The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 28, 1888, Image 7

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fls . .
II. I n
m . i , , i . _ . -
BY Ttie JtrltUh and Egyptian Force * Slot-in the
BV Trenches ,
BJ " A dispatch from Sunkim says tlio com-
"biued forces of tho British and Egyp-
H Hans havo mado na attack upon tho
H ; rebel position. They stormed tho ro-
H doubts and trenches , and after an en-
Hi . gugomcnt lasting half an hour drovo
H' - Iho onomy into tho buBh. Tho British
H , . forco lost four men killed and two
H -wounded. Tho Egyptian and black
H- forces stormed tho tronches and carried
f lliem , losing two men killed and thirty
H , * wounded. Tlio only officers wounded
H in tho attacking forco were two Egyp-
tians. Tlio robel loss is stated to have
kcon 400.
ft Before dawn this morning the . British
man-of-war Starling and an Egyptian
-steamer moved UP tho coast with orders
* to cover tho rebels at Handonb. At
-daybreak tho forts opened fire upon they
H robel trenches and tho troops advanced
f to tho attack , tho black brigado upon
tho right flank and tho cavalry and
J mounted infantry covering. Tho Scotfi
tish Borderers , tho Welsh regiment and
tho Egyptian brigado occupied tho emP
bankmunt between tho forts , the Britr
ish infantry being held in reserve. Tho
forts shelled tho treuches , keeping up a
terrific firing. Tho enemy held their
ground with courage until tho black
BL brigado charged tho trenches , which
fell after a half hour's hard fighting.
BJ , . jy Tho rebels fought with fanatical bravery.
flj * * • fi'wo of tho enemy's guns were captured ,
The Scotch Borderers are now at work
entrenching tho rebel position. Tho
-oneiny aro rctreatins : toward Hasheen
HL and Tamar Tho British force nums
bered 4,000 men.
Tho feature of tho fighting was tho dc-
flj icrmincd rush upon the trenches by tho
> , blacks and Egyptians. Tho Dervishes
H' fought with tho utmost bravery , a great
many of them dying in tho tronches.
B The charge of tho Hussars is also specn
K' ' ially mentioned. When tho Dervish
m -cavalry saw them coming they dis-
mounted from their horses and planted
HJ their spears in tho ground , but these
fl ] > rovcd no obstruction to tho Hussars ,
B who swept down upon the Dervish horser
' men like an avalanche , cut through tho
B ranks , and left half of them dead on tho
B' ' ground. Tho Hussars then reformed
fl and charged tho remaining Dervishes ,
B who Jfled. A largo portion of the rebel
B forco was not engaged in tho fight , being
B absent camping at Handonb and beyond
B that ) ) hicc. It is believed tho rebels will
fl' bo reinforced and make an attempt soon
fl , to i'0-take their lost position ,
fl Osman Digna's nephew and twelve
fl , Dervishes have been captured. All aro
fl wounded. Serious complaints aro made
I concerning tho quality of sabres and re-
flj volvors furnished to the troops. Several
B cavalrymen returned with broken sabres ,
flj and in niniry instances their revolvers
i became clogged and were rendered useCl
Three zorebas and a s'oIcado wero
built over tho filled trenches and manj
I ned by four Soudaueso battalions and
British soldiers. Tho spaco between
them and the water fort was occupied by
f a battalion of horse artillery. The emir
i of TriuKitat is a prisoner. Ho is
' The Shi Anarchist Again on Deck.
Chicago special : Mrs. Lucy Parsons
reached Chicago this morning on her
' roturu from England. This afternoon
she was busily engaged in unpacking
her trunks. "I'm glad to get back , of
i course , " said Mrs. Parsons. "Every rew
"turned traveler says that , but I mean it ;
- • and what particularly pleases mo is that
I came to Chicago and went homo with-
, -out a single policeman knowing I was
here. They had half the force out to
welcome mo on my arrival , but I ont-
! witted them. I got off at tho first stop
( eolith of tho depot and rode home in a
• cab , leavingthem to wonder where in
tho world 1 had gone. " _
Mrs. Parsons was on her favorite tack ,
• • and it was a difficult matter to turn her
in another direction. Before she was
"through with her condemnation of tho
police sho had said many ugly things.
When tho roporter succeeded in setting
hor to talk of other matters , sho told
> again what she had been doing in Eugq
i land , and was enthusiastic over the way
) ry' "in which tho anarchists and socialists
. ire allowed "tongue license" in that naj
> -tion.
I :
, Opposed to Admission of Utah *
r Tlio liberal committee of Utah have
\ issued tho following address to the
- , * , - country :
The liberal territorial committee , rep
resenting republicans and democrats
, nlike , desires to call the attention of the
oonntry to tho fact that the gentiles oi
g , Utah unanimously oppose the Mormon
1 * statehood schome recently endorsed by
the democratic congressional _ caucus.
"We aro confronted by a condition , not
-n theory. Polygamy is not dead. The
i law is not supremo. Two hundred and
[ thirty-four indictments were fonnd at
{ ' -the present term of court at Provo , fo :
h violations of United States statutes do-
signed to suppress polygamy and polyjr1
umons livinir. To give Utah statehood
t would retird progress , depreciate value
l perpetuate polygamy and hainl tho ter-
( r ritory over to tho Mormon priesthood.
