The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 07, 1888, Image 7

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    b . bb ' v tJ Efal EwtAT TK fc Bi R
• Q and the KIDNEYS Q
j * B By quieting and strengthening the H
H B nerves , and causing free action of the B
H livcrbowclsandkidneysandrestorMj
V El3 ingtheirpowcrtothrowofTdiseasc.Ejg
H' ' , | | Why sufferBHIous Pains and 1 H !
H < H Why tormonted'withPiles.Constlpationl H
B' , | B WhyfriehtenedoverSisorderedKidneysl jH |
Mw MM Why endure nervous or sick headaches ! Wfm
V * Eyl Why hare sleepless nights ! Kj
K ! mM Use Paikb's Cbxkry Compound and H §
B HH rejoice in health. It is an entirely vegctaHu
H Hi | HB ble remedy , harmless In all cases. M\ \
H' WELLS , RICHARDSON it CO. , Proprietor ! , Jffi
Blfl K3 BTOKKOTOH. VT. fcjl
I' ' SllHlSlRiil
V f APT.TOO tlirnc 1Mtic PHlH.M
bB wini\ILi\ . val" ° rol6ToDlsI .
H tress from Dyspepsla.In.l
H | HH I'SPRa" ! E" dlgestlonandTooHearUlg
H "Efi I LE , Eating. A perfect rein-B
BaVJ Baf B IPEI 6dyforIlzzinessNauscB
BaH D SUV EL K Drowsiness. Bad TasteB
, JTO11BS ck < n ths Mouth , CoatedH
JV U JrELL& . Tongue.Pain In the Side.K
BaH iBBaaBBBTCfl regulate tho Bowels. ! ]
H. MHHMHHI Purely Vccotable. m
Mm * ' r ' -
Price 25 Cents.
I m1Imm mSnuSmaliPr'Ce'l [ '
I IGOTT'I a 031
um Wil&W WastingDiEeases
B Wonderful Flesh Producer
B Many have gained one pound
B per day by its use.
B Scott's Emulsion is not a se-
B crefc remedy. It contains the
B ? ' stimulating properties of the
B Hypophosphites and pure ISTor-
B Tvegian Cod Liver Oil , the po-
B tency of both being largely
B increased. It is used by Phy-
B sicians all over the world.
SoUl by all Druggists.
' SOOTT 6 B0 2EL Chemists , H. Y.
m MEW ! g\BEW \ ! NEW ?
HH Rand , & Co's
HH\ "New. you Say ? What is there new about It ? "
M M Just rend on.
| B It oijen.i with nn entirely new history of the
H with each tiac printed in its proper roliiry.
MU It contains Portraits , Autographs and Biogra-
MU pines or the Signers of the
B c ? lP Presidents of the United SUtes.
H Besides this , it embrace * n handv , yet complete
H Atlas , with 280 fine Maps , Diagrams and ex-
H i planatory tables , and an Encyclopedia of Useful
H ' Information on all subjects ot interest to Farmers ,
H k Merchants , Housekeeper : * , Young Folks and tho
H I public In seneral.
B. ' It contains over 500 pages , and
H Agents Wanted. Sample copy and outflt , post-
. . paid lor tifty cents. Address
Mt 148-154 Monroe St. , Chicago.
i H SE XS 90S Seirlnc-XCaehlneTiriTITI
• • • 1 ES5iHFlh.m jl. j To t pan t bll hl i IJ It 11
Mm 3Bsf5 IL31 fii" ' d • 'a * u t" " ' k pnpn ,
H MJ3M9mW' MWIflitl't our m ckln X lLLixJ
B j B3 Iw Jr 1 jBuyoodi wktrc th pecpU c ir
Hj ! HU gsS 3Bp ? > thrm , w * willttnd Tree tsona
H * BHS99 , S , S > ? 'priiB 1 * tub leuUty.tht very
H aSS SS 7 j ifTf * Btit • iniBC-mtchla * mid * in
H , wM 3SF * wm I Ktne world.wita U tht • turkmcott.
a aB . B tnfrL. , JJM d w * wl" * ' * ° "oAf * * * * * conplet *
bH SHIlf iDlIMIIm afaur coatly and vtluablt sn
L bB BaSSlit 1 WtyQuimpl i. Ib rttum wt uk tktt you
LBbM b bTi 154 & tfraBF Vthow whit w atad , t tho > wko
Htfl WsmSSl bBt/sS / ifc'fcraJ'clU * * 70cr Bonit. sad After 2
] • • 0PSt * VTBDV n" > nh * aU ihU brcom * your ttb
B | jA JVC 'i. LPrrrt - TbU rrtad nuehlBa ! •
- UOcb K \ irm a ntr ta HIncr Btttnli ,
H r fT BUDtBQ Tihlck klrt nn oat : Mfon pitrnii
- IujHIK X ruBOttlltioldhrSSB , wilhUn
H-H Ii. TTte 1 ! tUfhmtnti. aad b tt ttlU for
H JPbIFM aai | < lar aT V50'BeittroB-e > t < B > ottiuc-
MM\ \ "PRIIil 6 Iff" | * f l m chla to tk. w.rld. All If
I IILCI llL.kWr > - N ctpiul rttelnd. ruin ,
H-H krikf lBitractiaai rim. Tkai * who wiita f at at eac * can • -
- - { amra IVee tia beat aawinc-Bsatkimt la tha warli. a d Iht
H aaMtliaaofworkiof hltkajlaT.rahowa tajatkerU Amarica.
TJtUE < b CO. , Sox l aV , A.acutJt. Maine.
K JN Ely's Cream Balm
B mQtf S Price 50 cent * .
t I
H rlEmiwtM WLL , CURE
I lSstarrh (
RB Ba S ! ? ArP'J" Balm Into ench nostril.
| H aaaaaay - wSCtl ELY BROS. , Sfi Warren St. . X. Y.
