The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, January 25, 1889, Image 8

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    BBBBBBB * * - - > *
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1 McOook , Nebraska.
LbHI I -3 * # f ' * * a
bbbbbbbbbhL w
If mito priPTifin
H J | On all goodB purchased of us in the nest 30 days in order to'
HK " * . make room for our
Hj ' of New Season Goods. We offer to our customers in this sweep-
B * . - ing sacrifice sale , an unprecedented opportunity to become pos-
H • - , sessed of superlative bargains , and we expect that the announce-
H ment of this sale will
I \h/ , SweepTfteTo will
IIJ - a * We are not after money now , but. " room. Call and
Pi "JLPyCI learn our prices on DllY GOODS , CLOTHING ,
Hi ] \9 gSa\ Buy while the boom lasts of
K 320 acres good farm land , 200 acres
By k i. broke , 100 in pasture , ( fenced ) , good
I V , house , water and outbuildings. Also
K J 75 head of cattle , mostly cows , S head
| * horses , 16 head hogs , 1,500 shocks of
* 4 cane , and 115 acres of corn , partly
shocked. Will either sell or trade
K31 for merchandise.
I McCook , Nebraska.
Great Reduction in Base Burners !
- We have only a few base burners left and in order to
close-them out entirely , wewill make the following un
equalled low prices until they are closed out :
f $30.00 Base Burner for $25.00.
§ 32.00 Base Burner for $27.00.
$36.00 Base Burner for $30.00.
$10.00 Base Burner for $32.00.
f . These are the celebrated "Gold Coin" and "Palace Alad-
i din" stuves , guaranteed to be first-class heaters. We also
' have a complete assortment of Soft Coal and Wood Heaters
i at very low prices. If you want a base burner , call early , for
they are bound to go quick at above prices.
- * Respectfully ,
[ | f LYTLE BROS. & CO.
I Groceries , Boots and 8hoes ,
* " '
= : 4ountry } 'Produce taken in Exchange at Highest Market V Jue.
\ - . , WEST DEJfjnSON STitEET.
J 5 Advantages Agri
Is in the southern tier , the third east or tin
Colorado line mid contains 400,830 acres o
the finest laying , richest and most prodnctiv ,
agricultural lands in the west. The lay o
these lauds is generally gently sloping jusl
enough to lead tliusurplus water to the draws
These slopes are miles in extent ami fix
most beautifully located farms in the wesi
are found here , and it is not uncommon for t
farm of ICO acres to be all tillable ; in fact f
farm of a 1,000 can be had with every fool
tillable , all good rich soil , and cann \ plough
ed iu one body. Corn rows can be m ule , 01
a straight line five miles long , without a break
iu the row or missing a lull. AtcouveuiiMi !
distances canons put out from the streams iu
to these slopes and give good natural drain
age. Some are quite deep with abrupt sides ,
which furnish excellent natural wind breaks ,
and protection for s > tock. These v.iry from
a few rods , to ten or fifteen iu width , and an-
dry except for a few hours after a rain. Tin1
bottom is carpeted with a good coat of buf
falo or blue stem grass. There are no pond-
or sloughs , and no red roots , rocks , gravel ,
sand , or anything else iu the soil to hinder
farming operations. Auycoiumon plow will
scour and the soil is very easily worked.