' > > "We cjill upon patriotic citizens everyJ1
> * " -whero to unite in strong protests to con- *
1 gress agaiust the proposed action. The
.admission of Utah to statehood would
' * • le a crime a 'aiiist American institull
f tions. O. W. Powrns , f
f Chairman. "
i ±
\ ' Opposed to Admission of Utah
If * The Liberal committee of Utah have
f -issued tho following address to the e
& -country :
| * The liberal territorial committee , repc
' * ' -resenting republicans and democrat ? t
k ! alike , desires to call the attention of tlK
-conntry to tho fjiet that the gentiles ol n
f. . Utah unanimously oppose the Mormo : f
statehood scheme recautly endorsed bj j
| the democratic congressional caucus e
K- We " aro confronted by n condition , not v t
* theory. Polygamy is not dead. The g
* , law is not supreme. Two hundred ano r
IT " thirty-four indictments wero found at n
jC "tho prasent term of court at Provo , fo ; {
* f Tiolations of United States statutes da t
l - -signed to suppress polygamy and poly
| > gnmous livinir. To give Uhih statehood s
L would retard progress , depreciate value.
1 perpotuato polj'gamy and baud tho ter-
gi ritory over to tho Mormon priesthood , n
F * - We aill upon patriotic citizens everyt
% Tvhero to unite in strong protests to cons
Sh- cress mrainst tho proposed action. The \
- admission of Utah to statehood would t
P * "be a. crime ajrainst American institntiona *
Jt- O. W. Powebs , Chairman.
f Cleveland for Attorney General. j
fe * " * 2few York dispatch : The Star in a (
g f leading editorial to-morrow will advo- f
selection of Hon. Cleve-
5 cate tho Grover Clevej
g ' - * land as attorney general in President
jgs X v. * v Harrison's cabinet , on the ground that
* ' -this will bo most important office in tho
government during the next fonr years , ]
ind that Mr. Cleveiaud , by his firmness , j
justice and industry , and tho confidence ; ,
felt in him by all classes , is exceptional-
ly woll qualified for tho post. Tho Star 1
predicts that race questions in tho south , t
I and tho ballot box question all over tho *
conntry , are the great issues of tho im- jj
mediato future , and it declares that no "
other , man possesses the qualities needed I
in dealing with these matters to such a c
degroe aa 7&x. Cleveland does. I • "
L 1.
Hit View * of Charles JFranelt Adam * Set
'Jforlh in a Public Address.
Charles Francis Adams , president of
tho | Union Pacific Railway company , ad
dressed ( tho Commercial club of Boston
* on < the subject of tho present condition
and ( tendencies of railroading in this
country. < Ho had boon asked particular-
ly ] to express his views of tho inter-state
commerce act and its practical workings.
< Ho ] said in part : .
"Since tho inter-stato commerco law
went into effect two years ago , there has
been l what might bo called a crazo for
railroad construction. It wasimpossi-
bio l to pool , and the long haul regulated
tho t short haul. Tho dishonest method
of rate cuttingand other means to iuflu-
enco the courso of traffic or
devised during tho past years , I do not
hesitate J to say , nro unprecedented in the
wholo bad record of tho past. When'
asked why I do not give information
and institute proceedings under tho
law ] , I may say that while I am morally
sure these things are done , I cannot fur-
nish legal proof. It is this absence of
good faith which has brought the rail
road system to its present condition ,
and threatens to carry it still lower. To
attributo it to tho inter-state commerce
act is an utter mistake. If that act wore
totally appealed to-morrow it would prot
duco \ but n temporary relief. The railx
road system must heal itself. But in
saying what I havo said I do not mean
to imply that in my judgment the inter-
state commerce act is a harmless , much
less ] useful , piece of legislation. On tho
contrary I am very sure that as it
stands it is not. Its present effect and
future , results aro exactly those which
its | framers never contemplated. Tho
process of gravitation and consolidation ,
so far as railroads aro concerned , was
going on fast enough before , but tho
inter-state commerco act has given it n
now impetus. Under the operations of
the act the smaller local railroads
throughout { ] tho country are being
ground out of existence. _ _
It is the long haul which brings in
profits. The smaller independent rail-
roads ( cannot havo this , and are being
forced , whether they like it or not , into
tlm maws , of a few great systems , into
which the railroads of the country aro
rapidly , crystalizing. Thus the effects of
the \ act aro being felt at the smaller
distributing points , which aro de-
prived of their market , for those who
formerly bought of them can get
the same goods on better terms
from larger and more distant centers.
Contrary to every design of those who
framed tho act. Its provisions havo
given a now impetus to just those forces
it \ was intended to hold in check. Tho
inter state commerce act , acting on the
tendency , of natural forces , is rapidly
driving [ us forward to tho same grand
consolidation or railroad trust scheme.
Even this , from my point of view , I
cannot regard as a thing to bo dreaded.
j am verv sure that great consolidated
corporations or even trusts can be held
to , far stricter responsibility than mi-
merous smaller and conflicting corpora-
tions. ] A well devised railroad clearing
house scheme would prove in practice
whether it was intended so or not , in
direct line of the enforcement of tho
inter-state , act in all its better features ,
and it has many such. If I were asked
this evening for concrete propositions ,
\ would say delay , at least for a time ,
the present tendency toward crystallizaT
tion or consolidation by repealing the
features ( of tho inter-state commerce act
which are precipitating events in that
direction. "
Train Robbery in Mississippi.
A special from Grenada , Miss. , to the
New Orleans Picayune says that two
white men stopped passenger train No.
2 on the Hlinois Central railroad near
Duck Hill , Miss. , last night , robbed the
express car of S3.000 and shot and killed
Charles Hughes of Jackson , Tenn. , a
passenger who had attacked the robbers
with a rifle. When tho train was leavt
ing Duck Hill two men boarded the en-
gine and commanded Engineer A. .7.
Law to run fast and not to stop until
told ( to. The eugineer and fireman ,
George Evans , wero covered by navy re-
volvors and had to obey. When a mile
north of the station tho men ordered the
train , stopped. Tho engineer and firej
man wero made to dismount and were
marched to tho express ear. One of the
robbers knocked on the car door and
Messenger \ Hill opened it. Three shots
were fired at Hill and * he nen then en
tered the car and tct > li tU tfcf monev
there was $3,000.