> mMmmWIt "OSGOOpw
B L aBaa t = BaBiaSnBa SeBt * n U'J"f' ! Sllt
HVJI SBaBDlEf ? paid. Fully Warranted.
HB ) aaTSafll gBiBaa'w"Other sites aroportioa-
H attlylow. AeenU well paid. Illustraled Catalopj *
B' free. Mtntion this Paper.
OSSOOD is THOMPSON , Slaghamtog. IT. T.
Mm J ajtd dlisasas of head , throat and lunft
B Wk StO wnh .OZONIZED AIR , direct and
r WafV eoatiauons mcdicatlen of raiplratory
J Br n erfana prodnclnc tan * effect at a far-
K B" \ _ iaaM orablechancaaf climate CDCC from
MU- Bf I objetttonabli rsATcara. rfiCC ALL
BaBBaal Rx aW 3 Toueaa haT * SO days' TRIAL at small
K St N _ af Jcost , lliuatratad book cWIbj : full par-
M fcgr 4 ticalart.aaBtrKUTeALLWHOSCrrXR.
I 111
Km , IIutb a potittre remedy for the abore disease ; bj its uic
M M thonsaads of cases of tha worst kind and of lone standing
M M hare beea eurad. So stronc is my faith in its efficacy that
B I will send two bottles free , together with a falaabls
BaaBBai treatise on this disease to any sufferer. Gire Express and
M PJD.address. T. A.SLOCVX. M.O. . lSlPearlSt. . 2f.V-
I HI VStatonerakeepbem.StandardqcaUtT
la IWall styles. Sample dotiucents by mai.
Ubv & < - ft fc E * ET , FOR LOVERS
MU\ \ ' " ( alBaU H.ell w * want to know. Sornrelr aaalecL 1U
MU ) Wmmm ceau. Address , Box-tt2. Chicago. tit
CAtXrOSVXA . Just the place lor a
Colony. Special Inducement to settlers. Easy
MM 'jttmu BIOXOX , nSST & SSLOTES , SamSUco , Cal
LaaB 3 IIIPCBCandXinBlOltSremoTedwlthonttaitfe.
H Mandreda Cored. Write for refer-
MMf tieea. DK. F. B. fiOLLEr , Kllwaokee. Vls.
BaaB' mi a UfAlMfJl-LJe1 ' 71
bbbbE P/lTfl IJTeatheaaeaaiiBakaaieraBeaeyworldasferBjIhaB
Um , iUBaTtataaTlkIaralMrntbawarld Kltkrr acx CaatlroutSI "
H , saxa. Tenairaxa. jlddrata , TKCK * Co iifuu , Ualua.
Mt * ( ? toS8 per day-Sample worth $ L.VI FREE. Line *
bbbbbb ) \\Cnot under tne horse's feat. Write Brewster
H _ J vSafety Rein Holder Co. , Holly , Mien.
Ht / W. N. U. , Omaha , I 442 49.
S ) SSS B3 Baal
15,000 IVorlh or Lack.
fieneca ( Kas. ) Tribune. Oct. Iftli.
Auguut Liueo , n hnrncss maker in tho
employ of Thomas Bennett , is in fivent
luck. Ho canio to this town three
months njro without mono3 * and Trithout
friends. Now ho is assured plenty of
money and numerous friends. For tho
past two years he 1ms been investing in
The Louisiana State Lottery , when bo
fortunate as to havo a dollar , and last
Sunday it was learned lightning had
struck Seneca , and on Monday Mr. Linso
received a copy of tho lucky numbers ,
tho ono-twontieth ticket ho held corre
sponding "with the ono drawing the capi
tal prize of § 300,000 , making his propor
tion 815,000 a comfortable little nest
egg as a financial start in life. He has
drawn on M. A. Dauphin through the
First National Bank for the amount , but
there "is many a Blip 'twixt cup and lip , "
and he does not feel as confident of its
receipt as somo other people do. Never
theless hois cheerfully at work , and wo
predict him capable of caring for hie
fortune if tho ticket held by him. No.
40,755 draws the coveted prize. Ho is of
good habits , and knows tho value of n
dollar though he manifests a weakness
for lotteries. Our advicev to the boys
with money burning their pockets is to
invest , but to also remember there arc
10,000 chances to ono against j'ou , and
lightning seldom , if ever , strikes twice
in tho same place.
P. S. Mr. Linso received his money
this morning.
An Odd Ifinlnc Organization.
A very odd dining organization in
Philadelphia is known as the Ishmael-
'ites , Tho apartment in which tho feast
is held is alwaj's decorated in tho ori
ental fashion , somo of the features in
troduced being very luxurious and strik
ing. During each season there is a
muezzin who presides and rules the
feast , and who also delivers a mock
prayer and has a peculiar song. All
wear turbans or fez capB , with long
robes and ornaments around their
necks. Chicago Herald.
A Remarkable I'aper.
The Youth's Companion is a welcomo
visitor wcekljr in more than 400,000 fami
lies , and has won a place in home life ob
tained by no other publication. It is al
ways safe , puro , instructive and entertain
ing. Tho wonder is how any family can do
without it. Any now subscriber who sends
§ 1.75 now , can have Tin : Companion free
every week to January 1 , 1889 , and for a
full year from that dat . Sample copies
free. Address Tun Youth's Companion ,
Boston , Mans.
Benjamin Harrison's favorite exercise is
Tho Coining Cornet.
