1 'fc § _ . ' - - - - . . . - . > -i-- - ' . - 1 - ! . BBBBB MBS > ] , - . " • , A * ' - - . „ : , • y. \ x- • * tj I "Vf vrt- - - . _ _ _ ir " H | j By F. M. KIMMELL. Ji I Official City and County Paper B j THE BETTER WAY. W | Lllio Donvor Nowfl. ] Thoro is a strong tend- B u onoyat preBont In various pitrts of the conn F fj try to meet tho demands for extreme temper K > \ ance legislation by a procure for reRtrictlve K j ; reformatory measures such ns can bn onfoic- : J ! cd. Thopassniroorinwa tlmtnro hi-ld In cmi- K Jj tempt by tbo targe minority or the people , and H } | 1 that are Bj-stemntlcally evaded , tends to lesson H. ( j respect for legal enactments. It may boac- i I ceptod as a ccrtiinty that unless tlio worst H | evils of tbo liquor traflio urn rootrd out by H mndernto and sensible means. nntlilnir ran H stay tho march or the fanatical prohibition H movement. If saloon m u are to ho nlvrn H character by the slum iuiiuonco and the nas- Hi onablo demands or the community are to (20 H1 for naught because of bribe money , no hotter B { way can bo devised for iccruitiiur tho ranks of extremists , nor could any better justifica ! tion be found for Inciting liberal temperance peoplo to abandon half-way measures. Liquor Holllnc under a nominal license that gives IH- tle or no protection to society cannot and will not bo tolerated very long in any community R of avcrago respectability , bccniiso It ontiiH ? 1 ! too heavy a burden in vice and crime. Itcpti- B tnblodealers ought to bo foremost In urging m tbo passago of Senator Wilson's bill , now lio- Hj j foro tho legislature. They bavo more to pain H j from It than ary 0110 clso. As a Jaw it would H f place their business on a safe basis ai'dronnivo H I from it an unbearable stigma. It would do H I more to eradicate tbo dctestublo and unpnim H < § lar phases of tbo traffic than nny other form of B f legislation anr hence would please people who H I aro rational as well as moral. Its passage > I should bn pressed by ull classes of persons who Hfj Jj aro interested in sustaining a healthy public Hf K tone and who tako prido in Colorado's rop'ita- Bf m tion. Tho better class of men in the liquor H | trade would also find it their Interest to concur Hf B In tho almost unanimous desire of reputable H | people to olose the saloousor Denver on Sun- B | day. This is in no sense unreasonable and Hj S has been conceded by muny of the larger cities. Hj It is going to bo enforced now or in tho near H | m future It would bo wise and politic for those V' W who really buyo something utsuike. in proper- bB m ty and in character , to neutralize the corruut H M influences that are trying to defeat this meaK- ure * and tlial canot , fuiI to reflect discredit on BB m B M tho ontiro traffic. Action in accord with the B fl suggestions here offend would In certain other B m states have saved property running into the B millions that was rendered valueless a result B I of goading tlio people to extremities. H H Tnc farmers of several counties of Iowa j w bavo organized stock companies on tlm co- B 1 operative plan for the purpose of soiling their Hi I products and buying their necessaries , and Hj ! oven farm implements. The purpose , of K ] course , of these organizations is to save the H middleman's profits and to divide tiio carnint'S H < among tho members. The result of these un- H j dertakings will bo watched with interest. As B- yet tboy are merely experimental and no dell- Bj nite conclusion can l > e drawn as to their prae- E ticability. Judging from the results of past BH : exporienco in co-operation , it is safe to pie- H ; dicti however , that where business tact and H : methods are adopted succfcs will follow. . ' , Governor SwiNurnitu. of Alaska , still ro ll ! , j iterates before conurress that the chartr- | | j es mado by him of the cruel and unjust treat- By 1 ment of tho natives by the Alaska Co-nmerciul BJj I company and its agents , are literally true. Bn I The recentinvestlgatiotiuommittec appointed B | \ : by congress is likely to arrive at n liifferout Bf II conclusion , judging from tho testimony of Bjl 11 tho witnesses appearing before it. Out this Hi i is to be expected in view of the fact that 1I10 B | II majority of the witnesses have been recipients B ) K