The McCook tribune. (McCook, Neb.) 1886-1936, December 07, 1888, Image 5

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I ' - 5 ± : -
I mdl uAlilA bii 'AUo
D ' " ,7"- * * * cclHfcS A * Makes his bow and extends to
H' 'ilVU sijV o s5W/ra-cv }
Hi ( fnjWCf WjwW ( [ } * ou a cordial invitation to visit his
I ls / iy at MoMILLEN's
1 ' f S Drug-Store ,
K SfcT555 - - / J Whom you will find everything : heart
H P fesT6 ? / s eould de-ire , from Huby to Grandpa.
] ' ! * / ' / / Come and see bis immense stock of
I I1SChristmas Novelties ,
\ IfesK ' A toket , fr ( , ° om il , ( > s35 oo prizo w5ui
V 'llllllilllr ' V m' ' ' ( * " , , iir purchase , and children
I ) ; mf \ \ \ , ' 1'1 cac * ' * u purchase on the $5 doll.
I iffif A. McMlLLEN , Druggist.
U\ ' .
fs IMsa& ffitmp.
> , llcuicuibcr Noble for "roecries.
m Noble for superb hun < : inu ; lamps.
| Ladies' johl watches at McCrackcns'
I for $15 00.
m. , JtS Kiesh sausage at the B. & . M.
j" Meat Market.
Ij Fresh oysters , in cans and in bulk at
[ the City LSakery.
m Everything fresh and clean in the
U way of groceries at Noble ' s store.
V Patent oandle bidders at the City
MS Bakery. The best in the maaket.
M Cash paid Fir live .stock , poultry and
Ij hides at the IJ & M. Meat Market.
If There is no other way. 1511y your
H groceriesqoeensvvjircetc , of Noble.
K All the latest things in Neckwear ,
V Gloves and Hosiery. The Famous.
m Drop in MoOackons ' jewelry store
m and see what a dollar or two will bu\
I Engineers ' anil firemen ' s time books
and Settlers ' Guide * at The TlUBUNE
II office.
V Another lot of latest styles m Gents "
If Dress Silk Hats just received at
I The Famous
Plumbing- all its branches prompt-
i ly aed skillfully performed by F. I ) .
F. L. McOaekon & Bm. are reduc
ing their stock , ami making
, prices JWre.i , < h. j
* Ju < t received at A. Me Milieu ' s Drug
' , lar . . - . of the latest
} $ tore a e : -ortuiei.t
| designs hi IjA M 1' . ;
h Eventlnitir desirable m Hbiin and
I Fancy nanlkerchu-fs and Mufflers. An
I immense line. The Famous
. Jaflti the line of plain and fancy
groceries. C. M Noble will fill your
ever } ' want satisfactorily. j , '
L. . Buy one of those gold watches for
ynurvife and make her happy Christ-
jnas. Call at Me * racken ' s. j j j
y ici Thc price of liberty is eternal
vigilance , but Noble ' s prices on groceries
are sure to catch you. j
I < The celebrated Olds wagon for sale by
Wv Lola ml & Morrow. Also spring , wagons ,
* bu < rgieseto. All very cheap. "j 'j '
' A carload of Dakota Hard Wheat
Flour just received at ,
0. G Potter & Co " s. i
I .
This week. Leland & Morrow have re
ceived a car-load of fall and uinter
wheat flour. They carry the best grades.
Blank honks of the very best quality
at this office and at mo-t ieaiiabe !
if * prices. Call and see our goods and get
\ prices.
i. If vou want nice tender beefsteak
Mxe the B. & M. Meat. Market a call.
Tbe"V butcher none but the choicest of
t beeves.
k If you contemplate buildinir be sure
' to consult M. A. Libbee. He guaran-
* tees bis work to be the best and his
) prices the lowest.
Ladies , in making u ; your list , don 't
frg * t the many attractive , useful and
r serviceable goods we have suitable for
men and boys. The Famous
_ _ - .
.Leland & Morrow carry a complete
) - tf CK' of comoatschop feed.and in fact
of everything belonging to a first class
flour and feed store.
Strasser has two of the finest offices
* " " ' inthe'eitv tor n-nt. Front rooms , with
% ' bay windows. Call at onee if you wan
1 . " . to secure elegant , office quarters.
s.-fe . .
' ' Of fine residences M A. Libbee makes
| a bpecialty. Don 't , fail to see him if
3 * you intend to build Good workman-
rf ship guaranteed. Prices the lowest.
S" ' If you want s methinir handsome in
3 the wav of a haiisiintr lamp.eall on 0. M.
| | . Noblp. He is ju t in receipt of the
g large-t and finest st4ick of hanging
_ _ lamps ever bnoight to southwestern
: j chairs riiAiRsu chairsih Wo
Wt ' have now on exhibition in our furniture
| & emporium the ipudsomest and mo t el-
> 3fr , egant lim-of rocking chairs ever brought
fe ; v to Western Nebrask i. Call in and ex-
> ' m ' * .amine them.
m ; * - rou sale ,
| K * ' . ' A choice bunch of feeding barrows ,
Wt - " . tdUso a lot of small pigs.
| | x v - J. F. BLACK ,
; ' , " " JT-25. iicd Willow , Jseb.
; % • '
[ • : , . . = . . - . .
' * •
, .
$5,000.00 !
V/e have $5,000.00 to place on
good farms during the next 20 days.J
No delay if security is approved.
Hochnell Brick Upstairs.
House for Rent.
Eight rooms ami cellar Two blocks
from postoffiee , on the bill Four of
the upstairs rooms are Furnished and
rented to roomers. The furniture is for
rent or sale. Apply at resilience of
Rev J. W. Kimmel
To loan on • leeded lauds. Mone\
advanced to make final proofs. Gilt
edged loans at 9 par cent.
C ) . PtVAN.
1V/AGONS ! WAGONS ! ! WAGONS ! . ' !
