I * 1 | | | I ' NOW IS YOUK CHANCE y > To "buy Fine Goods , audi as is generally carried ' by a First-Class I'J m I Jewelry House , C For a mere sum , consisting principally of \ \ , J : P ' ; r- ! ' ? X _ VO \ \ \ Avo\ _ - _ _ Bar \\4\\j V\\A " ' _ * • * * - • * * * 3 _ _ _ " * Also in the Music Line , drums , ' ' flutes , i • ; - * : " violins , > . . ; ACCORDEONS , FIFES , \ ; . HARMONICAS , MUSIC BOXES , ' I - VIOLONCELLOS , * ? ' ' HARPS , ' \ BANJOS , • GUITARS , ' J. ' ' . And Fixtures for above Instruments. b u " \ t T" . . . . . iiniirrr1nnni-irui. -ji.ri.rjm.ijn I - - r tjn n i-i r. .f - - , - - - r - i iifi/irn--r1 ! 5 REED ORGANS AND 3IE18DE0HS i . AT ACTUAL COST. i : \ - * * * * _ _ * * . * _ * * , / - • Come in and secure an instrument of some kind before the assortment is broken. Goods are go ing fast. Remember oar entire stock amounting to $8,000 must be reduced down to $3,000 within the next SIXTY DAYS. Now don't let this opportunity pass you. We will give two l _ dollars for one , and don't forget it. No more | goods to be bought when these are gone. 7/ J. A. VanSlioik , AG NT FOR THE ' Singer Sewing Machines L • * ALSO KEEPS ON HAND A FDLL LINE OF ; . . Repairs and Supplies. Office. in 'McMillen's Drug Store , - - - McCook , Nebraska. _ ii _ _ _ 1l _ ' * * 9 b Rf . IVIO w $ & EL ' I am now located in "the store room lately vacated by Mrs. T. Nells , on Main Avenue , where I will he pleas ed to see all iny old customers and L many new ones. My stock will be 1 larger and finer than ever , and my I prices as low as the lowest. I H. H. BEKBY. 1888. - : - Fall Season.1889. . The fact that my efforts in the past to produce none but of the highest standaid of excellence have been appreciated by friends and customers , as shown by my large and rapidly increasing busi ness , has encouaraged me to still greater exertions for the Fall and \ \ inter season. Mj Collection of Fine Fabrics For gentlemen wear , is now complete , and it will give me pleasure to have you see my stock , which j k is as large and handsome an assortment of new I f goods as can beshown by any of the best houses . * % in larger cities. I am better prepared now to exe- H\-- cute all orders promptly , and give the trade styl- c l-v - ' j. ish and perfect fitting garments. l | l. BER ' NHEIMRR , ' ' . . ' ' MKfiUHANT-TAILOR. | j | lleOnoVHebnib. J mmmmmmrmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm i r • r \ > Teniperance in the Bible. Wlio wus ihu fli-xt ( lruiikHi'il ? Gen. 9:2021. : "And Ximh lie uu to bo an liuslniinlmiin mid ho planted u vliicyaid and bo drank of the wine ami was drunken. " U'liero was the Hist tcmnoranco 6ocloty5 Jcreinlali , 30:6-8 : "Out t buy said no will drink no wlnn for Jiniadab. the son of Hechub our father , cntnmandfd us Buying , Ye shall drink no wino nciihut * yo nor your sons forever. Tlnii * w > have obeyed tho voice or our Father , to drink no wine all our days. We. our wlvi-s iioroursiinKordatmliters. " Whatblesslnfrdid Qimi pronouirceon thetlret tompcranccsoelutyi .lercniiiili.)5:18 : ) : : AndJerctnlab Bald unto the limine of tlio ICeuhabltus. "Thus sa 'th tho Lord , hcciiiin' i c have ohryt-d I ho ei.intiiiiiiilnioiit ol .loiiiidab.j mir Father , and ki-pt all hiprecepts. . Ilin-Millli tinl.onl nfhostd. iheljod of Israel , Joii.Kiiil > . the son ol * Ufi-liali , shall ma want n man to stand before inc forever. " \ \ ho took ihclIrM tcnipcraiKC pledge ? JtidKis , 13j-l4 : : "And tiie unyel of the Lord said unto Manouh , ofali that 1 said unto the woman let her beware she may not cat anything that couieth of tht vine , neither let her drink wine or strong drink. " Who took a pledgeof his own accord ! Daniel. 1:8 : "liut Daniel purposed in his heart ' that he would not dctlle himself with the king's meat ntirwitbtbowine which he drank. " Were tti.