of the Alaska company's favors. For that B | J reason Governor Swineford's plea should have e j more weight in determining whatever action B S congress may take upon tho suljeet. H * Bisnop PtjTTKtt of Now York. lit nn essay Bl which will appear in the February Serilmer's Bjll Competition in Modern Life , says : "Let us tin- HJB derstand , then , that competition a stiiTe in ] excel , nay. if you choose , dinvmivbt rivalry , BjVj baa a just and rightful place in the plan of any Kwj human life. A iirize fight is probably tno Bug most disgusting spectacle on earth , but it lias KkJ in it just one moment which very nearly a\y \ Bjjti proaches the sublime , and that is when tho H | K combatants shake hatnis with each other and FgE.Jf exchange that salutation as old as the classic Rjaf" " * * arena , "may the best man win. " It is tho ims equitable thing thatt he best man should win. " Bff The investigating committee of the Minne- K 80ta legislature Used it up all rightaud everj- B body is happy. Its report was to the effect. EB that money galore was offered Tor votes in the K republican caucus for Washtuirn and Sabin. BS but that there was any reason to believe that Wmi - oitbor tho old or the new senator knew any- BB | hlng about it did by no means appear in the Bk ovidenco. The house resolved that it would 1 not have tbo evidence read and proceeded to . H | elect Washburn. SI At a recent caucus of the Itepublicanmem- H | bers of the Pennsylvania Lctrislat ure it was re Hi solved to submit to a vote of the people a pro- Hi hibitory amendment to the constitution , at a - Hj special election to be held on the 18th of .June. Bl This action was taken in conformity with Be pledges made by the party in its platform two 1 years ago. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Bg * CONQHEaSMAN James liUKNS of .Missouri was I Stricken down with paralysis. Wednesday af H , . ternoon , while seated in the committee room PS of the committeoon appropriations and died 9 &t 12:15 the following morning. House ad _ journed this morning , out of respect to the B momory of the deceased. J | The federal grand jury which has been ns- jB BiduouBly sitting Li Indianapolis for some [ if- weeks has returned forty seven indictments , JB ' every one of which is for violations of the J H election law. Keep on tho good work , gentle- ' , men. Indiana will become a sure republican • C state after while. < • r ' ; , THE next holiday will he Washing ( : ton ' s birtliday , which this year will i li ' • come on Friday. ] | ? / . THE Lauiont baby i faid to bo a | | very little one. "In this respect , " says | | r the Topeka ConinionweaKh , 4it resctu- ; IP ' 'es ' e Pres ents idea of civil service . | P > reiorm. " C is " " - man , largely what you choose to make 1 * k " n as 'fc w' ' 0"'i' ' cole a day at a fiPv time you have a splendid opportunity life' to make it the best year oF your life. | p * AT the risk of beinji accused of reviv- & a scandal the > 'ew York Sun announces Ip. that Mrs. Cievchmd is not fioinjr to live | | | f. with the president aftur MatchJib. . i " Sue is going to live with the ex-pte. i t pri * ; * dent. * " Ib " nE "P01"5 claim t * > have elected ' * " fi r - Higpins senator for Delaware. Well , : P ? ue i0 was a K0" ° "ei un ( l'ey ' , rtescrve * " . ; credit for it. The prangt'rs also had jgk' , very much to do with the election of BfeHarrison : ; and that job , too. they hav < * - gll no reason to be ashamed of. The truth - Bp\v Is. the republican party owes its success Bib . this year to the farmers and mechanics Bpfe-v When these two clashes vote the repub Jmjz. - Jicans always triumph. When they do Bfeft. pot , defeat folloffg , J13 , . * " * ' * * • * - * * * f * ' * ii.i4i * - HBBBBBBfc,5l8ffi' ? ; 5 " " • * " - * * - if - * * > 4i- > " - * "j - • - ' s .t- .r - i- - -t \ • „ . . . .tv. . . " ' * ' ' ' v' ' " u - : " * rJ ; ' " . . - . ' /-v , , " ? ; % * * % % • • ' v ' J , • ' ' - ; - , ' . • - * * , - ? • - ' - . ' • " Foveral years ngo Chamberlain & Co. . or Hex Mollies , Iowa , commencvd thu maituraetm or a cough remedy , bellovlug It to bn tho itios prompt and rellablo preparation jetjiroilue ed for coughs , colds , and croup , that the pub lie appreciate trim merit , and In limn It wm- certain to become