I' ' Bi Jl ' ' fepimp l - - -pimp , § 91' FRIDAY KVKNl.VG , JAN. 1 * . I8M ) IK . LADIES * AND MIOSES' OLOAKS if Kl "t leu * tliiii ) COST to iniiuul'iietim'ru. . tillf { . . Wo arc overstocked on clonks , inn ! will n Bi clone out nil wo havo at • • EAUTH MM } ' QUAKE BAKOALN& " This ir n l i SPECIAL SAFjB for December , and is S Bi ' r R uhiincu to liuv n cloak cheap. * H1 * .J. C ALLEN & CO I R Citv Drug Stork H Remember Noble For uwcerlus f Hf Noble. Tor Niipcrl ) lianjriuir lamps. ' < ; S V Fresh candies at the Citv " Bakery. H ) H' ' Go to Noble for your family'procurips. ( sK SSB Dr. Hall's office , over First , Na } , B tiotial bank. % . H gagT'FrPsli sausage at the B. & M. J B /Meat Market. 'i B' ' / , Frosh oysters , in cans and in bulk at " ' B / the City Bakery. \ ft' " r I-IB Try some of our pure Pork Sausage. IwH McCook Meat Market. * BaI' Remember that Leland & Morrow sell fB1 * "e 'iiable Olds wiijmii. BB Everything fresh and clean in the BiB ) ray of groceries at Noble ' s store. JB WWKt Cash paid f.ir.live . ; stock , poultry and I IB llide8 at the B & Myt"jt ] xarkct- , | jw There is no other way. Buy your ftjBfi procerioH , queens warn , cto .of Noble. [ 1AB Sugar syrup , maple sjrup and sor- SHE gbuoi at Berry's. flfi Plumbing in all its branches prompt- timm * . ly ard skillfully performed by F. D. I { 'Mr Burgess iVV A. Corps of very able U. S Senator ' s , j R are being unanimously re elected , about : B these days. ' Wm , ; , MMj For honiQ sugar cured meats hams , IBK breakfast bacon , etc. , go to the B. & BB Meat Market. Hflj Prescriptions accurately com- BB pounded , day or night , at the ClTi' Wm JDrucj Store 3tt 83f"The price of liberty is eternal wflrn vigilance , but Noble's prices on groceries MjH are sure to catch you. HBfj ; If you want a real nice HANGING Bl or VASE LAMP call and see Mo PB | | | Milieu ' s fine selection. Hfi\ \ J In the line of plain and fancy Bg | groceries , C. M. Noble will fill your Iftjj every want satisfactorily. mWm\ \ The celebrated Olds wagon for sale by IM Leland & Morrow. Also spring wagons , feW : buggies , etc. All very cheap. BB guarantee both quality and price. B No . tbing slop shop or stale. Give uie a H call. H H. Berry. I B . B Organs and sewing machines sold on H the instalment plan at the implement H warehouse of C. P. Rinker. ' fj Why Papa ! Where did you get that H . nice tender Uak . ? Why dear ! 1 B4 bought that at the , McCook Market. W , : - . . This week. Leland & .Morrow have re- 1.31 ceived a car-load of fall and winter ( WR wheat flour. They carry the best grades. Kit If you want nice tender beefsteak H give the B. & M. Meat Market a call.a ftj They butcher none but the choicest of Bj beeves. f HE Leland & Morrow carry a complete HI stock of cornoats.chop feed.and in fact Hl of everything belonging to a first class < Bf fl ur aud feed store. Hi Organs and sewing nuifliiiics at ab Bi solute co.st for cash at ( ' . P Hinker ' s B ( for the next ten days only. Officc.iu jj W warehouse old stand. m Strasser has two of the Guest offices H 5n the city for rent. Front rooms , with WKp bay windows. Call at once if you wan MMb to secure elegant office quarters. ByJ Small , but well selected stock and j B constantlj * turning.is why my goods are . BB always fresh. No stale stock in my t K store. H. H Berry. PJJ The New York World has quit bam- ! B ing Colonel Quay for the result of the B election , and now lays the onus of de Hi feat upon Grover Cleveland. It has hit B | the "bull'seye" at last. l SB If you want something handsome in J the way of a hanging lamp.call on C. M.a m\ Noble. He is just in receipt of thp sl f largest aud finest stock of hanging " | B- lamps ever brought to southwestern * B NebrasKa. HE h mj Quite a number of the county coin- By missioners , throughout the State held Bl n meeting at Lincoln , this week Urn Some valuable hints may be expected r B from this body , that will interest tlie I B lawmakers now in sessiou at the Capi { B People begin to number the days of m the present. Congress. It is a funeral. B { but it's no use to send the usual re- L quest of "No flowers " It would re- a M i quire a four horse wagon load or onions . BI to start tears. Democrats themselves c 1 are tired of it. B f | , | Xi H | Congressman Blout ' s bill to pro B , vide for the punishment of those who L • buy or sell votes is good of itself , but M it has a significant inference as to other r B incident of eleelion. For if it be in r B . . tbe province of Congress to notice the r L incident of bribery it surely is in its li M notice the incidents of " province to sup4 Bf } pression or falsification of votes , or of I Br , electoral malfeasance of any kind , p B v | fivi that a representative froin Georgia ( A , has made the first advance , it may be . : Bh expected that C Migressmn from other 1 ; jf * distnets in the southern tier wiil bring s H forward measures for the purification ) W and protection of the ballot It is Bj | extremely desirable that Southern re i Bl " forms should come from Southent a Bl Bimrce > ; it is to he hoped that Mr 1 Bllj Blount's bill will be thejirst of a series I Bl ] of remedial measures proposed by re t Bfe reientatires froaa the planting Stated. \ MHBK BHB BBB JBBwiiiSw5 B j . . . ft5 ; < ) OO.OOt • Wo have $5,000.00 io place on good farms during the next 20 days. Ho delay if security is approved. BADCOCK & KELLEY. . Hocknell Brick Upstairs. BARGAINS ! BARGAINS ! EPTiir bargains in WATCHKS. CLOCKS and .JBWELKY call at Mc Cracken's old stand , where evervthing is being closed out regardless of cost. Mr Jiiini8 Fox is in charge and will giiarantee evervthing as repriwiited. If ton want a time piece or auubiiigiu the jewelry line owi ' i put it off now. for the price is suchou ennuot niia - the money. RESIBENCE FOR SALE. T will sell my rc-idence property in Mcf'ook on very good terms to the right purcliiiscr. L"t is a southea > t eonier. in tin' best resilience portion of the | citv. Honse bus m ' x rooms am ! good cellar. Will sell all niv furniture also ' , us ii noiv stands in the house For terms ' and partieii nrs see W. F Law- son at. the Fii > t N 'itioiril biuk , or ad dress O. C G.iston. 