is a dark loam , three to live feet deep and
very productive. It is peculiarly adapted to
this country , absorbing moisture rapidly , anil
retaining it near the surface with remarkable
tenacity , and is capable of sustaining crous
through protracted dry weatlier. There N
no hard pan , but a porous subsoil classified
ov geologists as "Leoss deposit" and is pro
luctive to the depth of fittv feet or more. I
i.ivo farmed alt my life ; twenry-eigiit year-
in , and cube here. T.iis.oil is the H.11-.1
10 wor.and in ntpro luctive I ever cultivat
d. The same kind of
ire here as iu Corn yields • >
iig.1 as 7. > t > ii-.hels pjr acre. Spriiu who.r
is much to&i , tall and rye tiie sum
o.iLs as much as UJ , broom corn grew the past
season to the height of over eleven feet and
iiad an extra fine bush. Cane , millet , hint
garian , 11 is , buck wheat , iu tact all kinds 01
oiops are successfully grown here , and saved
in good condition. We u u illy have dr\
vuather iu ii haying. I uevjr > iw
aay Mil ill grain .10 tiled or damiged iu tn
• ancle or stack by wet weather iu this couui
ry. So tar .is tried , tune grasses have don
.veil. My truit trees have done well. On : o
• 50 apple trees I lost but four list winter
Small fruits succeed. Vegetables are grown
iu abundance and enormously large , of tit. :
oest quality. Tnere are Out few springs her. *
Ve have what is called "sheet" water which
is about on a level with the streams , couse
quently the higher the land the de pr to
water. This is the case through this western
country. In the valleys , water is obtained .11
a depth of ten to thirty feet , while 011 the di
> 'ides it is 40 to 200 feet to water. My well is
i07 feet deep. 1 use a wind mill and gel
water much easier than I did in Iowa. It is
clear and pure , almostsoft as rain water an > i
ihe supply inexhaustible. A well twelve
inches iu diameter will supply two hundred
.lead ot stocic the year round. Wells an
wither dug or bored. The cost of boring
tubing , putting iu a pump , and erecting .1
.void mill is ab'Hit S1. 2J per foot ; and when
oniplcted , is preferable to running water foi
lock , as the temp.rature is about the s.un
tviuter and stimaier , and there is no wast ,
' • mil and no mud.
noted throughout the United States for its
leauty and fertility , runs through the central
poitipu of the county , while Beaver creek
qu.illy beautiful and productive , run
ihiottgh the southern portion. Driftwooil
try , Coon , and Ked Willow creeks empty in
to the river iu the county. Timber grows
along these stieaius. Wood can be boughl
for 52.50 to 33.00 per cord , anil posts at six
nitl seven cents apiece. Coloradocoal is S7.50
pur ton. As winters are mild and short , lit-
Llctuel is required.
The air is pure , light , and free from ma-
1.111.1. I'iiu winters are.short and mild ; sum
.iieis long , wiui tew excessively hot d.i\s ,
• voile the nights are cool and retiesliiiu.
dpniig opens early , and a large acreage oi
wueul is usually sovvu iu lfebru uy. For th.
past nine years , has been sown in
t'eoi uary every year , but one , while thi
giottiid was iu good condition for planting
jorii the first week iu April. Frost holds tul
i.ile , and we iiAVe ei ut to t.n : weeks of In
aunt summer each tall , with bright warm
ja.vs , iiud dry weather. There has been , bin
tour damp or disagreeable days this fall ami
• vniterso lar. The Mils being dry and fair.
: oin matures and ripens in good shape , i
lever saw an ear ot sort com in this ctiuutr.\-
l'ue winters being snort Aiul mild , little feco
s required lor stock. I\ie p ist niti. * year
aock li < is not been ted more than tlnv.
uoutlis a year , aside froai running in stiliv
ields last winter , stoeir not fed ovei
wo montlis and although unusually sever. : ,
hewwere but few diys that st.ick did 1101
; o on the prairie and feed on the buffalo
jr.iss , or pick iu the stalk fields. The prairie
s covered prtncipilly , with b.iittlo griss ,
\ Inch is very nutritious and retains its un
litive properties to a rem ukale degree oil
urnishes agond upply of winter feed f n
lock. Utiriug tilt * p ist winter tluiv. w is 0
• ver six ineues of siio.v at aaon • . ti 11 \ mi
hegiouud wits ami roids dry ib.ti
1.1I1 the time. L'nis country is noted for its
ine smooth ro.tds. For tne pist nine years
heie has not been a diy , but a go id tutm
iutild tlraw a ton twelve miles to market.
iVe are not troubled w.tu moiqiiito. * s , or bit-
ng flies , and I have iiuversjeu a rat iu this
.oiuitry. This country is not subject to bli ?