Fell in Love With His Sister.
Belleville ( Ont. ) dispatch : Fred AckB
liu of Ferry Point , a fireman on the
steamer Mary Etuel , has eloped with his
sister , the mother of six children. She
has been living for several years with a
man named Davy at Niagara and came
home three months ago on a visit to her
brother , who is married and has three
children. The brother fell passionately
in ] love with his own sister and the
neighbors allege that their conduct has
been unbecoming. Ackliu's wife inter-
fered , but ho turned a deaf ear to her
pleadings. Finally Mrs. Acklin , becomc
ing disgusted , left the house and went
to ( Picton. Learning that , his wife in-
tended ' to return home , Acklin took a
boat , and with his sister rowed across
the bay and took the Grand Trunk road
going east on Tuesday night. He has
left his wife and children penniless.
American Capital in Mexico
A dispatch from the City of Mexico
says that befo're congress adjourned
Saturday night the Union Fnel and Gas
company of America organized under
thelaws of Illinois , in which St. Louis ,
Chicago , New York and Detroit parties
are largely interested , through the efc
forts of its representatives , obtained an
important concession from the Mexican
government for the introduction of was
ter , fuel and gas into all the city and
government buildings throughout the
republic. Among tho important things
mentioned in tho concessions is the free
importation for fifteen years of all ma
terials necessary for the plant.
Eloped With His Neighbor's Wife.
Columbus ( Ind. ) dispatch : Silas Ping t
and Mrs. Mary Moore , of Brown conn1
ty , left the city this afternoon , and are 3
said to have eloped. Ping and Moore are °
neighboring farmers , both in good cir- .
cmnstnnces , , and each has a family of
five children. It was not known that a
any intimacy beyond a mere friendship .
existed between the conple. Both fam
ilies ] were in the city to-day bnying j
Christmas presents. The couple left a
note at a.dry goods house bidding their
friends farewell. The parties went to
Kentucky. , ,
MacDorfald Not Talkative. * - * fip < *
Ottawa ( Ont ) dispatch : Sir John Maoi
Donald , when spoke to by a reporter to8
day repecting the Butterworth aunexai
tion resolutions , said he did not care to 1of
express an opinion as to the propriety of x
tho . The Mr. I
step. proposition of Bntj
terworth in its present state , as I under- |
stand it , is purely a domestic matter.
There will be time enough to discuss tho | T
proposition when it comes before us offij
cially. " Tho government organs assail s
aSg&agagjW w. . . . - V.vw jMMt flfli
w i i tmmmmtm
Z7 1 < 0 English Government Adopting lis Usual
Cowardly Tactics of Inaction ,
In tho house of commons on the 17th ,
Lord Bandolph Churchill askod what the
estimated cost was of sending reinforce
ments : to Suakim and whether it was in-
tended to impose tho wholo or oven s
part 1 of these expenses upon Egypt in the
face : of Lord Salisbury's speech of March
16th last' in which ho said he did not
think * tho retention of Suakim an ad
vantage to Egypt and advised tho aban- 1
donment ' of it.
. Sir JameB Forguson , political secre- • i
tary of the foreign office , replied that il
was , impossible to estimate the cost oi
seudrng ' troops to Suakim. As for the
speech ! referred to by Lord Bandolph
Churchill , Lord Sahsbniy simply exc
pressed h's personal opinion in a speech
1 outside j of tho house of commons. There
i was no reason to believe that Egypt co-1 ,
incided in that opinion or that she in- 1
tended to abandon Suakim.
Mr. Morley said that Sir James Fer
guson's \ answer was most extraordinary.s
It . would be repugnant to tho sense of
tho house to separate without knowing
whether steps can bo taken to avert the
threatened fate of Stanley and Emin.
1 Tho government ought to proclaim to
the coast tribemeu that the dominion of |
Egypt ] would not bo extended beyond
Suakim. Such a step was necessary if
tho . government wanted to detach these .
tribes from the Mahdi.
Sir James Ferguson said ho could not
give the specific declaration which Mr.
Morley required. A closer perusal of
Osman Digna's letter had increased
doubts -j of its genuineness , and it was by
no . means sufficient to warrant a delay
in raising the siege of Suakim.
Mr. Gladstone _ contended that the
Egyptian . occupation of Suakim would
be mischievous , while tho question of
British occupation of if that were.
really necessary ought to be submitted
to tlm whole house. He was averse to
any occupation whatsoever.
The foreign office has made publio
dispatches > bearing dates from Septeni-
bor | . 0 , 1886 , to May 5 , 1887 , giving a dec
tailed history of the Stanley relief exc
I pedition. From theso documents posi-
tive proof is derived that the governsi
ment of England from tho very first
held j , no communication with Stanley
direct , and never officially recognized
the expedition. It is further shown that
of the $10,000 which Egj'pt promised to
contribute to tho expenses of the expep
dition | the committee received only 8 , -
400 , and this sum was given only on
condition that the amount would bo re
funded out of the proceeds of the sale
of the ivory which Emm was known or
supposed to have. It is noteworthy
that the most pessimistic note received
by the committee from Stanley is dated t
the end of July , 18S7 , and was written
at Wadelai.
Mr. Thompson , the African explorer ,
writes it is only too probable that tho
m.ihdi has captured Emin Bey. Ho
expi esses unhesitatingly the conviction !
that Stanley never reached Emin , but
was annihilated with his wholo. party in i
the region to the west of Albert Nyanza. !
Tn this region , he says , there nro dense
forests and swamps and Stanley and his
followers must have had to march al- '
most in single file and to fight for their
daily | food. The absence of news is
quite natural , because there is no slave
Jj trade routes by which any Arab mern
chant could carry news. The disaster |
was wholly due to the selection of the
Congo route. Why that route was seit
lected ( still requires explanation.