It is fancied by a grateful patron that
the next comet will appear in the form of
a huge bottle , having "Golden Medical Dis
covery" inscribed upon it in bold charac
ters. Whether this conceit and high com
pliment will be verified , remains to be seen ,
but Dr. Pierce will continue to send forth
that wonderful vegetable compound , and
potent cradicator of It has no
equal in medicinal and
health-giving prop
erties , for imparting vigor and tone to the
liver and kidneys , in purifying the blood ,
and through it cleansing and renewing the
whole system. For scrofulous humors ,
and consumption , or lung scrofula , in its
early stages , it is a positive specific.
The late William Warren , the actor , left
an estate valued at $212,000.
Woman's ) Wo lie.
There is no end to the tasks which dnilj *
confront the good housewife. To be a suc
cessful housekeeper , the first requisite Ls
good health. How can a woman contend
against tli9 trials and worries of house
keeping if tihe be suffering from those dis
tressing irregularities , ailments and weak
nesses peculiar to her sex ? Dr. Pierce's
Favorite Prescription is a specific for
these disorders. The only remedy , sold by
drugcists , under a positive guarantee from
the manufacturers. Satisfaction guaran
teed in every case , or money refunded.
See printed guarantee on bottle wrapper.
Citizen George Francis Train holds that
flesh-eating is shortening human life.
A General Tie-up
of all the means of public conveyance in a
large city , even for a few hours , during a
strike of the employes , means a general
paralyzing of trade and industry for tho
time being , and is attended with an enor
mous aggregate Iosb to the community.
How much more serious to the individual
is the general tie-up of his system , known
as constipation , and due to the strike of
the most important organs for more pru
dent treatment and better care. If too
long neglected , a torpid or sluggish liver
will produce serious forms of kidney and
liver diseases , malarial trouble and chron
ic dyspepsia. Dr. Pierce's PleasantPurga-
tire Pellets are a preventive and cure of
these disorders. They are prompt , sure
and effective , pleasant to take , and posi
tively harmless.
Gen. Don M. Dickinson is superstitious
on the subject of white horses.
WN1. HANSCOM , Oshkosh , Wis. , who
was for seven years so afflicted with piles that
he was unable to attend to businesses entirely
cured by the use Coje'si CarbolUalve. Price
23 and 50cents , at Druggists.
For the last words of Noah Webster ,
look in the dictionary.
An Extended Popularity. Brown's
Bronchial Troches have for many years
been the most popular article in'use for
relieving Coughs and Throat troubles.
The soldier's definition of a kiss a re
port at headquarters.
A Radical Cura for Epileptic Fits.
T t\t EditorPlease inform your readers that
I hare a positive remedy for the aboTe named
disease which 1 warrant to car * the - rorflt cases.
Bo otrone is my faith in the virtues of this medi
cine that I will send free a sample bottle and
valnable treatise to any sufferer whowill ( rive
mo his P. O. and Express address. My remedy
has enred thousands of hopeless cases.
H. Q. BOOT , M. C. 163 fearl St. , New York.
When Baby was sick , we gave her Castoria ,
When the was a Child , she cried for Castorifj
When she becams Miss , she clung to Castoria , |
• Vhen she had Children , she pare them Castoria.
Dfatrabntton of Illiteracy.
Statistics collected in Germany show
that in Boumama , Servia and Bussia
about 80 per cent of the inhabitants are
unable to read and write ; in Spain , 63
per cent ; Italy , 48 per cent ; Hungary ,
43 per cent ; Austria , 39 percent ; Ireland ,
21 per cent ; France and Belgium , 15 per
cent ; England , 13 per cent ; Holland , 10
per cent ; United States ( white popula
tion ) , 3 per cent ; Scotland , 7 per cent ; i
Switzerland , 2-5 per cent , and in the
whole German empire , 1 per cent ; while
in Sweden , Denmark , Bavaria ? Baden . '
and Wurtembnrg , there is practically no
one who cannot read and write. '
Beware of Oi.ntuientsjbr Catarrh That , ,
* t C * laltt 'Jlercury. ' ' * ;
As'Mercury wfllTertainly destroytheseh' •
of smell and completely derange the whole
system when entering it through the mucus
surfaces. Such articles should never be i
used except on prescriptions from reputa- <
ble physicians , as the damages they will
do are ten fold to the good you can possi- |
bly derive from them. Hall's Catarrh
Cure , manufactured by F. J. Cheney & Co. ,
Toledo , O. , contains no mercury , and is
taken internally , and acts directly upon
the blood and mucus surfaces of the sys-
"tern. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be I
sure you get the genuine , it is taken in- '
tern ally and made in Toledo , Ohio , by j
F. J. Cheney & Co. , \
23 ? Sold"by Druggists , price 75c per botl l
IWitaa a iiiW ) lii JlWWafjaW ! WWWE Wi * g " m
JU a nti i mcm < a a
Those Lovett Girls.
"Well , " said Granny Purcell , look-
ingout of the window while shebound
off the little red stocking she. was
knitting lor her son Hiram's young
est boy , "I wonder what them high
flyers will do now. Them Lovett
girls , I mean. Just look , Ad'line , if
they aint a-holdin' their heads just's
high's if old Rufus hadn't lost a centl
That youngest one Dory is toss
ing her curls as independent as ever.
# ome things haint sanctified to some
people as a means of grace , I'm sorry
to flay. "
Her daughter-in-law , a pale ; thin ,
spiritless woman , who looks as if
Granny Purcell herself had been a
sufficient "means of grace" for any
woman's sanction , put down her
flatironwith a resigned air , and came
to the window.
"I s' they ain't come to a , real
ising sense of it yet , " she meekly sug
"There ! If that long-nosed one
isn't actilly a flirtin'I Talking to
Howard Vandjrne and rollin' her
ayes , and showin her handsome teeth.
