The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 14, 1888, Image 5

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Mukes his bow and extends to
you a cordial invitation to visit his
J Headquarters
, ' at McMILLEN'S
9 Drug Store ,
I Where yon will find everything heart
could desire , from Baby to Grandpa.
' Come and sec his immense stock of
\ Christmas Novelties ,
A ticket free on flu$35.00 prize with
each dollar purchase , and to children
with each 50c purchase on the"$5 doll.
A. McMlLLEN , Druggist.
I W jftrCoafe Pkp.
I i at less than COST to manufacturers.
I i We arc overstocked on cloaks , and will
H close nut all we have at ' 'EARTI1-
B SPECIAL SALE for December , and is
I a chance to buy a cloak cheap.
m J. C .ALLEN & CO
I _ _ Remember Noble for groceries.
Noble for superb hanging lamps.
B Ladies' gold watches at McCrackcns'
I for $15.00.
I ' EgF"Fresh sausage at the B. & . M.
I Meat Market.
RL Fresh oysters , in cans and in bulk at
B the City Bakery.
Everything fresh and clean in the
I yray of groceries at Noble's store.
I { Patent candle holders at the City
I Bakery. Q'he bnst in the maaket.
H > ; Cash paid fjr live stock , poultry and
K' hides at the B. & M. Meat Market.
• Thk goose bone prophets are discour-
I aged by the serenity of the weather.
For home sugar cured meats hams ,
I breakfast bacon , etc. , go to the B. &
I Meat Market. I
I CriEAPI Cheap ! Cheap ! The
My latest improved JEWELRY at the 10
ft Copt Store. j
m 'Prkscbiptjons accurately com
I i pounded , day or night , at the City
H | Duua Store ;
[ ADVERT'sBlts are giving valuable
If pointers on the problem of Christmas
K presents , no wad is. |
1" : ; : '
ft gS In the line of plain and fancy
m ' groceries , C. M Noble will fill your
t every want satisfactorily' . j
B ) . Buy one of those gold watches for
E ' v . your wife and make her happy ( Jhrist-
' % mas. Call at McCracken ' s.
< The price of liberty is eternal
m. vigils'nqe. but Noble ' s prices on groceries
ft xre sure lo qatch you. j
ft The celebrated "Olds wagon for sale by
ft Lelaud & borrow. Also spring wagons ,
K buggies , etc. All very cheap.
w A carload of Dakota Elard Wheat
Hi Flour just received at
i C. G Potter & Co's.
m' This week , Lelaud & Morrow have re
s' ceived a car-load of fall and winter
wheat flour. They carry the best grades.
' Blank books of the very best quality
Kt at this office and at most reasonable
I prices. Call and see our goods and get
I , prices. .
m. If you want nice tender beefsteak '
II give the B. & M. Meat Market a call.
m They butcher none but the choicest of
Ii . beeves.
| .i
ft If you contemplate building be sure
ft 'to ' consult M. A. Libbee. He guaran-
i , tees his work to be the best and his
jj prices the lowest.
j Toys of all Kinds !
J { Games op all Kinds !
Books of all Kinds !
j ! McCook Book & Stationery Co.
j ) Ladies , in making up your list , don't
' forget the many attractive , useful and
' } serviceable goods we have suitable for
k men and bovs. The Famous
\ %
i Leland & Morrow carry a complete
i. stock of cornoatschop feedand in fact
of everything belonging to a first class
| flour and feed store.
J Strasser has two of the finest officps
\ in the city for rent. Front rooms , with
1 bay windows. Call at once if you wan
1 to secure elegant office quarters.
• j Of fine residences M. A. Libbee makes
' ] a specialty. Don 't fail to sec him if
'h you intend to build. Good workman- j
• 1. , ship guaranteed. Prices the lowest.
| If you want something handsome in
| f the way of a hanging on C. M.
| Noble. He is just in receipt of the
} largest and finest stock of hanging
; fe- lamps ever brought to southwestern
I * - Nebraska.
" - Chains ! Chairs ! ! CHAIRS ! ! ! We
\Q- \ • have now on exhibition in our furniture
W * . emporium the ti mdsomest and most el- j
'ft- ' egant line of rocking chairs over brought
fe X to Western Nebraska Cali in aud ex-
' amine them. I
w Ludwick & Trmvbridge. !
[ K- jit less than COST to manufacturer. We '
- cloaks.and will clo <
yj0- are overstocked on e
% oat all we have at ' • EArt'l HQUAKE
] | BARGAINS. " This is a SPECIAL
* * " : SALE for December , and is a chance
f * o buy a cloak cheap. j
, jt J. C. ALLEN & CO. J
" .
i ;
5,000.00 !
We have $5,000.00 to place on
good farms during the next 20 days.
No delay if security is approved.
Hocknell Brick Upstairs.
On city property , tor one to five
years , with privilege of paying part or \
all at any time. Also chattel loans.
McCook , Nebraska.
To loan on deeded lands. Money
advanced to make final proofs. Gilt-
edged loans at 9 per cent.
C J. Kya.v.
Hall , Cochran & Co have.just received
a largeshipment ot the celebrated Mil-
burn Tubler Axe Wagons , which
they are ready to sell at fair prices.
A Miller pianoone of the best make.
Inquire at MeCrackens ' jewelry store
City Drug Store.