40. ° . Fiivt N'ati I bank. I ( ) niiha. : A. Change. H.iving pur-based .1 lines Littcll' - in terest I in ihe McCook tn at m.irket. I am prepired to sell > II kinds i rine-its at tm ' | lowest ea > h prices , aud I respectf fullv j solicit the patronage of our form er customers , and all persons desiring antiling in my line. . II. 0 TlIAYKR WAGONS ! WAGONS ! ! WAGONS ! ! ! Hall. Cochran & ( Jo have just received a large shipment of the celebrated Ml h- BURN ' TlJRLRK AXE WAOON8. which they ' are ready to sell at fair prices. Rooms for Rent. The rooms over the First National bank l huilding , formerly occupied by Dr j Z. L Kay. Inquire of , Badcock & Kelley. $100,000.00. To loan on needed lands. Money advanced to make final proofs. Gilt- edged loans at 9 per cent. - C .1. Bya.v. . Vaccine Points. • " " " Vaccine Points for vaccination can be had ' at \ McMii.i.en ' s Ditro Store. j LADIES' AND MISSES' CLOAKS at i less than COST to maiiufacturiT. We t are overstocked on cloaks.and will close out all we have at "EARTHQUAKE t BARGAINS j " This is a SPKCIAL SALE for December , and is a chance to buy a cloak cheap. J. C. ALLEN &CO. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = Fresh and smoked meats of all kinds at the B. & M. Meat Market. * Go to Leland & Morrow for everyl' thing in the flour and feed line. "Genuine " bargains in overcoats for • men aud boys at THE FAMOUS. y Noble , the leading grocer , carries the . most complete line bf queensware in the * city. ! Inspect it. S ( .Janned fruits , evaporated fruits and dried fruits of all kinds and busit brands J'1 at H H. Berry's. . It A few second hand heaters suitable w for btore rooms. For sale , very cheap at p Lytle Bros & Co. 's. liu C. P. ltinker has an exceedingly fine oi lot of organs and sewing machines to > ' sell cheap. Call and see them Just , received at. A. WcMiilcn ' s Drug ai Store a large assortment of the latest . designs in LA M PS. s Whatever THE FAMOUS advertises " you can all depend upon. Nhumbug about this. A genuine reduction to tl clear stocky tl We don 't sell goods at • • your ' " prices , 8' but "ours"are. marked so low. and in u plain figures , that you will always find them | the cheapest. y THE FAMOUS. c . n Tf Omaha were in Texas instead of \ \ Nebraska its postoffiee bill would get a p caress instead of a kick at tbe White a House. f to LADIES' AND MISSES' CLOAKS tl at less than COST to manufacturer. We 8 are overstocked on cloaks , and will close * out. all we have at "EARTHQUAKE J1 BARGAINS " This is a SPE UAL SALE for December and is a chance to buy a cloak cheap. f J. C. ALLEN & CO. a t Cl The Hon Charles F. Mandersnn was Sj re elected Tuesday by the Nebraska w Legislature , to represent the State as ii United States Senator. The proper thing to have been done. LADIES' AND MISSES' CLOAKS in at less than COST to manufacturer. We " are over-tocked ou cloaks.and will close j > nut. all we have at "EAii'l HQUAKK BARGAINS. * * This is a SPECIAL J SALE for December , and is a chance j to buy a cloak cheap. „ J. C. ALLEN & CO. r n As Eastern journal , which has a d poor opinion of the West , sneeringly 1 remarks that the West prefers to be " represented in Washington by "bust " S. lers" rather than statesmen. Does our "culchad" ' Eastern contemporary call . Lincoln , Garfield. Douglas , Cha < e , Lo gan , Sherman , Hayes. Butterworth , i Cannon. Eirwell. Culloni. McKinley , f Allison/and a host of others tint might > be mentioned , • hustlers ? " They an * I statesmen , and strong men in the E < st. . tl but when it comes to measuring of full * • fledged American statesmen , tbe West J not aslnuied to mtrshal its men and ask them to stand lorth in the white in _ ' light of history. If the term "bust v Icr" means men that "get there"on a time and know what they came for , the u West will accept the term , in L . - , . Kj OpiTJl ll l\t. \ . . . Monday and Tuesday nights. J. S. Sturdevaut's Comedy Company. Everybody's goiiij ; to the 0 | > cra House next ' Monday night. The McCook Roller Mills will be In full ' operation next week. The J. S. Hturdovant Comedy Co. next Moi.day ; and Tuesday nights. What iirotiteth It if there Is n "lien on" If the I fowl Is setting on a stone chlng egg ? Preaching at the Lutheran church next Sun- day morning and evening up the pastor , J. W. i Kiiuinci. The school board held a special meeting , . Tuesday , with full board present. Important business | transacted. • Canon City , and other grades of soft coal , and both Pennsylvania and Colorado hard coal at Dullard's lumber yard. Dullard doesn't sell drugs ; but it Is a cani tion ' the amount of hard and soft coal he is weighing out , these chilly days. Dullard has "the cream" of the coal trade. He 1 keeps in stock a large supply of best grades of both hard and soft coal. Is your coal bin empty ? If so consult BuiJ lard 1 , dealer in "dusky diamonds" of best grades , at the Badger lumber yard. Joel S. Kelsey will speak next Sabbath morning ' upon "A Withered Life , " and in the evening upon "Lifo in the Shadows. " Paxton , the cigar maker , has purchased the Ed O'Donnell building , next to Lewis' sa- : loon , to which place he will soon remove his factory. : With Bullard's filling your order for hard or soft coal ? "He's all right. " So is his large , stock of coal. So are his figures. Givei j him a trial order. We direct the reader to the announcer uieut of L. Lowman & Son's grand clearing sale , to be tound in a genorous space else- where in this issue. Mr. Onpenheimer informs us that he has secured the services of Mr. Geo. Snively. George is an experienced