And Lena has just given a penny to
that organ-grinder's monkey. I sh'd
think a penny would look 'most's
big's a 25 cent piece to them nowa
days. "
"Ad'line" went back to her "flats"
without replying , and Granny Pur
cell bit off her yarn and rolled up the
completed pair of stockings with a
virtuous sniff.
"They've been raised as helpless as
kittens. I don't suppose any one of
'em can turn her hand to anything.
But do something they must , and
that pretty quick , too , from all ac
counts. "
Yes. Do something they must , and
Granny Purcell had not a more
"realizin' sense" of it than Clara ,
Lena and Dora Lovett themselves.
Instead of flirting with Howard
Vandyne , Clara had been bravely
asking his help to secure an assistant
bookkeeper's place for her in his
father's store. The young man had
thought none the less of her for her
frank avowal that she must do
something , if only to carry parcels
for customers. He promised to do
all in his power , and lifted his hat
just as courteously as he had always
done before Eufus Lovett lost his
money in the disastrous collapsing
of a certain consolidated mining com
A little later the three girls perched
like sparrows , ( chattering included )
around Dora's pretty bedroom to
consider ways and means. Dora sat
on the bed , swinging her small feet ,
of which she was a little vain ; Lena
settled herself in the bay windowand
bent her blue eyes over her last win
ter's bonnet , which she was ripping
with a view to making it over ; Clara
knelt by little Dora's little school
book closet and looked over a pile of
"Isnffeit too bad that the 'smash'
had to come just at this particular
timesaid Dora , "when my best
street suit is well nigh disreputable ,
and I haven't a thing but this brown
tricot , as old as the hills ? How can
I go to seek my fortune without a
fresh , stylish , becoming suit ? "
"Evolve one from your inner con
science , as the German did the camel , "
said Lena , shaking out a bunch of
garnet and smoke colored "tips" and
blowing some imagined dust from
"Evolution is a work of time , and
I must go forth in battle array by
Monday at the farthest. "
"He is thrice armed who hath his
quarrel just , " quoted Clara. "Two
arms will be enough , with willing
hands at the end of them. "
"And a fertile brain to direct them , "
added Lena.
"Nevertheless , the suit of mail "
"Is an iron necessity , " broke forth
the incorrigible Lena once more.
"Seriously , girls , " resumed Dora ,
after the light laughter had subsided ,
"we can't all live on Clara's book
keeping , or on Lena's puns" throw
ing a little ball of zephyr at the lat-
ter's neat brown braids : "and I in
tend , if the combined genius of the
family can furnish forth a presenta
ble toga and a helmet , in other words ,
a suit and a bonnet , to go to Boston
next week and write for the newspa
pers. "
A double groan greeted this an
" "Try not the pass , the old man
said. ' " was Clara's advice.
"Bemember , oh rash mortal , it is
only 'beneath the rule of men entire
ly great' that the pen is mightier
than the sword , " cried Lena.
"Some women do succeed in journ
alism , however , and I have written a
little , you know , " said Dora , with a
modest lowering of the curly head.
"You'll have to descend to ever so
much wire-pulling. Writers are so
jealous of one another , except the
famous ones , " suggested Clara.
The warrior bowed his crested head ,
And tamed his heart of fire ,
said Lena.
"Meantime , what amltodo"cried
Lena , in mock distress. "I have no
talent for literature , music or the
stage. Teaching I detest. Law and
medicine do not beckon with rosy and
allurjng smiles. I suppose I shall :
iayjevto sfay at Jab me and Jopk ? alter
father and mother , and grow'fo be a •
little , quiet , old woman with a shoul
der-shawl , one of these days the kind
who sit in the corners at tea parties , ;
and have to be hunted up and talked
to by the long-suffering hostess. "
"Catch you sitting in corners ! j
You're a long way off from the shoul- i
der-shawl yet , my Lena , " said Dora , '
giving her aa affectionate smile. She !
was very proud of her sister's bright- j
ness and quickness , even when the '
| okes were aimed at herself.
"An idea has just occurred to me , " '
i .nuwi naff * . . . . .M laHrnasaifsiWl'WliiM i.fcJuiMwuMiui
• Kaaaaaaaaaaa a < aaaaaaaaaa * aa > aaaaaa > a aaaaaaaaaaaaaa3aaaaaaM
snid Lena , "but I shall not whisper
a syllable of it to anybody till I see
how it is going to turn out. Mean
while , if this misguided mortal will
put her head into a lion's don ( or an
editor's , which is the same thing ) ;
she must go clothed and in her right
mind. Dora , why couldn't wo take
the best of your brown tricot , rip
and color the disreputable street suit
with diamond dye exactly tho shade
of the brown velvet , cover a 25 cent
bonnet frame with tho same , and
send you forth , conquering and to
conquer. "
"Lena your the salvation of the
family , " cried Dora , in ecstacy.
Clara hustled the arithmetics back'
into the closet , and produced three
pairs of scissors. In a short time
the two suits were rippedshaken freo
of dust and travelings , and the dia
mond dye purchased for two cents at
the drug store around the corner , '
was seething in an old tin pail on the
kitchen stove.
" 'I am dyeing , Egypt , dyeing , ' "
sang Lena , as she fished out tho
piece with an old broom handle ,
rinsed them througn four or five wa
ters , and hung them out in the bright
air without ringing.
"If Howard Yandyne should come
to call , shall I send him out here to
shako hands with you ? " said Dora ,
saucily , coming to the kitchen door
with her half-made bonnet in her
"Considering that these lily fingers
are being darkened lor your especial
benefit young woman , it strikes me
that your jests seems rather unseem
ly. "
"You will be rid of me next Mon
day. Clara the dear soul ,
has run around to see if
little Miss Moss can come tomorrow
to cut and fit the transformed goods.