Hall. Cochran & Co bavejust received
a largesbipiueut of the celebrated MtL
iurn Tuui-er Axe Waoons. which
theare ready to sell at fair prices.
_ :
A Miller pianoone of the best make.
i Inquire at McCrackens ' j.-weiry store
! - =
Fresh eandie's at the City Bakery.
Gt > to Noide for your family groceries.
TDr Hail's ' llicc , over First Na
tiouai bank
j j _ _ .
j One touch of winter makes the coal
' man giin.
j 1 Bemember that Lciaini cc Morrow sell
i the reliable Olds wanou.
Fresh and > moked tn-ats of all kinds
at the B. & .M. Meat Market. {
Go to Leland & Mormw for every
thing in the flour and fed line.
Our line of candies for Christmas is
the largest and finest in the city. „
" '
Plain and colored candles for orna- .
liientmg Christmas trc-sat Probst's. .
The only ' complete line of UNDKIl-
WEAK in McCook at The Famous.
Noble , the leading grocer , carries the o
uio.-t complete line of queensware in the •
city. Inspect it.
Watches are the most useful thitur r
for a present , and can be had for $7 OH
at McCracken ' s
Don ' t for et that the C'ty-Baker.
carries THE ' LINE of Christmas trie J
ornaments -
What we alt waul la trifle less cor u
riiptiou in polities , even if the jails do
have to be enlarged.
If you want a real nice HANGING \
or VASE LAMP call and see Me |
Milieu ' s fine selection.
A few second hand beaters suitable
for store rooms. For sale very cheap at
Lytle Bros. & Co. ' s
{ 'A thinir of beauty is a joy forever , " f
and so are Prob > t ' s Christmas tree orna-
nieuts. lie has an immense line. h
We are under obligations to Seere-
tary Laws for a nwter of members of
the next legislature which meets in
Lincoln on the 21st of January.
The message has a drearhopeless n
st\le. calculated to give the blues to o
persons who had enough confidence in tl
Mr.'and ' to bet on his statesmann
ship. v
A handsome lot of candle refi-'c.tors a
for the holiday trade at the City Bak
ery. Nothing like them ever seen in
the city. They set ofl a Christinas tree
beautifully. 7
During the year eight hundred and Ii
ninety one persons were arrested for tl
oifens. s in the postoffiee department. "
Ami Don Dickinson points to that with v
pride as "increased enViency.
If the time ever comes in the history fi
of this nation when the fame and pa
trintism of the men who saved it are
questioned by a majority of the people , n
it will cease to exist as a Republic. y
Thirteen thousand names , says Susan , c
B Anthony , have been added to the v
cause of woman suffrage in this state c
Nebraska never takes a back seat even n
when it comes to signing fruitless pe- a
titious. ,
General flanison is prnvinii himself
a great li > tener and an exceedingly j
clo > e-inouthed student of men and
eventThe politicians get no promises \
and the newspaper correspondents no ] }
interviews upon public questions. A n
man who k > eps his own counsel so well , n
especially when he is a fii > t class talker J
and as genial and sociable a companion a
as Benjamin Uariison , is pretty certain l :
to prove &tong , sensilde , and self pus- |
sessed in any tests to winch he may be . '
subjected. The one thing most certain v
about the next admidistration is that
the president Avill run It in the fullest t
sense of the word. c
Ni braska couttmies in Iter pleasantest at-
jnosplnrlc mood.
Tile F.iiuotK lue * a liolid ty simtnuiiceaii'iit
fur Its patrons , in lids i > .Mie.
Put SLMluto the piihlislier'spockrtand get
The Wr.EKi.v for one year.
Preaching at the Lutheran church , next
Sunday at 11 A. .M. , and 7 P. .M. , by the pastor.
Methodist social , next Tlnuvday evening at
resldi nee of T. J. Pate , northeast of theeity.
All invited.
Canon City , and other grades of soft coal ,
and both Pennsylvania and Colorado hard
coal at Dullard's lumber yard.
Biillun ! doesn't sell drugs ; but It is a can-
tiou the amount of bard and soft coat he is
weighing out , these chilly days.
Uullaid has "the. cream" of the. coal trade.
He keeps in stock a largo supply of best
grades of both hard and soft coal. bin empty V If so consult Iiul
lard , dealer in ' 'dtt-dcy diamonds" of best
grades , at the Bodtrer lumber yard.
Messrs. Bowcn & Lay cock have something
new to relate to you ii this issue of Tin :
TmnUNK which will repay a careful reading.
Joel S. Kelsey will si > eur ! , next Sabbath
morning i , upon "Truth and its Knowledge , "
and in the evening upon "Truth and its Pow
; "
The Citizens bank pavement on Dennison
.street has been elevated a Ui\v inches to har
monize ' with the Main Avenue grade , and
new planks have been provided.
If you are. coutciuplatiimstartiiig a new set
of bonks , the first of Ihu year , it will be to
your : advantage to call and inspect our stock
and learn our pric < s. We can save you money.
The Catholic fair in Menard's hall , Tliuis-
day and Friday of last week , was in keeping
with all their efforts , successful and lvmuuj
erative < , as the energy and enterpiise put into
them < lichly deserves.
The "Magic City" is little by IHtlcexpnud-
ing j into the syiiuuetiical propoitions of the
blight ' and energetic little metropolis ahe is
destined to become in a lew years at longest.
Mossbacks , clear the way !
A common , ( .rdinary , evi ry-day , adult eel
lays o ,000,000 eggs. How insignificant thy
work , then , 0 , hen ? Cel. thee , and go to the
eel , thou cacklcr ; consider her ways , and
glut the local maiket iL needs it badly.
Did you ever thii.k of it that you can get
259 envelopes printed with your name and I
business l , if any , on them for the same price !
you pay for them by the shuje pack ? This
is ' true. Call at thia nflicc and see samples.