Fresh candies at. the City Bakery.
Go to Noble for your family groceries.
IF Dr. Hall's office , over First Na
tional bank.
Tinware cheaper than ever at the 10
Cent Store.
The crop of Christmas stories is rap
idly ripening
Sugar syru > j maple srup and sor
ghum at Berry's.
Kemember that Lelaud & Morrow sell
the reliable Olds wagon.
A complete assortment of Christmas
toys at the 10 Cent Store.
A large stock of furnitureStovesetc , , ,
at the Second Hand Store.
What is life withmifca night key ? A
snare and a stern-reality.
Fresh and smoked meats of all kinds
at the B. & M. Meat Market.
Go to Leland & Morrow for every
thing in the flour and feed line.
Our line of uandies for Christmas is
the largest ana " finest in the city.
All the latest things in Neckwear ,
Gloves and Hosiery. The Famous.
Order New Year Calling Cards at
McCook Book & Stationery Co. ' s.
Plain and colored candles for orna
menting Christmas trees at Probst's. .
The onlv " complete line of UNDKR
WEAR in McCook at The Famous.
X-mas Cards and Booklets for mail
ing at
McCook Book & Stationery Co. 's.
Noble , the leading grocer , carries the
most complete line of queensware in the
city. Inspect it.
Watches are the most useful thins :
for a present , and can be had for $7.00 (
at McCracken ' s.
McCook Book & Stationery Co. ' s.
Don 't for et that the City'Bakery
carries THE LINE of Christmas tree {
If yon want a real nice HANGING
or VASE LAMP call and see Mc-
Millen ' s fine selection.
We have just received a line of DIA
RIES for 1889 ]
McCook Book & Stationery Co. !
A few second hand heaters suitable i
for store rooms. For sale very cheap at
Lytle Bros. & Co. 's.
' • A thinti of beauty is a joy forever , " ]
and so are. Probst's Christmas tree orna- i
meuts. He has an immense line.
Skates ! Skates !
Sleds ! Sleds !
Wagons ! Wagons !
McCook Book & Stationery Co.
In making your selection of CHRIST
MAS PRESENTS remember the City
Drug Store , where a very nice line is
carried at reasonable prices.
A handsome lot of candle reflectors
for the holiday trade at the City Bak
ery. Nothing like them ever seen in '
the city. They set off a Christmas tree
at less than COST to manufacturer. We
are overstocked on cloaks.and will clnso
out all we have at "EARTHQUAKE
SALE for December , and is a chance to
buy a cloak cheap.
J. C. ALLEN & CO. J ,
S ' 4
* . -i"
' " * "
f ' ' " ; ' - . i * i ,
. . - ' - * v • - - . > - V * ;
X3T If you are in need of a GOLD
PEN. let McCracken give you a point
er We have a full and complete stock
of Aiken. Laiuhnrt & Co. ' - * Gold Pens ,
which we are 'selling "very cheap.
No 1 pen % SO No. 1 ] > eu & Pearl holder $ l.fri
No , 2 pen .75 No. 2 1.75
No , 3 pen 100 No 3 " ' • " 2i0
No. j pen 125 No > 1 j . , , & lvory Voider 1.25
No.5poa 1.50 Ko. 2 " • • • • . 1ft )
No7 No ! u pen Pcu 2 * * 50 00 Tiinlhnlcks. ' ' . . . . " . " . . ' . ' - . .McbiiIb. '
No. 8 pen 3 00 Lend Pencils and NqvcIHpb.
No.Open 3.50 with boldora , a ld25cents.
City Drug Store.
There is no other way. Buy your
groceriesqueenswareetc.of Noble.
Drop in MeCrackens' jewelry store
and see what n dollar or two will buy.
Plumbing in all it * branches prompt
ly ard skillfully performed by F. D.
Canned fruits , evaporated fruits and
dried fruits of all kinds aud best brands
at H. II. Berry ' s.
A large line of HOLIDAY GOODS
at the. City Drug Store at prices to
suit the times.
Engineers ' and firemen 's time books
and Settlers ' Guides at TlIE TRIBUNE
Another lot of latest , styles hi Gents "
Dress Silk Uats just received at
The Famous
I guarantee both quality and price.
Nothing slop shop or stale. Give me a
call. H. H. Berry.
F. L. McCracken & Brn. are reduc
ing their stock , and making special
prices for csish.
Special prices given to churches and
Sunday schools on candies , nuts and
fruits. Get my figures before buying.
II. 11. Berry
Just received at A. McMillen ' s Drug
Store a large assortment of the latest
designs in LAMPS.
"I HAVE no presents for the cbil
dren who need them the most , " sighed
Santa Clans as he flow over the pooi
man ' s house Judge.
Everything desirable in Plain and
Fancy Hanlkerchiefs and Mufflers. An
immense line. Tub Famous.
Aiken. Lambert & Co. ' s Gold Pens and
Pencils , just tue thing for X mas pros
euts. at
McCook Book & Stationery Co. 's.
Swarts has the cream of the candy
trade Because he makes all his own
candies himself and they are fresh and
clean and pure.
The City Drug Store is overstocked
with Christmas cards and they will be
sold at correspondingly low figures
Call in and inspeet his line.