I have just had it out with father
and mother in the back parlor. They
were opposed to my going , of course ,
but I finally convinced them that
there was no choice. Father is
two old and disheartened for a new
start in business. If we all get situ
ations , we can take care of ourselves
and the dear old folks , too. "
"That remains to be proved , " said
Lena. It is very certain that we
must try it what ever the issue. "
Monday morning Clara was in
stalled as assistant bookkeeper in
the establishment of the elder Van-
dyne at a salary which seemed small
when compared with the lavish pin-
money formerly bestowed by an in
dulgent father. She accepted it grate
fully , howeverfor , it meant independ
ence athingmore to be desired than
fine gold.
Dora left on an early train for Bos
ton , carrying in her hand-satchel § 5
in money and about a dozen MSS. ,
which had never yet been submitted
to the piercing glance of an editorial
optic. The new suit was all that could
be desired.
' 'You needn't tell B eacon street peo
ple how much it cost , Dora , " said
Lena , dabbing at a sisterly tear or
two with her handkerchief , as the
hour of parting drew near.
"I don't expect to meet many of
them , " was the repty. "Don't cry ,
dearie , till you see whether I make a
failure or not , "
Lena went home from the station ,
and , with the help of one small maid
( the other servants having been dis
pensed with ) , set the house in order ,
made preparations for dinner , then
proceeded to put in execution the plan
which had been simmering. She
made brief calls on six or eight ofher
lady acquaintances , and when Clara
came home at noon she found her
sister sorting various garments in
all stages of dissolution , from the
merely faded and stained to those
that were "rim racked and center-
shook ! "
"What areyou doing , Lena ? Those
things never belonged to our house , "
exclaimed the astonished Clara.
"True , but I am going to build up
the fallen fortunes of our house on
just these shreds and patches. To
elucidate " she produced from under
her chair a large placard on which
she had printed with a pen :
Hospital for disabled garments.
Patients received in all stages of in
firmity. Dyeing and cleaninga speci
"You never were like other girls ,
Lena. What put this into your
head ? "
"Planning Dora's suit last week , "
answerd"Lena , serenely shaking out
a lavender silk skirt and eying it
critically. "That card is merely the
rough draft of an advertisement
which I intend to put into the Weekly
Chronicle. Most of the ladies I have
spoken to look onitas afreak. They
little dream that I mean to make a
serious business of it. I have the
privilege of doing the best I can with
these things. The utterly irredeem
able ones will be cut up into carpet-
rags for their owners. I expect
eventually to require several assist
ants , and if you get sick of bookkeep
ing and Dora's journalistic plan falls
through , we can organize a home
' ' "
Clara dropped into a chair , the
picture of amazement.
"You will probably not be asked , "
said Clara , putting on her things.
"I hope when you do make your for
tune out of your dabblings and
mussings you will take me to Yellow
stone park and the Yosemite. Noth
ing less expensive "will restore me
after a few years' bookkeeping. "
Dora's letter came in due time , and
Lena read it aloud at the dinner
Boston , Nov. , 18 .
Dear Blessed People I am having a lovely
time , in spite of a bit of homesickness. Was
lucky enough to get a place the very first
day in the office of the Social Recorder.
Editors are not a bit horrid. At least , Mr.
Brooke isn't.
"I foresee an editorial brother-in-
law , " exclaimed Clara , shaking her
head in . , . '
a.tragic manner i ; 5. -
• Nonsense ; " rejed * ; I li. "News *
paper people are too busy to make '
love to one another. "
I don't know why he gave me the place. \
I showed him my scrap-book , and he was
kind enough to say that my articles were '
"very fair , very fair , indeed. " He engaged ,
me to write up the fashions , art , exhibitions ,
shop windows , ect. I must begin at the foot ;
of the ladder , you know. I have hired a
room near the office at $2 a week , and am •
doing my own housekeeping by means of a ,
receipe-book. It is fortunatethat no one but (
myself is obliged to partake of my dishes so '
"fearfully and wonderfully made. " '
"Poor child , " said her mother.
"She will halfsta herself to save
, i
timo and money , and then break
down and havo to como homo after
all. "
1 am writing stories in tho interrnls of regn-
lar work , to replace tho brown suit bcfnri ) it
lwgins to look shabby. Havcwut a sketch
to one of the illustrated weeklies , and om
anxiously awaiting tho verdict. The Btory
Beetncd ub good an the average.
"No doubt it is far better , " said
Lena , "but publishing , like kissing ,
goes by favor in too many in
Don't expect mo homo for Thanksgiving or
Christinas , but send mo a box full of all tho
good things your combined gcniuB and
energy enn evolvo , provided the condition of
tho treasure will admit of any festivo prepara
"She shall have it , even if tho rest
of us go without it , " said tho father ,
and the others gavo hearty consent.
Boston is as nice as ever. I havon't met
the S s or tho D b , neither havo I yet
notified them of my arrival. I shall not
force myself on them.
"She's as good as tho best ofthem ,
with money or without , " cried Clara ,
indignantly. "They cannot begin to
compare with her in brightness. "
I may be sent to somo of the fashionnblo
parties to report costumes , decorations , tho
Huppcr , music , etc. What fun it would be to
test some of tho young gentlemen we met
last winter , and sco if they would be brnvo
enough to recognize me in tho humble capa
city of a reporter ! I will try and send a
moro interesting letter next week. How
does Clara enjoy (1) ( ) book-keeping , and what
wonderful plan has Lena carried out ? Give
my love to evsrybody. Do writo mo long ,
newsy letters. Tho very piles of Bhingles of
that new Iioubo in the yard next door would
take on a halo now , and I believo I should
hug even tho meatman's dog if I should
meet him ( no pun intended ) on a fashion-
ablo avenuo in tho broad glare ot
day. In fact , I should rather enjoy the sen
sation it would create.