This week , .Messrs. Lytle Bros. & Co. re
duced to grade the sidewalk along the south
side of their business place and made the
same regulation \ \ idth the entire length of the
let. ; An improvements pedestrians will ap
preciate. '
Wedding and visiting cards and anything
from that up t.ia full sheet sale bill printed
with dispatch , in a neat manner and at leas-
onable rates at this ollice. Call and see sain-
pies and juices before placing orders else-
This item , from Fashion and Fancy , will
convince any one of puritanical tendencies
that the milleuiiuii is .still tar distant : "A '
case for plaiug caids is made in imitation of
a pnucr hook , v.itli cedar wood , plush back j
and silver clasp. " jj
The injunction , "put money in thy purse , " j
should certainly lie. duly considered by the I
man who starts out to buy Christmas presents , -
this year , for , judging from the displays of
holiday goo Is already on exhibition , there
will be something for everybody and a good
stock ot it.
( Jive them a rest. We mean those Demo
era tit ! citizens who had eaten crow , shaved ' ,
off halt their mustaches , trundled a wheel- |
barrow > , permitted themselves to be thrown i
in the river and various other foolish things i
which they promised their Republican breth
ren to do if Clover got left.
Man born of a woman is of bat , a few day.
He conieth forth as a flo vi < * . and U cut down
without ; ) moment" * warning. Then the good
editor forces his pen to indite an ihituary ' c
that would bring tea t'ieyes of a polae.
to | , withouteveii m-'iitio dug that he died owj j (
ing him a year ' s subscription. | j
Now that the East Si ie iver bridge is com
pleted early legal steps should be taken to
vacate a road through the. Randel land , to .
tin ! ! end that the traveling public be soon re- j ,
lieved of the nuis nice of opening and shutJ J
ting the wire gates. The road through Hie
bottom cm be materially improved , too , by a i
little grading. \ t
lJesraurantciirs and bote ! nn will be. in- j'
tcrosted in the announcencu ; which conies
from , the east that a new mode of cooking po-1 '
tatoes has been discovered which promises to ' c
become as onpular as the famous "Saratoga •
chips. " The new dainty is known as "Sliver1
thorn potatoes , " and is very much like the J
ordinary dish of "hashed in cream. " ' I
A great deal is said about wiiat newsp-ip.-rs
ought to do for the people. It now and then
might lie quite proper to hint that the people
ought to do something for the newspaper. If j
the.people would do half as nnHi for their |
home papers as the papers do for them , it f
would not only insure a first-class paper in -
community , but would
every more rapidly e
advance their interests. f
There is notiiing to be gained by hurling
cheap sarcasm * xt the present city bistile. Its .
2\G cnticl' will remain unimpaired and the
half-blown irony will fall to the earth harm
less. The present structure will have to serve ' a
the. purpose until a new and better and proper j
building is provided and we hope this pro- j
vision will be made in the early spiing. Al l
suitable building will embrace all dpaf-
ments of city governmeatcity offices , jail and j '
fire department. .
The startling assertion goes forth that the * .
chewing gum habit is having a bad effect up
on th < * eyes of ninny American maidens. The
process of mastication has a secondary influ
ence on the. nerves of the eve. Constant \
chewing weikeus the sight if it does not {
whollv destrov it. Surely the custom of t
chewing guui has notiiing to recommend it , ,
and there it should lie
are mauv reasons why v
abolished. Throw a wav your gum girls , and
preserve your health , dignity and eyesight. t
"Should women propose marriage ? " is the
question which lias closely followed the dis- .
cussion of the treadb.ue topic "Is marriage.
failure ? " The" iu • stiou is nonsensical.
Who doesn 't know that ever since marriage
became a custom among men and it became
u-aia ! soon after there were people enough to
marry wouen have done the proposing.
Not that they.say the wordwhich , with the
answer , make breach of promise suits possi- j
hie , but they gem-rally engineer the scheme
to suit tli-insolves and manage the poor , •
helple ma i in a way that is aniusiug and < <
interesting to the ones on the outside. To a ' :
wo na'i with tict and the ones withont it : 1
are very rare every years a cap year and i
the man doesn 't think so is very badly fooled |
community. j
Attention , Farmers !
The Mate board of agriculture holds their
annual coin cclr 'bit in Lincoln , commencing
January 10th. lha" ) . and It is especially desir
ed that Red Willow county be represented
with a fine exhibit of corn. What is wanted
is the greatest fact all the varieties
known from the small "Tom Thumb Pop"
to the "Mammoth Dent. " Twenty ears of
each variety are wanted. Select the largest
a id best developed ears of all varieties. We
trust that each farmer in the county will take
ivi interest hi the matter , and feel that he is
especially invited to take a part in It for the
benefit of the comity. After the exhibition
closes the corn is to be sent to Washington ,
and : fr > m then : to France , to beon exhibition
at : tliu Exposition and World's Fair held In
thecitv of Paris for six mouths during the
year ISS'J. We hope the farmers will com-
meuce at once to select the corn and not put
it off. Select it and lay it away until Dec.
2. , "i. Between thatdateaml this 1st of January
bring it to the nearest station where a
will be providetf. for it. Due notice will be
given ; through the county papers , as to where
it may be left in Bait ley , lndi.tuola and Mc-
Cook. We want every variety , red , white ,
yellow , striped , calico , yellow and red , white
and red , white and yellow , deep yellow , pale
Yellow , squaw corn.dark , spotted , eight row-
ed i , yanKee , King Phillip , Hickory King , all
kinds and colors of sweet and pop corn , in
fact every kind and variety of corn grown.
Wm. Colkmax.
The Coroner's Jury 's Finding.
