
building , corner Main and Dodge , in the
spring. The lease , with piivilege ot purj j
chase , is held by G. E. Boyd , the West Hent
nison street liquor man. t
The McCook Board of Trade are talking *
about lighting the city with electricity , im-
proving the roads leading to the city and se
curing a sugar plant Bartley wishes her j
big sister success in these and other good en-
terprises. Bartley Inter-Ocean. * =
. e
We have for sale in our Stationer } ' Depart-
ment one hundred nouuds of line paper cut v
into various sizes for figuring pads. Eveiy a
business man should lay in a supply , Only
15 cents a pound. Don't forget us if you
want any figuring pads.
We are always ready and willing to anc
swer any question which may be asked us c
concerning political issues , but when a man a
writes to know whether a reduction of the u
wool tariff will effect the price of flannel a
cakes , he exhibits a levity totally out of c
place in a campaign of intellect l
And now a meddlesome , interfering doctor
has gone and invented some kind of a
"scope" or something through which he q
looks into a fellow's eye without asking him ( ,
solitary question , and knows light away v
whether or not the fellow smokes , how many v
and about the kind of .
cigars a day , cigars. c
It's getting to be so that it's no earthly use a
to lie to a doctor. And by-and-by the n
preachers will begin to find us out the same
way , and then we'll either nave to be honest
all around or go to the dentist , have our
backbones extracted , and join Robert Else3
mere. o
In a well considered article , the Industrial
Journal says : It-is a popular but palpably
fallacious impression that newspapers are
just what their publishers and editors make
them. They are not I They are to a very
great extent what the business community
where they are published makes them. They
represent the character and merits of the f ,
community far more exactly than they do ( )
the energy and enterprise of their publishers j It
or the ability and ambition of their editors. a
It is within the power of the business men h
of any community to push their loral news
papers forward to a standard impossible of
attainment by any effort of the publishers
with out their co-operation , and in no other a :
direction can an equal measure of effort and 7
expenditure be applied with anything like
equal effect in advancing the interests , not j
only of the community at large but of the tl
individual business man himself , I
'JgSfo. * . - . • " * *
- * ?
- ' • liftl ni ? jj , T iiT fin urn
Our New Plan.
We , thu phy-dciain of McCook , have been
forced to adopt a new im.a.v with u'
our collections for the following reasons : ' '
1. We have ioiuid it impossible to collect
more than a small portion of our accounts.
2. We have repeatedly found that our bills
have been "left until thu last , " and we have
thus frequently been compelled to borrow
money from the banks to pay our running
3. This has been carried to such and ex
tent that we are forced to stop practice un
less our patrons appreciate our services in a
more substantial manner. For the forgoing
reasons i be it hereby
Resolved , That hereafter we will do
strictly : a cash practice , and whenever any
one of our patrons becomes delinquent , he
shall ' bu notified , and unless satisfactory set
tlement bo made within thirty days thereaf
ter , he shall be put upon the delinquent list
Resolved , That all accounts now on our
books ] shall become delinquent , on Feb. 20 ,
18S9 ] , unless satisfactorily settled bofore that
date. '
Resolved , That we mutually pledge our
selves to refuse to answer all calls from those
found on the delinquent list
L. J. Spickclmiek.
T. B. Stutzjian.
Z. L. Kay.
A. E. Hall.
And. J. Willey.
B. B. Davis.
An Electric Light Plant Assured.
Alter much prospecting an electric light
plant j is assured ; and it is expected that the
same will be in successful operation within
ninety days. At a special meeting of the
city council held on Monday evening. Messrs.
A. J. Thompson & Co. of the McCook Roller
Mill ; were granted a franchise for twenty-
one years to place and operate a plant in our
city , these gentlemen putting up a ccitilied
check of 5500.0J for the faithful performance
of | their agreement and to indicate the'genu
ine and substantial character of their inten
tions l in the premises. The projectors inform
the writer that operations will be instituted
on the plant at once , and that the same will
be in shape for .business within ninety days ,
should nothing unforseen arise to delay. It
is j proposed to put in both incandescent and
arc systems , at a monthly rental of § 10 and
SI respectively , which figures are usual and
reasonable. The plant for the present will
be j operated by power from roller mill engine.
