1 11 Two JUicliy ITfeiii I Vancouver OYaili. Ter. ) independent , Not. 7. BE On thol7thof October iln H paper nn- Hf } nouncecl Unit liclitning had struck in HI/ / Vancouver , or the Bamo tiling , a strenk HI , of luck that made Homo excitement. Jn Hlf September M. 0. Hnrcll , a laboror on J. HI 0. Froebstd'H farm , bought one-tivon- Hlt tioth of tiolcet No. 40.755 in tho Louisiana HF . Sttito Iiottory , nndtlmt number drew tho HI > big 8800,000 prize on October 0th. J. O. 1 Proebstel owns half of this Harell ticket , HI which entitles tho holders to 815,000. Bff Tlio ticket was donomtcd for collection fi * with Wells , Fargo fe Co. 'h Express Com- Hiw V * pa 3' t Portland , Oronon. The collec- H ' tion was promptly honored by tho H | Louisiaua State Lottery at Now Orleans , H I and tho mouej % gold coin , is now in H Portland ready to be paid over upon H proper receipt for it. Both the lucky 1 men are honest grangers , and , as their It heads are level , will know iust where to 1 put their unozpeotcd wealth to do them H k tho most good. I A factory chimney at Kearney , N. J. , is i nar feet high. Hfl I > Gcren lus ; tho Dentil IEnte. k Tho mortality among conmiinptivcs lias I been matcrinlly dccrenscfi of late year * by n the umo of Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver H Oil , with HypophoHphitcs of Limo and So- S < lft. Phthisis , Bronchitis , ALscchh of tho T Lunge , Fnoutnonia and Throat Affections m arc completely subjugated by a timely use K of this excellent pulmonic. Palatable as H milk. Sold by all druggititH. I . • A woraam aged lO. 'l years died at Need- B/ ford , N. J. , labt week. ! ] f mirtrd wlili HoipKyes , nun Or. Isaac Tbomp I' ' > ni'i K ) e Wntcr. DniKElets sell It. 1'ic | A statno of Shnkcspcaro has been un- I veiled in Parin. I j A Radical Curd for Epileptic Fits. I I 7the Editor V\ohbb \ inform your rondors that I 1 I hayo n poeilivo remedy for tho above named j ' diseasa which 1 vrnrrunt to euro the wort cases. HI Ho ttroni ; is ray faith in the virtues of this medi- HC cino that I trill send frco n sttmplo bottle nnd HI valnnhlo troatiso to any enffcrer who will giro HJ me hiu P. O. nnd Express address. My remedy Ht has cured thousands of hope ) cms coses. i II. Q. ItOOX , M. a 183 Pearl 8L , New York. HI * - . , . . . . . . . . . . . , i. , , , , , . . If Tho rumor of disaster at sea is a Bait H | rumor. if r * L , Warranted to color more goods than any HH * other dyes.cvcr made , and to cive more bril- W lisint and durable colors. Ask for the Diamond , H ? | and take no other. Rf A Dress Dyed ) FOR K A Coat Colored V | Q H Garments Renev/ed J cents. Wa A Child can use them ! HP Unequalled for all Fancy and Art Work. K\ At Druggists and Merchants. Dye Book free. H [ WELLS , RICHARDSON & CO. Prop ; . Burlington , Vt. I ( \LACTATED FOOD | V _ - \ Is a Perfect SUBSTITUTE | , P 3 _ f * FOR MOTHER'S MILK. B S vJ % MB Babies living upon it sleep well , ft &y J / , % / ? \ laugh and crow , are plump and Hi ] w'tij\V healthy. It regulates the bow- I T 1 Hl | ' / gfiH\ * / /cls , curing both constipation and if Kti * ) ' hJdiarrheca. Send for valuable pamphlet , free. " Sold by druggists , 25c , 50c , gi.co. ! WELLSRICHARDSON CO.BurlingtonVt II I . _ 3 11'wUiveIyeiir J byK m n r. _ J , BDnnrO ! ® these Little Pills. B m\ \ \f\\ | fi fflj They also relieve Dis-5 III tress froiuDyspepsiaIn-B ail 1 IB i ! H B Rt53eS 3 J3" digestion and TooHeartvE iil . " " BEaS Eating. A i > erfect reui-g By JEB B S ES -cforDizziness.Naueeag jl | fi t ? EmE r > rowainePB , Bad Tastfj ! It Ks SB D R I C ' " tljo Month , Coatfd& Eli r'Easiatt. Tongne.PainmtUeSulB.f IK v . ms EE8 roni'iD liveu. Thejg Brj * • ! Hltf3fE2S regulate the Bowels.g K ) - | HHgEBE § j Purely Weetablc. H Hi • ' PpIcjj 25 Cents. I I .CARTER MEDICINE CO. , LTEWYOilE. | H H K I H wHrH THHE fl' B' * * ! . hL L , HJHj Swift's Specific cured me of mallgnnnt Blood Pois on after 1 had been treated Ir vRtuwith old so-called remedies of Mercury and Potash. S. S. S. not only cured the Blood Poison , but relieved the Rheu matism which wns caused by the poisonous minerals. GEO. BOVELI.24253d Avenue. K. Y. Xlne years airo Scrofula attacked two of my chil dren , and they were badly nflUcted with that dis- I / • ease , which resisted the treatment of my family physician. I was persuaded to use Swift's Specific by seeing an account of cures in my county paper. 1 The improvement was apparent Irora the first few doses , and in a short time my children were cured , and arc still sound and well. 1 JOHN WILLIAMS. Lexington , Va. Swift's Specific is entirely a vegetable remedy , _ and is tha only medicine which permanently cures ) * Scrofula , Blood Humors , Cancer and Contagious 1 , Blood Poison. Send for books on Blood and Skin Ktj Diseases , mailed free. THE SWIFT SPECIFIC CO. Drawer 3 , Atlanta. U a. J ! IjmOiTTiBH II fYf VER % l W * Cream Balm | I ! ' | | 1 Cold in Head h h 1)1 Hy\ > ' B t1 ELY BUOS. . M Warren St. y. Y ft MeW * ! ! 3SI3B3 I ? rMp ysth iFREicHT Eh AaHtafc. S5 Aoa Wason .Scale * . Si HHX9lS7 I t r . Sucl Brulaci. &ilxm mil JS&SinHRV " Bcn md Bum Box f.r I. ! a * l : SQO. HI JWMP V SM gJl Im ' • Sc le. r.r lrt prle * lit * llj "Sj B1XCHAMTON. N. g. iec axle mt GREASE H JJever Oums. Never Freezes in Winter or MrJts In ? , Summer. Every box Guaranteed. Samp'e ordera { ' solicited. Wr.te for Prices. Vi ' e m ke th ? be < t Axle-Gre se known and sll cheaner than other * du their common cood - CIAER t AVISE CO. , t : Ofice. at > itivcr Struct , Chicago , H' .luoU. j I 1 Hare a positiTe remedy for thfl above disease ; by its uso , < } thousands of c e of the worst kind and of lonsstandin ; ; • hare been cured. So strocs is my faith in it 1 efficacy tUat J I will send two battles free , tocether with a vainabio treatise on this disease to any sufferer. Give Exnrei and P.O.address. T.A.SLOCUM. M.C. , 1S1 Pearl St. . N.Y ! 