My stock of queensware in both lus
tre band and granite , also glassware
and lamps , is complete Come and se
lect something nice a .d useful for a
X-mas present. H II BERRY.
Every lady has a hard time finding a
suitable present for a gentleman. We
have just what you want.
McCook Book & Stationery Co.
Small , but well selected stock and
constantly why my goods are
always fresh. No stale. * tock in my
store. H. H Berry.
Remember the • 'little candy kitchen' *
when you como to buy your Christmas
candies. Swarfis making immense '
preparations for ( lie holiday trade.
My stock of candies , nuts and fruits ,
bought especially for the holiday trade , ,
is fresh. Special prices to churches ' (
and Sunday schools H. H. Berry.
Swarts has the largest and finest as
sortment of oandies in the city. His
stockfor the Holidays will be more
complete than ever. Everything will .
be fresh and home made.
Children cry for them The old never ' '
refuse them. Everyoodv likes them : (
The McCook Book it Stationery Co :
have the largest line in the city. '
- i
at l ss than COST to manufacturer. We i
are overstocked on cloaks , and will close
all have atE
nut we at VRTflQIJAKE
SALE for December and is a chance to i
buy a cloak cheap I
.1. C ALLEN & CO. II I I
The attorney general of Ohio is hard
at work trying to devise some means .
the "White " who have
whereby Caps , j
been conducting their villainous opera- ,
tions in that state for some weeks past , i
may be brought to justice. The under i
taking is a most difficult one , owing to 1
the danger attending the giving of con
victing evidence. It is probable that ;
thestate will employ detectives to pro <
cure the evidence upon which proceed-
ings may be commenced t
TlIE governor of Nevada , in his t
Thanksgiving proclamation , stirred up i
the democrats of that state wonderfully ,
and all about nothing. The governor
merely remarked in that document that
"with malice toward none and charity
for all , we ought to be thankful that {
the issues of the late political contro ,
versy have ended so favorably for the j
future happiness and prosperity of our j
people. " The style is a little unusual
but there 's nothing wrong about that.
= = = = = = = - = = = =
On Thursday eveninir of this week , at the \
handsome residence of Thos. .1. Pate. E n. . sir- .
uated just ou'siile the city limits , the Metlio-
dist folks and friends held adelightful church .
BochiWe. More than half si hundred people
were present , and sociability was the order or '
the ornninpr. The "Blind Artist. " the "Target
Shooters" and the * Shoo Fly" crowd created n
( rood deal of amusement. The shiKinjc and
playing of Mss Nelile Tiee , and the duet by '
Lena and Hattle wore greatly enjoyed by those '
present. It Is needless to say that ample jus- 1
tice was done the coffee and"uxins" hy the on- • '
tre company : when all wont away seemingly <
happy. * * |
The Masons are agitating the Masonic Tem- > '
pie project again. , j
. * - * 't i- > - ; , ? - . . ? - , ' - - „ ' - j. Vi - - ' * ' / :
Notice Squid's public sale local elsewhere
In this iRMie
A new wrap lor ladies N lulled " ( Jrovur"
It Is onlj * worn when they go out.
Put SI.50 into the publisher's pocket and jjet
The Weekly Tihuunk for one year.
A handsome new pulpit will grace the
Methodist church , next Sunday morning. '
The J. H. Bennett building , south of the
Star restaurant , Is now Captain J. S. Lellew's
- * ,
Some one describes a philanthropist as a
man who loves all mankind aud neglects his
own family.
Tim Congregational people are making nice
progress on their Christmas cantata by the
Sunday School.
Our Methodist friends are raisiiur funds foi
their customary Sunday School entertain
ment and treat on Christmas.
Billiard doesn't sell drugbut ; it is a cau
tion the amocut of hard and soft coal he is
weighing out , the * * chilly days.
Bollard has "the. cream" of the coal trade.
He keeps in stock a large supply of best
grades of both hard and soft coal.
District court opened in ludiauoia on Tues
day of this week and will continue in session
until Saturday. Cases are mostly "in equity. "
The ladies of the Geometrical Society will
give a "crazy reception , " some tune in the
Christmas week. Further notice , next week.
Dehorning cattle is being quite extensively
practiced in our county and with uniformly
good results so far as our information-goes.
We hope , next spring , to see the beginning
of a genuine , substantial boom in farm prop
erty in Western Nebraska. Let proper efforts
be excited to this end.
The banquet at tiie opera hall , Tuesday
evening next , is a new feature in the social
life and activities of the churches of the city.
It promises to be interesting.
The ludianol.i .Masons are preparing to cel
ebrate St. John's Day , December 27lh , in an
appropriate manner , with literary and mus
ical exercises and an oyster supper.
Tiie Republican Valley Judical Associa
tion holds its annual meeting ami banquet in
our city some time during the second week in
January. A notable time is expected.
If you are contemplatingstarting a new set
of books , the first of tilts year , it will be to
your advantage to call ami inspect our stock
and learn our prices. Wecan save you money.
A contemporary sayif women ever become
voters tliuy will not be found on both sides
of the fence as men often are. No , but they
will be found swinging on a gate with a man
on the opposite side.
We understand thero wijl he a change in
the management of the Frees & Hocknell
Lumber Co. 's yard at this place after January
1st. George Hill will take Mr. Rollings'
place. ludiauoia Times.