It ] is the intention to put in a first class plant
hi i every paiticular and to give the city and
our business men and private citizens a good
light 1 at a fair figure. These gentlemen , in
the erection of their mill , have exhibited ex
cellent [ and energetic business qualifications
and The Tuibune feels that the enterprise
has fallen into good and capable hands , and
hopes that our people will give them every
encouragement in their power. AH hail the
electric < light plant !
Teachers' Association.
The County Teachers' Association will be
held at Indianola , Saturday , Feb. U , begin
ning at 9 o'clock , A. M.aThe following is the
History , Miss Berry.
Primary number work , Miss Chrysler.
The Relation of County >
Prnf bimtl1'
' '
and School
High , f
Drawing , E. J. Mitchell.
Physiology J & Temperance.MissMcNamara.
Helps in Teaching , Mrs. Smith.
Who is the Good Teacher ) . .
' , , u , .
"PlofUeltinan. .
in the School Room ? f " -
Language , Miss Condit
Geography , Mrs. Dr. Moore.
Alice M. Muhphy ,
The Flouring Mill.
After a few weeks of unavoidable delay ,
Messrs. Thompson & Co. are now ready to
announce the opening of their flouring mill ,
fully equipped to do the work of a first-class
mill in every respect ; to do it promptly and
satisfactorily , too. Those in position to
know claim that Western Nebraska does not
contain a better appointed mill within its
boundaries than the McCook mill. The ma
chinery is of the latest and most approved
patera ; the arrangement is complete and
convenient ; power superabundant ; storage
room sufficient to meet all present require
ments ; heated by steam ; scales , bins , and
numerous devices of a laboring saving and
convenient character. In line , the mill is a
model in every respect , is in the hands of
competent millers and good business mana
gers. Success be the portion of A. J. Thomp
son & Co.
To-morrow , Mr. L. Bernheimer will move
iato , the room lately vacated by the First Na
tional bank , which has been handsomely
decorated | , papered and painted for his recep-
tion. and to the queen's taste , making him
beyond ] question one of the finest merchant
tailoring establishments in the state of Neb
raska , few of the most fashionable city
houses ' equaling it in convenience and ele-
geuce. Mr. Beriilieimer is to be congratulat-
ed upon securing so line a business location
and such elegantly appointed quarters. He
will be ready to resume business at the new
stand on Monday nioniinir.
Donation Party.
The donation party held at the residence
of Rev. and Mrs. I. W. Dwire , in West Mc-
Cook. Tuesday evening , was eminently sue-
cessful in every essential particular. The
attendance was unusually large and the do
nations substantial. Besides a very enjoy
able social time was had by the numerous
company of pai ishioners and well-wishers of
llev. Dwire and wife.
With General Approval. 1
The appointment of Mr. F. L. Brown as
Councilman for the second ward to fill the
unexpired term of Mr. II. G. Dixon , resigned , i
will meet with general approval. Mr. Blown j
will make an efficient member of the board of -
councilmen. The best interests of the city J
ire his and wise and conscientious actions >
may be expected. 2
The Dime Sociable. <
The dime sociable held at the residence of i
Mr. F. L. Brown , by the ladies of the Meth- *
jdist church , last evening , had'all the evi
dences of success and enjoyment There was
numerous attendance. The programme
.mil refreshments offered were entirely act
neptable , and all in all the affair was pleasur- t
ible , heartily so. j
An Interesting Caucus. [
That was a very interesting sub rosa con
ference held in the city , Tuesday evening , i
ver the proposed submission amendment
was not w ithout touches of ttfe nielo-dram- .
die. it is said by those at the key hole. Ah , -
The Congregational Bible school will give
eoneert Sunday evening , in the chinch , at ,
7:30 , central time. Ever } body welcome. .
The immense foundation stones for the r
P..illips-Meeker block are being delivered on
Jie ground. Thov an ; as tine stone as have "
HVer been used in the state. j r
. & * > - * Vt t > * fi -.A • ! M , "j 't. j i
f .
Municipal Mat tors.
Council convened , Friday uveiilwr , Jnn.SiHu ,
In special session , present Mayor .MoEntte ,
ClerkAnderson and Councilinen Kay. Allen
and Melnroy. Minutes of prut ions meeting
read mid approved. Moved that thu How ot
w uto water from The Thiuunc oflleo uodo-
clared a nulsinieo'and that Mr. Kimmell bu no
tified to chance. Its course. Carried. Bill of
Lincoln Laud Co. for $240.00 presented urtd al
lowed. Cginpnny instructed to placo Are hy
drant corner of Dennison una Manchester lu
working order. Decided that for all tlmo it
remains in Its present condition rent shall be
deducted from hill of ensuing' quarter. Dill
of Lincoln Lund Co. for & 3S.00 for use of water
26days rorHtreetsprlnklltiif purposes , present
ed and allowed , less &i 25'pahl to F. D. Durness.