-y healthier and wiser In consequence ! ' Daniel. 1:15-10 : "And at tho end of ten daye tlioir countenances appeared fairer and latter than all the children which did cat tho portion of I ho king's meat. " Ou bt kings and rulers to drinl. wino ? I'rov ; il:4 G'Ills not Tor kings to drink wine nor lor princes strong drink. Lcrit they drink and forget the law and pervert tho Judjjinentofnnyof tho afflicted. " Ou ht wotci make companions of drunkards ? I Cor. 5:11 : Can auj diunkard enter tbe kingdom of heav en ? 1 Cor. , 6:10 : "Neither thieves nor covetous nor drunkards nor revilers nor extortioners shall inherit tbe kingdom of God. " Has God pronounced woe upon drunkards ? Isaiah 5:11 : • • Woe tint hi hem i bat liseup < 'urly in tbe morn ing that they may pursue strong drink. Hint continue until night that wine may Inflame them. Woo unto them that aro mighty to drink wine and men of strength to mingle strong drink. Has God pronounced woe agiilnsMbeliquorseller ? "Woe untobim that pultetb tho bottle to his neighbor lips. " Is it wicked to license men to put the bottle to their neighbor's llpt"Woe unto them that justify the wicked foraieward. " Opinio and tobacco ate nor mentioned in the Rible as they were not known when it was written , but Romans. 14.21 is an all suflicient rule to guide us in all irmperanco babitB "It is pood neither to eat meat or drink wine nor anything whereby thy In-other stiiiuhl' 's or is offended or is made weak. Ve that are strong should bear ilu ; in- Uruiiiies of the eak. " When you desire a pleasant plijsic. try St. Patrick's Pills. For safe by all druggists. TOWN. 4 RANGE 3d. Mrs. .1. N. Pmitli is improving. Tom Whinner bought a doz.'ii calves. Mrs. Hollistcr is troubled with rheumatism. Tlio "cvr state fair of No'im-ika will bo h < Id tho fee ) lul week in cinom'ior , 18 9. L ' "is Eliel. departed Fridiu oveniu . for a t weeks v it-it at hisold home at Falls < ity. this state. .11 in Patterson. Fred Smith an. ) W. Grant stalledSunday , on atrip northwest oui hunt ing expedition. John 'oleman has dtapoied of his farm of a half section in H.iye * county , ami purchase 1 property in .Uct.Xok. The only accident occiiriing in Town 4. Inst week , worthy of note , was Dick falling through tho hay rack and hanging by the ears. Peter Groves is assisting in putting on the iliiWliingtoti on tho interior of the Fust National Bank building in McCook. Parties " • • antimr a fine location , surrounded with kind neighbors and excellent society. can be accommodated in "Town 4. Range 3U. " Tho Iowa state fair will bo held tho first week in September , and tho Illinois < tato fair the fourth weok of the same month , iti tbe year 18J > 9. Question for disi-ussion fit the next meeting of the literary at the Cob > in.iii sc'iool hous-\ Uesoh-ed. * That art is more beautiful than na ture. " That granger from Town. 4 that is always in such a hurry , reminds us of a man we were ac quainted with many years ago. On one oc casiou. going to the timber for a load of wood , ho trot in such a hurry he hadn't time to sit down to ride. "Nebraska is famous for beautiful fall weather , hnt this fall bus surpassed the record by u gieat deal. " Nebraska Farmer. Guess not Itro. Heath Seven years ago it was tine wprm weather , so much so that children went bare foot all day on Christmas. . As a partial result of the exhibit of farm produce from this county , at the Iowa state lair , somi-fllteeii or twenty persons have visit ed ibis county , and aro well pleased with it. Some have bought farms , and others will fol low in the near future Keep the ball rolling. Little Maud' eating : a Hash of sunlight fell on her spoon ; she cried. Oh. Mammal T swal lowed a sponof ul of sunshine , and her eyes spin kled with innocent