At request of relatives of the deceased , the
remains ' of Bert L. Johnson , the man killed
in thu McCook jards , Monday night of last
week , were exhumed and a coroner 's inquest
was held in due form , Tuesday morning of
this week. Quite a number of witnesses
were examined , most of the morning being
consumed i in the investigation. Below we
give j the finding of the jury , which speaks f or
itself :
thi : VKKDICT.
mn wim.ovv county , f
At art Inquisition itolilen itt MoC'ook. in .said
couniy. on ilie4th ilnyol Oecemlicr.A. I ) . I83S ,
bi'liitciiic. c T Hi-ewer , coroner ot f > nM conn-
ty. upon 'he body of llcrt lolmsnti. Iyhnr < lei < l.
ti . \ the jurors wliose mimes aic hereto sub-
scril'eil. i thcsidU jniors upOu theirotnli ilos iy :
Thii : iho ileceiised. Ilert I , Johnson , on the liili
dtiyotNovemi'er ISS8 at aboiitluM.I' : M . .M T ,
einne t-i his death hy bis foot heing caught
\ in iifiojr ot'tlic It & M. rtulroinl.tu I lie Mcroi.k
Mitel , mid run over mill killi-il while eni | lo > cd
in j llie capneit \ of su'ilt'hiniin amiard nias'Gr
hy said company ; and 've. thesniil jurors , do
find. i I ii nil the evidence priuliiccd. that siml
lror was not piopcrly lijueketl or covered ,
wlieretiy we nuach gross nejrlisrence on the
pun J of ilie ruilrund company. In tesrimoiiv
whereof , the said jurors have hereuiuo set
.ihoir hands , the day and year aforesaid.
A. McMn.r.cN , 1
A. R. Lyti.i : . |
GKO. K..IOHVSTON. f-lIro's- , '
M. K HiiitNKit , |
l" . II Quay. J
Attkst : C. T. Hickwuk. I'oiMtier.
An Unsurpassed Market.
For new , seasonable , down to bed rock
goods the MeCo.ik market lias never been api
proached in Western Nebraska. What is
true of the past is equally true of the present.
It will pay any one that is fond of the beatiti-
fui to come to town ami feast the eyes with
the rare , the practical , the useful , the beauti-
fill j goods our merchants have selected for
their ( customers in the leading marts of the
country. And at no season of the year is
there t so great , so bewildering variety for the
purchaser ( as just before the holidays , when
men's hearts wax warm and memories of
happy childhood's hours reign supreme ,
Each year seems to bean improvement upon
its predecessor , and each year new and start-
ling novelties astonish the eye , delight the
ear and soothe the senses. The season of
1SSS , just fairly opened in McCook , is far <
ahead of any we have yet had and we extend
to all of our readers a cordial invitation to
come , see , select and purchase. There is no
one in the county , come from what part of it
he will , who cannot upon the purchase of a
reasonable bill of goods not only save his
car rare but a big day's wages beside. Try it
on and you will be entirely convinced.
A Narrow Escape. ,
About midnight Sunday , the MeEntee
House on West Dennison street was discover-
e I to be on fire , the smoke issuing in dense
clouds from the basement of the building lo
cating the trouble in the laundry. Great exl l
citenient prevailed among the guests and emi
ployes for the time , the house being quickly
vacated without particular attention being *
paid to the order of going. The fire depart- '
ment arrived on the scene in due time , and
the fire was confined to the basement and i
finally extinguished. The indications are i
unmistakable that tlie fire was of incendiary
origin. To the factthattheflaniessmoulder-
ed from absence of diaught the salvation of
the house and perhaps some of the guests are
due , as kerosene ! was plentilully used and in c
places best calculated to cut off safe retreat
from the house. Mr. McEnteesustaiiisa loss l
of § 300 or3400 , mostly in tableand bed linen ; *
besides the inteiior of the house was consulc
ably smoked. As it is , we have a fortunate "
escape to chronicle. Too severe punishment
is ; inconceivable for the party or pai tics guilty *
of an offense so fiendish. 1v
Another Gay Evening Party. l
On the evening of Tuesday of this week , i
Mr. and Mrs. Frank L. Brown were "at
home * ' to a large company of their young
friends throughout the "Sty. The enfeitain-
lneut ] was in the nature of a progressive eu
chre pirty , ( refreshments beingan enjoyable t
fe dure , ) and the affair was : i thoioughly de- i
lectable one , absorbing the undivided attena
lion of the gathering until a late hour. Mi's , v
E A. Leach carried away the laurels of vic
tory ; Mr. A. S. Ibii t receiving the booby after j
close and heroic contest. Hereto is append-
ed a a
Mi : axi 15. It. Davis , A. S. Hart. C. P. j
'tinker. .I.C. Hinlsell. G. G. Potter , F. M ICim- ,
men. : W. V. Law-son ChusV. . Knights. K. O.
\e\vmiii' , W. M. Anrici&'U. C. H. llietrien. E.
\ l.eacli. ' .E. Kellcv. Mas Z U. Kay , W. .1. (
Hills , sniiiu 1 Strasser , Mo < es Erin.ui. Miss
Mary Myors mid .Mr W. E Mullen.
An Entire Solar Eclipse. j
New Year's day. 1SS ! ) , will be ushered in
with more than the customary eclat. In ad
dition to the. usual terresti d attractions of
turkey and trimmings , the celestial feature
of the day will be a total eclipse of the sun , t
visible mainly on the Pacific coast , but partial 'J
throughout the entire United States. A
total eelips. ' of the sun , visible in the United *
States is an mut-ai il occurrence , ami through- "
out the West , Ca'ifornia , Dakota and Nebras "
ki the path in which the. phase of totality \
will b.i visib'e. is not more than 1-0 miles
wide. As though gotten specially \ for the ;
occasion , the eclipse vill strike our western t
coast-line about the location of the great Lick f
observatory , where wry e ! ibor.ite prepara- j c
tions are being made for observations. The t
point of contact in the far west will be short- <
Iy after noon. * s
It is rumored that Colonel Micbat-I Adams '
of the Democrat will at mi early date produce t
athrillingpoeinlet , from life , entitled , "Tinee ]
Merrie Cocktails. " The frame workof Mike 's i
grerdest effort , ] ) erhapswas laid with appro- <
piiate ceremonies on Tuesday moiuing of
present week. * <
J urn ii imi ! mw i
Squire W. W Fisher s dov/n rrom Wauueta
Mis. U. S. Haywood of HuiiKelin iin was the
guest of Mrs. Stipt. Nettleton. Saturday.
