111- " * ' A * - f l I- : . ® k : % : ittcCooti : Sttibtttte * . 1 | | fc VOLUME VII. McCOOK , RED WILLOW COUNTY , NEBRASKA , FRIDAY EVENING , JANUARY 23 , 1889. NUMBER 33. | | I ; YOUR CHOICE W ; : or ouk 1IEATEES at I lCOSTN- k- Pi" . - kftv . . I for THIRTY DAYS ONLY at I THE PIONEER HARDWARE , # LaTOURETTE & CO. , | r. ESf" Brick Store , Main Avenue , 4 donrs south of J. C. Allen & Co. ' V : v > - ft 1888. Fall Season.1889. . - : - . - : - . I | , The fact that my efforts in the past to produce f | c. none but of the highest , standard of excellence If } have been appreciated by friends and customers , j * as shown by my large and rapidly increasing busi- ; ness , has encouara e.d me to still greater exertions ] -f for the Fall and Winter season. I Mf Collection of Fine Fairies w& For gentlemen wear , is now complete , and it will mi : give me pleasure to have you see my stock , which Ji * is as large and handsome an assortment of new m _ . goods as can beshown by any of the best houses | | V \ in larger cities. I am better prepared now to exe- g % . cute all orders promptly , and give the trade styl- * j ish and perfect lifting garments. I L. BE1RNHE1IME1R , S ; McCooky Nebraska. MERCHANT TAILOR Tt Fras k MM LiIbi Cl = rDEALERS IN = LUMBER ! * * Sash , Doors , Blinds , Lime , Cement , HAED AND SOFT COAL. s * * C ft/ ] JA * * % l % . - ! x , - Authorized Capital. Sioo.ooo. - Paid up Capital , $50,000. OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS : GEO. HOCKNELL , PRESIDENT B M. FREES , VICE-PRESIDENT . . F. L. BROWN , CASHIER A. CAMPBELL. J. C. ALLEN. S. L. GREEN. SUBSCRIBE FOR J HC TRiBuNE S150 A YEAR- ' , mpwmme , , , . , BUSINESS DIRECTORY. J. IIYKON JKNNINOS. JOHI1 WJI.EV. JENNINGS & W1LKY , ATTORNEYS AT - : - LAW. Will practice In tlie Rime nnd United Ptiiie. Courts , nnd beforo the ' f.nnd Ollices. Careful nf lent ion Kiven • Collo iimn. Ulllei- over Cltixoiift Hunk. Met.Vt r.o . . • Til OS. COL FUR , ATTORNEY - : • AT - : - LAW. AND NOTAKV PUBLIC. Hcnl Ufltnto Bought and Sold nnd Colleciom Miiile. Money loaned on real est ill e nnd tlim proof. Aircnt Lincoln Lund Co. ODlce , ovei Kitrniere & MerclimitK Hank. R. M. SNAVKLY , ATTORNEY - : - AT - : - LAW INWANOLA. N'KltHAPKA. Will priiciice. in all the Stale and Unite • states Courts. Also , lmfnrc iho Laud Olllce : > McCook and the department , nt Washington. HUGHV. . COL If ! , LAWYER , McCPOIC NI' .HKASK.A. Will practico in nil ( he I'ourts. Commere. Hid corporation law a specialty. MONEY TO LOAN , ( looms 4 and i > . First Nut'I Hank Building- . A. J. IIITTKNUOUSK , W II ST Ut • MuCook. _ Indiatiola Riltcnhouse & Starr , Attorneys + a't t Law OFFIOKS AT McCOOK AND INDIANOLA. T. M. IIKI/M , C. W. IIAV1S. lite E sitor V. 3. tid Lite of Qes. Lad 05. OfficeEirwia.Eis. WahigtonD C. IJKLM & DAVIS , Attorneys , LanJ p Loan Agent. - Mccookihiaska. . If you have ii'diilieult eoiitcsi caso to i-ro ute or de'end and wnni lowin eousuli i • lllee. north of U. S. Land Ollice front line itent of the Citizen ? linuk. H. G. DIXON , • eai Estate and Loan Broke- McCOOK. NEHHASICA. . Special attention jrivon to the sale of c- ' • roperty. Mouse * ruuiod and collet-ti' • iade. Ollice : Hear of Oitizons Hank T. B. STUTZ.MAX , .M. D. . iclectic Physician and Surgvo ; OCULIST AND AUIUST. liOOOrc NHHltA. K Egroillcp in McNeoly HoildiiiL' . Main Si. B. B. DAVIS.M. . 0. , 3HYSICIAN AND SURGEON McCOOK NBMKASKA t ? Oflice at Olmnory'p druustore ! li. J. SIMCKK .MlKll , .M. J ) . , PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON Special Attcc.i.r 3i752 to "aaiie Cicszss : . office hours. Troiii Ji to II A. M . and • - . * to I I- i. inoiiiitiiin time Ollice * Over t'aunu > sv iercliains hank. Dn. Z. L. KAY , UYSICIAX AND SURGEON McCOOK. - - NEItltASKA. -"ft Olnee : I ? om Vo 1 FirF * .Ytthiiui ! ISanl- viiildinir. K sidence. on Marshall sricci. -A. J. THOMAS , DENTIST. Administers (3as if desired. i2T"Oniee over e < itt's tiriek. G.V. . M INK Mill , KOltMKItl.V COUNTY - : - SURVEYOR , Mc'OOK. NKHUAKA. Will