glee. Too world wonM be bnsrhterand bemoreenjoyalile if we should all indulge frequently and liberally of little Maudle's beverage until our hearts were tilled so full of liirht that it would cause our eyes to sparkle and shine as with a Hood of liirht then the bright side only of all earth's trials would bo seen. A flood of light would illuminate tbe dark spots in life's pathway and tney would be made to contribute to our happiness. Guangku Many persons emit met severe colds during the early wiiiht month * and permit them to liainr on perswtentl * all winter ; weakening me hums and pnviiisr the way for catarrh , uhr "lie broiicliiti-i. or consumption No one sun afford to neirlect aeold. A siojrle bottle of f'hainhei-biiirs t'oinrli Iteoie-lv will cure the tno-tt seVere cnid. mill ctints tint-50 eouts For sale by all druiriri ts. BARTLEY EOOM1NGS. U H. Chrysler is behind the counters of 1 A. Crule & Co. Miss Raines of Indianola attended the wei ! iitig rece ' ption of M. N. Eskey. M. N. E key has taken Miss Lizzie Ward as liTo partner in the drug and housekeeping business. Mi's Luc Thrysler drove down from Jndine- ) 'a. Inst Tuesday , and teok tea with Mr. and Mis. U. H Chrysler. Mr. Selv has moved his confectionery into he bnildiny formerly occupied by R. F. Rrnw pr. and has added a larj-e stock of dry goods Mr Charles Ovrkitof the Rfpubliain Valley Echo came upfront nioomin tnn last Tuesday , a > attend the woddinir receptions of his friend M N. B < key. A oost nflice is sometimes strangely mixed ip with oilier business but for the post oflie" if Rarllfy to be in a butcher shop does not i"om to 'in a cause of - > niruillation to th -esidentsof this busy little town. The nartlcr IntorDeenn hiv moved acros * lie street into tbe building formerly occupied ty Mrcv. ! . and with Prof. Wm. Smith at the iclin will soon bo a power in tbe land. Mr. Strong living nn The wst side of 'own. ind tbe in'sfortiiMc to lose bis stable and a hijmamount or corn by lire , and onlv the iiompt help of tbe neijrbliorssaved his boioe toil other buildings. Tho tire was started by Ur. Strong's boy who took matches from the louse to the barn to play with. Moral Keep he children away.from tho matches. I * v The Publishing and Patent Offices of the Scientific Amarican. Perhaps sotue of our renders have visited thr exteimive offices of the jOiontlflo American , u ! 301. Rroadway New York , but many havo not , and to such the following account may bo ot interest. A correspondent who recently had this ploasnro informs us that ho was great I v 6urprIsod at tho magnitude of the establish tnent. It suggested to his mind an onormous Insurance company or banking house. At the main office , which Is principally devoted to the patent business 'ormlug as It does so ltnpor taut a part of the establishment mny bo soon the members of the firm and their able corpf of examiners. Ready eccess to the principals Is afforded to every ono ; and here may be seen Inventors from all parts of tho country show big their models and drawings , and explaining their Invention" . The models leTt by invent ors firm a large ntid interesting collect ion and are toit , In a room by theiiij-elvcs. Tbe hope corps of draughtsmen who prepare lhcpiitent drawirgs are for the mom parr experienced mechanics electricians , or engineers , some ol them having been counecicd with the U.S. Patent Olllco Most of the correspondence is cirriednnby typo writers , and this necessi tates a separate department , where a niiinlxi ofexperie'iced I einale type writers and stenog raphers are constantly employed. The daik room where photographs of the patent draw ings ate copied , and here the photographs fot the -chitociural department are developedis also on this floor. On the floor above may bo found tho editorial rooms , compositors' and subscription room , and tho engravers' depart ment. The architectural department occupies the top floor , alto here may be seen the mana ger of this department , and also a number of draughtsmen at work preparing tho plans and general designs for tho Architect and Ruilder edition of the Suientitlu American , which is published monthly , and has ntt-iined u wide spread circulation. Theprintlugof the papers is carried on in a separaie building. At the entrance of the main olllce , which alone occu pies a floor space of 60x165 feet , inav be seen one ot Prof Draper's remarkable recording barometeiB.with which iustrumentacompleto record is kept of atmospheric changes. Thin barometer was built specially fortheScientitlc American , and it is a remarkably line and sen sitive us well as a very expensive instrument. Some idea may be had of tho business done at tho olllce of tho Seienctflr American when we Btuto that over one hundred persons aro em ployed by Munn & Co. on their several publi cations uud in their extensive patent depart ments. Our Candidate for President. He will be nominated by tlieconvention and will tie elected by the people , beeauho he will come I lie i.earct < i to filling their ideal of a duel magistrate. Electric Milters has been given the liighct-t place , because no other medicine lias so well Allied the ideal of a perfect tonic ami alterative. The people have indorsed tileciric Miners and rely upon this great rem edy in all troubles of Liver. Stomach and Kid neys. For all .Malarial Fevers and diseases caused by Malarial Poisons. Electric Kittera cai.not or-mo highly recommended. Also cures Headache anil Constipation. Siitislactioii guaranteed , or monev lefitniled. Price aJc. and $1. at A .McMillcn's drug btorc. Wamiixgtox TuttttiToitr cast 46 000 votes at the late election tor delegate twcongivbs. This indicates a population of more than - 0.UU0. Washington is consequently ripe for state hood as she has considerably more than suffi cient population to entitle her to a member of cotigp-ss , which is the old limit and the high est limit hitherto set as a condition precedent. The dry cold weather of the early winter mouths is productive ot a great deal of croup among children. Mothers should be on the lookout lor it. and tie prepared to arrest it as soon at lie tlrM symptoms appear. True croup never coiner without a warning ; a day or two before thcitttack t tie child will iieeome. hoarse , and that symptom is soon followed by apecul- tir. rough cough. If Chamberlain's < . ough Remedy is given iw soon as this hoarseness or cough appears , all danger and anxiety may be avoided ; it has never laded , even in tbe most severe cases " . There is no dauber in giving the Remedy for it contains no injurious sub stance. For sale by all druggists. Tiik Scientific Amuuicax , referred to in another column , is the very best publication in this country for those interested in science , engineering , mechanics , inventions , etc. A copy of tbe Scientific American may he seen at the office of this paper , where subscriptions will be received. Reducing the Surplus. The disposition of the Surplus in the TJ. S Treasury engages the attention of our States men , but a more vital question has our atten tion and that Is the reduction of the Surplus I'onsuinptives. Since tbe discovery and intro duction of Dr. King'B New Discovery for con sumption , there has been a marked decrease in the mortality ! rom this dreaded disease , and it is possible to still further reduce the number of consumptives How ? My keeping con stantly at. hand a bottle of Dr King's Now Discovery and using according to directions , upon he appearance of the first symptoms , such ns a Cough a Cold.a < tr Throat at 'het. . or Side Pain. Taken thus early a cure is guar anteed