salesman and is a favorite among the ladies. Defere going jack rabbit hunting see John Lewis or Ed. Stock and they will give you j-ome very valuable information in regard to shooting them on the run. They commenced the week at Supt. Canip- bell's home with a bran new male member of the clan Campbell. The young man is quite domestic ] at present and will perhaps not enn ter upon active railroad life for some time , They say that there Is more joy In the home ' of Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Bohner , who reF side near the city , over the appearance of a fine boy baby , last week , than over the three little \ girls whose births date from various intervals , more remote. * There will be a meeting at the Methodist church Sunday afternoon at 2 o'clock , M. T. , to ( perfect arrangements for giving a War Concert at the church at an early date. All the | singers in the city who will take a part in ) the singing are cordially invited to be r present Some men hcem never to grow old. Ala ways active in thought , always ready to va adopt new ideas , they are never chargeable with fogyism. Satisfied yet ever dissatisfied , settled yet ever unsettled , they always enjoy the best of what is and are the firstto tine the ' best of what will be. ? * _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ We direct your attention to the advertiset nient of M. C. Maxwell , breeder of shortv horn cattle , which appears in this issue. Mr. Maxwell keeps stock constantly on hand. Sl If you desire anything in his line , call at his farm , one mile south of McCook. He will take j pleasure in showing you some handtf some ( full bloods. Young man , rest assured of this fact : If u you are healthy , ablebodied and industrious , and ' acquire a fair education , and witii it ll learn some useful trade , and back the " whole by truthfulness , honesty and temtl perance < , you are bound to succeed in this " life aud become an honored and respected * member of society. Have you started out on this line , at the beginning of this new year ? Taken all around and one year with D another Nebraska about fills the idea of an s\ earthly dwellinjr place. Bright skies , sain"j brious climate and healthful , fertile soil , tl superb , school system , excellent church privv iliges . , intelligent and progressing citizeus , c rivers and valley , divide and plain , diversity \ and plentitude of productions , "cattle on a r thousand hills , " prosperity present and fu0 ture glorious prodiiryflnd future , a present a e giant ' among the commonwealths of the u union. Here's a good one. It concerns a certain u youugschoolmarin ( wiioseresidence from Mc- Cook does not exceed the thousand mile ! limit. One day while in the schoolroom she ° was aware of a very strong and not at all pleasant odor in her vicinity , but could not nsceataiu the cause. It followed her home and clung to her with the tenacity of death a departed darkey. Then she began to d think that tiie trouble lay in herself and she c gave herself a thorough bath with scented f soap , and then poured about an ounce of h high priced cologne over herself , but still tl the smell stayed on. She began to get scared I and hied herself to a doctor and laid before Ii him her tale of woo. He could do nothing tl for her , but told her to go home and exp amine her clothes. When she did she disa covered a dead mouse in her .bustle. The si story leaked out as stories of such richness b will , and that young lady's friends are hav ing a great deal of fun at her expense. The jug breaking entertainment at the tl Lutheran church Wednesday evening , was e many respects , the most successful enterfi taiumeutof the season. The excellent prod gram was well rendered to a large audience. I "How we spend our money" was original , V prepared by Mrs. Kimmel. The diagram of G stringed popcorn was explained by the C speeches by the children , showing seven rI million dollars spent annually by our nation tl for , missions , 85 million for education , 505 million for bread. 600 million for strong drink , the children each performing their parts well. Will Harmon bought the hamr mer with the office of "Chief Executive" h and broke the 100 jugs. A. C. Ebertaml J. h . Lellew were chosen secretaries and memtl hers of the cabinet , to count the money and a keep record , and report total receipts of the p evening S235. § 165 was from friends of the tl * Lutheran ciiurcli representimr eleven difs ferent states from Nebraska and Kansas to g New York , in response to a letter written by Ii Katie Kimmel of our eitj and published in the Lutheran Oliserver of PhiLidelpliiii , Pa. . Dee. 21.1SSS. .MeCook responded with forty jimspourimroutSTO. The effort was Io pay v for the chairs in the chinch aud a small note a bank belm ; theentirefloatiugdibt.of ( he li church , and was entirely successful , for 1 which the Lutheran friends are very irratef ul li and extend hearty thanks to the children , and all their friends , east and west , for their aid i making the effort a success , \ \ . r * i \ .ANEVENT'OFPLEASURE- OFFICEIW-KT.RCT ( OP J. K. HAKN'ES POST A.Vll TIIE WOMAN'S KKI.IKF COWS DULY INSTALLED ANII INDUCTED INTO OFFICE. An event which will bo remembered as ouu of ( the pleasant in G. A. It. and W. H. C. cir cles < , during the year , was that of Monday evening < , upon which occasion the oflicers- i electof the order and auxiliary were duly Installed | and inducted Into their various and respective , offices , by tho State Dcpaitmcnt Commander < , Capt Henry , of Fairmont , and the * State President , Mrs. Manchester , of Lincoln. It is to be regretted that the at tendance j was not more numerous , but the inclement | weather was largely responsible for i the absence of many. The post officers for the ensuing year are : Capt J. S. Loi Hew J , Commander ; B. F. Olcott , Senior Vice Commander < ; Jacob Steinmetz , Junior