Edirar Howard , tho prodding genius o < * tho
Henkeliiiau Democrat was a Commercial K" ,
Mrs. Poller of N'orth Bend and Mrs. Smith , of
Fremont wot'j tho guests of Mr. mid Mm. II.
A. Nells , last week.
Mr. and Mrs. A. G. McUrldc. Mrs. and Miss
GofisofOhurHu , Kansas , wero the guests or
F. a. Wuuucr. the first r the week.
Amos Dresser. Jr. , was in the city , Monday
cveulny , in ihu interests of Murder , Lubu &
Co. . the welMuio'vn type founders.
Mr. and Mrs. C. Canlbi'd or Harvard , this
state ! , arrived In tho city , last week , on a visit
of ' a week or two to Mr. and Mrs.V. . S. Perry.
Miss Sarah Marr. who was called to Culliert
son by the illness or tier father , returned to
the city , Monday , leaving her parent much
Itcv. Klniinel and family wero the recipients
of , a barrel of apples , this week. A donation
from former parishioners in Nemaha count } ,
Lumiin X. Howe was in from Trinidad.Polo ,
over ( Sunday , to see Ins family and shake hands
with his numerous and warm trlcuds in the
.Magic City.
Cashier Brown of the First National went up
to Dundy county , Wednesday morning , on a
business trip wnich will delay his return until
Mr C.F.Iialicnclc.amlMr. B. D. McConneU ,
of Minneapolis , Minn. , spent nonuple of days
up in Hayes county , the middle or tiie week , on
loan business.
Miss f.title llalicnckof Cambridge spent Sun
day in ihu city , guest of Mr and Mrs. i ; . F.
Ilabcek L'oiiiuii. upon the uiuht train. Siitur
d.iy , and returning home on Sunday evening's
< Inn lie Wat kins of ilto Indianola Times ,
who gracijfully'carries the rcpulaunu of lieinjr
the hands uiestueuspiiperuniu in the county.
Hindu a Imsiuess trip to the commercial cen
tre ' , Tuesday.
Messrs. T. G. Bees. J. A. Wilcox. Dr. S. L.
Green i mid K. E I.owman go down to Beatrice.
Tuesday of next week , to attend the grand
coupler i meeting of Nebraska Masons to be
held ] in that city.
Allen Bnrtlu ) , Mallalien's indefatigable busi
ness manager , was a city visitor , yesterday
He I reports Hartley as prospering nicely , her
trade ) growing , mid work on the canal progres
sing faatisiactorily.
John S. Hughes , a prominent Hayes county
gentleman , had business at "headquarters , "
Wednesday and Thursday of this week. Mc
Cook is • headquarters" for everything in
Southwestern Nebraska.
Mr. J. F. Callen of the Omaha Engraving Co.
was in ihu city. Tuesday , tryinirto work up an
ill ust i at ed boom paper on McCook. None-
eeiving sulllcinnt encouragement , however ,
he i dropped the matter for the. present.
T. .1. Floyd , ( ) . S. Torrey. A. A. McCoy and
Charlie Moore , all of Trenton , were city visit
ors , Wednesday. McCoy and Moore were here
on contest Inisiuvss liufore the local otllcc ,
Floyd ] am' Torrey on matters of a general nu-
Mr. and Mrs. E. .7. Scott gave a party , Mon
day afternoon , in celebration of the tenth an
niversary , of their eldest son , Willie. Twent > -
si.v of Muster Willie's \ouiu : friends were
present and participated in a very enjoyable
Charlie Johnson , Hie new ynrdtnan. and a
former employe of the McCook jurd , received
bis | initiation , thcother night , in tho degreeo-
a pinched linger that will lay him oir a few
diys. : His glove caught on a sliver and held
Ins I hand.
Little Jessie Johnson lias a painfully lacer
ated , face the result of a bite from an usily
dispositioned dog that would hetter subserve
the public welfare under the daisies. Although
tlio wound is an ugly one , no bad effectB are ut
present anticipated.
.Mr. M. L. Thomas of the Benkelman Pioneer
uas a business visitor at these headquarters.
Tuesday. j M. L. is another of the "profesh. * *
who would enjoy a "tat take" at the govern
ment crib , snj as register or receiver of the
.McCook U. S. land ofliec.
Miss Freda Wnhlquist returned to Hastings
last Suturdav morning , alter a delightful visit
of a few weeks to friends in McCook. Mr. C.
' ! . Wahlquist of the democrat accompanied
his sister , returning to his newspaper work
here , the early part of the week.
Mr. Potter , a Icadimr stenographer mid ris
ing joung barrister ol Omaha , spent Satindtt } '
in the city elo inx up some business matters
with Reporter tniston with w hum he has I'm m-
cd a co-partnership in the law husmcts. Mr.
Potter returned east on theevening passenger.
Mr. George Mncknell and family have min
ed into one of Ihe Colfcr residences on East
Lode ) stieet. where they nill remain until
their elegant suite of live rooms over the new
First National lunik building are ready for oc
cupancy. They continue to board at the Com
Mr.E D. Mcl. 'ouuell , of Minneapolis , .Minn .
agent of the Dakota Loan & Trust Co. . of which > cock& Kelleyare local agents , spent the
week in the city aed surrounding country in
the interests of that company , nhich has a
large amount of money placed in Western Ne
braskti realty.
Capt. K O. Phillips was in the city , n few
hi ins on Mouthix ulieriiocn , Mhiieou his u.u
to Denver to bring a < Iiat ! > rstone contractor
to a realizing se'ie of the fact that work on
the Land -.Meeker building is iteid
i.i ehecK by his dUnin delivering the stone
as per contract. Cap. will con viucejiiim if it is i
witniu the range of possibilities.