1 ASTHMA CUREPg S German ABtIiuiaCorencvcryattftoglveiin.F f WlmrUiairretirfiatiievroistaLSeR ii9Uieaoovatan.m . jKaUetlecpeiIocU cures where aJl others faU. jt ' mi trial convinrcsl\4fnatttkrpttcal. PrioeSOcatldB jB81.00alTrt45ir rbrmail.Samr > l8FUEEl tgforgtamp. , I < clL SCHIFJMAN. SL Pmnl. Minn.P • ® m & < 5&ri , * rrw ; > 3teMBSBBHfessBai ' " ' • ' * ft * ' • MB II c. " bglU til "Hour e > J < l > r iimpla fl-1 IN . k T * k53 bhi to , he * > > i > lcule mil rf- S * n Htntl K H f ] uit tndc. L > rt t manu- BlbaiV BS3 QaS U rrminMrUne. Knclote t < rotit mp. Wages S3 Per Day. rtrnanrat poilUon. No oitil > * n ered. Menrv adtancrU for w 5t . adTtrtiilnt. etc Centennial Manufacturins Co. , Cincinnati , Ohio. ! A ALITOKKIA ORANGE. KAISIK sad FXTJXT LAND. DV ? i * " t& " & * : B-SQJQacreslnajiyjtlietracts Jnst.th placefor , S * * -C * UWTony. SpcWal Inducement to settlersV < Easy • * * J Urms/SICHOB. FESEY 4 SELOVEX , San DWjEO. C L ' & _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . , - ' ' . tas T STL'DT.BootcepinffPenmanship , I t i L > Lfc * ia Arithiuetic , Shorthand , etc. . thor- t- I't S'r tsttshthymnil. J.mw rates. Wrculnrs free. f- ; . ; : YAXT'd COLLEGIA tZl Main St , , Buffalo. X. Y. K . / * • p i SS PC" dav. Sample mirtaSW FlEE.IJnei . ' ' * % ii. 1 under Uie * h < n > eV feet. Write Brewster ' • - V-zS watety Rein Holder Co. , Holly , Mien. ; * _ & iTI'PTl Trearert * nrt eared witnnnt uie cmtft. fefj - • n AM h Book on tre.tment ent free , iddress % > ' • i Vn.ll ULiUr.U I'OKU.i5.D. . xurora. KaueCo..Ul. < i , fSillfirDP anrlTU.VOKSremorr-Jwithoittknife. K UAflU-nc If . ,11 | rCn d. Writs fnr refer- ' . , cueca. J > K. F. IS. CJLL.C1' , Milw Uice. WU. i t IsflHH " < L/l.r- > < if ffT U lhst < ss > ssssstWWssMsiMWMststMMsssi ss IN TWO" HALVES. TheStniy orn Dlvliloil Hank Koto. THU KIltST HALF. Wofc and droixry. It is midwinter ; tho Hceno w Kirklington , on the Lon don nnd Northwestern ; the timo one- quarter to eleven ; just after the night mnil had Hashed through withou * Btopping hound for Liverpool and the north. Tho railway officials are collecting preparatory to going off duty for the night. "Where's Dan ? " asked one of the crowd upon the platform. "I saw him in the hut just after the one quarter to eleven went through. Can't have come to any harm surely ? " ' • No ; he said he'd seen something drop from the train , and he went down to the line to pick it up. " And Dan had picked up something. It was a basket , a common white wicker basket , with a lid fastened down by a string. "What did it con tain ? Dirtyclothes ? What ? A baby a child half a dozen weeks old , no more. "Where did you come across it ? " asked one. "Lying on the line , just where it fell. Perhaps it didn't fall , perhaps it was chucked out. What matter ? I've got it , and got to look after it , that's enough for me ! " The little mite's linen was white and of the finest material , but he lay upon an old shawl and a few bits of dirty flannel. 'All they found was a dilapidated purse , a common snap- lock bag-purse of faded brown leath er. Inside was a brass thimble , a pawn-ticket , and the half of a Bank note of England note of 100. * * * * * * A new parson Harold Treffry had come latelv to Kirklington. Ho is now paying a round of paro chial visits , accompanied by an old college chum , who is spending Christ mas with him. \ "Yonder , " said Treffry , pointing to a thin thread of smoke which rose from someguant trees into the sullen wintry air , "yonder is the house if , indeed , it deserves so grand a name the hovel , rather , of one whose case is the hardest of all the hard ones in 1113' parish. This man is a niere hedger and ditcher , one who works for any master , most often for the railway , bub who is never certain of a job all the year around. He has a swarm of young children , and he has just lost his wife. He is absolutely prostrated ; aghast prob ably at his utterincapacity to do his duty by his motherless little ones. I wonder whether you could rouse him ? If you could only get him to make a sign , or cry , or laugh , or to take the smallest interest in com mon affairs. Jack , I believe you're the very man. You might get at him through the children that mar vellous hanky-panky of yours , those surprising tricks ; a child takes to you nntural'3r at once. Try and make friends with these. Perhaps when the father sees them interested and amused he may warm a little , speak , perhaps approve , perhaps smile , and in the end give in. Jack , , will you try ? " Jack Newbitrgin was by profession a conveyancer , but nature had in tended him for a new Houdin , or a wizard of the North. He was more than half a professional by the time he was full grown. In addition to the quick eye and the facile wrist he had the rarer gifts of the suave man ner and the face of brass. He had even studied mesmerism and clair voyance , and could upon occasion surprise his audience considerably by his power. They entered the miserable dwell ing together. The children eight of them were all skirmishing over the floor , except one , a child of six or seven , a bright-eyed , exceedingly beautiful boy , the least were not nature's vagaries well known likely to be born among and belong to such surroundings , who stood be tween the legs of the man himself , who had his back to the visitors , nnd was crouching low over the scanty fire. fire.The The man turned his head for a moment , gave a blank stare , then an imperceptible nod , and once more he glowered down upon the fire. "Here , little ones ; do you see this gentleman ? Tommy ? " catching up a mite of four or five from the floor. "No , not you ; nor you , Sarah ; nor you Jakey' * and he ran through all their names. "They had now ceased their gam bols and were staring hard at their visitors the momentwaspropitious ; Jack Newbiggin began. He had fortunately filled his pockets with nuts , oranges and cakes before leav ing the parsonage , so he had half his apparatus ready in hand. The pretty boy had very soon leit the father at the fire and had come over to join in the fun , going back , however , to exhibit his share of the spoil and describe voluminously what had occurred. This and the repeated shouts of laughter seemed to produce some impression on him. Presently he looked over his shoulder and said but without animation : "It is very good of you , sir , surely very good for you to take , ib kindly to the little chicks. Tt does them good to laugh a bitbutit , ain't much as they've had tojjnalce t 'em lately. " " • "It is good for all of us now and again , I take it , " said Jack , desist ing and going towards him , the children gradually collecting in a far off corner and comparing notes. "You can't laugh , sir , if your heart's heavy : if you do it can be only a sham. " While he was speaking he had tak en the Bible from the shelf , and re suming his seat began to turn the leaves over. "I'm a rough untaught country- t - fc * J • - 1 ' , • 1 A t-1 -it r ii , , * 1 , , r .T . ii i . 11 m , , . . , , . . ' . . ' • ' . ' ' ' . - , . " > -r. * - / % - - , - ; - = 4 > - VJr - MMM * aaaanniaMaMmavaaMMHaMMNaaaaaawMMaaMattMMaM I man , sir , but I have heard tell that these strange things you do are only tricks ; ain't it so ? " Hero was indeed a hopeful symp tom. He was roused then to take some interest in what had occured. "All tricks , of course ; it all comes of practice , " said Jack , as ho pro ceeded to explain some of the simple processess , hoping to enchain the man's attention. "That's what I thought , sir , or I'd have given you a job to do. I've been in want of a real conjuror many a long day , and nothing less'll do. See here , sir , " he said as ho took a small , carefully folded paper from be tween the leaves of the Bible , "Do you see this ? " It was half a Bank of England note for 100. "How , sir , could any conjuror help me to the other half. "How did you come.by it ? " asked Jack at once. "Ell tell you , sir , short as I can make it. Dan then described how he had picked up the basket from the 10:45 : Liverpool express. "There was the Jinen ; I've kept it. See here ; all marked quite pretty and proper , with lace round the edges , as though its mother loved to make the little one smart. " * Jack examined the linen , it bore a monogram and crest. The first he made out to mean H. L. M. , and the crest was plainly two hammers crossed , and the motto , "I strike" not a common crest and he never remembered to have seen it before. And was that all ? " 'Cept the bank note. That was in a poor old purse with a pawn-ticket and a thimble. I kept them all. " Like a true detective Jack examin ed every article minutely. The purse bore the. name Hester Gorrigan , in rude letters inside , and the pawn ticket was made out in the same name. THE SECOND IIAL.F. When Jack Newbiggin got back to the parsonage he found that his host had accepted an invitation for them both to dine at the "Big House , " as it was called , the country seat of the squire of the parish. "I have been fighting your battles all day , " began Airs. Sitwell , the hostess , when seated at dinner next to Jack. "Was it necessary ? I should have thought myself too significant. " "They were talking at lunch of your wonderful tricks in conjuring , and some one said that the skill might prove inconvenient when you • played cards , for instance. "A charatible imputation ; with whom did it originate ? " "Sir Lewis Mallaby. " "Please point him out to me. " He was shown a grave , scowling face upon the right of the hostess - a face i'ke a mask , the surface rough and wrinkled , through which the eyes shown with baleful light , like corpse-candles in a ' sepulchre. Jack let his companion chatter on. It was his habit to get all the infor mation possible about any company in which he found himself , for his own purpose as a clairvoyant , and when Mrs. Sitwell flagged he piled her with artless questions , and led her on from one person to another , making men tal notes to serve him hereafter. It is thus by careful and laborious prep arations that many of the strange and seemingly mysterious feats of the clairvoyant conjuror are per formed. When the whole party are assem bled in the drawing room after din ner a chorus of voices , headed by that of the hostess summoned Jack to his work. There appeared to be only one dissentient , Sir Lewis Mallaby , who not only did not trouble him self to back up the invitation , but when the performance was actually begun was at no pains to conceal his contempt and disgust. The conjuror made the convention al plum pudding in a hat , fired