A daughter came , Wednesday afternoon ,
to make her homo with Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
Colter. Mother and child are doing nicely.
With proper care Tom will survive , although
ids delicate constitution is * * iiuiti 'iui. "
Did you ever thit.k of it that you can get
250 envelopes printed with your name and
business , if any , on them for the same price
j on pay for them by the. single pack ? This
istruc. Call at this office and see samples.
Wedding and visiting cards and anything
from that up t.ia full sheet sale bill printed
with dispatch , in a neat manner and at reas
onable rate.s at this , ollice. Call and see sam
ples anil prices before placing orders else
Never go where you are not wanted , do not
intrude on privacy. If your neighbor wishes
you to call at his house , he will invite you ;
if a business man wants you to call and in
spect Ids wares he will make known the fact
by advertising.
Barney Holer of the Hayes Centre Times
ami John II. Christn.r , county clerk of
Hayes , came down from the Centre , Satur
day evening , on a business mission. They
returned homeward , via Culbertson , on the
Monday morning following.
A work on etiquette say * : "A genteel carv
er always sits when he carves. " Perhaps he
Joes ; but it is pretty certain that there ai\s
times when lie. jeariifullj yearns to put one
foot on the table aud the other on the bird
while struggling with the. fowl.
There isalilie , large snrl baby at the DavN
residence in which Mr. and Mrs. Will II. Dav
is are takiugan intense parental interest. Its
residence there dates from Monday morning ,
nud the boys at headquarters earnestly assev-
arate that Will's pulse isn 't normal yet.
The case of the Commonwealth versus AL
A. Prelim , which has received some attention
in district court at almost every session for
the past two years , was dismissed on Tues-
tfay of this week , tiie prosecuting witness be
ing absent from thestate in unknown parts.
"I don't say mariiagu is a fdlure , " said
Adam , candidly , as lie sat down on alogjust ,
nitside the garden of Eden , and looked hun
grily at the other faide of the fence , ' • but if 1
liail remained single this wouldn 't have hap
pened. " Of course marriage was a decidedly
jad la 'duie with Adam.
Mr. J. D. Harris has his tourth residence in
; his city well under way. With the others it
s located on the east side. Mr. Harris is so
.veil . pleased with the city and his uiv st-
iieiits here that he is seriously considering a
removal from Ouerlin to McCook. It wiLl be
; ' or the best , Mr. H. , no doubt.
"Mama , " said Johnnie , still smarting from
i shingle application , "is the roof uf anything
in top of itV "Ot course it is , " she s-iid
shortly. "And don 't shingles always go on
he root ? " "Certainly they do. " Then Joht-
lie was silent for quite awhile. Finally Iks
said , in a quivering voice , "Mama , ain 't my
oof upside downV"
A banquet will bj held in Menard's opera '
lall , next Tuesday evening , by the Lutheran >
people of the city. Toasts on the political
larties of the day , by McCook speakers , will
jc an interesting aud amusing featme. Ad-
uission free. An enjoyable occasion is prom-
sed. Ladies will bring bsiskets with lunch
" or two to insure admission to the hall.
Tiie recent action of the secretary of thein-
; erior in suspending issuance of patents on a
arge number of proofs made iu thK laud dis-
.rict , and calling fur additional proof , has had
.he effect of greatly reducing the number of :
roofs now being made ; and the average
lenioeratic publisher finds it convenient to
fall back on his stock of "plates" to make .
; ood the deficiency.
Last Issie , in referring to Little Jessie
Johnson' - * bei.ig bitten by a dog , facts were
inintentionally misrepresented , itseenis.both
is to the child's injuries and the canine ' s dis
position. The little girl's injuries are now
? aid to have been biitsli-ht , and were receiv
ed in an manner ; while the dog is
liiglily esteemed by its owner , .Mr.Chapiu , on
account of its gentleness. This iu justice to
[ acts , ; .
f- ' • & ? & ; -7 wrfSRggafei * " as 7It'-- * * * >
It is not from lick of lin vludgo altogether
that so m toy iiimii fail t > m ifcu Tanning prof
liable. Another el. m nt is the cause of this
failure , is Urn I ick of enthusiasm and push.
The business m in gnm enthusiastically into
his business ami the more he prospers the
deeper he plunges into the sea of endeavor.
Full of business he plans and maps out opera
tions and strives to succeed and excel. Brisk
competition most undeniably quickens this
spirit iu him. But the fanner should develop
more enthusiasm for his work ; more interest
in the results of his labor. A herd of half
starved calves ; n Hock of scrawny hens ; a
shed barn filled with horses vhlch are a cross
between a skeleton and a pony , are not Indic
ative of enthusiasm or interest The cloth
ing merchant who carried only a stock of
jeans and cotton clothing could not expect
the success which would crown the invest
ment of the one who carried a largo and com
plete stock. This the realizes , and
adds to his stock ax he is able , constantly
striving for tiie best. Cannot the farmer
learn a less.m here ? Shall we not arouse our
selves-and plan and woik for success as the
merchant does , adding all the time not so
much , perhans , to the quantity as to the
quality of stock. Neb. Fanner.