Reporter and Mrs. O. O. Gaston departed ,
Monday m iriting. for the. city of Omaha ,
u heie Mr.Gustou will enguge ; n business with
, Mr. Potter , in the law. Tin : L' e.x-
prcssts the desire ol manj lnends in McCook
in wishing them success and lehciiy in their
new home. A. is. Gibbs. of .Arapahoe , suc
ceeds Mr. Gil-ton as icpiirier tor the eleventh
judicial district. Mr. Gibbsussumimr the duties
of his new position on Monday of this week , j j
MAP-3IAG3 3.
M ) : ntOK AI > Ald
Hichaid Ltimb. ucnrD.uibnry , .Mr. Charles
C. Monroeaml Mrs. Louisa G . Adams , both
of Lebanon Neb. IJ. S. Cooley ollici.itiug.
Tiik last act in the election of a president of
the United States wilt take place on the second ;
Ttiesdaj in .January. On that date tile elector- :
al college of each state meets .it its state eapij j
tot. The electors cist their vote for pres dent j
and vice-president. Ttie vote is read , cettiti d j
and sealed , ami thr"e copies are prepm-d. one j
to he taken to Washington by a special im-i- j
senger and one sent by unit The secretnr ; , |
ot" stale likewise tecei.i s a copy t. be phe-ed j
in Cue archives of tli'j .state. The business of [
the college has become mechanic I an F pi r-
fuuetory The electors aro no l-enrer free > o
chouse whom they think proper person * for ;
the high office ns was intended by th fathers •
of the republic. They tire mere machines "in- ! !
siructed" delegates to reg'sfer the nation's
choice. For all practical purposes the elector
al college soiiid in ; abolished. The people , by
thoir votes on November G. set their seal for
president and vice president , and theelectnral
college is simply a riirviv.u of an obsoiiuc'
custom. ! i
It may be a little late , but Grandfather's hat
was u geuulno Benny Ut , t
- rV * -i % > - r t * t . ' il i > ytjt * Tv . " . n ' . . , ijWT
The Klllclul ii.xe In kepi btightivUh servlco ,
just now.
Knghieer Frank Uhler was over from thu
"Suutlower" line , > estenbiy. t
It Is rumored that a few of tho old men wl.l , !
• • titer the company's service Willi tho begin
ning of now year.
"Fatti"iillott'd : connection with tho com
pany , as freight man , " has becu ruthlessly
severed , this week.
Quite a number of conductors havo been I e
mil of ihu puHBCiiKCi : service , this week , cloven
In all on ths : division , we uiiderstiind.
Sweeney Muiisnn's "ling" camein from Ak-
roii.tlie otherilny.wlth Its "uose"somcwhatde
moralized In a slight collision in thu Akron
yards with an incoming freight ihut was not
under perfcctcoutrol.
The Hastings Democrat says that several
Bock Island olllchils were In that town last
week looking up a route to the northwest from
Nelson , the present terminus of their Hoe.
"It is impossible to ascertain iwnet'y ' wine
the > intend to do. " continues Ihe Democrat ,
"but wo have it from unquestionable author- !
ty that they will build Into Hastings newt
spring. "
There arrived in St. Louis , tho other day. n
locomoMvu engine that knot ks all precon
ceived Ideas of that kind of uicclmiii-uu into
a cocked lint. It Is double-ended , both ends
being exactly alike ; the cab , smokestack.ttc.
in Hie middle , and in fact the whole thlngistu
rn licit unlike an ordinary locomotive as Is pes
sible lo Imagine. It litisnttained tlicrcmaiki * .
ble speed of ten miles in live ui.ii'iio . n < • is
claimed can Urun all ibiv at the rate of a mile
a minute. Ir tmdt ut the Grant Locoino
ti\e Wotks. Pattei-son. New Jrr-cyinulaeotn-
piin > with Slll.ODJ.tWJ capital is to lie oig-uilzed
to buiiu more like it.
Collision atiiastixos.
IIastincs Neb. , Dec. 5. Special Telegram
to the Bee ] About ! l o ' clock , tins inuru.ii ,
ii rut her serious accident happened tin It. < .V
M. yards at this place. Ky some iiusiiinbr
stiindiiig of signals the switch engine t-o Hded
with the engineol incoming freight train.Im-Ui
tiemg iiinL'r n rull head ol steam. It icsi.lted
in the total wreck ot both engines. Tnccii in
c-rs ol both and one of the lireiuen jumped in
time to stive theuisclves fiotn serious injury ,
but ( lie llremuu on the snitch cmMtif , W II
Nolan , remained on his engine and was catighi
between the locomotive and tender by one ol
the levers , which penetrated his body. He la
lor twenty miuiues in thu scalding steam tie-
forc he could be released. At this hour he is
living , but his rccoveiy is sc.uecly possible.
Tin : xoitTUWKSTiuf.
It is t likeil of now in cert a • > railway cirrles.
sajs an Omiilia paper , thai the Fremont , Iliu
horn and Missouri Vaile.i i ranroad ( the North
wesiern * s Nebraska liiejeoiiti"aipiitese.\tenii
ing its line wesiwanl Iiom > Listings to Denver.
next season. The route , it is said , nearly par
allels the Burlington. Leaving theui it takes a
shootout through Ke.iraey a id Piclps conn
ties , splitting the territory icjrth ol .Minden
and 11 ddredgeatnlboiiih of thu I'l.nti : . It will
cross the Biiruuiitou at Bertr.iud end pass
through Houicridie , tuckvillo and Hayes
Ceutie. and w.ll be the most direct line from
these points to Denver. There is little doubt
that the North we.Oern has a louring for a Cob -
rado line and ibis looksas though they menu
to liavcit. If built , this will make another line
to Omaha as well as to Chicago , and will be a
good thing lor Denver.