The following : hills wero allowed and clerk in
structed todruw warrants on tho several funds
as follows :
occupation fund.
A. Dewoy , police services $53.00
M.J. Heafy , labor , S1.59
C. A. Scott , labor 5 1.25
M. A. Cameron , copvlntr , 10 00
W. M. Anderaon. olllco rent , 15.00
Bill of W. D. Paine , $05.00. laid on tho table.
Bills of P. T. Francis and E. C. O'Donncliro-
ferred to flnanco committee. Moved that a
notice calling for special meeting' on Feb. 25th
for tho purpose of levying assessments against
all lot owners benefited by tho grading of
Main Avenue be published according to law.
Ordlnnnco committee reported on petition of
Messrs. Thompson & Co. asking tor permit for
B. & M. railroad to lay track across ltailroad
street to their flouring mill , and recommended
that permit bo granted. Permit granted. The
following preamble read and adopted :
Be it Resolved , That we. the council , deem
it expedient to give any Electric Light Co. n
reasonable support as far as the finances and
weltare ot tho city will admit.
Mayor McEnteo presented the name or Mr.
F. L. Drown as councilman from tho second
ward to All vacancy caused by resignation of
II. G. Dixon. On motion appointment was
continued. On motion adjourned to meet on
Monday evening , Jan. 28thN
Council met pursuant to adjournment.
Presout , Mayor McEntce , Clerk Anderson and
Councilinen Brown. Kuy , Allen and Melnroy.
Finance committee reported on bili of E. C.
O'Doiinell , police judgeof § 143.35 , and recom
mended that same ba allowed at § 40.15 , which
report was adopted and warrant ordered
issued accordingly.
Messrs. Thompson & Co. submitted the fol-
lowing proposition for an electric light plant :
To The Honoicaulc Mayoic and City Coun-
cit. ofMcCook ;
We beg leave to submit for your considera
tion the following proposition : Wo will eon1
struct an electric light plant in tho city of Mc-
Cook , consisting ot an Arc and an Incandes
cent systemproviding we are given permission
to construct lines , set posts , and operate the
through all the streets and '
same a'leys of Mc
Cook , and are given an exclusive franchise
for a reasonable length of time. Wo will com-
mence the erection of said plant within ninety
dnys from date of Irauchise. and will com-
plete the same within ninety days therealter.
We will operate the Arc lamp at $10.00 per
month and the Incandesccntlamp at § 1.00 per
month. Wo attach hereto n cheek fer$50J.O0
payable to the Mayor nTid Council of Mclook
to be turned over to the school fund iu case
we fail to comply with the above proposition.
A. J. Thompson ,
It. U. Woods.
McCook , Neb. , Jan. 28 , lbS9.
On motion the proposition was accepted ,
and an ordinance granting Messrs. Thompson
& Co. an exclusive franchise for 21 years was
passed under suspension of rules , by a unani
mous vote. On motion of Councilman Allen
the ordinance was ordered published in theMc-
Cook Democrat. Ordinances numbers 1,2 and
3 ; of the revised ordinances wero read for tho
first time. Adjourned to meet on Wednesday
evening , , January 30th.
Board convened as per adjournment , with
the Mayor , Clerk and Councilinen Kay , Allen
and Brown in attendance. Bill of W. D.
Paine ; , Chief of Police , of $65.00 , was allowed ,
Also , bill of Page T. Francis , surveying , $24 ,
and ' Q. K. Smith , surveying , $10. Ordinances
numbers four to twelve inclusive of revised
ordinances ' were read flrst time. The follow-
iug communication was read and board decidl
\ ed to except the invitation and inspect the
mill ! iu a body.
McCook , Neb. , Jan. 30,1SS0.
To The Honor vule Mayokand City Coun-
cir. of McCook.
Gents : The "McCook Roller Mills , " being
completed , and iu operation , the proprietors
respectfully . extend an invitation to jour
honorable body to vipit and examine it while
iu process of converting Ked Willow county
wheat into McCook patent flour.
Very Kespectfullv ,
Thompson & Co.