Preserving eggs for better pi ices in the win
ter and spring , is .something all have a right
to do if it can be done , llete is simple aud
very good plan : Get some b ixes and fine
dry salt , cover the bottom of the boxes with
the salt , then place your eggs , small end
down , iu rows , no two touching , then fill it
with salt and so on , layer atter layer , until
the box is full. Set the box in some cool
place and let it alone until you wish to re
move the.egus. No turning the box upside
down every other day. The silt will enter
the pores of the shell , which is all the better
for the egg , while on the other hand if you
preserve them with lime , linseed oil , flaxseed ,
etc. , you run the risk of your eggs spoiling
by the ingredients entering through the pores
of the shell , aud which can easily be detected.
An Iowa farmer has coustiucted a corn
crib on a novel plan that may beau improvi-
ment. The sides ami ends are tight , but the
bottom is made of "slats , " affoiding free cir
culation of air through it. Two ventilating
chimneys are inserted iu the roof , aud the
theory is that the air will pass iu a continu
ous stream lrom the. bottom up and dry the
corn thoioughly and keep out mould. This
may be an impiovcmcut on the old plan ,
which relies on the hoiizontal movements of
the air through slattt-d sides.
Invitations ate out to the "first grand re
ception given under iiuspiees of the IJ. & M.
employes of McCook , hi .Menard's opera hall ,
December 'Jlst , li&S. " Mr. J. F. Foib.-s is
master ot ceremonies ; Messrs. F. E. Ken
nedy , F. O. Study am ! L'B. . Dignaii compose
the reception committee ; J. II. Moore , F. S.
livid , J. A. Tuhb-i , F. 11. Clark and J D.
McAlpim- floor committee ; aud F. C.
Study , J. II. Moore and J. D. McAlpim : the
committee on invitation. Arrangements are
about complete for a grand affair.
"He is a wise man whosiys but little , " ac
cording to the Latin proveib ; and since the
proverb was written the reasons for taciturn
ity have been made more forcible. Of what
use is it for a man to talk for himself when
he can hire a newspaper to talk for him ?
There is no succes-ful merchandising that
does not grow out of judicious advertising.
Tiie peddierrelies on individual exertion ; the
merchant relies upon public information , and
the topmost merchants are the heaviest ad
Scene 1. Butcher simp. Enter republican
with his hat thrust away b.ick upon his head
and whistling Yankee Doodle. Throws down
a ten dollar gold piece and says : "Give me a
halt dollar's worth of the best steak in the
house. " - Scene 2. Same place. Enter dem
ocrat with his coat collar turned up and a
general air of dejection pervading his every
movement ; steps up to proprietor aud whis
pers : "Have you any livei ? " If there is a
moral to be deducted fioni this narrative , it.
is worth keeping.
Any man who liiuiRs he would be serious
ly missed by his community , if he should die
or move away is huggiuga big illusion. Very
few men are missed by anybody but their
dearest friends. The wheels of business and
politics aud social life keep on going round
just the same when one after another drops
out of the game. No man is so big as to be
necessary to his town , his county or ids state.
There is always some one to fill a vacant
There is a wide-spiead feeling favoring a
change iu Hie state assessment laws. The
papers are agitating the matter , and the peo
ple are thinking about its advisability. Tiie
next Iegislatme will no doubt take the mat
ter into careful consideration , and will give
the state an improved aud greatly modified
assessment law. The present statute does
not fill the bill ami is not a credit to Nebraska
Perhaps lied Willow County ' s greatest
need is a "buying" immigration. we mean
an influx of settlers who are able to buy a
farm , have the means to stock the same in a
small way , posstss money enough to pur-j
chase the necessary farm implements , and '
have the inclination , industry and intelli
gence , to cultivate the soil like finished hus
bandmen. Thousands of fertile acres in this
county are absoutely tenantless.
At an ea'ly day the successor to "Oar Dis
trict" will be issued lrom this otlice. The
per&ons who have it in charge will be likely
to furnish excellent matter , and we are pre
paring to print it well , hence let everybody
prepare the way to give it a hearty , liberal
reception. Bartley Inter-Ocean.
The liviest , most business-like scene ever
enacted in this yard , perhaps , was the one
that occurred on Wednesday evening , when
there were six different trains arriving at
the same time. The i ard force was kept on
the run straightening them all wiit.
The road grader is being used on Upper
Main Avenue , this week , with good results.
Chief Paine is doing most satisfactory work
on the streets , sidewalks and crossings of the
city , which are rapidly assu.ninga uniformly
smooth appearance.
This week. Messrs , Jay & Simpson moved
into their new quarters in the building lately
occupied dy Lei lew & O'Donnell. The room
has been thoroughly renovated , papeied and
painted and makes them a very neat and cosy
barber shop.
The Hunter murder trial at Culbertson ,
last week , resulted in Hunter ' s conviction for
manslaughter and his beingsenteiieed to one
year in t'ne penitentiary. The case lias been
Upper Madison Avenue hits been undergoj j
ing a "combing down " ' at the "hands ' ' of the '
street grader , this week , to its improvement j
Is your coal bin empty ? If o consult Bid
lard , dealer in "dusky diamonds" of best
grades , at the Bodger lumber vard.