I. Gu iiieui'd atv e.vpecte i to keep thuir whis
lies coiistanri > wet.
Two trams going tho auio way on lh .
same iracK are not allowed to race tosee which
wdl get there Urst.
3 O.dy two trains are allowed to run into
each other on same track at full speed. Three
trains doing this will be subjected to severe , censure.
4. Wnen a passenger car rolls down the em
baukineut , passengers are requested to keep
their seats and not sp.t tooaceu juicu on the
5. Passengers in a hurry are not allowed to
walk ahead o. the train , as it causes engineers
unnecessary alarm.
G. In the event of a siuaaliup passenger * tire
required to get out 1 rum among the rums as
soon as possible.
7. Persons killed Will be furnished with re
spectable burial by agents appointed for that
8. Passengers must not complain if their car.
in the hurry of business , is sometimes lelt on
a bideirack tor .i day or two , or is coupled be-
tween two liog or cattle cars ui dot weatiier.
as live stock must not bo delayed at such times
under any circumstanci s.
J. No unnecessary delays at e permitted : pus-
sengers are lequcMcd to keep their seats and
not get excited incase the train runs off the
tracrf , as tht > conductor iias instructions to
keep ruiiunig right amng till it runs on again.
10. Trunks stolen will tie recovered by their
owners us soon as possible.
II. No conductor is abowed togo off without
his train.
Ii. hcase the brakes give out , lh" train will
be stopped by throwing los on the track.
1-j Trains starting off without the engineer
do so ut their own risk.
14. Farmers along the route who have con 3
Killed hy the engine will be prosecuted to
the fullest extent of the h.w. t
15. The Callerroil.keiosene lamp is not Used a
on this rimdtichrukcuiitu ! is expected to keep i
the stove so red hut that no bghts will be nec
Jj. ( Our bridges ate thoroughly tested by the
section men belore the passage of each tram. ,
livery section boss is require I to jump forci-
tily on the ties halfway bci.icen the p.ers ol
every < bridge on his section and see that the
stringers : are sound.
17. In case ol trees , boulders or land-slides :
across : tiie track , engineers will : emeinter c
that i trains h. . .e the right of way , and go I
; ahead with all steam on.
IS. In ease of iva-sli-aits. engineers should .
not i attempt to jump the oiusUi 'xcept at i
highest spe ° d.
III. Passengers must keep ear windows shut ,
as the company will not be responsible lor *
anyone ' slew I < • > t of an oji-u window while I
iru.ii is on eur ts. S
Officers Elect. !
At the animal election , ! a-t nigitt. the fol t
lowing i.llici i.s by King ; Cyius ,
Chapter No. :55 : , of tnis city : .
E. E. Low man. M. E. II. P.
V. 11. Pi ck , ot Treiiiou , King.
W. C. liulhiul , ticrtb.- . " :
S. il. I'oh in , I'leasttrer. . ]
T. E. McCrackcii. fcecretan * .
installation of Ihe officers-elect will take
place on the first Thursday of January , with
apnropriate eeremonv. '
The ladit.s of the Metltodist church \ \ ill : t
hold their next social at the residence of Mr. j
T. .1. I'ate , northeast of the city limits , on j
Tnur.daj eveiiimr next. Sandwiches , cake a
and : coJtee will be served. A cordial invita- , l
lion is i-xtt ntled to all. Those soimr will j t
meet at residence of J. IL . Ludwick where' ' j
conveyances will be in readiness to carry a 1 , s
In col charge. !
, j
The neeenl.erX ) . i.vsj term of District Court i
of Bed Willow county is adjourned to Decern- ! .
berinth , 1SSS S o'clock. P. M. . at which time j '
jurors are rcquesteu to appear instead of sec- Jf
otid day or term. J. F. CociiiCAN , Judge.
McCook. Nr-l. . . Nov. 20tli. 1SSS.
Operations on tiie Hartley canal are proi i
pressing ; rapidly , this line weather. About . '
two miles of ditching ate already finished. j
• Si i
lAM NtS 2 Sg # & * ' " * J ffa WIRE
Mm * % + fep&kr ' 'Zl cuts ,
common - 3feSTta rt n
For Sale by A. McMllleu.
To present tho ad vantages agriculturally of
lids coitu'y through thu medium of an exhibi
tion l or Turin produco nt state rubs ? Two years
ago. wo attended the Inwu state fair with farm
produce | which wo placed on exhibition In thu
name , an I Tor the heiudlt. or Bed Willow coun
ty. Tliut.lii connection with some othor adver
tising we did. was tho causo of Inducing set
tlers to locale In this county whose combined
eaplial aggregated $10 000 ; while many others
located I | n adjoining counties. Through tho' ' !
Intluo'iee of those local iug In this county. ,
others havo enme. One year ago , we attended ,
tho Illinois state fair with itn exhibit that at
tracted ttioro attention than agricultural and
vegetable hulls combined. One morning , wo
shouldered a beet weighing nearly thirty
pounds ' and walked around agricultural and
vegetable halls , in the presence of so vera I
hundred people , and on entering vegetable
hall we met some of the olllcer s of tho stnto
hoard , who said. "Well , Nebneika Is going to
wipe us out clean , this year , yTr\nt" Wo re
plied ' , "We wore scut lienfor I hut purpose
and will do our best toward It. " Becently wo
met i a man who said , "I attended tho IIIU
iinw fair , last year , and saw your exhibition
vhich attracted more attention tliitu agricult
ural and vegetable hulls combined. " Ho Is
now bvnig In this county. Within twenty
lays after our return from tho fair , ngentfj
-tent out from Illinois were here looking over
the county. The past fall , we attended thd
Iowa I sta'e lair with an exhibition , which wa.s
viewed by thousands with general admlratjon.