In , Their New and Elegant Quarters.
On last Saturday evening , the First National
Dank people moved into their superb new
building on the corner of Main Avenue and
Dodge street , and on Monday morning they
were ready to transact business witli their
usual courtesy and dispatch in their new
quarters. , The First National Bank building (
represents an expenditure of about $15,000 and
is one of the handsomest , most substantial and
best appointed banking buildings in the state.
The building is constructed of flue pressed
brick and is heated throughout with steam.
Is provided with water closets and water ser
vice and other conveniences.- banking
room : is finished iu polished cherry and pre-
scuts ! a most substantial and elegant appear
ance. ' The interior finish of the remaiuder of
the ' structure is of hard pin < > oiled. Mr. Hock
nell. president of the bank , temporarily occu 4
pies a suite of five rooms over the bank. Dr.
Z. L.Zav having u suite of three office rooms (
in j the second Siory also. Mr. Phillip Weick j
occupies , the basement with his billiard hall.
The store room iu rear is as yet unoccupied.
The entire structure is a cn-dit to the city and
the i proprietors of the bank , who have therein
substantially ' evinced their confidence in Mc
Cook's < future. As stated recently the surplus
of < the bauk has been increased to $10,000 mak1
ing ' their capitol virtually $00,053. And with I
practically ' unlimited lesources and able and
enterprising management the First National
will 1 maintain its position in the van of the
banking | institutions of Western Nebraska.
v ,
The Situation in Oberlin. J
The following circular has been issued by *
the authorities in Oberlin respecting small
pox which has been mildly pievailingiu that d
burg : c
OBEIU.IN. Kas. . January 30 , 1SS0. s
We. the undersigned , state the following as t :
the facts , relative to the condition of the small
pox in our city at present :
Total number of cases from beginning. 15
Number recovered and able to be up 13
Number still under doctor's care 2 t
Number of deaths none t
We further state that the disease bos b en
exceedingly light , and at present is under per
fect control ; that every house or place where
small-pox has been , and all persons known to .
have been exposed are closely quarantined ;
that there Is no danger of people from the .
country or from tne oulsi'Je taking the di - -
ease in passing through or coming toour city ; c
that the danger of its spreading is entirely p
passed : that the worst is overand barring un-
lookcd for developments , within a few days -
all traces of small-pox will have left the city 'l
Signed this day and date above. J.W.Ai.r.KN
Wax. B. Msad , Mavor "
Lity Health Officer. If O. Dnrm.ts. s .
L. C. Tilden. M. D. Picst. City Council \
.C S. SI G-sis. I !
TDTTLE DILLON O.i W.-dncsdav. January
30tb , 1889. at the n s.derive nt ihf lirMi > ' t par
ents on Driftwood. .Mis * Lurtiii M. dlloii to
Mr. William Tunic , or Valley Grange. John '
Whittaker. Esq .oiliciailmr. \ <
A number of valuable and n rtil presents v
were received , anil the yoiiiisrcoupW'start out i
to face the busy world with best wishes of il
many friends. J. W. t
The Indiano'n Conner Is enji 3 Irga irnniiine c (
"wind rail" of le ul and ( dientTs notices , just „ i
now. c
I *
A. J. BIitoohoiiBO , Kaq. , made a professional
visit to tho county-seat , Monday.
UenJ. Bird of Bcnkelumu was registered at
Johnston's Commercial , Tuesday.
N. A. Frrano of "Town. Four" is homo from
his visit to IiIh ailing father In Indiana.
C. N. Batchellor roturned , Wednesday , from
a visit of n fow weeks duration In old Ver
Tims. Colfer has boon in attendance upon
district court at Ilenkolmau , a day or two this
dipt. It. O. Phillips of tho Lincoln Land Co. ,
wus a business guest of his favorlto city , yes-
terduy ,
Mrs. Geo. Hopkins of Donvor , orrlvod in tho
city , yesterday on the llyor , und is tho guest
of Mr. Geo. Kerry.
Squiro I. S. Shlrcy or Indianola and it. P.
High or Lebanon were city guests , Monday ,
on business bent.
C. M. Collins was called aown to Hubboll ,
this stato. on Wednesday , by tho very serious
ilpess | of his father.
Mr. Caleb Clothier was up on tho Willow ,
tho first of tho week , looking after his extcn-
slvo stock Interests there.