Vice Commander ( ; J. H. Yarger , Quartermaster ; W. , M. Irwin , Adjutant ; Bev. J. W. , Kimmel , Chaplain ; A. J. Thompson , .Ser geant Major ; Kendrick Clark , Qtimter- master's i Sergeant. The corps officers are : President J , Mrs. Fowler ; Senior Vice , Mrs. J. W. Lewis ; Junior Vice , Mrs. Adelia Lee ; Treasurer , Mrs. T. M. Helm ; Chaplain , Mrs. J. : H. Yarger ; Secretary , Miss Nellie Lee ; Conductor . , Mrs. W. D. Paine ; Assistant Conductor , Mrs. J. N. Ludwick ; Guard , Mrs. Herman J Pade ; Assistant Guard , Mrs. F. S. Fowler. Following the Installation cere monies , Dept Commander Henry delivered a very eloquent and patriotic address which was listened to with most attentive appre ciation. The Commander is an enthusiastic . G. A. R. man. His descriptive powers are accurate and fervid. All enjoyed his some what extended remarks greatly. But another enjoyable feature awaited the audience and members of the order. We refer to the sup- per , in which the handiwork of the ladies of the Relief Corps appeared to advantage. Avery Inviting table was spread with a bountiful and delicious repast to which lull justice was done heartily. In the manage- ment of the commissary department all agree that the ladies "out rank" all cornel's. On this occasion they excelled themselves. , Acceptable music was furnished by Mrs. Herman Pade , Miss Nellie Lee , Mr. J. W. Lewis , Mr. Geo. Coleman. SPECIAL MEETING. The meeting of the Board of Trade was well attended Thursday evening , by citizens as well as Board members. At which time . the interests of the city was generally talk- ed up. The conditions of the roads leading Into 1 town was discussed , and a committee appointed , consisting of Messrs. Jennings , Green and Franklin , to devise ways and means to place said roads , especially the approach-ways to the new bridges in a good and passible condition. An electric light plant was freely discussed by the meeting and the City Council requested to offer S100 , per month , to any responsible company that would put in , and maintain a plant here. Sewer drainage was also a matter of conj sideration and a committee appointed to cone fer , with the R. B. Company in regard to tho outlet , aud the interest that they would take in the matter. Other questions of in terest to the city were freely discussed by the meeting , but no definite conclusions ar- rived ; at , yet all present felt that progress in the right direction was made. The board adjourned to meet next Thursday evening , being their annual meeting and election of officers , Resolution Locating Fair. KE80I.VED , That the county fair be locat ed as follows , for six years : The town makt ing the society the best proposition to have the ] fair for 1S86. Provided , That the location shall after wards alternate between McCook and lndia- nola. Also , that the town where the fair is so located shall raise and pay into the treasd ury of the society a sum of not less than S1000. Pkovided , further , That in case the town entitled to the fair in regular succession fails to raise $1000 , then iu that case the fair to j be located at the town offering the better inducements. At the annual meeting the secretary , was instructed to ask for bids in accordance witli the above. SaidTbids may be presented at the time of the adjourned meetiug on Saturf day , Feb. 9 , or may be mailed to the secreJ tary ' , at Bartley prior to that date. C. W. Beck , Secretary. Will Retire from Business.l On Monday , Messrs. Ludwick & Trow bridge disposed of their extensive furniture u stock \ to Mr. J. D. Shanan , a gentleman from j York state , who will assume possession of the same on 1st of February , Messrs. Lud wick & Trowbridge both have other and considerable , iuterests in McCook and vicin- t ity \ and assure us of other determination to t remain residents of the promising metropolis of the valley , although they have not decid- ed upon their future course of action in a business way. Mr. Shahau returned to New j York on Tuesday morning to close up busi- p uess matters there and to lay in a new and r more extensive stock of furniture and unt . dertakers' goods. He expects to return in t . time to assume charge in person on the first v of the mouth. A Broken and Dislocated Arm. Last Saturday night , the five-year-old a daughter of W. H. Allen , whose farm is lo- . cated above ten miles southeast of tho city , v fell < off of a chair while at play , fractuiing j her arm about the elbow and dislocating both s the principle bones at the elbow. Dr. B. B. Davis was called to see the patient , the fol- lowing day , the fracture was reduced and the dislocated bones returned to their proper e places. With good care the little one will be r able to be around as usual in a few weeks. n so rapidly does nature repair broken mem- > bers , in the youth. v MoCook Investment Co. The annual meeting of the stockholders of t the McCook Investment Co. occured on the , evening of Tuesday of present week. The v following officers and members of board of o directors were elected : Fowler S. Wilcox , t President ; Dr. B. B. Davis , Vice President ; t W. M. Anderson , Secretary and Treasurer : " Geo. M. Chenery , Diiector for two years ; t C. F. J3abcock , Director for three years. ° The company's affairs are in good * hapu ami the outlook for a prosperous year bright. T Mr. Oppenheimar is Here. v Mr. Oppenheimer , ( with his family ) , ar- T rived ; from St. Joe , Mo. , Sunday night , with " his immense stock of goods , fixtmes ami household effects. His elegant quarters in the new Dabcock brick are now being shelve * , ' f and counters and other fixtures are beiui - - placed iu position. He hopes to have everj thiiiir in readiness , next week , to-open In ? stock of dry goods , clothing , furnWiiiM goods , etc. , for the inspection of the put- . lie. Not a Glittering Success. The entertainments announced by Di voliua , the