Xhe Samoa7i Correspondence Handed Over
to Cotij/reHH. ,
Washington dispatch : The president
t * -day transmitted to congress the Sa-
moan correspondence mentioned in his
annual message. It consists of a reci
cital of the affair from the first begind
ning of the trouble in October , 18S7 , 1
and the diplomatic correspondence be-
tween the secretai-v of state and th
German and English governments down
to the present time.
November 21 of this year Secretarj
Bayard wrote to Count Arco , German
minister at Washington , saj'iug : " 1
have [ informed our representative at
Berlin , and shall similarly instruct the
United States consul at Samoa , that
every endeavor is to be made to avoid •
all friction or conflict of interests beei
tween the citizens of the two governh
ments in their business operations on
the islands. In case of any question
arising which cannot be promptly and
satisfactorily arranged between those
officials , then tho points of dispute
should be at once remitted for decision
to Berlin or this capital. I believe it was '
understood between us that the present'jj
condition of nff nrs at. Samoa had been re-1
ported similarly to the foreign office at
Berlin and to this department , and
that. Baron Yon Halstein stated that his
government was indifferent as to the
choice of a king by the Samoans , only
requiring that American interests shall
not be injured. Certainly this should bn
also the wish of this government , and h
being thus agreed , I hope you will reccl
ommend to your government that its
officials in Samoa be instructed fo coa
operate with the officials of the United
States for a peaceful conduct of affairs in n
those regions. " jj
On November 23 Sewell.
. consul-gen
eral at Samoa , being in Washington , in- j
formed Secretar3' Baj-ai-d that tho indis- •
position on the part of the German con
sul at Samoa to act in friendly co-opera-
t t ion with him arose out of a misappre- "
sion of his motives and policy. This t
government has expressed a wish that
nothing should stand in the way of en-
tiro harmonious co-operation between tl
them , in order that the present strife tl
might bo terminated. I t
In a letter to Count Arco , under date ci
of November 2Gth , Secretary Bayard Ci
calls attention to tho expression of fl
Sewell , and hopes that the German cona
sul at Apia will bo made cognizant of the
same , so that there will be no misnnder-
standing in regard to these facts when
Sewell returns.
"Our Christian Henlaae. " d
Baltimore dispatch : Cardinal Gibbons ei
has just completed a new literary work P
entitled "Onr Christian Heritage , " and r'
to-day handed the manuscript to his pub-
lishers , Messrs. John Murphy & Co. , of
Baltimore. It will make a book of about
500 pages , and is purely religions in its
character. One chapter is devoted to
the labor question , which is treated from
humane and religious standpoint.
The first number will be issued about .
the first of April next. The cardinal beJ3
gun this work shortly after his return si
from Bome in 188G , bnt its completion
was necessarily retarded b } ' the cares and s
duties of his office. n
The Fiahiino at Suakim. „
London dispatch ; ' Prominent tynong
tho many cLetailedincidentsof the fight
ing nt Suakim is tho conduct of Koohor ,
an immense black , who used his ba3o-
net "with such vehemence that six inches tl
of the point of the weapon was broken ci
off. and the barrel of tho Enfield rifle
to which it was attached was bent. It
is estimated that lie killed twenty Arabs.
Upwards of a hundred of the Enfield
rifles used by the black troops were ?
bent , twisted or broken. Osman Dig-1 D
na's nephew , who made his name faj j P
mous among tho Arabs for his prowess , r :
and was finally taken prisoner , is dead. '
• HHBiaHMaMManBMia
Pon Picture of Llfo Among the
Lowly In tho State of Georgia.
A two-room log house , with a low
dilapidated "worm" fence around it *
a rasged honeysuckle vine at the side
of the door , which is never closed'
winter or summer , a few stunted rose
bushes bordering the path of white
sand that glistened blindingly in the
the sun of a midsummer day , from
the broken gate to the rickety door *
step. .
A traveller drew his horse up at the
gate , and after tho fashion of tho
country , shouted , "Hello ! " Ho heard
a sonorous growl from within the
house as if an immense , ill-natured
African lion had been disturbed from
an afternoon siesta ; then a shrilh
shattered voice commanded , "You ,
Watch , gtfc right back thar , " and tho
great dog immediately retired to his
favorite couch beneath the higli , unr
curtained bedstead.
A few moments Jater there protrud.z
ed from the open door an enormous
corncob pipe.from which thesmokewas
curling in a hazy blue column. A3 the
pipe with , it seemed , several sections
of stem , gradually made itself visible ,
it ! became evident that the other end
disappeared in an old woman's
mouth a dry , expressionless mouth ,
surrounded with ever widening
circles ot wrinkles , as is the
centre of a tree , which circles took in
a long sha-p nose , a hooked chin , two
bright , inquisitive eyes , and finally
disappeared under the folds of a cot
ton . handkerchief bound over snowy
'Then the handle of the pipe was
with an effort extracted lrom "its ac-
customed place between the old
cracker mother's lips as she called ,
"Ole man , here's sum 'un as wanster
see you. "
The pipe is replaced and the thin
column of blue smoke curls lazily up
as the stranger sits in silence under
the close scrutiny from the eyes above
the primitive pipe , as well as from a
pair of bright , starry orbs , dimly vis-
ible through a crack between two logs
of the cabin.
Presently a thick stream of dark
yellow fluid is projjeted from around
a corner of the building with the torce
and volume of a lawn sprinkler , a
heavy cud of tobacco is flung out
among the stunted rose bushes , and
an old man dwarfed in appearance ,
with a lean and slender frame , yellow
skin , thick gray locks , from which
projects an aquiline nose and peer
two ferret-like and furtive eyes
comes , slowly slouching into view.