Many , utter careful inspection , s lid. "Well ,
in i sidle of all reports of hot winds and drouth
. ve hear much of. this Is convincing evidence !
indisputable , that Bed Willow county has not
suttVied intieh. " During our short stay there ,
.ve heard more of hot winds ami drouth than
ve hear ol here in a year There is n wide
spread belief that the soil lu in this country Is
mostly sand , and that the crops are. quite fre
quently , dried up by h > t wite's or drouth , and
luring the winter blinding hh//.urds prevail ,
S .me parties from Audubon couniy. Iowa ,
were heie and repeatedly expressed surprise
and , u-.tonishuient at the richness of the soil
mil , absence of sand. They said I hey expe-tod
to tlml the prairies almost bare and mostly
s.ittd They * took a sample of the top soil and
iil o. s > iiie two feet deep lo show their Iowa
friends They said , "Vou have much to con-
t-nd with , as the belief is prevalent In our
count-y that your pr.tlriiM are nothing much ,
'iiitstunl hills.A man traveling in Linn and oth
er counties in Iowa recently , reported that lie
I veil near .McCook. Nebraska , and that there
iv II In thousands of 'ten-- , there , with not
an earof corn on ihe stalk , im It was dried up. "
Tiie ] best way to effectually counteract the in-
lliioncesofsuch t reports Into exhibit mir pro ;
, luce. Since our return from ihe Iowa fair ,
„ otnu lifieen or twenty have come to thi't
country lo see for themselves. They wero
highly ' pleased with Ibis country. Some have
'liuight. and others ivlll come mid buy. One
man. iilterdrivingoui it few : nnes.said. "Therc
is jusr as good corn here tin In Iown. anil the
llui'St html I ever saw 1 inn ptitisllcd. I w II
go bindand sell us boom as I can mid come
here i to live. " W.M. CobBMAW.
Got His Money.
Some time aio Mr. A. .1. Rand , the loan
broker , loaned one N. J. Tiiornley seventy-
live dollars takinj ; a chattel morljragc ; on a
team • as security. A day or two afterward
the t fact developed tliatTliornley hail skipped
out taking the team with him. Mr. Kind
made i some search ami sent wottl to the vari
ous sherilTs thiuiuhout the state and .1 por
tion | of Kansas giving : a tlescriiition of the
mail , ami team. The fore part tu last week
lie reeciml word from the sheriff at Ojrallala
to come up as his man was in si-ht. Taking
deputy sheriff Starbttek with him , Mr. Hand
went to Ogall.da , only to find his bird had
llown. ' However he hail left S'J25.00 in the
hands ' of Ihe sheriff to co ' ver expenses and
pay 1 the debt. Tiiornley jinked anil rbchtly
too I , that he had best not see Mr. Hand , in
fact I did not caieahout renewing his acquaint
ance v. it Ii him. After pay iug ; the reward awl
expenses , Mr. Kind returned home about six
dollars short in his account with Tiiornley.
"What's the Matter"
With Ibillaid's filling your oider for hard
or soft coal ? "He ' s all ritrlit. * ' So is ins
large stock of coal. So are his figures. Give
him a trial order. :
We desire to e\pi • - ) • > our thanks and grati
tude to all the kind fiiemts for tin ir helpful
assistance and sympathy in our kite hereave/
meiit. Mis. a.vd .Miss. c. A. Wakd.
Teachers ' Examination.
The regular teae.a-is " examination will b < !
held at tie ; school house in lndi.tuola , Satur
day , IJcc. loth. Mus C. L. XnTTLKTON.
Co. Stipt.
Last Sunday nigiit , wliuc leiurnuu from
attentlin-r i s i vices nt the Cyngregat'.o.inl
churcn. E. .J. Hall was run down ha reclc- 9
less driver , at the corner of Madison ami Den- H
uisoii. attd quite painfully injured , lccciiiit H
. badly sprained arm , besides being otherwise H
hruist d. The careless .feint , it appears , drove H
across the corner of the lot. in the dark'iess , H
at ' a lapid speed , and entirely regardless of H
pedesti bins * rights. Mr. Hall was par' . .illy I
stunned , and as tiu dr.ver coot mi * d on lf.s H
way unmindful of : h- avk'ciit , ! . . * . . ! > : . * H
means of knowing who i > respomiibic lor 1 s fl
injuries , which wi.i disable him tor v ue ; H
time. It is perhaps lotiuapjiropiiati tovu- H
gest here that then ; is too much mpiti : in < l H
particularly caielos driving in theeity lor the H
safety of life ami ii. ib and a wholesome exfl
autie ! | ! might be made almost any day to the
public advantage.
The Schoolnia ' am is th * iuIHiixstxr of ta ! *
I'epublie. She takes the little b.mtiin frh fl
from the home nest , f till of nis pouts ami p'S- ; H
sioiis ; ungovernableHtewretch. ! v. ' ios , > oau B
mother often admits slm > , cndto seb nd jnir- H
pusely toget rid of him. Tin * sclioobni ' aiu H
takes a wholccirload of thesi * little ruutrchistc. H
half of whom singly and alone cannot be H
handled by their respective p ireiits. a.i I > \\z \ H
at once puts them in the way of Incoming B
useful ; am ! upright cttiz * ns. At what e\'P'n.sf H
of patience , toil and soulwe.irin. s. D > trot H
ima iiieslm is over co iipen.aled by thtt salary H
she receive- . H
At the M. E.octal , next week , the blind- I
folded person wio will draw the best horse B
on a blac v board , adding ; th * p * r.s m ' s suna- 9
tore to the representatiou , will receive gra'u-
itotts supper. besides tureisbim ; not a iitt'e H
amusement for the specta tors.
I'edestrian- apjirecinte Ciiief I'u ' i.e ' s H
work of rcpiiicisig the sidewalks and cnis .s-
ings ; distu bed duritiv ; the late grading of H
Main Avenue. TheieLsairreatiinptoveine t fl
in a.i > c .ianceand convenience.