wed ding rings into quartern loaves , did all manner of card tricks ; knife tricks , pistol tricks , and juggled on con scientiously right through his rep ertory. There was never a smile on Sir Lewis's face ; he sneered unmis takably. Finally , with a ostenta tion that savored of rudeness , he took out his watch , a great gold repeater , looked at it , and unmis takably yawned. Jack hungered for that watch directly he saw it. Perhaps through it he might make its owner uncom fortable , if only for a moment. But how to get it into his hands ? He asked for a watch a dozen were of fered . No , none of these would do. It must be a good watch a repeater. Sir Lewis Mallaby's was the only one in the room , and he at first distinctly refused to lend it. But so many earnest entreaties were added to him , the hostess leading the attack , that he could not in common courtesy continue to refuse. With something like a growl be took his watch off the chain and handed it to Jack Newbiggin. A curious , old fashioned watch it was , which would have gladdened the heart of a watch collecter all jewelled and enamelled , adorned with crest and inscription an heirloom , which had probably been in the Mallaby family for years. Jack looked it over curiously , meditatively ; then , suddenly raising his eyes , he stared intently into Sir Lewis Mallaby's face and almost as quickly dropped them again. "This is far too valuable , " he said courteously , "too much of a treasure , to be risked in any conjuring trick. An ordinary mode rn watch I might replace , but not a work of art like this. " And he handed it back to Sir Lewis , who received it with ill concealed sat isfaction. He was as much pleased , probably , at Jack's expression of possible failure in the proposed trick as at the rec overy'of Bis property. Another watch , however , was pounded into a jelly and brought out whole from a cabinet in an ad joining room. "Oh , but it is too preposterous , " Sir Lewis Mallaby was heard to saj' , quite angrily. The continued ap plause profoundly disgusted him. "This is the merest charlatanism. It must be put an end to. It is the commonest imposture. These are tilings which he has coached up in advance. Let him b tried witl something which upon tho faco of if he cannot have learned before-hand by artificial means. " . ' 'Try him , Sir Lewis , try him 3'our- self , " cried several voices. "I scarcely like to lend myself tc such folly or encourage so pitiable at exhibition. " But he seemed to bo conscious thai further protest would be in Jack's favor ; so ho said , "Can you tell what I have in this pocket ? " He touched the left breast of his coat. "A pocketbook. " "Bah ! ' Every one carries pocket- book in his pocket. " "But do you ? " asked several of the bystanders , all of whom were grow ing deeply interested in this strange duel. Sir Lewis Mallaby confessed that he did , and produced it an ordinary morocco leather purse and pocket- book , all in one. "Are you prepared to go on"said the Baronet , haughtily , to Jack. "Certainly. " "What does this pocketbook con tain ? " "Evidence. " "Evidence of what ? "Of facts that .must sooner or la ti er , come to light. " "What ridiculous nonsense ! I give you my word this pocketbook- tains nothing absolutely nothing but a Bank of England note for 100. " "Stay ! " said Jack Newbiggin , fac ing him abruptly and speaking in a voice of thunder. "It is not so you know it it is only the half ! " And as he spoke he took the pock- book from the hands of the really stupefied Baronet and exhibited for inspection the half of a Bank of England note for 100. There was much applause at this harmless and successful denounce ment of what threatened at one stage to lead to altercation , perhaps to a quarrel. But Jack Newbiggin was not satisfied. "As you have dared me to do my worst , " said he , "listen now to what j I have to say. Not only did I know that was only the half of a note , but I know where the other half is to be found. " "So much the better for me , " said the Baronetwith an eflort to appear humorous. "That oilier half was given to shall I say , Sir Lewis ? " Sir Lewis nodded indifferently. "It was given to one Hester Gorri gan , an old nurse , six years ago. " * "Silence ! Say no more , " cried Sir Lewis in horror. Sir Lewis had been a younger son ; the eldest inherited the title , but died early , leaving his widow to give him a posthumous heir , the title re maining in abeyance until time showed whether the infant was a boy or a girl. It proved to be a boy , whereupon Lewis Mallaby , who had the first information of the fact , put into execution a nefarious pro ject which he had carefully concocted in advance. A girl was obtained in a foundling hospital and substituted by Lady Mallaby's nurse , who was in Lewis's pay for the newly born son and heir. This son and heir was handed over to another accomplice , Hester Corrigan , who was bribed with 100 , half down , in the shape of a half-note , the other half to be paid when she announced her safe arrival in Texas with the stolen child. It occurred to Mrs. Corrigan in her transit between Lon don and Liverpool that though 100 would be acceptable on her arrival , the child would be only an incum brance. She therefore threw the basket containing him out of the window , forgetting that in it shehad for safety deposited her purse. It was the watch borrowed from Sir Lewis Mallaby which first aroused Jack's suspicions. It bore the same crest two hammers crossed , with