He wears patched and darned brown
jean clothes , and as it is summer he
does not wear any shoes at all. He
speaks first , saying in a breath :
"Good even' tollable light " , mist
er :
The stranger "lights" and enters the
house , which , after the glaring semi-
path outside , looks as cool and
gloomy ' as a grotto. Then he came
face to face with the girl of the starry
eyes , who indeed appear , perhaps from
the contrast with her homely sur-
roundings , , a rare vision of girlish *
As the stranger bowed sho smiled
bashfully and said "Good mawnin' , "
though it is late in the afternoon , but
no one "makes him accquainted. "
The young lady whom the mother
calls "Soonie" brings him directly a
drink of cool spring water in a small ,
long handled gourd , which is white
and as light a3 cork , and which seems j
to impart an agreeable flavor and
sweetness to the water ; but as the
weary traveller meets Soonie's and in
taking ; the gourd and her eyes while
drinking , it may be that the virtue
did not all lie in the gourd.
The mother sits beside thedoorway ,
knitting , smoking and gazing down
the ' lonely sandy road as she had
done every day these last fifty years.
that road she tells the
Along , Strang-
er , her old man brought her to this
home the day they were married
only he wasn't an old man then , but
one of the finest boys in the
country ; along that road her only son
Benny marched away to "jine S
Guv'nor Brown , " but he never came
back ; along that road later on came ,
one division of Sherman's conquering
hosts as they swept over the already
desolated country on to the sea , and
along that road some day in the near
future she will be carried in a rough
pine box , on a jolting ox cart up to
the burying ground at New Prospect
Church and laid to rest. Old man -
Stubbs , with similar thoughts , per-
haps , sits near her , industriously
chewing a new tobat co cud and baskP
ing in the sun on the doorstep , and
asking at intervals , like minute guns : .
"And what did you say your name
mout be , mister ? " though the guest ?
had not as yet mentioned it. |
"And you are from where , mis ter ? "
failing to use the name after obtain- a
ing it. .
And what mout be your business u
mister ? " clinging still to his favorite
title ;
"And be you a Yankee , mister ? " A
While gratifying his host's curiosity
the visitor glances curiously about
the room on his own account. About S
the open fireplace at which the family n
cooking is done are ranged the only jr
cooking vessels known in cracker- .
dom an oven to bake bread ,
frying pan in which they a
spoil about all meats , a deep pot to h
boil "greens" and a coffee pot in which a
they compound a black decoction , t
strong , and bitter , and which they jt
drink enormously , unassisted with q
either sugar or milk ; strings of red t
pepper hang in long festoons from the jc
rafters overhead , along with home t
raised hams , ears ot popcorn and „
bags of unknown contents ; on pegs
about the wall hang the entire ward-
robes ( of the family. Two tall beds fill a
the rear of the > cabin , and under one
of these Watch is growling at the $
stranger and sleepily scratching fleas. t
Soonie is preparing supper , frequent
casting expectant glances up the
sandy road. A
It is Saturday afternoon , and her
sweetheart will soon come whistling
merrily from among the nines , array
ed in a suit of new clothes , with white p
shirt and red necktie and * his pocketp g
filled with peanuts and stick candy. , -
Shells radiant in a new speckled
calico dress , with flowers in her hair , °
and a knot of red ribbon at her h
throat that beautifully matches her b
cheeks. The old road brings no sad r <
memories to her , but calls up sweet It
dreams of future happiness. tl
Supper comes at sundown a feast o ft
crisp fried meat , hard biscuits andi p
bitter black coffee. Even these were ci
palatable , however , after a long day's r <
ride through those desolate pine t <
wilds , and'Mr..Stubbs' invitation lojp
I "set up and cat hearty" was cheerful
ly accepted by the traveller.
Soonie's beau came in during
supper , a fuzzy faced , Hilly looking
young fellow , who went quite off his
head 1 at the sight of the stronger and
could J only giggle and look more fool
ish than ever.
In Soonie's eyes , however , ho was
evidently a very precious piece ol
humanity , though she cast many
pleasant looks towards the guest.
As soon as the supper things were
cleared away Mrs. Stubbs "fixed tht
beds , " and instructing the traveller tc
lie l "along with the old man , " sho and
Soonie t left tho room.
"You kin sloep in heio with me , "
said the old man , rubbing his bare
feet on the floor and tumbling into
bed with only so much preparation
as a hog misfit take , and was soon
snoring frightfully ; this effectually
banished sleep so far as our traveller
was concerned. In a tew moments
the ladies * came back into the room
and Mrs. Stubbs turned in.
Soonie and John Henry were now
left ' alone before tho great fireplace ,
she standing on one side of tho hearth
nervously toying with a china cup
and saucer of gaudy pattern , her only
treasure except a flaring chromo ot
. "Joseph and his Brethern , " which
hung on the wall , while he chewed vig-
orously and expectorated freely to
tho imminent risk ol injuring ber Sun1
day dress. How silly and frightened
he looked as Soonie , seating herself ,
began idly picking-at her frock , blush1
ing vividly , and left the opening of tho
evening exercises entirely with him. I
. "Saw a mighty big chicken fight up
tor the store this eve'n' , hub , huh , "
said he.
"Did you , he , he ; which whupped ? "
said she.
. The ice was broken , and when the
traveller ajain looked towards them j
their chairs were hopelessly jammed
and all outlines were confused. [
It may have been that tho presence I
of the handsome and well dressed i
stranger promoted John Henry toun- I
usual j boldness to-night ; at any rate .
he was soon telling his love in true
backwoods heroics. If ho was basht
ful and awkward , she was coy and
j shy. Perhaps she , too , was thinking
of the traveller and comparing his
easy , unscudied grace with John
Henry's heavy , lumbering manner.