Mrs. Mary E. Northrup , who has been visit
ing in the ea t for i few months past , arrived
home on Friday of last week.
Mrs. N. L Cronkhito or tho Hastings Eating
House was tho guest or her daughtor Mrs. J.
II. Burns , yesterday afternoon.
Judgo Cochran has been holding district
court < in county Dundy , this wcok , with both
large ] civil and criminal lists to absorb his
time ' and attention.
Mrs. Justin A. Wilcox went up to Trenton ,
Monday ; morning , to visit Mr. und Mrs. A. A.
Wenger. whose young son Charlie la seriously
ill. |
Edgar Howard , the genial and classical pub
lisher J of the Ueukclman Democrat , spout a
portion ' of Sunday and Monday iu the metrop
olis ' , on business * .
E. J. Scott of The Tuiuune force leaves on
to-morrow \ morning's flyer for Fort Madison ,
Iowa , where ho Is called by tho serious illness
of , his aged lather.
Dr. S. L. t'reen and Mr. F. II. Fowler went
down ' to the stato capital , Tuesday evening ,
to ' participate Iu the submission light , from the
lobby ' standpoint.
Representative Wilcox made a flying visit
home 1 , Monday , on pressing political business.
He ] returned to his duties at the capital , on the
evening ' p.isseuger.
Mr. and Mrs. H. II. Troth entertain a large
company of friends , this evening , at theirresi-
dence , corner of Madison and Dakota , in honor
of Mr. Caleb Clothier. Progressive cuchro.
Mr. Montgomery , repiesenting the Hastings
College I , and an activu V. M. C. A. worker ,
was a visitor in the city , yesterday , on land
business , lie returned home on this morning's
flyer. I
H. G. Candee , of Alma , Neb. , manager of
western , department of the Smith Bros. Loan &
Trust Co. of Beatrice , was in the metropolis ,
Monday ] , lookiDg after the considerable inter
ests of that company.
Larry McEntee Is in from Denver , on a visit.
• Frank Allen is conlined to his bed by sick
ness ' Hi. Thrailkill is also on the sick list
Joe McBrayer was summoned to the bedside
of ' his dying father at Gallitin , Mo. , Saturday
evening. '
Captain It. P. High , of Lebanon. Bed Willow
county , formerly manager or a loan agency at
this t place , is spending the week here-a-bouts ,
in j the interest of the company which he re
presented. j K. P. is as hale and hearty as or
yore. j Hayes Centre Times.
Miss Eva Crooks , who has been tho guest of
Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Cole for a few months past ,
departed for her home on the evening passen
ger , Saturday. Many warm friends and ad
mirers were attracted to Miss Eva during her
sojourn \ in our city. all of whom regret her
leaving. ' •
Frank Harris and Charlie Meeker looked
over Holdrege's electric light plant , Saturday
last \ , in order to guther some data that might
serve our citizens in assisting them to act In
telligently in the matter of an electric light
plant J here , now under careful consideration
by ' our people.
Thos Melnroy and Pat. O'Brien , with their
families \ , were west bound passengers. Tues- i
day night , the former for Trinidad , Colo. , the
latter for Greenleaf. Kansas , at which res
pective places they expect to make their fu
ture home * . Their household effects were '
shipped the same day by chartered car. Both
families have numerous and warm friends in <
the city , who. while sincerely regretting their
departure from McCook. wi hthem a measure
of success and contentment in their new
homes ' , brim full and running over.
Engineers' and firemen's time b oks Torsale
it The McCook Tiuiiune office.
On Wednesday morning. Fireman and M rs. (
3. B. Moore became the fond parents of twins , ]
i sou and a daughter. All doing well.
C. B. Uogers of Wymore succeeds John Me-
Sonniff. deceased , us superintendent of.the A.
fc N. division. His headquarters will be at
Wymore. '
Engineer W. Jone3 arrived from Denver , j
rucsday , with his wife , and they have gone to j
jouse-keepiiig in the Corey residence on Madi- \
son street. j
Dan Donahue , now running on the Missouri <
Pacific out of Chetopa , Kansas , spent last
veek visiting in the city on business and so-
iially. He left on the early morning train ,
'riday last , for his adopted home in the "Sun-
lower State. "
There was a little scrap in the shops. Mou-
lay , in which a monkey wrench , a disflguied
jountenance and "six months twice a year"
Igured unpleasantly. The flowing bowl is
> aid to have been at the bottom of the unfor-
unate affair.