Trial bottles free at A McMillen'8 rug store. Have ) Rohert Elsmere ? you > The Quick or the Dead ? Read I Cleveland's Message ? If so. which do you think will live longest a * a work ol fiction ? ( hamberlain's Kyeand Skin Ointment is un- rquiilied lor old elironic sores. Manx * eases have been permanently cured by it. For sale by all druggists. The price of "machine oil" in Washington ought to drop a dozen points. Tho veto ma chine will not need so much greasing from this on. Mil. Cr.znr..AXD's Thanksgiving turkey must have been crow at least there is tho ob vious tasto of gall in his message. Direct from tho Front. Knoxville , Ten.w , July 2 , iSSS. The Swift Spec : c Co. , Atlanta , Ga. : Gentlemen 1 can cheerfully and truth fully say that S. S. b is the greatest blcod purifier on earth. In 1884 I contracted blood poison. Physicians treated mc with no good results. I took a half dozen d'rer- ent kinds of blood medicines , but , without receiving any permanent relief 1 I was in duced to try S. S S. I began the first bottle with the gravest doubts of success. I had been so often deceived. But im provement came , and I continued its use until perfectly well. I have since married , and have a healthy family. No trace of the disease is seen. Swift's Specific did all this for me , and I am grateful. Yours truly , J. S. Strader. iiS Dale Ave. Kemp , Texas , June 23 , 1888. The Swift Specific Co. , Atlanta , Ga. : Gentlemen A sixteen-year-old son cf mine was afflicted with bad blood , and broke out with an eruption on various parts of his body. I put him to taking S. S. S. , and a few bottles cured him entirely. I live at Lone Oak , but my post-office is at Kemp. Yours truly , W , S. Robinson , Three books mailed free on application. All druggists sell S. S. S. The Swift Sptcific Co. , Drawer 3 , Atlanta , Ga. New York , 756 Broadway , -Stea 808 SewInz-MachlneTITlTlTl t5S Si > ll A jfltTp at once rttablUhliL/lilj k § p5 lu fiai " * d ia * u p- b > I * n n p. Hr9tIl3tl Hv1csr our n chlnc J. ] l 1111 BHilTTilr pT.nrifood : > hrreth p uplt ran Ma UgiMft S HK - lhrni , w will tnd free toons By38 HH 5s 53 * P" * ° n la * lcix localltj.tbe toy cMS § 0s 5Zi TW * celt srolng-macliiae made in ( gSissnft' ' " M 1 Pthe TTorldnitb all tht attacbrormi. amMSjR fluj A We will alto tend free a ccmplrta Bl iSitm fTriawHl11' " ofour > tland valuable art BlcS-I ( ! I UH/Qumplei. Id ittura we aik that you BIir2JrJl AfW * Vtbow what we aeiut. to ihoie wlio I HalSteam may call at your bomr.indafltr3 M f * rf V'mgn \ • * - * all thall become your own M mJ/lWK Fiironertr. Tht Brand machine la UrSn * 4Jjrlfnj df after the Singer patent * , K aT Kr SalDaB &whlrh bare run out : brforr patrnta AJt BKB \ run out tt told lor SO. 'I. with the fL'JiJ V feS lanarhmenti. and now sella for JFIPm TgaMp tS. 'iO.Bnt.irrocirrit.mor.tuse- * pHfiil EKf * Wtol machine In the worldAll la V llitkat 1 ! % ' Ko capital reqnlreo. Plain , bnef InatrueUont piren. Tboie who writs to aaat onevcame- ran free tbe best anrinp-mschlne In tbe world , and tba ftaf tlineofworkaofhi harteT rahown toirclherin America. TCMtVB4c:0BoK 79 , Ajfgwta. MaUae. -"ootaaaCKBg-st - - mi iii muii - THIS IS THE WEEK , YOU CAN BUY • , > • AT . -v-i ' " ! ( We have an immense stock bought J Direct from the Manufacturers , and are the only firm in the city who buy goods that way , and we can " therefore save you j LOTS OF MONEY ! - | o o < > o ( > > O O (1 1 ( I (1 O ( I ( t O O ( I ) o o o o o o o I ' = j Come and see pur ASTONISHINGLY LOW PRICES on ofociStsrij > &oodsOvercoats CLOTHING % UNDERWEAR. L. LOWMAN & SON. ! > R. H. COLE , ! "The Leading" OP McCOOK , FOR j First-Glass Tailoring * . Having a large stock of Fine Suitings ant ' TrnttspritigK , I will furnish them iihenp Fur tht * next fiO rlnvs. , , , , * > ) TaaeaK3j