Sho held back and hesitated long be- (
fore putting her promise into words.
"Oh , Soonie , " he finally blurted out.
"if you likes me , and don't likes to
say ' so , just squoze my hand. "
. This aupeai was probably irresisti-
ble , for the next moment there was
quite a reciprocity in the Imaging line '
between them quite unanimous , in j
fact. Her heavy masses ot auburn j
hair , hung over bis shoulders , and her
bangs was all mussed up with his cars
roty ' forelocks , while the red ribbon
at her throat and his Mauling necktie
were indistinguishably mingled.
The fire burned slowly out and was
not . replenished , but Henry staid un-
til the traveller , with many sad memi
ories tugging at his own heart , drew
the , cover over his head and slept ,
despite , the snoring of his strange old
When he awoke thenext morning the
entire family had bpen long up. The
old , man was out feeding the stock ;
Mrs. Stubbs sat in the door-way
smoking | and looking down the lonely
road , thinking , perhaps , of that fair ,
brave-hearted boy who so long ago
went out that way to "jine Guv'ner
Brown , " as the smoke curled blue
and lazily from her pipe ; Soonie was
making bread at a table a few feet
from the btdside.
"Good mawnin , " she said , with a
smile on her ripe red Kps , which look1
ed : ' sweet and tempting until lie thought
of John Henry's tobacco-stained
mouth and shuddered.
"You'd better be gittin' up. , ' she
said , "breakfas' is most ready. "
Get up ! It certainly was time to
get ' up , but how was that to be done
with a blooming and bright-eyed
young lady looking calmly on at a
distance of six feet ?
How he suffered as the time flew
onward and she loitered about the
table , and would not go away nor
turn her back upon him. The biscuits
were all made , and she began to spt
the table , calling him a "lazy boy , "
and began telling him it was time "tc
get ( up an' wash. "
" . A year later the traveller returned
that way.
Half a mile up the road he stopped
at a new one-roomed cabin , and in
the , doorway sat Soonie witn a cob
pipe in her mouth , and she was alttr1
nately knitting and rocking a white
haired , baby. In the piny woods all
thf children have white hair. A dog
inside the house growled heavily , but
was quickly silenced. Soonie recog
nized the traveller and called her
John Henry came slowly into view
from . behind the house , ejected a
shower of tobbaco jui e upon a flower
bed , threw a well worn "chaw" among
the straggling rose bushes and said ,
all in one breath :
"Goodeven' tollable light , mis-
ter. "
Romance and Reality.
Albany Express.
Alas for the man who has read
Scott's Kenilworth ! The castle is al-
most an entire ruin. The outline can
indeed be traced , but battlement and
tower have crumbled to dust. Not
vestige of the roof remains. The
lake where the fete was held is , dry
and the moat is filled with the shat
tered wall , while the ivy grows in
luxuriance wherever it can find root.
The ; walls of the banqueting hall and
the ] tower where Queen Elizabeth
lodged are still standing , and to save
them ] from further ruin they been
propped with iron rods. The courtj
yard , where once thejousts and games
were held , where brave knights tilted
and fair ladies smiled on the victor , i *
overgrown with weeds. Here and
there as sentinels stand tall holly
tree ] ? .
Dr. Jeky't and IVIr. Hyde
Case. 1
Henry Stayab , of San Francisco ,
possesses a wonderful peculiarity.c
For whole weeks his complexion is of
light yellow , resembling , that of an ,
ordinary Spaniard. Then suddenly 1
his skin will turn to an Ethiopian e
black , so that his friends can not
recognize him except by his clothes , i
has been noticed that when wearing 1
the light complexion he is jovial and t
fond of society , but when black he ]
pulls his hat down over his
conies morose , and seeks to avoid <
recognition by his friends. The doci i
tors are puzzled over this strange 1
phenomenon. Pittsburg Post. I 1
lfoittfceDretti Disrate ha * IVnetratfcl America
t Ktferal TIme . .
From tho Pittsburgh Dispatch.
Asiatic cholera is an epidemic dis-
case i of great virulence. It haa been
known from a. very remote period ,
and has visited at ono timo or anoth-
j cr ' almost every country on tho globo.
j The first account published in detail
was in the first part of tho sixteenth
century. ' Tho disease seems to havo
prevailed first in India , and tho vari-
ous i epidemics in othes countries can
be 1 traced as having been brought from
that 1 country. The invasion of India
by 1 tho Port"ugueso and afterward by
the i English during the sixteenth con-
tury i served to introduce tho disease
into Europe. It again was
brought 1 into Europe during tho
eighteenth < and the early part of tho
nineteenth i century by tho English in
vasion of India. In 1832 it npain pro-
vailed in Europe , and 120,000 people
died < from it during that year. It first
appeared i in America during that
year ; (1832) ( ) and was brought here by a
French emigrant ship , which disem-
barked 1 along the St. Lawrence river
and > spread the diseaso to tho various
towns 1 along the river and tho great
lakes 1 as far as Fort Dearborn , near
whero Chicago now is. From thence
it j spread as far as tho Mississippi. In
the 1 same year another ship brought it
to 1 New York , and from thenco it
spread i southward along tho const to
tho 1 gulf , and westward into tho into-
rior 3 , along the course of tdiegreathighfl
ways of travel.
It first appeared in Pittsburgh in
1833. It next appeared in 1845 , and
again 1 in 1853. In 18G5 it occurred
again , but had a limited extent , and its
last j appearance was in 1873 , at which
timo 1 it did not prevail to any extent.