It is stated that exteVisive cattle feeding
ranis will be established at Benkchnun by the
jompany and Omaha parties. It Is regarded
is a move in behalf of Nebraska's metropolis
odraw Texas cattle off the Gulf-Denver line t
o Omaha.
About one.yearago the Burlington company t
nirchased what is known as the Denver , Utah s
t Pacific road , a short narrow gauge line out {
ii Colorado running from Denver to Long-
nonnt. The Burlington is now distributing j
iroad gauge ties along the road , presumably i
"or the purpose of changing It to a standard j l
rausro. and a large force of m < n have been I
ilaced at work grading at Hill Top. j
The rumors of the early extension of the |
forthwestern railroad from Hastings continue [
o fly thick and fust. The coming season will \
indoubtedly witness a revival of railroad conc
.miction in Nebraska and the exteution of the c
Corthwesteni from this point westward will a
irobtibly be oue of the flrdt of a number of .s
mporfitiit moves in railroad circle. * that wllh
> e of direct benefit to Hastings. Democrat.
A man crazed with drink jumped off of No.
5 Inst nffhr. nenr Orleans , while the train
ra * mnkiAg probably 40 mi'es an hour , and
\ as instantly killed. An inquest is being held 1
Orlctii.e. tiwlav. when tLe Identity of the
leeched will no doubt be discovered and es- !
ii.lii-ht'd. No blame attaches to tli train i
row. Alilmii h under strict < survpilni ! > i'e ' ,
lie deal niHii succeeded ir hissi-If destnie ! on j
a ov • di' onbpd before successful tntcrferJ' '
3iicu was possible. | :
4 H
1J |
3W5SiMPBpWK3aWBMBMpBaB8 JWMiMMBIi < ' ' gp
The Tribune Office ,
At Publisher's ' Prices , 1
The Temperance Wavo. I
[ From Iho Denver News. ]
It is consummate folly to attempt toignoro I
tho social * and political revolution that Is In
progress In tho United States under the varl- j I
ous phases of tomperiiuco reform. There la Si
an earnest und wide-spread demand for u satis * w I
factory handling nf the liquor question. Nor 'I
can a greater blunder bo made than to regard S.
tho prohibition vote as a measure of tho Jf H
strength of temperance sentiment. It only % H
represents the extreme view of a reform that 1 H
for many years has attracted to Its service 2 H
vast social , moral and educational influences. 0 H
Its adjustment on u safo and permanent baata [ | H
Is , In pointof importance , second to no Issue jf H
before tho people. It Involves principles of ; ' H
liberty and property Interests that make the ! H
question one of thu greatest moment. The mi * j H
vauco of this sentiment can best be realized • |
by looking at the lulluuiico It has already exert- , M
ed upon legislation. Public opinion hus com- M
pelted tho udoptlou of scleutltlo temperance M
education iu tlio public schools or no less than ' M
eighteen states , besides a United States law M
that rigorously Insures Instructfon In tlieprln- M
clplcs or temperance lu territorial schools. In M
the District of Columbia and lu our military M
and naval academies. Six states Iiavo adopted H
prohibitory laws , to-wlt : Maine , Vermont. M
New Hampshire , ilhodo Island , Iowa and Kim- M
sus. South Dakota is asking admission to tho . M
union , wltn n prohibitory clause iu her coustl- M
tution. Pennsylvania will shortlyoto on tho M
adoption of a similar law , with nu even clmuco M
of success. The measure received "lB.OOOufllr- M
mative votes two years ago in Texas and near- H
ly carried Tennessee. Michigan Is believed to H
be ripe for this extreme view of thu question. M
Half the State has prohibition now under the |
county local option plan. The same method |
is fast giving prohibition to Missouri and live H
other Southern states , as well as to most of H
the Northern states that have not adopted pro- H
hlbitorv constitutional amendments. Tho H
enormous spread or the prohibitionist idea |
must be apparent to any man that notes cur- K
rent history. It may be an extravagant con- U
ccption und hopelessly hostile to reason , but |
it is none the less a political power. Formally H
supported by the most influential evangelical H
church , it has become aggressive and is rally- H
ing for battle j H
To Advertise Nebraska. M
( . From Omaha Herald. ] H
A movement is on toot hi some parts or the H
state tending toward the securing or tin ap- H
propriatiou from the legislature for udvertls- H