; ards. liot winds or drouth. It is quite
lealthuil ; ague and asthma unknown. It
s settled principally by Americans , and a
tinder mail ted , better class of citizens we
lever met. There are seventy-tour school
listncts iu the county , where .school is taught
ix mouths iu the year , by competent teach
rs. Saobath school is held in nearly all ,
.ml preaching iu 111 my of them , there are a
lumber of country churches , and mire will
te greeted in the near tuture. There are
wo railroads iu the county and two more
urveyed. Land rents for one third of the
rop ; small grain tlm-shed and put iu the
iin , ami corn husked and put iu the crib ; or
or S1.50 lo 52.00 per acre cish , according to
he conveniences of the farm ; or the use of
me acre of old land , one tear , for breaking
-.te - atcre , and also the crop grown 011 the new
tud thus broken.
* the commeicial center of the county , and
he Republican if pleasantly localed
n a lino plateau , back of which is a beauti-
ul slope , sightly and attractive for re-sideu-
e.s. from which a flue view is had of Dry and
) riftwood creeks , skirted with groves , and
lie Republican valley , dotted' with farms ,
t is on the main line of the Umliiigloii and
lissotiri Itiver railroad ; midway betweeji
hualia and Denver aiid a divisional point.
tr * * ' / + , " * ' ' ? _ " * -
' % * r" - r
" *
for termiiml service where 330,000 arn disburs
ed , monthly to the employes of the com
pauy. At this point is located one of tin
finest brick round houses , west of the Missis
[ sippl , with stalls for thirty engines. Also 1
I fine largo two-story depot , a * large freighi
house and a magnificent hotel. Manuractur
ing machine shops costing 5500,000 and giv
ing employment to 1,200 men , have recently
been located here. The city enjoys the bene
fits of the Holly water works system. There
are twelve miles of pipn iu operation , costiiu
570,000. The U. S. Land Ollico for this dis
trlct is located at tills point ; nlso a fun
creaiiiery and a large flouring mill. Then
are tFree banks , three live weekly papers ,
five churches , six hotels , six liveries , one flnt
school building , and another costing S15.00C
just completed. The different branches o !
merchandise are well represented with full
stores. Here is a fine opening for a broom
and canning factory , as there are none of nuj
consequence nearer than a hundred miles.
Improvements are const mtly b'iug made ,
and 111 my buildings are now in course ol
erection. The town is six years old and hat
a population of 3,500.
has a population of about 1,800 wide awake
intelligent class of people. A substantial
two-story brick court house is located here ,
where the county business Is conducted in a
very economical m inner , by the best and
most accommodating class of officials that
we have ever transacted business with.
Through their efficient management the
finances of the county are in a very healthy
condition , and its credit stands at the top.
A substantial brick jail is here also , but the
citizens are so peaceable and law-a-biding ,
they * . .ave but little use for it. There are
two banks , two live weekly papers , three
hotels , three liveries , several churches , a fine
brick school house , costing about S15.000 and
a fl Hiring mill with a capacity of fifty b.inels
pjr day. This town is beautifully located ,
m a fine plateau : Bordered on the west by
Ooou creek , whose banks are lined with tim
ber. The different branches of meichantile
p irsuits are well lepiesented.
is two years old , and boasts a population of
ibout 400 , who aie so peaceable that they
have 110 earthly use for a lawyer and then * is
• tot one iu the town. L'here is one bank , one
live p iper , two hotels , one livery , a cheese
factory , and the different branches of nier-
ehandise carried on. Here is located Mall.i-
lieti University , a jjrand institu
tion , equalled by few iu the West , and snr-
p issed by none in the east. The main build
ing , now iu course of erection , is 78 x 130
feet iu siz. * and four stories in height , and
• vill cost 5" J,0J0. It is under the auspices of
the M. E. ciiurch , who own a twothiul in
terest in 2.00J acies of land wheie the town
is located. The school grounds contain 52
acres. By form of deed and contract , the
sale of intoxicating liquors and all places of
luestionable character are entirely excluded :
A canal , three miles in length is now in
course ot construction and will soon be com
pleted. Its terminus is at Dry creek , near
toe city , where it will furnish a power equal
to a ( JOJ horse power. Excellent facilities are
liere afforded lnanufactiuing industries ,
• villi die ip motive power.