popular. Their most situ giiluc hopes have been more than realized Over iliree hilntlred ' thoiisai.d bottles or Chain berlalu's Cough Hemeily aro now sold raeh year , and It is recognized as "tho bent made , " wlierovcr it is known. It will cure a severe cold In less time than uuy other treatment. For sale by all druggUts. When yon desire a ideanant physio try Pt. Patrick's Pills. They can always be depended upon , and do not tuiuscite tin ; stomach nor gripe tho bowels. For sale by all druggists. THE - KANSAS CITY STAR TIIK I.KAPIXO DAILY OF TUB WEST. The StaV Ik the aekiiHuli-iltred leading even ing paper published in the uVsr. lr coiitiiliiH In 11 concise form all the news of Hie world up lo5 o'clock lAl. . of the day pub lished , giving its patrons tlm freshest news from tucl\e to twenty hours in advancoof tnorninir eouieinpornrfes ltpuliliohcs the ICaiiFiis City Markets , and the full and complete Live Stock and Oraln Markets Including the closintr reports frou New Y"rk. Clneiiiio.St Lniifsniid KansasCity 'I he Star controls and pulilisln'i exelusivi'ly the full day Associated Press lcports and a larare lin of spi-cial telegram * . The Star has the largest iivcrairo d-illy olroii- latlon of any paper pulilisbi-d lietueen St. Louis and San Kra.clsco. The large variety and good character of Its miscellaneous reading. Its exhaustive telo graph news , its CorciM. ' and tiidcpendciit ut terances on Inad'ug questions makes it one oT the most iionular and influential papers pub llslied in the West Ask your post-master , or write for n sample copy. TEltMS : Oim > month $ .50 Tliree months. 11K ) One year. ; . 400 OlVn THU STAIt A TltlAI , . FOR SALE ] A choice bunch of feeding barrows , also a lot of small pigs. J. F. BLACK , Red Willow , Neb. M. C. MAXWELL BREEDER OF Short Horn Cattle. Stock on hand at all times. Farm : one mile south of MoCJnnk , Neb. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ nrOpvVV * < lVVV ---iBVaHQMKaBBS3KXaaH KB ! * C0Ms ° UMPfi0 i It has permanently cured thousands of cases pronounced by doctors hope less. If you have premonitory symp toms , such as Cough , Difficulty of Breathing , &c , don't delay , but use PISO'S CURE fob CONSUMPTION immediately. By Druggists. 25 cents. - - - Mouristowm , Tenn. , Jn'y ' 4,1888. The Swift Specific Co. , Atlanta , Ga. : Gentlemen Five years ago I was so un fortunate " 3 to contract an extremely bad case of blood poison. My bones ached and my muscles began to swell and contract. I was under treatment of the physician from , the inception of the disease until I found that he could do me no fjood. Then , throujh the advice of a friend I began tak ing S. S. S. Your medicine seemed to have an immediate effect. I took six bottles , and to-day am sound and well. That was two or three ye rs ago , but I have seen no evidence of the return of the disease , and I take this opportunity to thank you for what it has done for me. It saved mv life. You can refer any one to mc. R. M. Wall. Fakmersvit.le , Tex. , June 22 , i833. The Swift Specific Co. , Atlanta ; Ga. : Gcntle-tien Thi mother of a member of our firm was afflicted with a cancerous , sore on her face for about twenty years. During the past few years it troubled her very mucli by continued pain' and itching. She used your S. S. S. , and the sore has disappeared and is apparently well Should it brc out again , will advise you. Verv truly , PZNDLETON , YEARLY & RlLEY , Druggists. Three bsoks mailed free on application. ' ' : iE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. , Iirawcr 3. Atlanta. Ga. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ < W i W a - M PREDiORE BROS. , Hlacksmithing and Woodwork , IIOKSE SlIOKIKO A SPECIALTY. Repairs Wagons and Buggies in a Work manlike Maimer. \1I Work Wariantcu. McCook , Nibra'ka SHOP-Ponth of Badger Lumber Yard. Wm. M. ANDERSON , AGENT FOR The Mutual Life In5bir.ee Co. OF NEW YORK. ALSO A FULL LINK OF FIRE AM ) LIGHTNING INS. office : TTiirldlePton ' s Jjiimbpr Yard , MrCook. ALLEN'S TRANSFER , Bus , Baggage Dray Line. F. P. ALLEN , Pror McCOOK , NEBRASKA. F TIept E < ii > ii > i > ed in thf > Citv Leave i at Commercial Hotel. Good uell utile. uighed on shoi t noiice. . . in. m'l iMiPfifWHw m pal ! wi T'um.i ' trr anw r It in * n Mm mtiM in w r -m- . - > timii * ir w * imi yw ! mi iiii ii , h iw . ! i , i i • ' A. OPPENHEIMER IS NOW OPEXKD UP AND READY M BUSINESS ! I CAltRY AN IMMENSE LINE OF CLOTHING , Etc. " * # * * * * * * . * * THIS WEEK I WILL QUOTE A FEW = SPECIAL LOW PRICES anaKBBBB _ _ ( _ aH _ i ) NE LOT OF SUITS AT $5 00. ONH J.OP OF CFULDREN'S SUITS AT $2 50. * ONE LOT OF YOUTHS' SCOTCH SUITS AT $3 50. V SIX MXE ALL-WOOL .MKN'S SULTS AT $12.50. V OXB DOZ MK.VS BLUE BEAVERS AT $12.50. ) NE LOT WORSTED SUITS AT $8.00. JEANS PANTS AT 90 Cents TO $1.50. . _ _ . . , - _ EOYS' JEANS PANTS AT 75 CENTS. " . > < " . ' ; BIG CUI1 IN ODD VESTS. ODD PANTS BELOW COST. ONE LOT OF COTTONADE PANTS AT $1.50. q 3ig Bargains in Dress Goods , Ginghams , Etc. Ij Boots 0 Ixoes AT PRICES TnAT DEFY COMPETITION. " * * * * * ' * * * * * . * * " * " * . - IV / A. OPPENHEIMER , . . JIoCOOK , NEBRASKA. | ' IABC0CK BKICK , - - - . MBHgjaMyHUHaHBHnanHBHK | " - " r r /its WWfe d/i / 17 I \i\\\ \ \ \ \ If ; % ' nWm li wt TAKE THE HINT. Whene'er an anxious group is seen But while they smile or praise bestow Around some monthly magazine And wonder whence ideas flow. Or paner tint is daily whirled The fact should still be kept in mind To every quarter of the world , That people of the knowing kind And merry poals of Iauehtcr rise Will heed the hints or lessons Jaid A.s this or that attracts the eyes , In rhymes and pictures thus displayed , The smiling crowd , you may depend , And let no precious moments fly Above somi illustrations bend Until the Ivory Soap they try , . That advertise the strength and scope And prove on garments coarse and fine , And purity of Ivorv Soap. The truth of every sketch and line. A WORD OF WARNING. There are many wh'ts swds , each represented to be "just a , good as the 'Ivory' ; " they ARE NOT , but like all counterfeits , lack the peculiar anJ remarkable qualities of the genuine. Ack for " Ivory " Soap and insist upon getting it. rop-rTiht ir S0. by Procter & Gamble. FOR SALE ! H HM - + + - MM - -M- + + + + + + + + + + * - * + + * - * + + H -M- - • OUli STRING OF T 1 " \7" 1 Located in Live Towns. [ ipieiiits First-CIa Stock if , Cta & Bill Capital MM , $125,000. $ , . * * * 3r • * * * * * * * * * If these Yards are not sold as a whole before June 1st , they will he offered separately. Address , GEO. HOOKNELL , McCook , Nebraska. J. A. YanShoik , AG NT FOH THE Singer Sewing Machines ALSO KEKPS ON HAND A FULL LINE OP Repairs and Supplies. iffice , in McMillen's Drug Store , • - - McCook , Nebraska. _ _ _ _ _ _ , . _ _ _ ma iiiiTiir 1 1 anor a Wiew ri iinftmiwtT 1.11 mmMiiiiwfii fr * mJjli Llib Mliulllli Ltldli ( ulli llllL III , OF McCOOK , NEBRASKA. /lakes First Mortgage Loans on Farm Property OFFICE IN FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING. A CAMP3ELL , PncsiotNT. B. M. FREES , 1st Vice Pnceioc\T. GEO. HoCKNELL , Sccrctarv. . S. L. GREEN , 2o Vice Presiocnt. F. L. BROWN , TncsuatR. ] > J ' - - ' - ' ' - - ' ' ' . m mm > i i 1' rft . 1 1-1 . Tr-n-iA ! . - - , ri r. 1 1 1 riii itrr fumrft rpn ' _ / ' - " ' ' - _ . { - % . " . . * \ - - . - \ • % . : ? llltj MMuUij uLUllllfllb LU. f : Our Regular Semi-Animal I mm DDT SALE MARKED . fj Is now going * on. Jj PLAIN , - 9 . J ' ' ' " " ' ' ' • ' " 1 • iM • ' FIGURES. - - - - • • > : * j • " - , • - ! ' ' " . • • - • / ' j 1 We are giving- Jl 20 Per Cent. Off' \ On all Winter Goods. I , . * , r 1 * Ib1 STRICTLY . * 1 We never carry ] 1 " ' 0B Of6f Ms if loiPrices I Will sell them. SI . . _ • * - • * - * • + + + + * - * + * H H H 4It + + + + + + + + + j. + + + UHMFIIK * PInTlTIHTP PR I TUC MliluUij uLullllliu ull. I JONAS ENGEL , Manager. 1 • r J& < , x J ] | 9b1 ' _ ! Slagler Prices _ C _ Only I A. 7 iJOSTORE OF J. F. GANSC OW. I Owing- the extreme mildness of the M season , I have on hand an extraordinari- M ly large stock of winter goods , and as I M am about to receive large consignments H of NEW SPUING GOODS , more space is - * absolutely required. I have therefore H determined to sell at the lowest possible | rate ever known in the annals of the boot | and shoe trade , BEGINNING JAN. 26th. H COME ONE ! COME ALL ! I ! ! AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THIS CHEAP RATE. H J. F. GAPiSCHOWM rnE Old Reliable , McCook , Nebkaska. j l ! • _ ! - _ _ > _ _ _ = _ _ _ . f I