do all kinds of Surveying , finullnjr and Civil BiiKiiieei'iiitf. Kesldeiiee north of seliool house. THE COMMERCIAL HOTEL , Geo. E. Johnston , Prop. McCOOK , XEBItASKA. This house has been completely renovated and refurnished throughout , and is urst-slass In every respect. Kates reasonable. W. M. SANDERSON , DECORATIVE - : - ARTIST , SCENIC PAINTER , . Calcimininjr. Graininjr. T'aper Hangingetc. . with neatness and dispatch. JOHN G. W. F. FLEE.MING , House and Carriage Painting , QHAIMNO , CAr.CIMISISO , MAItBLINO , McCOOK. NERItASKA. Leave all orders at the drujf store of Albert BIcMi Ihii. First-olass work guaranteed. jTh. BENNETT , GONTRAGTOR or BRICK AND STONE , McCOOK , - NEUUASKA. F. D. BURGESS , PLUMBING , Steam and Hot Water Heating , North Main Ave. . McCook , Neb. ' EG" All work rerelv&s prompt attention. BUCKLEN'S ARNICA SALVE. The IlEST Salvb In the world for cuts , bruf- es. win * , tilopro. SHlt rhotrit. fever sores , te • ter , chapped hands , ehitblnlnp. corns , and • • Skin erni-lioim. and positively cures piles • no pay required. ItiSriianmtee < ] loirirc p feet SHlisfHCtion. or tnouev rcfuiidiwl Vrii o nU per box. ForialebyA-Mcillllou. - - ' - . . - ' K - ' • . \ - - Ji ' ' : - - - y- * * HOUSE ROLL NO. 133. A III LI. foil AN ACT TO KSTAHU8U A KHIIMAI. HCIIUDl. AT MCCOOK , NKIIH V'jICA. AND MAK INO AN APlMliil'lllATKINTIIKItKrolt. l.VIUU- UUCr.lt nV JUSTIN A. WII.COX. Hk it inaotki : hvthi : i.iuisr.A'ruitK : oktih ; STATU or NKIIitVSKA : Skction 1. ThaL them shall be established at or near the city of McCook , lied Willow- county , State of Nebraska , and within one half mile of tho corporato limits of said city , a stato normal school to be known as the Itc- publican Valley State Normal School : provM ed. there shall be donated and conveyed to the -State of Nebraska In fee simple , not less than ( li acres of land suitable as a site fur said normal school , which she hluili bo approved by Hie Hoard ol Public Lands and Buildings. SkC. - ' . It shall ho the duty ol the board ol public lauds and buildinvs. as toon as practi cable , and within thirty dajs alter tins act shall take etfect • provided the laud shall be donated and convened to the state , as reunit ed in section I of tills act. ) to take the neces sary steps for the ( jreciion mid u'ltnpletioii ut a suitable building or bullilinys on the site s- doiiated , the cost of which said building or buildings shall not exceed the sum of twentj- flve ( S. 'C.OOO ) dollars , imd for that purpose shall advertNe for plans and speeillcations for the same , ami upon the adoption of such plain- and speeillcations said tioard shall at oncu ad vertise for sealed proposals for the erection and completion of said building or buildings according to the plans ad .speeillcations so adopted by said board. Said advertisement shall be published for at leas' , three weeks in four newspapers published in this state. He fore the contract for llie erection of said build iug or buildings shall lie let , and tne contract for the erection and completion of the san.c in accordance with the plans and specifica tions adopted by the board of public lauds and buildings shall be let to the lowest and best bidder , and the person or persons to whom such contract , shall be let , shall give bond in such sum and wit It such securities as said board shall deem a in pie. for the fniibliil per. formaiice oT such contract and the erection and completion of said building or buildings , in accordance with bis or their contract. Sec. 3 Said Republican Valley .Mate Nor mal School shall tie under the direction and control of the board of education mid shall le governed mid controlled tiesame as thcStnic Normal School now located at 1'eru , in Nema ha County , and all the laws now in force or that may hereafter be enacted tor the gov ernment ot the State Normal School. : io\v ex isting , shall lie applicable to tb government of said Republican Valley State Normal School. Skc. 4. For the purpose of carrying into rt- fect the provisions of litis act. fur the con struetionaud luruishiug of said building oi buildings and the necessary improvement ol the site iheretor. there is hereby appioprtati d out of-ihe general fund of the state , the sum ot twenij live ( $ : StNb dollars or so much thereof as shall tie necessi'i-y Uead tlrst time January Jl 1S89. Ordered o second reading. ICcud second time Jmiiini-y 13. 