French Magician , for Momhn and Tuesday evetiiims , in the Menard opei- hall , were not gliiterim ; successes from : ihiiiiK-ial siaiidpniul , although t * . > ose wh * have seen .the gentleman in hisperformancc- elsewhere claim for him considerable artisti' merit. Small houses greeted him on hisap pea raiic . es > here , - . * j. VWBW' PHBMB ! B ( KSr _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ " * i r 1i 1 : m ' i H-i i i J. A. Conleul wus at Omaha this week. SumuelStraaserreturncd.Tucsduyinornlntr , from his visit to Huatlnjts. Fred A. Webster , of Straltou , wnadowu to the metropolis , yesterday. IfusrhW. Colo returned , Wednesday on the llyer. from u flying trip to Kansas City. Alex. iA'ominl was In tbn city , yestcrduy ad vertising' the J. S. Sturdevaut Comedy Co. C. 1 * . Underwood and William Mmuloar of Dunbury vore Commercial guests , Monday. John Fiiticliur and Geo. Snively go to Iowa next week on a vls.t to relatives und friends. W. C. Dullard is convalescent after having been i on the sick Hut two or three days this week. S. II. Col vln and family arrived home Wednes day ( , from their visit to the eastern part of tbe atate. , ! > r Z. L'lCay boa removed his ofDco totbo seeomi sinry of the new First National Bank j litilMiny ; . Allon Hartley of tho 'Vawity town was it ] buniticsa visitor ut Commercial headquarters , Tuesday of this week. Sam. F. Asbmoro , now engaged in the drug business I at Denver , spent a few days early in tho i wcok with friends In tho city. Mr. Edgar Howard of the Dcnkehnnn Demo- crHtspreHd asmnploof htochlrographyoniho Commercial < register , Tuesday evening. F. A. FIshor , Esq. , of Omaha and state agent of tho Firotinms Fund Insurance Co. of Cnllforl niit , , called at Tub Tkiuunb olliee , Saturday.T Mrs. E. J. Merrill of Stratton came down to the ' city , Tuosday evening , on a little affair of business ! , returning home yesterday mornc lug. Mr. Goo. Hanthorn , of Northern Red Willow county , diod at his home , lastFilday , of diabe tes. ' Tho funeral was hold on Saturday. Stockville Fabcr. Mr. John W. Kami of tho Wauneta Breeze , aud brido.spentTiiesday aftcruoon In tho city on their way homo 'from an extended visit to his ' old home in York state. J. E. Kelley was a passenger for Hastings , Lincoln I amj , Omaha , Tuesday evening , on a little 8ight-scoing-busIuess trip. Ho roturned J home on the flyer , this afternoon. Mr. J. F. Walsh , a brother-in-law of Mrs. H. W. Colo , arrived in tho city. Wednesday on tho Uyor , and has taken a position in J. C. Allen & Co. 's general merchandise store. Hon. J. W. Ivey of Hayes Centre was In the city , Saturday , on his way to Lincoln , to Join tho Indianapolis party concerning which re- Terence Iu extenso is elsewhere made. Mr. L. F. Whitehead , representing the Weir1' Shugnrt Agricultural Implement Co. of CounG ell Bluffs , Iowa , was in tho city , the early part of tho week , in the interests of that extensive concern. County Treasurer Goodrich and brother spent Wednesday and Thursday of this weok in j tho city receiving taxes of tho people Taxes are pretty stiff , this year , aud of course there was no little "kicking. " Mr. C. B. Waulqui8t or the Democrat lott. Monday eveniug. on a mora or less secret and mysterious mission to Iowa. He will also visit ' Hastings and Lincoln during his abseuco and is j , expected home. Sunday. F.M.Kimmell.cdltorol'this paper , hasgune to Lincoln to attend a session of the State Press \ 0 Association. While thcro ho will look in up on the assembled wisdom at tho state bouse t and perhaps proffer some good advise. c John S. Hughes , the well-known nayes counT ty stockman , was in the city , Monday evening , t on his way to Lincoln to attend tho meeting of the board of directors of the state agricultural q society , of which he is an active member. Mr. A. E. Lytle went down to Lincoln , MonE day.to ascertain what Improvement , if any , Ij there is in the condition of his brother Fred. He returned homo. Wednesday , and reports Fred's physical condition mending , hut found nothing encouraging as yet as to the state of F his mind. j Mr. Smith of the State Line Register , aChuse county publication , made us a short fraternal call , Monday , while in tho city on his way home from a business trip to Omaha and Lincoln. Mr. Smith reports having heard nothing tmp cou raging concerning tho completion of the Frenchman line , this year , and docs not feel over-sanguine of that consummation dovoutly to be wished for. T. S. Bosloy came in from the west , hist Sat urday morning. , T. S. says that he has been pretty well all over the western country and ; finds nothing to discount this section of coun- > try. He found , however , that those western Jj ohiorados were all painted in unjustifiably • high colors , and that a personal inspection alc most invariably brougiitdisuppoiutuiont to the " traveler. s Hon. J. W. Dolan was up from lndianola , y Wedncsday.on important business. Mr. Dolan , q who was onoof the delegation which recently t journeyed to Indianapolis to interview tbe c president-elect on tho western land question , reports that they received a careful and pa- h tient hearing , and expects good results from jj the showing they made Mr. Harrison on that s vital question to this section. William Coleman , president of the Red Wil- " low county agricultural society , departed on j1 Tuesday evening , for Lincoln , where he will " attend tho meeting of the sthte agricultural ° society , of which he is a member by virtue of his office in tiio local society. Hoa60took ! ' with him an exhibit of corn for competition * in , the state corn show which occurs in the ° stato capital , this weok. l d Mis3 Kate Watson. Mi6s Fay Doty , Mr. Chas. Fisher , Mr. Goo. McNaul , Mr. Will Fisher , all „ of Wauneta , came down to the city , Sunday ] evening , on a short pleasure visit. The party r returned homeward , via Stratton. on Tuesday 0 morning's passenger , accompanied by Miss f Nellie Fishor , who has lieen spending a few 0 woeks with admiring friends and relatives in j- this city and at lndianola. n Dr. A. E. Hall , of McCook. had bosincs * . per- * tainlng to his profession , in the city , Wednes- ' day. Wo received a pleasant call Harry ° Waterman , representing Paxton & Gallagher ° of Omaha , witli headquarters at McCook , was taking orders of our merchants. Tuesday Robert Doty , formerly a druggist of Wau neta , enjoyed a brief season of siaht-seeing in C the city , Tuesday. Mr. Doty will open a gen- oral store in "the only summer resort in the r west" shortly. Hayes Center Times. F n .ludze Cochran went down to Arapahoe , Tuesday morning , to hear the Homorville ap- a plication for an injunction restraining the El- c wood people , ( in the Gosper county county seat fight. ) from remivliiz the county tecords to Elwood , alleging fraud in tho lato election. wherein it was voted to remove the coiititj- - seat from Homerville to Elw i.d. After hear ing , the evidence in the case , the .Indue dedin -d to issue the lnjoii < ; lion as prayfil for. Ho- nervil'e , ' is in mourning. Joy reigns supreme > yEltt-m , < d. Whkv the Southern ivliite tnun h-i < rid him- " .flf nfhis contempt r r labor and the black u • mil Tii pliifllefistieu * , the K uo is settled and he Sooth will hlo-4om like a rose , and instead • f yearly seeing the wraith and power flowing- ce twanl and eastward ami every other way • ' • it southward they will flint theeiirrent bring- • or to llx-m dollars and people in a quantity • ' hut will ( surprise them. Tho present growth • r the South is hut u drop in tho bucket to bar is to come r It is reported that a gentleman from Motook j -ill tem 'Vch ° re in tho spring and open up a i rge iteueral Blorc llaj es Ccutro T'moa. ' j ! a Tho pay oar mudo Its usual monthly dcpuMlt with tho boys , Saturday lojt. Engineers' and fireraon's tlmo books fornalo at i The McCooic Tuidunk ofllce. Wo hear it rumored that tho boys will give another i ball on tho ovenlng of Fabuary d , and , tnat It will rival that or Now Year ove. Wo understand that it is Sanford Lowis' in- tcntlou ( to remove his family and household offocts to McCook , next wook , and cntor the ' employ of tho B. & M. Sanford's legion of friends ' will bo sorry to soo htm take this step. Hayes J Contcr Times. MOUE SUOrS AT CHEYENNE. Following c'oso upon tho announcement of tho ' intention of tho Union Paclflo to build shops at Cheyenne comes the information that tho t Burlington also will erect similar works at that point , although tbe latter will not bo as those t of tho first named road. Tho Burlington wlllorectropalr8hopsouly which will employ iu ' tho neighborhood of 800 mon. This action is taken * to reduce tho expense of transporting all broken cars and engines to Plattsmoutb. Omaha Herald. Tub beard of railway commissioners system , hiicIi as is In voguo In Nebraska , la proving a popular , and efficient method of railway rcgu- latum. i Properly administered tho systom will , continue to bo satisfactory aud equltab'e alike to ' the railroads and to tho people Thorels room for Improvement and changes may bo required , but these time and uxperienco and observation will ludicatoand the remedy when clearly pointed out will be applied. North Carolina is now contemplating adopting tho connnfcsloucrs system und may takulhoNc- braska law for a model. - - " , Agricultural Society Meeting. Tho annual meetiug of the Red Willow County Agricultural Society met at the court house in lndianola , on Saturday. January I- , 18S9 , at one o'clock P. M. Wm. Coleman , pre sident of tho society iu tho chair , all of the oflicorsand a largo nuuiber ot members pres- co ont. Socretnry and treasurer presented ro- ports which wcie approved. A vote of thanks was givon the secretary for ollicleut and gratuitous work performed during tho last year. The following wore elocted officers for the ensuing year : Wm. Coleman. President : Isaac Vandervort , Vice President ; C. W Beck , Secretary ; Ora Clark , Treasurer ; It. M. Ashmore , Superintendent. The following wero elected directors : A. P. Bodwell , Beaver Precinct ; J. A. Carter. Bondc villo ; J. C. Aabton , Danbury ; it. S. Hilemao. Driftwood ; A.F.Hardin , East Valley ; L.C. Root ' , lndianola : Isaac Smith , Missouri Riogu ; G. W. Bartlett. North Valloy : J. F. Black , Red Willow ; J. C. Moore , Tyrone ; N. P. Banks , Willow Crovo ; W. M. Ro/.ell , Coleman ; S. Holies , Box Elder ; John Reol. Perry. Tho executlvo committee wero instructed to fill vacancies in precincts not represented. The secretary was instructed to ask for bids for ( the location of tho fair for 18S9. By mo tien it was docided to hold our next fair the weok following the State fair , to commence on Wednesday. The executive committee ; wero instructed to take steps toward organis ing n district fair , with power to act if suf ficient interest is shown by adjoining counr ties. By motion tho meeting adjourned to moot at same place on Saturday , February 'Jth. at ono o'clock P. M. All interested in making the ljiir of 1839 the ] best ever held in Nobraska , are invited to como and glvo their advice and iulluonco. Tbe following is a condensed report of secrec tary. ( nKCElPTS. Cash on hand from last year $ 1.42 Gate receipts , 606.40 Received from county - . . 197.35 Rentof grounds for stands , 49.40 Entranco feefor speed , G1.50 Kent of stalls 43.00 Adds in premium list , 127.50 Total receipts , ? 1,086.57 EXr-ENDITUKES. Printing premium list $ 70.00 P ! 