the motto "I strike" which was marked upon the linen of the child that Dan Blockitt picked up at Kirk lington station. The initial of the name Mallaby coincided with the monogram H. L. M. From these facts and what he had been told by Mrs. Sitwell , Jack rapidly drew his conclusions , and made a bold shot , which hit the mark as we have seen. Lewis Mallaby's confession , com bined with that of Mrs. Gorrigan , who was found by the police , soon re instated the rightful heir , and Dan Blockitt in after years had no reason to regret the generosity which had prompted hini to give the little foundling the shelter of his rude home. London Tid-Bits. The Iron Prince and His Son Drinking Beer Together. From the London Figaro. Events point to the conclusion that Count Herbert von Bismarck is likely to take his father's place in something more than a merely nominal way. Whenever he goes emperors and kings make a point of doing him honor , and he brought away from Italy with him a present placed in his hand by the King himself , and worthy of its honor. It is a drinking cup of large size of chased silver , and has evidently been suggested by the masterpieces of Benvenuto Cellini. The cup rests upon lions' heads , and on its side are the combined arms of Italy and Germanj * . while on the cover are ex quisitely-modeled figures of Justice , Force , Prudence , and of course , with no ironical intention Temper ance ! So pleased , was Count Herbert that he took this cup with him when he went to see his father at Fredric- chsruh on his return , and it is said that the Chancellor , ringing for a servant , had the beaker filled with German beer , in which he and his son drank to * the Italian and German alliance. Hllsa Ions-Felt Want. From the Ogle Connty Reporter. The latest invention to hang in the family dining room isithegum board. < It is aneat little circular board , dec orated , or plain , fastened to the wall. The name of each of the family is painted on the circumference , and marks the spot where the gum is left until wanted. This saves carry ing the gum to bed and getting it in one's hair or swallowing it in the night. It is obvious that the gum board supplies a long-felt want , and he who invented the new fad will have the best whishes of the young ladies. r . . * * mi > t n/wiMiiif / iisiitw wrmtm > mit.ixsh-J wtistisW JttW > W mini m&tfMr&mtofumi A riirZatuiuM Tallt. 111 were to nak you to shut your eyca and try to fancy tlint Christmas stood before yon , what would you see ? Ah ! not one , but many. Some of you would bco , in 3'our numVri eye , im old niiin with lony , white , froBty board ntul kindly face , Ida brave form draped in n sparkling robo of snow decked with icicles old Father Christmas from top to toe. Some would see auother sort of figure , a round , roly-poly , jolly per sonage , dressed in furs from crown to sole , laughing in over } ' feature of his plump , ruddy face , all aglow after driv ing his Dander and Blixen , nnd half hidden by his great sleigh-load of toys. Some of you , axain , would seenothing but the toys , nnd your only thought , I shudder to say , would be , "Which of them are for me ? " Some of j'ou would see no fancied personage at all ; but glorious wintor without , and within doors a bright home , a glowing hearth , and nil the family eager to welcomo 3'on from school for the happy holidaj" week. And a great many of you would scarcely close your eyes before tho beautiful Christ-child would como nnd fill your soul with love nnd joy nnd gratitude ; and your one next thought would be to give happiness to man } ' , to make other hearts as glad as your own on tho Perfect Da } ' . St. Nicholas. Everybotlv familinr witlrAyer's Alma nac knows that it is much moro than u mere vehicle for advertising tho medi cinal preparations of Dr. J. C. Ayer it Co. , of Lowell , Mass. It is really 0110 of the most welcome and valued of an nuals. And now wo have to acknowl edge the receipt of a nently-bonnd pre sentation volume of the Almanac for 1881) ) , containing copies in English and nine other languages , also specimen pages of pamphlets in eleven additional tongues in all twenty-one languages. From the preface to this interesting book , we learn that between thirteen nnd fourteen million almanacs are issued by this company nnnually , consuming about twenty-five miles of paper a day. Surely , with all this nnd other adver tising it should be inexcusable in any one not to know tho superior merits of Ayer's Sarsaparilln and other standard remedies. Ayer's Almanac for 1889 , in its usual attractive form , is now ready nt the drugjstores. UtlllzlnSurtliit. . According to the Canadian Manufac- ; hirer , a new scheme of utilizing the I sawdust of the Ottawa river for the pur pose of fuel is proposed. It is claimed that by a system of grinding the refuse into n uniform fineness , mixing it with the refuse pas tar from the gas-house , and compressing the subslaiico into cakes , n fuel can lie made in every way superior to nifteoal for open fires. Saw dust rolls were common forty years ago in England nnd Scotland , nnd were con sidered far ahead of peat and grate fires. The cost of manufacturing this kind of fuel is merely nominal , and it is ex pected that it can be sold at a very much lower price than soft coal. The forma tion of n company to give tho scheme practical effect is mooted. • 1 1 Have Yon Catarrh ? There is one remedy you can try without danger of humbug. Send to H. G. Coleman , Chemist , Kalamazoo , Mich. , for trial package of his catarrh cure. His only mode of advertis ing is by giving it away. Postage 2c. Judge foryourself. Mention this paper. Harrisburg , Pa. , is to be furnished with natural gas The Co 111 moii Ijot- There is a place no love can reach , There is a time no voice can teach , There is a chain no power can break , There is a sleep no sound can wike. Sooner or later that-time willnrrive , that place will wait for yonr coming , that chain must bind you in helpless death , that sleep must fall on your senses. But thousands every year go untimely to their fate , and thousands more lengthen out their days by heedful , timely care. For the failing etrenth. the weakening organs , the wasting blood. Dr. Pierce'B Golden M dirnl Diacov- ery in a wonderful r 'nti > rrttiv nnd a pro- longer i.f r-tr ngth ami life. It purifies the blood nnd inigrnten theyi > tpm , thereby fortifying it ngninrit ditjeane. Of druggUts. ' A patent bns been obtained in Inly to make-building blocks out of corn cribs. Fnnioiis Women. It is a significant fact that most of the women who have achieved fame in art , literature , or "affairs , "have enjoyed vigor ous health. This shows that the mind is never capable of the severe and continued application necessary to creative work , un less the body is at its best. The woman who aspires to fill an exalted piece among her associates , must be fret from nervous debility and female weaknesses. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription will banish these , and it is warranted to restore those functional harmonies which are indispen sable to health. As a specific for all thoBe chronic weaknesses and ailments peculiar to women , it is unequalef. Printing in raised or embossed letters wai begun at Paris by Hauy in 178G. Great Little Men. Some of the greatest men that ever lived were of small stature and insignificant ap pearance. The reader will readily recall many instances. Very small are Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Purgative Pellets , but they are far more effective than the hug * , old-fashioned pills which nre so difficult to swallow and so harsh in theiraction. The • Pellets" are gentle and never cause con stipation. For liver , stomach nnd bowel derangements they have no equal. The Prussian blue dyp was discovered by Diesbach at Berlin , in 1710. A Cough , Cold , on Sokk Throat should not be neglsct d. Brown's Bronchial. Troches are a simple remedy , and give prompt relief. 25 cts. a box. Chinese boys aro studying law at San Francisco. Whfn Beby was sick , we pave hsr Castorla , When fhe tras.n Child , she cried for Castorin. When ehe beenms Miss , she clung : to Castoria. When shehad Children , she pnre them Castoria Attention , Judge Lyncli ! A man living near Santa Cruz has been catching quail in a peculiar way. For three weeks he has been spreading grain in the road near his place , where quail abound. On the day the law was out he put wheat in the place as usual , but liad previously soaked the wheat in whisky. "Watching the place , he saw the quail come out , eat , get drunk and in a short time lie down stupefied. He then went to them and gathered about one hundred into a sack that he carried with him. A few that wtre not fully drunk were caught by his dog. He lias practiced the same method since quite successfully. Charleston ( S. C. ) World. MOW'S THIS ! We offer One Hundred Dollars Rewart for any case of Catarrh that can not be cured by taking-HallV Catarrh. Cure.w _ F. X CHENEY & * : CO. , Props ToledoV O. We , the undersigned , have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years , and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions , and financially able to carry ont any obligations made by their firm. West & Truar , Wholesale Druggists , Tole do , Ohio. Walding. Kinnin & Marvin , Wholesale PrtigjintH. Toledo. Ohio. E. IL Vim lli. Knu , ' " jtHhier. Tolelo Na- tionul ila.nU , Toledo , Ohi" . Hall's Catarrh Cure is 1 . ! .en int - > jill - . acting directly upon the bluud mid mucus surfaces of the system. Price , 75 cents per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. An t/lltlickr Mint. "I won a bet from Borrown tho other day in a very curious manner , " re marked Mr. Hoskins , ns ho sat down by tho club window. "I bet him a tenner that ho couldn't hit a barn door with n revolver , at ten paces. Ho bet ho could , nnd would } 'ou believe it , when ho fired tho bullet went through n big knot hole in tho middle of tho door without touch- ins : ? " Hnrper's Bazar. "Show us how divine a * thing a woman can be made" by smoothing out the wrin kles caused by neuralgia or toothache. Thi can be done only In one way. Invest 25 cunts in Salvution Qil. "I speak within bounds , sir , " aald the nriuoner in the dock when addressing the jury. We speak knowingly whon we de clare with enthusiasm the great benefits of Dr. Bull's famous Cough Syrup. American toys are being shipped to Ger many. A high-handed proceeding Setting u town clock. clock.SaeohsDj ! fwl n Gures 41 tuMBA6 9TD0 CH NDAcHsSEIATIGfi pftOMTLY EfWAlfcHTLY Druggists.and DEALERs.rTvEjmviiERE ; THE UHAS'A-VaEELER fJo BALTO-MD' Diamond Vera-Oura FOR DYSPEPSIA. A FOIITIVE CURE TOR WDiaESTlON AMD i Stomach Trouble * Arliinf Thtrefrom. Your Druggltt or General Dealer ictil get Verd' Ciira for you if not already in ttork , or itril be tent by mail on receipt q/25 ! cti. ( f boxei $1.00) ) in lUimpt. Sample tent on receipt cf i-eent tiamp. THE CHARLES