ire both lively little stations on the It. It. ,
\ id both doing a thriving business. In a
r.ulius ot two-huudred miles , there is not a
joiiuty as highly and pleasantly tavored , or
, 'iijoys the advantages that Red Willow
I ics.
la regard to the lay of the laud and qual-
ty ol the soil. We present a few statements
irom good responsible men :
I farmed 12 years iu Illinois. For fine health- :
of climate and rich soil tins country Is super-
ir to that. S. D. .MoLux.
I tunned in Illinois many years. I tlnd the
mil here more j rodnolive tlnni there My
-orn the past season , planted June 4ili. jield-
L-d 70 buahels per acte. T. itVAK.
I farmed in Dubuque mid Jones counties.
nMVii , over twentyeara. . The boiI hru is
a ire productive and the mini healthful eli
aate tar sup * rtor in mat. My corn the past
season yielded 50 bushels per acre.
J.T. Sauniieus.
I have farmed in Penu , Ohio , md , III , Mo .
.owa and Nebraska. I turuv-d 17 years in
olk comity , Iowa. Tins is tiie mist produc-
ive soil 1 ever tille I , 1 have raised nine crops
icro iu succession without a lailuiu.
J. D Geiiveu.
I lived 23years in Winneshiek county , Iowa ,
l is4i ! years since I e tine here ; tins soil in
> ro liietiveuess is equal to th it. and lor line
uild , henlthlul eliiiiate superior. I sowed al
all'a theStn. and Oluejr.i-s the 11th. of .Ia > .
Sty and found the ground 111 good condition
I id harrowed nicely. E Al. Kau.nsWuktii
I fanned iu .Muscatine and Dallas counties ,
owa. tor over twenty five > < * atd. Have been
iere llireo years. For ti ic healthful climate ,
leiutitully laying , neti larm lands , this ex-
ee-ls any place I have ever lived , this soil is
lore productive and will stand more drouth
II in any soil lever tilled. Tuos. Wuitmku
I tanned in .Marshall county. Iowa. teno
wo years : am farming in Ued Wihuw county.
[ ebr.isKa. now. L' .ie s ill here is very e.isili
died and the most productive I ever eulti-
ated L isi winter was my liret here and the
nest I ever spent iu my life. Stock was not
td over three months during the entire wiu-
* r. Eu. Hall.
I spent much time and several huu lied dol
irs seeking a location iu the went. I selected
Led Willow county in souihwestern Neb. , as
le best farming country I found. 1 nnsed sod
urn the p.iSt season , that yielded thirtj bush
Is per acre , of good sound corn. 1 lived in
asper county. Iowa , over thirty years , but
lis soil will stand more drouth , and is more
roduutive th in that. 1Gii i\ " .
1 have been engued iu fttrmimriii this conn
. ' . illiiMiiyei-s ; il.inur I'm ' inm. . c. 11
is aver iged Id. and wheat 13 to Hi b.istie
eracro. The soil is very easily tilled ami the
lost productive I ever ciiluvatu ! Sioci.
nve not been rod three rai.ith- year For
did. timililifnl chin ite. tine laying rich farm
mds. this issup-rior to uny iilaeo I have seen.
U. U DuuKwmni. Gvc'oiMiy Com.
My corn the past season yielded fllty to
• vent.five . bushels per acre , of good souud
jrn. No soft corn here : corn has averaged
ff.y ti isli its pur acre o-i this far n for the
Ht flfteeu years I h ivo been in Dakota ,
lulio. Washnut'iii. Oiegon. Montana. Wjom
g C dorado , ffruli , Nevada. California , Ar
um. New Mexico. Kansas , and Nebraska ,
'ith the exception of snniM vaMeys In I'ulilor
a. the soil herf > is the most prndnctiic I
mud. xVm. DdvIjK. Bv-ULiiiity Trent- .