Your loving , loving , loving ,
Her letter was so bright and brave ,
so loyal and tender , that tears shone
in tho eyes of the home group as
Lena fblded the sheets caressingly
and replaced them in the envelope.
"We can write her a combination
letter , and describe all our doings , "
said Clara. "Father mustn't forget
to tell of his experiments with fancy
poultry , by means of which ho hopes
to win back a few sunken piastres.
Now I must say good by for another
fire hours , and go to mount my
wooded throne. I almost feel like
saying , with Queen Constance : 'Here
I and sorrow sit , " on days when the
debits and credits worry me. "
"Queen Constance didn't mount a
wooden throne , " remarked Lena.
"She sat on 'the huge , firm earth , ' as
low as she could get. Be sure and
stop at the drug store on your way
home for my garnet dye. Tomorrow
I must color two suits and finish
making up a third , but there's money
in it , as well as lots of fun. I wouldn't
change places with a millionaire. "
Granny Purcell prophesied an im
mediate matrimonial engagement for
Howard Vandyne when she learned
that Clara was employed in his fath
er's counting-room. She also strongly
disapproved of Dora's leaving home
to write for newspapers.
"Such brazen man's work as that
never Avill prosper , Ad'line , mark my
words ! "
But Granny Purcell , like many of
her kind was doomed to disappoint
ment. Everything prospered the
bookkeeping , the "brazen" journal
ism , the hospital for disabled gar
ments , the fancy poultry. Neither
was Howard Vandyne judiciously
angled for , neatly caught and care
fully landed. He and all "them
Lovett girls" remained good friends
and nothing more. They were too
busy to fall in love.
Clara went to Yellowstone park and
the Yosemite , and eventually to
Europe , in the company of a wealthy
family who engaged her as compan
ion to their eldest daughter.
Lena enlarged her business till she
rented an office down town. She is
3till pursuing it , refusing all offers of
marriage till she settles her parents
comfortably tortheremainderof their
days. She declares that she shall yet
be "the quiet little old lady with a
shoulder shawl. "
Dora , now a recognized journalist ,
makes brief but delightful visits
home , where she is lionized by her
neighbors to her heart's content.
Her literary work enables her to
keep "one suit ahead , " as she ex
presses it , and she is also laying up
something for the future. The "edi
torial brother-in-law " other
- - , or any
kind , is still a myth. Dora has no
idea of giving up her personal inde
pendence. "I have met so many
darling 'old maids' since I have been
doing press work , " she says , "such
bright , keen , cultivated , cheerful
30uls , with not a care in the world
beyond the preparation of their daily
copy , that it would require much
stronger inducements than I see at
present to win me from their busy ,
self-respecting ranks. "
In their little personal sacrifices
and economies , "those Lovett girls"
have learned that people can be very
happy without a large amount of
money. They have discovered that a
brave , cheerful putting of the hand
to the plow inevitably results in a
harvest of good. They take an in
terest in the deep things of life. They
have learned , too , to sympathize
with all toilers. They have come to
"a realizin' sense" of their talents
and opportunites , and , in the words
of Frances Sargent Osgood's beauti
ful poem a poem which is old , yet
ever new they would say to their
fashion bound , ennui-stricken sisters
all about them , to those who lan-
gush in gilded prisons and silken fet
ters :
Work for some good , be it ever eo slowly ,
Cherish some flower , be it ever so lowly ;
Labor , all labor is noble and holy.
Letthy great deeds be thy prayerto thy God.
Helen T. Clark , in Woman's Jour
aal B
Cannot Be Ascended.
Mount St. Elias promises to be the
future mountain-climbing center of
this country. A traveler who has re
turned from there , after failing to as
cend , to thesummit , , reports that his
pa ty , af r'surmo ntingTgreat diffi
culties , reached a Tieight bf Ilj500
feet , and were then compelled to
abandon the enterprise. The ascent
was covered with ice mounds , strewn
with boulders. The party were at
one time knee deep in snow and at
another were wading through icy
waters fed by glaciers. He believes
the mountain cannot bo ascended
without the assistance of trained
Swiss mountaineers. The packers
with the party could notIunl .
Washington Post.
fV r-iT- -ir - iini 'li , ii > ii a ' lil "Hi mi all , mi r
"Wlinta flsli ' * said Pat
way to spell , ,
when ho saw tho namo Pnycho on a ship.
But a more wonderful spell will bo oxor-
clsod over tho coughing child of yours that
koops itself and you awake , If you will try
Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. 25 couts.
Neuralgic paroxisms nro often of extreme
violence , and brought on by tbe slightest
provocation , such as a draught of cool
air. On tbe first intimation ot such an at
tack rub with Salvation Oil. It can bo
bought at all druggists for only 25 cents.
Mrs. Harriet Becchor Sto wo Appears al-
' most well again.
How to make money get a situation in
a mint.
Kansas gives Harrison a plurality ot
The twenty-six Chinese laundries of
Portland , Ore. , havo formed a trust.
Bheumatlsm. Neuralgia , Of liottles Sold
Backache , Haadache , And In Kvery Ono
ToothacheSprains , A Ct'RK
Bruises , &c. „ _ . , „ , _
. .
At DrnjjiiU and Daalirs. Balthaors , Hi.
Diamond Vera-Cura
ladlfaittsa , Boar-Btaaaca , Xaartbora , KaEiea , Old *
Unei > , CaasUpaUoa , Tallnaaa after aaUnf , roo *
Kiilsr In Via afoaUi and dliairaaabla tatta attar aat *
taf. Harrosinaaa and Loar-SplrlU.
At DruggUU and Dcalert or tent by mail en re-
ctipt af'X > cU. (5 ( loxa 81.00) ) in ttampt. kampU
tail on receipt c/2-tent Stamp.