18S9. Referred to Committee on Univers.'y mid Normal Schools. Sent to ttie printer .i ; ti ll a ry li. lbS9. A Naw Legal Firm. Morbus & Tompsun is the sl.le . of a new law linn in liciiKchnau. Andc . n is not new , ! i r who Ones not know \ \ . S. Moruut , Judge ( Jo hn's old time probLcutiiig attorney ? I'erhai s no attorney in rvebninka , sine Thuisti.n , Cowiu and M.uquette. enjoy a wider lepnta lion or better jiraet.ee time U .S. MorJau. Ann he has earueit bib sueecetb \ Ins own nub.m . - able will , bard.close work.and natural ahiht. . . Like many olber ailoi uejs. Me ha.-not made a specialty ot one branch of tin : bii.su.ess , 1 i t excels in liolli civil anl criminal law. ulule.l. W. l'oiiipsou , iht-junior tiit-mbei o. the new liinine. | > nulenj > . \ ustate "i ptlialioi . stiii he has legal talent which hasa aided Inn. more law business than ilie avernge • uiij. lawyer hi csiern Aciiihsku. As a ciinuiu. bi ier ! w ineiiol Ills aje have any ail vaniaj- mi'i' hin. aim m t-ivil matters he has tjci Wiiud rub : > suete.-slnl. . \ loiiaA : louif sou wi 1 make a good tean . Air. .Mo. Ian , wlme nol a i i sun m ot Lliiitu county , vMII t > e pcisonaio associaleo withMi 1'oliifSiiii in all important cases , not oul > n. this county , tiul in all counties in tli s judicial d.slrict Iteiikelinan Lcmociut. Tfi3 Submission Quest/on. Thk TmuUNK holds ii to i.e clearly the iltnj of the present le .siaunc to stititnit Hie gi.es- tiouof prohibition to the people of Nebraska. This dilatory work is simply u a tiling uji the Hood , which shall sooner or Inter carry every thing before it. While tln-re iscousidcrnblcol the Salvation army style about some probi- tiouists. there are thousands of Nebraskaus who are quietly , but ureadlully. In earnest on I his vital question , and 'lilt ; TitiUUM- pit fouadly impressed and conviiiccd Unit thej proposeto have tbeopportunitj topassouiln proposition. If this legislature does ; not ha\i the ticcessao m n-al stamina to pass ttie mea sure , a legislature will spring Into existence in duo lime that will possess the requisite nerve to place the matter in the hands of Un people , where it belongs and should repose , for their disposition. As to whether * prohibi tion prohibits , that is iiujlher consideration , but docs not enter into the question so far as the legislature is concerned. The enforce ment ol the law remains largely with the peo ple , and public seut.uient is utui.ll } ihemea- ure ol the enforcement. Mistakes in Feedina Grain. w | Grain , being concentrated , supplies the fat andlurch more readily than thecoarser foods , but it is cheaper to use lho e portions of the ' uniiti for breeding stock and young animals that contain the largest proportions ot the more certain elements of growth , and bran and middlings will give the best results for the purpose. It ma > be sale to feed nothing but hay to the cows ir they are in very good con dition , allowing , however , an occasional mess of bran and linseed meal. L > uge messes oT corn meal should be avoided , but ground oats may be used by way of variety The growing calf or colt will not thrive unless it is given a liberal supply of rood containing the mineral mutter so necessary toils rapid development , which cannot be produced by grain alone. Hay is. therefore , more valuable than any oilier crop. A Scrap of Paper Saves Her Life. It was just an ordinary scrap of wrapping i paper , but it saved her life. She was in the | laRtBtagesofcnusumption. told by phjsicfntis that she was incurable nnd could live only a j short tijie : she weighed less than seventy ! pounds. On a piece of