1 have farmed forty years in tho west , and
ir flue healthful climate and tieautirully lay-
g rich farming lands , Ued Willow county ,
eh. . Biirpassesany place I have een. I ppnnt
st winter here , which was pronounced by old
ttlers as unusually severe , yet it was tho flu
; t I over spent in my life. I < liur potatoes
ire .Ian 1 18S'I. that were all ri'ht and not
nzen. My homo is In Buchanan c unity ,
iwii. where I have lived twenty years. Hut
consider this country superior in everv way
1 that. H A. Fkkdiuck.
Croup te n terror to young motticra e peci
ily during the winter uinutns as it is Ihe
Hist prevalent. It can ahvays be preventoti
' properly treated as booh iv * the first sjni |
imdHppear. HoHrfctii'Ssisthi-llrst 8 } mptom
tils In soon followed by u peculiar.rough conuh I
r Cbamherlahrs Cou-jh KeniPdj * is freely giv j
n as sonn as these sunptnins appear , it wil j
ivarlaldj * prevent the attuck. There is n
auger In giving the remedy , as it cmitHliiR no
lJuriutiSBubstanco. Forsule by all druggists. .
/ . ' • J \ ,
W' ' Kwfc ww' ' j. wi. m- > t > 1 . > M - * f - • • " • * . * , , l.rm .i Fi.a , , I , i. I ,
> -AST
aaaiBBgBjBsaii itii * * > i i jiBaEgBBBii - t - * M- > - - - -t - - - - " > '
* - # * • * > ; * * 4bbV
Preparatory to Our I
Which Occurs About I
, ,
Hbibbbbbbbbbbb !
"We will sell all our stock of
Dry Goods , Clothing , I
is about 20 per cent , cheaper than H
any other merchant in Mcfl
Cook can buy goods. H
ii ii i 1 1 i i i
• bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI
Come in and look at our Bargains. H
tattBBM'IIIIMIHilLI ' " " " " ' " ' nmjwvrrmnr.
Grnkiiak. Maiiuison lesemhles fienera
Grant in more than one respect. The lattei
could lie recicent ns loegas he pleased , and m
one could coav or torce an utterance. Hut :
some unexpected time , and xvlien he felt mov
ed to speak , lie would astonish those who die
not undeistaiid him l > ysa\ing a lewr < od'
that went to the heart of > ome livingqnt" < tiiir
and left no room lor doiiln as to hi sentiment )
and purpnsLS Since he was elected. Genera
Mairison has not fop'Shadowcd so much ol hi <
Soulhoni policy us during the pn t lewdajs
The nearer lie gets to the ii suiiipiioii of oili
eial responsibility the t-ienier does ir heeomc
that he has the deepest n-iise ol li.s npon ; i
hility and the most alisolnte d'-termiuaiion tr
disehiirgo flit * diitii s devolved on him with thr
help ol pieeiselj iliose ( 'iildnet advisers whe
enjoi tho most of his own confidence and u
follow his own clear nud settled cnnvictioiisnl
policy and duty on all questions And so nb-
Fsolutel.r Iin. * he the * conlidenee if the Itepuiei-
can party Unit he cansr-ect his rabinet wiili
iismueh freediimas wasxircise.l Uy Piesident
Grant when lie lieg.ui hi tii-st term , hutu-iili
11 knuwh-dge of Itepulilieiiii stiltes ' men that
Grant never lulU acquired.
This Is wlintyou ought to have , in fnet. yon
must have it , to mliy enjoy lite. Thousands
are searching tor it dally , and mourning lie
cause they find it not. Thousands upon thou
sands of dollars are spent annually by our
people in the hope that they may attain this
boon. And yet It may he had hy ail. We guar
antee that Electric Hitters , if used according
to directions and the use persisted in , will
bring you good digestion and oust the demon
Dyspepsia and install instead Eupep y. We
recommend Electric Hitters for Dyspep-o a and
ill diseases of Liver. Stomach and Kidneys.