'inting tickets , posters , badges , etc. , 4310 Books and postage , 13.00 Police and gate keepers , C4.50 Hayandstraw , 28.00 Lumber , 16.40 Hardware and repairs , 6 81 Expenditure soliciting adds , 15.93 Salary of secretary 50.00 Paid for premiums , 67831 Expense of officers , etc 34.6C Balance on band , 65.92 ' Total , $1,036.57 C. W. Beck , Secretary RENTING IN IOWA. "F. R. Conway of the Brooklyn , Iowa. Chron icle < , a grand good fellow , after having been hunting the "better country" for eighteen months comes back to his old home and says : "Take Iowa oue year with another , and no state can compaic with it for crops , health , wealth , and prosperity. " Iowa State Register. O. F. Cain , recently of Town. 4 , Range 30 , said , "I farmed near Brooklyn , Iowa , nineteen years and for fine healthful climate and rich soil Red Willow county surpasses that coun try. : " Mr. Conway evidently did not visit this comity. "In Scott county , Iowa , a renter or tenant has been on a farm twenty-six years. There j are 320 acres in the farm , and the owner gets over a thousand dollars a year rent. " Iowa j State Hegister. That explains why there are so many renters t in Iowa. Rents arc so high that it takes so much to pay the land lord there is not enough j left for the renter to get away on. If the t owner gets over a thousand dollars a year for twenty-six jears , tho renter on a two thirds i basis of renting should have had over two S thousand ' dollars per year. Now estimating 9 one half for experses , it would leave for tho i twenty-six years over twenty-six thousand I dollars for the renter. Does "Father Clarkson" ? wish to convey the idea that tberenterhos a c hank account of over twenty-six thousand dolt lars f , and still renting ? It i3 evident that if the ? renter had made $ S00 a year he would have owned a farm of his own. We farmed in Iowa = twenty-eight years and never knew or heard of a case where n renter paid "over a $1,000 a year , " for the use of " 320 acres , " and had that r much for his year's labor. But we heard of an * a instance ' where tbe renter took 163 acres at $3.00 t per acre , cash rent. He owned two fine span J of mules , and it took all the crop and one span of the mules to pay the rent one year. c Wm. Coleman . I Ic LAIRD MOVES. 9 ( Omaha. NEnn..Jnn. 15. [ Special toTheCall. ] * Last night James Laird was taken to a car riage and placed on a B. & 31. train enroute to Hastings , by the way of Lincoln. He will ro- r main at Hastings for some timo. All the ret ports that be is getting better are false. He Is I sick man , and it is hardly questioned that he \ .j cannot recover. Intimate and personal friends • wanted , to call on him before bis departure. * J hut h.s pi ! > sei-ins : positively refused to allow j : any one to speak to him. Newspapers havo \ retu ed to s.iy anything , but Laird is a danger-1 • ' ously sick man. , nKAltRlVES. j Hastings. N mt. Jan. 15 [ Special to The - Call.I Cotitrrussman Laird arrived here early this morning. He Is in no better health than wlwo liu left weeks ago. Friends have given J up all hopes of bis recovery. „ nirris iMi'tuivi.NG. r CoxguE'SM .Iamk' " LAnto wo. taken ' ' through the city at 10 o'ch'ck Monday night on j his return to Hustings. He was In care of Mrs " Paul and J. D. Gaae. The latter assures The * Journal that Mr. Laird is not a well man. bur j is improving Lincoln Journal. < Sks.vtoii Linos ir Is one of the best inform ed members of tbe present Irsrislaturo. Hi- ' past experience siands him In hand , and he has J • no superior as u parH Uienlailau. Linco'o • ' Journal , * § ifr % > w j 1 ' OBITUARY. • ' ' , M It wai our paliilul ilutj on hit SablMth to * ; gl follow to there ln. < t rcsHux place lit LoiiiC- -fjm vluw Ct'iiietci'y tho remiiliiH of titir hclovcd m ami liapp.respeclcd fellow citizen , Mr. Ne3B \ hi'ini.ili HiiilttMs. Mc was born In St'iiccti j9f Fnlh < , N. i" . , In .lanu iry , H W. Cimii to Ne- - braska in 1S < * 3 ami scUUmI on the Dry Creek - S iu | May , ISTii , wlicn * his has redded ever slue. " ' 1S Hu was one of those who lirst M-lth-ti In lb tl M Willow County , and In splto of many dis- JB couragements ( , ami dciirivatious has succeed- _ < a ed ( In bulldlnj ; himself and family ono of t' e r most < comfortablu country houscx Iu tl o gm county. < Mr. llurtless died a believer and /m consoqucntly < a saved man. Tho funeral - , services were conducted by tho Kev. E. J. > R Hall and wero held at the lioasu in prcsencoa | of ( a very largo audience , but owing to the JS Inclemency ' of tho weather a smaller number J followed I tho remains to the grave ; where wo Jj9 enshrined < him in Ills silent tomb to await the Jj resurrection. i Wo extend our deou sympa- ' 3J tides | to his bereaved loved ones. It is coin- 3 fortlng j to know that tho Lord says : "fllesa- m ed ( are the dead which dio In the Lord. " m JtBPOiiTKit. m Board of Trade Meeting. } Tliero was a meeting of tho board of trade , Saturday evening , at ofilcu of secre- : tary ( , but on account of small attendance - no . action of any sort was taken on tho pro- * jects for the improvements of tho city now ' under consideration ami discussion , but an adjournment was taken until Thursday ovcuing. Last Friday , tho news was rceolvcd from tho Postoillce department at Washington that tho contract had been let for tho carrying of a dally mall route between this city a.id Cut- bcrtson I to Messrs. KWseberth & Tllton thej being I tho lowest bidders. The contract In to take ( eiroor , next Monday. The now proprie tors t have iltted up line rigs and team * lor the accommodation of tho traveling publlu. They . have nlsocstabludicdatiall-way point at ill , h- . land P. O. , where they will change steeds a. d . thus be enabled to mako tbo round trip 10 miles In four hours. Tho schedule for arriv al ami departure of the stago 1 * us follow- : , Leaves Hayes Centre at 7 a. m. ; arrives at Cul- bcrlson at 2 i > . tl. Leaves CulbertHou at 2 i . M. and arrives ut Hayes Centre at81 : m . eveiy day except Sunday. Hayes Centra Times. TiiKitE has boon much anxiety manifested concerning tho condition of Coiigresniiitn Laird. I A dispatch Saturday , 6tate8 that he la beyond the aid or