: i
Wednesday was an off "olf Jay" in the !
yanl.the boys succeeding in running three dif-1
ferent locomotives through open switches'
during the shilling hours. '
Canon City , and other grades of soft coal ,
and both Pennsylvania and Colorado haul
coal at Ballard's lumber yard. {
• jWP.f - . - ' " - * # * > * - & ? % '
Com ! Corn ! ! Corn ! ! !
j Wo hope the farmers will take enough in
terest iu the call of Win. Coleman for corn , to
exhibit at thecoin show of the State Board of
Agriculture , as to select tiie best simples of
all varieties at once and have It ready. The
exhibiting of farm products is the cheapest
and most successful mode of presenting the
prosperity nud productiveness of ihu country.
As a partial visible result of the exhibit at
the last Iowa state fair , parties whoso capital
iu the aggregate amounts to abovu S15.WK )
have already purchased laud here , while
many others have visited this county and
were well pleased with it , so much so , that
they have offered their property for sale in
Iomt , and as soon as disposed of , will come
here to invest iu farms , ami Improve them ,
fhe most effectual way of contradicting re
ports of drouth is to exhibit the productions
of the soil iu connection with circulars de
scriptive of the country , the lay ot" the land ,
soil , crops , climate , water , luel , advantages
of schools , ami church privileges , etc. Now
let the fanners select the corn , ami the town
will bear expenses. Let there b , ' a grand
display of com fioni this county at the corn
show of the state hoaid. This county lias
had seven fairs , and never been represented
at a meeting of the state boaid. Mr. Cole
man is a member of said-boaid , and has ic-
eelveil an invitation from the secretary to be
present with an exhibit of corn. We hope a
united effort will be made , and it u ill certain
ly result very beneficial to the county.
A Wiso Determination.
Below wegivealistot names comprehend
ing almost all the business men of the city ,
who have signified their willingness to close
their stores at SiSO , "cntral time. The new
order of things goes into exercise on January
1st and continues until April 1st , aud hy that
time it is hoped that it will be so satisfactoiy
in its operation as to become a pcimaueut
rule. All the business of the city can lie
transacted within the hours allowed and
business men and their employes will secure
an hour or two of needed iest aud recreation
bv the new arrangement. This plan is and
has been followulolscuhcre with entire sat
isfaction and success and its operation here
will doubtless be of that character.
We. the undersigned , uureu to our
places of business at 8:30 : ( ' . T. . Saturday and
pay-day nighr. excepted , from J.iu 1st , lSS:1 : ,
until npnl 1. lt'fcl ) :
C. M. Motile. Famous ( "InHiingCo. . .
Joseph Menard , Mali ( Jnehiau & Cj. ,
F. U. McCracken. II. I.a .ler.
Itnu-cii & haycock , .1. V ( luusehow ,
Wilcox A : Fowler , W Ceo. Sheppard.
II. II. Ileiry Cole mini Itms. ,
C. ( J. Potter & Co. , C. It. Itofrers.
L I.owuiiin & : Son , J. C Allen < V Co.
LuToiircite & t o .
.McCook I tool. A : Stal onery Co.
Lurtwick JcTio v rnl } e.
McEntoeCollins. .
On Wednesday evening , Nov. 2 $ , Mr. Law
rence McEntee and Miss Anna M. Collins
were united in in irriage by It"V Father Mc-
D.vitt , iu Saint Mary's Cathedral , on Stout
street. Mr. McEntee is a member of the well-
known firm of McEntee Bros , in San Juan
valley ; also brother of the present Major of
McCook , Nebraska. Miss Collins is the eld 1
est daughter of John F. Collins , the contract
or aud builder , recently of McCook. Nebras
ka , but now living at 3 317 Gilpin slice ! , this
city. The joung couple have gone on a trip
to the Pacific coast , with tli.t intention of re
maining until spring or lat-r. They have
the best wssIk-s of a large circle of friends.
Rocky Mountain Celt
Program of Teachers' Association
To be held iu McCook. Jan. 4thand. > th , 1&S9.
FiiI > A.Y , 1 V. M.
Address ' f Welcome..Prnr < \ ( \ Ileltman.
Risp'iuse F G. Stilgeboiier.
PaperIndhiiiualitv Piof. Win.sjuiitu. .
What-is nio-t woith in teaching I'hysiologv
aud Temperance .MisAda McCaiuim.
Discussion , opeiiidio..Jliss.\Iice .Muipn > .
7l > . M. lIUSiC.
Essay E. J. Mitchell.
Sketch ol C.diioriiia Mrs. t .L. Ntltlclou.
Paper Miss McLce.
Dilining Mr. \ \ alu r Rowland.
Di'-eussiou , opcuul b' , . . . .G.D. Ciiaduudou.
Paper Prim , opening. . .MisA. . McNaiuara.
Cultivation ot tiie Mcuiort . . . . ( J. M. diaries.
Eu-cliun oi Uili.rcrs.
The residence of Mr. John F. Mijors , cor
ner Maciurlaud and Wolau , uarrovvlj escaped
destruction bj lire on Monday afternoon. It
was iotluiiaieJ > discovered baiore the Uunes
h.ui made much headway and was extinguish
ed without tiie aid ot the fire department.
The lire originated in an upstairs sleeping
room , a moiiiu and some matches evidently
miming tue combination that fired the box ,
wnicii v\as the seal ot tue incipient coufiagra
Won. Tiie charred rem.tins of the mouse
were discovered in the almost destroyed box.
Damage nominal.
Over the Dark River.