3oId at 50c. aud$1.00 per bottle by A. McMillen ,
Mil. .1 W Tvkv.of Hayes Centre one of the
ielegation of Xebni kai ; < J who visited the prc-
lident-elect. was in Omaha last Thnrsdsij pven-
ng , en route h'unc. Mr. Iviv. . who did eani-
mign work in Tddiana last tall , is a warm ad
ulter of the president-elect , and states that
luring the interview accorded the delegation
Jeiicrnl H xkicisiin expressed deep iiiterest in
he atfairsortlie west , ai-d Mr Ivkv believes
lint in him t lip greatest will have a friend
ipouwliomit ean depend Omaha Hepubli-
Persons troubled with chronic diarrhoea or
ul-ject to bowel complaint in any form , should
ry Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera and Dlar-
hoea itemed v. Many chronic caFcthut had
esieted all other tieatment have been cured
iy It. For sale by all druggiBts.
• feVMf P. O. address. McCook.
• I Cattle branded on left
HHMfli1- . 10 , 5. A and
tLM hrandson left hip.
• i il 1 Horses limnded enmc
WtHHsHH BV00 left shoulder.
( Successors to E. D. Webster. )
Br m
• - - , M bbbbbbhbVbfR E-1/b\
-llS3FBBBrfn ! * J3iSawI #
Horses branded on left hip or left shoulder
, _ P. O. address. Estelie.
• * * BMc Hayescounty.nnd ReHt
MMBMBferice. Neb. Kange. Stink
HSSitig Water and French
lifiman creeks. Chase Co.
BM Nebraska.
BBBwtM Bwt Brand as cut on side or
-m- JVI some animals , on hip ail' *
fH H MAA sides of or hii >
, • • , , where on the animal.
di Goels i Lowest Prices I
m TIIE C IT. - # - * t 1H
Have just received a. heavy stock of ne.w H
CLOTHING winch makes our stock "com- t * H
\ plete , consisting of Dress Suits , Business H
Suits , Work Suits , School Suits , Etc. , Etc. H
i • H
< _ _ _ -i l
= = = = = i
We received tin s week , from Chicago , the < | H
largest stock of Dress Goods , Flannels , - H
Waterproofs , Blankets , Underwear , Shirts , H
Hosiery , Notions , Gloves , jMittens , Hats , H
Caps , Etc. , we have ever carried. | H
A $3,000 STOCK OE M
: Boots and Shoes , Bobbers , Etc. \ m
We have S15,0fl0 in Merchandise to sell ' H
for CASH or PRODUCK at as low a price ! H
as any house can sell. Don 't pay more for H
goods 'han we pretend to ask. thinking 'i H
you are saving ' " 25 cents on a dollar , " as H
some of our competitors advertise. v H
I WILCOX k otleT : 1
v t 11 n i i 7v t m1 m j j v n i i ° 'n n1 < tn i ) n r t' m n i > H
Paid up Capital , $50,000.00. * _ | * H
'bbbbbbbbbbbI '
= DOES a : H
General Banking Business , H
Coilectinns made on all acces-ible points Drafts drawn directly on the principal H
cities of EuniiK * . Ta\e paid for Noii-ie ! > iitent. * . Honey to loan on farming ; H
laiuLb , .illage and personal property. Fire iiiiurance a specialty. |
Tickets For Sale to and from Europe , ' \ , j |
CORRESPONDENTS. I V. Fbaskuw. Prealdent. 1 H
nrst National Hank. Lincoln. Nebraska. J- Joan B. Clakk. Vica-l'resldant. . j H
The Cbemlca ! Xirtioua ! Hauk. New YorkJ A. C. Ebxkt. CubXaz. Y % < |
T" * : 'y' * ' ' toi y < i * * Jfi8g iS g * -ir § • mmj - / 8. * I. m * , ' * - lhn < mrm' * * * * S • tw'Sc ? ' .BBBBBBBBBBbV