All the cases that have ever prevail-
ed can be traced to pre-existing cases
of < cholera , proving that it does not
arise spontaneously , but is always
caused < by pre-existing cases. TIih is
alihost absolutely proved , and teaches
a lesson with regard to prevention of
the 1 disease. What the specific contaP
gious f material is that causes cholera
is i a subject yet of much investigation
and dispute. The investigations of
Koch ] , of recent years , would seem to
point ] toward a micro-organism as tho
cause , an organism called tho comma
bacillus. I Yet this is not absolutely
proved , and in fact there aro some
grave objections to the theory. This
organism is found in great numbers in
the intestinal canal of cholera pa-
tients t , and it is not found in patients
suffering from any otherdiscase. Yet
these germs , when dried , die in a very
short time.
Now it has been proved that tho
contagion ot cholera has J > een carried
long 1 distances and for spares of time
in i dry clothing and other manners.
Koch's ] theory , consequently , is not
universally accepted. Some think
the < disease is du" to a chemical com-
pound , which is unstable. Cholera
prevails ] during warm weather , and is
most fatal in tropical climates. Cold
weather 1 is almost sure to stop an epi
demic. It undoubtedly effects its en
trance 1 into the system through thenlia
mentary canal that is , stomach and
intestines i and doesnotenterthrough
the 1 lungs , in all probability. Yet in
effect it is much The same , as the con-
tagious material often disseminated
by I the atmosphere may lodge in the
mouth , and , being swallowed , cause
the disease. Its ori in can often bo
traced f also to water into which some
of the excretum of cholera patients .
has 1 gained access.
The prevention of this disease con
sequently limits itself down to destrucP
tion of the morbid product which pro-
duces it , and isolation of those affect-
ed with the disease to prevent its
spreading the destruction of every- .
thing t about these patients calculated
to t retain tho poison. The best nieth- .
od of doing this is by fire and disinfectu
ants.We think" that not only should the I
clothing be burned , but also the bod
ies i of those who die of the disease.
The safety of the community at largo
depends uponhe thoroughness with
which this is done. Isolation of the
patients ] and prevention of the possiP
bility 1 of carrying the disease by a
strict quarantine , both at seaport
and inland should be urged. The ob-
jection j to quarantme is found in its
interference i with commeice , but the
interference i , as a rule , affects only a
minority of people , and the rule that *
tew should suffer for the benefit of the 3
many should be applied here. Expeh
rience , the great educator , has taught
that 1 the safety ot the masses depends
upon \ the efficiency ot the quarantine.
The symptoms of the disease are *
too | well known to need repetition. !
During ] the first part of an epidemic i
the 1 disease usually is more violent and
the \ mortality greater than later on ,
the 1 disease seeming to spend itself , to
wear-itself out. In very severe cases :
death may tcike place in a few hours , ;
One ( peculiarity noticed about persons
dying from this disease is the contracsl
tion 1 of the muscles , which takes place p
a few hours after death. It is somep
times j horrifying to those about tho r
body to thus see a dead man move , o
A Mr. Ward reports the following : "I w
saw the eyes of my dead patient open
and * move slowly in a downward did
rection ] This was followed , a minute "
or two subsequently , by the movetl
ments : of the right arm , previously 5
lying ] by the side , across the chest. " E
Another case is reported of the body A
turning clear over by the mhscular s
contractions on one side of the body. A
In many cases or cholera no treatnr
ment ] is of avail. In the less severe a
forms ] it is of the utmost importance d
for j the patient to have early treatv
ment. ; Dr. Austin Flint attaches b
great importance to this , and says o
that in an experience of three epidem-
its j , during which he attended hundreds n
of , ca es , recovery was the rule if he fc
saw the patient early in the disease , o
The deaths during an epidemic occur 1c
largely ] among the poor , poverty and ti
neglect : being largelv the cause. n
. • h
1 < sa *
The Long One and the Short a
, One. J
New Zealand Times.
There is a story ot old Peter Fau-
cett , the New Sou ch Wales Supreme n
Court Judge who lately retired. He was n
somewhatTshort-sighted , and one day n
a very diminutive barrister appeared w
before him to move something or othP
er. When the short man stood alongn
side "Jumbo , " a very tall barrister , a
who was sitting down , their heads in
were about on a level , and as soon as n
the smail man began : "Ifyourhonor n
please , I " , vYe must stand up
when y' address the court , " interrupt
ed oldPeter , irascibly. "I am stand- in
ing up , " said the Jmall man , with digj ,
nity. "Then tell the gentleman b
alo ngsideve to ait down. " h
- *
f Joo Jcfl'crson'H llom # , liF - If
Across tho marwhes and bayo * * " ' j
oighfc miles to tho west from PtfcNjbjf SJ
Anso island rise t Orango islandJJr jtijpf
mous for its orange plantatics/'k * * 'ISM
called Jefferson island since it beo NM. loflfll
the property and homo of Joseph Jiir fr jBJ *
ferson. Not so high aa Petite An # , ? p
it ; is atill conspicuous with its crowm Vr
of dark forest. From a high point Oft ! )
Potito Anso , through a lonely vista © 4 '
trees , with flowering cacti in the fort * ' 1
ground , Jefferson's house is a whlt ;
spot in tho landscape. We reached it v ji
by a circuitous drivo of 12 milca ovor < & & ' j
the r prairio , sometimes in and some
times out of water , and continually jt
diverted from our courso by fonccs. lb J
is ! a good sign of tho thrift of tho race ,
and of its independence , that tho color
ed peoplo havo taken up or bought lit- ,
tie tracts of 30 or 40 acres , put up
cabins , and new fences round their I
domains regardless of tho traveling
public. Wo zigzagged all about the
country to got round theso littlo en
closures. At ono place , whero the * " <
main road was bad , a thrifty Acadian
had set up a toll of twenty-live cents
for tho privilege of passing through
his ' premises. Tho scenery was pas
toral and pleasing. Thorc wero fre
quent round ponds , brilliant with HI- [
ies ( and fleurs-de-lis , and hundreds oi * , .