A. V0GELER CO. . Baltimore. Md. U-ila .rVopriitori and Msuuiuiunn. FOR THE Eilci-t's Eixlruct oi' 810IL TAR AND WILD CHERRY Has cured all coughs , colds , bronchitis , and relieved asthma and consumption for nil who have used it. Is not this an evidence of Its merits and reliability ! It Is a nure and safe medicine for all bronchial troubles and never fails to give satisfaction. Try It under a full warrantee. Price SOc and § 1.00 per bottle. Prepared by Emmekt PnorniKTAitr Co. , Chi cago , IIL Only S1.00 for this "Liitio Baau.y. " g Weighs from 1-4 oz to 4 lbs Thli Stel Be rinjr. ErAJi-B'aii Llttlo " "cile wltli Br&s Scoop Is nicely Japanned anlii Jut the tliins for House. Store or Shop. We will sunt ! om. only. bjr Eiiiri-s , to ny prrson somlinc 111 S ! .0(1 < not H ill Taiue ) . Oitalosuc of 1.000 rt c ecnt frco. Address CHICAGO SCAIK CO..OiiIcnc < > . III. Txsuieic r.v THE MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OP nrElXV YOEUt. Tic ! I.arsest. Clieaprs : anil iiest. In the World. CASH ASSS-Vl'S 8iao.ooo.ooo. SIMON GOETZ. TTU. Y. ALLKK. Special Azeat. General AienU ov.tr n. xg aw , - - ote2q. ST _ C08sUMrTll > N MAS St JJt t kern * ind : nftka wore m aey workiaf for us thaa BBMSlKt * nTthinr I > "n the world Hitbrr tr-x. Contlrsnlflt rsxx. Termi JfKKE. Addreu , Tkux & Co. , Jkucmt * . Miiiit. ' W. N. U. . Omaha , • 443-50. Rheumatisnr S Aceordlnir to rcecnl Inresttcailonn t < e t * T * ' " " * M coisoflacllosqiaintheblooU. TJiU cW H cb • * M nbrtmn tUiuct , partlculsrly Ir th Jwt * , N > * * * " " * s * " tho locsl msnlfoitntlons of the * U cV pals- • at-J 1 nehes In the back and shoulder * , tnl Jallif < > < * * * j | l ttia fence" , tinkles , lilps ftfliP mistTfcn'M ' w * * * * . ; . J rfoplohaTO found In Mootr > 8 mp rt * P f * ( ? * " \l | and permsnent cure forfhrmnintlsm , Tnl nWMs- * ; | by ! ttpurfytns | nd vUUtntfMtJKn.wittrtUlz ! ! * * * * & _ | g | octdlty Of tho blood , sud ftlfo.MtOMBtlitu-thoJ a6i s'Mi body. \1 "I > u laid tip for sir menlhs-iTUUrheurwUSMsV I sndutcdmsny kladsvf nKdl ! ne * > rulio I • ult till obo of mr neljsliboni tntiUmt to tie J * tr I Sartsparllla. When I luut turd half * J > oM ! . * * * ? better , and after Ulcleic two BottlM -think. . * * * * " entirely cured , si 1 listom > had" an .attack I * * * • * * • ' mstlim lncr. * KvucsclUCixon , Itasvull6 > flt * t * * * . 1 Island. X. V. I Hood's Sarsaparillajs 1 Sold by all drucKlsts. sir tlx-fftrt * rtepasett Barrw ' 1 by CI. HOOD * CO. , Lowell , li 'sm. II 100 Poses One Dollarr 'W Hill 1 it HIT ' 11-211 onil * ' I - ' JJT I LtOl ilJUH * : I < JnrA fnrocU ESTADUSHEH1851 um ® Sow 7 I oCTBinreSty Chicagoills. iciarfcSfc . . I / Tu3Rcguto.0IikBtibMs f I A - aPHYSICIAffiAHD SURGEOH" : : I ' still - the Gratat M HY 2W * T/cattr-tfTrtth ly SKILi-and-SOGCESS-i I Clironic , toons ant PfMe Mmi. I * 9-NERVOUS DEBILITY , 'Lost Manboca , . Falling Memory , Exhausting Dralno , Texribla. Dreams , Head and Duck Ache and alHhs < Ean . leading to early decay and perhaps Consuirptiottea r H insanity , treated soenltiicaUy by new incthodv.irci.i ' . never-failinc success. H # U-SYPHILIS and all -niooddadSWaDfa- eases permanently cured. H iTKIDNEYandURINAUYconTp.-TiKfatest \ Gonorrhoea , Strictu rev Varicocele ; "II > lht x r. B of the Genito-Urinary Organa.curcd promptly without | H injury to Stomach , Kidneys or othcr-Orgjui-H. H - 9VNo experiments. Ace and eapejscuccfar-- - - H portant. Consultation free and sacreti H * irScnd 4 cents postage5.3 Celebrated.V/ortaco. . Chronic , Nervous and Delicate'Sbeascu H * " -Those contemplating Marnaatr send for * 'JDn. M Clarke's celebrated guide Male and Pfcrr.jLr.c - ii i H 15 ccnl , both 3J cents ( sumps ) Con'uli. . i * if M Doctor. A friendly letterorcallmay4a.rjfu'B r-afis- M int ; and shame , and add golden years ioiifc Cfw.vi. . , .vij2 : B "Life's ( Secret ) Errors , " joccnliA'ampsiw &ni&o - . M and writings sent everywhere ; secure-lro.acapostrcs. . H Hours , 8 to 8. Sundays ry to ia. Addresa. M F. D. CLARKE , M. D. „ , ItfG go. 4'lnrkc , iB22.VAX ± tl > > .ljiJL - JMARVILyB : \ I DISCOVEKY. ' " I Any lioolt Irarnecrrn onc-rcndlne. - | illliid wiiiKli-rln * curtl. . J * H , . . , Spcaltliigr wltliout iu t < ! M. * . M _ V. , 'Jr " • • • artificial Sytfmi . mU Great lnducomenta to coiTr.spjnilenc/i rJ < wt t. H ProHpectut , w tn opinions or JLrAVnr AjiUia - isH monU , the w.Xd-famcd Sp cIJtit In Jiimt jjfe - H ranes. Daniel tiroiMilear TIiomiis < irj. tutcst * ? issfl I'sycholoKlsr. j. n. Kucftlnr. Ii. 1).K l.t r S- M the Christian Advocate. lUchnrit I'rocti r-ti M Pctsntlsf. lions. .Iitdge JJisom .tlxiUtlt i\ § aB ? IlWlInl ! ? ' * a' ' otlc | " . sentpo. : fr by .Vnxiliiu Isssl J.OISKTTE. 237 l-Ifth A . , \ . Y. H ; I gPKgHOTGM. | In i tur oniTltincthr ! * * fhainplui if / / . * M &rtlTha\ntitprmltt > u * . WrinHi ; itzMutHj + ( r fffc trxltfO f- H 100-P s r tftlopn of fiun * llri.X ! ! > Y < * t/r > Le ) > < r ' * i > 1 > H , "HIS MEW M rt,35335Ej3J5vf * > v - ajsne tmss - l'l ' ; iXS ? : vpt2y1''l ! , ° - I'ailOiCereae li H L.4t a < vggtrg0to > * othersv tscip lup . orrliiSMTH Vi la adla."tinfr.aaUlapenter.Ri i • isssssl VA 6'ItreIftoallprtsltojaoftlEto < ir wkite . - H \ & . JtheballlntlK > caB riasso3 tracfe H * stujji thojntestlneojuat an % tner - H aoadoea with tho flngor.ivithiicbsprsnewnr • a H tauH rnlA.Tslield8ecurflyiUyamrrncitiuilars < asn9 " > H rnrocertaln. Itueary.dtirahlaniirhruu.itir7 = aj& . . H Clxcslaxalreo. * .UilJ&ZU 1tU'-liL.KUczxixX& , H WEGUBEgfiTflBiaB , 1&P A ao'tdlsea erof hnJSth oatandI ae - ssssssl 55S5 & wilh .OZON ZED AIRdir rfc < S M tST 9S ) eontlnuons rsMUivBttuu ut mjlH&rC" H W\ j * \1 ors iu prctficincKiise ! Tm-i % - • _ J M L < -Ak ± e il or bl cn ne if eltnn.tjnrnp& ncai- ssssssl r VPKsT obJ.ctioDaLI.73j.Tritxs. . f fl i rZ&Jt- H \ aW • • Youcsbbhts j6Ja"xrIAl. } . . * i = * SI ssssssl ft V _ m j cost. llJuitrstrd lfOOs'iri > rnir * < iTrt > p- ssssssl { j. * C tlealan.s atlBXX1B4XI. nnS977SM. : H P TKkCOMMOH SENSE CJSTARRri , XR _ H Rm .t/griM / CU Slata BtuaU CU a ftwJlit . H A CENTS Wanted. 