Early Sunday morning , at the residence of
John Unzicker on North Manchester , a
brother or the deceased , the spirit of Samuel
Unzicker.siiddenly p irted company with the
house of its earthly tenement and winged its
flight to its Maker. The immediate cause of
the young man's d. 'ath was an "iliwMccal
abscess , " the dt parted being couuilescing
tiuiii a long siege of tvphoid fever , however.
The funeral services were conducted at the
house , Monday afternoon by Rev. J. W. Kim-
inel , the remains being shipped on the even
ing train to Illinois for interment.
Woman 's Relief Corps.
The corps will meet iu Masonic hall , Sat
urday afternoon , December 1.1th , at half past
2 o'clock , M. T. The members are requested
to bo prompt. By order of the presid nt.
Nki.mi : Lii : , Secretary.
Saturday evening , between McCook and
S. J. Shaffer ' s t.nm northwest ot the city ,
advanle , red-brow.i. woolen shawl. Finder
will be rewarded by leaving.same at store of
Hall , Cochran & Co.
Central Time.
Hepinninjr with the first of the ycur the bank *
inir houses or the city will adipt central time ,
and will coiidiicLniiMiiees thereon. The hour-
will remain ns i-eforo from ! t to 4. The change
will no doubt he appreciated by customers.
"What's the Matter "
With Bullard's tilling your older for hard
or sott coal ? "He 's all right. " .So is his
large stock of coal. So are ids figures. Give
him a trial order.
McCook now has two bridge actors the Re
publican river , which will ! > • a great help to
that city in tiie future. R.ntley Inter-Ocean.
That was very immrhry in you tlrer Howard
in trivintr our hoys away iu hat painful man- !
ncr. Hut then poker is a very uiK-eitain liu > i \
ncsxvhen Hcnkelmau tilnods have a naiul in f
the L'hrae itni ! Is apparently fuscinating at all
times Rut is ruthles- place siicli matters
iu cold , cold lype , Edgar , very.
McCook will take great pride in the flouring
mill. It will lie si model of convenience and
compactness. The first of the * ear will sec it
in operation with the latest improved roller
process machinery throughout. i
The "Star" restaurant is now under the man
agement of S. T. Sin it j.
v - V . / L- . " * *
' ' ' "
i ii > iii ihii i wiiiioiM 'l''MI MB
For Sale by A. Mc.Mlllcn. " I
W.O. Saylor Is In the city. * 1 | |
HtiKh W. Cole had business at the gcat of | | |
county attuhs , .Moudiiy. - M
Mrs O , Cordl3 of llahdor was a budiucss % 'M
tourist to the city. Monday. | | l
It. 1) . Ilahcock of Denver has been among fjl
the cliy's guests , this week. 'I
Mrs. Or. Damerell of Red Cloud is in the city : l
on u visit to Mrs. J. ( . ' . Allen. I
Mr Chus. O'Rrluii and friend Mr. Diivdoiies I
arrived from tliu east , last week. • I
Miss May ICellur came up from Hastings , .1
Monday , on u visit to her sinter Iu this city. ;
Mr. H. Cochran mid family have arrived from 'I
Kdisou and moved Into the Dimmilt property. I
Harry Stern was iu tlieclty.thcoarlypiirtoC
the week , looking to his interests in the "Pride 9
er the Valley. " I
Miss Mamie I-'iiton camo down from Denver.
Monday evcnltiif , and wilt remain here until I
nrterthe holidays.
Harlow . Keyes , our efllclent and gentle- B
nnuly yoiiux couiuy Judge , is In the city , to H
day , i.u legal busiucHs. H
Mrs W. M. Anderson was called to Indlanohi , H
Saiurdiy. by the illness of it sister. Shore- H
turned home on the Tuesday following. H
C.v Senator . .1.Y. . Ilolaii of the state or Iu- I
diaiiola drove up to chief city. Monday , on u H
little liudiuejH nt couiiiiercial headquarters. * H
Mrs X. Ij. CronMiltc va up fiom llasliugt < , H
yesterday afteriioou on hushiess connected HJ
with her valuahle properly interests here. H
Mr. Amos Dresser , Jr. , oT 1'tJcago , repro- H
sent ing Murder , iaise .V Co. , the great typo H
founders , was a city visitor again , Saturday. H
T. S. Mosley. who hiiH lieen iu the city u few * S
das. . took WednePilay evening's passenger for |
I'airuiount. where Ins family is now residing. hJ
Sam Ashmore was down from Denver , the * HJ
llrst of tiie week , hobnobbing In his euthusi- jlj
us tic way witii ins numerous friends iu tho IJ
Mr and Mrs. T. It. Crutnhaugli. two of the hJ
county-seat's most estiuiahle young people. | J
were the guests or Mr. and Mrs. K. C. Hallow , H
Sunday. Hj
Squire W. J. McICillip , wife and child were jH
down from Tiioruhiirg. Ilayescoiinty , a dayor * HJ
two. this week , on a little shopping and husi- HJ
ness excursion. HJ
Attorneys Colter. Itittenhousc. Davis. Hart , jH
Witey and Lucas represented the McCook bur flj
nt Iiidiunola. this week , during the December . jHJ
term ot district court. HJ
' iislii' .T Ilrown of the First National was In M
attendance upon district court session ? at In- "HJ
Hanoi i. Tuesday , when eases iu which he was M
iutcrea'cd had a * HJ
Mr. Wilis King , late or the Hartley Interfl
Ocoiui. made tiits ollico a very pleasant call , IJ
tliN morninglie is on his way west to look IJ
up u ncwtpiitior locution. HI
Cliai ho Squiros went down to Xemaha conn- B
ty , Wednesday evening , to bury hisageil ruth- H
< -r , who di .e l at Hiegler. Dundy county , on HH
Monl : > y or Tuesday of this week. HJ
Mr. J. W. King and family arrived from U
FriPiid , it levdays t-iiice , and will make JIc- H
Conk their future home. Mr. K. is a nephew !