t * jjVaXMBaaliTaaiiaTaTaTai Wm. M. ANDERS0M , AGENT FOR The Mutual Life Insurnce Co. OF NEW YORK. The Buffalo Mutual Accident Ins. Co. ALSti j A full line of Fire and Lightning Ins. : Money to Loan on Real Estate Security. rooms : cvkr fikst national bank. . Mlt M ajMMaMMa.iiMajiia > aMliaM | Bliimj itrip Allen's ' Transfer , Bus , Baggage Dray Line. F. P. ALLEN , Prop. , McCOOK , NEBRASKA. E"Dest Equipped in the City. Leave orders at Commercial Hotel. Good well wntor furniBlied on shortnotice. EATON BROS. & CO. g35 P. O address. .McCook , fjCWfcrofiggpK , Nebraska. Kan e.south B Cattlf branded on loft MKpBS Sfiv11 lirandsnn left hip. JteaS Hnrsi-s liRinded sumo "KILPATRICK BROTHERS. ( Successors to E. P. Webster. ) florses branded on left hii > or left phouder. . O. mldress. EstellQ . Hayes county , and ttfiHt- { [ B ? et-prSH rice , N'eb Ibtuvo. SMnlc- tP. Water and French M-ft * jS'i 'ninii creek * . C'lnise Co. § V A Netmiska. s > f---y , | Hmnii as cut on side of < 2TH'r5 > * Ifi * some animals , on hip urn ! Sa aifif S5 ? * . sldi-p ur mno or any ' = * 3Bfiirrr where mi tho animal. i . . . * . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .a. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . • • . . . . . . • • . • . • . . . • . • . • . • . . . • . . . . • . . . • . • . . . . . . . . • • . • . . . • . • . . . . . . • . . • . • • . • . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . . . . . . • . • . . . • . • . • . • . . . . • . • . . . • . . • . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . \ * - * - -A A > .A . J > iT > r t. fl-Z-xS V . -.AmU/1 , . . % _ _ _ _ ( l _ _ _ M _ _ _ > _ t _ _ > _ _ _ _ > _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ t 1t _ * . . * • • < L . : • i ' ir I • < • - : - | : : < : j ; # -IN THE CITY.-4- : : ! j A : : < : : * _ _ - i " • : < r j ! j Have inst received a heavy stock of new • • li 4 CLOTHINGwhich makes our stock com- . : : : :3 : plete , consisting : of Dress Suits , Business 'II j : - Suits , Work Suits , School Suits , Etc. , Etc. > i. . ' " - . _ , , , , . , • : • ' : : • > - -.i t- = - - , : - : : : 4 - = i : A COMPLETE LINE OE : : ! : : - . : ill GROGtRIESi FLOUR. OILS , ETd h : : • • 4 : : ' ' • j I ! • We received this week , from Chicago , the : • li 4 largest stock of Dress Goods , Flannels , ! : " j : - i Waterproofs , Blankety , Underwear , Shirts , ; I i j ! . Hosiery , Notions , Gloves , Mittens , Hats , ; : • : ; Caps , Etc. , we have ever carried. | | ' * ' . : : . • • * - • I 4 \ \ : A $3,000 STOCK OE W . . ' . ' : : .f . • _ . . . hi DUUlb ollii dsiOob ? KuUUSdEK tlGfl . li 7 : : : : < : : 4 - , , , _ ' * : . : \ * • • : : ; We have S15,000 in Merchandise to sell ' ' ' I I ! ; for CASH or PRODUCE at as low a price t : : • I j as any house can sell. Don 't pay more for -I ij 1 goods than we pretend to ask , thinking > li ! i- - you are saving " 25 cents on a dollar , " as I : - : ! 4 some of our competitors advertise. [ | . C * • * • : . - * f : . : • - " " ! • ! . * * I - - I I t ' . . ' ' ' M < f f I 4 f r'VVVfV ' V V fj'if VST TVItV V11. < $ V V V y l"-T. g g f ' V ' T T T T- * * . . . . . _ • • • - • • • * • - - - - - • • • • - • • • - THE CITIZENS BANK OF McCOOK I ( INCORPORATED UNDER STATE LAWS. ) , \ Paid up Capital , - . SSO .QQO.OO. . I General Banking Business , . " ; | Collection made on all accessible points. Drafts drawn directly on the principal ' I cities of Etirqpi * . Taxes paid for Non-Reiidcnts. Money to loan on farming | lands , village and personal property. Fire ixtsurance a specialty. j rickets For Sale to and from Europe * fI" CORRESPONDENTS. j v. Frankun. President. J JJ A. 1 -r _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4 - _ _ _ _ - _ _ : . - _ ll _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i !