THE CHARLES A. V0CELER CO. . Baltlmort. M.
Dr. J" . H. SCHENCK has published
on the Treatment and Curo of
which will bo mailed FREE to all
who want it. If you are , or know
of any ono who is , afflicted with , or
liablo to any of thoso diseases , send
name and address ( plainly written ) to
( Namo this paper. ) Philadelphia , Pa.
For Tastor , Parent , Teacher , Child , or
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combined in a copy of Webster's Unabridged.
Besides many other valuable contains
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3000 more Words and nearly 2000 mora llluaw
trationa than any other American Dictionary.
Sold br all Booksellers. Tamphlet free.
CtC MIRR1AM h. CO. . Pub'rs , Springfield , Maaa.
Desiring to Locate ,
We know of a number of good lo
cations for newspapers. If you are
thinking' of changing base , or desire
to locate a newspaper , write us. Ad
dress ,
/j3,090 PERCHEROfK
KE RVS 300STALI.lONSofjfrTle-
WmfMMgSajmiiblo age ; 150 COLTS with
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88 * iUt VMtCUttf C * UM , Vj Ut.7vurit * * . * tola ,
' • ' -'v M MMm * * MK T > O7'0)iI ) yo KONoFOUSal
Barsaaaaaaaa.aaaaaaaaSBaaaataaa.9it : EKW1HO I NOW A1P
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The oldest medicine 1b the world Is probably aam
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This snide ls a carefully prepared Physician's pre
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CAUTION. Tbe only eanuine Thompson's Eye ,
"Water baa. uno .a the white wrapper or each bottle an
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with a/cc-rijUjU f'hla'siesattire ; alio a not * of hand'
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Pise's Bemedy for Catarrh Is tho B9
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ISold ST. Hazeltlne , Warren , Pa.
isia , > * aWa sWs ' i ' '
lamina mmaaif 1 jj * > ja * ' 'ifc H
Aged People } I
Whose blood ha. become thin or Impure. * ree' ? r' bbbbbbbbH
dally liablo to stuck , of rheumalhm. or 'o * ' M MM
weakne.s called " ( teneral debility. " Tho paln a * © ' m MM
schasof the former ro rellered by Howl's- * ' * • * M MM
saparilla , which purines and vitalise * thabMO0 > H
while It alio tone * and builds up the wholes ytr& JM MM
' theptcalto * H
Try Hood's Brtapritla and reallxo ;
benefit which It fires. M M M
"I Usto taken Hood's Bartsparttl * fordtspep I M MM
and ss a tonic alternatlre , with thi nn t SenefidM j H
remits. I hayn also uied It for rliaamatlsm-wlt J m MM
sood effect. 1 retard It s. one of Ure-vcr ? best fa i M MM
tly msdlcinet , and would not wilU&irJr. bevwUboaf }
It. " A. B. CuariT. rroYldonce. TUL ' W " * taBBBBBBBBBal
Hood's Sarsapariira f H
BoKbraUdruzzliU. • tisltforit. r > cparal' ar ? > ? FaaaBBBBafl
hy C. I. HOOD 4C0. . Apothecaries , I.owclL > Iaa * . . I laa l
100 Doses One Pol for I ' f H
Wa fnrncTl ESTABLISHED 1851 I 18 © So.t mW
{ Chicago , Ills. iciarkStS (
/ | | JTho Regular Qld-Establls&el v L\\ \
HkPHYsiciAtiAND : ) mzm : X\\W
I still with thoGreai * l |
KY Bi ? * Treating
Chronic , Nervous aiul Private Men , ] 1
Failing Memory , Exhausting Drains , TerriblB * 1
Dreams , Head and Back Acne anil all the effect * . , H
leading to early decay and peitups Consumption * ( H
Insanity , treated scientifically by new methods wit ! • ' !
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* i > - SYPHILIS and all bad Blood and SkinDIaV - M
eases permanently cured. M MM
* 3-KlDNEYand URINARYv-nmpUntsGIeef ; . 1
Gonorrhoea , Strictu re. Varicocele and all diteaie ; - H
of the Genito-Urinary Organs cured proruptly withoVL > H
injury to Stomach , Kidneys or other Orjann. H
• Oar-No experiments. Age and experience tas - H
portant. Consultation free and sacred * . H
4arSend4 cents postage for Celcbrated'.WorkS o B
Chronic , Nervous and Delicate DtseiLOf irt M M
Cir-Those contemplating Marriage scntr1 f5rrDfc H
Clarke's celebrated guide Male and Femaleeacl" > 1
15 cents , both 35 cents ( stamps ) . ConsuU the oil11 H
Doctor. A friendly lettcrorcallirwysivcfutttresuiW H
ins and shame , and add golden years t > KfciStlrBooi H
"Life'sSecret ( ) Errors , " jocentsstamps ) . Medici-- * H
and writings sent everywhere , secure from cxp.osur * ] H
Hours , 8 to 8. Sundays 9 to 12. Address |
F. D. CLARKE , IYL. D. . H
Bewaro of Fraud , as my ntmoanfl thn prlcaaT& > H
stuapod on thn bottom < if nil my nilrcrtlsert sniMcV , H
boforo leaYlnc the fai tory , which protect tho waalv M M
era again at lilcli price , and Inferior cooilc. It ft. . . B
dealer otTcn W. It. Doii-xlas sliovsntu reduea-Aa H
prleo , or says ho lint thorn without my nameant't-l BBB H
prioe staaped on thu bottom.put hlin Uurru anafrauej- U M M
The only calf S. 't SKAMLKSS Shoe mooth l > H
lliefert.estyxs Imtnl srwedanl Wl I.I.NOT RIP * , , H
IV. I. . DOUGLAS 4 4 SHOK , the original ansf.J H
only haud-sewed welt tl snoe. Kqual * : jitutu-mado H
shoes costing from IS to ' . B
W. L. IU ( > LAS S3.GO I'OLICK SHOE , . B |
Railroad Men and Letter Carriers all wearthsm. B
Fmooth lnnlde as a Hand Sewed Shoe. X Talks o ? - H
Wax Thread to hurt thr feet. B
TV. L. DOUGLAS S2./50 SIf 01l anez-xHlei , 1 H
for hearr wear. Hell Calf Shoe lor the price. BBBflfl
SHOK Is tbe best In the world for rough * 7ar ; out- B
pair ourht to wear a man a rear. > >
tbe best school shoe In the world. B H
TV. L.DOUGLAS 81.75 YOUTHIS-Sextoo } ; H
Show glres the small Boys a chance : o T.srUiO'- PB |
best ibot. Is the world. pB B
AH mads la Conirreta , nutton and L'aco. . If • • "Jvi- H
sold by your dealer , write BBBBBJ
W.I-i.i > otJGXjA.m. nroc > < r.vnv rsirtasta - H
_ Cures and Prevents- ' |
hk flH Ce d8 , H
fm JT j f Cough. . J ' M
( raY V Sore Throat- H |
llflP'lBBBh.Hoarsi&nussr '
' & ?