physicians , and that tho brain ' disease him fastened itself upon him and ho cannot recover. In the event or his death or resignation there is auxioiM inquiry con- ceriilughlssuccessor. linrlaii'H mono ha * been mentioned , un havo also the names of Messrs. BiHtwIck I and Lawa. Tho fact that the repub lican I niujority In congress is very biiiall , ro pub I licans hero hope that Mr. I.uImI'h resignation will he soon forthcoming in order that his sue- cesBor may occupy a seat iu tho next session. Washington Cor. Lincoln Call. Mus Jav Gocr.o la dead , and no doubt tho rlcle-st . man in America feels as protoundly bereaved as though he were worth but a thou sand dollars. Among his friends ho has tho reputation of being a very aircctionnto and domestic man , and ouo who was devotedly at tached tc hiB Wife. It Is reported that : > " • per cent , of har-room w receipts ate lost to such institutions dur.ng January over the good resolutions made at J the beginning of the year. Tho worst is that ' iu i February the bulk of the percent , has again found its way to the saloon cash-box and pocketbook. Alcohol applied to a thrifty farmer's stomach will remove the boards from his fenco , let tho cattle into his crops , kill tho fruit trees , sow his fields with thistles , mortgage his farm , sub due his reason , rouso his passions , bring want , sorrow and dibgracc on his family , and topple him into a drunkard's grave. The difference between the good and bad citizen . begins with different conceptions of the state ; to tho latter it is an association for the ftirthcrancc of private ends ; to the former , an organism in which tiie function of tbe in dividual is to work for the welfare of tho whole. "When a man points a gun or pistol at you knock j him down. Don't tdop to ask whether its , loaded , but knock him down , and don't ho at all particular whatyou do it witli. If there's to be a coroner's inquest let it be over tho other fellow ho won't bo missed. " I always feel sorry for u man who has eo j little character himself that he has to go buck aud marshal up a lot of ancestral ghosts to _ j-T" * * make up tho deficiency. It is no great credit Ct to a fool that he had a wise crandTather. Dr. \ Talinage. Itch. Mange and Scratches on human or ani mals cured in 30 minutes by Woolford's Sani tary Lotion. This never fails. Sold by C. M. Smith & Sons , Druggists , McCook. \ The ground hog mouth will soon be here forty-flve days more. Cleveland will discover his shadow and crawl in his hole. \ - Notice to Land Owners. \ TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. The Commissioner appointed to locate a road commencing at a point 4 chains south of N. W. Cor. Sec. 30. T. 3 , R. 30 in Perry precinct. Red Willow.County , Nebraska , running thence in the following courses and distances : N. 85 dgr. E. 10 chains , S. 70 dgr. E. 22 chains thence S. 50 dgr. E. 25 chains , thence S. 70 dgr. E. 11 chains , thence S. M ) d rr. V. . 8 chain- , thence S.69 dgr. E. 57 chains , thence X. 76 dgr. E. 8 chains , thence S. 75 dgr. E. 25 chain. , thence N. 78 djrr. E. 20 chains , thence S. 77 dgr. E. 20 chains , thence S. 2o chains to li Cor. on South line Sec28. thence East l'J imles to S. E. Cor. Sec 27. thence East 11 chain * , tbenco S. 50 dgr. E. 10 chains , thence S. ( i' dgr. E. 20 chains to bank of Republican River , thence S- Ealong bank of River 07 chains to mouth of Driltwood , thence East along river bank to East Hue Sec 36. Town. 4. Range30 aud termin ating thereat , has reported in favor of tho location thereof , and ail objections thereto or claims fordamnges must be Hied in the County Clerk's office on or before noon of the 13th day of April. A. D.18S9 or said road will be estab lished without reference thereto. GEO. W. ROPER , County Clerk. ' Land Office at McCook. Nkb. , i December 8.1888. f Notice is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim , and that said proof will be made before regis ter or receiver , at McCook , Neb. , on Saturday , January 2tfth. 1889. viz : THOMAS F. ROWELL. who made H. E. No. 7.729. for the E.55 S.W. of Sec. II , In Town. 3. North of Range 29 west. He luimes the following witnesses to prove hi. continuous residence upon , and cultivation of. said land , viz : Tbomaa W. Ritchey. Edgar F. Oiuse. John A. Williamson and Michael Houli han , all or McCook. Neb. 29 * S. P. HART. Land OriCB at McCook.Neu. , i Decemberll. 1SS8. • " Notee is hereby given that the following- named settler has filed notice of her Intention to mitkc final homestead proof in support of her claim , aud that said proof will bo made be fore Regirter or Receiver at McCook. Neb. , on Tuesday , January i ; . Jtl . viz : AMELIA I'ONRAD. widow of Elias H. Conrad deceased. H. E. G.G49 for the N . • of X. W. > 4 of Section 25. Town. J , itatigt * 30. U' . Gh P. 31. She names the fo lo\r- \ iitr witnesses to prove her continuous resi- ) di-nce upon , and cultivation of. said land , viz : * Robert Moore. Charles M. Collins. Nettie C. \ Collins and James R. Barncr. all of McCook. f Neb. 2t * S. P. HART. Retrister. Land Office at McCook. Neb. . November21,18S8. • Xoticc Is hereby inven that the following- naiir'd settlor lm * fl-d ! notice or hi-s intention to make final proof In support of hi ? claim , und that paid proof will be made before the resristwr and receiver , at McCook. Neb. , on Tuesday. Jnnuiiry 22. IF89. viz : PETER ItrtEI.N'HElMER. D. S. No. . for tho X E U 5ec 10. Town. 5. X . It 30. W. fi P. M. He name ? the following witnesses to prove lil continuous resid.-ncf upon , and cultivation or. suit ! land , viz : Phil lip Roemcndianor. Henry T I211T. Simuel : t'inemonind Joe Harr. ad of Zmer. . y h. a ; * S. P. 11 \ UT. Register. When yOo desire a plea ant physic try St. Patrick's Pills. They can always bo depended upon , and do not uauoeatc tho stomach nor fcriptf tbo bowels. For &a'0 ' by aJ ] auggi 3T ? . ii _ i