cattlo feeding on tho prairio or stand- * •
ing in tho water , and generally of a
dun-color , made always an agreeable
picture. Tho monotony was brokon
by lines of trees , by capo-like
woods stretching into tho * plain ,
and the horizon lino was
always fine. Great varioty of birds
enlivened tho landscape , gamo birda
abounding. There was tho lively
nonpareil , which seems to chango its
color , and is red and green and blue
I believe of tho oriole family the
papabotte , a favorite on Now Orleans
tables 7 in the autumn , snipe , killdeo ,
the cheerooko ( snipe ? ) tho meadow
lark ' , and quantities of teal duck in
the X'onds. Theso little ponds are
called "bull-holes. " Tho traveler 13
told that they aro started In this wa
tery soil by tho pawing of bulls , and
grad tally enlarge as tho cattlo fre
quent them. Ho remembers that ho
has seen similar circular ponds in the ,
North not made by bulls. A
Mr. Jefferson's residence a pretty
rosevine-covered cottage is situated
on tho slope of the hill , overlooking a
broad plain and vaststretchof hayou
country. Along one side of bis homo
enclosure for a milo runs a superb
hedge of Chickasaw roses. On tho
slops back of tho house , and almost
embracing it , is a magnificent grove
of liveoaks , great gray stems , and tho
branches hung with heavy masses of
moss , which swing jn the wind like tho - k
pendant boughs of tho willow , and
with something of its sentimental and 1
mournful suggestions. The recesses of I
this forest are cool and dark , but up- I
on ascending the hill , suddenly bursts J
upon the view under tho trees a most j
, lovely ' lako of clear blue water. This m
lake which may be a mile long and a B
half a mile broad , is called Lake Peig- * | H
neur , from its fanciful resemblance , I M
believe to a wool-comber.
The shores are wooden. On tho ial-
and side the bank is precipitous ; on
the opposite shore amid tho trees is a
hunting lodge and I believe there are B
plantations on the north end , but it J k
is in aspect altogether solitary and AyJ
peaceful. But the island did not want k
life. The day was brilliant , with a V f
deep blue sky and high-sailing fleecy v" flflflJ
clouds , and it seemed a sort of animal M
holiday , ' ; squirrels chattered ; cardinal mH
birds flashed through thegreen leaves ; aVJ
there flitted about the red-winged AVfl
blackbird , bluejays , red-headed woodanflfl
peckers , thrushes and occasionally a fl H
rain-crow ' crossed the scene ; high over- WwJ
head sailed the heavy buzzards , dc- 1 H
scribing'great ! aerial circles ; and off in BH
the : still lake the ugly heads of the alVfl (
ligators , toasting in the sun. Charles AVJ
Dudley Warner , "The Acadian Land" > - ' H
in Harper's Magazine for February. , flfl
War Correspondents. H
"The peaceful citizen who reads In ifll
his morning paper the full details of a fl fl
battle that was perhaps fought the H
previous day , " said Archibald Forbes vflfl
to < a * New York Mail writer , "little" M
thinks of the perils and dangers the fl fl
correspondent on the field of battle H
has to go through to send the infor- |
mat ion home. Previous to ] 870 tho | H
3uty of the gatherer of war new3 was AV H
21 asy compared to what it is at preftV H
sent. < Then one could stand on some H
hill , watch the battle , decide how it H
oad gone and post off his letters. In fl H
1.870 a reform came over this method H
oi doing the work. The system of fl H
sending < hv telegraph the full particuH |
ars of • fight came into use. Tho B
dangers increased. With the use of M
siege guns that fire a shot 10 miles , VB
and rilies that kill at two miles , it is 9
impossible for the war correspondent H
o < stand out of danger and see how flj
sl he battle is doing. He must be in * hVJ
the thick of the fight , and statistics j H
show that the percentage of corressm R
sm s
pondents killed is greater than the fl fl
percentage of soldiers killed. In the fl
recent terrible fighting in the Soudan , V H
out of 20 representatives of the press k
who went with the forcessix he buried A H |
it shallow graves in those burning H
deserts. The ideal war correspondent g H
must be a man who has. among other B H
things , the gift of tongues. , He must ; k
speak ] , in addition to the ordinary / 9 Bfl
European languages , some of tho H
Asiatic , including Afghanistan , aaJp
some < African , including Soudanese ; SJ
Ashantee , Abyssinian and Zulu. He Jfl
must have a lovely temper , amiablo jfl
as a woman , and as affable as a can-
didate who is canvassing for your
vote , and at the same time he must
be big and ugly enough to scare
off whole armies. He must be able aflj
to < ride anything , from a giraffe to aflj
rat , and be able to sit in the sad 1 e flj
for 100 miles at a stretch , to go wit - jVJ
out eating for a'week , to wrie agooci. 9
legible round hand , so the clerk at the H
telegraph station can read it. He flfl
must write at the rate of a column an Vfl
hour , and often write eight columns , jflj
and then gallop back to the scene of B
action. He must be able to tell every Jfl
move that is going to be made , and I
scent a battle long before it takes H
place , and then , while it is raging , he H
must tell how it is going , and what H
will be the result , long before it ter- H
minates. All these-accomplishments flj
would make a man an ideal corres- H
pondent , hut there never was such a flj
man. Julius Cicsar would have made BJ
good one if there had been such men SJ
those days , and Napoleon I , would - JBJ
have eclipsed Julius Cicsar if ho could BJ
have learned to be truthlul. " *
A shortage of § 31.000 has been found
the nccouHts of CoV. . H. Webster. flj
late treasurer of Merrick county , 2 eflj
brapku. Webster offers to turn over all fl
his property , amounting to $20,000. Bfl