. Bl
* >
1 M Stif.rackvS H
iKH BHUBflaav Bronchitis H
MJaM KMyJfflBai Catarrh , . . . H
HfXaK | Hr Headac'ie , 1/ H
MsSyLA Tootrrrrchej. H
HTlWVifjAl L. Rhounmism9 , H
BislMpp B B H
j * Asthma , , SaflBal
j BrulseSpvt
Bi Sprains. , u BBBB
Quicker Than Any Knoirn Remedy * \ > H
Ko matter how Tlolent or ejcruclatlnr-tho palattt , |
Rheumatic. Bedridden. Infirm , trlrp" ' . > rroij B
2iearalslc , orproatraied with dlseaata mamEer. . , H
TV11I Afford Instant Ease. ' H
INTERNALLY A half to a teaspoonful In hairtv * H
tumbler of water will In afewmlnutocureCrampsy. ' H
Spatms. Sour Stomach , Xausea. VomltluR. Heart * ? 'BBBBBal
burn. Nervousness , feleepleisnesv Sc' HeilacSe H
D.arrbcea. Colic , Flatulency and all Internal pains. H
Malaria'In Its various forms cured and prerentecL BVaaBBB
There ls not a remedial acent la the world thzc will : 1 BBBBbI
cure Ferer and Auc and all other fever' ( aliiel by- |
K AD WAY'S PILLS ) CO quickly as IiADWAT 3 * - H
For Headache ( whether sick or nervous ) , tooth- IbYbBBBi
ache , neuralgia. nervou n < 'ss and sleepIeisneiSV. |
rheumatism , lumbago , pains and weasusess In tho- |
back , spine or kidneys , pains around the llver H
pleuriiy , twelllnz of tbe Joints and pains of sXlV H
kinds , the appl cation of Radways Rtady I' .ellel * B
will afford immediate eate , and Its continued use for- ' |
a few days effect a permanent cure. Price. Mcenttr * . j H
Sold by all druggists. -I _ BBBI
i H
Ve have a number of First-class ; H
newspaper men , with ability , who H
are looking for locations. Corre- H
spondence solicited with interested H
parties. Address j H
OMAHA , > - - -
m m m . prescribe tally ea H
, MM dorse BIr G as tha osrlyBBBBh
MMrCmnim BB specific for tbe certain tnre BBBBBJ
JBfl TO a DATS. BJ of this disease. H
lj M taasalarirtara. Atastertao. 5. Y . B
CB uriaalrayth * We have sold KG for- j H
. . . . . . .
ar. - many years , and It hax : , BBBBBJ
MHUTisi < " * " "
• . . . M M
clven the bets. af. tatUrr-
BJj . OUciis tfJBJJBI faction. - * BIbJJH
L. O Kk-VtJ . .Da DYCHS-JTCO. . B
M fF m CblcacollL ? . BMBJ I
fcaaa BBBBB'iurtlgl.OO. SoIdbjrJDrui ! staV H
EBCC UAUCO AttbrateU > eyhs.Teb aB-o- pVJ IIIH
rnCC laLilllCO > r * & • lubUe DomHaawtll > BBBJJ |
1 "fc > " % * " - * * '
lnSyars. h'o.U. . H
B aaMtoaaM aaXlBLaa4aataaSu > aiaaa < 9.2Sne * a rek. BBBBBJ
Wkat WaaraaaU hUlat CiCanaT WW , laaa Luaa m lnUA- A. BBBBBJ
tt a.MTaUMfcra r i rfall8ua aaa TgrruaM , aa S Itaaata BBBBBJ
aaSnaanaaaaauKU Xnfra an. a rtnerana ? unai * tk. C . BBBBBI
fcaiafc AMnas THEVEST IU ( WOKL1J. Caila c . I1L. BftBftBB
n \TPTn Treated and carte wnaaui tae cniia j BBBJI
I . & IV t , r lBoot on treatmant tent frra. Address * * ] VLtlt. r. L. FOND. II. D. . aurora , Zaaa Co „ QL. H
& St rait on Chicago Business College f H
Bryanit INSTITUTE and ENCLISH TRA1NINC SCHOOL. lsthe XA.\OA : r > _ _ _
IN8TITCTIOX and tho IiATlGrBST XTT 'X'iiAi : WOBl > D t f u Informix flJBBBB
tloaCataUefc-u . Unas. etc. . seat PK . Addrsrt H. B. BliYAM 4so > , Pr < mrlcto , ClUci.c UL BJ BJH