9t n nmirtMnr-r * mcZr.G & . j H slojru * and sample free. C XMar > hlLc ! lcpcrkJC2'Z H SIOUX CITY ENGINE WGRKST ! STJILDERS OOP * ! H Gorliss and Single Valve Aufomaties. 1 Complete Steam Plants from 1 to 300 II. P. JFurixlVIiecfZ. . H iar Write for Circular H. Stating Itustm-ss. 310l/JCCSn&ZCyjrZyt H HRISTMAS PRESENTS " 0WI T' " " , lll lillll' "B ai * CAN HAVE ONsT ' \U YOUR CHOICE OF THESE WATCHES _ . _ M Our Soiling Prlco of Genuine SMverlne or ColdEd Sbbse Ik rmKX hs H entlno Watches reduced toS3.95. I I ft wmm Ssas.t H , _ _ . Tafatredaescmr BOLID COLD AJfD SILVER TTATCHXa r , sssH rj TS eflK " CHEAPMT JETTELRT HODSE LV AHElUcSkt "I M S I S Mt 83 9 M "IW i" CninC i.IcllBu Beci . .25rc.ni.5aT ! rJ s H UJ Wl * ° ' * ' 0 la _ . S r"7131 . " * * tara"b'Iokj " , "ll"b , " rn"hen < l J5Ix JV sssssfl " I CO LSI tft Gfo S3.t * u i'ul' i r. iroitera4)iMYitr. ) nijDBit iuJI > aoi P-.Jl sasssB LU la > # S n. f 3 - = = U < J = * l"y jxa 5 < t by so ether wxchiath wSrI4. n a ih iinZt ' H fciJ < v > 2 W J Sa Am 3S * S < > t r W = < twiUie tdouUti Ch ipeit' r t h la Ibo i ik fc. SS H m i 1J J = l2 StJ&a&Vlr 5 * ° * - * tc ' , c < ! 'r l5 ! ' brm nyp rti farfr < jn tJ.00tolS > 0O Kir. H OGZ ca * m > Sf Foa Cae * * • * tem Winders < 2.0f > eitra- x M _ * PES > 3E ! W C3 2S ind * t"tifa"r Encrared Pattern tht • irretefor. .clr r5 sH Jg3&M fr kW bL S. * M piaEOTIAX . teW . .W.lstP . iTa H y& aE & 99i RRWBr9kissW ° o > I < > Gold , uj caa enly Le told ij aa expert mta , * < & tetti tZ- - I H /y/iv 5 Sjr V m9myW . " * "b" ' tfc * , ua * Err'Er > e < I Butieitr aa the ffneit GUI WUt-i u r H MWtf&F 2m90t * kmMhr A fa sp irane eqBalto eyIWEeliaScIdK'ateh. Tra-rj : Ui'Tl-i- H & % < & -SfcSneVV mSfX & A " "I'tol -rjinr BitEiareatGold TTitth. a = d wkie ! far jn B U - . .e oaaSSSSsl MRlSMf % / K Fffisl m ijil * - La < i ; ' ; ? < i teou-lire OXLY S.P5. Hnathtz Cn H „ KtESa 30 \JmWuS i J. 'fcP. ' fS Winders )2.00 estraHEAD VfBXlr ES Rassssssl aTifrSPr 3L.STX < * pty"g < g PaSaKA l'EK S8Ay. "lacs wl pljd wth ti wiUh ; taizk at tkexsu . a H MmmYH JPS f \ \ > Vri3aiMri& il " th * ° * * t mt"Tt * k' , ; n afBta far the rncney leTer i . " M BkMH IsM I V&7 * tV KJxl 9\ " * Ia fc S teh andvA tiaia witMa the r : el crall" "I fcne H mwts i SfS mS f thcrocthly eiacined Tanr-natch aed think- the Leit wti h t > > . . B 1 Et 3 A B J5 | fymsjl iTllSESi THE MQVEMrHTS • "awatsadwin.ntlarttySST H K5Syv'3aa \ f Ty'fcw f C I * , * ' , : : , b-Jane . qoieitraso IM0beetJto.th ho x acdaasi.V'airiJC H GsSSEwircSSl % ' fSf / KS6 / aecoraUlyai atadta heat acdecld , and atmeiyhariecaiatst a caamar H lKrSsa 5 el " lX J& tK fotWfv P' ilctct7' l tkareajily oicrhaeled by aur tjf.m.Wtn.a-vtaiax. . H SzSirK3fs"\\ H f&lr , $ ] httzT * l "ar r place. We [ uarastceeaeb rrXth to leeyezcallemttae , H rSHsSn3KaSr \ / > # * 3 . ] > * f\j 52 * l P a perfect tatiifacuca er es T eheerfcltr ° JMmBMa ksssssssl VP&&n3S&f&f & aVffMJZI Watch warrasted for a period or flToTears , \mBMa SU & W oPP i IF ° ! : E9i 4 % . tz'g * I AswsTBikeBocesersntheaawatchtt.end tlicr crsieTd ttthlj EIClcalocslyLotr PrlcS ) JtJ si l"5" ? - * ssssssssi to help u tell MOLIT > GOLD and HlXTEltYATCVE3 tiea err Catalttce ; tajss fa jfa. . . y , St - > H iratchai will cat be aent far 0Z.95 vale-a the etnea erd nxr it.II hcccatlr eBJ0K& * ' * w&S tvpV 22. * sbbbbbbbI defiTortaaa- TaialeifranenrKETMAilllOTH ULUSTKATED CAT- JS&1&&Ri * s m * H ALOtJLtwhich • * nad free with each waUa. laerdertoprcttrt canolrea Irosj gaS Iaffii . TVl sssssssfl ] twaltcs aaa iptculatcn etttrjix is larje auaberi , we re slre yon to eat out j aM SKS SSlS BS C3 * Bssssssfl - . Sry- H ttaadaee. Orif Teaiellcreaa theul e atzcfthe < awaic2a < x ' t M SeaaeanljiteanSTenbaerileTstaatretlsdaTorT-nclac. t-o- . | ee _ ree. Ore watch raid in a town U aat < to. ael2 giirjun. H anr , . Tiey aro the beititUiwatch in tie rcirkit ; ell euaaw- j H plele , f ally warranted , et'j QS.H5. Eead roar erder fccais H - & . H atelr- -ThataUrza-teaaadexaziiaathcsi-nta&est. - befere paria-for aame. we wUl aend thcra tj expren.\2 : ! . H with pnTile-e ef fail ezaasiaaticn at the Zxpratx. Cttsi . ftfltv. j H fareaci watch ordered isieetas in adrance , aa . scinad-a - * H icod faith. If foand perfectly aatirfaeUry aal exaetrr axiejrw- H seated. 733 caa paj-tho balaace (8&4K ) a ! the-bareu $ - - • > - - j H aad tare the watch , etherwiia yon ds art. fcrre ta-paj cse eeaU B To etery penes leadinrCaah with tae Order 1B3 9M war H will tead a UaaUful TWO 6TI A-NT > . DO VUtE. CCRBk. B COLD PLATED CHAIN A71D CUAE1I XVKKL H Tfr.te tc-dar. Sead all bcb-7 tr r < at Cfica Meser-Urdr- - H preti Mceey Order. Bank Draft. Foetal Sata 91 ReejaieraAl f Ui . _ H Fersoni livinr awar frnra aa expresa ealee eacr hre\-imtttr • H watchca teat bf Retiatered Mail by aeadics ; roll amou-t Tan. the > H • rderaadZScectatopaj pcata.3 aad retutratloo. iaaiit. B byaiailre-iitered.therareastafeuhre3preai. THE HARRIS WAIGH.G0JO5 or H