of Swarts , tho candy kitchen man. * HH
Father A J. Capellan , who has an eye single H
to ihn spiritual welfare of the Catholic breth- H
rr > n of the couutv-scut , was in tho metropolis , H
Wednesday . on business of the cloth. hH
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Slmcrman departed , H
Monday morning , for West Chester. Iowa , H
where they will make their future home. May Bl
their p ii tiou tic peace and prosperity. HH
Mr .Moses Folsom , of St. Paul. Minn. , rcpre. H
sentiinr the Atnercaii Press Association and H
fie Chicago Newnpatier Union. wa n pleasant flH
oilier at tlic-e liea.hpiariers , s.itunlay. HH
Mrs. H. M. Palmer and daughter lailu , who H
have In en visiting in tie ; city the past week , H
returned to Hastings on Wednosd.iy Sirs. P. H
it a sister of Mrs. A. C Hun of this place. H
Frank II. Fowlei was taken dowr , Saturday , | |
wi ii what tluvaiened to he an attack of ty- H
phoid feier. hut with proper professional at- j H
teoiioii and cu'eTuI uiirsuig he is utile to be HHJ
arouud again at this writing- . HHJ
Mine Host Johnston reports his dwelling * H
now being built on the Commercial House . H
farm , u short distance umthwest of the City , |
as rapidly Hearing completion. George is a- M
readsinging iu a ciiliiied. but cheerful j H
strain. "I want to be a grander , " etc. HH
J. H Eastenlay , si wll known young attor- M
ney of'lecumseh , wasin theeity thootherday. M
Mr. Kasterd.iy intends to mikca fair , open M
ami eiiergetieelTort to heapyointed tlrstasaist' j H
ant clerk of th" senate. In els' } he Is fuceess- M
ful ilie clerk of tiie senate will liav an excel- U
lent lirst .tbsistanr. Lincoln Journal. H
Ry another transfer. Messrs. Lelnnd z Mor- SVJ
row secure the fiunriir'ton boot ami shoe . |
stock , which : l'cy wi.l veiotaeirplaceof M
bu-ii.e-s on West Dc'iobon street , after the H
same ha' been renovated and cnlar- . Ttipy H
couteuiplate carrT > g a grocery stockn well. H
H E. Co.eman goes to them iu 'he capacity of H
I will offer for sale ut public auction at my H
farm. G miles southwest of McCook , and 8 H
miles southeast of Cu bertEou. on FHIDAY. H
DECEMiEICsl-i : , lSS ? . the sol ow'ngd'jscnbcd H
propc-ty , to-wit : S good heavy te inn. 1 light H
cr dr.vieg tentu. 1 coit , 10 milk cows. BAV
1 yeuriiiijr eteer. 1 yearling he ter , S head steer H
caives , 10 head stock hogs. : i sets d'jitblc liar- |
ness. 1 lumber wagon. 1 ii-plntform spring | |
wagon. 1 top buggy. 1 Minneapolis eif binder , |
1 sulky plow. 1 gearc. focd gr.ndcr with tumb- H
ling rod. heltiug and 2-hoIe corn Eheller. com- H
plete. 1 lister , 1 one-horse drill , ab nu 500 bush- HwJ
cNof corn in crib. TktiMS or S.u.c : All sums H
under $5 00. ci&a. Sums over that amount. . H
o ioyi ar 's time at 10 per cent , interest with np- H
proved security , it ) percCRt.osT forestall. Will H
also oifer or ? same terniwept : i inortgjtge H
. .f f-JO ; due i-i Zz \ year.s the X. i S.V4" . Vt. Sec . M
VI Tovn. . iaiigei. a nice piece < > f second j H
bottom hind fairly impioved. Go and view it. H
Among the new .tun-mucemenis. thiss ic. H
sire tue SMU'crtisementS of Patic & Son , J. C |
Allen icf'o. the ID lent Store , H. H. It-rry , H
Swsirts. McCook Rook t Stsitionery Co. Don't H
lay the paper ir-ide until jou have carefully BAVJ
noted the lisirgnins presented by our advertis * j H
ers. V iu will save more.eery ime. H
The city father. , s ; = e igthene-1 their H
reputation for w sdom of action in ordering H
the purchase of n lire • term bell. A movement H
is also on too : having Tor its object ihe pur- H
chase or anodier hose - art and tie ? consequent H
organization of another hose company. Roth H
are commendable.
A young m m whose name we are una ' Ie to H
state , siccidentiilly frhot a hole thiough two of H
hU tiugers. StU'day. while handling si loaded HAVJ
revolver. He knew "it uas loaded , " however. M