ing Nebraska. luusmuch as the state pro- j H
sents such an attractive field for capitalists H
and homeseokers , tho common belief is that H
the movement is n good one. Other states H
have been advertised iu this way ami good re- H
suits have accrued , while as yet Nebraska's H
government has dune nothing. The result of H
this neglect is apparent. H
At the various railroad headquarters it is H
said that at present theamount of immigration H
is far In excess of what it has been for many i H
mouths in fact for a year. Instead of these 'iiBBa '
immigrants coming to Nebraska they are going r H
westward to Washington territory and Ore- H
gon , which have been largely advertised , and H
even Missouri i3 excelling this statu in this re- H
In speaking of this question Monday , Gen- H
oral Passenger Agent Francis of the Hurling- H
ton & Missouri remarked that Nebraska owed H
thu greatest portion of her prosperity to rail- j H
road advertising. Every railroad iu the stato H
has in time3 past flooded the east with circu- H
lars , folders , etc. , all of which set forth the H
state's-ad vantage- the best manner , but at H
the present time the public should awaken to j H
the fact that the railroads alone arc not suf- . H
ficient to carry on the work. Advertising is H
expensive ard should be more evenly distrib- H
uted. Sot that the railroads were to be mi- H
derstood as desiring to quit the work or dfs- H
tributing printed matter , for thu railroads D
were advertising now more than ever , but H
railroad folders , and pamphlets are not alone H
sullicicur. Something else niudt be used. H
The Editors' Tour. M
A project is on foot for 11 summer excursion j H
of Nebraska editors to home cool and seclud- ' |
ed spot where they will be safe from the nee- ' H
essity of having to work. That the plan is : u H
a fair way to be realized may bciccufrom the H
following j : H
To Nebra-ka Kditois Desiring to act in ac- H
cordauce with the most popular desire for the H
summer r-ditorial excursion of the Nebraska. H
Press association , I urgently request each H
newspaper man to inform me per mail what H
direction will best suit them. It now i-eems to H
be j the cheice of u majoriti- vi-dt the Yellow/- H
Stone National park , and a large number ex- H
press | a preference for Winnipeg and the H
north. I v/ould also request all that have um H
idea of going , to so notify me.that I may make H
calculations and arrangements accordingly. H
This is quite important. If you intend going , H
kindly let me hear from you by Feb. 1. answer- H
inir both the above questions and whether you H
will be accompanied bv it lady. It is expected H
that the trip will take place in June or early H
in July , and to all expressing a desire to ac- H
company the excursion , a circular setting H
forth the route , programme , etc. . will bo mail- H
ed. Kespectfullv yours , H
L. WE.SSEL. Jic. H
Chairman Excursion Committee , H
Lincoln. Neb. H
o H
C. II. Jacobs killed a beef , last Wednesday. H
W. T. Stone expects to put up a wind mill H
Oursuow is holding on splendidly consider- H
ing the amount that felt and that wc have had H
no very cold weather. H
We understand Miss Tish. Dillon and Wm. H
Tuttle , were married last Wednesday. We wish H
them a bon voyage. H
There are some men in this vicinity that are H
too cussed lawless to take care of their stock H
and leave thern to forage on their neighbors H
for a living. H
Charlie Boyd's mammoth Ue house. 203 feet H
long , is full rhuck up. Oh. my ! what a place H
that would be to play a game of freeze out. H
Say about July fourth. UNO. H
Red Willow Grange Ho. 28. H
lNDiANor.v.Ne ! . , Jati 2t--EilitorFiail.l Ked M
Willow Grange No.23 holds it. regular sessions H
on the first and third Saturday evenings of t M
each month. Our meetings are well attended H
and a general interest is manifested. All H
em to realize fully that constant dropping H
wears the rock. H
With pride the farmer doth the yoke of usury |
And glorie ? In the many trusts : liat drive H
him witli hi-loviiir faufh w" r. H
Where thev can breathe thVh itthful t ) , hove H
healilirullstlielovblr nountionair. * < * H
J. F. IJi.xck. Masten. |
lie ! ) . Msngu ami Scratches on human or anf- H
uuiKciintt in31mnutebby W yjfonlV | Sani- H
tary Lotion. Tlds never fill * . Sold by C.3C H
Smith & Sons , Drug isti , McJook. M
mh 1 1 + " - ' * --f * -r- - SltfJiUllBllllllfl