wrapping paper she I rend of Dr. King's New Discovery , and got a j sample bottle ; it helped her. she bought a large bottle , it helped her more , bought an other and grow batter fast , continued itsu.se and iBnowstrong. healthy.rosy.plump , weigh ing 140 pounds. For fuller particulars Feud e'aiiip to W. H. Cole. Druggist , Fort Smith. Trial bottles of this wonderful discovery free at A. MoMilleu'f druy store. Vf - ndHse 4 fLvim. < " - , - . ' - - 'jafaa. i&iv * : ; - ' ' --li - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a BagH-a aaHaBHlaBH | | 0HHa WOOD YARD. STOVE WOOD ! KINDLING WOOD ! • 1-KOOT WOOD ! 2-FOOT WOOD ! 3-FOOT WOOD ! 4-FOOT WOOD ! D11Y WOOD ! GliEEN WOOD ! 500 Cords of Wood Now on hand at ' A. W. Corey ' s Wood Yard. Only Wood Yard in the City. HT * Order * | iriiiit | > lly filled by Iler- isilt & De.sFjilfZes , DrnMllcll. Hall , Cochran & Co. , DKAI.KRS IN Implements , Etc. A cotii'lele | Stock oF UTI.EHY , STOVES , TIN W ARK , - BARB WIRE , WINDMILLS , OILS , ETC. . Lowest LivingPrices , j WKST DKNN1SON STREKT. McCOOK" . - - NEBRASKA. flliu WUOluliij ! > * • You will find a pplotulid line of Cloths , Cas-iiuiercs , Vor - steds. Loudon Suitinjrs , and Troiiserinjrs , and a complete assortment of Sj viu r and Kail / Overcoalinjrs. Also E-qni- uiau Beuvurs in all shades at DPJYSD&LE'S Fine Custom Tailor Shops , opposite the new postollice. Good fits fina ran teed. Thir ty-five years * experience in New York City. IAIN AVENUE , McCOOK. NEB. Herian&DesLarzes , Proprietors of the McCook Transfer % City Bus Line. Hits to and from all trains. Coal Iiattliiu : • ml general delivery. Three dray.All \ork promptly alleiiileil to. Leave tinier.-at frees & lloc.lcnell Lumber Van I. Blue Front Livery Stable D. D. S3IITII , Proprietor. LLery. feed mil sale tables. Finest htm • its in tita city I' -iii.-licil. . li.irn , rear .Mc- . . < • e tlotei. R. H. COLE , • The Leading" Vierchanf lailor of McCOOK , fou .1 rst-Class Tailoring * . Having a larjjo sloet of Fine SuiMmr * 5 ol Troitxoriu" . - ' . 1 will iurtiish them • ip for I In * ttXt UH di\S. t. e. Mccracken , I lid ilidtllOliuu kg I McCOOK. NEBRASKA , V/riiss Irvfrmrly wjv.rrA Fire. Ligh ij. Tornado and Hail Slom. The "Mascotte. " I j r Improved Heel-Plate jB J MACHINE. I l y Wa liave the only j H K ] @ Mtcinc ; ] ) in town. 1 1 P1"ies attached to H 0S m Rubbers of all kinds ' | Stmm at our STOKE. Prt . . ( " ' • ' • " I'S H ® PS : C k ' BIJY YOml THE * ' MASCOTTE. " IV U U U Lj IV VJ H With our IMPROVED HEEL PLATE 1 I on and show them to your friends. j H They Avill make your rubbers | H No where in this country can be found JjMf kj U abetter assortment of rubber goods. See ' HH n 1 our line of hRHHK 1 Pnre - : - Si - : - Ssecialties. w I In Rubber Shr.es , all made of fine Jersey cloth , M are the most stylish , best fitting goods in the M market. These goods are especially adapted to M fine cih trade. W'e sell "first quality" goods at M the same prices other dealers ask for second and | H third grade brands. J t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * H We ( sire Headquarters I For Wool Roots and Leather Boots and Shoes of H every description. NOVELTIES in Ladies'and H Gents' -Uppers for the Holiday Tkad * ; . We save H you money on every purchase you make at our H store. H nni--iinnju-jjvi.ri.uijfi - - ni - - - - i i - . . . i i . i . i - - rir-i-iLrij-i.il. . _ n i _ . . . . - * H WW fell w i = ai4 0 f r s H B " . " I "BOSTON BARGAIN SHOE STORE. JPEItA HOUSE IJLOCK , - JIcCOOK , EBKASKA. 'I 'II j CITY BAKERY , j . I * j FRESH BREAD j I \ DELIVERED EVERY DAY FREE OE CHARGE. \ * * • \ : o : • \ -PIES-CAKES-CAXDIES-NUTS- \ j -OYSTERS-CIDER-CIGAHS- \ \ TOBACCO-ETC ETC. - \ : 5 I : o : } I LUNCH ROOM IN CONNECTION. \ I Cakes Made to Order. St. Paul Patent Flour. ; j A. PROBST , PROP. ! I I , | The Canclv Kitchen , Is no > v located in its new quarters in the SGOTT BRICK. | A fine assortment of Canc 'ies of | | OUR OWNMAKE. . ! Constantly on hand. OYSTERS SERVED IN EVERY STYLE.